I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 209 207 Three Kowtows (Modified Version)

Chapter 209 207. Three Kowtows (Modified Version)

July 29th.

After the fourth official rehearsal of the Olympic Games.

"Director Xu, Director Xu."


"The estimate has been completed, and the overall line defect rate is about 34%, which is in line with the expectation of less than 40%. And our estimate is correct. The main reason is that the damage between the F5 area and the R9 area in the Peace Dove link is the greatest. Most of them are stress damage, the main screen is fine, but other electronic components have indeed suffered varying degrees of wear and tear."

"Okay, all maintenance personnel will withdraw, submit the consumables plan and submit the maintenance plan according to the original plan. Repairs will begin on August 4th."


In front of the broadcasting station, after putting down the walkie-talkie, Xu Xin nodded to Zhang Yimou next to him:

"Director Zhang, the failure rate is very low and within the controllable range. The overall replacement will begin on the 4th. After the construction is completed that day, the museum will be closed for one day on the 5th and the last rehearsal will be on the 6th, okay?"


Zhang Yimou responded, and then Wei Lanfang ran up quickly:

"Director, their jaws dropped."

Wei Lanfang's face was filled with a proud smile. After walking to the broadcasting stage, he looked at the big guys who were all focused on him and said in an extremely excited mood:

"A group of people have been saying all kinds of exclamations since the beginning, such as wow, BRAVO and the like, and they haven't stopped. They are all dumbfounded."

She was talking about the broadcast teams from various national television stations that entered the scene today.

As is customary for the Olympic Games, in this grand event that is broadcast live around the world, broadcast teams from various countries, like athletes, need to adapt to the venue in advance. From the perspective of the stage, installation and debugging of the machine, all these must be prepared in advance.

So people from foreign TV stations came in for this rehearsal.

But don’t worry about them leaking secrets, because as a rule, every country’s Olympic opening ceremony is confidential. For a world event that attracts worldwide attention, both the performance program and the lighting method of the main torch must not be leaked easily. The purpose is to leave suspense to the world's audience and surprise the people of the world on the day of the opening ceremony.

Therefore, everyone from the chief director and program planning team to all actors, staff, media, and even venue construction workers and equipment technicians must strictly abide by the principle of confidentiality. These secrets cannot be told to parents or to subordinates. It is an international practice to accuse your wife and children without leaking anything.

It is a customary rule established by countries that participate in and host the Olympic Games.

Moreover, these media groups will sign a confidentiality agreement before entering the venue.

They can watch in advance, but the purpose of entering the site today is limited to mechanical debugging. There must be no leakage of any footage.

And Wei Lanfang was here specifically to see the reactions of these people today.

After all...it doesn't matter if you decide what you own, you still have to see what other people say.

But now that they heard the news, everyone felt a little relieved.


"What a pity."

Zhang Yimou shook his head:

"The phoenix returns to its nest...it seems like it really won't work."

From the beginning, the "Phoenix Returns the Nest" torch lighting plan formulated by the director team was also demonstrated for the last time today.

Xu Xin insisted.

I don't know why, but today he just wanted to watch "The Phoenix Returns to the Nest" on a whim.

Obviously he was one of the people who completely denied the return of the phoenix to the nest before.

But today... I really want to see it.

Who knows what happened.

So I discussed this idea with Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Yimou didn't think much about it.

Xiao Xu wants to see it... then go see it.

But to be honest, the effect is very poor.

The director team originally planned that after receiving the torch, Li Huan, the last torchbearer, would be lifted into the air by a sling, and then a phoenix would appear on the big screen.

The phoenix pecked at the torch and circled around the site holding fire in its mouth.

Flying across five continents and four oceans, it finally spread all the way to the main torch and turned into flames.

There have always been various problems with this idea.

The first is that the outside of the main body of the torch cannot be outsourced with a large curved screen. The second is that the contrast between the brightness of the torch and the brightness of the big screen will look blurry. Furthermore, there is a lack of humanistic care in it.

So in the end this project was replaced by Li Huan running the entire Bird's Nest himself.

But today, due to the presence of a foreign broadcast team, Zhang Yimou, in line with the mentality of "being on guard against others," did not let Li Huan appear when the final torch was lit.

Anyway, Xiao Xu just had a whim, so he just demonstrated it to the music, and at the same time, he took it as the final decision.

See if you want to use it.

To be honest, although everyone knows that what restricts the "phoenix returning to the nest" is not creativity, but the hard problem of technology.

But looking at the fuzzy phoenix, I still feel pity.

What a great idea…


After hearing his words, Xu Xin comforted:

"It's okay, director. At most, in twenty or thirty years, the technology will have developed, and we will just use it in the next Olympics."

Zhang Yimou was speechless. Although he knew that these words were meant to comfort him, he still couldn't help but say:

"How many years do you think I can live? Can I wait until the next Olympics?"

"You may live a long life."


Smiling dumbly, Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Stop it. Tomorrow morning, let the people from the technical department check all aspects... In the past few days, no matter how hard it is, there won't be any damage. Especially the lighting of the fou, there must not be any problems. . You’ve all worked hard, let’s call it a day.”

Everyone nodded and got ready to get off work.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, sat directly in the audience seat next to the broadcast booth.

These positions next to the broadcast booth are all "his".

A total of nearly 80 tickets were obtained.

At that time, some relatives at home will come, and some relatives from Yang Mi will also come, including friends.

To put it bluntly...

If he really messed up, he would be able to say goodbye to his family on the spot, wave his hand, go to work in the factory with his snakeskin bag, and never come out again in anonymity.

Of course, that was just a joke.

Nothing can go wrong...

Absolutely not...

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone vibrated:


He quickly replied:

"It's over. Let's go back."


He put away his cell phone, didn't think too much, organized all the information in his hand, and walked quickly into the passage.

Then just as he was about to go out, he saw Lang Lang who had also finished packing and was about to leave.

"Just leaving?"

After getting along for a few days and becoming familiar with each other, Xu Xin and Lang Lang were no longer so indifferent to each other.

Anyway, the difference in age is only three years.

All on a first-name basis.

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Lang Lang nodded:

"Yeah. The clothes are a bit tight. I just took some measurements and changed them... Are you hungry? Are you looking for a place to eat?"


Xu Xin’s mouth twitched:

"Aren't your clothes tight?"


Lang Lang was a little embarrassed, but he laughed:

"I just asked casually."


Xu Xin was speechless and saw his agent and assistant from a distance.

So he said:

"Let's wait until it's all over. Jay Chou didn't arrive until the evening of the 7th, and the opening ceremony ended on the 8th. I've been busy for so long... I have to take a break and eat at home then. My girlfriend's cooking is really good, really , don’t lie.”

"Hahaha, okay!...Okay, I'll leave first."

"Well, my car is over here. I'll call if I need anything."

"It's done~"

Waving goodbye, Xu Xin got in the car and drove towards home.

July 30th.

Early in the morning...

A rapid ringing of the phone woke up Yang Mi, who had been hugged by Xu Xin like a pillow all night.

She reluctantly opened one eye and saw the black Nokia vibrating among the couple's mobile phones, one black and one white. She took it over speechlessly.

After taking a look at the caller, he answered the call in a daze and said:

"Hey, Sister Wei..."

"Xiao Xu...Mimi!? Quick, give the phone to Xiao Xu! Hurry! Come back to the meeting!"


Yang Mi was startled instinctively by this urgent tone, and shook Xu Xin violently:

"Quick, quick, quick, Sister Wei is looking for trouble!"


Xu Xin was shaken awake and answered the phone in a daze:

"Hey, Sister Wei."

"Xiao Xu! Hurry! There will be a meeting in half an hour! Someone has leaked information about the opening ceremony!"


July 30, 7 a.m. Yanjing time.

8 a.m. Seoul time.

A piece of news about the "Live Video of the Olympics Opening Ceremony" appeared on SBS TV, one of South Korea's three major TV stations.

The news video is 2 minutes and 08 seconds long.

In the picture, the Chinese scrolls that run through the core concept of the entire Olympic Games, and when the peace dove exits, the square array of dominoes and the huge spherical device are clearly visible.

When the news host was explaining, although he did not release the final "Phoenix Returns to the Nest" ignition plan for the Olympic Games, the host specifically explained: "The torch ignition method this time is carried out using the phoenix ignition method."

Olympic Games opening ceremony plan...


According to the instructions of the organizing committee, after receiving the copied video samples, the opening and closing ceremony director team immediately began to evaluate the level of leakage.

Then the full investigation began.

But after this news...or rather, this news like a bombshell exploded on the Internet, it caused waves that many people were unable to react to.

The investigation quickly eliminated the entire director team.

After all, this video has a shooting angle.

The angle of the broadcasting station is completely different from that in the video, so people who were sitting near the broadcasting station during the whole process ruled out the possibility first.

Then he quickly targeted the press group that entered the venue last night.

In fact, everyone knew who did it immediately. After all, they even posted the news.

But to be cautious, everyone conducted a serious and thorough investigation, and finally locked the "suspect" on the SBS broadcast team who entered the venue last night.

How to shoot it and how to present it are no longer matters for the director team to think about.

What everyone is thinking about is how to stop losses.

Although after the incident happened, Sanlan quickly issued a statement, meaning that no one checked at all, they were filming normally, and did not deliberately hide anything.

Called a statement, it's actually more like a quibble.

It can be said that it is in line with their shameless temperament.

But this time the slap in the face was quite real.

You know, at that time it was not just SBS TV station, but also broadcast groups from other countries.

In less than an hour after they issued the statement, the organizing committee first announced the motivation and details of the broadcast team's admission, stating that among the teams that were allowed to enter this time, every media and every TV station had been explicitly ordered Notice: It is forbidden to film the rehearsal content, only debugging the machine is allowed.

He also showed the confidentiality agreements signed by media from various countries in his hand to refute.

At the same time, a Reuters reporter, angry that he was not allowed to enter the Bird's Nest to film and interview, stood up and condemned this shameful behavior of the Koreans:

"Before we entered the stadium, we were told that this time we were just debugging the equipment and that all filming was prohibited. People from the Korean TV station were also present at the time. The Yanjing personnel first explained in Chinese and then in English, and then the various countries The team member translated for everyone. Everyone nodded in agreement. Including the Koreans."

Then, the Japanese team also stood up:

"We did receive a request to ban filming, and everyone complied with it consciously. No one has any objections, because every Olympic opening ceremony is a gift carefully prepared by the host country for athletes, staff and all mankind with the Olympic spirit around the world. . We just got the opportunity to see it earlier than others, but this does not mean that we can report it for the sake of news without any bottom line. This is against professional ethics and is also a mistake that tarnishes the Olympics."

Then, other broadcast teams who entered the scene that night came forward to prove the authenticity of the "no filming" notice.

At this time, the Koreans were speechless.

On the morning of July 31st.

SBS TV station issued an apology statement:

"We don't have any sympathy for the video of the rehearsal this time. We just want the Korean audience to know how spectacular the Olympic opening ceremony is, so as to stir up Olympic enthusiasm in Korea. We apologize if this has caused any negative impact, and at the same time We have taken proactive measures to remove relevant video materials."

The apology statement has been issued.

But do the Chinese people who reacted most strongly buy it?

Not buying it.

Why? If you make a mistake, just issue a painless apology and that's it?

How much damage have you caused us?

Leaking information in advance means directly affecting the benefits of advertisers with live broadcast and broadcast rights. What has our country shouldered for this Olympics?

Do you bastards really know?

The crowd was furious.

The Olympic Organizing Committee also responded immediately:

"We have also seen relevant reports and are disappointed with the clips broadcast by South Korean TV stations about the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Obviously, these clips alone cannot show the grandeur and full picture of the opening ceremony. We hope everyone will wait until August 8 to enjoy the complete event with us. of the Olympic Games opening ceremony.”

So, under pressure, on August 1st, when foreign media debugging channels were still closed in the Bird's Nest, the director and deputy director of Korean TV dramas, who were watched by all broadcasters, arrived in Beijing in the afternoon to report to the International Olympic Organizing Committee and Yantai. The Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee immediately submitted a written apology letter.

But an apology does not mean there is no punishment.

August 2nd.

After discussions with the International Olympic Organizing Committee, the organizing committee announced that the International Olympic Committee has decided to ban South Korea's SBS TV station from entering the "Bird's Nest" rehearsal site again. At the same time, Olympic Broadcasting Co., Ltd. has imposed sanctions on South Korea's SBS TV station to ban it from covering the opening ceremony.

MBC and KBS, both the three major TV stations in South Korea, quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

SBS TV station did not discuss with them in advance the release of the secretly filmed footage, but you must know that the rights to broadcast the Olympic Games in South Korea were signed by the three major TV stations together.

When SBS released this candid video, both MBC and KBS turned pale with shock.

You know... if because of this incident, three TV stations were sanctioned at the same time.

Then they are really like a fire at the city gate that affects the fish in the pond.

The loss exploded.

The reason why SBS TV station surrendered so quickly was actually due to the pressure from both of them.

Under the worst-case scenario, South Korean TV stations may face sanctions that may result in them losing their right to cover the Olympics.

Now it's just that SBS loses the right to interview, which is already the best thing.

However, although the punishment was issued, it did not satisfy the Chinese audience.


What is the right to interview?

We don't recognize it.

This Olympic Games has been something we have been looking forward to for many years. These Korean thugs have made such a big mistake. Such shameless behavior can be accomplished with just a mere interview right?

As a result, a signature campaign was launched on the Internet to boycott the broadcast rights of the South Korean Olympic Games...

Within a few hours, more than 250,000 netizens left their IDs and signs supporting the cancellation of Korean broadcast rights.

Dare you stop it?


Because everyone needs a channel to vent their anger.

But... this matter must go on the right path.

Therefore, on August 3rd, the pressure came to the directing team.

Zhang Wu, followed by Xu Xin, arrived at the entrance to the actors' passage of the Bird's Nest.

In fact, nothing happened to Xu Xin.

The chief director said it was most appropriate to release the news that the two-minute clip could not represent the entire signal.

But Zhang Yimou's voice became hoarse.

The kind of dumb person who can't speak.

Apparently, the leak made him angry.

In order not to show anxious looks on the TV, in addition to Zhang Wu who was the main spokesperson today, Xu Xin came as a "follower".

After all, strictly speaking, compared to other people at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, except for Zhang Yimou, Xu Xin is relatively "popular".

Others don't know who he is.

But at least everyone has seen the movies he made.

So, he is here today too.

Zhang Yimou, on the other hand, was responsible for the concave look and was waiting for reporters at the broadcast booth to take photos.

"Director Zhang Wu, will this leak have a big impact on us?"

"It's not big."

Facing the camera and microphone, Zhang Wu showed no indignant expression on his face.

"We have been preparing for this Olympics for more than two years, and the hard work of tens of thousands of people will not be wasted in just two minutes. That is unrealistic, and their energy is not that great. So, you don't have to Worry. What everyone will see by then will be many times more exciting than every shot in these two minutes."

This is a CCTV interview, and it will be broadcast on the Xinwen Network tonight, so after Zhang Wu answered the question and gave reassurance, the reporter looked at Xu Xin again:

"Director Xu Xin, what do you think?"

"Director Zhang is right."

Facing the camera, Xu Xin nodded:

"It is true that the impact is not big, but I still want to say that this matter is against the Olympic spirit. But as for the two-minute video clip, I can tell you very responsibly. At the current stage of rehearsals, we have We have prepared several plans. The purpose of the rehearsal is to find the most suitable and excellent choice among these plans and send this beauty to the world. So..."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of meaning in his eyes:

"Although some things are still "secrets that cannot be said", the promise we can give is: what you see may not be true!... Please have confidence in us and have confidence in our Olympic Games! And... "

He smiled at the camera.

Smiling full of confidence:

"Don't underestimate the profound historical heritage of our great country with five thousand years of civilization. Please wait and see on August 8."

The reporter left to take pictures of Zhang Yimou on the broadcast stage.

That night, the interview between the two was broadcast on CCTV.

Maybe it's because Xu Xin's words are too in line with the appetite of young people?

This uncut interview becomes a channel for people to vent their feelings.

"What you see may not be real" and "We'll see on August 8th" have become topics that everyone talks about.

Along with this, many people suddenly realized...

Never noticed it before.

When I was watching the movie, I didn’t realize how amazing this person was who joined the opening and closing ceremony directing team at such a young age...

But as soon as these two sentences appear...

Paired with those words of pride and truth, everyone's hearts were filled with excitement when they heard it...

This director Xu Xin...

It's quite photogenic.

He looked very energetic in front of the camera.


"Baidu--Xu Xin Bar" was finally established...

Of course, Xu Xin didn't pay attention to these and had no time to pay attention.

On the evening of August 3, after being closed for many days, the Bird's Nest announced that the ban had been lifted.

Foreign media once again saw the entire opening ceremony process.

The security measures this time are also unprecedentedly strict.

On the one hand, it is because of leaks. On the other hand...

On the broadcast stage, all the leaders of the organizing committee have come to the scene and are waiting attentively.

Tonight's rehearsal is one of the last two rehearsals so far.

After tonight, starting tomorrow morning, the entire LED screen will have to be replaced with cable sets. Then enter a 2-day closed period.

Then there will be the last rehearsal on August 7th.

Including Big Footprint, all programs, fireworks, etc. inside and outside the venue must be released in accordance with normal broadcasting procedures.

It can be said that this was the last "mobilization" before the war.

Clean your gun and put on your armor.

Soon, the war is about to begin!

In front of the broadcasting station, Zhang Yimou gave an order:


All the first batch of "beating the fou and singing" actors, neatly dressed, began to push the fou and enter.

dress rehearsal……

Officially begin!

An hour and a half later.

The moment when the Olympic delegation's entrance was ignored, the main torch was lit remotely.


"Hua la la la la la..."

In front of the broadcasting station, everyone stood up, looked at the torch that was lit, burned for less than ten seconds, and then went out directly, and gave their own applause.


The big leader applauded and nodded.

The dazzling brilliance of the unextinguished main torch still remained in his eyes.

And for the opening and closing ceremony teams.

Even if it’s just 3 words.

But at this moment, they were looking at the rapidly extinguishing main torch and listening to the applause of the crowd...

I understand in my heart.

all of these……

All worth it!

"Young man, work hard, your future is limitless!"

Leaving a word of encouragement, the leaders left.

Xu Xin didn’t leave.

Because he knows...

It's not over yet.

just began.

August 8th, cloudy.

Thundershowers. The maximum temperature is 30 to 32 degrees.

Director's office.


"The meteorological department's plan is to use anti-aircraft guns and rockets to shoot into the air in areas outside Yanjing, or use aircraft to sow silver iodide in the air to shift the target area of ​​rain. The rain will fall in Hebei or under dense clouds in advance, and the Bird's Nest will be safe and sound. At present, the military region All departments are already cooperating, and it would be best if it rains in advance. But if the weather monitoring detects the possibility of rainfall between 7 and 12 p.m., artificial rain suppression methods will be used to intervene to ensure that the Olympic Games are held without incident!"

"What's the chance of rain?"

"...The current air humidity around Yanjing has exceeded 50%."




As soon as the news came out, everyone's expressions darkened.

Xu Xin is no exception.

After this month of rainy season in Yanjing, he is no longer a novice who knows nothing about weather forecasts.


It is a particularly sensitive word for the entire Olympic team.

Humidity above 50% means the possibility of rainfall is slightly increasing.

Once you hit 60, falling rain is basically a sure thing.

Over 70 and it starts to rain.

And today...

Very boring.

The weather in the entire Yanjing City is very hot.

The sky was also dark and gloomy, with no sunlight visible.

This is not good news... or, in other words, extremely bad news.

Xu Xin thought for a moment and picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Security Team Security Team."

"The security team has received it, please speak."

"First cover all the screens with tarpaulins. We also plan the evacuation route for the tarpaulins in the afternoon, requiring all raincloths to be transported outside the Bird's Nest after being removed, so as not to affect the passage of internal props and performance-related personnel."

"The security team received it."

After he said this, he noticed that many people's eyes were on him.

But no one said anything.


There must be some people who think Xu Xin has a "crow's mouth", but no one thinks he is talking depressingly.

Because he was just preparing for the worst.

Zhang Yimou didn't say anything after hearing this.

After just being silent for a while, he said:

"Everything is going according to the process...are all the directors from other sub-project teams here?"

"It's already here, everyone is waiting."

"Let's go and have this last meeting."

So, the door of the small conference room opened, and everyone came to the large conference room with the heavy stone brought by the weather in their hearts.

The large conference room is the waiting area for extras in the Bird's Nest.

It's actually quite crude.

The noise of the actors was constant.

But no one cares.

Large conference room.

The project files in the hands of each director were carefully read by everyone.

In front of the conference table:

"Tonight's success depends on our responsibility for every detail!"

"We have no greater expectations. Everything will remain unchanged and we will proceed according to the process of the final rehearsal yesterday!"

"After all this process, it is a great victory!"

"Don't be too ambitious!"

"keep us safe!"

"Good luck!"

"Keep it unchanged! Cough cough cough..."

When Zhang Yimou reached the end of his speech, he started to cough because his throat could not bear the pressure.

Seeing this, Xu Xin quickly handed over the water glass.

After Zhang Yimou took it, he sat down and said to him:

"Tell me the plan."


Xu Xin nodded and stood up.

"The director's voice is a little hoarse, so I'll go over the final details for him. First, all the scene directors! Before going on stage tonight, make one final confirmation with the actors and tell them that this is in front of billions of people around the world. , showing the smiling faces of our Chinese people!”

"Second, confirm that the five star rings should be aligned with the five image rings on the ground! Is this implemented?"


"Third, Captain Qiu, have you confirmed the location of the paper?"

"already confirmed."

"Go and confirm again."


"Fourth, who will lead the earthquake children?"

"Chief of Gate No. 1."

"Where is the head of Gate No. 1?"


No one responded.

Xu Xin frowned and continued to ask:

"Does anyone know where the earthquake children are now?"




These people are all focused on their own projects, and they really can't care about matters that are not their own.

It’s not that they don’t have anything to do with themselves, it’s that they simply don’t have the energy to be distracted.

"...Sister Wei."

Seeing this, Zhang Yimou didn't need to say anything, Xu Xin said directly:

"Call the gate chief of Gate No. 1 over. Also, confirm which delegations have passed through Gate No. 1 today and call them all over. This child is very important and nothing can go wrong. Sister Wei, take charge of it yourself. , don’t reveal his identity, but you have to communicate with them in advance that a child will come tonight. Otherwise, delegations from various countries will think that this child is a troublemaker, which will cause trouble. You must confirm it in person, and then give me a Do you know the news?"

When the Ouchi general manager spoke, Wei Lanfang nodded directly, took out his notebook and quickly got down.

"Ritual Studio, you cooperate with Sister Wei, you can't make any mistakes in this matter, you know! There must be no mistakes!"

Pointing to the person in charge of the ceremony studio standing behind him, Xu Xin emphasized several times.

After getting a nod, he continued:

"Director Ma."

Ma Wen raised her head.

"Director Ma, fuse, confirm again, there are two sets of plans, one is manual ignition and the other is electronic ignition, there can be no problems."


"There is still time for the main torch to be lit..."

Before Xu Xin finished speaking, Zhang Yimou stood up again:

"The ignition! It must be successful! Do you understand! Everyone! We have never made any mistakes in the previous Olympic Games! Even if we fail in a certain part of the performance, as long as the torch is successfully lit, there will be no problem! Do you understand!"


Everyone cheered in the conference room.

After finally saying all the things to pay attention to, Xu Xin glanced at Zhang Yimou who started to rub his throat because of the loud request just now, thought for a while, and said to Zhang Wu:

"Director Zhang, do you have anything else to say at the end?"

Zhang Wu put down his cup and stood up:

"Get on duty, stand guard for the last shift! That's all I have to say."

They have done everything they can to say and do what needs to be done.

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded, put down the note sheet, and said in a deep voice:

"Comrades! Do our best! Don't be pressured and don't have any baggage. It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen! Okay?"


"The meeting is dismissed!"

In front of the currently empty bird's nest.

Xu Xin came to the center of the venue, looked at the more than thirty technicians who had been working with him for half a year, and asked:

"How's it going? Are you done checking?"

"Everything is checked, Director Xu."


Hearing this, Xu Xin walked to the big screen.

The large LED screen at this moment was like a sacred virgin land to him.

He didn't even dare to stand up.

For fear of desecrating its existence.

Place your hand gently on the screen.

Feel the touch of the anti-seismic partitions…

The quarrel I had with the team over whether to use LED screens is still fresh in my mind.

For no reason, he suddenly felt regretful.

If I hadn't adopted it in the first place...

Will you feel less nervous now?

Don't seek merit, but seek no faults... haha.

The moment this idea emerged from his heart, he smiled.

He smiled and shook his head.

Why are you still worrying about gains and losses?

They are making history.

Every step is a new page of footsteps.

Ancestors, predecessors, they have conquered the country for their descendants from the era when they were just like hair and blood!

Step by step, we have come to where we are now.

This Olympic opening ceremony has already carried too many things.

In any case, LED large screens are already in use.

It's too late to say anything now.

When you draw your bow, where can you turn your head?

Can't regret it.

He couldn't even show any emotion on his face.

Otherwise it will affect military morale.

So, Xu Xin put away all the fears in his heart and caressed the screen in front of him, as if facing an old friend.

He wanted to express his demands.


Tell it to it...

I hope it understands what color and meaning it carries.

Hope it understands.

Hope it understands.

I hope that like the countless ancestors of this country... and even this civilization, it can shoulder its due responsibilities at this historical turning point where danger and opportunity coexist.

Even though...it's just an industrial product.

But at this moment, Xu Xin desperately hoped that they would listen to his appeal.

But at this moment, the ringing of the phone woke him up from this "communication".

I took it out and saw that it was Wei Lanfang calling.

"Xiao Xu, the child has been found. Head of Gate No. 1, you have to come here. The delegation will be here soon. It would be better if you tell them in person. They know you."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

After Xu Xin hung up the phone, he was about to walk towards Gate No. 1.

But just as he took a step, he suddenly stopped again.

Unconsciously, he turned his head again.

I took a look at the 147-meter-long LED ground screen in front of me.

After reading it, I looked up at the gray weather.

He... has never been a very superstitious person.

But for some reason, at this moment, I suddenly remembered that night more than ten days ago.

At ten o'clock, everyone retreated.

Before retreating, he admitted his mistake to God.

I guess... it's because of the attitude of admitting one's mistake that it will take time to reach the heavens.

The rain stopped when I got home.

Explain...God gives you face, but it takes time to send a message.


Looking at the sky, he pursed his lips...

"...Director Xu, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with the rope?"

Several engineers saw him suddenly raising his head and asked subconsciously.

But the next second...


Xu Xin suddenly clasped his hands together, his face full of solemnity.

There was unprecedented piety in his eyes.




Several people around were stunned.

Especially on the LED screen he was facing, several engineers who were still inspecting saw Xu Xin praying towards them and subconsciously stepped aside.

And everyone around could see Xu Xin's lips moving slightly.

Praying for something.

But no one could hear clearly what was said.

However, after praying for a while, he raised his clasped hands, pointed them at the sky, and then bowed respectfully three times.

But no one dared to speak.

Even if they couldn't even hear what he was praying for, the three bows and kowtows, coupled with their previous actions of looking up at the sky, already made them realize...

Director Xu was probably praying for something.

After bowing, Xu Xin stood up straight.

The movement was too violent and I felt a little dizzy.

The body is shaking a little.

But he immediately stood up, took a step forward again, walked to the edge of the LED screen and squatted down.

It was different from the gentle touch just now.

This time, he slapped the screen in front of him and whispered in the ears of several people:

"Please beg, please beg. Brother... I have done everything I can do. The rest... is up to you! Come on!!"


Slapping the screen, he shouted as if in self-hypnosis.

Before he finished speaking, several engineers beside him instinctively followed his voice:

"come on!!!!!!"

Above the Bird's Nest, there is the director's supervision team's office.

The organizing committee members and Zhang Yimou, who had arrived at unknown time, looked at Xu Xin who turned around and walked this way...

No one spoke for a long time.

But in their hearts, more or less, they all have ideas that are extremely utilitarian for the gods and Buddhas in the sky, but are very consistent with the cognition and habits of the people of the Celestial Dynasty.

"How about... let's say goodbye too?"

As long as it succeeds...

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