I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Written before the end

Today's chapter is a bit short, only 5,000 words.

Actually, to be honest, I wanted to stop updating today.

Or to be more precise, starting from today's chapter, I will not update until the finale.

When I was in Luyuan before, I talked with Huwei about why he stopped updating before the finale and released the remaining chapters in one go. He meant that this way he could finish the ending of the book without being disturbed and keep his own ideas.

I thought about it carefully and felt that this made sense.

However, my editor Shengxia suddenly arranged a recommendation, and I definitely couldn't stop updating for the recommendation, so I updated another chapter.

And if nothing unexpected happens, starting from tomorrow, until I finish writing the finale, I should "stop updating" for a while. It won't be too long, I estimate that it will be about a week or ten days at most.

As for the reason... it can be regarded as two aspects.

First of all, those who have been following the book till now should have noticed that when I write about the interaction with the heroine or some plots about movies, readers have given me feedback such as "this plot is very familiar" or "I will follow the book to the end, but this plot is really boring now".

It is normal and I can accept it, because when the book is about to end, we have to start to recycle the previous foreshadowing one by one. We have already written what the protagonist will do, and now it is the "realization" stage. There is indeed a sense of repetition.

Therefore, the number of readers has been declining recently, and readers can also feel that the book is about to end, and they are all waiting for the end to follow together.

And this sense of repetition is actually caused by the situation of one chapter per day. Or it is partly due to this reason.

Therefore, I want to release the ending in one go later to give everyone who follows this book a satisfactory explanation.

On the other hand, it is actually the influence of the outside world.

In this book, every day I will see the chapter of the chapter, what everyone likes and dislikes, I have seen the feedback and will actively think about and correct it.

But when it comes to the ending, for example, some readers say they like to watch XX plot, and some readers say they don’t, I will subconsciously think about it, which is inevitable to favor one over the other. Instead of this, I might as well follow my ideas and finish it in one breath without interference.

This is the reason for stopping.

As you can see in the previous chapter, I chose a very large time span.

The specific plot of "Monster Hunt" was all ignored.

In fact, this is mainly to consider the rhythm of the finale. If it is written in too much detail, it will feel very dragged out.

In addition, in 2015, the domestic film market officially entered a blowout period, and the box office suddenly increased. If there is too much ink in this year, it will seem very watery.

I repeatedly mentioned in the book that Xu Xin is not going to be a saint, he is just a "lower limit". After the box office of the domestic film market began to blow out, the choice of this lower limit is actually very unique.

Everyone is making money, but Xu Xin is not. If it is written in detail, it is easy to write Xu Xin as a white lotus.

Moreover, the circle was also caught up in various strange phenomena such as fan circles and press releases during this period. I think the choice of the protagonist will be very magical during this period. No matter how to describe it, it will seem very "broken", so I chose this way of handling it.

Instead of looking at the whole circle, I focus on Xu Xin's eyes.

Moreover, there is really nothing to write about Monster Hunt. Its only function is to define that the protagonist is not only highly accomplished in art films, but also capable of commercial films. That's all.

In the past few days, I kept looking through my outline.

To be honest with you, I actually only did the outline here in Monster Hunt.

Because when I started the book, I had already thought about it. When the protagonist proved himself in business, the book would end.

In the early stage, I used a million words to describe the 2008 Olympics. Naturally, I would not go so far as to write a million words for the 22nd Winter Olympics... It's unrealistic, and some plots during the Winter Olympics are destined to be incoherent and cannot be written.

Just like the time span of the "disappeared" months in 2008.

So, just yesterday, I wrote an outline of less than 500 words.

It is the general plot summary of the final plot.

And looking at the content of the outline, I estimated that it would be over in about ten chapters at most.

So, the time of this break will not be long, just one week to ten days.

It may even be less than ten days. If the chapters are long, it will be about 50,000 to 60,000 words and 5 or 6 chapters.

I am very grateful to the readers for staying with me until now.

In fact, there are still many things I want to say... But if I say it now, I feel that there is nothing to say about the finale.

So... let's leave it at that.

Starting today, I will temporarily stop updating, and all chapters will be released in the next update.

See you in the thank you speech.

Love you.

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