I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 159 157 Let me tell you the truth

Chapter 159 157. Let me tell you the truth

In the night.

Xu Xin looked at Fan Yue in confusion as he hung up the phone in silence and asked:

"Director Fan, what's wrong? Don't you need the fou anymore?"

He thought the team had a better choice of instruments.

But no matter what, there was something wrong with Fan Yue's face, which was illuminated by the taillights of the car in front.

to be honest……

As stiff as a corpse.

So... an ominous premonition filled my heart.

No...this "FOU"...

I'm not talking about the can, but...


And the next moment, his premonition became a reality:

"Our plan... was rejected."




Xu Xin tightened his grip on the steering wheel and tried hard to control his feet without stepping on the accelerator...

The hand holding the steering wheel creaked.

Jiang Haoyang behind him was also confused, and his voice rose sharply:

"No!? Why no?! How could it be no?! Are they all rejected?! Or something else!?"




The sound that sounded like Jiang Haoyang's neck was being strangled was Xu Xin's clenched teeth.

"What...what's going on?"

he asked.

But Fan Yue shook his head:

"Xiao Wei didn't say anything on the phone... Xiao Xu, drive back quickly. Director Zhang hasn't left yet, we have to go back quickly!"


Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded and started to accelerate.

It's not even 7 o'clock.

The Audi stopped at the main entrance of the Olympic Building.

At this moment, no one was so angry as to park the car or anything else.

Are you kidding me, my home is gone, how can I park the car?

Including Xu Xin... Even Fan Yue's car ran away before it stopped.

The three people walked into the elevator together and came to the large conference room...

no one.

Then Fan Yue ran into the small conference room.

Opening the door of the small conference room, there were only four people.

A camera standing alone.

Ma Wen, Zhang Yimou, Zhai Guoqiang, Wei Lanfang.

No one else is there.

Director Zhang assigned a task last time, so everyone should be busy these days.

After the three people came in, Fan Yue asked directly and urgently:

"What's going on!? Yimou! What's going on!?"


Zhang Yimou said nothing.

No frown.

No anger.

Not lost.

Just a calm look on his face.

There was also a piece of rice and a plate of watermelon in front of him.

But Ma Wen, who was sitting next to him, spoke first:

"The leader rejected the plan."

"What's the reason!? Why?! What the hell...why!?"

After Fan Yue asked, Xu Xin glanced at the camera and quickly shouted to Fan Yue:

"Director Fan."

Fan Yue turned his head and saw Xu Xin pointing at the camera in front of Wei Lanfang.

Wei Lanfang was stunned, quickly turned off the camera, and took out the tape.

"I'm going to get a new tape...Xiao Xu, please do it."


Xu Xin responded and pulled out the film and magnetic strips of the tape.

After pulling out a long strip, he threw it directly into the ashtray.

Although this footage can be deleted through editing... But this method will obviously be more "trouble-free" at this time.

Then, he took out his cigarette case and started passing out cigarettes.

One for Zhai Guoqiang, one for Jiang Haoyang, one for Fan Yue, and finally one for himself.

Then he used a lighter to turn the tape into a pile of residue.

"Director Fan, please calm down... Director Ma, what's going on?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Fan Yue frowned more and more, but still didn't speak. He just nodded, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and blew out a long stream of smoke.

Ma Wen shook her head at this moment, looked at the notebook in front of her and read:

"Rejection: How can the history of our country be completely covered by just one of the four major inventions."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Just listen to Ma Wen continue to say:

"Rejection suggestion: remove the structure of the four great inventions. Secondly, the elements of the four great inventions should not be too prominent. Thirdly, emphasize our close integration with the world. Fourthly, the order of chronological history cannot be broken. Fifthly..."

After saying a few requests, Ma Wen suddenly turned to look at Zhang Yimou.

And Wei Lanfang also came back with a new tape.

"Director Zhang, how about... you go and report it again in person. See if you... misunderstood us?"

"I agree, I think they made a mistake in judgment..."

Zhai Guoqiang also spoke.

Wei Lanfang just said this:

"I'm on."

At this time, Zhang Yimou also picked up the chopsticks.

Apparently, he had been eating this meal for who knows how long.

But not finished yet.

Ignoring Wei Lanfang's words, he shook his head directly:

"I don't think they made a mistake in judgment... Because in terms of content, in essence, you are the four great inventions. You can't just say it like this... You can't blame the leadership team for this... It's the four great inventions that we provide to people. …”

After saying that, he may feel that the meal is not delicious again.

Simply stopped eating.

After putting down his chopsticks, he pointed at Xu Xin:

"Years ago, when Xiao Xu and I were talking about his movie, we also talked about this. This thing is provided by us, the script and the story. The audience is very intuitive, right? Don't worry about it for now. How many ideas, how many cultures, elaborations, expressions, and expressions have been placed in your story... It's useless. That's what happened later. You just unfolded this thing... It's just a memorial, understand. ?”

Speaking of this, he seemed to feel something was wrong.

After being stunned for a moment, he changed his words:

"A memorial to the broad masses of the people, the common people of the whole dynasty."


Xu Xin was stunned again.


Suddenly, his eyes became a little empty.

Zhang Yimou, on the other hand, was minding his own business and said:

"Don't worry about the destiny, the emperor's edict, etc. Your content is the four great inventions. Your content is the four great inventions. The various components, the beautiful meanings expressed or what they are for, still, there is no escape. Out of this framework, right? Therefore, the leadership is not wrong, it is our path that has gone astray."




Say this.

Listen in two ways.

One is for the viewers’ feelings when the documentary is broadcast in the future.

Therefore, Director Zhang said it very tactfully.

But in fact, as a party involved, his meaning was very clear: the leader was right. Since the leader thinks it doesn't work, let's change it.

No questioning, no asking "why" or anything like that.

It's like Party A and Party B.

Party A says your plan won’t work.

To change, or not to change?

The answer is obvious.

Fan Yue obviously wanted to say something else, but his eyes fell on the ashes in the ashtray and after taking a look...

He sighed:


After sighing, he asked directly:

"How long? Are they all overthrown or something?"

"A month or so. Report again."

After Zhang Yimou finished speaking, he looked like he was fine. He picked up a piece of watermelon, ate it up, and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

Then stood up:

"Okay, that's all for today. It's getting late... Let's get off work first."




Including Xu Xin, after hearing this, they all looked down at their watches.

A little after 7 o'clock...

Such a big deal...

No more discussion?

have got to go?

get off work……?

Isn't this the time to work overtime and brainstorm ideas?

"Director Zhang..."

Seeing Zhang Yimou about to leave, Xu Xin subconsciously stopped him:

"……get off work?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou nodded calmly:

"Well, I'm off work. I just came back from a business trip. Go back and have a rest early."

After saying that, he opened the door of the small conference room and walked out directly.

The door is not closed.

Therefore, everyone can see his back.

If Director Zhang used to give people the impression of being energetic... then at this moment, Xu Xin didn't know what others thought of his back as he left step by step...

Here, Director Zhang's back... was full of exhaustion.




There was silence in the small conference room until Director Zhang's back disappeared for a long time.

Xu Xin looked at Ma Wen, then at Wei Lanfang...

Just as he was about to speak, the phone vibrated.

He took out his phone and took a look at it.

Sent by Jay Chou:

"Aren't you back yet?"

After a moment of silence, he returned:

"In a moment."

After sending the message, he took the initiative to speak:

"Director Fan... let's all go back. Everyone... calm down and calm down for the night. We'll see what we say tomorrow."


Fan Yue looked at him and nodded:


It was already past 8 o'clock when Xu Xin got home.

The road is a little blocked, but it's not as good as the blockage in my heart.

When I came back, I saw a commercial vehicle blocked in front of my house.

He didn't care, but he suddenly had the urge to buy a house with a basement and several parking spaces in the basement and spend a lot of money.

Putting this impulse aside for the time being, he parked the car next to the commercial vehicle, opened the door and walked in.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, the lighted living room door was opened.

"Hey, what are you doing? We promised to come back early and have something to eat together. I'm very hungry."

Looking at Jay Chou's unshaven appearance, Xu Xin reluctantly responded:

"Um...have you eaten?"


Upon hearing this tone, Jay Chou was a little stunned:

"What are you doing? Are you in a bad mood?"

Xu Xin did not answer, but continued to ask:

"Is there anything to eat?"

"No, I was just thinking about what you would eat..."

"How about buying some of whatever you want?"

"...Okay, where is it, Dani, go and buy it."

In fact, Jay Chou didn't need to say anything, Dani could also tell that Brother Xu was not in a good state today.


"I'll go buy it."


After Jay Chou gave up his position, he had already entered the house.

He casually threw his clothes on the sofa, sat down on the sofa, and stretched out.

Jay Chou was even more speechless:

"Hey, what happened?"


Xu Xin waved his hands silently, leaning on the chair and staring at the ashtray on the table in a daze.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Jay Chou was helpless.

I could only take out my notebook:

"Hey, do you want to listen to the soundtrack?"

Then without waiting for Xu Xin to answer, he directly played an audio clip:

"This part is based on your request for a gentler soundtrack..."

After the tinkling piano sounded for about twenty or thirty seconds, he switched to another piece of music:

"Here, it's a combination of cello and orchestra... Hey, please, it's difficult for you to do this."

Seeing Xu Xin still standing on the sofa like a dead fish, Jay Chou couldn't talk anymore:

"If you had said so earlier, I wouldn't have come today. What have you done since you entered the house?"


Although he knew that he was not in the right state, Xu Xin, who still couldn't muster any interest, reluctantly sat up straight and lit a cigarette.

In the smoke, he thought for a while and said:

"The Olympic plan was rejected."


Jay Chou was stunned for a moment.

"No... no?"


"No...what do you mean?"

He seemed confused.

"It's a no. The submitted plan will not be adopted."

"...What's the reason?"

"Because the plan we provided did not meet expectations...it can almost be said that it was a wrong direction. It was not on the right track, so we rejected it. We just rejected it today."


Jay Chou's brows furrowed completely.

He actually understood why Xu Xin didn't tell him in detail.

Because it needs to be kept secret.

Now, being able to tell yourself "the plan was rejected" is the limit.

Thinking of this...he suddenly walked out.

He came to the refrigerator in the kitchen, took out two bottles of drinks, and returned to the main hall.

After opening a can of Coke and handing it to Xu Xin, he said to himself;

"Hey, do you know what I would do if I occasionally got stuck in a place when I was making an album?"


Xu Xin raised his head in confusion:

"Didn't you tell me before that you were a genius? You said you had never been stuck before."


With a bit of annoyance as if his bragging had been exposed, Jay Chou said:

"Shit! Of course I can't be stuck! Someone else is stuck!"


Rarely, Xu Xin had a smile on his face and asked:

"Then what? What did others do?"

"I don't want to."


Seeing Xu Xin's doubtful eyes, Jay Chou nodded:

"It's true, it works wonders... or it works all the time. If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, and do other things. Whether it's playing ball, relaxing, or whatever... If you can't figure it out today, then don't think about it today. Because ... From the moment you wake up in the morning to the whole day at night, you will receive all kinds of messages. For example, messages from the media, messages from TV, mobile phones... and even some scenery on the street, pedestrian……"

He metaphorically expressed:

"Do you know why people have the clearest thoughts in the morning? Because you have just woken up, and the road in your head... is empty. There will be no traffic jams, so many people, and so many things. And this Sometimes, when you concentrate on one thing, it will be easy to figure it out. But when there are more cars on the highway in your mind, the same thing will not run smoothly, you know? "


After listening to his explanation, Xu Xin thought about what he meant and said:

"Meaning that it's best if I don't think about anything right now?"

"Yes, eat something delicious and drink something sweet, such as milk tea. If you are full and eat well, you will sleep well. When you wake up, many things will naturally be figured out. Dilemmas and troubles La, these, you will find... they are nothing."


At first glance, the words make sense.

So here comes the question...

"Then what to eat?"

"Whatever. What do you want to eat?"

"...I'm fine with that too."



Xu Xin's brows wrinkled.

Jay Chou's brows also wrinkled.

After a few minutes...

"So, you see, there are many things in life that you can't figure out..."

"You can't figure it out over there, and you can't figure it out here either, right?"


Jay Chou, who originally wanted to give Xu Xin a few mouthfuls of chicken soup, was stunned...and nodded subconsciously.


"Then what's the best thing to do? ...It's not to think about it, right?"

For some reason, Xu Xin had a mischievous look on his face.


Vaguely, Jay Chou felt that something he said was not quite right.

But it was inevitable to nod again:

"Yeah...just...don't think about it..."

"Well, that's good. Just stop eating and treat it like losing weight."


After getting off the plane in the afternoon, Jay Chou, who had not eaten anything, suddenly felt his heart twitch...

I'm a banana, you're a Bara...

There is a McDonald's near Shijia Hutong.

Dani bought this.

Came back carrying a big paper bag.

Although he knew it was "junk food", Xu Xin was a little hungry at this moment.

The two burgers were so good that they were not enough to eat.

And I have to admit... when a person is feeling down at all, enough carbohydrates and sweetness can really soothe the person's soul.

At the very least, after finishing the two burgers and drinking a large glass of Coke, Xu Xin felt somewhat refreshed after letting out a moderate burp.

"when are we leaving?"

"The day after tomorrow, I wanted to ask you to go with me tomorrow to see how the editing went...it seems like it won't work, right?"


Xu Xin, who lit up an after-dinner cigarette, nodded:

"I'll give you the address tomorrow and you can check it out for me. I may be busy these days and may not have time to go there again."

"Okay, then when I come back from Tokyo this time, I'll come back here. Remember to pack a room for me. It's very inconvenient to stay in a hotel."

"Well, speaking of this, I still want to say... I want to buy a new house."


"After all, my dad decorated this house... I quite like the style of your house. Plus there's no place to park at the door... Do you think I should buy a villa, or a high-rise building like yours? "

"It must be a high-end apartment...it's just a flat floor. It has real estate, security, and the view is great~ The villa...is too old-fashioned."


As he said that, seeing that Jay Chou had finished eating his burger, he asked:

"Have you finished eating?"


"Come to the study and I'll show you the edited clip from the beginning."

"Okay~ Dani, remember to pack it up."

Under Dani's nod, the two of them came to the study together.

Who knew that as soon as he entered the room, Jay Chou was speechless:

"Hey, why is it so messy?"

Xu Xin looked accustomed to it:

"Mimi has been filming for the past few days, and there is a drama there, so we can't always come here every day."


Jay Chou shook his head with emotion, and the two sat in front of the computer together.

Xu Xin's computer had a cut of the first ten minutes, which he played directly to Jay Chou. From Ye Xianglun entering school to sending Lu Xiaoyu home.

Although there is no audio, nothing can be heard.

But after reading it, Jay Chou still raised his eyebrows in surprise. He controlled the computer with his fingers to rewind a little, and looked at the long shot of himself carrying Gui Lunmei home on his bicycle...

"Oh, the photo is beautiful."

"As for the whole, the overall feeling."

After hearing Xu Xin's question, Jay Chou thought for a while and shouted:

"Dani, bring me my computer."

Soon, after the two computers were placed together, Jay Chou said:

"You start from the beginning."

When Xu Xin rewinded to the beginning, Jay Chou didn't move at first, but when the scene with Lu Xiaoyu in the old piano room ended and Ye Xianglun started to teach in the classroom, he moved his fingers and clicked on his notebook. A soundtrack called "ANGEL".

The soothing and bright piano sound immediately combined with the picture on Xu Xin's computer.

Xu Xin squinted his eyes and listened, then nodded:

"Well, it's not bad. It's suitable for use here. Where else?"

"Here, let's take Lu Xiaoyu home by bike."

After Xu Xin fast-forwarded to this clip, Jay Chou clicked to play the second song.

It's still a piano concerto, and its name is also very simple - "RIDE WITH ME".

Hearing the piano sound, matching the picture...

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"This soundtrack company is okay."

"So... don't worry? The soundtrack is progressing very quickly. The main theme we have chosen is very good, and I have written the main melody, so the speed is very fast. It will probably be completed around the middle of the month."


Both songs have met my expectations.

"I'm really relieved."

Then, as if mocking himself, he said:

"At least it fits our Party A's theme..."


Jay Chou glanced at him subconsciously. Seeing that he was a little distracted, he thought about it and asked:

"Are you afraid it won't work out?"


With a sigh, Xu Xin looked at the frozen "Secrets That Cannot Be Telled" screen and responded:

"I'm just a soldier, and even I'm afraid of being like this and living up to everyone's expectations... Just think about how much pressure Director Zhang is under."


Jay Chou, who was leaning on the chair, nodded with deep understanding.

He naturally knows how much pressure there is when doing something with the expectations of others.


"Hey, A Xin."


"How about... I also participate, okay?"


Xu Xin didn't understand.

"Isn't the Olympic Games collecting songs? How about I join in?...I'll tell you the truth!"

"...How to carry it?"

He was a little confused.

But Jay Chou said in a tone that... you can imagine is arrogant, but to Xu Xin, it was the most beautiful and warm tone in the world:

"Look, aren't you in charge of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games? Then the opening song should also be sung! Hey, let me tell you the truth, I'll sing it! I'll write a song to sing! If...the Olympic Games opens and closes The style is very bad... Of course, I mean if... I have confidence in you. But if it is really bad, isn't it me?

Just... treat it like a concert... Anyway, my fans like the songs I sing, so when you think about it... Hey, if you can see Jay Chou, maybe you won't feel that the opening and closing ceremonies are so bad. How about it? Anyway, the most important thing about the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games is for us Chinese people to watch! Many people will be happy to see me, right? "


The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

I was half touched and half speechless.

What's touching is that...my brother knew that he was in trouble and came to help him.

Even if we are scolded, we are together.

But what is speechless is...

"Brother, why do you think we are responsible for the Olympic songs? Why do you think we have the right to define the Olympic songs? Why do you think you can take the blame?"

Jay Chou was stunned:

"No? Don't they sing at the opening ceremony of every Olympic Games?"

"That's what I say... But we don't have the right to choose the Olympic songs! It's also decided by the Olympic Organizing Committee... It's not that it's decided by our directing team... Do you want PEACH again?"


"I'm talking about this event that 1.3 billion people have been waiting for for so long. Even if everyone likes you, it's not something that can be captured in just one song... Hahaha~"

Xu Xin, who discovered for the first time that this guy was so naive, actually laughed out loud.

The discomfort in my heart disappeared without a trace.

Jay Chou, on the other hand, looked a little embarrassed...

"Please... is that funny? I'm here to tell you the truth! I thought you decided the song too... Damn it! Just pretend I didn't say that, okay?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin was even more moved.

But along with the emotion came even greater laughter:


But he laughed, and he also knew...the friendship between brothers is really heavy.

Just pretend.


"You can try."

Under the embarrassment in Jay Chou's eyes, Xu Xin suddenly said this.

Jay Chou immediately rolled his eyes angrily:

"Are you going too far? Are you still teasing me?"

"No, I'm serious... Indeed, Olympic songs are being solicited... With your talent... you can really try it. Really, my intuition tells me that you can do it."


After hearing this, Jay Chou thought for a while and did not answer directly.

Instead he asked:

"Can that help you?"

"...That's for sure. You are the little king after all. You are so popular. If you join...at least everyone will like it."

Seeing Xu Xin's serious face, Jay Chou nodded directly:

"Okay, then I'll help you."


Xu Xin was silent for a moment and nodded:


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