I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 157 155 Ancestor Worship (Small)

Chapter 157 155. Ancestor Worship (Small)

"Brother Li, how are you at home?"

Sitting in the co-pilot of the newly purchased Lincoln Navigator, Xu Xin yawned tiredly.

That crazy girl won't die this afternoon.

It almost broke Xu Sanjin's hip bone.

You are so crazy!



Li Hao nodded:

"Several new mines are under construction. This year, the No. 1 mine in the village will receive a dividend of more than 3 million yuan. It's all very good~"


Xu Xin no longer looks down on the dividends, but some people in the village are the kind of conscientious people who don't want to bother, and they all rely on dividends.

So after following Li Hao's words, he asked again:

"How is my dad? How is his health? Can Aunt Xue take care of people?"

"It's not Aunt Xue anymore."

In front of Xu Xin, Li Hao said anything.

Xu Xin's mouth twitched when he heard that...

"Have you changed it?"

"Well, she was going to study in Europe, so they separated."

"…Who is it now?"

"When I came back from visiting you last time, I met a flight attendant on the plane. Her surname was Zhao."


Old man, you are just playing...

It’s too expensive.

With some emotion, Xu Xin shook his head helplessly:

"What's this guy like?"

"Not bad, but he is young, willful and can spend money. I just went to Xiangjiang a few days ago and spent one or two hundred on shopping and entertainment. But he has a sweet mouth and can make people happy."

"...Tsk. Isn't there that kind of...serious person who can be of the same mind as the old man and be down-to-earth?"

"This... I really don't have it yet. But I guess this one will be replaced soon."


"I went to Xiangjiang a few days ago, and this girl made an appointment with some of her best friends..."


Li Hao didn't finish speaking, but Xu Xin already "understood" it.

He would not... nor dare to think about the relationship between the old man and these "few" best friends.

That's his dad.

If you really think about it...it's really unimaginable.

Just moments of embarrassment...

So I could only end the topic speechlessly, open the car window and light a cigarette.

An hour later, at around ten o'clock, Xu Xin returned home.

As usual, Xu Daqiang was the first to rush out with a mouthful of longing for "Nidi Baby", followed by Xu Miao, Zhang Qianqian... and the youthful and beautiful "Aunt Zhao".

be honest.

Compared with my little girlfriend, she is in the sky and on the earth.

However, he still said hello kindly without hindering him:

"Aunt Zhao."

Then, although the whole family had already eaten, as the saying goes, dumplings are put on the bus and noodles are put down, Xu Daqiang still soothed his son's homesick soul with a bowl of authentic mutton noodles.

Just like the quiet and thick hot land of Shenmu County.

Welcome him as a wanderer...

Go home.

"How are things going?"

After hearing what his father said, Xu Xin naturally knew... what he cared about was not the movie, but the Olympics. It's just that there are still outsiders in this family, so it's hard to say clearly.

So he nodded:

"It's very good. The plan has been submitted and the results should be available after the year."

After hearing this, Xu Daqiang relaxed:

"Okay, okay, great, great, great... How long will it take to stay until the end of the year? Can the New Year be completed?"

"If I can't finish it, I have to leave on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, and I'm still busy filming movies."


Hearing this, Xu Daqiang was a little disappointed...

Although you can go see your son if you want, after all, according to everyone's habits, separation is not considered separate only when you are at home. And when we meet anywhere other than at home, it's just a visit or a get-together at best.


The baby has a future.

Don't stop.

What's more, there is good news...

"This year our family will be the first to sit at the table! The red invitations have been issued, and the banquet is all organized by our family! What do you want to eat?"


Xu Xin's eyes lit up.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Wouldn't it be too much to complete the entire disc..."

"It's too much. If I don't eat the whole dish, how can I eat the whole dish?"

"Then the whole disc!"

"...Well, the whole disc!"

The so-called full plate actually refers to the collective name for killing three animals to offer sacrifices to heaven, binding three birds to offer sacrifices to earth, and twelve bowls of complete blessings.

Pigs, cattle and sheep are the three animals, chickens, ducks and geese are the three animals, and the twelve bowls are twelve kinds of solid fruits such as oranges, persimmons, apples and grapefruits. Do not use hollow ones, as it is disrespectful and will violate the taboos of future generations. Then there are twelve vegetarian dishes and twelve meat dishes.

In addition to offering the heads of three animals as sacrifices to their ancestors, the tribesmen will start worshiping their ancestors in the morning on New Year's Eve, have dinner at noon, and then pack the leftovers from the ancestor worship in the evening and add their own meals at home for the New Year's Eve dinner, and in the evening That meal of dumplings.

This is the process.

The whole day of New Year's Eve can almost be said to have been spent in busyness.

Whichever family has made the greatest contribution to the village this year will invite guests and sit at the table closest to the ancestors.

Of course, this has only been changed in the past few years.

In the past, when Xujiawan was poor, everyone would pool their money, and whoever raised the most would sit at the first table.

At that time, Xujiawan was very poor and had no choice, so the whole village gathered their strength to worship their ancestors. And what about families who can’t afford meat? They share the meat from ancestor worship and take it home for the New Year.

But now that we have money, ancestor worship has changed from "working together to make everyone have a good year with meat" to "whose family is the most prosperous this year, inviting everyone to eat meat and have a good year."

There's nothing particularly special about it, but in fact all of this is just to bring people in a village closer together.

If the people in a village are harmonious and beautiful, the ancestors will be happy to see them.

That’s why it’s so unpretentious.

And when they first became rich, everyone was still competing with each other to see who made the most money. But one after another, the competition is about who has contributed more to the village, built more roads, or helped more, or what he does...

This year there is no comparison.

No matter how many roads are built, how many primary schools are built, or how much money everyone makes... Xu Xin alone can't do much.

Because Xu Xin is busy for the country!

The reason why I can sit at the top table is that simple.

But there is also a saying about how many dishes are on the table, that is, it depends on the credit. If it's just a small matter of how much money you make or what you do for a living, then eight dishes are enough. And going higher, such as how much contribution he has made to the village, what he has led everyone to do, or what he has done in Shenmu County to make Xu Jiawan appear, that is Shipan.

As for Xu Xin... there is nothing wrong with all twelve discs.

Even if the matter of his Olympic torch is still kept secret, it is the same.

Because he has indeed contributed to the country.

Twelve plates, full!

After receiving confirmation from his father, he nodded:

"Where's the list?"

"It's also our family's plan. Except for Mr. Zhang, you can take a look at the others..."

"That's not a problem. Come on, Dad, the Second Master, the Fifth Master... these are the people. If we don't move, we can't let the people in the village think that we are stingy. These are the old heroes of the country. If you want to say it, just don't change it. Hey."

The Mr. Zhang the father and son were talking about was named Zhang Mingda, and he was Xu Jiawan’s son-in-law...

And the reason why he should be specifically excluded...or the reason why he was defaulted to sit at the first table when the list was drafted is actually very simple.

Zhang Mingda, Teacher Zhang.

He was the only teacher in Xujiawan who came to teach at that time.

Before he came, the average literacy level of the villagers was illiteracy.

It was only after he came that the children in the village could go to school.

At that time, the primary school in the village was just two loess houses. The men in the village built it brick by brick themselves. One was used as a classroom, and the other was used as a dormitory for Teacher Zhang and another teacher at that time.

Xujiawan was so poor back then that they couldn't afford anything.

This is the only way to express your feelings.

Teacher Zhang stayed here for twenty years. From youth to today's Huafa Yisheng. Another teacher only stayed for half a year and then left.

Only Teacher Zhang himself was left.

Xu Miao and the others were the earliest students of Teacher Zhang.

Then there are Xu Xin and the others... Or in other words, before the people in Xujiawan became rich, all their children completed their enlightenment education in that earthen house.

In order to prevent Teacher Zhang from feeling that Xujiawan was too miserable, the village chief at the time, Xu Xin’s second grandfather, a veteran, knew that Teacher Zhang’s parents had died early, and he specially treated his granddaughter... almost as a She married Teacher Zhang just like she was forced to buy or sell. This is to prevent Teacher Zhang from running away...

Teacher Zhang didn't run away either. He stayed here for twenty years. He was a dedicated educator who read and practiced calligraphy for the children in the northern Shaanxi branch...

Later, coal was discovered in Xujiawan, and after becoming rich overnight, Teacher Zhang made a request to the village for the first time.

A school is to be built.

But it is not placed in Xujiawan, but in the middle of the villages including Xujiawan, Sunjianao, Gecun, and Honggekan Village.

Xujiawan is rich and rich, but some children in other villages have not yet read.

As a result, Xujiawan Primary School was built next to the ancestral hall in Gecun.

Brand new second section building.

Teacher Zhang became Principal Zhang, but it allowed the children in these isolated villages in the northwest of Shenmu County to no longer have to worry about houses collapsing when it winds, rains, or snows, or what dangers may occur when children walk on mountainous roads.

And let’s just talk about Xujiawan, in order to express the gratitude of the villagers.

Even if Teacher Zhang has become Xu Jiawan’s son-in-law, according to the rules, the son-in-law must sit in the back even if he worships his ancestors...

But the Second Grand Master decided against all opinions and decided to die. From now on, Teacher Zhang will sit at the first table of ancestor worship in Xujiawan every year.

It should be said that the most respected person in the village, Teacher Zhang is ranked second, and no one dares to be ranked first.

Even though Xu Jiawan is extremely rich now, Teacher Zhang has already achieved financial freedom. Xujiawan Primary School has also integrated resources into primary schools directly under the county due to the county's planning, but the status of retired teacher Zhang is still unshakable in these villages.

The villagers still use this most unpretentious behavior to express their deepest admiration and gratitude to this gentleman.

The family had finished discussing the seating matter, and logically speaking, it was quite late.

It's time to go to bed early.

But who could have imagined that there were suddenly several horns and knocks on the door outside.

Xu Daqiang glanced outside and shook his head helplessly:

"Go ahead."


Xu Xin turned to look at the group of people at the gate, smiled and nodded:


He didn't even change his clothes. He grabbed his phone and walked out directly. He looked at the Hummer, the Camaro from Transformers, and the fleet of Land Rover. When he walked out of the house, there were people pressing the button in the middle of the night. The horn sounded.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Urgent, urgent, urgent... I urge you so much! I just came back. Can't we get together tomorrow?"

"Oh! I can't wait any longer! Let's go and play!"

Listening to Fa Xiao's urging, Xu Xin opened the door and got into the leader's Hummer.

Looks like tonight is another night where I won’t get drunk until I get home.

Xu Xin’s children are all children who grew up together.

From running around the mountains with bare buttocks, to now driving around the streets without any sense of ethics...

This is actually not uncommon in Shenmu.

The sacred tree contains coal.

Too rich.

For these people, Qilin Avenue at night is the best drag racing track.

It's a pity that today Xu Xin won't let them blow up the street no matter what.

Just go to the nightclub and be done with it.

However, in the car, he still took the initiative to report the itinerary to his girlfriend:

"Fa Xiao knew I was back and planned to sing."

"I know, go ahead. Don't drive after drinking, promise me!"

Yang Mi didn't even ask whether she wanted to go to a KTV or a nightclub, she just made her only request.

"Yeah, I know. I'll have someone arrange a driver later, don't worry."

"Okay, have fun."


After sending the message and closing the phone, Xu Xin suddenly patted the car window several times:

"Let's go! Let's play tonight! Let's play until dawn!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Including the two people in the back seat and the driver, several young people laughed out loud.

The "ingredients" of Xu Xin's hair growth are really complicated.

There are cousins ​​who grew up together, and classmates from several nearby villages after attending elementary school. Some are boys and some are girls.

They are all children who grew up together. Under the premise that "we must unite after going out", these men and women joined together closely after entering junior high school in order not to be looked down upon by their classmates in the county.

The good play of a few children also allowed adults from different villages to let go of many barriers.

The relationship got better.

Although when we grew up, we all moved to Yanjing, I went to Shanghai, and he went to Guangdong, so we were scattered all over the place. But during those few days when everyone gets together at the end of each year, they still enjoy playing together as they did when they were children.

But I don’t know when, the place to play changed from running around in the streets of the village to an Internet cafe and game room. Then it changed from an Internet cafe and game arcade to a nightclub...

At the same time, there are also many male publicists or female publicists around...

But the bond they have been together since childhood always closely connects the two of them.

Regardless of each other.

It's just that... Xu Xin, a group of young people, was dissatisfied with the tight-lipped nature of what he was doing now and why he suddenly sat at the first table this year.

Filled him with yellow soup.

But Xu Xin didn't say anything about it.

I just made an appointment to go to his house tomorrow to pick up a gift.

During the few days of filming, he prepared a lot of Jay Chou's stuff.

From albums to Jay Chou's scarves, hats, and rings... they were all searched like bandits entering a village.

The purpose is to give this group of young people.

Who makes everyone like Jay Chou?

But there was only so much he could do... At least on the day of ancestor worship, before several great-grandfathers "read" his achievements, he couldn't reveal the secret surprise that he was working for the Olympics.

Time passed by slowly.

Just when Xu Sanjin was worried that his body fat rate had seriously increased due to his eating and drinking for a few days, so much that the outline of his abdominal muscles began to look dim...

The last New Year's Eve of 2006...came quietly.

On the early morning of New Year's Eve, the two chef teams hired at high prices were already busy.

The men, women, and children in Xujiawan rushed to their ancestors' graves with red flowers on their chests and various grave-sweeping tools in their hands.

As I said before, the Xujiawan clan is not a famous family.

The ancestor is not a historical figure.

The most famous ancestors in the past dynasties were nothing more than scholars in the Qing Dynasty, and finally became officials in the yamen, nothing more.

But even so, ancestors are ancestors.

The people in the village took hoes, sickles and the like and diligently swept their ancestors' graves and cut weeds, and then went to their direct ancestors.

Xu Xin and Xu Miao followed their father and started cleaning graves one by one.

Finally, we finally found a tombstone.

Xu Daqiang stopped.

After Xu Xin and Xu Miao respectfully kowtowed in front of the tombstone, they began to clean the withered weeds from the tomb with extremely gentle movements.

Not for anything else, just because the brothers’ mother sleeps here.

And Xu Daqiang just stood aside, his eyes focused and sad, and whispered in a voice that no one else could hear:

"Damn it, Sanjin is back... He's promising..."

For Xu Xin, every time he comes to his mother's grave, it is a reluctant farewell.

Because he always seems to have endless things to say.

I believe my mother can hear it.

I'm afraid my mother won't hear it.

And every time, Xu Daqiang would leave enough time for the brothers.

After all the paper was burned and the grave sweeping was over, he came over and asked the brothers to leave together.

After sweeping the tomb, it was time for the ancestor worship ceremony.

The prison sacrifices dedicated to the ancestors have been laid out. As the oldest elder in Xujiawan, Xu Xin's second grandfather led the whole village to start worshiping the ancestors.

First, firecrackers are fired at the entrance of the village to welcome the ancestors back, then they burn incense, recite blessings, and serve rice soup, wine, pork belly, etc. After all these procedures were completed, before the whole village stood respectfully in the square of the ancestral hall, the Second Master unfolded the red paper.

Start reciting the words.

From this moment on, Xu Xin could hardly hear what the second master was saying...

I just felt the blood start to rush to my brain.

The tinnitus sounded again.


He heard this passage:

"Xu's male, Li Xin, was twenty-two years old and was studying in the capital. He was called by the country to join... the opening and closing ceremony working group of the 29th Yanjing Olympic Games. He inherited the country's expectations and the people's promise, won honor for the ancestors, and served for the people." The family strives for glory, and the great court is open, and it is a good example for future generations. It is merit and virtue. It is inheritance, abide by the family rules, and carry forward the ancestral merits. The ancestral merits are great, the ancestral virtues are brilliant, and they will last forever. May the family be prosperous! The great ceremony is completed, Fu Only Shangxia!"

"The gift is complete, Fu Wei is ready to enjoy!"

Instinctively, Xu Daqiang, Xu Miao, and Xu Xin followed the second master and shouted out under the surprised eyes of the whole Xujiawan village.

The uninformed people in Xujiawan were a little confused.

Looking at Xu Xin with a red face in surprise...

Sanjin... what did you just join?

Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremony Working Group?

? ? ? ? ?

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xu Xin, watching the scene where after the old man shouted the word "ancestor worship", the family of three sitting at the first table came forward to touch gold paper and kowtow...

A confused look on his face.

There is even a faint feeling of unreality.

Do you know the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games?

Need to ask? I definitely know.

Didn't he appoint Lao Mouzi to do it?

The torches were only brought out in the summer, and they are quite beautiful...

Why is this suddenly related to Sanjin?

Sanjin... didn't he go to school in Yanjing?

A college student... I would understand if he wanted to be a volunteer or something. But...the Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremony Working Group...shouldn't be a volunteer organization, right?

Could it be that Sanjin was really summoned by Lao Mouzi?

Then comes the problem.

Call him over to do some sampa.

Sanjin... can he tell the truth?

As a child who had grown up under their noses since childhood, none of them knew what Xu Xin was like?

It's really like seeing the long hair from the bare buttocks, watching the child grow step by step.

The baby is a good baby, that’s true.

But...why is it suddenly related to the Olympics?

Seeing Xu Daqiang's smile that almost reached his ears after the prostrations, a group of people still couldn't understand.


Didn't see it?

Although I know that Sanjin has become an artist.


Can he and Lao Mouzi have sex? How can a student...be able to do it?

If you only have a job and serve tea and water...

Wouldn't this be too grand?

Countless people have put this doubt in their hearts... because what, thinking about this job... Although it can prove Xu Xin's ability, it seems that it is always too grand to say it in front of ancestor worship, right?

Somewhat goes against common sense.

But today is a good day.

No matter what, it was the children in my own village who won the glory.

Although he had a surprised attitude, since the clan elders had no objections, it meant that Sanjin must also be an outstanding child.

On days like this, no one would make others feel uncomfortable in front of their ancestors.

So, after Xu Daqiang and his two sons finished worshiping, everyone began to worship their ancestors one after another.

Then...the lively ancestor worship banquet just started.

As usual, the most respected old people in the village sit at the head of the table, and these people also know what Xu Xin "did."

So looking at Xu Xin's attitude, it's kind of friendly.

Keep praising the child for his potential.

Xu Daqiang was extremely happy to hear this.

Even before he drank, his face was already flushed.

Xu Xin's face also turned red.

A sense of glory and mission, on this occasion, made him feel... as if there were really some kind and encouraging beings, observing him, appreciating him, giving him a kind of silent care and encouragement, and There are so many endless joys.

And when his father led him to toast, Xu Xin seemed to have a feeling.

Subconsciously, I looked back in one direction...


But for some reason, he felt a warmth.

A kind of warmth that is engraved in the memory, in the bones, and in the deepest part of the heart.

It immediately made his nose sore.

He didn't know if it was his hallucination...but the moment he felt the warmth, a vague figure with a ponytail appeared vaguely in his fuzzy memory.

She hummed a gentle song and looked down at herself.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, through the singing, he conveyed to himself bit by bit the best, softest and warmest tenderness in the world.

That is the simplest and best hope and wish:

Be good, baby, and you must grow up happily, joyfully, and healthily.

Mom will protect you.

my darling.


For the fathers, Xu Daqiang’s family undoubtedly showed up this year.

The child has a future... Although I was wondering why Xu Xin could join the Olympic working group, I was also wondering why the old man who had laid out all the dishes agreed...

How on earth... got such a big credit.

But again, as long as the ancestors are happy with this meal, the descendants will also be happy.

After all, it is the children who have a future.

But for Xu Xin, he didn't sit at the first table for long.

After sitting for a while, he couldn't stand the shouting of the kids. After getting his father's permission, he quickly sat at the table belonging to the young people.

Drink and eat.

Young people always have a lot to talk about.

And Xu Xin joined Zhang Yimou's working group. For them, there is no special empathy... but more of a gossip.

For example, what is Zhang Yimou like in private, and which celebrities Xu Xin has met.

Where was Xu Xin when "Golden Armor" was being filmed? Have you seen Gong Li and Zhou Renfa...

Then I realized in hindsight that Xu Xin brought so many items signed by Jay Chou this time... wasn't that what he asked for on the set of "The Golden Jacket"?

Then the gossip at this table became uncontrollable.

Until Xu Yang, whose birthday is two months apart from Xu Xin, said:

"I particularly like Jiang Chanwa..."

It attracted the recognition of many young people:

"Yes, yes, she is so beautiful..."

Xu Xin's face turned green...

His girlfriend is considered a concern.

When I told Yang Mi about this in the afternoon, she was very happy.

But no matter what, the entertainment industry seems so mysterious and yearning to Xu Xin's childhood.

Xu Xin didn't play tricks with them, and made a promise in front of a group of people:

"I have no time in the past two years. When you all graduate, come to Yanjing to find me. We will have dinner with Jay Chou and Yang Mi."

If it were anyone else, the promise would have been exciting.

But this group of people clearly demands more.

"Can we add Sun Yanzi?"

"I want Liu Yifei."

"Shu Chang! Shu Chang is so beautiful! All the old men in my family like it. If I can marry her and become my aunt..."

"You guys, what a bullshit pursuit... You want Huang Xiaoming!"

"Is Zhang Ziyi okay? Sanjin, can Zhang Ziyi make a date?"

"I like Wang Xinling, ah, you can tell just by looking at it, it's so sweet~"

A group of people like half of the entertainment industry.

Xu Xin's face turned even greener.

I promised to take you to meet celebrities...

Well, you are already planning to marry someone and become a mother-in-law?

What a dream.

Even dreams and fantasies...

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