I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1118 1113 Retreat

Chapter 1118 1113. Retreat bravely

On August 16, "Super Body" will be released simultaneously worldwide.

Moreover, on the day of its premiere in Tianchao, it took in a box office of 77 million yuan.

And this achievement seems to be a matter of course for everyone.

After all, this is Yang Mi's film.

The box office record of "Pacific Rim" is still hanging on the golden mountain in the backyard. The box office was 77 million on the first day. For Da Mimi... it's a blessing.

However, the reviews of "Super Body" were indeed mixed.

Unlike "Pacific Rim", which is a sci-fi dream dedicated to mecha fans, this movie is actually more mindless.

And the logic of the script is not strong.

No wonder it was rated as "an ordinary commercial film" at the Silk Road Film Festival.

But again, a commercial movie is a commercial movie, as long as it's cool enough.

But unfortunately, in the United States, the box office of "Super Body" was not very high. The first weekend and two days together exceeded 25 million US dollars.

According to the predictions of the media in the United States, the final box office of this film will be around US$70 million to US$75 million.

Everyone thinks this result is quite normal.

It's unusual for a movie with an Asian protagonist to have a high box office... Throughout the ages, only two of them can achieve this goal in North America, let alone a heroine... You can't find one on the streets.

Although "Pacific Rim" has proved Yang Mi's commercial value, it is only limited to China. Even though she is the Berlin Best Actress, her appeal is still limited in the United States. This movie can sell tickets mostly because of Luc Besson's name.

Therefore, if we look purely at the domestic box office in the United States, the movie "LUCY" can be said to be a loser.

After all, Hollywood has a three-fold return on investment rule.


When the movie "LUCY" was included in the global box office, the situation was completely reversed.

First of all, in China, the box office of "Super Body" reached 98.5 million the next day.

The two-day box office combined went straight to 180 million, which is close to 30 million dollars when converted into US dollars.

And it's only been two days.

And it's not over yet.

In Europe, where it was released one after another, countries such as Germany, Britain, Italy, and France contributed a total of US$28 million in box office in two days.

Especially in Germany, the box office of 8.4 million US dollars on the 2nd directly surpassed France, where Luc Besson has the strongest appeal.

All of a sudden, the global box office of "LUCY" exceeded 80 million.

Forget about getting back the money, according to the current trend, a big sale is a foregone conclusion.

In the United States, Hollywood has always been the most sensitive to the increase in monetary figures.

When they saw the global box office data of "Super Body", countless film offers suddenly flew to Shuangwei.

There is no other reason.

This Chinese actress may not have much appeal in the United States... but in terms of global box office... or to put it more extreme, in terms of Chinese box office, her appeal is simply top-notch!

An ordinary commercial film can achieve such results, so as long as she is paired with some reliable "teammates"... Then harvesting the Chinese box office market is just like playing?

Therefore, these various Hollywood companies immediately became busy.

Moreover, their confidence is still high.

No actor can refuse the olive branch extended by Hollywood!

They firmly believe it!

Even after they sent the invitation, Yang Mi didn't reply within three or four days. In their opinion, it was just a negotiation gesture of "sitting down and raising the price."

When the global box office of "Super Body" exceeded US$170 million on its tenth day of release, they became even more convinced!

This actress definitely has appeal!

As long as we can cooperate, we will have a cash cow that will soon become the second largest ticket market in the world!


Why hasn't she replied yet?

"You're not interested?"

Liu Momo was a little surprised:

"Really want to quit?"


In Shanghai, Yang Mi, who had just finished the business cooperation negotiation with LV, looked a little tired. She was sitting in the business car rubbing her temples and responded to Liu Momo's surprise.

"You mean you're giving up Hollywood?"

Liu Momo, who was sitting on the seat next to him, opened his eyes wide and continued to ask in surprise.

"Roughly the same."

Yang Mi nodded:

"Sister Mo, look how busy Xu Xin is... If I don't go home for another month or two, our little family of four will be broken up."


After hearing this explanation for a while, Liu Momo didn't know what to say.

After thinking for a while, she said speechlessly:

"But I talked with Xu Xin, and Xu Xin said that he supports you unconditionally. If you want to come out, he will look after the house..."

"He's a shitty guy."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes directly:

"Don't mention anything else. How many days do you expect your child to stay at home during this summer vacation? ... Are you still looking after the house? Didn't I talk to you about how my big fur died?"

"Big hairy...dog?"

"No, fish! You died unjustly..."


Liu Momo was even more speechless.

"I remember there were a lot of fish at your house, right?"

"I bought it again after Da Mao died. There is a fish named Da Mao."

"...Why does it have the same name as a dog?"

"Dog? There is a dog too, and his name is Sniffle."


Liu Momo felt his head hurt.

The first fish in your family is called Da Mao, the second fish is called Da Mao, and the dog is called Sniff.

What's this name?

Who was the good person who named the dog this?

Have you ever asked your dog how he feels?

So I couldn’t help but complain:

"It's really messy... Then it would be a shame for you to just give up."

"It's not a pity, my good sister."

Yang Mi continued to shake her head:

"It's too far. Sister, it's not like you don't know that Xu Xin is a waste..."


Liu Momo didn't know what to say for a while.

No, how high are your family’s requirements for finding a husband?

Is Xu Xin still a waste?

But Yang Mi didn’t care what she was thinking, and continued:

"If I hadn't strengthened this family, it would have broken up a long time ago. He is busy now with domestic affairs, foreign affairs... If he acts like this, I have to retreat. If both of us rush out, won't the back No one cares? Nuannuan and Yangyang are now 5 years old and almost in elementary school. If I don't care about them anymore, if the children don't get a good education... I swore on my mother-in-law's grave that I would take care of her. My grandson and granddaughter are well educated. So... let him do the busy work. From now on, all my work will focus on family, with domestic filming as a supplement."


After explaining his thoughts clearly, Liu Momo naturally understood.

So, she shook her head helplessly and threw the bag containing a bag of carefully selected scripts into the back seat:

"All right."

She actually knows very well that not everyone has the courage to choose the rapids to return to their family when the flowers are blooming and the fire is cooking.

This requires not only a clear mind, but also resolute courage.

It's really not something that ordinary people can do.

"No wonder my dad said you two are as good as iron..."


Yang Mi’s eyes lit up:

"Uncle Liu still remembers me?"

"Nonsense! Xu Xin just had a drink with him two days ago... Also, your husband is the most useless person. He sold me out..."

Without "official business", this sister, who finally returned from the United States, started complaining about how inhuman Xu Xin was.

Words such as being indistinguishable between big and small, being ungrateful, and talking like dogs started to pop up.

As for Yang Mi... she's not annoyed either.

She knows better than anyone how many dogs her husband has.

That's really like a dog, even a dog is not as good as a dog.

In addition, this was also a manifestation of the closeness between the two of them, so they listened with a smile.

After chatting for a while, the topic of the two naturally shifted to work:

"How was your conversation with LV this time?"

"It's not good. Brand friend + single product endorsement + 2-year contract... just send me off to beggar."

"...Not even given a brand ambassador?"

Liu Momo was also speechless.

Generally speaking, the level of brand endorsement is global endorsement \u003e brand ambassador \u003e brand friend.

Product endorsement is full-line endorsement \u003e branch endorsement \u003e single product endorsement.

Obviously, the contract given by LV to be a close friend of the brand + product endorsement is really not good.

Yang Mi shook her head:

"No, but it doesn't matter. LV is not the only one that endorses these high-end luxury brands. Dior and GUCCI are both contacting me... I will just choose the one with the best contract at that time."

"Then the focus of your future work will be on China?"


"Don't feel bad?"

"What's there to feel bad about?"

Yang Mi looked at this sister with a strange look:

"You have to take care of your family first before you can see everyone. Besides, the opportunities at home are no smaller than those abroad. I will be a judge at the Silk Road Film Festival next year..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone rang.

After she picked it up and took a look, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"I'll take a call."


"...Hello, Director Lin. Long time no see..."

Liu Momo on the side didn't care when he heard this title.

Until I heard a voice:

"TV drama?"

Looking for Mimi to film a TV series?

She thought for a moment in confusion.

I wonder how Mimi can film a TV series now...

But immediately I heard Yang Mi’s voice:

"Well... send me the script. I'll take a look at it first..."


Liu Momo was speechless for a moment.

"Ah? I own the copyright?...What's your name?"

"Three Lives, Three Worlds... Oh, I remembered. The protagonist is a fox, named Bai Qian, right?"

"...I have forgotten the specific plot. How about I go back and take a look and we can communicate again?"

"I'm in the Magic City now."

"Well, not tonight. I will have dinner with my sister tonight. Tomorrow I will go to Hengdian to visit a class... Yes, isn't my child going to school soon? I miss my father. Then, can you wait for me to come back from Hengdian?"

"Okay, let's put it this way... um, let's get in touch when the time comes..."

After chatting for a few more words, Yang Mi hung up the phone.

At this time, the commercial vehicle also arrived at its destination.

"Sister Mo, how do we get in?"

Sun Ting asked, pointing to this paradise surrounded by mountains and rivers in a metropolis like the Magic City where every inch of land is precious.

"Drive directly to the door and tell me my name."

After Liu Momo finished speaking, he turned to Yang Mi and said:

"This time my friends will introduce you to each other. It's not easy. A family is..."


Liu Momo said, Yang Mi just listened.

After talking about the background and so on, the sister patted her chest:

"They are all friends who have grown up. If anything happens to you in the future and I'm not around, just call them directly. I'm sure there will be no problem..."

That tone was just like Wang Shuo back then.

This is one-third of an acre in the magical city.

Sisters, let’s go together.

"...Okay, that's it for today."

At about 4 pm on August 29, Xu Xin took a look at the last shot, and after passing it, he delivered the good news that made people smile unconsciously.

There is no way, Hengdian is really hot.

Filming this season has been really hard.

Every time I come home from get off work, I'm covered in a layer of sticky sweat.

Now that I can get off work early, everyone is naturally filled with joy.

"Brother Yong, I leave this to you."

Xu Xin took off the monitoring earphones, said hello, and stood up to take Su Meng out.

My wife arrived in the afternoon, but in order not to disturb the filming crew, she chose to visit the crew of "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" and promised herself that she would cook in person in the evening.

Although Hengdian is not home, he really feels like returning home.

But who would have thought that as soon as he walked over to Su Meng, Su Meng, who had recently started to lose weight but seemed to be getting fatter and heavier, gave him some bad news:

"Brother Xu, Guo Fan has called you."


Suddenly, he felt that Mengmeng's face began to look hideous.

A little speechless, he asked:

"Where is he?"

"Our hotel asked me if you were free tonight, but I didn't answer him directly."


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

Made a complaint:

"If he doesn't do a good job in public relations for the abortion and other plots in the movie...he's going to come and fuck with me!"

"My Deskmate" is indeed like the voices of some moviegoers at the Silk Road Film Festival, because some of its storylines have been criticized a lot.

But... the box office continues to rise without being next to others.

This film has currently grossed over 300 million at the box office.

Guo Fan has only filmed two films in total, one "To Youth" and one this.

The box office is higher each time.

In addition, the past two years have been a period of reaping the dividends of youth films. Although "My Deskmate" was criticized for plot problems, it did have enough box office success. Big profits are a foregone conclusion.

Obviously before making this movie, he was worried about gains and losses. I'm afraid that my first movie made 700 million at the box office, but the second one will be a flop... But for now, this film should have a guaranteed box office of 400 million.

Although it did not reach the level of his debut film, Xu Xin knew that the investors of this film paid him a high dividend.

Logically speaking, it should be enough for a movie to achieve "small financial freedom".

But if the plot of the movie is criticized, the director will definitely take the blame. Why is it coming to him?

Doesn't this delay the sweetness between me and my wife?

But he could probably guess why Guo Fan came to see him.

If nothing else, "The Wandering Earth" should be on the horizon, right?

Normally, he might be curious.

But at this moment, he only had seven words on his mind: wife and children.

Why is this thing so annoying?

How about sinking him into the river...

After thinking about it all the way, he saw a small truck parked opposite the tunnel in the residential house he rented.

Two workers were standing behind the pickup truck, unloading boxes one by one. Next to them stood a handsome man wearing sunglasses.

Although it was obscured by sunglasses, Xu Xin saw the familiar yellow hair and immediately knew who it was.

"Director Xu?"

Lu Han also spotted Xu Xin and quickly bowed to say hello:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Lu Han. Nice to meet you..."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, glanced at the truck again, and asked in confusion:

"Coming to visit?"

"Yes. I just returned to China and got off the plane from Shanghai. I had promised Xiaotong to come here to visit..."

With that said, Lu Han's assistant quickly came over with a paper bag. After taking it, he walked to Xu Xin and handed it over respectfully with both hands:

"Here's some refreshing coffee for you."

"Uh...thank you."

Xu Xin responded without saying that he didn't like drinking coffee. He just nodded:

"Then you go in. Today's filming has ended, but everyone is still inside. I have something else to do, so I won't entertain you."

"Okay, Director Xu, thank you for your hard work."

"OK Bye Bye."

Giving the coffee bag directly to Su Meng, he nodded to Lu Han and walked towards the parking lot.

"Brother Xu."

After walking for a while, Su Meng suddenly called him.


Xu Xin turned around and found that the other party had already opened a cup of coffee and started drinking it.

"Aren't you going to lose weight? Drink less!"

"...Brother Xu, can you hear it?"

Su Meng pointed at the coffee.


Xu Xin was speechless:

"Did you drink fake wine?"


Su Meng had an o(^`)o expression on her face.

Pointing to the coffee cup:

"It didn't speak, right? When my sister speaks, she gets 0 cards!"


The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched:

"Ah, yes, yes..."


Su Meng happily took another sip of the sweet coffee and continued:

"Brother Xu, Guan Xiaotong is not yet an adult, right?"

"Yes, she is only 17. Why are you asking this?"

"Lu Han and the others..."


Xu Xin paused.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head:

"It shouldn't be that. Maybe they are just siblings... Didn't she ask Lu Han to call her brother Lu?"

Su Meng didn't respond, but just sang:

"She is just my sister..."


Xu Xin thought to himself, why are you so naughty?

I was really blind to find a leather sofa like you as my assistant.

What a sin...


When we were about to return to the hotel, it was almost 5:30.

Xu Xin was a little entangled, but in the end, he was soft-hearted.

He took out his mobile phone and called Guo Fan.

Then he was blocked by Guo Fan in the hotel lobby:

"Director Xu!"


Without any joy, he just sighed.

Guo Fan was stunned:

"Director Xu, what's wrong?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes directly:

"Don't talk nonsense, give me the script."

Guo Fan quickly handed over the script in his hand:

"I go to your room? I have a lot of ideas to talk to you about."

"No, you don't want to."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes more frequently:

"Yang Mi brought my big baby daughter and little sweet son here, now I just want my wife and children to have a warm bed."


Guo Fan was stunned.

You know, he came to Hengdian specifically for this matter.

The result...

"Okay, then you take a look first...I'll wait for you."


Xu Xin responded first, but after walking a few steps, he felt it was inappropriate.

He could only turn his head helplessly:

"You came to Hengdian this time just for this?"


"...I'll go up and take a look later, let's have dinner together tonight."

Guo Fan looked happy:



For a man with a family, what is the happiest moment?

Xu Xin didn't know the answers of others, but for him, it was nothing more than that when he opened the door, he smelled the fragrance of food and his children running towards him.


The two children rushed towards him.


Xu Xin was full of smiles, squatted down and hugged one of them, straightened his waist, and picked up the two children directly.

Yang Mi, who was leaning against the door of the bedroom, looked at this scene with a smile and couldn't help but took a photo with her mobile phone.

These childhood photos are all memories after growing up.

Extremely precious.

"Do you want to eat now or later? The noodles are already rolled."

Yang Mi pointed to the tea table in the suite.

There was a cushioned noodle board on the wooden tea table.

The kind that Taobao sold for 29.9 with free shipping.

And I don't know when there was an electric cooker on the ground, the red light was flashing, and wisps of hot steam were coming out.

The whole room was filled with the fragrance of mutton.

No need to ask, it must be mutton noodles in the evening. As for the side dishes... it should be fried leeks and chili oil.

She knew what he liked most.

This bowl of mutton noodles that can be recognized by his father-in-law is better than any delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

Xu Xin is not hungry, but he is very greedy.

But he still said to his wife:

"How many people? Guo Fan came to see me..."

Yang Mi was stunned, thought about it, and said:

"Then you eat now? I will make your own. The two children have thick tongue coating recently, and it is not suitable for eating mutton. How about this, you haven't eaten barbecue at Brother Li's place for a long time, you eat by yourself, Guo Fan came to you because of the novel script you mentioned last time?"


"Then let's go to eat barbecue tonight, there is a single room, quiet."

"Okay, then let's go downstairs now."


Yang Mi responded and started to get busy.

She bought two electric cookers this time, just for this meal.

To be honest, cooking in a hotel is a safety hazard, and a little carelessness may cause a fire.

But... the situation in Hengdian is a bit special.

Celebrities from all over the world have their own taste preferences. People who often travel on business know that eating local food in a place for one or two days is fine, but if it lasts for a long time, the longing for "home taste" will become stronger.

Therefore, whether it is a big star or a small star, it is really not uncommon for them to cook in their rooms.

This hotel even has a small kitchen.

However, Yang Mi did not bring Sun Ting this time, and the two children could not be left alone, so they could only cook in the room.

"Where is Tingting?"

"She went back to Yanjing to look at wedding venues."


Xu Xin was a little surprised:

"Is it finally going to be successful?"

"Yeah. So I gave her a week off. And I plan to find a new assistant recently. Tingting is not young anymore, and she will have children as soon as she gets married... It's not good for her work to be delayed because of us."

"That's true. But the new assistant must be taken care of by Tingting for a while, right?"

"That's for sure..."

Xu Xin held the two children and chatted with his wife about family matters.

He didn't even look at the script on the table.

Soon, with a "sizzle", the most important companion of mutton noodles, fried chives, was put into the pot.

Xu Xin swallowed his saliva.

He felt hungry.

Soon, a bowl of mutton noodles, a bowl of lamb chops, and a bowl of fried chives were served in front of him.

The two children have no feelings for food like mutton noodles... After all, they are still young and not hungry. After being with their father for a while, they quickly lost their patience and went to watch TV.

Yang Mi sat next to them, watching her husband mixing noodles.

"I'll let Mengmeng follow you these two days."

"No, I'll leave tomorrow. School starts the day after tomorrow. Director Lin is still in Shanghai and I have a dinner."

Director Lin?

For a moment, Xu Xin couldn't remember who this person was.

Seeing his puzzled expression, Yang Mi took the initiative to explain:

"Lin Yufen."


Now, Xu Xin knew who it was.

"Is she going to make a movie?"

"No, there is a TV series, adapted from an online novel, I'm quite interested."

This sentence confused Xu Xin again:

"You want to make a TV series?"

Yang Mi shrugged:

"I like the copyright of that novel very much, and I also have it."


Xu Xin has already started eating noodles.

His wife is a copyright rat, don't talk about him, now basically half of the circle knows it.

The reason is simple. Before the two of them got married, she liked to buy the copyrights of the novels she liked.

At that time, she didn't think that she could win any awards like the Berlin Golden Bear and become a professional movie star.

She just wanted to hoard the copyrights of the novels she liked, so that when she wanted to shoot in the future, she wouldn't have to go through so much trouble and could just gather a team to shoot.

Besides, the copyrights of novels at that time were really cheap.

The expensive ones were only about 100,000 yuan.

The cheap ones might be 100,000 or 200,000 yuan.

So, after a while... let alone Xu Xin, maybe even Yang Mi herself didn't know how many copyrights she had.

In the past two years, after major online novel platforms began to sell IPs, including the popularity of "Startling by Each Step", with a series of operations, everyone realized the potential value of these "online literature" that were not recognized by the mainstream at that time.

They began to sift through the sand in the waves, hoping to find more pearls.

But they found that... those books with solid plots and good reputations in the early years, especially those in the female frequency, many books were in Yang Mi's hands.

She bought and hoarded them every year.

Even with the rising copyright fees, it may cost eight figures every year just to buy the copyright of novels.

But very few are converted into film and television dramas.

It is quite outrageous.

Even the circle of online novel writers knows that Yang Mi likes to read novels and hoard novels. And the price is always very high... But at the same time, there are also disadvantages, that is, the novels she likes are usually not quickly converted into film and television dramas.

It also makes these writers very entangled.

In the end, it is better to watch their works being put on the screen or to put money in their pockets...


These are not a problem for Xu Xin.

His creed is that as long as his wife likes it, she can do whatever she wants. As long as it is not illegal or criminal.

It's just eight figures every year.

Small money.

As long as she is happy.

So, facing the matter of this TV series, he didn't ask.


The whole house is full of fragrance.

There are really many big names who have published books this month, and Wan Ju has also published a new book. Those who are interested can take a look.

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