I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 145 143 The situation is no better than before

Chapter 145 143. The situation is no better than before

In the end, Guo Caijie still didn’t change the song.

In order to show his generosity, Jay Chou forcefully "forced" her to finish singing.

But I have to admit... the voices of this girl and Sun Yanzi are really similar.

However, she is less melancholy than Sun Yanzi, but more clean.

Just like a little girl.

After listening to the second song, Jay Chou became interested and began to make a deep sound like "Ji~~".

Xu Xin didn't understand what was going on, but he saw Guo Caijie over there, stunned for a moment, before also uttering a "sentence~~~" but with a brighter tone than Jay Chou's.

Then, Jay Chou shined brighter on the basis of Guo Caijie:





It wasn't until Xu Xin heard a falsetto voice saying "~~~~~" that he realized in hindsight that the two of them seemed to be testing who had the higher voice.

After the test was over, Jay Chou asked many more questions.

For example, do you read music, have you ever studied vocal music, etc.

The girl answered fluently.

Finally, he nodded:

"Dani, give her the phone number. Today's matter will be kept confidential. I will have a lawyer contact you in the next few days to help you terminate the contract... Are you willing to follow me?"

The moment he heard this, Xu Xin knew...

It’s done.

"Xu Xiansen! Thank you! Thank you for giving me this opportunity! Thank you!"

At the door, a girl carrying a guitar bowed and thanked her, her eyes filled with gratitude.

She knew very well how her life had changed.

I also understand very clearly who the person who brought all this is.

It was this mysterious man in front of me who gave him a second chance when he was standing still.

The girl didn't know how to express her inner gratitude.

The only thing he could do was bow deeply to express the simplest emotion.


Xu Xin smiled and shook his head:

"Today's matter just needs to be kept secret, and then the lawyer will contact you in the next two days to help you terminate the contract. Remember?"


"Okay, let's go back early. Do I need to see you off?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no."

"Well, okay... then go back and pay attention to safety."


The girl looked at him blankly, nodded, turned around and left with the guitar on her back.

The door is closed.

When Xu Xin turned around, he saw his girlfriend looking at him with a smile.

"……What's the matter?"

Yang Mi didn't speak at first, but looked him up and down before saying with a smile:

"It's okay. Great talent scout, do you want to dig me out?"

"What are you digging for?"

"Singing talent, I can also sing well."

"Okay... let's go and ask him to write a song for you."


In the middle of the night, everyone ate, drank, and woke up.

We simply went to the living room to watch the late-night TV series and chat.

There are three women in a show, and these three watch the variety show together and chat about gossip.

Xu Xin and Jay Chou were talking about movies there.

In two or three hours, everyone will leave for Taipei, where we will go to the Taipei Film and Culture City to see the filming scene in the interior studio.

And when I woke up in the morning, it was past 5 o'clock, almost 6 o'clock.

When everyone was about to leave, they suddenly found a person standing outside the door.

"...Sister Zeng!?"

Yang Mi was stunned. She looked at Zeng Jia, who was standing outside the house wrapped in a coat, with a surprised look on her face:

"Why are you here? How long have you been here? Why didn't you notify me? It's so cold!"

"...I just arrived not long ago."

Zeng Jia shook his head first:

"I woke up late yesterday and didn't follow you. I just came here early today."


After hearing her words, Yang Mi felt moved and guilty:

"Oh, can't you just call me next time? I didn't want you to wake up so early yesterday. I woke up early today..."


Zeng Jia seemed a little speechless, but she didn't say anything more and nodded directly:

"Um... are you leaving?"

"Yes, let's go to Taichung to see the interior locations, and then fly back directly."


Zeng Jia nodded, glanced at Xu Xin and Jay Chou again, and got into the business car together.

Dani was still driving, with Yang Mi and Zeng Jia sitting in the back.

As soon as he got in the car, Zeng Jia said:

"On Christmas Day, the company will hold a Christmas reception. Everyone will be back. Remember to attend."


Yang Mi quickly took out her phone and flipped through the calendar.

After discovering that Christmas day happened to be on a Monday, I nodded:


Since Christmas Day is a Monday, my boyfriend must go to work. The two of them should spend Christmas Eve on Sunday.

Just enough to stagger.

After writing the incident down on the notepad on my phone and setting a reminder, the car returned to calm.

After driving all the way from dawn to dawn, everyone finally arrived at the Film Culture City in Taichung City.

It is said to be a cultural city, but the actual scale is far from that of Hengdian in the Mainland.

But Wanwan, or Hong Kong and Taiwan movies, is like this, because of the geographical area, it is not big. But...the movies from two places set off the prosperity of the golden age of Asian movies.

When we arrived at the film and television city, because of the large number of tourists, Jay Chou specially disguised himself, and a group of people got out of the car to watch.

There are actually not many secret interior scenes that cannot be revealed. One is Ye Xianglun's home, the other is Lu Xiaoyu's home, and there is the old piano room and venues for piano playing, singing and dancing.

All in all, there are only six or seven small rooms, all concentrated in a medium-sized video studio that has been rented.

And the layout was designed by Jay Chou based on his own memory and understanding after Xu Xin provided the camera angles.

At first glance, it looks like a European classic.

The studio is still being set up, but some big things, such as pianos, are already ready.

Everyone stayed here all morning, communicating repeatedly with Xu Xin, the prop designer and others who came over. After finally finalizing many details, time was almost up.

At the same time, they also waited for Dani's two friends who had spent the whole day with Yang Mi yesterday.

They also came with suitcases, and this time they wanted to go to Yanjing together, so that the girls could immerse themselves in this "Wanwan accent" and quickly master this speaking technique and method.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after a brief farewell, Xu Xin agreed to meet next week, and the group set off on their way home.

Still first class.

Still sitting apart.

But this time it was even more exaggerated. With the addition of two newcomers, Xu Xin was completely eliminated.

The plane arrived in Shanghai at around 6pm.

Then, Yang Mi and others left directly, but Xu Xin walked into the aircraft transit room alone.

"Golden Armor" will be promoted in Hangzhou tomorrow, and he has to go back to work.

When Xu Xin arrived home at around 11 o'clock in the evening, Xu Xin called to report that he was safe, and then drove directly back home. After a comfortable sleep, Monday came and he started a new round of work.

Noon on December 13th.

Xu Xin rushed to Union Hospital and saw Jay Chou lying motionless on the hospital bed in the single room.


He paused, but immediately returned to normal.

Looking at Jay Chou who was lying on the hospital bed and smiling at him, he said angrily:

"Come on, let's go play ball?"


The original smile turned into embarrassment.

Ankylosing spondylitis.

Jay Chou's genetic disease.

There is no need to go into details about the disease. You only need to look at him lying on the special hospital bed and struggling to even move to know how terrible this disease is.

In the past few years, his disease has been well controlled.

But people...when the scar is healed, the pain is forgotten.

Obviously when he was in Hengdian, Xu Xin could occasionally see him swallowing pills before every game.

That is a special medicine to prevent the recurrence of spinal inflammation.

But yesterday he went to play ball with his friends, and he didn't know whether it was because he didn't take medicine or because he was moving too much. This morning he felt back pain, so he quickly took medicine. Unexpectedly, he was fine on the plane, but he was taken directly to the hospital after getting off the plane.

This disease is known as the "immortal cancer" and there is basically no possibility of cure.

Xu Xin had only heard Jay Chou say it before, but now that he saw his virtue of not being able to move anything from the neck down when he was sick, he still felt angry.

That's why I said this.

But looking at his embarrassed look, Xu Xin lost interest in continuing to confront him, and instead asked:

"What did the doctor say?"

"Don't worry~ Don't worry, you can be on stage in half a day at most. Then go back and sleep tonight, and you will be fine tomorrow. It's an old habit, it happens over and over again, you get used to it."

"...can you still go on stage today?"

Tonight at 8pm is the premiere of "A City of Golden Armor".

The kind broadcast live on Phoenix TV.

Many famous celebrities were invited, and the host even invited celebrities such as He Jiong, Guo Degang, Wu Zhongxian, Tao Jingying and others from Movie Channel, Phoenix TV, and Hunan TV.

Moreover, because of the popularity of Wu Zhongxian and Guo Degang, the media has been hyping up these two days to see who is the "famous mouthpiece" between Guo Degang and Wu Zhongxian.

Hustle than paper.

Except for Gong Li, who refused to share the stage with Zhang Weiping even to death, and Zhou Renfa, who was filming "Aunt's Postmodern Life" outside, all other actors and actresses appeared in leading and supporting roles. Even from his girlfriend, Xu Xin knew that the people invited this time were all big names, not to mention Jet Li, who had been hanging out in Hollywood, was invited to the stage to build momentum based on the popularity of "Hero".

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a premiere for half of the entertainment industry.

Therefore, in this case, Jay Chou will definitely take the stage.

But after all, Xu Xin sighed helplessly when he heard that he was going to take the stage:

"Oh...you still want to sing "Chrysanthemum Terrace"?"



Xu Xin, who didn't know what to say, glanced at his watch and nodded:

"Okay, then where are you going to stay tonight? Come to my place?"

"No, I have to come back after attending the premiere. I need to correct myself on this bed. I will go back tomorrow to deal with Jewell's matter."

"...Tsk. So busy~"

Hearing his emotion, Jay Chou smiled and asked:

"Where's Mimi? Will you two attend together tonight?"

"Isn't this nonsense? If we show up together, why don't we make a fuss? She went to try on dresses, and I have to go back to the Olympic Building in a while. Help me take care of her tonight. Did you hear that there are many people coming tonight? If she is confused in any way, remember to remind her."

"...Should I remind her? It's okay if she doesn't remind me."

During this period of publicity contact, I have thoroughly understood the other party's state of ease when facing reporters... Jay Chou rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"Can't you see how much the media likes her? I still choke on the questions asked by some reporters. The last time I was asked about Patty, she helped me out... Come on, you are showing off that you have A girlfriend who can talk?”


Xu Xin shrugged:

"But tonight there are not only the media, but also the so-called celebrities. You still have to pay attention."

"Okay, leave it to me."

"Well... OK, I'm leaving then."


Although he could not move his neck, Jay Chou still expressed his shock with a distorted expression on his face:

"Have you been here for three minutes?"

"No... I haven't eaten yet. After work, I knew you were in the hospital, so I came over quickly. Now I have to eat. After eating, it's almost time. I have to go back to work."

"...Please, can you be a little more insincere?"

"Aren't you paralyzed?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and waved his hand to Dani while Jay Chou gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you to your whole family."

"Call me anytime if you need anything, Dani, I'm leaving."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Coming like a gust of wind.

Walking like a gust of wind.

It's too artificial to come here and ask for help and so on... that's too artificial.

4:30 p.m.

Yang Mi, who had already put on makeup, took Zeng Jia and Sun Ting, who was carrying two dresses, to Studio 4 of Yanjing Film Studio.

That's tonight's premiere.

When she arrived, the backstage was already busy.

The theme tonight is to show the palace atmosphere, so we found some extras to play the roles of palace maids and eunuchs.

Yang Mi's arrival made many extras who had nowhere to go and could only squat or sit in the corridor to stand up nervously.

Seeing this, Yang Mi's footsteps stopped...

This scene...

She thought about it and nodded politely to the extras closest to her:

"Hello, thank you for your hard work."


Several extras were stunned.

Obviously he didn't expect "Jiang Chan" to greet them.

I felt a little cramped for a while.

But Yang Mi didn't give them a chance to think about it and continued to move forward with the two of them.

We walked all the way, saying hello, and finally came to the waiting room and walked in.

A group of male and female performers were left looking at each other.

But Zeng Jia was thoughtful after entering the house.

Seeing this, Yang Mi asked curiously:

"Sister Zeng, what's wrong?"

"Mimi, do you remember that I told you about a TV series called "Youth Goose Step"?"


After hearing Zeng Jia's words, Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"I remember you mentioned that you wanted to sign an artist before, the actor here, right? I haven't seen it, but I remember you mentioned it."


Zeng Jia responded:

"My name is Cao Lei, and I will play "Hu Yang" in this drama. In order to show my sincerity, I stayed with him on the set for a few days... Unfortunately, I didn't sign the contract in the end."

"Hmm...why are you mentioning this all of a sudden? Hasn't the movie not been released yet?"

"In the group performances just now, I saw an actor named Shen Teng who played Chang Heping in that drama."

Zeng Jia showed a sad expression as if things were changing:

"He graduated from the Liberation Art Institute. It is said that he was also a school leader when he graduated. He had a pretty good relationship with Cao Lei at the time, and his acting was pretty good. He even said a few good words for me at the time. But just now, these people I actually saw him there...sigh."

This long sigh expresses why the other party is like this, or the emotion of the impermanence of the world.

She shook her head slightly:

"I didn't expect that he could only act as an extra."


Yang Mi blinked, obviously she didn't expect that there was such a story in those group performances just now.


"Sister Zeng, don't underestimate today's group performance."

Sitting on the sofa, the girl corrected the agent's idea:

"Today's extras are not just for anyone who wants to be. I heard Xu Xin say that these people also worked hard to make connections to get in. This is director Zhang's movie, and it is also the world premiere. , there are so many stars, big names, directors, screenwriters, etc.... The people here tonight are not simple people. It is so rare for actors to show their faces in this kind of opportunity. I heard that they compete fiercely ”


Zeng Jia was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

But the truth is the truth... But seeing people who could still play roles in the early years, here as extras, sitting in the corridor... She was still filled with emotion.

But at this moment, the girl suddenly said:

"Tingting, go out with a piece of mineral water and give them a share."


Sun Ting nodded quickly:

"Okay, sister."

Carefully hanging the dress aside, she walked to the two boxes of mineral water piled in the corner of the waiting room, picked up one box and walked out.

Because she was the first cast member to come.

Everyone is paying attention to what's going on here.

As soon as the door opened, many extras stood up. And when they saw Sun Ting walking out with some difficulty carrying mineral water, they didn't understand what was going on.

Sun Ting took it out and walked a few steps, then came to some girl extras and said to the group:

"This is the water that Sister Mimi gave to everyone. Thank you for your hard work. Come and get it yourself."




The extras were stunned...

What he saw in his eyes was an unexpected surprise that was even more unexpected than the previous one.

Just when he was hesitating whether to take it or not, Zeng Jia walked out.

Eyes locked on a person:

"Shen Teng, come and drink water."

she said.


Several male extras subconsciously looked at an actor standing in the back row for some reason.

The actor named Shen Teng looked embarrassed, but he still came to the front step by step and said hello:

"Agent Zeng, long time no see."

When he spoke, he spoke with a Northeastern accent.

The two of them are about the same age, so there is no such thing as brother or sister.

At least not yet...


Zeng Jia nodded, personally opened the plastic wrap of the mineral water, took out a bottle of water and handed it to him:

"What a coincidence to meet you here."

"……Ah ha ha."

Shen Teng's face was still full of embarrassment.


Meeting him at this time proves that he is not doing well.

It's impossible not to be embarrassed.

But at this moment, suddenly, Sun Ting's eyes narrowed, and she quickly whispered to Zeng Jia:

"Sister Zeng, Director Zhang's first assistant is here."

Zeng Jia was stunned and looked at the entrance of the corridor with Shen Teng.

Sure enough, Assistant Shen was holding a document in his hand to read again. While reading, he lowered his head and walked this way.

Zeng Jia whispered without thinking:

"Notify Mimi."


Sun Ting hurriedly walked into the room, while Shen Teng silently stepped aside.

Zeng Jia didn't say anything, and Yang Mi had already left the room.

She originally planned to wait for Assistant Shen to walk in before she said hello with a smile, but unexpectedly Assistant Shen stopped walking when he walked in front of these extras and asked directly:

"Which of you has better lines? The actor."


All the male actors were stunned for a moment, and then a touch of uncontrollable joy appeared on their faces:

"Director, I, I have played dramatic roles..."

"Me, me, director..."


A group of people immediately raised their hands. And Shen Teng, who had just walked next to Zeng Jia, subconsciously wanted to open his mouth... but as soon as he opened his mouth, he closed it again.

First, he has lost his "position".

Secondly... at least he is an acquaintance here, and in front of an acquaintance, he fought so enthusiastically...

Self-esteem really doesn't allow it.

So I could only remain silent with regret in my eyes.

The actresses looked envious.

At this time, Yang Mi also came out and happened to hear Assistant Shen's words.

He turned his head and glanced at the group of actors vying for the first place, and then his eyes fell on Shen Teng who was standing next to Zeng Jia.

With a roll of eyes...

"Director Shen~"

Assistant Shen looked up and saw Yang Mi. He was stunned for a moment, then a friendly smile appeared on his face, and he walked over quickly:

"Mimi, why are you here so early?"

"Hey, I just got here too."

"Well, where is Xiao Xu?"

"I'm not here. I'm still at work."

As long as the two of them don't point it out, these people don't know who "Xiao Xu" is, so they have nothing to worry about.

Assistant Shen was a little surprised:

"Not coming over tonight?"

"No, it's very busy over there."


Assistant Shen nodded and then looked at Zeng Jia and Sun Ting.

Yang Mi also said appropriately:

"Zeng Jia, my agent, Sun Ting, my assistant."

"Hello, Director Shen."

Although he was only Zhang Yimou's assistant, Zeng Jia did not dare to neglect him.

Reach out quickly.

Assistant Shen was also very considerate, nodded with a smile, shook hands, and said:

"Okay, then you guys prepare first. I just have something to do with these extras here..."

"Director Shen, he is my senior brother, his name is Shen Teng. Like Director Zhang, he is from Jiefang College."

Before Assistant Shen finished speaking, Yang Mi suddenly pointed at Shen Teng.




Zeng Jia, Assistant Shen, and Shen Teng were all stunned for a moment.

After Shen Teng was stunned, he was replaced by a look of surprise and gratitude.

Assistant Shen immediately glanced at Shen Teng.

Then he turned to Yang Mi and asked:

"Is it... that Director Zhang?"


Yang Mi nodded.

The two exchanged information instantly.

He didn’t even identify which “Director Zhang” this “Director Zhang” was.

But Assistant Shen, who had already understood, nodded:

"That's it...come on, look here."

He handed the notebook to Shen Teng:

"You read this sentence and I listen."

"Hey, okay~"

Shen Teng, who had no time to complicate his mood at the moment, looked at the handed process book. After taking it with both hands, the handwriting that read "Opening" came into view.

After looking at it for about ten seconds, he suddenly coughed slightly:


Then, a high-pitched but thin chanting sound that sounded like an eunuch sounded:

"Heaven~earth~is in harmony!"

“Hengchang gets rich!!”

"Premiere! Screening! Start~~~Start~"

After reading, Assistant Shen nodded directly:

"Well, that's good... then you come with me and go put on makeup. Tonight's premiere opens. You and the others will be the first to go up. After reading this line, it ends. Do you understand?"


A flash of ecstasy flashed in Shen Teng's eyes, and then nodded:


"Well...Mimi, let's go first, and I'll take him to the makeup artist. Do you need anything here?"

"No, no, just guide Shen and go."

"Well, okay, let's talk later."

"Hey, okay~"

He said goodbye to Assistant Shen who took Shen Teng away with a smile.

Looking at Sister Zeng's eyes that contained surprise, deep thought, and an...inexplicable light, the girl didn't say anything and returned directly to the waiting room.

Zeng Jia and Sun Ting, after taking a look at the extras who showed various emotions, said nothing and walked back to the waiting room together.

The door is closed.

As if she had done something trivial, the girl never mentioned what had just happened. Instead, she picked up her phone, edited the incident into content, and sent it to her boyfriend.

She didn't know whether to use it or not.

But I was blaming my boyfriend for bringing the wrong luggage, and the subsequent incident of having dinner with Director Zhang and Director Shang.

She felt that...Director Zhang Wu should have a strong sense of nostalgia and caring for his subordinates.

And as juniors from the same college...

Although she doesn't know whether her boyfriend will say it...but if there is a chance, then her boyfriend will have an extra chance to increase his favor.

Anyway, it's all about taking things as they come.

One more thing to say.

Maybe it will actually come in handy in the future.


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