I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1081 1076 Fair Competition

Chapter 1081 1076. Fair competition

To be honest, the story of "Xiu Chun Knife" is actually good.

At least it's well organized and explained clearly.

From the perspective of "Shen Lian", a story that is half officialdom and half martial arts unfolds.

As a director who doesn't actually have much directing experience, he has clearly figured out his position.

That is "shoot a good story".

Although this is just a simple sentence, there are not many people who can actually do it.

When they were new, many directors liked to follow some metaphysical lines in their films, and if Xu Xin remembers correctly, the same was true for the first version of Lu Yang's story. It was only later that the story was slowly polished over time, and the story was fully extended.

The photo was pretty good.

The story is not bad either.

As an actor...there's actually nothing wrong with that.

Except for the vase Yang Ying, everyone else is a talented actor, and their respective roles are played very accurately.

When he said 60 points, he really didn't give it a higher or lower score.

This movie can be watched and is suitable for watching in theaters.

But if you want to see some depth...that's not the case.

At most, it’s the director’s own ideas.

But it’s not overextended either.

At first glance, this description of the film is a bit "thin", but in Xu Xin's opinion, it is actually a good thing.

Learn to walk first, then run.

This is the truth.

As for Xiying Studio... Director Xu's nod actually meant that Lu Yang got a direct train to the cinema.

If nothing else happens, "Xiu Chun Dao" will be able to meet the audience after August.

Lu Yang felt his heart pounding, and after taking a deep breath, he felt relaxed.

Xu Xin didn't care about him.

Instead, he submitted the script for "Master" directly to the studio.

Although he can shoot this kind of thing with just a few words, there are still some procedures that need to be followed.

Submit the application normally, review and approve it, calculate the quotation after passing the review, get the funds, and start shooting...

This set of procedures will only take a month or two to explain to others.

But for him, it was actually only a matter of a day or two at most.

He submitted the script for "Master" at noon on the 19th.

On the afternoon of the 19th.

The news that [Xu Xin is going to start a new drama about martial arts in the Republic of China] has spread throughout the entertainment industry.

"Let me see... I want this ginseng. Husband, what do you think?"

Early in the morning on the 20th.

After Xu Xin heard his wife's words, he glanced at the two boxes in her hand and shrugged indifferently:

"Aren't they all given by Teacher Motoyama? No matter which one you get, it's the same, right?"

"One is fifteen years old, and the other is eighteen years old... But the fifteen-year-old one is better than the eighteen-year-old one. The eighteen-year-old one feels more powerful than the fifteen-year-old one! Take a good look and choose Which!”

He was speechless.

My heart said that I am not a guest.

This thing is so good that he doesn’t even know how to read it.


"What Teacher Motoyama gives must be good things. I'll take the 18-year-old one."

Yang Mi thought for a while and nodded:

"Okay, let's take the one that's eighteen years old."

After saying that, she handed the box to Tingting and looked at the time...

"It's almost done, let's go?"

"Let's go."

Xu Xin responded and personally lifted a few boxes at his feet.

In addition to the eighteen-year-old ginseng, there are also bear bile and various valuable tonics.

"Precious" in the true sense of the word.

The reason why we prepared so many things today is also very simple. The two of them are going to Mr. Yu today.

He is not brother Qian'er's father, but his wife's master.

Sword Master - Yu Chenghui.

In fact, Yang Mi is the youngest disciple that the old man has accepted.

If you really think about it, it’s not bad to say that he is a closed disciple.

But Mr. Yu doesn't mean that he is just a closed disciple... In fact, the old man has many apprentices, and he has never meant to be self-conscious and hide his own martial arts.

If you want to learn, I will teach you.

Even if you are not a master or a disciple, you still teach.

One of the purposes of teaching is to at least let you understand what real kung fu is.

But I will never actively force you to learn.

Teaching means teaching. If you don’t want to practice, I won’t force you.

This thing relies purely on self-discipline.

Do you like to learn or not?

The old man has had both male and female apprentices in his life. Some people may have the name of master and apprentice, and after learning a little bit, they go to a martial arts training class and earn some salary to live.

Some people also learn, but due to limited material conditions and busy life, half-learn and half-waste. But when he came in front of the master, the old man never blamed him. Instead, he entertained him with good wine and food, hoping that the apprentice would have something good to eat and drink.

And those who really work hard are not stingy.

He would give him all the real things he had in hand. He would help his apprentice as much as he could, but he had never asked anyone to pass on the Mantis Penetrating Forest Sword or pass on his skills.

He places no responsibility on his disciples.

He never caused trouble for his disciples.

It can be said that, in a sense, such a "master" is really reassuring.

Among the old man's apprentices, Yang Mi was obviously the one who gave him the most peace of mind.

Have understanding, be able to endure hardship, and be self-disciplined.

The most important thing is... there is no shortage of wealthy couples.

In the old society, if he had been born as a man, he might have become a great hero.

Among all the apprentices, she was the best.

But... strangely, she also has the least contact with some of her fellow disciples.

Even in Xu Xin's eyes, Grandpa Yu has some intention of restricting his wife from socializing with other fellow disciples.

In theory, everyone has the same master and the same sect... Now there is such a promising disciple, and only a little help is needed. With Yang Mi's current status, for other fellow disciples, it may be a lifetime of wealth and glory.

But it just so happens that... the old man has set up such a rule invisibly.

Don't look for her if you have something.

You don't take the initiative to look for them.

There are obviously many disciples, but under the intervention of the old man, Yang Mi has very little contact with her fellow disciples.

But now, perhaps because of her age, Yang Mi can more or less understand the master's painstaking efforts.

Slowly, she will be indifferent to it.

But it's okay to be indifferent to fellow disciples, but for this master, every time I go there, even if it's just to have a meal, I never dare to slack off.

Not to mention the four seasons and eight festivals, she would also bring things that the master might need for some ordinary activities.

For example, this ginseng, such as this bear bile.

The master can use it to make wine, which can be drunk, rubbed, and used for medicinal baths.

Apart from other things, the medicinal bath is very expensive.

The medicinal bath that Yang Mi took herself was a recipe that Grandpa Yu found in Wudang Mountain in his early years. According to the current price, a bath of this kind of medicinal bath that strengthens the root bones costs thousands of yuan.

This is because some medicinal materials are controlled and can only be replaced with cheap ones.

If you take the risk of breaking the law to buy the real thing, then a tank of medicinal bath will cost tens of thousands of yuan.

In fact, the concept of poor literature and rich martial arts in the old days came from this.

After carrying the gifts prepared for the master, taking Sun Ting, the three of them walked all the way to Grandpa Yu.

The old man has not changed his residence for so many years, and he still guards the small courtyard on the first floor of the family building.

When Xu Xin brought the things to the door, he smelled the smell of stewed meat before he saw anyone.

In the corner of the courtyard, on a honeycomb coal stove that is rare in Yanjing, sits a blackened pot.

The smell of stewed meat mixed with the fragrance of Chinese herbs comes from there.


Yang Mi, wearing a mask, called out, and reached into the gate with ease and pulled it, and the gate opened.

Then, a dark shadow came out from nowhere and rushed towards Xu Xin.

"Go away, Hu Zi, get out!"

Yang Mi dodged as usual, with a look of disgust.

It turned out to be a German Shepherd.

Parentheses: The child of Zi Zi and Niu Niu.

Now he has become a dog of Brother Qian'er's horse farm, a famous noble master in the Yanjing German Shepherd circle. The huge family bloodline of Zi Zi and Niu Niu has slowly spread out.

How do you say it? Sons give birth to grandsons, grandsons give birth to sons, and there is no end to the descendants.

And this Hu Zi was brought by Yang Mi to accompany the master.

At first, Hu Zi recognized her but not Xu Xin.

Later, after being beaten up by her, it was Xu Xin who saved his life.

From then on, he was particularly close to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin was carrying something in his hand, so he couldn't stroke it, and could only let it pull him, until the glass door of the balcony turned into a step opened, and Grandpa Yu said with a smile while holding a pipe:

"Are you here?"

"Hey, Master, for you."

Yang Mi quickly handed over the gifts in her and her husband's hands.

"Why are you taking so many things again... There's almost no room at home."

Hearing this, she smiled:

"My house is almost full, you can help me share the burden."

Grandpa Yu rolled his eyes directly.

He thought that my small house is not as big as your living room.

But he must understand the intention of his apprentice.

After taking it with a smile, he looked at Hu Zi who was holding Xu Xin tightly and scolded him:

"Hu Zi! That's enough, go back to the nest! Xiao Xu, don't pay attention to it, it should be budding these two days, don't rub against your pants."

"Haha, yeah, okay."

Xu Xin quickly pressed it down and walked into the house with his wife.

When he entered the house, he smelled a... very spicy smoke.

That was the smell of real roasted tobacco.

It was more mellow than cigarettes, but as an old smoker, he couldn't stand it.

Too strong.

Yang Mi was used to it, and walked to the coffee table by herself, looking at the pile of handwritten manuscripts on the table and glancing at it.

It says:

"The weapon rack must be upright at all times, and the same applies to the blades. When martial artists perform outdoors, the placement of the weapons is particular. If the weapons are placed upside down on the ground, it means that the person makes money by performing martial arts. This method is called "laying on the ground", which was looked down upon by real martial artists at the time. This was the rule of many martial arts schools at the time.

It is okay for outsiders to challenge the school. If you want to challenge the school, the formal process is to submit a visiting card, set a date, and find witnesses. There must be a welcoming person, a sending person, and a life and death document.

At that time, the competition was also divided into north and south. In those days, the southern martial arts were not as good as the northern martial arts in terms of momentum and scale. In order to become famous, the southern martial arts emphasize "fast, accurate and ruthless", fast in and out, and resolve the battle in one or two minutes, with one person falling to the ground and the other standing.

This allows everyone to see whether your kung fu is sharp or not, and whether it is powerful or not.

But the competition in the north pays attention to building momentum. It is said to be a competition, but it is more like a propaganda method. Whether it is the challenger or the challenged, everyone will compete for a long time. Usually he throws a few punches and strikes, then pulls away and continues to circle around the ring.

For no other reason than to promote his own martial arts. This is what is now called the “selling point”.

When the selling points are enough, the outcome will actually be between two or three moves.

There is another method of competition, which is not to pay attention to what is welcomed and sent off. Go to the door and kick over the weapon rack at the door of the martial arts hall.

If you demote someone's martial arts skills to a street performer, that's breaking the rules.

Usually it just won’t stop…”

"Master. Did you sum up this yourself?"

Looking at the content recorded on it, Yang Mi asked.

Yu Chenghui nodded:


Then he looked at Xu Xin:

"Although I was born in the Shandong Guoshu Academy, in fact, in terms of my martial arts origins, including my understanding of some rules and martial arts, I don't necessarily know more than Xiao Xu. Xiao Xu is not good at kung fu, but his family history is displayed there. A lot, a lot of reading. So the things I compiled are actually mostly martial arts anecdotes that I talked about with my fellow martial artists when I was young. Not all of them are correct, and I even estimate that some of them are. There are not many places that can be used as reference by people who came later.”

Xu Xin straightened his back and nodded:

"It must be useful. After all, it is a movie, and artistic processing is allowed. Besides...isn't it sometimes these martial arts anecdotes that make it more attractive?"

As he spoke, he took the manuscript paper from Yang Mi.

Mr. Yu's calligraphy... is like flying dragons and phoenixes, and every word feels like a knife.

But it does not affect reading.

In fact, this is also the purpose of the two people's visit today.

Not just to learn something about the martial arts of the Republic of China from the old man... Lao Xu will come over soon.

Although the project of "Master" has just begun, Xu Xin has actually started drafting it since he read the story.

I'm still thinking about how to shoot it specifically, but the style has been decided.

He wanted to continue that realistic style.

This is the so-called "real skill".

It is more realistic than "The Grandmaster", but not as realistic as Lao Xu's "Trace of the Japanese Bandits".

It's a feeling somewhere in between.

This feeling is useless just thinking about it on your own.

Gotta touch.

Got to meet an expert.

The master showed two moves, and he further thought about it.

And the experts around him...except Mr. Yu, there is no one else.

So today we are here for a meeting.

Grab a meal by the way.

As for the script, Mr. Yu has actually read it.

At this moment, after hearing Xu Xin's words, he held his pipe and looked at his apprentice again:

"Are you going to come to Xiao Xu's play? Zhao Guohui?"

"Do you think I'm suitable?"

Yang Mi asked back.

The old man was happy:

"I don't think it's suitable, but Director Zou is."

"I'm not that old!"

Yang Mi couldn't help but pouted:

"You said that I am the same as seven old people!"


The old man looked very happy, and then glanced at Xu Xin who was sitting there reading his manuscript, and said to Yang Mi again:

"I heard about it."


"Xiao Xu. Yesterday afternoon, the group of companions I held was very lively."

"You didn't tell them about the original script, did you?"

"Why did I say that?...Are you going to say no?"

"Just look at him."

After hearing his wife's words, Xu Xin said without raising his head:

"We are looking for the casting team these days. Once the casting director is confirmed, the original content will be announced. Then we will start holding screening auditions after returning from Cannes."

He didn't want to hide the script of "Master".

There is no need to hide it.

First of all, he is now a big tree attracting the wind, and many pairs of eyes are staring at him every time he moves. Unless he is hiding here and there like the old man did when he was filming "Austin Mausoleum", otherwise it will be difficult for the news to leak out.

In this case, he felt that there was no need to hide it.

It's not something shady.

Secondly...it's precisely because he has such a big reputation that he definitely needs to build momentum in the factory.

He couldn't keep a low profile even if he wanted to.

Now, he has actually reached the point where Feng Xiaogang is in the Beijing circle and the old man is in the new picture.

He is a signature.

And what a signboard needs is not to be low-key.

After all, keeping a low profile cannot raise stock prices.

What he needs is to carry Xiying forward, use his fame to attract attention, expand resources, and broaden the track... Everyone doesn't need to be interested in the movies he makes, as long as they know his name.

Because his activity represents the activity of the Northwest Circle.

When the leading brother is here, the hearts of the younger brothers will not be scattered.

Although it is a bit quackish to say this, it is the truth.

What's more, the original work of "Master" has been published, so I can't hide it even if I want to.

Maybe we can really dig out a few good seedlings.

The things recorded in Mr. Yu's manuscript are quite complicated.

It is more of a memoir than a book of experiences.

Of course, the word count is certainly not as high as that of a memoir.

As the old man said, most of the records above are hearsay. No one has experienced it personally, no one has seen it personally... But in the early years, in the so-called "chivalry is not dead" era, it was just like the second master mentioned by Old Xu.

Three or two martial artists closed the door.

Is it a martial arts competition or a nostalgia for the rivers and lakes... Although no one witnessed it, it has a sense of the old color of the years.

Just looking at it is like returning to the rivers and lakes of the past.

There are rules.

There are interests.

There is also the friendship that no one in the world can avoid.

He watched it attentively, and the master and apprentice did not disturb him too much. They chatted when they should chat and did what they should do.

Knowing that his apprentice was coming today, the swordsman boiled a pot of beef tendons and beef fossa bones last night, which can strengthen the bones of martial artists. He boiled it for half the night, soaked it for half the night, and reheated it in the morning.

There is no way, you can't use a pressure cooker, for fear that the medicinal materials in it will be too strong and taste bitter.

You can only boil it in a small pot.

Winning by time.

In a while, even the meat and tendons, you have to eat it up before you can leave.

As they said this, the master and the apprentice left the house.

Probably to check if the apprentice has been lazy recently.

Xu Xin didn't understand things like learning martial arts.

But according to his wife herself, she is now a cow tongue.

Xu Xin didn't understand this.

But according to her own meaning, Baguazhang has been perfected, and she is invincible in the world, and she is only one step away from ascending to heaven.

Xu Xin felt a pain on his face when he heard it.

But in fact, this is just one of the hurdles of Baguazhang. It's called something like... hitting people like cow tongue rolling grass.

It's a very profound realm.

He didn't know what Yang Mi was like in front of the master. But in front of him, she had to be a peerless master as tall as seven or eight floors.

Cow tongue is cow tongue...

After looking at the manuscripts sorted out by these old people for a while, the sound of the door opening rang out.

He subconsciously raised his head and smiled:

"Oh, you're here."


Xu Haofeng smiled and wiped his big oily head.

"You just arrived, why don't you go and see Mimi boxing?"

"What's the difference? Whether you watch or not, she's there, and she'll beat me up sooner or later."


Xu Haofeng's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile:

"You have to change your last sentence. Whether you watch or not, she's there, no more or less."

"I'm not Tsangyang Gyatso."


Xu Haofeng smiled and put down the bag in his hand, turned around and left:

"Then you watch, I'll go and fight with Mimi."

Xu Xin nodded slightly.

But he sighed in his heart.

Why bother.

Old Xu...you've always been a sandbag in her heart.

Why do you want to be uncomfortable?


In his peaceful time as a handsome man...At noon, Yang Mi sat at the table with a comfortable look on her face.

That look...it seemed that every muscle in her body was shouting for comfort.

There was no one else at the table.

The square table, three old men each at one side.

Yang Mi and Sun Ting were the thinnest, and they sat next to each other.

In the middle of the table was a large pot of tendons and tendons.

It also exuded a bitter aroma.

The rest was just simple family meals.

Sun Ting prepared the dishes, and Yang Mi cooked.

At this moment, except for Sun Ting, everyone else had a glass of wine that looked like whiskey in color in front of them.

It was used to relax muscles and promote blood circulation.

"Come on, we are all family, you are welcome."

The old man gave an order, and the meal was completely opened.

Xu Xin took a sip of the wine, feeling the taste that was more bitter than ordinary wine, and grinned unconsciously.

Then I heard Old Xu suddenly say:

"Who did you tell me last time who is interested in this story?"

"Liao Fan."

Xu Xin picked a piece of meat that looked soft and rotten and said a name:

"Last time in Berlin, we talked about it. When he heard that I was going to shoot "Master", he was very interested. It's not bad to say that he recommended himself."


Xu Haofeng thought for a while and said:

"Does he have a martial arts background? ... Is he good enough?"

"I don't know."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"Based on his personal image and temperament, do you think he is suitable?"

"That's okay."

Xu Haofeng gave a positive feedback:

"That's good He is the winner of the Berlin Film Festival. "

Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"You are talking to anyone."


Xu Haofeng wiped his big oily hair and continued:

"But... there is no need to over-demand his martial arts foundation. There is a difference between acting and real kung fu, right?"


Xu Xin responded:

"In the final analysis, acting comes first. Liao Fan's acting is good, and he should be able to grasp the character. And it fits the feeling in the script. I will count him as the candidate for the male lead... What about others, do you have any recommendations?"

Hearing this, Xu Haofeng immediately locked onto Yang Mi.

But the next second, Yang Mi, who guessed his thoughts, pouted:

"Don't hit me, I told him that I won't get involved in this movie. I want to take a break in the past two years, I'm a little tired."

Hearing this, the screenwriter of "Master" was unhappy.

He began to give suggestions to the director:

"Director, look, this actor has a problem with his ideological consciousness."

Xu Xinxin said you should pull him down quickly.

Now she is giving you face, but there is something wrong with her thinking.

When she beats you later, there is something wrong with your body.

Looking at his white eyes, Xu Haofeng was happy.

After picking up a piece of meat with chopsticks, another sentence suddenly came:

"Xiao Xu, Geng Liangchen's candidate...can I recommend one to you?"


Xu Xin asked casually.

"Song Yang."

As soon as this person's name was spoken, even Mr. Yu, who was just drinking and eating, raised his head and glanced at Xu Haofeng.

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

Of course he knew who Song Yang was.

"I've always been curious. He doesn't seem to have practiced any kung fu, right?...How did he become your favorite male protagonist? I can understand "Japanese Pirates", but isn't he also the one in "Liu Baiyuan"?

Faced with Xu Xin's curiosity, Xu Haofeng did not respond directly, but asked instead:

"what do you think?"


Xu Xin began to think deeply.

Mr. Yu seemed to want to say something.

But he didn't speak for a while.

Actually... to be honest, he also thinks Song Yang is good.

Although this young man has a weak foundation in kung fu, he is willing to endure hardships and is motivated.

The most important thing is that everyone has a tacit understanding.

Not just with myself, but also with Xiao Xu.

The acting skills are also pretty good.

But...he couldn't speak directly.

If he spoke directly, this role would probably belong to Song Yang.

But that would be bad.

Therefore, Xiao Xu can mention this kind of thing, but he, as a master, cannot.

But...then again.

Get rid of the "master-disciple" relationship.

Sitting in front of him was the most dazzling new star in Chinese-language movies.

If Xiao Song could act... and if he could just carry the reputation of "Director Xu Xin" on himself, it would be a qualitative leap from a chicken to a phoenix.

But just when he was debating whether to speak or not, he saw Xu Xin shaking his head slightly:

"I don't think he is suitable. I feel like there is something missing... In other words, he doesn't have that kind of generous temperament that he grew up in Tianjin Wei. Even I know that Jiuhe Xiashao Tianjin Wei, three floating bridges The words "Liangdaoguan" refer to the fact that when Tianjin was a waterway port, there were many heroes and capable people. To put it bluntly, a child who grew up there... must have that kind of local color in him... I can't see it. "

He shook his head and gave his own evaluation.

What he meant had actually blocked Xu Haofeng's way of continuing to recommend.

No way, that's just the way the character is.

It has nothing to do with whether you work hard or not.

First of all, Xu Xin passed him by in terms of temperament and image.

But immediately he changed the topic again.

Although I don't know if Song Yang is asking for Lao Xu's "recommendation" today or something else, he will always give him face.

"When the time comes, just let him follow Geng Liangchen's path. If it's really suitable, choose him. If it's not suitable... at least I will give him a chance. But in the final analysis, this casting selection is nothing more than nothing. Almost four words.”

He picked up the wine glass and said in a relaxed tone:

"fair play."

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