I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1092 1087 It would be better if you were bolder

Chapter 1092 1087. It would be better if you are bolder

Inside the cinema.

After Zhong Changyou finished recording the video and sent it to Xu Xin, he breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the audiences in front of him walk out one after another after the applause died down.

He didn't catch up with the screening of "The Rupture" and didn't know what the specific situation was on the scene, but his companions said that when Director Xu's work was selling tickets, a long queue had already started.

After the first show was sold out, the audience behind went directly to the second show.

Obviously, Director Xu's work was also a hot work in Cannes this time.

After sending the video, he was about to continue reporting the situation to Xu Xin. At this time, two blond and blue-eyed foreigners came over:

"Congratulations, Zhong, Director Goethe Xu has brought another great story."

Hearing this, Zhong Changyou turned his head and saw the two people clearly, and a friendly smile appeared on his face.

Bill Drake.

Jeppard Clarks.

Both are well-known individual film producers in Europe.

The usual business is not to buy films, but to act as an intermediary to promote a film that they think is very good to some small countries.

The theaters in these small countries are not large, and the box office market is limited. Big companies look down on them, but the accumulated number is actually quite considerable.

These two people specialize in this kind of brokerage business.

Old friends.

Very familiar.

Director Xu's "The Burning Sun" can sell DVDs in Malta, San Marino, North Macedonia and other countries, and they have contributed to it.

The money is not much.

"The Burning Sun" only made a profit of about 700,000 euros in total from them, but these two people do have a wide network of contacts and are old nail households of the three majors.

Usually, the three popular films even have to take the initiative to find them to promote.

With them, it is much more convenient than going to each country one by one, and the price is also very fair.

"Hello, Bill, Jeppard. Long time no see."

Bill Drake is a slightly fat middle-aged man who looks a little unkempt, but his smile is very honest:

"Yeah, Zhong...why don't you see Mr. Director?"

He looked left and right, but didn't see Xu Xin.

According to convention, the director should be at the first show of each movie premiere.

And he has to go on stage to thank the audience.

Of course, this is just a convention, not a rule.

The audience who come to Cannes only need to wait at the end of the film to see if there is a host on stage.

If there is a host, it means that the main creative team of the film is here and can answer some questions from everyone and interact with each other. But if there is no host, then you can leave on your own.

So, the two of them were also very puzzled.

After all, the attitude of the Western Film People towards the film festival has always been very professional and cooperative.

But after hearing this, Zhong Changyou shook his head:

"Sorry, the director is sick and has a fever. He is resting in the hotel now."

The two were surprised.

Jeppard nodded:

"That's a pity. I wish him a speedy recovery. Zhong, are you free tonight? Let's sit together?"

This is the original intention of the two people's visit.

It must be admitted that Chinese films have been very popular in Europe in the past two years.

Not to mention those popular films by Goethe and Xu, even other films, such as "Tuina" in Berlin this year and "The Grandmaster" last year, etc., the audience's feedback is also very good.

Chinese films are a bit like the golden age of the 1990s.

The audience is willing to buy it.

So, after watching the finished film of "Silent Witness", the two of them planned to start discussing the next business.


Zhong Changyou agreed directly.

This is also his main job.

Sell the movie and negotiate a good price.

"But I haven't set a specific time yet."

From the beginning of the screening, he must have more than one or two film distributors to receive. How to talk to each distributor, what to talk about, and how long to talk are all uncertain things.

The good news is that everyone is in Cannes. Cannes is not big. If you want to make an appointment, you can make an appointment at any time.

So, Bill and Jeppard nodded:

"No problem, Zhong, let's contact each other in the evening. I brought two bottles of good wine this time, you can take them back and taste them."

"Haha, no problem."

While the three people were talking, several more people gathered around.

Everyone kept a certain distance, looking like they were waiting in line.

Seeing this, Bill and Jeppard said no more and politely said goodbye.

After the two left, a man wearing glasses and a suit came over and handed over a business card:

"Hello, Zhong, I am Woody Perkins from Cinemien in the Netherlands..."


When Zhong Changyou was receiving various film distributors in the cinema, Jiang Wen and Marco had already walked out of the cinema.

The two naturally noticed the scene where Zhong Changyou was surrounded as soon as the film was over.

I don't think there is anything...

In the past two years, Xiying's "reputation" in Europe can almost be said to have returned to its former peak. As the three major regulars, any film distributor wants to have a good relationship with them.

Especially under the premise that last year's "Perfect" can be said to be a hit throughout Europe.

Although Jiang Wen didn't know the exact figures, she heard that the movie "Perfect" had earned at least 70 to 80 million euros in profits in Europe alone.

From cinemas, to DVDs, to remake rights...

Especially since it just won an Oscar.

He estimated that the 70 or 80 million was too little.

On the contrary, Marco said after leaving the cinema:

"You said Xu Xin agreed to help us promote the movie. Should we ask him about his schedule today?... It's almost noon."

Jiang Wen understood what his partner meant.

Normally, after the film distributors go to see the movie and think the movie is good, they start to contact the crew and buy the movie.

In the morning, the movie has just been released and it's still early. But the purchase negotiations for some popular movies basically start at noon.

There are many film distributors, and the big stores bully customers, so they also have to line up.

And if you want to launch "One Step Away", according to common sense, you can start at noon.

But the problem is... "One Step Away" is only screened in Cannes, and the time is put on tomorrow. Old Ma is a little anxious.

He is actually not worried about whether his film can be sold.

After all, even if it doesn't sell, the movie has already paid for itself. The only thing left is how much profit it makes.

So there is no rush.

Just when she was about to say something, she suddenly heard someone shouting from behind:

"Director Jiang, Director Jiang."

Jiang Wen turned her head subconsciously and saw a man much younger than herself walking over quickly.

"Director Jiang, Director Zhong asked me to come here. Director Xu was sick this morning, so he didn't have time to add you on WeChat. This is Director Zhong's business card. Please add him on WeChat. Director Zhong said that you two can chat on WeChat for details."

"Oh, OK."

Jiang Wen nodded and took the business card:

"I see, thank you."

The staff shook their heads quickly:

"It's okay, it's okay, you two are busy, sorry to bother you."

Come politely, hand over the business card, and leave politely.

After he left, Jiang Wen took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code on the business card, and then handed the business card to Marco.

"Look, he's here."

"Well, I feel relieved."

Marco also added Zhong Changyou as a friend, but he hasn't been accepted yet.

But with this relationship, he is not in a hurry.

The two walked out of the main entrance of the cinema, and after passing a cigarette to each other, they exhaled a puff of the comfortable smoke that only smokers know how addictive it is under the bright sunshine.

Taking advantage of this mood, he asked Jiang Wen:

"How do you feel?"

"Xiao Xu's movie?"


Jiang Wen thought about it and sighed:

"Yang Mi is so damn good."


Marco's mouth twitched.

No matter how he listened to it, he felt that this was a bit strange.

But Jiang Wen didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what he said.

Because this is his most intuitive feeling:

"I haven't seen an actress with a knife-like look in her eyes for many years. From the moment she lost her child, she gave me the feeling of a kitchen knife. Through the layers of narrative structure... well, let's put it this way. The moment the child was lost, she had an extra kitchen knife in her hand. Then... every second of her experience afterwards, there was a sense of her slowly raising the kitchen knife. You can feel her emotions advancing all the time, and every second, it feels like she will swing the knife to chop people in the next second... That kind of tension and impulse is really fucking exciting."

Ma Ke thought to himself, I asked you to evaluate the movie, what's the matter with you staring at the actress all the time?

But Jiang Wen was still sighing with emotion while holding a cigarette in his mouth...

"Tsk. The acting is really good. People who are not parents can't understand the pain in this movie. When she played the role of Zhao Di, she should have implemented the saying: Whoever touches my child, I will kill his whole family... It was implemented very thoroughly. For the sake of her child, she can endure, and she can also go crazy. But the crazier she is, the calmer she looks. But the calmer she is, the more scary she is... Tsk."

He almost praised Yang Mi to the sky.

After listening, Ma Ke couldn't help but corrected:

"What about the whole movie? What do you think?"

"Not good enough."

Suddenly, Jiang Wen gave such an evaluation.

Ma Ke's mouth twitched...

This evaluation, the two people are completely poles apart.

Because, in his opinion...or from his perspective, this movie is great.

He feels that this movie is like a pressure cooker.

From the beginning, it has been increasing pressure, increasing pressure, increasing pressure...pushing other people's emotions to "high pressure".

But I didn't expect that Jiang Wen would say such an evaluation.

I couldn't help asking:

"Why? I don't think it's bad."

"It's not bad. It's bad, definitely not bad. But... he's too timid."


Marco was stunned.


"You don't mean..."

"The subject matter. Too mediocre."

Jiang Wen shrugged:

"If the whole family of the coal boss surnamed Chang could be killed in the end, the film would immediately be on a higher level. But he left an open ending, which I think is meaningless. Young man, too timid. If he had some of the courage I had back then, his film would definitely be a hit in Cannes. At worst, it would be banned. Sometimes a movie can only be regarded as a classic after being banned. His timidity is meaningless."


In the silence of Mark's twitching eyes, Jiang Wen sighed:

"Too timid... What are you afraid of? He's still so young... Such a good story, what a pity..."


Mark couldn't help asking after hearing this:

"You said... your courage back then, you don't mean the time when you were in "The Devils Are Coming", right?"


Jiang Wen nodded:

"That's when I was talking about."


Instantly, Marco was speechless.

"After you filmed "The Devils Are Coming", you forgot what you were tormented by others?"

"Let them torment you, I'm fucking convinced by them? Am I not fine now? Am I not still insinuating and scolding them now? Afraid of them? Afraid of what kind of fucking movie they'll make?"


The two have been friends for many years.

Marco knew that when his friends used "fuck" more often, it meant that he was already excited.

So he quickly shook his head:

"Okay, okay, there are so many people around, talk less... Let's go, buy tickets for the next show."

Then he took a few puffs of his cigarette, walked down the stairs and headed towards the line that was lining up from the inside to the outside.

Let's watch "Monaco Princess" next.

As for what Jiang Wen said... in Marco's opinion, it was actually a bit of talking without any pain in the back.

Can it be the same back then as it is now?

When was that time? If you fart in Yanjing, it might take a week to get out.

But it’s different now.

Times have changed.

If Xu Xin really dares to shoot as you said, he won’t get the Dragon Mark at all.

Without the Dragon Mark, how can he come to Cannes to participate in the exhibition?

There is only one result waiting for him when he returns to China.


Or punishment according to regulations.

He is not allowed to make movies in China for at least 5 years.

This kind of price, in this era... no one can afford it.

Even the sixth-generation director who is recognized by everyone as the most rebellious has bowed his head... Let’s not talk about others, just look at Lou Ye. Even Lou Ye bowed his head and chose to "surrender" to Xiying, so that his "Tuina" could be released so smoothly. He is the biggest thorn in the sixth generation.

He bowed his head, and you let Xu Xin, whose status is incomparable from all angles, make mistakes?



What’s more... he and Jiang Wen have different views.

He really thinks this movie is great.

It suits his taste very well.

"Mom, I don't want to go to school..."

Early in the morning, Yang Mi dug her ears when she heard this.

She has heard this since the two children went to kindergarten.

They have just started kindergarten, the happiest time... How many times will they hear this when they go to elementary school, junior high school, high school, and college?

She was a little speechless, but her hands were not slow.

She took a face towel soaked in water and rubbed the two children's faces.

Nuannuan and Yangyang actually knew that it was useless to say this.

If Dad was here, the two of them could at least discuss it... For example, beg a few more times, and finally bargain with Dad. We will go to school obediently, and Dad will pick us up in the evening and take us to eat ice cream or something like that.

Dad is soft-hearted, he will definitely agree.

But telling Mom... It's like we fart in front of her.

It's useless.


It’s the third day since Dad left home. I miss him.

“Okay, let’s go.”

After washing her face, she said a word, and the two kids sitting on the small bench immediately walked out of the house obediently.

Grandma and grandpa were already waiting at the door.

Carrying schoolbags to go to school.

After they left, Yang Mi, who was quiet at home, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to her husband:

“The children are going to school.”

Xu Xin replied almost immediately:


Yang Mi was stunned.

Replied so quickly?

That means... he is either playing with his mobile phone or playing on the computer.

Otherwise, there is no such thing as replying in seconds.

It takes some time to take out the mobile phone.

He should be quite free to reply so quickly.

It’s afternoon in France, so... he should be resting, right?

Almost in an instant, after thinking of these possibilities, she sent the video.

“Ding ding dong dong…”

But this time it didn’t connect.

After waiting until WeChat prompted that the other party had not answered the call temporarily, Yang Mi showed some doubts on her face.

Can reply to messages in seconds, but not to video calls?


After several possibilities popped up in her mind, she sent a question mark.

In this kind of "cross-border love", the two have had similar habits for so many years.

No matter who is on a business trip, no matter what the time difference is.

As long as one party wakes up, they will report safety. Even if one has just gotten up and the other is about to go to bed, they will still say something.

So there is no such thing as checking up on each other.

After sending the question mark, less than 30 seconds later, Xu Xin sent the video back.

Yang Mi answered it directly, and then saw a scene facing the sea with spring flowers blooming.

She has been to Cannes, so the scenery is naturally not rare.

Looking at the blue sea in the video, she said:

"Let the mistress hide well, I'm giving her some time. Have you put on your pants? Switch the camera back when you are, I miss you."

The next moment, the screen was frozen, the angle was switched, and Xu Xin's face was revealed.

Yang Mi asked:

"Are you done?"

"Yeah... I just woke up from my lunch break."

For some reason, his voice was a little low.

As her lover spoke, she glanced at his face, which looked a little tired and exhausted.

Although separated by a screen, it really looks like... he just woke up.


There is a detail that is not quite right.

Her husband is wearing a shirt.

The colorful shirt is very suitable for the beach.

There is nothing wrong with wearing a shirt, but... she knows her husband's sleeping habits.

He would rather be naked than wear clothes.

Even if he has to make do with other things, he will choose a comfortable T-shirt instead of a shirt that is useless and easy to wrinkle except for looking good.

Then think about the way he didn't answer the video just now...

In other words, he found this shirt first, put it on, and then sent her a video?

Thinking of this, she "casually" asked:

"Are you going to the beach later?"

"No, I'm tired. I haven't adjusted to the time difference yet."

Xu Xin didn't think much about it and answered casually.

He was indeed resting just now, and he didn't even eat lunch. He slept from the morning until now.

The reason why he didn't answer the video just now was because he was still holding the thermometer and didn't want her to know that he was sick.

The temperature on the thermometer was 37.5.

His fever hadn't subsided yet.

Yang Mi sent a video, and he quickly pulled out a piece of clothing and put it on before replying.

But with just this one sentence, Yang Mi was more certain that there was something wrong with the shirt.

It was different from her lover's usual carefree style.

It had a sense of trying to cover up something.

So, she simply asked:

"Tell me, what are you hiding from me?... And, can you speak louder? Why is it so hard for me to hear you?"

Xu Xin subconsciously blinked several times in a row:


Then he quickly laughed:

"What are you talking about, what can happen to me?"

But before he finished speaking, Yang Mi said:

"Hey, brother, you blinked, do you know?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

I thought, why are you staring at me like a spy every day?

Whose good money doesn't blink?

"Okay, stop wasting time. Tell me, what stupid thing did you do again? Tell me, I don't blame you."

"...I really didn't, I didn't do anything. What could have happened to me?"

"Speak or not? I'm asking you in a nice way."

The woman on the other end of the phone flicked her nails leisurely, and then said with a bit of ease in her eyes:

"But if you don't say it...Brother, do you want to swim back?"


Xu Xin scratched his neck unconsciously.

"Can you stop saying such scary things?"

"So hurry up and tell me, you slow-witted one! What's the matter? ... Did the movie flop?"

"No... the feedback is pretty good."

"Then what are you hiding from me? Xu Sanjin, I've slept with you for 8 years, and I know what you're going to do when you stick your butt out! I'm giving you face now, and if you tell me in person, I won't blame you! But you have to understand that if I learn something from someone else... Buddy, the Pacific Ocean is deep and cold, so you better think about it, it's going to be very cold swimming back."


To be honest, Xu Xin didn't know if this woman had any antenna probes.

She obviously didn't even care about herself at ordinary times, but why did she always find signs every time something happened?

Detective Yang Renjie?

Looking at her threatening expression, Xu Xin sighed helplessly and said:



Yang Mi was stunned.

Xu Xin's voice finally got louder.

And that trace of hoarseness was finally caught by Yang Mi.

After reacting, she asked:

"Are you sick?"

"Yeah. My tonsils are inflamed. I didn't go to the cinema this morning... I slept all day and just woke up. It's still more than 37 degrees."


Yang Mi was really confused.

In all these years, I remember that my husband only got sick during the Olympics.

Under my care, he usually replenished water and reduced fire in spring and autumn, and warmed up in winter and summer... He never got sick.

But he got sick when he arrived in Cannes?

And he had a fever?

So, her first reaction was:

"Where's Su Meng? Is she lazy? How did she take care of you?!"

"It has nothing to do with her... I went to the hospital for a checkup and they said it was a viral infection. Someone must have infected me... Anyway, my throat hurts right now and I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Have you taken medicine?"

"Yes, Meng Meng brought some with her, and the doctor here also prescribed medicine. I don't think it's a big deal. Just drink some hot water and rest more. Maybe it's because of the jet lag. My resistance is a little low... Don't worry about me, it's okay."


Yang Mi stared at her husband's "lazy" look on the screen for a while and nodded.

She was sure in her heart.

No wonder he felt listless.

"Then don't go anywhere today. Did Meng Meng make porridge for you?"

"No, she bought me soup, but I don't have much appetite."

"...Have you eaten lunch?"


Xu Xin adjusted the angle of the phone so that she could see the dinner plate under the TV cabinet.

He didn't move.

"No, I have to eat."


You know what... To him, his wife's advice was quite fresh.

After all, he hadn't been sick for a long time.

At this time, Xu Xin suddenly said:

"Someone knocked on the door, let me see who's going."


The cell phone screen is fixed to the ceiling lens.

Yang Mi waited for a while and then heard Xu Xin say:

"Brother Zhong is here, I won't tell you anymore."


She hung up the phone proactively.

Then he frowned.

After thinking for a moment, she quickly used Baidu on her mobile phone to check the weather conditions in France.

The results show that it will rain in Cannes in the next few days, and the 14th is the last good weather.

In the next few days, the temperature dropped sharply and remained at around 22 degrees.

Considering the rainy weather, this temperature is definitely quite suitable. But for the patient... Yang Mi has already gone through the clothes she prepared for her lover in her mind.

Then, she calculated her schedule for the next few days.

After thinking for a moment, a plan was born in my heart.

I immediately sent a message to Sun Ting:

"Pack your things, check the flights, check the fastest one, let's go to Paris."

After saying that, he stood up and started packing his things.

First I got two long-sleeved coats for my husband, and then I started to pack my own. At the same time, I dialed my father’s phone number:

"Hey, Dad, Xu Xin is sick and has a fever in Cannes. I have to go a few days early... Well, it's okay. I've already seen the doctor... I haven't had anything bad in the past few days, so I'll leave a few days early. Well...well, I'll come back after Cannes...Okay. Then I'll hang up."

After a while, the two large suitcases were packed.

She took a look at the WeChat content sent by Sun Ting, selected the most suitable flight time based on the time, finalized the purchase of the ticket, and then patiently waited for the car to pick her up.

Soon, Yang Dalin and his wife came back from sending their children off.

Seeing that my daughter had sorted out two boxes, she didn't say anything, she just asked:

"Have you brought your medicine?"

Yang Mi nodded:

"Take it with me. He's fine. He's already seen the doctor. I'll go take care of him for a few days."


Soon, before 10 o'clock, Sun Ting and Cheng Hu's car arrived at Shijia Hutong.

After Yang Mi said goodbye to her parents, she got in the car and rushed to the airport.

After arriving at the airport and passing through civil aviation customs, people on the same flight were a little surprised by her sudden appearance. A few brave people even came over to ask for a photo.

She smiled and took photos when needed, and signed autographs when needed.

Soon, at 12:30, the plane started boarding.

"Sister, I've finished asking Mengmeng, this is the first day Brother Xu has a fever..."

Sun Ting, who was sitting next to her, told the whole story about Xu Xin's condition.

After Yang Mi nodded slightly, she didn't tell Xu Xin that she was leaving for Cannes directly. She just asked Sun Ting to book a flight from Paris to Cannes.

After the arrangements were made, she did not forget to tell Jiang Kui and Hu Xiaoguang why she left early and was not with them.

After everything was arranged, it was time for the plane to take off.

Soon, a push came out.

The plane soared into the sky and headed towards Cannes.

And just as she was taking off, over in Cannes, Xu Xin, who knew nothing about his wife's itinerary, fell asleep again.

Zhong Changyou came just now, mainly to talk about the scene of "Burst".

To be honest, for him, the applause, cheers and swarming film producers have become the ordinary "scenery" he sees every time he goes to a film festival.

There has been no trouble for a long time.

After Zhong Changyou finished speaking, he rushed to the appointment.

According to him, there are many people asking him out.

Xu Xin didn't stop him, this was his job.

Just a reminder, don’t forget to give "One Step Away" a thumbs up.

After the people left, he was a little hungry, so he ate hastily the cold pasta on the table, took the medicine, and finally wrapped himself in a quilt and closed his eyes again.

He really doesn't have the energy to bother.

He has to recover from his illness quickly. According to Zhong Changyou, there are still a few interviews waiting for him.

After much thought, I decided to speed up the plot in Cannes.

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