I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 233 231 The Way of Being a Teacher

Chapter 233 231. The Way of Being a Teacher

Is Liang Bingning some kind of idiot?

Maybe some people think she is.

But at least in Xu Xin's eyes, she could step by step from a supporting actress who was asked by Qiong Yao's old aunt, "What kind of star is she?" to the woman she is today...

Regardless of the rumors outside, or those... Anyway, I have never seen it, but the rumors I have heard are similar to the real thing. Judging from the history of this woman's fortune, it is definitely not a simple "filming"—— Take off - shoot again - take off again" is a simple template.

This circle is too realistic.

It is so realistic that if you peel it off and reveal the truth, and present the most authentic side to everyone...

God knows how many people will be shattered.

But what’s even more frightening is that it can also allow everyone to dig deep into the truth and transform the truths that everyone is accustomed to into examples, so that people outside can feel:

"Ah~ This is just a special situation and cannot be generalized."

This is the scariest thing.

What Director Zhang said is actually very correct.

In this circle, people at the bottom cannot break the rules. If you want to break the rules, you must first climb up according to its rules. Only by climbing up can you be qualified to break the rules.

But when you stand at a high enough height, you will find that you have been assimilated by the rules without knowing it.

This is almost an impossible path.

However, many people don’t understand this truth and don’t think about why a star makes so much money when she becomes popular, how does this money come out, how does she come about with her status, status, and resources, and why is she qualified to earn it? So much money.

Instead, she took the situation of "being a star and making money" as a matter of course, but never thought about how much of the money she earned was her own, and how much of it was just for her to live with, and then Flow into an unknown place.

Moreover, these big names will never tell people outside these circles. They will only write out one piece of chicken soup in some interviews with some news media, and continue to describe to the newcomers that I have achieved both fame and wealth. Sweet dreams that I can do too.

Then when those ignorant people step into this Ukiyo-e with dreams, they easily turn into nourishment for these big names, and turn into leeks that can be cut at any time.

Therefore, Xu Xin never dared to regard Liang Binning as some silly person.

People who can reach this position cannot be stupid.

Even if it is just a puppet supported by the forces behind it, then this puppet must be superior in some aspects.

Otherwise, why can't people praise others?

So, talk about business in business.

Interests are related, either friends or enemies. How to maximize your own interests has become the only unchanging truth.

He is not so naive as to think that if he comes up with a script, or some words from a fan idol, or that his face is enough to make people throw their heads and blood, they will worship him.

Not so narcissistic.

He entered the industry at a great time and his starting point was high enough.

But as Director Zhang said, after a director becomes famous, it is easy to become separated from the masses, and the things he shoots will gradually become erratic and impetuous.

So does he.

The Olympic Games is not the entertainment industry, but after the Olympic Games, it is the real entertainment industry.

I don’t want to be treated like a cow or a horse, I don’t want to be treated like a sheep.

Then you have to eat meat and you have to become a wolf.

He even felt that the wolf was not very good.

Nothing can be accomplished by a lone wolf.

He wants to be a tiger, the king of beasts.

Conquer the country and establish territory. You don’t have to hunt when you’re not hungry.

But there must be capital that makes people fearful.

Therefore, if he couldn't even control Liang Bingning, he felt that with his intelligence, he should just be raised like a cow and a horse.

I was treated like an ox and a horse by the Western Film Studio, and by this circle.

When you can produce milk, everyone will feed you water and grass. And when one day I get old, I will turn into that smelly foot wrap. Not only will no one care about me, I will also be kicked out.

Whoever wants to do this will do it.

He didn't want to anyway.

And after stating that he no longer wanted to talk about this matter tonight, it was obvious that his words held considerable weight.

Liang Bingning and Mu Xiaoguang also laughed and accepted his decision.

I dare not overturn it.

Otherwise, the "idol fans" drama just now will be self-defeating.

Then the meal turned into a fun conversation filled with humor.

From interesting things about the West Film Studio, to some market gossip, to some trivial but gripping topics of conversation about the Olympics.

A meal takes less than 3 hours.

The four of them drank two bottles of white wine.

The average amount is half a catty.

Not much, not good, tipsy.

It's just that the beauty is enchanting and full of spring red.

So beautiful.

But that's about it.

Everyone left each other's contact information, declined the invitation for the second show, and the four of them went downstairs together.

When he walked to the door, Mu Xiaoguang had already finished calling the driver and car on the phone text message.

Two business cars came.

Xu Xin couldn't figure out whether the four or five people who got off the car had been waiting in the car all night, or whether they had gone to have a meal on the way and then returned to the car to continue waiting.

But he learned from Liang Bingning why besides the fat female assistant, there were four men and two cars here.

"Director Xu, President Qi, these are all people in my team. They can drive. You two have been drinking. Do you have a driver? If not, let them drive you two. It will be safer, okay?"

The woman who seemed to be slightly hungover, smelling of alcohol and fragrance, smiled gently, with care all over her face.

Not to mention Qi Lei, even Xu Xin was a little stunned.

When they talked about dinner in the afternoon, Xu Xin knew that he would have to drink tonight. Then while drinking tea with Qi Lei, he asked:

"Do we have a driver here?"

After getting Qi Lei's affirmative reply, he learned one more thing.

Pay the driving fee yourself.

Money is nothing...

But looking at the respectful "substitute" drivers in front of me, it's obvious that the meaning is slightly different.

Qi Lei's reaction was also very quick.

Although Xu Xin didn't know whether he had a driver waiting for him.

But he did not reject Liang Binning’s thoughtfulness and care:

"Haha, Bingbing is so attentive. I'm worried about how to go back."

After speaking, he shook Liang Bingning's hand:

"Then I'll have to work hard today."

Liang Binning smiled and shook her head:

"Mr. Qi's words are too polite and too outspoken."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Mu Xiaoguang asked politely:

"Director Xu, where are you?"


Xu Xin, who came back to his senses, smiled and nodded:

"Indeed, Sister Bingbing is so thoughtful. Then please help the driver and take me home."

On the Audi car.

The driver, who was in his thirties, helped Xu Xin close the rear door and got into the driver's seat.

Then he took out a box from the bag he was carrying:

"Director Xu, these are hangover and liver protection tablets. Do you want to take them now?"

Xu Xin glanced at the eye-catching Tongrentang trademark, smiled and shook his head:

"No, just drive. Go to Shijia Hutong."

"Okay. I'll put these two boxes here for you as a token of our Mr. Liang's wishes."

"Well, thank you."

Leaning on the seat, Xu Xin lowered the window and waved to Liang Bingning and Mu Xiaoguang who were still waiting in front of the business car.

The other person smiled back, then turned around and got in the car.

The attitude is just right.

Enthusiastic, not flattering, not humble, but still full of consideration and concern.

Then the car drove away from the waiting area at the entrance of the club.

When exiting the parking lot gate, Xu Xin lit a cigarette and sent a message to Yang Mi in the air-conditioned and hot evening breeze:

"The meal is over, I'm going home now. Liang Binning's driver is taking me off. If I have anything to talk about, I'll go home."

Yang Mi did not reply.

I don’t know if I’m filming or reading a script.

He didn't care, he was just thinking about when Liang Binning would make this call to him.

Theoretically speaking, the best time to make this call is after drinking.

Drink and lose your sanity.

Plus there were other people around just now, so there were too many things to reveal. So there are some things that are inconvenient to say, but they are actually the most appropriate at this juncture.

What's more, no one drank much today.

Grasp the scale.

You can talk about things without having to drink too much and not remember anything the next day.

This call...should come tonight.

It's not too late either.

If it's too late, after you've returned home and taken a shower and gone to bed, there will be no point in making the call.


Thinking of this, he glanced at the driver.

It should be after he sends him home and reports to Liang Binning, right?

But that also seems a bit "monitoring", which may not be flattering.

Especially for those who value privacy.

At the dinner table, Liang Binning also asked where she lived in Yanjing. The answer was Shijia Hutong.

And this woman seemed to know the history of Shijia Hutong very well. She talked a lot about the high-ranking officials and nobles in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Alcohol accelerated Xu Xin's brain thinking speed.

Everything, all kinds of details are spinning rapidly in my mind.

Thinking about all the details during dinner tonight.

It was equally quiet inside the business car.

Even Mu Xiaoguang didn't say a word.

Just watching the woman who seemed to be drunk was rubbing her temples.

After rubbing it for ten minutes, she suddenly opened her eyes and said to Mu Xiaoguang:

"The breakthrough this time lies with Director Xu."


Mu Xiaoguang frowned:

"Are you sure? I think it's still Qi Lei. Xiying Studio is not a student union. How can a young man in his early twenties decide what you want?"

"I don't know, but..."

Liang Binning recalled everything at today's dinner and took out her mobile phone from the handbag at her feet:

"The key point must be him. I'll give him a call."



Liang Binning found the phone number she just saved today, looked at the ordinary phone number on it, thought about it, and said:


"Hey, sister."

Assistant Wang Dongying responded quickly.

"Get a better mobile phone number card tomorrow. The kind that requires consecutive numbers."


After giving the instructions, Liang Binning asked Mu Xiaoguang:

"What do you think of others?"

Mu Xiaoguang, who naturally knew who the other party was talking about, thought about it and sighed:

"It's watertight."


Liang Binning also nodded.

He dialed the number with some admiration in his eyes.

When the n95 bell rang, Xu Xin looked at the "Liang Binning" number he had saved and raised the window:

"Hey, Sister Bingbing, are you home?"

"Ha, not yet. Just after Director Xu and Mr. Qi left, Brother Mu vomited. There was no other way, so he left me and the assistant behind, and we walked back."

After vaguely stating that she had "no moles" around her, Liang Binning said with a smile:

"Director Xu didn't drink too much today, right? The liver-protecting tablets are very effective in relieving hangover. Take three tablets to protect the liver, and you won't feel uncomfortable when you get up the next day. Director Xu has been drinking for two days in a row, so you have to be careful. Just take care of yourself. Don’t let us fans worry."


Xu Xin chuckled:

"Yes, yes, sister Bingbing has spoken, so I must eat it, I must eat it."

"Hmm... By the way, Director Xu. I was actually not too embarrassed to say it in front of Mr. Qi just now... Now I would like to ask, Director Xu's movie... except for the role of Li Ningyu, what other characters are there? Have you chosen everyone?"

"Well, not yet... I'm making a budget these days. If nothing else happens, I should start putting it on the agenda in a few days. What? Does Sister Bingbing have any recommendations?"

"Yes, it's me. I've been saying today that I want to cooperate with Director Xu. You don't always think I'm joking, do you?"


The movement on Xu Xin's side sounded a little shocked.

But he immediately said:

"Hey...Sister Bingbing, there are no outsiders at the moment. Let's open the skylight and speak frankly, okay?"

"Yeah! Say it, idol."


Xu Xin seemed to like this title very much, and his tone became warmer:

"The main reason is that Mr. Qi is here today, and it was not convenient for me to talk just now. After all... this is a task in the factory. If I say that I want to use other actors, isn't it the same as giving Mr. Qi eye drops?"

"Yes, yes, we are both ignorant."

"No way, we are friends. I'm telling the truth. I won't mention the other roles because they are all supporting roles. This drama is a female lead role. Sister Bingbing, you can't play a supporting role, right? And Gu Xiaomeng's role is a girl , it doesn’t fit either. The role of Li Ningyu...is actually very suitable for Sister Bingbing."


Liang Bingning on the other side of the car finally showed a hint of surprise.


It’s not quite what I expected.

Shouldn't it be me who opens the mouth, with some benefits, even if it's a little ambiguous... and then forces you to open this hole?


Are you attracted to me?

Liang Binning, who unconsciously lost her right to speak again, could only passively listen to Xu Xin's words:

"But... internal digestion is internal digestion, and there is no way to change it. Do you understand what I mean?... But now we are facing a situation, which is because of the incident with Teacher Jiang... Do you understand? In fact, the advertisement reflects It’s the warmth between mother and child, but somehow this advertisement was misinterpreted as that aspect.”

"Uh... yes, I think those people are too much."

"Yes. But now no matter what, things have happened. Although it is not a big deal, in fact, Teacher Jiang will definitely not be able to participate in this drama. But now the difficulty is here, there are some things I won't say Well, Sister Bingbing must also understand..."


Liang Bingning's heart suddenly began to accelerate.


She's going to start showing her fangs.

So, his tone was full of smiles:

"Yeah, but I'm more thinking...how to solve this matter so as not to embarrass the idol."


Xu Xin's stunned voice came from the phone.

But immediately there was a complaint:

"What can I do?... I'm a short man. I am fully responsible for this film, and the factory has given me a lot of trust. I can't live up to it, can I?"

"… Then doesn't it have to be digested internally?"

"Yes, this is ironclad and cannot be changed. So I may have to go back to the actor troupe in the factory soon... I'll watch it then."

"Actor troupe?"

"Yes, the cast."


"It's quite troublesome anyway... Let's watch it then. Sister Bingbing is very interested in this drama?"

"I'm quite interested in Director Xu's plays."

"...Ha~ Then I will work hard. After all, it is my dream to cooperate with you. How about it? We will contact you for details."

Xu Xin gave up once again.

All the bait has been spread.

Just waiting for the fish to bite.

In fact, it is nothing more than a matter of choice.

In this matter, neither Xu Xin nor the factory could take the initiative to invite her.

She must take the initiative to vote.

Whoever takes the initiative has the advantage. Whoever is passive is restricted.

The only difference is this.

Otherwise, when the news comes out that Xiying Film Factory is begging Liang Binning to come over... it will be a huge blow to the image of the factory.

Going crazy.


Xu Xin firmly believed that she could figure it out.

She's not stupid.

Now that the bait has been thrown out, the rest depends on how Qi Lei cooperates.

What kind of benefit exchange the factory would have with her was not something Xu Xin considered. He couldn't touch that part of the threshold yet.

But the final lottery result is mine, and that's enough.

After hanging up the phone and returning to Shijia Hutong, Xu Xin waved goodbye to the driver who was silent all the way, opened the door and walked into the house.

Yang Mi still didn't reply.

After thinking for a while, he sent a message:

"I'm going to take a shower. If you haven't replied after the shower, I'll go to bed first. Liang Binning just called me here. I'm in charge. You don't have to worry about anything. Just finish the script."

After saying that, he walked into the bathroom.

When she came out, Yang Mi still didn't reply.

Xu Xin guessed that she was filming a night scene.

So after sending a good night text message, I fell asleep directly.

The next morning, Xu Xin saw Yang Mi's text message.

Sent at around 2am.

Apparently, the crew of "Sword and Fairy" worked overtime last night.

The message sent by my girlfriend also revealed a meaning:

"I am Gu Xiaomeng."

She directly blocked things outside.

Obviously, she also understood that everything her fiancé did had only one purpose. Just hold yourself up.

Maybe others don't understand, but she does.


Whether it's an exchange of benefits, or an exaggerated or ugly peace.

They just want to help themselves quickly complete the conversion from a false name to a real name.

He has sacrificed enough for himself.

What I have to do is respond to everything he does and give him a perfect answer.

Now I still need your protection.

But when I "grow up", I will protect you.

Director's office.

No one else.

Just Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou.

Each holds a tea cup.

Xu Xin sat on the sofa, while Zhang Yimou sat at the desk.

The atmosphere was silent for more than a minute before Zhang Yimou nodded:

"So, you are planning to use Liang Binning for the role of Li Ningyu?"


Xu Xin responded:

"We have been communicating in the past few days, but she regards me as a springboard to integrate into the West Film Studio, but I heard from Mr. Qi that don't rush, just delay. If you want to come in, you have to restrain your energy first."

"That's for sure."

Zhang Yimou obviously understands this truth:

"If you get it too easily, you won't cherish it. You will lose your prestige. Only after you come in do you know how to behave with your tail between your legs."

"So...I made the right move, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou turned his head and glanced at Xu Xin, who had a somewhat uneasy face, and shook his head with a smile:

"It's definitely wrong. Isn't it just for Yang Mi?... She has become popular very quickly in the past two years, but if you think about it carefully, she doesn't have any good works. This popularity is too false, too empty, you want to help her It settles down. We are engaged and we are soon to be a couple, what can be wrong with that?"

He first agreed with Xu Xin’s approach:

"Besides, you are very smart in this matter... With this smartness, I will feel at ease in the future. At least I don't have to be played like a fool in this circle..."

Hearing this, the anxiety on Xu Xin's face turned into joy.

But immediately I heard two words:



Subconsciously, he raised his head and saw Director Zhang's eyes.

And the seriousness in the eyes:

"Xiao Xu, what is the most important thing for a director?"

"Of course it's a work."

Xu Xin answered without hesitation.

Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Well, just remember this. Now that the Olympic Games are about to end, those of us have accomplished this, and we have fully lived up to the expectations of the country and the people, and we have also brought glory to everyone in the world. And these things , is a halo, understand? The halo that surrounds us... This halo will not retreat for at least two or three years."


"So, in the past two or three years, you must be doing things smoothly. It is definitely right to take advantage of this juncture to save enough capital ahead."

He was holding a teacup in his hand and spoke earnestly:

"I told you before that you can't make it in this circle just by having money. You have to take the initiative to adapt to its rules. You did a good job... and even made me feel reassured. But similarly, all young people, Including myself, I all make a mistake, that is, when people are popular, they tend to drift away. Things like swelling... you can't stop it. If you can't stop it, I can't stop it either."

"...Am I bloated?"

"That's not true."

Looking at Xu Xin's surprised eyes, Zhang Yimou once again felt a hint of relief in his eyes.

However, this relief immediately turned into worry:

"But if "The Wind" is successful, you will enter the expansion stage. Think about it, the Olympics, "The Secret", and this "The Wind". As long as "The Wind" is successful, people under the age of 30 will Director, you can almost say that this is your first job in history. Therefore, you will definitely enter this stage, even earlier than we expected..."


"If "The Wind" succeeds, it will not only be a success for Yang Mi, but also you. Do you understand? The reason why you don't experience the feeling of becoming a hit now is because after "Secret" became a hit, you returned Here we are. The Olympic Games have blocked out all the prosperity of the world for you. But now that the Olympic Games are over, you are equivalent to a "newcomer" who has plunged into this vanity fair. Not to mention Liang Bingning, you will see more that you have never seen before. Things I have seen or even heard of. Of course, if "The Wind" fails, just pretend that I didn't tell you."


Xu Xin gradually frowned.

"So...you suddenly grabbed me from school after hearing the news?"


Zhang Yimou smiled and nodded:

"I heard Gu Changwei mention the script of "The Wind" and the matter with Liang Binning, so I asked about it. After knowing that you were responsible for it here, I called you here specifically. In fact, the meaning is very simple... smart, no wrong.

You can manipulate Liang Binning in the palm of your hand. On the one hand, you are really smart. But on the other hand, people will cooperate with you only when they have needs, do you understand? She is not a fool to reach this position. Even if you are kept in the dark now, you will still be able to understand it all when you come in later. "

"Yeah, I know that."

"And Gu Xiaomeng, who saw Yang Mi after she acted in "Li Ningyu", will definitely be able to guess your intentions."

"It's mutual benefit for everyone. Is she taking all the benefits in the world? That's not realistic."

"Yes, that's why I'm telling you that it's a good thing that you're smart. You helped Yang Mi make plans for this matter, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just like me, I only noticed you after finishing filming "Golden Armor" The purpose of stuffing Yang Mi into me is the same."


Looking at Xu Xin who was laughing dryly, Zhang Yimou was also happy.

He smiled and shook his head:

"There is nothing right or wrong in this matter. I am calling you here today, and I am not saying that what you did is wrong or what you are doing...On the contrary, the smarter you are, the more relieved I am. Because it proves that the path I have planned for you , you can keep going. But what I want to say is still...after the success of "The Wind", I will set a goal for you."

"You say."

Xu Xin quickly sat up straight.

"Your sophomore year will be over next June, right?"


"Junior year, senior year...Be admitted to graduate school before June 2010. This is what I ask of you."


Looking at the stunned Xu Xin, Zhang Yimou spoke calmly:

"After filming "The Wind", regardless of success or failure, settle down. Go back to school to study, don't be exposed to any commercial films, walk more, see more, read more, and absorb more knowledge. If you want to shoot, just shoot the hard-working people in this land. The most authentic look of people who have been working hard for thousands of years.

Arm your mind with knowledge, and use your own eyes and footprints to witness this land that gives birth to and nurtures us. Improve your own directorial skills, don't over-commercialize, and get through this period of expansion... Don't worry about whether Yang Mi is on the front line or not, and don't worry about what's going on within the system. See more, walk more, think more. Can you root yourself deeply into this soil? "



Almost as soon as Zhang Yimou finished speaking, Xu Xin nodded in agreement.

But the speed made Zhang Yimou a little stunned.

"...You agreed so happily?"

"Uh...can't you?...Then I'll pretend to think about it for a while?"


Seeing Director Zhang's speechless look, Xu Xin smiled and scratched his head:

"I don't have so much ideological baggage. You won't harm me. Apart from anything else, just an internationally famous director uses his life experience to tell a stupid boy who doesn't know anything how to find treasures and avoid them. Trap...I will definitely not refuse these precious inheritances. What do you think? What would I say?"


Zhang Yimou opened his mouth...

Nothing was said in the end.

He just nodded with joy:

"Ah That's good."

(Actually, the ending plot of Liang Bingning mentioned yesterday is this chapter. In the first two chapters, I was already prepared to cause controversy and even be called "book-eating" by readers. I originally wanted to say this yesterday, but after thinking about it carefully, This is just like a spoiler, so I didn't say it, but put it here to explain. Xu Xin was not "reborn", he just had a dream.

Therefore, it is impossible for a city to have two lives. As for yesterday's chapters, the first two chapters are for Liang Binning, an important supporting character who will play the role of "Yang Mi's mirror" in the subsequent plot. As for "Burst" and some of the films I want to make, the following plot is actually the foreshadowing.

I am a person who believes in plot-reasonable plots. From the very beginning, everyone can see that the role of Director Zhang is the role of "Master". The apprentice must be a good apprentice, and the master plays the role of restraint and guidance. During the "Golden Jacket" period, the protagonist's mental journey was: "I only make the films I want to make, and I don't care about money." Director Zhang taught him what "rules" are, and it doesn't mean that you can fix it if you have money.

When getting engaged, you have to start a family and start a business. As a man, you have to take responsibility for your lover's career. That's why "The Wind" is a drama that helps Yang Mi transform into a "powerful person". But if I directly describe Yang Mi as a "genius" with explosive acting skills, will you accept it? I just can't accept it.

So "double ice" is the most suitable option. The mental journey of Liang Binning and Yang Mi can be used as the writing method of "two flowers blooming, each showing one branch", so this plot came into being. And just when the protagonist is about to get lost in this kind of intrigue and be unconsciously assimilated by the rules of this circle, as the "master", Director Zhang, who has reached the age of knowing his destiny, will appear and help the protagonist back on the right track.

Then through precipitation, the protagonist has gained great glory from a fledgling boy, and gradually becomes a mature person who has self-awareness of the world and loves his career. Like the "master" he pulled back from the edge of the cliff, he taught his mental journey to the people around him through words and deeds, and through influence, transformed it into a filmmaker's spirit.

In fact, this is the core idea of ​​the plot I wrote. It must have a process of "cause - process - result". But my hand failed to live up to expectations. The first two chapters were actually written in a "villain" style, but they got stuck on the most critical "whitewashing" aspect. It’s not that I deliberately broke the chapter, it’s because I really couldn’t hold it, nor that I was eating the book, it’s because I couldn’t hold on to 20,000 words a day. I want to say sorry to everyone.

So, after I finished writing this chapter, I quickly posted it. This chapter was actually supposed to be posted tomorrow, but I was also afraid of losing my subscription... so I panicked. Because this plot is the most important turning point in the first half. Therefore, this chapter is for tomorrow, and there is another chapter in the early morning. Then I explained these few hundred words...because I couldn't fit it into the "Author Says", sorry. )

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