I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1102 1097 Xi Ming

Chapter 1102 1097. Xi Ming

The heroine of "Master" is called Zhao Guohui.

A woman from Tianjin.

When she was young and ignorant, she hooked up with Valentino, a foreigner who claimed to be a Hollywood star, got pregnant and gave birth to a son.

When the child was born, her parents gave him to human traffickers, and the foreigner disappeared.

At that time, Zhao Guohui was only 17 years old.

At the age of 17, she knew nothing, but she was determined for love.

But as she grew older, she really experienced the pain of parting with her own flesh and blood.

In addition, her reputation was bad.

She gave up on many things.

The water in Tianjin is connected in all directions, and good and bad news are carried by the water flow for thousands of years. No one will approach a woman who has lost her chastity no matter how beautiful she is.

Fortunately, Zhao Guohui's heart was also dead.

She found a job as a waitress in Cheeselin, a western restaurant in Tianjin.

She lived like a walking corpse.

Until she met the man who was eating the fifth free bread in Cheeseland - Chen Shi.

At first, she despised Chen Shi.

She thought Chen Shi was a southerner who was greedy for petty gains.

In fact, this is normal.

In those days, Tianjin was the holy land of northern martial arts. Tianjin, Baoding and Cangzhou were the front line to protect the capital, and there were countless talented people.

And the martial arts in those days were respected by the northern school, so it was normal to look down on southerners.

In the novel, Xu Haofeng's portrayal of Zhao Guohui and Chen Shi's first meeting was actually a very ruthless portrayal.

That was a very pure prejudice of Tianjin locals against "outsiders".

She came coldly and said to Chen Shi, who was choking on the bread:

"Don't eat it. I can't stand men who take advantage of others."

The prejudice and contempt, even through words, overflowed from the paper.

But Chen Shi fell in love with her.

He came to establish the Wing Chun martial arts school, and women were a cover for his identity.

He wanted to find a local woman in Tianjin. First, he wanted to become the son-in-law of a local Tianjin person, so that he could be considered a member of the "door" of Tianjin. Second, if he was not married, he would have no roots. A drifter who did not settle down in Tianjin could not be the master of a martial arts school.

As for the third... In fact, there was also a taste of lust.

Whether this woman had a bad reputation or not had nothing to do with him.

According to Zheng Shan'ao, after becoming a local Tianjin person, he would find a local Tianjin apprentice. The apprentice picked 7 martial arts schools in a row and died in the eighth one.

His ability was recognized by the martial arts school, and the death of the apprentice saved the face of the Tianjin martial arts school.

So far, he could gain a foothold in Tianjin and establish a school.

Zhao Guohui naturally did not agree to him.

But in fact, the novel is different from the movie.

In the script, Zhao Guohui was persuaded by Zheng Shan'ao, and she put forward some conditions to Zheng Shan'ao, such as the bride price and dowry, Zheng Shan'ao as a guarantor, etc.

Zheng Shan'ao is the foreman of Tianjin Wuxing. Everyone in Tianjin knows him. His guarantee is equivalent to giving Zhao Guohui a chance to turn over.

With the foreman as a guarantor, no matter how bad Zhao Guohui's reputation was before, from now on, even for Zheng Shan'ao's sake, no one can openly gossip about her. Whoever dares to do so will not give face to Zheng Shan'ao and Tianjin Wuxing.

A woman who lost her chastity at a young age has completely turned over since then.

What's more, she can save up a generous dowry for the "future".

But in the novel, this plot is actually only explained in one stroke. Zheng Shan'ao went to talk to her parents, and finally agreed. Zhao Guohui reluctantly married Chen Shi. The reason for this is actually just because Chen Shi was attracted to Zhao Guohui when he first saw her, that's all.

The difference is still quite big.

In short, there is actually a distinction between the script and the novel here.

Such changes are also for the rationality of character creation.

But the story line of Zhao Guohui and Chen Shi is actually foreshadowed here.

This is a marriage of exploitation.

Although neither of them said it explicitly, in the script, after Zheng Shanao convinced Zhao Guohui, he told Chen Shi: the number of "eight" for the betrothal gift.

And Chen Shi got in the car, which was equivalent to agreeing.

The two sat opposite each other, and Zhao Guohui told him: accompany her shopping once a month and eat crabs once a month.

Chen Shi responded to her: shopping is fine, but not buying things.

The implication is that he will not waste money on Zhao Guohui.

As for crabs... When Xu Xin was chatting with Xu Haofeng at the time, he asked what allusion this was, but Xu Haofeng said there was no allusion. Tianjin is a place where the Haihe River converges, and crabs are cheaper than rice. There is an old saying in Tianjin: Borrowing money to eat seafood is not considered a failure.

This saying best reflects the mastery and care of the old Tianjin people about "food".

It can also reflect the sense of superiority that Zhao Guohui, a Tianjin native, has had since childhood.

This was his original intention.

But Xu Xin didn't think it was good.

So he changed a few strokes in the script.

"When Zhao Guohui eats crabs, she eats the crab hearts together. Crab hearts are very cold, and even Chen Shi doesn't dare to eat them. He reminded her: That's crab hearts, very cold, can't be eaten.

Zhao Guohui ignored it."

Old Xu didn't understand why he had to fill in such a thing.

Xu Xin told him:

"Zhao Guohui and Chen Shi's marriage is actually a transaction. She made a seemingly absurd request to eat crabs, and the purpose should not be wasted.

It's like Chen Shiti's request: Don't ask about what I do. Don't tell me if you see through it. It's okay to go shopping, but if you don't buy anything, crabs will be enough.

Zhao Guohui didn't know what Chen Shi was going to do, and she didn't want to know. The crab's heart is cold and its palace is cold, so it cannot give birth to children. Even if Zhao Guohui married Chen Shi, she didn't want to have anything to do with him. Because in her heart, the foreigner named Valentino is her god, and she has a child with his god. She only lives for God and her children in this life. "

Lao Xu was a little dazed for a while.

And Xu Xin was behind the script. As the relationship between the two gradually heated up, until Zhao Guohui finally had feelings for Chen Shi, Zhao Guohui no longer wanted to eat the crab heart during their meal of crabs.

That was her silent preparation for spending the rest of her life with Chen and having children together.

At this point, the relationship between the two has come full circle.

Xu Xin likes the novel "Master" very much.

And the script modified by Lao Xu.

the reason is simple.

Here, everyone has two sides.

Chen Shi is warm-hearted, a kind master, a reliable husband, and a capable martial artist. But in his heart he is actually selfish, cold-blooded, and a selfish person who only wants to be famous.

Zhao Guohui had a cold face and devoted herself to Chen Shi, but in her heart it was always someone else. But after she changed her mind, she gave Chen Shi the best tenderness, support, and when facing the martial arts, she did not listen to Chen Shi and left on her own. Instead, she sat opposite the teahouse where the martial arts school was talking and waited wholeheartedly. With Chen knowledge. Never leave.

Zheng Shanao, on the surface, is a master of martial arts and the master of a mountain. On the surface, he seems to be sitting in Tianjin and delivering justice. But in my heart, whether it was seeing the foreign warriors exercising and controlling their muscles, thinking about the principles of martial arts, worrying about the future of this land, or improving the armor and tricks used in military battles, and giving them to his apprentice Lin Xiwen, his old Underneath his body, there is always a warrior's blood that cannot be cooled down.

That's why he helped Chen Shi like this when he saw that Chen Shi had real skills and talent.

Everyone here is two-faced.

One yin and one yang.

At first glance, everyone can get their own redemption in the story.

But unfortunately, fate played a trick on everyone, and everyone was wrong.

Some people sadly left Brazil.

Someone died in front of a walking cart.

Some people suddenly realized that it was a pity that time was not waiting for me and left sadly.

There is only one train between someone and happiness...

This is what he finds most attractive in Lao Xu's story.

It was also what he wanted to express most.

In fact, he really likes the story "The Grandmaster". From the first time I saw the script, I fell in love with it.

But that's Wang Jiawei's script, and it's also someone else's story.

His wife took the photo and he was happy.

But personally it's a pity.

He was also very interested in the martial arts of the Republic of China.

Just when I was feeling regretful, I came across Lao Xu's "Master" and I immediately fell in love with it.

It can be said that as long as Lao Xu's script has been revised, he has been pondering this story in his heart.

Polish and refine the story bit by bit.

By the time I decided to start filming, I already had a complete work in mind.

And when a director has constructed a complete work in his mind, he already has the requirements for various roles such as the male protagonist and the female protagonist.

For the character Zhao Guohui, what kind of woman does he want?

What kind of temperament and image she should have have already been installed in his heart.

And when he saw this woman named "Song Shu" for the first time, Xu Xin knew...

Putting aside her acting skills, at least this woman is exactly what Zhao Guohui looks like in his mind.

She wants to be beautiful.

There is also a coldness inside the beauty.

There is still a bit of pride in the coldness.

Aozhong still has to be a bit stubborn.

And, most importantly, there must be a kind of "widowness" in stubbornness.

This kind of widow is not a widower, nor is she a widow like a widow.

But a kind of...

Unlucky look.

People can tell at a glance that this woman is "unlucky".

She doesn't need to look smooth and peach-like. There’s no need to look very promiscuous…

All temperaments are not as good as the unlucky and gorgeous appearance.

But she just wants to be beautiful.

She needs to be beautiful, so beautiful that a man will fall in love with her just by looking at her. But under this kind of temptation, there is also a sense of deja vu that this woman seems to have no luck and is destined to be homeless for a lifetime.

This actor named Song Shu gave him this feeling.

He subconsciously glanced at the other person's resume.

Most of them are TV drama resumes.

There are also movies, but they are not famous movies.

Well, she acted in "Red Cliff"?

No more impression.

But... looking at the repertoire on the other person's resume, Xu Xin knew that this person had a lot of acting experience.


Next, it depends on whether the acting skills are solid or not.

He didn't say anything either.

All instructions regarding auditions are completed by the casting director on the side.

He just patiently observed.

Observe each other's performance.

This time, the preparation time per person is 2 minutes.

Performance time, 1 minute.

Soon, the 3 minutes of performance time passed.

"Okay, that's all. Go back and wait for the notification. Thank you for your hard work."

Following the casting director's words, Song Shu bowed politely:

"Thank you directors for your hard work. Goodbye."

After saying that, she walked out.

The moment she closed the door, Xu Xin threw her resume into the approved basket.

There was no hesitation.

Seeing his actions, everyone else, including Xu Haofeng, remained silent.

At this stage of casting, it is entirely Director Xu’s personal choice.

At most, others give suggestions when asked.

But if the director doesn't ask, no one else will speak.

Even though Xu Haofeng actually had something to say in his heart.

For example, he felt that this woman was not round enough, her face was too plain, she lacked the air of a Tianjin woman, etc...

But he won't say anything either.

When it comes to making up stories, maybe he's the best.

But when it comes to directing ability...

Um. Can't compare. Can't compare.

Then, the next actor arrives.

Seeing the visitor, Xu Xin smiled and said hello:


Tang Wei smiled gently:

"Good morning, Director Xu. Hello fellow directors. I am Tang Wei..."

"Don't be so polite, it's too awkward."

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

"We all know the basics. Come on, you can choose an audition clip and start acting when you are ready."

There is no 2-minute rule or any requirements.

Everyone could hear that he was giving the greatest courtesy.

The smile on Tang Wei's face became even wider and he nodded:


But her preparation time actually didn't take long, just over a minute.

Then the performance began.

She acted and Xu Xin watched.

After the performance, Xu Xin nodded:

"It's pretty good. It seems that I understand the role of Zhao Guohui very well. Well... thank you for your hard work. Let's go back and wait for the notification, okay?"

At first glance, he seemed satisfied.

Tang Wei responded:

"Yeah, okay. I would like to share my understanding of the character Zhao Guohui, okay?"

"No problem. What do you think?"

"I think the most important thing about Zhao Guohui is that she is cold, cold on the outside and hot on the inside..."

She began to describe her understanding of the character.

It didn't take long, only two or three minutes.

After hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Okay, I understand."


Tang Wei smiled slightly again:

"Then I'm leaving. Thank you directors for your hard work..."

Bowing politely, she walked out of the audition hall.

As soon as the door closed, Xu Haofeng sighed:

"You understand it so accurately..."

As he spoke, he looked at Xu Xin.

He felt that all the qualities he wanted to see were seen in Tang Wei.

Including that "desire"...

Look, the world is actually so unfair.

Xu Xin told Qi Lei that Li Yu took off her clothes in front of the whole world, making her famous overnight. But it was too difficult to help her put it back on.

Even Lao Xu is not exempt from vulgarity.

Xu Haofeng turned around, also wanting to see if Tang Wei and Xu Xin, whom he was very satisfied with, would comment.

Including others.

They felt that Tang Wei performed really well.

It's definitely no problem to advance... huh?

Everyone was stunned when they saw Xu Xin putting aside his information and resume without putting any money into the promotion basket.



What's the meaning?

Even Xue Yong couldn't help but glance at the information box representing promotion.

The blue label is clearly attached.

Blue represents promotion.

Red means elimination.

In the blue, there is only Song Shu.

And red was not brought today.

There is no need to bring it.

This is not an audition.

Director Xu just needs to leave the information as long as he thinks who can advance to the next round.

Of course, the staff will collect the rest.


Why not Tang Wei?

Did Director Xu remember it wrong?

Thinking of this, Xue Yong couldn't help but remind:

"Director Xu, if Song Shu is eliminated, there is no need to throw it into the box, just put it aside."

"Her? She's been promoted. Isn't this a blue label?"

Xu Xin was a little puzzled.

But little did he know that as soon as he said these words, the others were no longer puzzled but speechless.

Xu Haofeng couldn't help but say:

"Lao Xu, you mean... Tang Wei can't do it?!"

In front of others, he definitely can't call Xiao Xu.

So they all call me Lao Xu.

And listening to his surprised voice, Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, no."




Everyone was speechless.

Did Tang Wei perform poorly?

Definitely not bad.

Even... in Xu Haofeng's eyes, he is very suitable for the role of Zhao Guohui.

Not to mention the acting skills.

In fact, among the fifty people who made the cut, all of them have pretty good acting skills.

Just kidding...this is director Xu's film.

The audition was still for the heroine.

Who dares to find a vase or a relative to put in and apply eye drops to Director Xu?

Don't want to die?

Therefore, these people are all real actors.

Underneath the familiar name is a certain popularity base, recognition, and the ability to support the heroine of a drama alone.

Note, it’s strength, not ability.

Their popularity may vary, but their acting skills are certainly unparalleled.

As for Tang Wei's performance... they all felt that it was better than Song Shu's.

Especially the understanding of the character was quite profound... It was as if Zhao Guohui was standing in front of me at that moment.

But such a person...didn't make the cut?

Xu Xin looked left and right, and after seeing their eyes, he just chuckled:


After thinking for a while, he added:

"She is not the Zhao Guohui in my mind."

Just one sentence.

That's it.

In fact...it's the same sentence.

Actors are a profession that depends on looks.

When a story is handed over to a director, the director already has an idea of ​​what each character will look like.

The next thing to do is to find a face that is infinitely close to the character in your mind.

Is it fair?

The answer is no.

It's definitely not fair.

Take Tang Wei for example.

Her acting is actually more natural than Song Chen's.

Although it's not particularly exaggerated, it's indeed more natural.

Song Chen's performance was a little cramped, I don't know if it was because of nervousness or something else...but Tang Wei's on-the-spot performance was obviously better.

But, good is not necessarily right.

He is a director.

What is needed is a kind of "eye connection".

Unless Tang Wei's acting skills are enough to beat Song Chen, there will be no crushing situation.

Because... Tang Wei is too far away from his "admiration" for Zhao Guohui.

How did you say that?

Admiration is the farthest distance.

Is Tang Wei good?

Very good.

But you are not her.

Under the standard scumbag's rhetoric, it is a very subjective but also very objective fact.

So, she did not advance.


Because she is not her.

So... several people have a plan in mind.

Indeed, the auditions in the next few days have nothing to do with them.

After the busy preparatory work is completed, the rest of the things can be left to Director Xu.


Xu Xin found that he really belongs to the donkey of the production team.

Donkeys can also be lazy sometimes, but the owner doesn't care whether you are lazy or not.

If you don't pull the mill with your front feet, you will be whipped with a whip with your back feet.

The auditions of 50 people were all over at around 3 pm.

Three people advanced.

But there was no need to continue the selection.

Xu Xin already had a candidate in mind.

After the meeting, he couldn't leave. He brought Xue Yong, Lin Li, Lao Xu and the crew's art, set, lighting and other people to the meeting.

Talk about what kind of set he wants and how to make the clothes.

Listen to the costume design talk about details, listen to the set talk about ideas, listen to the art talk about style...

It's not enough to talk until the end of get off work.

Then eat and continue talking.

After eating in the cafeteria, go back to the office to continue.

When he came out of the Xiying office, it was almost 10 o'clock.

It was almost 11 o'clock when he got home.

The children were not awakened by his movement, and Yang Mi just took a look and pointed to the bathroom, meaning that he should take a shower, and then continue to sleep with the sweet baby.

When Xu Xin finished everything, it was almost dawn.

After sleeping for more than 7 hours, early the next morning, when he was reviewing his wife's proposal on "How should we spend Children's Day", a phone call suddenly came.

It was from Wang Sicong.

Xu Xin didn't think much and answered the call directly.

"Hello, what's up?"

He thought the other party had something to talk to him about.

In fact, there was something.

But this made Xu Xin happy:

"Old Xu. 6.2 jin, boy, mother and child are safe."


Now, not to mention Xu Xin, even Yang Mi's eyes widened.

"Give birth?!"

"Well... I was busy all night."

The young master on the other end of the phone showed a little tiredness.

"Hahaha, good, good, where are you two now?"


"Caesarean section or natural delivery?"

"Natural delivery, it went smoothly... I won't tell you for now, I need to sign something."

"Well... by the way, what's your name?"

"Nickname is Xiaoqi, big name is Ximing. Xi means attack, Ming means understand. Wang Ximing... I'm hanging up."

"Uh... OK."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi immediately looked at Commander Yang, the most educated person in the family.

"Dad, is there any explanation for this name?"

Yang Dalin was also a little stunned.

His first reaction just now, when he heard the two words "Xi Ming", what came to his mind was...

"Attack Daming?"

Xu Xin said this.

Now, the whole family was speechless.

Yang Mi couldn't help but sighed with her hand covering her forehead:

"Brother, you are about to graduate with a doctorate. Can you stop being so uneducated? Attack Daming? What's the matter? The old Wang family is the Tiandihui? Anti-Qing and Restoration Ming? The child has a master named Chen Jinnan?"

"...Do you mean you know the meaning of these two words?"

"I don't know."

Yang Mi shook her head:

"But I know, it's definitely not what you think it means...I beg you to stop talking nonsense, your words really make me doubt the value of the doctoral title."

As she said, she took out her mobile phone:

"Xi for attack, Ming for understanding... Got it!"

Looking at the screen, she read:

The word "Ximing" comes from the twenty-seventh chapter of the Tao Te Ching. Good deeds leave no tracks, good words leave no... I don't know these two words, good counting does not need counting sticks, good closing has nothing to do... the key next to the wood character cannot be opened, good knots have no ropes and cannot be untied. Therefore, the saint is always good at saving people, so there is no abandonment. Always good at saving things, so there is no abandonment, this is called Ximing. Therefore, a good person is a teacher of a bad person; a bad person is a resource for a good person. If you don't respect your teacher and don't love your resource, even if you are smart, you will be confused, this is called the key to success. "

A long speech confused Xu Xin.

"So what do these two words mean?"

"It means: the core spirit is to be good at using people, let people go to the most suitable place, give full play to their effectiveness, let people make full use of their talents, make full use of their talents, and achieve something. So it is called Ximing. Wang Ximing... It means that this child will shine in the most suitable place? "

After hearing this explanation, let's not talk about it.

Everyone thinks it's quite suitable.

It just sounds a bit awkward.

The meaning is also a bit difficult to understand.

Xu Xin thinks...when this child grows up, when people hear the name, their first reaction must be the same as his.

"Pass it on, the commander-in-chief's order, attack the Ming Dynasty! Fight to the death! Leave tonight!"

The meaning is so straightforward...

While he was thinking, Yang Mi put down the phone:

"The name is nice and unique. Not bad...Mom, is the patchwork quilt sewn? ”

At that time, Wei was pregnant, and the Xu family had already started preparing for the gift.

After all, when she was pregnant, the three fathers of the child almost started a Holy Grail War.

This gift cannot be light in any way.

But the economic strength is there, in fact, everyone does not lack any material things.

So, Yang Mi said to make a patchwork of clothes that can best represent the wishes of others for the newborn.

This patchwork of clothes is not made randomly.

It is not to find a hundred families at random and ask each person to sew some rags of cloth.

That is too perfunctory.

Her clothes She used all her connections to find a family with three generations living together, with vigorous elders, harmonious parents and spouses, and healthy children. When she asked for the cloth, she had to say something nice... but the nice words were replaced by signatures.

All for the children.

Child, do you like Jay Chou?

Come, take his autograph.

What? You don't like Jay Chou? Who do you like?

Do you like me?

Come, take the autograph and take a photo.

What? You like Xu Xin?

Oh, you What a blind man...

Anyway, that's probably what it means.

In the end, a bag of cloth was brought in, and Yang Chunling sewed it herself.

It's definitely not good-looking...These cloth clothes are fancy, and when they are worn, the places with threads have to be worn outside. Children have delicate skin, and it must be pricked if they wear them inside.

So the appearance really looks like the eldest disciple of the Beggar Gang.


Each area of ​​this dress represents a family of three generations living together. Their life may not be happy and perfect...but at least the whole family can be reunited.

Every stitch and thread of it carries this blessing.

Yang Mi doesn't know what other people's gifts are, and whether anyone will surpass the one she prepared.


She thinks this is her best wish for the new member of her friend's family!

I hope that little Wang Ximing can grow up healthily under the protection of this patchwork of clothes.

This is not just a blessing from a friend to a friend.

It is also a blessing from a mother to Wang Ximing, and even to newborns in the world.

May all newborns in the world be like this.

May they be safe and happy, healthy and long-lived, and everything goes well.

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