I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 197 195 Let’s drink tea first

Chapter 197 195. Let’s drink tea first

"...It's so exciting."

This was the first sentence that came out of Yang Mi's eyes when she just finished taking a shower and looked at the night view of Victoria Harbor outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

He was reading the original work of "The Sound of the Wind" on the bed, with a notebook full of writing beside him. Xu Xin, who seemed to be busy at work, raised his head in confusion:


"I'm going to have to do it here again soon!"


I saw my girlfriend pointing to the window. Although I knew it was privacy glass, I couldn't see inside. But Xu Xin still felt uncomfortable...

If he stood there, he would always have the illusion that the glass would suddenly break and he would fall down.

I wouldn't say I was particularly scared, but I felt uncomfortable.

So, after seeing my girlfriend pointing at the glass with an excited look on her face, I was stunned...

Then he rolled his eyes:

"are you crazy?"

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi seemed to notice something and said bluntly:

"You do not dare?"

"Why don't you dare!"

Xu Xin started to speak harshly.

"Come on then~...Well, it's only 11 o'clock. Should we be fine if we go down at 12 o'clock?"

"Uh... I have to work on the script. I finally took a few days off and used the script to change my thinking."


The girl sneered, but she didn't expose her boyfriend's tough talk.

It's quite cute, but won't it be useful for a while?

He untied his bath towel and sat down on him who was lying on the bed reading a book.

"Have I gained weight?"

"No. It's still the same."

With his eyes on the book, he answered without thinking.

Seeing that he was indeed working, Yang Mi began to use the back of her soft hands to press his hip bones, including his leg muscles, to help him relax.

Then he said as usual:

"I need to work out recently. When I went to shoot a print advertisement for the VS platform, because I had to wear a character costume, I got an armor that looked like a Valkyrie and carried a big sword... Well, now Look, it seems to be really modeled after the comic book "Big Sword". If I had known I would have dyed my hair bright yellow and cosplayed with the smiling Dinisha..."

She said that Xu Xin listened with one ear and listened with the other.

After a while, he put down the book and wrote down a line of words in his notebook.

It seems that he really has the scumbag spirit of "My girlfriend is so beautiful that she doesn't want to be a girlfriend, but she is playing games."

Yang Mi didn't care and continued to help him relax his muscles, and then continued:

"It turned out that the size of the clothes sent by the company did not match my current figure. I seemed to have grown twice... It was very painful for me to wear them. Then after taking this set of endorsement photos from Guangzhou, I went to the Magic City . I plan to order cheongsam. To be honest, there are more old tailors left over from the Shili Foreign Market in Shanghai than here in Yanjing. They are all Suzhou embroidery craftsmanship, which is great."


"After I ordered it, the aunt measured it for me and told me that my current figure is actually not suitable for wearing a cheongsam. I was puzzled. Why? I have a bulging front and a swollen back. How beautiful is the cheongsam? Guess what people told me?... People told me that cheongsam is a kind of graceful beauty. The figure can be good, but it cannot be too exaggerated. Otherwise, the shape of the cheongsam is destined to be impossible to hide. There is a lot of flesh. If I continue to practice my figure like this, it will be easy to wear the cheongsam as sexy lingerie, and it will not be as graceful and beautiful."

Xu Xin didn't pay attention to her yet.

Still, a response was given.

After Yang Mi saw it, she laughed happily.

Keep talking:

"Then I don't believe it. In my impression, aren't those concubines and the like all curvy and charming? This is my definition of cheongsam. Then when the aunt saw me talking about concubines, she found a shop for me. Two sets of ready-made clothes... I don’t know if I don’t wear them. When I put them on, I can see that one set is the standard of a coquettish concubine, you know? It’s like looking at it and you want to squeeze it under you. Then change to the other one. When I was putting on a set, the aunt helped me corset my breasts, and the style was also loose. I could immediately understand the beauty of Jiangnan women..."

I don't know when I put down the book in my hand.

Xu Xin looked at his condescending girlfriend and asked:


"So...haven't you noticed that my figure is like a pear now, and my flesh is too porcelain, understand? I don't look good in a cheongsam. I think Gu Xiaomeng's image should be that of a young lady from a rich family. , she seems to like to play, like to make trouble, and has a bit of a domineering temperament... so she must not be too fat, too voluptuous, or have that particularly coquettish temperament, what do you think?"

After talking for a long time, Yang Mi finally said what she wanted to express, and shook her head:

"But in fact, she is a spy under Boss Dai, a well-trained one. She also needs to be calm under the surface of the arrogant and domineering young lady. And this kind of calmness cannot have a particularly coquettish virtue. Otherwise, if I lie down on that sofa, everyone will look here..."

She made a lifting motion, looked at her boyfriend's direct gaze, and simply rolled her eyes:

"Look, what I'm saying... If everyone is like you, they will ignore the inner nature of the character itself. Right? So you need to start losing weight after a while..."

"...Still thin? You're not fat either."

With a waist of 1'7" and a flat belly...this sister's flesh has really grown to where it should be.

No exaggeration at all.

"...How did this come out of the mouth of a professional director like you?"

Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry.

"It's not the director now, it's the coin."

"One dollar?"

The girl raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, okay, my eldest young master wants to be a one-dollar coin, so let's do it... Well, when will your script be ready? You have to give it to me quickly, I have to make preparations."

"Several screenwriters from the West Film Studio are already working on it, and I'm just designing the characters right now. Don't worry. I'll give you an Oscar for this movie."


Yang Mi was stunned.

He looked at Xu Xin condescendingly and suddenly nodded:

"I have to admit..."


"Rich men are so handsome when they brag."

"I'm not bragging, you're bragging."

"...Why am I bragging?"

"No, I want you to brag!"


Yang Mi blinked in confusion... After reacting for a while, her eyes were suddenly full of disgust:

"Hey~~~~~You are really...just tell me straight, why are you beating around the bush? If I hadn't just come back from filming in the Northeast, I might not understand it."

It’s so connotative.

When the two families had their first meal at noon, they were still more or less alive.

Fortunately, Xu Xin and Yang Mi were able to adjust the situation and have experience in business dealings, so things were settled, but not awkward.

It's nothing more than talking about and chatting about the situation in their respective homes.

Including some things about Xu Xin's childhood and Yang Mi's childhood.

Xu Daqiang is actually a very talkative person. Through his years of ups and downs in the business world, he has long developed the ability to talk to people and talk to ghosts.

But in front of Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling, this talkative man seemed like an honest and honest person. He had long lost his tact, but anyone could hear the sincerity in his words.

If you have food, you must have wine.

No feast without wine.

I knew from my son that Yang Dalin liked to drink Moutai, so Moutai was served with his lunch meal.

But only four people drank.

Xu Daqiang and Xu Miao, as well as Yang Dalin and his wife.

Zhang Qianqian, Xu Xin and Yang Mi had not touched any alcohol.

Use the power of wine to talk and eliminate barriers.

Yang Dalin's drinking capacity is okay, not too much, not too little. Xu Daqiang is actually just like that. The two of them don't drink in a very commercial way, but just talk and push the wine. Talk more and drink more. Stop talking and take a sip.

Within one meal, Yang Dalin knew how naughty Xu Xin had been since he was a child.

Xu Daqiang also understood why this little girl Mimi was so rare.

During this first meal, both parties were actually getting to know each other, so the four of them drank a little more than one bottle.

He never mentioned anything like "How about the two children", and there was no such thing as "your child will marry, and my child will marry your child".

There is no such thing as "how much money our family has and how much savings we have can ensure that our two children have enough food and clothing."

Never mentioned it.

The two of them were similar in age, and most of the things they talked about were actually the differences between the city of Yanjing and the rural areas of northern Shaanxi when they were children.

As well as some hearsay about Yang Dalin's handling of a major or important case that shocked the country at that time.

Not to mention...maybe it's due to the sense of age.

The conversation was quite enjoyable.

I just feel a little uncomfortable eating.

It's seafood and what's it for? It's too exquisite.

At the end of the meal, Xu Daqiang, who had drunk less than three ounces, asked the waiter for a bowl of Yangchun noodles. He mixed it with a lot of vinegar and was full.

This very traditional ending of the wine party made Yang Dalin couldn't help laughing:

"Brother Xu will come to Yanjing some time and eat at home. The noodles mixed with vinegar will not taste as good as vinegar. Then I will take the spoon and let's have another drink... This place is not a place for drinking after all."

In just one sentence, Xu Daqiang felt at ease.

It's okay, no one is dissatisfied with us.

Also invited to my home.

It just shows that I don’t object to the two children...

He felt really at ease.

But...he didn't forget to glance meaningfully at his second son.

Xu Xin, who had been paying attention to his father's movements and served as the waiter who served the table with wine and food, nodded knowingly.

After the meal, the old guys went back to take a nap.

Then wait until three or four o'clock, everyone gets up and goes to the place where Yang Mi mentioned that shoes are made.

Xu Miao's drinking capacity is average. In addition, he has never liked drinking Maotai and cannot accept Maotai-flavored wine. After eating, he went back to the house to rest.

Yang Dalin didn't care what his daughter was doing...

It's like being invisible.

As a result, Yang Mi got into a commercial car and was confused.

Asked Li Hao who was driving:

"Brother Hao, where are you taking us two?"

"Then you have to ask Sanjin."

Hearing this, Yang Mi looked at Xu Xin in confusion:

"Where are we going? We have to do some errands this afternoon."

"I don't know either, but there is something I really want to take you to see."


"We'll find out when we get there."

Xu Xin shrugged, but Li Hao didn't say a word and drove up the mountain.

Xiangjiang people have a very intuitive definition of the "Hong Kong Dream". To put it more bluntly, it means "making money in the north and living in the south."

Because the sea to the south is vast and the scenery is superb.

To put it bluntly, it means "living in the middle of the mountain".

In other words, houses in Xiangjiang actually become more expensive the further they go up the hills away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

And they pay great attention to Feng Shui. When buying a house, they go up the hill. In Feng Shui, the general meaning is that the Hong Kong River itself is a cornucopia. Living in the cornucopia faces south, with the mountains as a backing, and the peaceful Victoria Harbor as a place to hide wealth. land.

The east and west high mountains on both sides of the Xiangjiang River resemble the "concave" of gold ingots, which is "receiving", while the protrusion of the North Island is "sending"...

Anyway, there are a lot of things to pay attention to.

After the business car drove for a while, Yang Mi suddenly saw that this mountain road was somewhat familiar.

It's not that she has ever been here, but she is often seen in Hong Kong movies...

Even some of the mansions looked particularly familiar.

I always feel that it is not in "The God of Gamblers" but I have seen it in "The God of Gamblers".

At the same time, she also saw the place name here: Shouson Mountain.

This name for no reason reminded her of Zhang Shouchen, the veteran in cross talk circles in Guo Degang's cross talk... I don't know if the two are related.


It looks like the people who live in this place are rich. When Zhang Shouchen said cross talk, how could it be possible?

While I was thinking over and over in my mind, the car suddenly stopped in front of a villa that looked a bit dated.

"That's it?"

Xu Xin glanced out through the window, opened the door, and muttered:

"It's a little small."


Yang Mi looked at the three-story garden house building. While she was observing, she heard Li Hao say:

"It's a bit smaller than our home, but it's OK here in Xiangjiang... No, just look up."

Following the direction Li Hao pointed, Xu Xin vaguely saw a corner of a house.

"What happened? What happened to that place?"

"Li Jiacheng lives there and just moved this year. It's a big place, 45,000 square feet. It's a big place... But the problem is that Li Jiacheng doesn't sell it. If it sells, I'd consider buying it."


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

Xu Xin was also confused:

"What does 45,000 feet mean? It's not calculated by square meters here?"


Li Hao nodded:

"They calculate by feet, how much is a foot? Or... feet, it's quite troublesome to calculate anyway. But just remember that one thousand square feet is 93 square meters. The so-called thousand-foot mansion, in fact, It’s just a three-bedroom apartment.”

"One thousand feet and 93 meters...a mansion? Ten thousand feet and 930 square meters? 45,000...more than 3,000 square meters? Isn't it just that big?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Yang Mi's mouth twitched...

But Li Hao nodded:

"Yes, it's not big anyway, but it's expensive. I guess his house costs at least 70,000 to 80,000 Hong Kong dollars per square foot, right? People here believe in Feng Shui very much, and Shouson Mountain has the best Feng Shui in this generation."

"What about this?"

Xu Xin asked, pointing to the villa that he had not yet entered.

"More than 40,000. It covers an area of ​​320 square meters. There is a swimming pool in the back and so on. It's not bad. Let Mimi see if she is satisfied with it first."

Yang Mi, who was about to go in, was stunned:

"What...am I satisfied or not?"

"This is for both of us."

Xu Xin explained and opened the door of the villa.

"The paparazzi knew that we were here, so my dad was thinking about not staying in a hotel. The landlord happened to be his friend, so he offered to buy it for us. If you want to buy something or take a walk when you come to Xiangjiang in the future, It’s not like we have no place to live. Let’s go and have a look. This house… is so old.”

Under Yang Mi's ridiculous gaze, Li Hao nodded:

"Then it must be a twenty-year-old house. But I took a look at it this morning. Although the house is old, it is not shabby. If the business hadn't gone bankrupt, the family might still be living here. They also cleaned it before leaving. I'll wait for them to send me the formalities in the afternoon, and then I'll arrange for someone to come over and clean it again, so that I can move in tomorrow. Then I'll just arrange for someone to come and renovate it after you two leave."

"Oh...that's okay...let's go, why are you standing there?"

When he arrived at the door of the house, Xu Xin turned around and saw Yang Mi still standing stupidly at the door, and couldn't help but urge her.

But Yang Mi was completely confused.

From the information given by Li Hao just now, she could figure it out...

This 320-square-meter house... is calculated in terms of feet. One thousand feet is 93 square meters. So this house is approximately 3,500 square feet?

One foot more than 40,000 yuan... is considered to be 40,000 yuan.

The price of this house...

One hundred and forty million! ?

? ? ? ?

Even if you sell me, I can’t afford to live there!

So, after hearing her boyfriend's words, she shook her head subconsciously:

"No...don't go..."


"...too expensive."

Yang Mi expressed her feelings directly.

It's not that she doesn't dare to enter.

But...it's really too expensive and I can't afford it.

Buying a house is actually a very distressing matter for many unmarried men and women.

Now it's Yang Mi's turn.

But others may think that the house is too expensive, difficult to weigh, and stressful. And because of... she inexplicably became the mistress of a mansion worth over 100 million yuan...

So, she resisted.

Later, Xu Xin said something like "My dad bought this for me, and I didn't write your name on it." After some heart-wrenching words, Yang Mi naturally accepted this old building full of money style. .

That's right.

What you buy is yours, Uncle Xu’s, or even Brother Sanshui’s.

We are not married yet and we have not obtained a certificate... This pressure is too great and I cannot bear it.

Tutors are not allowed either.


To be honest, she didn't like this house either.

Even though it's only about three hundred square meters, it does look quite old.

Although I have to admit that the view overlooking the Hong Kong River is really great. But there is still no comparison between old houses and new houses.

Maybe you'll like it after the renovation...but for now, it's just so-so.

Xu Xin could see it, and so could Li Hao.

Then after the three of them visited the house and came to a shoe store called "Golden Oxford", Xu Daqiang also learned the views of his future daughter-in-law.


Don't like it?

If you don't like it, forget it, then change the hotel.

As for this house...

Since he has promised to buy it, he will not break his promise.

Although I don’t speculate in real estate, I don’t know much about real estate, and this house is extremely expensive... But once you promise this thing, you must keep it. Promise and trust, a golden reputation cannot be just because of this more than 100 million yuan. It ruins the reputation.

What's more... although he doesn't understand real estate speculation or the potential of houses. But Li Jiacheng can buy Shouchen Mountain, and that old cunning old bastard lives there, so he won't lose money, right?

When the time comes, no one will be around to deal with it.

So the matter was revealed.

Xu Daqiang doesn't care about more than 100 million.

As for what it was like to break into Shouson Mountain's rich circle or what he was doing, he didn't bother to think about it.

If the money is not used, it is just a number. How can it be realistic for the future daughter-in-law of the present to give her, the future father-in-law, such careful custom-made shoes?

So, the whole family was busy working on this all afternoon.

First, I put on a very special sock, and then put glue-like stuff on my feet. Then, after it cools down and fixes the outline of my feet, I use various things that I don’t know if it’s glue or something to perfect the outline of my feet. Get it off.

It’s quite troublesome to get a set of things, and then you have to choose the style, leather and so on.

Cumbersome, but detailed.

And you can tell from the details that they are indeed different from the finished shoes you buy directly.

Customized shoes can fit your feet perfectly.

Even though he didn't get the actual product, Xu Daqiang was particularly satisfied with the carefulness of this process.

Place order and pay.

When we came out of the shoe store, it was already dark.

Xu Daqiang simply didn't let the children follow him... The rest of the process was just for the leisure and entertainment of the three elderly people.

Young people do young people's work.

So, including Sun Ting, the driver who drove Xu Miao, Xiao Qi, who went to Xi'an to buy books for Xu Xin that day, and the young man whose real name was Chen Qi, everyone began to feel the prosperity of Xiangjiang.

Zhang Qianqian was quite happy to go shopping with Yang Mi.

Yang Mi also had a sweet mouth, and the two of them laughed all the way.

The two brothers each held a cup of frozen lemon tea and followed behind to hang out and chat.

And occasionally I would look around to see if there were any paparazzi taking pictures.

As for Sun Ting and Xiao Qi, they were just carrying bags.

Regardless of what their parents are doing, young people enjoy their leisure time in Hong Kong in their own way.

Then, on November 30, Xu Daqiang left Xiangjiang with Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling.

Went to Omen to play.

A few days were enough for the two of them to become buddies, from drinking and having fun to chatting over tea.

Anyway, if we can't have fun with young people, then we should simply separate.

On the contrary, I feel more comfortable.

And at noon on December 1st, Zhang Qianqian finally saw Jay Chou.

In Xu Miao's speechless gaze, his wife walked around Jay Chou as if she had seen Bao.

After a meal, looking at Jay Chou's eyes almost gave rise to sparks.

But it's a pity that Jay Chou came here to hold a concert. He even took time to have lunch with Xu Xin and the others. After eating, he walked non-stop to Hung Hom.

He's going to start three games in a row here.

Three consecutive games on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

The tickets have already been sold out.

Needless to say, his appeal has completely evolved into "Dragon Jay".

When parting, Jay Chou did not forget to say:

"Hey, Ah Xin, tonight I want to drink the frozen milk tea from the ice room we last visited in Yau Ma Tei. Remember to buy it for me."

Xu Xin subconsciously agreed:

"Okay. Do you want to drink herbal tea? It will protect your throat."

"...It's so painful."

“If you don’t drink, don’t buy.”

"...Okay. Then come early and have dinner together."


Originally, the conversation between the two was ordinary, but who knew that after Jay Chou got in the car, Yang Mi had a weird look on her face:

"Yau Ma Tei is quite far from Hung Hom, right?"

"It's not far, two or three kilometers."

"...but it has to take an L-shaped detour, right?"


"Then...you had dinner with him?"

"Yes, you won't go?"

Xu Xin was a little puzzled.

But after Yang Mi had a weird look on her face, she suddenly burst out laughing:


"What's wrong?"

"It's okay...brother."


"Did the dollar coin land on tails tonight?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed.

"Wow, you are really... outrageous!"

"Goose goose goose~~~"

I rested in the hotel for a while in the afternoon. At around four o'clock, Jay Chou sent a message:

"Young man, let's have some tea first!"

This is urging Xu Xin to buy milk tea.

Yang Mi started covering her mouth and laughing when she saw the news, while Xu Xin put on her clothes angrily, slapped her down, and saw waves amidst the screams.

Then, at about five o'clock, Dani picked her up and took a group of people directly to the backstage.

The show starts at 8 o'clock.

At this time, the music in the stadium was deafening.

There was no one in the waiting room.

Dani said Brother JAY was rehearsing.

To be honest, neither Yang Mi nor Zhang Qianqian, nor Sun Ting, Xiao Qi, etc. have ever seen Jay Chou's rehearsal... or it is the first time for them to come to the backstage of a concert.

So out of curiosity, Xu Xin, who originally wanted to put the milk tea in the house, was pulled by this group of people towards the Hung Hom Stadium.

While walking, Zhang Qianqian was still treating Yang Mi like a treasure, talking about everyone who had held a concert in this place.

What four heavenly kings, what brother and principal...

And the stars she talks about are the changes in Hong Kong over the past thirty years, the ups and downs of entertainment.

Not to mention, even when Xu Xin walked in this somewhat old corridor, there was a sense of dream-like plausibility.

It reminds me of how many singers are waiting silently in this corridor before starting their performance, or are eager to give it a try.

Very strange.

At the end of the corridor, I saw Jay Chou on the stage on the side of the China Construction Stadium, surrounded by several female backup dancers, deafening music, and a circle of staff. The female backup dancers were dancing hard around Jay Chou.

There are also props like pianos and chairs on the stage.

Jay Chou didn't sing, he just made some perfunctory gestures.


Following Zhang Qianqian's exclamation, although she didn't know why her sister-in-law was exclamated, Xu Xin still said:

"Well, sure enough, he sings, dances, and raps. He suits overalls very well..."




A group of people had no idea what he was talking about.

Jay Chou, after turning around in a handsome dance, happened to see Xu Xin and the others carrying several plastic bags.

"Hey, A Xin!"

His voice, which was still absent-minded at first, immediately rang out from the speakers in all directions.

Then he left the dancer who was still in the concave shape and walked over quickly:

"Drink tea first, handsome!"

Seeing this, several panting female backup dancers also stopped and stood in the distance looking silently at this side.

One of the female backup dancers recognized the girl wearing a fisherman's hat at a glance. It was Yang Mi, who has become very popular recently.

His eyes were full of surprise.

After Yang Mi noticed someone looking at her, she subconsciously looked up.

Then he saw one of the two female backup dancers, a girl wearing a leather suspender belt, short skirt, black silk stockings and boots under hot pants, staring directly at him.

What does it look like...

Not to mention, it’s not bad.

Kind of like a mixed race.

As for the body and legs…

Well, it's not that she is boasting, the other party is really not good at it.

So, she didn't care.

He just responded with a smile out of politeness.

Then he stopped looking at the other person and pressed the milk tea cup in Xu Xin's hand.

"Oh, he has just finished dancing. Let him take a breath and drink some water, and then give him herbal tea. That thing is so bitter..."

Jay Chou felt the same way:

"Yes, it's better for you Mimi."

When Xu Xin heard this, he twitched the corner of his mouth and took the microphone from Jay Chou's hand.

Jay Chou didn't think much about it, thinking that his friend was just curious.

Then I heard "Hey, hey" twice...

"Listen to mother's words~"


Jay Chou choked on a mouthful of milk tea.

Yang Mi laughed at the side:

"Goose goose goose goose goose goose..."

Needless to say, all the staff present could tell that the relationship between these people seemed to be very good.

Especially the man who sang... looked very familiar.

How dare you speak to Director Jay like this...

So brave.

One more update

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