I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 165 163 Isn’t it just that simple?

Chapter 165 163. Isn’t it just that simple?

"Director Zhang, if you say that, I don't agree. What does it mean to never use it? Aren't we discussing it? Don't threaten me. I won't accept the threat! As an innovation in technology, LED is always someone who wants to take advantage of it. The first bite of crab, right? The taste of the first bite of crab is definitely the most impressive. You don’t use it, he doesn’t use it, no one dares to use it, I dare to use it, why don’t I dare to use it? Why? Not allowed to use it? I think it will be much better than that huge crowd of people... Besides, when you had an Arirang plot and insisted on overturning the situation, have you forgotten who was on your side? We don't talk about technology, we have to talk about it. Friendship, right?"

"You want to talk about friendship with me? Okay, I'll talk about friendship with you! When you brought the scroll over, who was the first to support you? The same goes for the Torch, who was the first to agree with your plan?"

"That's my plan!"

"Then you're not talking about friendship, are you? My flip is not good, right? Well, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you either. I'll tell you, I firmly disagree with the use of LED! 1.3 billion people are watching , a black screen appears, and you can’t even explain it, you know!”

"Then there is no need for friendship! I still insist on using it! Why? I have to lay out a thousand-mile country map for you on the field? With that map, I might as well use Guernica!"

"Isn't Guernica my insistence?"

"You don't talk about friendship anymore, so what else do I have to talk to you about? Friend the other party, please correct your attitude!"

"Friend of debate? We don't even need "you", so we changed it to "you", right? Okay, friend of debate, okay, then we have to have a good talk today..."




The quarrel between Xu Xin and Zhang Wu epitomized the atmosphere in the conference room in the past two days.

It doesn’t matter what your position is, or what kind of king you are.

If you don’t agree, I will force you to agree!

There is no such thing as friendship or friendship. If you really care about friendship and brotherly loyalty, then you will agree with me and my point of view.

The content of the quarrel was actually just a little bit.

That is whether to use a large LED screen on site.

The positive view is that of the radicals represented by Xu Xin and Jiang Haoyang.

It is believed that LED can present the best stage effect, including scroll lighting, pattern flow and a series of other things.

Using LED is the best solution.

As for the opposing view, Yu Gong, the assistant director, the anti-bone boy in the visual effects... a group of villains and conservative old diehards disagree with each other life and death.

I feel that the risk is too great, that there are too many technical shortcomings that cannot be overcome at present, and that if there is any technical failure on that day in 2008, it will be embarrassing in front of the whole world.

Both sides are noisy...

Ah... In Yang Mi's words, even my brother was always cursing when he dreamed.

Sometimes I wake up suddenly while I'm asleep. After I wake up, I curse in the air for a while, then go back to sleep after cursing...

Like a psychopath.

The two sides of the entire Olympic team were fighting evenly, with no one convinced and trying hard to convince the other.

And often at this time, as a director, you should actually stand up...

But Zhang Yimou didn't.

He was "cowarded".

Because he also wants to use LED screens.

But at the same time, we also acknowledge the concerns and risks of the “anti-side”.

In fact, his position is the most difficult to grasp.

Therefore, he could not express his opinion.

Because he couldn't open his mouth until he made up his mind.

So, I can only watch the big guys "noisy".

The meeting room was filled with smoke every day.

After Xu Xin finished arguing with Zhang Wu, his loyal ally, the great Dark Angel of the First Legion, the Primarch Jiang Lane Haoyang took over the banner of the great emperor, shouting the slogan of "loyalty" and continued to lead The Imperial ships moved on. Fight against the Orc Sha Xiaofeng on the opposite side.

The two continued to fight over technical difficulties and the risk of lighting color differences.

Another cycle.

The noise started from the meeting when Xu Xin came back in the afternoon, and continued until the last small meeting after dinner in the evening.

Under the iron wall defense of His Majesty the Emperor's staunch ally, Commander of the 7th Legion, Ma Roger Wen, nicknamed the Imperial Iron Fist, the Chaos Demon Chen Weiya returned without success.

Another day wasted...

One sentence.

I've been arguing all day, but it's useless.

No one can convince anyone.

Very irritable.

Especially as the submission time approaches...

The team has made two sets of plans, based on the premise that the scroll runs through history, one without LED and one with LED.

Although any copy can be submitted to the leadership for review, the biggest thought between the two camps now is "not to let the group of grandsons on the opposite side win."

It was torn apart with gnashing teeth, and torn apart beyond recognition.

When Xu Xin came home from get off work, all she could think about was how to convince the other party tomorrow.


He saw his girlfriend who left home early under the pretext of "leaving to Hong Kong to attend the First International Film Festival in Hong Kong".

And a steaming bowl of fried noodles.

Xu Xin could understand Yanjing people's preference for noodles with fried sauce...but was skeptical that the flavor of the fried sauce was made by his girlfriend.

Sitting at the dinner table, he tasted the diced meat inside and shook his head:

"Something's wrong. I think Aunt Yang made it. You can't make it taste like this."

She had already eaten, and she was waiting for her boyfriend to finish working overtime. When her boyfriend came home, she ordered a bowl of pot picks and pouted:

"Don't be so disrespectful! It's okay to argue with others at work, but you still argue with me when you get home? What I said I did is what I did!"


Hearing these threatening words, Xu Xin nodded and said:

"Next time, remember to cut two barbells into the pot. Once I'm full, I'll have the strength to continue arguing with others tomorrow."

"Goose goose goose goose goose~"

These words immediately touched the girl's point of laughter, making her laugh out loud.

Then asked curiously:

"Hey, are you so noisy? When Jielun left in the afternoon, I wanted him to take a jar home to try, so we started talking about it. He said that when he saw you at noon, your eyes They're all red... What do you think? Just don't use them if you don't need them. I also think it's better not to use LEDs. What if one of them gets stepped on and the screen goes black..."

Before she finished speaking, Xu Xin raised his head:

"What do you mean? Do you want to collaborate with the enemy?!"

"...Brother, I am your girlfriend, not your enemy."

Yang Mi couldn’t laugh or cry:

"Don't make yourself uncomfortable. If you dare to make yourself uncomfortable, I won't be serving you anymore~"

"...I always threaten people with this."

Xu Xin was speechless.

My girlfriend has a drama here. Although she doesn't play an important role in it, she is quite busy. Coupled with being busy with studies, and losing his Saturday and Sunday holidays since the plan was rejected... the last time the two met was the last time.

As the saying goes, a long separation is better than a new marriage...

As soon as she threatened Xu Xin with this, Xu Xin gave up.

So I changed the topic directly:

"What time is the flight tomorrow?"

"10 o'clock in the morning. You have to get up and go. When you get there, you put on makeup and stuff. It's almost like the red carpet."

"Are you nervous?"

"Don't be nervous. I didn't nominate and I didn't do anything. I just wanted to ride the wave of popularity."

The two of them were talking about the Asian Film Awards at the Hong Kong International Film Festival, which will be held tomorrow.


"The Golden Jacket" received quite a few nominations.

As a girl, this star-studded red carpet is a good place to attract attention.

She has already beautifully prepared a high-end Givenchy dress.

So beautiful that you don’t need it!

At this moment, I was picking up how beautiful that outfit was and showing off to my boyfriend.

What tassels, sequins, etc. blah blah blah.

After she finished speaking and Xu Xin finished the bowl of noodles, Yang Mi got up and walked to the stove again.

After taking a new ceramic pot holder for boiling milk and putting it on the stove, he walked to the refrigerator and took out a bag with yellow paste inside.

After squeezing out about a small bowl's worth from the inside, I added half a pot of water and began to stir and cook.

This thing is called thick wine.

It was sent from northern Shaanxi.

After hearing that his son had not been eating on time recently, often stayed up late, sometimes had insomnia, cursed in his sleep, and occasionally had stomach acid, Xu Daqiang had someone send him a box of this.

It is said to nourish the stomach and aid digestion. The alcohol content is almost zero, but it is very nourishing.

Made of millet noodles.

Yangmi is like discovering the New World. It is sour and tastes particularly delicious after adding some osmanthus, red dates and rock sugar.

So I especially like to cook this recently.

Soon, after Xu Xin finished the bowl of noodles, two bowls of thick wine were also served.

It's just that one bowl contains osmanthus and red dates, while the other bowl contains only thick wine.

The two of them drank it like soup, spoonful after spoonful.

After drinking a bowl of thick wine, Xu Xin felt comfortable and lit an after-dinner cigarette.

After finishing smoking, Yang Mi also finished washing the dishes.

Because she wanted to protect her hands, she pointed her gloved hand at Xu Xin:

"Go take a shower."

"Wait a minute, digest it, I don't want to move now."

Xu Xin still wanted to be lazy for a while.

As a result, the girl, who had not seen her boyfriend for ten days, stared:

"Go quickly! If you're not in a hurry, I'm still in a hurry!"


Speechless Xu Xin chose to continue stalling for time:

"I'll wait with you."

"Hey, I'm sorry, I finished washing before you came back."


have to.

What else can be said?

Although it is said that it is not advisable to exercise directly after meals.

But I can't wait any longer, so let's take a shower quickly.

While he was taking a shower, Yang Mi, who had already returned to the bedroom, heard her boyfriend's cell phone ring.

The two of them could look at each other's cell phones casually.

It is convenient and timely to know the taste that the other person likes recently...

Of course, taste is taste, but what dish is served sometimes depends more on the girl's mood.

When you are in a good mood, you can wear over-the-knee socks and a silk tassel nightgown.

If you are in a bad mood, just ignore these troublesome steps and go straight to the bow.

When she picked it up and looked at it, Yang Mi quickly answered the phone:

"Hey, Uncle Xu."


Xu Daqiang on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Is Sanjin busy?"

"No, he's taking a shower. He just came back from get off work and smells like cigarettes... Should I give him the phone?"

"Ah, it seems like that. I just wanted to ask...he hasn't called me these days. What's going on? Are you still busy?"

"Hey, don't mention it."

Yang Mi sighed helplessly:

"We have been quarreling every day these past few days. It's like fighting with cocks. No one can convince the other. Today we have another day of quarreling."

"Uh... it's... that's the... TV screen?"

Xu Xin rarely talks about specific things about the Olympics, so Xu Daqiang always listens to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi only knew a rough idea.


"Ah...that thing is quite noisy. Why don't you just make it and take a look?"

Xu Daqiang was also speechless for a while.

"It's different, Uncle Xu. That thing will cover a stadium, it seems. The cost is not low. The total budget for the opening and closing ceremonies is less than a quarter of the Doha Asian Games. How expensive is that thing? "


A hint of curiosity gradually appeared in Xu Daqiang's voice.

He couldn't see his son's hard work during this period, but he could hear it.

Because his son's phone calls come and go, he has more contact with Yang Mi, so he can often hear from the girl how busy his son is.

But it’s okay if Yang Mi doesn’t mention it today…

As soon as "expensive" was mentioned, Xu Daqiang couldn't help but ask:

"That's... Doha, how much did it cost?"

"About 800 million rials."

"What...is there...in there?"

"Money...well, about 180 million US dollars. And our budget is far behind others. Although I don't know the exact amount, but this screen needs to be built, I heard Xu Xin said it was at least 10 to 20 million US dollars. The budget was simply exceeded.”


Xu Daqiang seemed a little speechless.

Here comes the sentence:

"A matter of 10 to 20 million... so many capable people can argue for almost a month?"

"No, what's the point of saying that the LED screen is easy to black out... Oh."

"Ah...this is really..."

The middle-aged man's tone was full of speechlessness.

As if to say, "It's still noisy."

At this time, Xu Xin also finished washing.

He walked out with a bath towel, looked at his girlfriend holding up his phone, and asked in confusion:

"Who to call?"

"Uncle Xu...Uncle Xu, Xu Xin has finished washing, I will give him the phone."

"Oh, okay."

Xu Xin took the call and turned on the speakerphone directly:


"Oh, Sanjin, did you have a quarrel with someone?"

Xu Xin glanced at his girlfriend and said:

"Well, it's okay. It's not a quarrel. It's a battle of ideas with different directions. Our quarrel is based on the different ideas of both parties and will not affect the relationship between colleagues."

"Oh, scholars quarrel, right? Swearing at others is just too literary~"

Hearing this, Yang Mi covered her mouth and started to snicker.

Uncle Xu's description is so interesting.

"That's about it. What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"It's okay. Did you think that Diwa can't make phone calls?...Hmm...forget it, I'll take Sanshui with me tomorrow."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"Come and see me?"

"Yes, and your brother and the others want to buy some land in Yanjing and build houses."


Xu Xin doesn't worry much about real estate.

Although I don’t know what method Xu Miao used to get people in the village to form a joint venture, it is true that the company there has been established and they have obtained some construction qualifications and the like.

We also undertook several people's livelihood projects in Xi'an, and the results were impressive.

Xu Xin himself does not participate in the management. Although the shares belong to the brothers, his father is in charge of the money, and his father will not let him ask questions for fear of disturbing "students' business."

So he responded:

"Come then, but I don't know how busy I will be tomorrow."

"Ah, you're busy. Busy is to contribute to the country...Okay, that's it, hang up."

Just hang up.

Before Xu Xin could react, someone strangled his neck from behind and pushed him onto the bed.

He wanted to resist.


The latter person also used technology.

The palm of his hand gently lifted his chin without knowing how to exert force. Suddenly he lost control of his balance and fell down.

"Hey, I...what are you doing?"


A girl who turned over flexibly and sat on her boyfriend's waist raised her head proudly:

"Piercing the palm - Pushing the moon behind closed doors. Isn't it amazing?..."

Before she finished speaking, she was suddenly startled and moved her hand down...

"Huh? What are you afraid of?"


Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"I always feel that if you want to mess with me now, you can slap me in the face with a little grapple or a flower hidden under a leaf at any time!"

"...are you afraid that I will domestically abuse you?"

The girl's smile suddenly became brighter and brighter.


Not afraid.

She knows her boyfriend well, so she naturally knows how to make him not afraid.

Once you use the gentle and gentle technique, the results will be outstanding immediately!

"I can't bear to let it go~ Although secretly I am the Thousand-faced Enchantress who leads the Netherworld Blood Killing Guards, but on the surface... I have to disguise myself as an ordinary person~ So I am still my husband's little wife~~~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned and subconsciously said:

"...What Ji?"

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, then raised her eyebrows:


"...Changing the taste again? This time it's so good..."

He quickly changed the subject.

"Shut up! Man! I want to use your body as a furnace now. You just need to cooperate with me honestly!"

"You're quite domineering, woo woo woo..."

A moment of spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

You can shut up~

Early the next morning.



When it was almost noon, Xu Xin received a call from Xu Daqiang:

"Come downstairs, come downstairs."

Dad is here?

Xu Xin subconsciously stood up and took a look. Sure enough, he saw a commercial vehicle outside.

He quickly took the elevator and ran down. After exiting the door, he saw his father standing on the roadside smoking.

"Dad, why are you still here?"

"Come see you."

Xu Daqiang looked his son up and down with a smile, and nodded with satisfaction:

"I'm fat."

Because he doesn't have time to go to the gym, plus working overtime and staying up late, Xu Xin has indeed gained more fat on his face recently.

Even Yang Mi occasionally complains that she misses the feel of a washboard.

But there is no way...

If you don’t even have enough time to sleep, where can you go to exercise?

But in the eyes of his father, this characteristic is the most direct sign that his son is well taken care of.

What's the point of training those muscles?

If you are fatter, you may still be lucky.

And just when Xu Xin was about to say something, Xu Daqiang suddenly handed over a card:


bank card.


Xu Xin didn't understand something.

"Here, there are 30 million."

"... Then can't we just punch in the card directly?"

Xu Xin was a little confused.

If you give me pocket money, just give me pocket money. Why do you need to get a new card?

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Xu Daqiang said directly:

"This is for the Olympics."


Xu Xin was stunned.

I saw the old father smoking and saying in a "that's not all" tone:

"The quarrel is just about money, isn't it? We've been quarreling for almost a month. It's over budget, so we don't dare to do it. You can give it to Director Zhang, and donate it to the country. Use this money to get something done first Or even a TV screen, give it a try. If it doesn't work, don't do it. If it works, just keep working on it. Such a big national event cannot be completed just because of 10 or 20 million. Go, take it. "

With that said, he handed the card to Xu Xin's hand.


For a moment, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

He really never thought about "doing it himself".

To be honest, not once.

Moreover, he never felt that the difficulty in this matter was money.

It would be so simple if it could be solved with money.

He, Director Zhang and the people in the team have always been afraid of technical things.


After being reminded by his father, he suddenly came to his senses.


Instead of guessing and speculating... Why don't we get a piece of something and try it?

Can it be used? Is it easy to use? Just build it and try it and that’s it.

You can also avoid some unexpected points in time.

And if adopted, lessons can be learned from these screens...

Isn’t this the end?

Suddenly, Xu Xin's eyes lit up:

"That's right...Dad, why didn't I think of that! Can't we just make one ourselves!?"


Xu Daqiang was happy when he saw his son's look of clearing away the clouds and seeing the bright moon.

Just wave your hand:

"That's right, didn't I teach you that you can use money to solve problems..."

"That's nothing!"

Following his father's words and finishing the rest of the words, Xu Xin nodded immediately:

"Let's go, Dad, let's go in!"

"I'm not going."

Unexpectedly, when his son asked him to go in, Xu Daqiang waved his hand:

"It's all a matter for scholars. I can't participate in it, and I don't understand it. But that's the truth. Find a place, try something, and then it's over. Just go back and have a fight with Sanshui. Together, there is a lot of land in Yanjing, so you have to choose, look at the place, and invite a few friends to have a meal and get to know each other~ You go and do your work, let's go."


Hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and nodded:

"Okay, then I'll go and tell the director...what's the password?"


"Okay! Brother Li, please drive slower."

Li Hao responded with a smile:


"Go, go, go and get busy, the country's affairs are important."

Xu Daqiang waved his hand and got into the car without looking back.

And looking at his son's back as he trotted towards the Olympic Building, he shook his head helplessly:

"Three Golds are still stubborn, and their brains are not working. Just for such a small thing, you still have a big quarrel with others... ugh."

Li Hao couldn't help but smile and shake his head:

"Uncle, they are all good enough. I have met so many children, which one is better than Sanjin?"


The middle-aged man suddenly laughed out loud.

This is true.

Xu Xin ran all the way into the elevator, ran up the floor, and ran into the small conference room.

After the "temporary truce", Zhang Yimou sat in this room, staring at the prop scroll in a daze, thinking about the plan.

Xu Xin knocked on the door. After walking in, he looked up and asked:

"What? Is something wrong?"


Xu Xin nodded vigorously and put the card in front of Zhang Yimou.

"Director Zhang... let's build an LED screen ourselves and see the effect. What do you think?"


His eyes were burning, but Zhang Yimou showed a puzzled expression after hearing this.

That look seems to be saying...

"What nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight?"

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