I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1090 1085 [Pattern]

Chapter 1090 1085. [Situation]

In fact, in Xu Xin's opinion.

Let's not talk about whether this matter is serious or not.

At least, he heard Jiang Wen's attitude.

"It's none of your business."

That's it.

Whether it's the Beijing circle or the Northwest circle, it has nothing to do with him.

In fact, the actual situation is similar.

Whether it's his background or his own honors and achievements, he belongs to the kind of position... As long as he doesn't offend anyone, no one wants to, or dares to, offend him.

But no one will treat him as an outsider...

Not to mention, this position is quite wonderful.

As for what Jiang Wen said...

For a while, Xu Xin didn't know what he was thinking.

His intuition told him that this matter... was quite right.

It's not about how right it is, but the other party's path is right. No longer fighting with the Northwest circle for the past few years... In the words of One Piece, it means betting your arm on the New World.

But, under this "right", he also felt a sense of rejection in his heart.

I can't tell why, but I feel like I'm in the rainy season in the south. I'm wet, hot, sticky, and uncomfortable.

I couldn't help asking:

"Brother, is this what they told you?"

Jiang Wen was happy.

"Are you trying to trick me?"

"Didn't we just chat about this?"

"Then let's have a drink?"

"Come on!"

After the three of them clinked their glasses again, half a glass of wine had been drunk.

I have to say that Jiang Wen drinks very fast.

After swallowing the wine, he continued to say while picking up the food:

"Xiao Xu, you've risen too fast and too fast, and many people were caught off guard. At the beginning, everyone treated you as a dish, and when you achieved some results, everyone thought it was normal. But after all, human growth needs a curve... But you are different, you are a movie and a change. When everyone starts to be afraid of you, you have already grown up."


Xu Xin nodded slightly, indicating that he agreed with this sentence.

Indeed, it can be said that it is fate or destiny.

Most people really don’t understand his achievements.

And the most important thing is that Xu Xin himself sometimes doesn’t understand.

His original intention from the beginning was just to make movies.

After the movie was made and released, he didn’t take the initiative to seek for anything, regardless of the box office or influence.

Even... if he really wanted to seek for something, he wouldn’t have been so lazy for so many years.

Let’s not mention anything else, just like other directors, attending various ceremonies and film festivals, and showing off his presence whenever he has something to do. If he takes on some advertising or brand promotion cooperation, his status is not to mention, but his popularity is definitely top-notch.

Even a lazy person can get to where he is today.

If he “works hard to govern”, what will he achieve?

At this time, Jiang Wen continued:

"But there is one thing you did very well, that is... others clearly regarded you as an enemy, but you didn't even look at them. The more you do this, the more bystanders think you are a big shot. Many people are even willing to play with you just because you are a big shot. This is also the main reason why Xiying has been recruiting talents so quickly in the past two years. Everyone believes in you, and the achievements you have made are obvious to all... You have to understand, Xiao Xu, even in the Beijing circle, there are still a group of people who have never changed their enthusiasm for movies."

At this time, Marco suddenly took over the conversation:

"But recognition is recognition, Director Xu, the fact is that everyone now has a clear judgment on the future market. The future film and television market must be an era of gold and money everywhere. Its cost will increase infinitely, and after large-scale capital enters the market, this market reaction is normal."

"Well, I think so too."

Seeing Xu Xin nod, Marco continued:

"Now, many people's judgment is In the Internet era, the proportion of film content will become smaller and smaller under the future market trend. What really works is marketing and publicity.

And marketing and publicity need a key to conversion. Usually, the selling point of a film is here. Either the subject matter is a hot IP, or a famous director, or an actor with many fans. Or a more ideal hot IP + famous director + famous actor...

No matter how you look at it, under a constant triangle relationship, the expanded publicity offensive requires a reasonable conversion flow. And those who can take on this conversion responsibility are actually the most suitable actors.

But... just like Lao Jiang said, Director Xu, you demolished the Berlin Wall. The current circle is becoming more and more flat, but in fact, the entire Northwest circle is doing the best choice at this critical juncture of "now". But some people have already started to plan for the future.

Director Xu, you should not have considered this aspect yet, right? "


Xu Xin didn't hide it.

There is nothing to hide.

Some things, one step slow, every step slow.

For the future, the current insistence of the entire Xiying is to be better off with less than better.

"We believe that no matter how high the tide rises, it will eventually fall. When the time comes, we will know who is swimming naked at a glance."

Hearing this, Jiang Wen nodded:

"It is good to have such persistence... But if you think this way, the future may not be in your hands."

But Xu Xin suddenly asked:

"Brother, what kind of future are you talking about?"

Jiang Wen was stunned.

Marco also suddenly frowned.

At this time, Xu Xin took out the cigarette again, distributed it to the two of them, and said with a smile:

"Actually... to tell you the truth, after hearing what you said, I felt at ease... Let me think about it, what is it called?"

He was thinking and lighting a cigarette.

After helping both of them light up, I finally got the answer before I had time to light up my own cigarette:

"I remember, that one from EXO...Wu...Wu...what's the name of that kid?"

Jiang Wen's mouth twitched.

Here comes the sentence:

"Wu Yifan."


"You know him?"

"I have seen."

Xu Xin smiled and lit a cigarette for himself:

"He's a handsome guy. I'm quite impressed. For Huang Xiaoming's birthday last year, I invited a bunch of friends, and Teacher Xu also went. I brought him and Lu Han, who came to audition for my movie two days ago. I've met both of these kids. However, they both have a deep impression. They are the type that looks good on girls. However, they have different styles. One is as handsome as a domineering CEO, and the other is like a sunny and warm man. When my sister saw it, she wanted to hold it in her hands...Tsk."

As he spoke, he puffed out a puff of gloomy smoke with some sigh:

"Our old Xu's appearance has been compared with others."



It was obvious that what everyone was talking about was actually serious business.

Even though they were chatting over wine, the main topic was not lost in a few words.

But Xu Xin's words left both of them speechless.


Where does this kid get his confidence?

Jiang Wen couldn't help but mutter in his heart:

"You don't think that because you have a beautiful woman as your wife, you are really a handsome guy, do you?"

Xu Xin then said something that surprised Jiang Wen.

"I actually thought about this possibility when I saw Teacher Xu showing up with Wu Yifan, Lu Han, and Guan Xiaotong that day. But I don't know as much as you, brother, but...that night I gave my friend We called and talked about this.

My friend told me: Director Xu, idols are just consumables. They come with huge traffic, just consume it and throw it away. And it's not difficult to create this kind of idol... She works in marketing and knows more professional things than I thought. But... Anyway, I have felt this way to some extent since that day.

I thought that Beijing circles would start to favor newcomers, but I didn’t think about the so-called “future” you mentioned. As for the specific reason... As I said before, the future you mentioned, brother, and the future I want are not the same thing. "

"Then what is the future you want?"

Marco couldn't help but ask.

Then Xu Xin shrugged:

"That's it now."

In the surprised look of the other party, he held a cigarette and his eyes were as calm as a clear lake.

"The future now is also the present in the future, isn't it? What I want is actually the situation now. How many newcomers have they promoted, how much money have they made... Who can stop it? No one can stop it. That's The audience’s preferences are the market’s feedback and needs. Who am I to influence the audience’s tastes?

What's more, the more prosperous the market is, the better. Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about box office... I brought my first movie in 2007. How much was the national box office at that time? What now? The market is getting better year by year. Doesn’t everything have its own laws of operation? "

Having said this, he waved his hand:

"I can't stop it, and I don't want to stop it. If you block others from making money, then it's not the current factional fight, it's the revenge of the murderous parents. There's no need... If the future is really like what my friend said, big companies will spend money The trial and error of money wrapping gave these so-called idol consumables huge traffic, and finally the traffic was converted into money by fans.

It doesn't conflict with what I want.

Or, let’s think about it from another angle.

They are responsible for expanding the market, and the box office appeal of various traffic niches is flying all over the world. But as the market expands, the living environment of small fish can also be better.

Xiying is just an iron-clad bastard, and the ups and downs outside cannot impact this state-owned enterprise. We recruited these little fish who are down-to-earth in making movies. Other movies have a box office of 1.8 billion or 1.8 billion, but the remaining scraps are not enough for these little fishes to survive?

Isn’t it appropriate to live on, continue to pursue our dreams, and release some good works?

To put it bluntly, it is a big ecosystem. There are big fish and there are small fish. The biological chain circulates endlessly, and only then can this circle survive for a long time.

Compared with this major premise, how much money others earn...at least for me, I am not jealous. As for the reason..."

Xu Xin spread his hands:

"I'm not short of money. The more diverse the market, the better. Bad movies increase the audience's tolerance, and good movies increase everyone's aesthetic appreciation of art. No matter how you look at it, it's a good thing. When the wall falls, the water comes alive. , no matter what happens in the future, it will never be worse than now, right? This is my perspective on these things.”



Jiang Wen and Marco looked at each other.

Both of them saw surprise in each other's eyes.

This is the first time Xu Xin has dinner with the two of them.

Similarly, it was also the first time for the two of them to share a table with Xu Xin.

In the past, I only heard about "Xu Xin" from Jiang Kui, friends, or other people.

At present, no one in this circle dares to see him as a pure young man or a young director.

I’m kidding… How arrogant must one be to continue to hold such a view?

And as one of the leading figures in the industry’s ecological chain, is his view wrong?


Quite the opposite.

For Jiang Wen…

He discovered one thing.

That is, Xiao Xu’s perspective on things… is really fucking generous.

Anyone… or not to mention anyone, most people, when encountering something that involves their own interests being damaged, the first thing they consider is how to stop the loss, or… how to refuse.

Just like what he said to Xiao Xu just now, you may have won now. But after the Beijing circle began to lay out the future, you have already lost from the starting point.

Falling behind.

And falling behind means being beaten.

What’s more… he actually thinks from the bottom of his heart that this trick these people came up with is quite powerful.

It’s simply the real-life version of the sentence in the Tao Te Ching, “blunt its sharpness, resolve its disputes, harmonize its light, and be one with its dust.”

And, from his understanding of the other side… Xiying actually does not have the soil for this.

In other words, the soil is far less favorable than that of the Beijing circle.

The reason is simple. The purpose of Xiying is to speak with "works".

And promoting newcomers...works are precisely the least important thing.

This move is really powerful.

It is equivalent to overtaking on a curve.

But... these things actually have nothing to do with him.

What the circle is like does not affect his filming of his own movies.

In addition, this time Xiao Xu took the initiative to propose that he could help recommend "One Step Away" to the film producers in Cannes.

This favor must be returned.

So, he gave a hint.

But... when he gave these hints, he estimated that Xiao Xu would be worried, after all, these things are related to his own interests.

But who would have thought...

The pattern is so big?

And what he judged is also accurate in Jiang Wen's view.

From the perspective of the circle ecology, whether it is the present of the Northwest circle or the "future" of the Beijing circle, it is actually not a bad thing.

The real losses are only these two circles, but for the big circle, the more exciting everyone fights, the more good things will be exposed.

This is the truth.

But that's what he said...

Jiang Wen held a cigarette and looked at the young man in front of him. After being surprised, he couldn't help but pick up the wine glass:

"This is open-minded! It's comfortable to listen to. Come on, let's drink!"

After that, he drank the remaining half glass of wine in one gulp.

Not for anything else, just for two words.


No wonder Lao Er said that this person can get along.

It's true.

This wine... is comfortable!


Two bottles of Erguotou, the first bottle, three people share.

The second bottle, four people share.

Including Lao Cao, the chef who cooks authentic Hakka dishes, the four people can share two bottles.

Xu Xin drank about half a catty in total.

Slightly tipsy.

In the first half of the drinking party, everyone talked about the circle.

When Lao Cao came, they started talking about love and romance.

The drinking party ended at almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

After they took the car back to the hotel, Jiang Wen patted Xu Xin on the shoulder:

"I'll call you for a drinking party in the next few days."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded in agreement. After sending the two out of the elevator, he went all the way back to his room.

He didn't drink too much.

He just needed to be alone.

After returning to the room, he boiled a pot of water.

Then he leaned on the terrace and stared at the sea in the distance.

His mind was full of the news he learned from this meal.

The same sentence.

You can despise the enemy strategically, but you must pay attention to it tactically.

His mind gradually began to boil.

From the possibilities of the future to what to do if something happens on his side...

Just sit quietly in the shadows, facing the sea with spring flowers and start thinking.

Until the water boils.

Until the tea cools down.

Drinking the tea that has turned from boiling hot to warm, he found that after thinking about it, the final result is nothing more than three words.

"Be yourself."

The same sentence.

It seems that all the previous thoughts and assumptions have become empty talk.

But in fact, the meaning is different.

The times are progressing, and the circle is changing.

Today's conversation helped him see some future trends.

His intuition told him... the future era must belong to the era of "marketing".

These Internet platforms are actually bridges that enter thousands of households. And with their layout, there will be countless film and television works, like tied bombs, one by one, released into everyone's vision.

Moreover, this kind of delivery will definitely be very accurate.

After all, when he went to Alibaba to attend the year-end dinner before, he heard the other party say that.

They are capable of accurately positioning film and television works by analyzing user preferences.

To put it bluntly, it is to analyze your preferences and "customize" a work for you.

At first glance, it sounds magical.

The seventh art of mankind is actually defined by a bunch of cold digital symbols.

But Xu Xin firmly believes that this kind of thing is unreliable.

But if this kind of thing is also mixed with the choice of human intervention, then... at least in the early stages of the start, it will have a great effect.

Let alone the simplest function-let more people see the information about the release of a certain work.

As long as it can fulfill this point, then, for the promotion and marketing of the film, it is simply invincible.

Because the essence of advertising is like this.

Let more people see and know.

This is the advantage of the Internet and the cornerstone.

No matter how good the entertainment industry is, it can't compare.

What's more... they are very rich.

And the reason why they enter the film and television industry is to make money.

You want to make money, and he also wants to make money.

The two sides hit it off.

Jiang Wen is right. Times have changed, even "Good Dream Day Tour" has become an ordinary company waiting for Party A to feed orders.

It's been so long since 1997.

Of course I will miss him.

This intriguing line left by Director Feng at the end of the film "Party A and Party B" is actually applicable to now.

In the future that Xu Xin "sees", just for this traffic and the marketing methods that are stuck in the neck... the film and television structure will definitely undergo some ecological changes.

The rights of directors and producers will even be further squeezed, so that some popular actors will jump on their heads.

This situation is inevitable.

Unless they are big directors or producers.

But the problem is... big directors are also human.

Applying this to his current situation... he has gradually felt exhausted with one work a year.

People's creative inspiration has a peak.

It also has "timeliness".

In the words of Lunzi himself, when he was 20 years old, any melody he hummed casually would be a classic.

But now...

His album has been difficult to produce for two years.

Although he refused to admit defeat and said something like "I'm tired and want to take a break". But in fact, Xu Xin understands. From the fact that there are fewer and fewer songs to listen to in his albums, and from the fact that he began to use songs to explore future music trends...

His inspiration has actually been consumed... Maybe it has not yet reached the point of drying up, but it must have reached the level where it can no longer be squandered casually.

Xu Xin is the same.

"Master" and "Monster Hunt" are actually good scripts encountered last year and the year before.

The reason why he can come up with them so quickly is that he has been thinking about these stories in his mind for more than a year.

Making one movie a year has gradually become a bit strenuous for him.

It’s not about technology, but the inner pursuit.

Every movie always wants to bring something new. And new things… need to be thought about, practiced, and tried and failed in the heart.

He found that his time for movies is getting tighter and tighter.

And this tightness is just a feeling in the current era.

If a few years later… the future of the Beijing circle is really ushered in.

Although everyone is at peace now, in that future, if he makes a mistake and a certain work fails… God knows to what extent these people will add insult to injury.

As a leader of the Northwest circle.

After choosing to "be himself", he also faced a very intuitive embarrassing situation.

That is… his trial and error cost is getting higher and higher.

Maybe one wrong step will really make all the wrong steps.

He is not afraid of falling from the altar.

But the problem is that the people behind him have not grown up yet.

He must act as a "protective umbrella" to help everyone support and protect for a while.

This is the real "crisis" he realized.

Thinking of this, he suddenly envied Jiang Wen.

The feeling of not caring about his brother's affairs... is really fucking relaxing.


He sighed after drinking the tea.

Then he realized...

It was almost dusk without him noticing.

It was almost six o'clock.

But he was not hungry, just a little tired.

Maybe it was because he got up too early?

Just when he was thinking whether to go out for a meal, or take a walk, sweat, sober up from the last bit of alcohol, and then come back to take a shower and sleep... Suddenly, a WeChat voice call came in.

It turned out to be Qi Lei.

He didn't think much about it.

He answered it directly:

"Hello, what's the matter? Leader, if you have something to tell me, I will do it right away."

The usual funny opening.


This time, he didn't get a response from Qi Lei, but a sigh:


Xu Xin was a little puzzled, and asked subconsciously:

"What's wrong?"

"...Where are you?"


"That's right, do you have a computer?"


"I'll send you a network disk link on WeChat."


Xu Xin opened the computer screen, and his WeChat was hanging on the computer.

Soon, Qi Lei sent a link.

"Received... Let me see... What happened?"

He asked while waiting for the webpage to load.

At the same time, he entered the extraction code in his hand.

Only then did he realize that there was a compressed file in it, abbreviated as [BFMN].

Not big, 1.5G.

Then he heard Qi Lei say;

"This is the compressed file of the White-haired Witch. I guess the hotel network in Cannes is too slow to download the original file, so someone compressed it for you."

"White-haired Witch?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

After realizing it belatedly, I remembered this movie and frowned:

"What? From what you said...it's not good?"

"Very bad."


The two words Qi Lei made Xu Xin speechless instantly.

"How bad is it?"

"At least in my opinion, it was filmed in a mess. And its biggest problem is the director's handling of details. This story... has a big problem, that is, everyone's emotions are jumping. Lian Nishang and Zhuo Yihang just met in the previous second, and the next second they are together. And then the next second they want to kill each other inexplicably..."

"Editing problem?"

Xu Xin asked subconsciously.

Usually, this kind of film that can make the viewer feel jumping usually has serious problems in editing.

Either the length of the film exceeds, and many clips cannot be edited in.

Or the narrative structure and editing style do not match, resulting in a hammer in the east and a stick in the west on both sides, which is particularly split.

Usually this is the reason.


"No, I've asked Lao Zhu to take over the film and re-edited it... Fortunately, I tell you, fortunately, Wanda originally wanted to take advantage of the popularity of the Silk Road Film Festival in August to release it simultaneously, but I didn't agree directly... The studio just got the film today, and I was wondering why they kept the original film for so long, and after all this time... they shot this crap!"

Rarely, Qi Lei actually started to curse.


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

Looking at the speed of more than 100KB/S on Baidu Netdisk, he thought about it and found Wang Sicong's WeChat:

"Give me your Baidu Netdisk membership."

Wang Sicong quickly replied with the account password, and then followed up with:

"Any good resources? Share it."

Xu Xin took a screenshot of the downloaded file and sent it to him.

"Let me take a look first, and then we'll talk?"

"...Huh. That's fine, I have to think about how to remedy it. Contact me after you finish reading it."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin logged into Wang Sicong's Netdisk again and started downloading files.

This is much faster now.

The speed instantly reached over 1MB.

At this time, Wang Sicong sent another message back:

"BLACK F @CK... What does the MN at the end stand for? I don't quite understand. MONSTER? NIGGER? You have a strong taste. Are you going to go for something new?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

He was still thinking about what "White-haired Witch" would be like, and when even Sister Bingbing couldn't control the situation, his heart was broken.

Brother... what are you thinking?

He replied angrily:

"White-haired Witch!"

Then, Wang Sicong also replied to his message:



"I'm really damned!"

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