I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 147 145 Master Zhou’s Advice

Chapter 147 145. Advice from Mr. Zhou

Yang Mi never thought that she and her boyfriend would not be able to spend their first Christmas together...

Although everyone spent half of Christmas Eve together.

But when he heard that he had been invited to a party by Jay Chou on Christmas Day, he could only bitterly return to Yanjing in the evening, but he was still unhappy and upset.

Then it was conquered.

"Treatment" in the true sense of the word.

Dr. Xu gave her several injections.

The fight lasted from noon to night.

Then, the young couple went to the delicious Gaoshan restaurant next to the hotel for dinner again. They also gave each other apples and watched a fireworks display before completing the gift exchange on Christmas Eve.

What she gave to her boyfriend was a ring.

silver ring. Or one of the silver rings.

The shape is very simple, just like a ring. When the two of them were shopping in Taipei, they visited a craftsman's silver jewelry store, and the girl secretly ordered it.

There are also two letters engraved inside.

An X, a Y.

Y's, Xu Xindai.

And X, she wears it.

Just wear it on the middle finger openly.

Xu Xinke was so moved.

But in the end, she argued hard and let the sister wear the ring on her index finger.

There is no need to use certain actions to prove the so-called "love" like Leng Touqing.

Very stupid.

Xu Xin understood her, so he put the ring on her index finger himself. And promised that one day in the future, he would personally put the ring on her ring finger.

The girl was so moved...

And when she saw the gift her boyfriend had prepared for her, the emotion in her heart turned into speechlessness.

"Brother...tell me the truth, what is this?"

Looking at the box in front of her, she was speechless.

Xu Xin smiled mysteriously:

"your present."

"Why does this box look so familiar... It's not another leather jacket, is it? I'm warning you, I will never wear it again. The last time I wore it, I sweated and shrunk, and it almost strangled me!"

"...What are you talking nonsense in front of Tingting!"

Xu Xin blushed a little, but Sun Ting pretended not to hear.

His eyes even looked weird.

You two...

It’s quite fun to play.

I said that the last time I took out the trash, I saw a leather jacket with a zipper on the crotch...

The girl opened it and found that it was a crystal necklace.


The reason for using such a large box is also very simple.

Others buy Swarovski, either Black Swan or other single pendant necklaces.

Boyfriend, this is good...

Why does this necklace look like a door curtain?

"Is it so exaggerated..."

Speechlessly, she took the ring that replaced the "chain" and pointed it at her neck.

I don’t know if it’s a platinum or silver ring, paired with large and small crystals that look like falling tassels...

"It's like a collar...it's too hard to tie a dog's neck..."


After the confident gift was rejected by his girlfriend, Xu Xin was speechless.

"If you don't want it, just give it back to me!"

"Then take it away... The soil is dead~ I will get cervical spondylosis sooner or later while carrying it... What have you prepared for Jielun?"

"A magic cane used by Houdini, the one we saw in that second-hand store."


Yang Mi was confused:

"The one selling for more than 200,000 yuan?"

"Yes. I bought it."

"...What about me?"

"You have more than 400,000 yuan. It is limited edition. It is limited to 99 pieces worldwide."

"...Isn't his one limited?"


Looking at his girlfriend who was staring straight at him, Xu Xin thought about it...


That seems to be the truth.

The cane used by the great magician Houdini...

There should not be 99 in total, right?

Thinking of this, his face suddenly became stiff.

Yang Mi was also confused...

"Okay, Xu! Tell me! Did you give him all the chrysanthemums?"


The moment she heard this, Sun Ting burst into laughter.

"Hmph! I've long seen that there's something wrong with you two! You keep flirting with each other every day!!"


Xu Xin's face instantly turned green:

"What do you mean by flirting!?"

"Isn't it? I can buy this gift with money, and his gift is the treasure of the second-hand store we go to. Comparing it like this, he must have put a lot of thought into it! ... Okay, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person! Xu, I misjudged you! Huh! Tingting, let’s go!”


In Xu Xin's dumbfounded eyes, Sun Ting, who was holding back her smile, nodded and cooperated with Sister Mimi dragging her suitcase and waved to Xu Xin:

"Brother Xu, let's go."


Xu Xin waved his hand helplessly.

Yang Mi went back this time to attend the company's Christmas banquet.

If you go, stay for one day and fly back the day after tomorrow.

Not long after she left, Jay Chou called:

"Axin! Hey, come here quickly, the PARTY has begun."

"Okay, right now, I'll put on some iron trousers and go there."


After hearing this, Jay Chou had a question mark on his forehead.

Wear...what pants?

December 25th.


Although according to the perspective of the older generation, there is no difference between this kind of Western festival and traditional Chinese festivals.

But today's young people like to celebrate this kind of foreign festival.

It was also the first time that Yang Mi was invited to attend Rong Xinda’s Christmas reception.

She takes it very seriously.

According to Sister Zeng's request, I rented another evening dress. After putting on my makeup at around 4 p.m., I was arranged to rest upstairs in the Sheraton Hotel.

There will be a red carpet show in a while. Artists from Rong Xinda will walk a section of the red carpet, let reporters take photos, and then enter the reception after being asked a few questions.

It is a good way to promote the company.

At around 6 o'clock in the evening, Zeng Jia walked into the house:

"Mimi, we are ready to go."

"Oh well."

In order not to show her full belly, Yang Mi, who had not eaten for three or four hours, responded, stepped on high heels with Sun Ting's help, and followed Zeng Jia out.

As soon as she came out, she saw a lot of people outside. Yang Mi didn't know these people very well. They were all employees of the company.

The artists have already left early.

And there was only one reason why Zeng Jiacai called her in the end...that was Chen Kun and Zhou Xun who were the first to see Yang Mi after going out.

As the absolute pillars of Rong Xinda, the two of them deserve to be the center of attention wherever they go.

Today I have to add Yang Mi myself.

Rong Xinda's artist structure is actually quite reasonable.

There are three generations of old, middle and young people.

During the most glorious period from 1995 to 2005, the popularity of dramas such as "Daming Palace Ci", "Oranges Are Red", and "April in the World" also proved its strength.

While she is looking at others, others are actually looking at her.

After all, this "girl hunting" has caused quite a heated discussion in the company recently.

Whether it is those who are accustomed to resources being assigned by the company, or these current staff, they can't figure out how the company operates so that Director Zhang can use her...

And I heard that this newbie is quite rebellious and belongs to the type who studies acting steadily...

She didn't like some of the things the company imposed on her, which led to a meeting some time ago. The company criticized Zeng's manager every day, and there was even news that "if she continues to be so unruly, she will have no choice but to hide."

So... although people haven't seen her much, there are really many stories about this girl.

As for Yang Mi, although she felt that these people's eyes were scrutinizing.

But I don’t have stage fright either.

Everyone is now at the elevator entrance, waiting for the arrival of the elevator.

And standing at the front were Zhou Xun and Chen Kun, who were the finale of the day.

Yang Mi originally wanted to wait at the end of the queue, but unexpectedly when she reached the end of the crowd, Zeng Jia kept walking straight forward.

The girl was stunned...and Zeng Jia, who had just taken a few steps, turned back and said:

"Mimi, the elevator is here and leaving."

This sound also attracted the attention of Chen Kun and Zhou Xun.

Both of them saw Yang Mi.

Chen Kun didn't think anything was wrong, but Zhou Xun looked at Yang Mi up and down, then turned his head with a playful look.

Zeng Jia urged again at this time:

"Mimi, let's go."

"Okay, Sister Zeng."

The girl responded.

After the elevator arrived, she, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Zeng Jia, and Chen Kun's manager Li Ying walked into the elevator together.

An elevator, the "status" in the company is displayed.

Chen Kun and Zhou Xun are well-deserved pillars.

There is no way, who made the two of them famous?

But Yang Mi was admitted purely because of Zeng Jia.

As the second manager of Chen Kun and Zhou Xun, and the first manager of Yang Mi, she brought them here.

As for why Zeng Jia let herself leave at this time...

Yang Mi didn't know what others thought, but she felt that the most likely reason was because of "Golden Armor".

But she was not crazy enough to think that she had a higher status than these two people, so in the elevator, she quickly greeted Chen Kun and Zhou Xun politely:

"Teacher Chen, Teacher Zhou, hello, I'm Yang Mi, please give me your advice."

Still polite.

Chen Kun didn't say anything, and responded politely:

"Ah hello."

On the contrary, it was Zhou Xun.

First, he looked at Yang Mi again without saying a word, and then suddenly asked:

"You have a good relationship with Liu Ye?"


Yang Mi was stunned.

But then Chen Kun suddenly spoke:

"Little news."


Zhou Xun glanced at Chen Kun, and finally turned his head and remained silent.


Yang Mi was a little confused and instinctively turned her attention to Zeng Jia.

But Zeng Jia remained silent.

After the elevator reached the first floor, Chen Kun and Zhou Xun were the first to come out. Zeng Jiacai said:

"Let's go."


Although she didn't know what was going on, Yang Mi followed Zeng Jia to the first floor.

We came to the parking lot on the first floor because the red carpet drop-off ceremony was also at the Sheraton.

Artists have to come up from the underground garage in a very artificial way, circle around, and stop in front of the red carpet.

According to Xu Xin, wearing a dress and walking on the red carpet in the winter is purely insane. Fortunately, the parking location is above the VIP desk, and the red carpet for getting off the car is in the Sheraton's first-floor lobby.

When Yang Mi followed Zeng Jia to the parking lot, there were only two Mercedes-Benz cars waiting in the aisle of the parking lot, and everyone else had already left.

There are also staff with walkie-talkies nearby from time to time.

As the "pillars", Chen Kun and Zhou Xun were naturally the last to appear, so Yang Mi naturally got into the penultimate car with Zeng Jia.

The car started to start.

Zeng Jia then said:

"You will sit with Zhou Xun in a while. If she does what she did just now, you can't hear her. With Chen Kun there, she won't do anything to you."

"Uh...Sister Zeng, did I offend her?"

Yang Mi asked her confusion.

Zeng Jia nodded:

"Well, it's not you she hates, but Liu Ye."


Looking at Yang Mi's surprised look, Zeng Jia explained:

"Zhou Xun and Pushu were in love, you know that?"


"Pushu and Liu Ye are very good friends."


"After breaking up with Pushu, she made a movie called "Balzac and the Little Seamstress" with Liu Ye and Chen Kun. Have you seen it?"

"I've seen it. The two acted as a couple in the play..."


Zeng Jia nodded:

"But the irony is that at the wrapping party after the filming of the drama, the two had a bit of a quarrel. From then on, they became enemies."

In front of the driver, Zeng Jia didn't want to say too much.

But the actual situation is that at the wrapping party, Liu Ye yelled at Zhou Xun, scolding her for having no acting skills, scolding her for relying on her relationship with the director to get to the top... No matter how ugly or unpleasant it is, no one else can stop her. And Zhou Xun didn't tolerate Liu Ye, so he picked up the Coke can in his hand and smashed it directly on Liu Ye's chin.

The two sides immediately started moving their hands, and they were finally pulled away...

Liu Ye actually stood up for his friends and felt that Zhou Xun had tricked Pushu.

Then the relationship between the two of them has been strong till now.

After hearing Zeng Jia's explanation, although Yang Mi didn't know "what kind of hatred" it was, after thinking about it, she still sent a message to Liu Ye:

"Brother Ye, do you have a grudge against Sister Zhou Xun?"

She is a person who cares deeply about the kindness of others.

Liu Ye sat between Zhang Weiping and herself. No matter how small the kindness was, she would never forget it.

So, ask, and then…

I don’t care if you are Zhou Xun or whoever you are.

Fuck you.

But who knows... Liu Ye's response to messages is also very fast.

It's probably because he's not working or taking a break right now.

I replied directly:

"It doesn't matter, it's all in the past. What's wrong, girl?"

"It's okay, just ask."

"Are you two together?"

After seeing this message, Yang Mi thought for a while and returned:

"Today is the company reception, and we will sit together later."

"Oh, actually we don't have much of a problem, it's all over. Don't let me affect your relationship, she is a real person."


Yang Mi couldn't help but send two question marks.

But at this moment, the car also arrived in front of the VIP desk.

"Mimi, get ready to get off."

Hearing Zeng Jia's prompt, Yang Mi quickly handed the phone to her. Then, in the flash of lights after the staff helped open the car door, a layer of goosebumps appeared against the freezing cold December weather in Yanjing. The bumpy girl walked down with a warm smile on her face.

The reporters were all invited, so the questions they asked were quite simple.

First, I congratulated Yang Mi for breaking the box office record of "The Golden Jacket", and then talked about her prospects for the future.

After asking two or three questions in total, Yang Mi got off the red carpet, put on the clothes Sun Ting brought and walked into the already crowded venue.

Arriving at the table closest to the stage camera, she first greeted people from several other companies, and then sat at the only table that was not occupied yet.

Zeng Jia told her to sit here tonight.

This table is occupied by Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, and Li Shaoxuan.

After sitting down, she saw Liu Ye's message on her phone:

"I said it's okay. Don't let me affect you. She is quite real now that I think about it."

Yang Mi was thoughtful.

Not long after, Zhou Xun and Chen Kun both walked in.

The arrival of the two people represents the end of the artist part of the show. In the end, only the directors of the company and Li Shaoxuan and the others were left.

The two of them walked to the table. The table was empty and no one was there, but because this table was where the "big leaders" sat, the three of them had to keep it tight. And just when Chen Kun wanted to sit next to Yang Mi... Zhou Xun waved his hand and said:

"Sit over there."

"...little news."

Chen Kun seemed a little resistant.

But who would have thought that Zhou Xun shook his head:

"hurry up."

As a last resort, Chen Kun could only sit on the right side, and Zhou Xun took the last middle seat.

Yang Mi thought for a while, picked up the teapot herself, and stood up to pour a cup of tea for the two of them.

But just as he was about to get up, Zhou Xun said:

"Sit down, I want to talk to you about something."


Yang Mi's eyes moved, but she stood up and took a tea cup to pour a glass of water for each of them.


Chen Kun said.

Zhou Xun, on the other hand, remained silent. After Yang Mi finished pouring the water and sat down, he said:

"You have a good relationship with Liu Ye?"

It’s the same question as before.

Yang Mi's eyes finally turned cold.

I’m giving you some face, right?

Face was given, politeness was exceeded, and tea was poured.

You really have no temper for bullying others, right?

Follow up and ask?

Who the hell are you?

Maybe it was because relatives were coming to visit towards the end of the month or the beginning of the month, or maybe because of Liu Ye's relationship, she really couldn't bear it anymore, so she nodded simply:

"Very good, what? What do you want to do?"

The tone was aggressive.


Chen Kun on the side frowned.

Obviously, he didn't really like the tone of the young girl speaking to his best friend.

Zhou Xun also seemed quite surprised. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the girl who looked like "I'll slap you if you dare to fuck you"...


You have a bad temper?

she thought.


Just happy.


Then, she took out her mobile phone:

"Give me his phone number."


Yang Mi was stunned.


"I said, give me his phone number."

After Zhou Xun finished speaking, he said with a half-smile:

"What do you think? What do you think I'm doing by asking you this twice?"


The girl's brows furrowed again:

"Why do you want his phone number?"

"Of course I have something to ask him about. Will you give it to me?"


Yang Mi shook her head without even thinking about it.

"I don't have his phone number."


Zhou Xun was not annoyed. Instead, he looked at her up and down and asked in surprise:

"You two... are boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"No, not familiar."

Yang Mi continued to deny.

She is not afraid of Zhou Xun.

It's not her fault, but this person with his body type really can't stand her punching with half a step.

Not afraid at all.


I won’t tell you, what happened?

But after Zhou Xun heard this, he laughed out loud:

"Ha~ ok, ok."

Then he turned his head, looked at Chen Kun and said:

"Quite generous."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Yang Mi again, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes:

"I didn't have anything else to do with him. I attended a music festival a few days ago and saw Pushu, so we started chatting about it. Pushu and I chatted a lot, so we talked about him. What if you It’s time to see him, tell him that I’m looking for him, and come out and have a drink together when you have time.”


Yang Mi was stunned.

But he saw Zhou Xun quickly change his face.

Poker face.

It's like he's a different person.


Instinctively, she felt that this face was not directed at her.

At the same time, there was applause from behind.

Instinctively, I turned my head...

Li Shaoxuan and Li Xiaowan, two leaders of the company, walked in together.

Applause is dedicated to them.

Yang Mi subconsciously stood up, like everyone else.

The same is true for Chen Kun.

But... Yang Mi saw him standing up, and then she pulled Zhou Xun up.


The confusion stemming from Zhou Xun made her a little confused for a moment.

But no matter what, the banquet started.

"Hey, brother, did you have fun?"

In the safe passage of the venue, Yang Mi smiled and made the call after receiving the MMS message from Xu Xin showing the photos of everyone gathering together.

"Haha, I'm quite happy."

Amidst the loud music, Xu Xin responded:

"Is it over with you?"

"It's coming soon, there will be some year-end lottery or something like that later."

"Then why did you call me?"

"I came out to get some air... I was sitting very close to the stereo, but it was noisy."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of the safety door opening was heard.

Yang Mi instinctively turned around, only to find her eyes met with Zhou Xun, who was holding a cigarette case in his hand.

Zhou Xun probably didn't expect Yang Mi to be here, so he was a little surprised.

"...I'll hang up first."

Yang Mi said something, and after hanging up the phone with Xu Xin, she nodded politely and walked back.

But who would have thought that just as he was about to open the door, a cigarette was handed over to him:

"Do you want to smoke?"

"...don't smoke."

After hearing this, Zhou Xun held a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, then suddenly asked inexplicably:

"How many years are left on your contract?"


Yang Mi paused.

After looking at the weekly news, he said:

"I'm on a seven-year contract."

Rong Xinda's contract is divided into five, eight and thirteen levels.

She was signed in 2002 and expired in mid-2009.

Then she had no intention of leaving, looked at Zhou Xun who was smoking and asked:

"And you?"

"I still have 6 days."


Yang Mi frowned.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"No more?"

"No more."

Zhou Xun nodded, and after blowing out a stream of smoke, he suddenly looked at her:

“Have you ever seen a white Audi A6 in the company before?”


"Have you ever sat on it?"

"Sit on."

"That car is mine."


Looking at the girl's surprised expression, Zhou Xun said calmly:

"In 2000, I won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actress in "Ci of the Ming Dynasty". The sponsor of the Golden Eagle Award at that time was Audi, which rewarded me with a car. That's the one. After receiving the award and stepping off the stage, I took the trophy, flowers, certificates, etc. They were all given to my assistant, but I kept holding the car key in my hand. But in the end, the car was taken away by the company and became a public vehicle."



Zhou Xun blew out a puff of smoke and suddenly said:

"I have a suggestion for you, do you want to listen to it?"

"……you say."

"Don't renew."


Yang Mi was startled.

Looking at Zhou Xun's half-smiling face, he thought about it and suddenly asked:

“What should I do if I don’t have resources?”

Unexpectedly, after hearing her question, Zhou Xun just shrugged:

"Who knows. Just consider it an apology for making you unhappy. In short, I give you a suggestion. Whether you accept it or not is your own business."


Yang Mi narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at the smoking woman for a few seconds, and nodded:


"Well, it's okay."

Zhou Xun waved his hand.

The girl opened the security door and walked in.

(Actually, Mr. Zhou and Rong Xinda signed with Huayi after their contract expired in 2005. This was postponed for one year due to plot requirements.)

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