I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1110 Before the excitement of 1105

Chapter 1110 1105. Before the excitement

"Vice President, this is the new list of invitations. Please take a look."

"Okay. Leave it there."

Sitting in the spacious and bright office, Xu Xin, who was writing and drawing with a pen in his hand, said without raising his head.

Then, when he noticed that the information was placed on his desk, he said:

"Thank you for your hard work, Secretary Qin."

"You're welcome."

The middle-aged man called Secretary Qin said politely and left the office.

Xu Xin continued to write and draw until he finished a page of draft shots simulated according to the script of "Monster Hunt". He raised his head.

He picked up the teacup and planned to get a glass of water, but found that the cup was full.

Even he didn't know when it was full...


A sigh appeared on his face.

The sigh that could not be expressed to others.

FZ City attaches great importance to the Silk Road Film Festival.

In other words, Xi'an and Fuzhou both attach great importance to the Silk Road Film Festival.

Although it was held for a year, the treatment in Fuzhou was actually higher than that in Xi'an last year. As of last year, the main office area of ​​the Silk Road Film Festival was in the factory.

Important materials, review screening halls, etc. were all stored in the Xi'an Film Studio.

There was no way. The factory was large. Although the new building had not been built yet, the territory that the Xi'an Film Studio conquered was definitely more than enough to accommodate a Silk Road Film Festival.

In addition, many important leaders and personnel with rich work experience of the Silk Road Film Festival were "part-time" from the factory at the beginning, and everyone was used to this office space.

As a result, when I arrived in Fuzhou, the treatment was upgraded all of a sudden.

They have a building.

In government agencies...

Although the building is not high, it is indeed "allocated" a building.

It's quite exaggerated.

Moreover, this year's Silk Road has a complete range of departments, including branches and the like.

However, Xu Xin actually hopes that the management can be flatter, and... a bit too formal.

Some things may not be responded to in a timely manner.

But... there is nothing to do.

After the Silk Road Film Festival changed its nature, these are necessary.

To prevent the mind from going astray.

The entire Silk Road Film Festival staff, including Xu Xin himself, seemed to have become horses with a bit in their mouths...

But to put it bluntly, today's film festival does have some meaning of upgrading its guns to cannons.

Apart from other things... In Xu Xin's office, there are two flags on both sides of the desk.

As long as he wants, he can buy a cadre jacket and change his appearance.

And his treatment is more than that.

Secretary Qin is his secretary.

He also has a driver named Lin Zhongwei.

And there is also an A6 official car...

It's really exaggerated.

Oh, yes, there's more.

Xu Xin also has a residence in Fuzhou.

Of course, it's not a villa.

He is not of high enough rank.

But it's a 150-square-meter first floor with a garden...

He and Qi Lei were both assigned.

Only the right to live, not the right to buy and sell.

But... inexplicably, he has a "home" in Fuzhou.

In the recent period, if nothing unexpected happens, he will be here.

He will be busy until the end of the film festival.

Actually, if you want to ask if the film festival is busy... the answer is yes. After all, it is the first film festival, and everyone wants to be perfect in all aspects. Moreover, the leaders directly under the Radio and Television will attend the ceremony on the opening day. No matter from which aspect, it is a big deal.

But Xu Xin is not busy.

If he can be found, it must be a big deal.

And with the high cooperation of the entire city and even the province, there is basically no big deal.

He just reads the report for small matters.

The leaders of various departments of this Maritime Silk Road Film Festival are all the directors of Xiying and the deputy directors of Fuzhou. People from Xiying are very experienced, and all departments also work together. There is almost no trouble to find Xu Xin.

But he must be here.

The attitude must be brought out.

It sounds a bit sleepy at first, but it is quite comfortable for Xu Xin.

Here, he can "fish" during the day, and no one will disturb him. He has more time to devote to the preparation of future movies.

Thanks to this leisure time, Xu Xin completed all the preparations for "Master"... almost 95%.

The rest depends on whether there is any inspiration during the filming.

This 5% is the flash of light that bursts out when the time is right, the place is right, and the people are right.

Perhaps it is a stroke of genius that elevates the film, or it is the best adjustment to take the idea to a higher level.

But that is a matter for the future.

After finishing "Master", he did not stop, just like changing his mind, trying to start building "Monster Hunt".

Not to mention, the taste of double opening is also quite interesting.

When you are tired here, do it there, and when you are tired there, change your mind here.

There were even a few times when Xu Xin felt that he had some potential as a scumbag.

And he was committing it in front of his husband.

He was working on "Monster Hunt" in front of "Master"...


How can it not be exciting?

While taking a break, his phone suddenly rang.

He glanced at the caller, and it was Lin Li calling.


"Director Xu, the jib has arrived!"


Xu Xin's eyes lit up.

"Where are you now?"

"In the film studio, they are unloading!"

"Have the technicians arrived?"

"They are already there. We will start debugging after unloading. Will Director Xu come over?"

"Come on, wait for me."

After Xu Xin hung up the phone, he picked up the phone on the table and called the vehicle dispatch office:

"Hello, please notify the driver for me. I need to go out..."

A few minutes later, he went out with his bag, and the A6 was parked at the door.


Xu Xin was still unfamiliar with the roads in Fuzhou.

He couldn't tell where was where.

It was indeed much more convenient to have Lin Zhongwei as a driver.

He said he only needed to tell the destination, and Lin Zhongwei would take care of the rest.

The venue of this Maritime Silk Road Film Festival is actually quite interesting...

The reason for this is that its "fixed venue" is still under construction and development.

Minyue Water Town.

This is a very unfamiliar place name for Xu Xin.

He has been there, and when he went to see it, he followed a group of leaders.

If you want to say what you can see...actually nothing, there are construction sites, forklifts, safety helmets and the like everywhere.

You can't see anything at all.

But the real-life model after completion is really good.

It is expected to be developed for 5 to 6 years. After the development is completed, Minyue Water Town will become the fixed venue and award ceremony site of the Silk Road Film Festival.

Xu Xin remembers very clearly that when the project introducer introduced the project, he said, "We have developed a 3A-level tourist area specifically for the Silk Road Film Festival."

But whether it is true or not is unknown.

Xu Xin doesn't care.

The opening ceremony of the Silk Road Film Festival this time was held in Sanfang Qixiang, Fuzhou, and the award ceremony was held in the Straits Olympic Sports Center.

It is a temporary location.

But there are some changes in the opening ceremony this time.

That is, "there is no red carpet."

It's not that there is really no red carpet. There must be a red carpet for the award ceremony, because many dresses, including lighting and photography, are considered in the initial environmental factors, and the color matching of the red carpet must also be included.

It's not easy to change.

But the "red carpet" of the opening ceremony became a "blue carpet".

The Maritime Silk Road.


And it is not called the Red Carpet or Blue Carpet, but the Avenue of Stars.

It can be said that a lot of thought has been put into every aspect.

The place Xu Xin went to was the Comprehensive Gymnasium of the Straits Olympic Sports Center.

The building is very beautiful and is the most suitable venue for a star-studded awards ceremony.

After he arrived, he found Lin Li with ease.

And the mechanical arm that could not see any structure but felt "high-tech" had been dismantled and was being assembled and debugged.

Lin Li and Xu Xin did not understand debugging.

The two could only wait.

Then they did the preparation work within their own responsibilities.

Xu Xin looked at the camera screen on the fixed bracket, thought about it, and said:

"This way of shooting has a bit high requirements for lighting and environment... That night, we have to let the security personnel and staff around here wear dark clothes as much as possible to form a background board. In addition, in terms of angle, where do you think is the most suitable?"

Lin Li began to observe and give opinions.

Then Xu Xin and he walked several directions at the entrance of the comprehensive gymnasium and began to select the best shooting angle from different angles.

When it was almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the machine over there was debugged.

Xu Xin couldn't wait and quickly asked Lin Li to install the camera.

As for the subject... it was himself.

Wearing a vest, shorts, and flip-flops, he casually planned a trajectory for the camera, and Lin Li also adjusted the parameters.

Then he began to count down:

"Director Xu, get ready..."

With Xu Xin's nod, after the countdown of three, two, one came out, Xu Xin casually posed.

Fortunately, there were few people around.

If there were many people, he, who was socially anxious, might not dare to do this.

And just as he was doing the action, the jib began to move along the route that Xu Xin had just specified.

With a "buzz", Xu Xin's action was over, and it was finished.

No spotlight, no fill light.


Pure natural light.

The final effect of the film was naturally not very good.


When Lin Li saw Director Xu posing in a slow motion, coupled with the texture of the camera moving in slow motion, a ball of light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

"Director Xu, this... is OK! Absolutely OK!"


Xu Xin smiled slightly.

Of course.

Although various conditions are still scarce.

But... it is indeed possible.

Absolutely OK!


The online ticket window of the Silk Road Film Festival opened on July 22.

Five minutes after the opening, the prepared package tickets were sold out.

These package tickets can be exchanged for various screenings of the film festival at any time during the film festival.

Once the package tickets are issued and the movie tickets are exchanged, they will not be refunded or exchanged.

When the movie ticket exchange window was opened, Xu Xin's two films "Silent Witness" and "John Wick" were all sold out within 2 minutes.

This film festival still adopts both online and offline ticket sales.

The package tickets can be exchanged for tickets for various movie screenings directly on the Internet, and those who do not want to buy package tickets and want to buy tickets for the movies they are interested in can only exchange them offline.

This is related to the three universities, but it is also the biggest profit-making means for the film festival.

The price of the package ticket is higher than that of the ordinary movie ticket. After it is sold, it is a good income for the Silk Road Film Festival. It is the same as the membership service of the card with stored value.

Those who do not buy the package ticket have to follow the time of each movie screening and choose all the cooperating cinemas in FZ City to queue up.

To put it bluntly, it is also a sales method.

In 2 minutes, all the cinemas in FZ City that showed Xu Xin's movie were sold out all day.

But this is not the most exaggerated.

What is more exaggerated is that under the rules of circular movie screenings, all movies on the first day were sold out.

Whether at home or abroad.

In other words... people who buy package tickets directly support the audience volume of cinemas at different times and sessions.

There is nothing to do with offline audiences.

Seeing this, the Silk Road Film Festival Executive Committee hurriedly coordinated urgently to let each cinema reserve one or two screening halls specifically for offline audiences and provide them with them.

Otherwise, some fans who come from afar will definitely disagree.

The cinema is also happy.

The ticket price for this film festival is actually much lower than the normal price of 40 or 50 yuan.

The uniform ticket price is 20 yuan.

But people who are engaged in the movie theater business know that in most cases, the movie theater is not fully occupied.

And in the comparison between "not fully occupied" and "full for 20 yuan", the choice of the theaters is needless to say.

As for the hot ticket sales, it was soon disclosed by the media.

It helped the Silk Road Film Festival.

And it also gave all the staff of the Executive Committee a reassurance.

It seems that the Silk Road Film Festival did not dampen the enthusiasm of movie fans because of the change of venue.

That's fine.

They have completed the most important mission of attracting traffic.

The rest depends on the ability of the filmmakers.

"The Blade of the Assassin, The Silent Witness, Your Name, John Wick, My Deskmate, My Heart Is Full, Lucy, Wolf Warrior... Tsk, just looking at this screening lineup, people who don't know would think this is the Oscars."

Yang Mi looked at the movie viewing guide printed in her hand and couldn't help smacking her lips.

Across the table, Xu Xin, who was holding a clove of garlic in one hand and using chopsticks to shovel noodles into his mouth with the other hand, nodded:

"Well, indeed, this screening lineup is very luxurious. But... isn't "LUCY" very good? Why is it called Lucy?"

"I don't know, it was given by the people of China Film."

"Is this a physics term?"

"It seems... isn't it? I know this name is not good, and I don't like it, but it can't be directly translated into "Lucy", which is even worse."

"Isn't Wanwan called Lucy?"

"Well... the Hong Kong name is "The Road to Death."

"Puff, cough cough..."

Xu Xin, who was eating noodles, was a little speechless:

"What a crappy name?"

Yang Mi shrugged indifferently:

"Anyway, the names of several versions are not good. Oh, yes, at the beginning, the people who understand Chinese on Luc Besson's side gave it a name called "Super Drug Dealer"..."


Now, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.


In his eyes, this movie name really exudes a sense of failure.

Compared with Hong Kong, Taiwan, and this… super-powerful name, "Lucy" unexpectedly became reasonable.

Thinking of this, he threw the last clove of garlic into his mouth, picked up the bowl and slurped a few mouthfuls, put it down, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and sighed with satisfaction:

"Huh... comfortable."

For so many years, no matter what delicacies he ate.

What can really comfort his soul is his wife's bowl of noodles.

"Just put the bowl in the pool, I'll do it later. You go and rest."


Xu Xin responded.

After being married for many years, they already know each other's living habits.

Although they are in a new home, as long as the two are together, the rhythm basically does not change.

When he cleaned up the dishes on the table and came out of the kitchen, Yang Mi had put down the manual and was typing on the phone.

"Who are you sending a message to?"

"Yang Tianzhen. The first ten episodes of "The Journey of Flower" were sent to me. I took a look and thought it was a good film. I talked to her about the promotion."

Xu Xin was stunned:


"Not yet, but it's already finishing."

"...How was it edited?"

"It was edited just like that. The factory and Shaanxi TV set up a post-production company. There are many people and the work is done quickly. In addition, with the release of "The White-Haired Witch", now all film and TV producers are worried. TV series can be made in episodes. I don't know who came up with this idea, but now it's called batch review... Not to mention, the model is pretty good. At least you can see at a glance how well it's shot. Besides, this form is not without traces. Not to mention the distant past, Korean TV series have always been produced in this way..."


Xu Xin nodded slightly.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Yang Mi got up to open the door.

Sun Ting walked over with a big box in her hand.

Xu Xin saw the English words on it at a glance: PRADA

"What did you buy?"

He thought his wife bought a bag or something.


Yang Mi was concise.

Then she felt her man's eyes suddenly light up like a wolf.


She twitched her mouth, and said in front of Sun Ting:

"Don't make trouble, I can wear it for you to see, but don't touch it. It's just one piece, understand?"


Xu Xin looked disgusted:

"Who do you think I am?"

"No, I don't think you are a person."

Yang Mi sneered.

But Xu Xin, who knew what it meant to take advantage of others, had already come closer:

"Let me take a look... How much is this set?"

If someone else asked this question, they might really just be asking about the price.


Yang Mi knew him too well.

He asked about the price, not the money, but the sense of accomplishment.

Or to satisfy the weird little habit in his heart.

Although the couple had not discussed this matter in detail, in Yang Mi's opinion, the price of the dress was a bit like "whore money" in her husband's mind.

Of course, the object is not himself, but this set of clothes.

The more expensive the clothes, the more sense of achievement he feels when he pulls them up.

It's like the little pink lights on the roadside are not in the same level as the national Kefei...


Sometimes I think about it, it's really perverted.


This time you are probably blinded by your heart.

"I didn't spend any money, they gave it to me to wear."


Xu Xin's face was full of disappointment.

It's not uncommon for other brands to give their wives high-end clothes.

Even if this brand is Prada.

But it always lacks flavor if it doesn't cost money...

Seeing his face, Yang Mi rolled her eyes and took the clothes into the bedroom.

Too lazy to pay attention to him.

As for Sun Ting...

She's used to it.

She's not surprised by anything that Brother Xu and Sister Mi have.

Even more exaggerated, she feels calm when she sees Brother Xu naked.

There's nothing she can do, these two are too sweet.

There's no gap at all.

Not to mention people, even a needle can't be inserted.

July 31st.

The last day of July.

Jasmine and others came early.

And this time, they also came as screening guests and brought their own works.

A comedy movie called "The Great Boccaccio".

And her arrival was like the beginning of Xu Xin's plane-seeking journey.

Jasmine came in the morning, and Brother Ji took the afternoon flight.

In the evening, Makoto Shinkai brought several voice actors of "Your Name", such as Ryunosuke Kamiki, Mone Kamishiraishi, and other crew members.

But unfortunately, the voice actor, Masami Nagasawa, who is very popular not only in Japan but also in China, did not come.

It's not that she didn't want to come, but a month ago, she had just experienced the emotional trauma of her boyfriend's cheating.

Not to mention the crew of "Your Name", she didn't even attend the press conference of "The Crossing" in which she played Wu Yusen.

She went to heal her wounds.

We received three waves of guests in one day, which also means that the opening of the most anticipated "Maritime Silk Road Film Festival" in early August, at least in the film and television industry, has entered the countdown.

It's about to start.


August 1st.

Some media photographed that Wei Wei and Wang Sicong, who had disappeared from the public eye for a long time since the wedding, appeared in Fuzhou.

This was the news in the morning.

Before noon, the news that Jay Chou was surrounded by fans at the airport was exposed.

Then Lang Lang and his junior sister, suspected girlfriend Gina, and the team appeared at the airport.

Then the Xiying team arrived, and Liang Bingning, whose schedule became a little low-key after winning the Berlin Film Queen, appeared in Fuzhou.

At the same time, the news that Zhang Yi, Guo Fan, Duan Yihong, Wang Baoqiang, Deng Chao... many people arrived in Fuzhou was disclosed by the media.

On August 1st, the airport in Fuzhou was so lively.

And these people came to attend the opening ceremony tomorrow.

Strictly speaking, the opening ceremony of the Silk Road Film Festival in previous years is not very important.

Moreover, the Silk Road Film Festival also continued the routine learned from the three major European countries. Everything was kept simple at the opening ceremony, representing the pure and simple attitude of the film festival towards movies.

After the leader's speech, a launching ceremony was held and it ended.

In the first year, Lang Lang was invited to perform, but in the second year, there were no performing guests at all.

It was a mess.

Then the award ceremony was held more lively.

But this year, Fuzhou obviously invited everyone who could be invited in order to have a good start.

These guests first came to the launching ceremony, and then had to come to the award ceremony again.

It was not a hassle.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see what was going on with the Silk Road Film Festival this year.

Being able to show up twice and increase some impression points in front of the leaders at the opening ceremony was something everyone was happy to do.

And the guests at this Silk Road Film Festival were also very important.

The leaders did not mention that the most important guest at the launching ceremony was Marco Mueller, the president of the Venice Film Festival Association, who was praised by the domestic media as "the one who promoted Chinese-language films to the world".

Even he was invited.

It can be said that from top to bottom, the lineup of this Silk Road Film Festival is destined to be written into film history.

Oh, yes, I forgot to mention it.

Even Feng Xiaogang will come.

Not only him, but all the well-known people in the film and television industry will come.

No one dares to be vague.

The lineup of invited guests is unprecedented, and it is hard to say whether it will never be the last... But the number of guests who came is equivalent to the country and state of Chinese-language films, which is an indisputable fact.

With so many people coming, arrangement and coordination have become the top priority.

Fortunately, Vice President Xu, who came from the Olympics, is in charge. At the same time, as the provincial capital, Fuzhou has no shortage of administrative reception experience.

From reception to schedule, activities, etc., everything is going on in an orderly manner.

On the evening of August 1st.

After a busy day, Xu Xin returned home with a tired look.

Contrary to his usual behavior, he did not participate in any of the parties organized by his friends.

There is no way, too busy, too tired.

At this critical moment, no one can get away from him.

And his friends also know.

Including F3, everyone has their own party, and no one cares about Lao Xu's life or death.

When Xu Xin got home, he just opened the door and saw his wife sitting on the sofa watching TV.

He was stunned:

"You didn't go out?"


Yang Mi shook her head:

"I told them that I'm busy tonight and have to take care of you...Have you eaten?"

"I had a bite in the cafeteria."

Hearing this, she hooked her finger at Xu Xin and took him into the dining room.

On the rotating round table in the small dining room, Xu Xin saw the lamb chops soaked in lamb soup...

"Eat more? I was afraid that you were too busy to eat, so I made some for you."


Xu Xin felt warm in his heart.

Yang Mi went out to roll noodles.

Soon, a bowl of lamb soup noodles was served.

Holding a few unpeeled garlic in her hand, Yang Mi sat next to her lover.

Looking at his tired appearance, she didn't say much, but carefully peeled the garlic one clove at a time and put it in front of him.

"Hulu... Hulu..."

Xu Xin ate the noodles in big mouthfuls.

He wasn't hungry before, but now that this bowl of noodles entered his mouth, he was really hungry.

While eating, he muttered:

"There are many people coming, and all the leaders have arrived. Brother Qi will go to receive them in the afternoon, and we will do the work of the Executive Committee. But it will be fine after tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning, after the launch ceremony, the next step will be no different from the Silk Road in previous years. I can take a break... Can you pick up the children?"


Yang Mi responded.

In order not to disturb their father's work, the two children are in Yanjing.

I am looking forward to it.

"I miss the children."

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled slightly.



"This will definitely be a very exciting film festival, right?"

"Hurry up..."

In almost a minute or two, a bowl of noodles was finished, and Xu Xin, who seemed to be reluctant to leave, put down the bowl in his hand.

He showed his wife a well-deserved smile:

"Well, of course."

It will definitely be an extremely exciting film festival!

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