I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 235 233 Reading around

Chapter 235 233. Reading around

September 30th.

Outside the auditorium, around 5 o'clock in the evening.

Holding a temporary pass and an Olympic work permit, Xu Xin parked his car in the square outside the auditorium in a parking space reserved for Olympic personnel. He did not go in directly, but took a few steps towards the sidewalk. .

When passing by the "security guard", he smiled, raised the cigarette in his hand, and said politely:

"Comrade, I'm going in to have a cigarette."

The security guard nodded silently.

In order not to get in the way, Xu Xin stayed away. Some tourists from the province took pictures of him smoking outside the auditorium, which looked indecent.

After all, it's Golden Week now, and there are so many people traveling here.

Smoking is prohibited inside and outside the auditorium. The dinner will be held soon... According to Director Zhang, it will take at least two or three hours.

He was having fun talking.

Anyway, the appointment was for 7 o'clock, so there was no rush.

As soon as he lit one, Xu Xin saw a familiar figure turning from the direction of the square to the sidewalk.

After seeing himself, the man was stunned, and then walked over with a smile:

"Haha, Director Xu~"

Xu Xin also had a smile on his face and stretched out his hand:

"Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Dezhi, on-site project general manager of the Bird's Nest Olympic venue construction unit.

He was responsible for all the large and small civil construction projects for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, such as digging pits, lifting rails, etc.

During the Olympics, everyone interacted with each other a lot.

And the other party is obviously qualified to come to today's dinner.

Shake hands and let smoke.

After helping Zhao Dezhi light a cigarette, he heard him smile:

"Everything in the auditorium is good, but it's a bit too sad for us smokers."

"Haha, so it's fun to come here."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhao Dezhi nodded vigorously:

"Yes. Director Xu has been here before?"


Xu Xin turned his head and glanced at this magnificent building and said:

"I've never been here once...but I hope to come more often in the future."

"Hahahaha~ Yes, yes, I hope too."

Zhao Dezhi obviously agreed with Xu Xin's words.

Then he changed the topic:

"Director Xu, what are your plans now that the Olympics are over?"

"Let's just hang out in this circle. Go to school, study, and make movies, that's all."

"Director Xu is young and promising, and his future is bound to be limitless~"


Hearing this, Xu Xin blinked and responded with a smile:

"Where's Mr. Zhao?"

"……Ha ha."

Zhao Dezhi laughed again and then said:

"It depends on the group's dispatch. I will go wherever they ask me to go...but if Director Xu needs anything, you can contact me and I will be there on time. Haha~"

"I'm making movies, not doing civil engineering. I can't afford it at Yanjing City Construction, haha~"

Unexpectedly, after he said this, Zhao Dezhi quickly shook his head:

"Hey~ Director Xu is so humble. I can help Director Xu with things that the group cannot participate in. My friends also work in construction, so we keep in touch with each other."

Xu Xin immediately understood what Zhao Dezhi meant.

This is to build relationships.

The "official business" is done, but we can still contact each other on the "private business" in the future.

He should have a company outside in partnership with others.

But the problem is... after all, the two of them seem to be "going together".

Xu Xin couldn't say this, couldn't answer it, so he could only nod:

"Well, that's okay, there will definitely be a chance in the future."

He is not narcissistic enough to think that the other person is counting on him to survive, or something else. Not very realistic.

Yanjing Urban Construction is not a small unit with cats and dogs. Every job it does starts with a billion or tens of billions. Although Zhao Dezhi is only a small project manager, he is definitely important outside.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Mr. Zhao's meteoric rise... is just around the corner."

After hearing his words, Zhao Dezhi smiled and suddenly felt a little sad:

"Hey, we have to survive in the cracks. Director Xu, we are just like the leaves on the roadside, waiting for the wind to come every day. If a gust of wind blows over, even if it only blows a little bit, we may turn over. If this gust of wind blows, If the wind gets stronger, it will take us a little further, and that will be the smoke coming out of the ancestral graves. Right?"


Xu Xin glanced at him and didn't answer the question.

He didn't think about whether the "wind" he called was the Olympic Games or some leaders...

But judging by this, at least the wind has begun to blow.

As for whether it is a simple turn over, or whether it is possible to use this wind to float forward for a while, or even fly completely...

Then it depends on the individual's destiny.

Thinking of this, he looked at the various properties under construction that were vaguely exposed in front of him...

I feel more and more that the advice I gave to my family is right.

No matter how the wind blows, at least this real estate... should be the leaf that is being held hostage.

Although I don’t know when it landed, it definitely took off.

As for what Zhao Dezhi said about smoke coming out of ancestral graves...

Well, maybe.

Ancestors bless you.

The two chatted for a while, and one after another, there were more cars on the auditorium square.

The two of them walked there together.

Finally, with the promise to "have a drink together when we have time", they each returned to their respective teams.

Xu Xin chatted with the guys outside first, then waited for Director Zhang to arrive, and then went inside with Director Zhang.

He had actually been wondering whether he would eat the legendary boiled cabbage today.

It’s not that he hasn’t eaten it.

But...this dish sounds like, I don't know why, it makes people associate it with this place.

This banquet is a divided meal system.

Not only those involved in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, but also many outstanding people from all walks of life.

To be honest, in Zhang Wu's words, the number of people at this year's banquet was actually very, very large.

Then... Xu Xin also saw everyone he was supposed to see.

People from the working group and organizing committee are also here tonight.

He actually wanted to get a photo taken with him...but after thinking about it carefully, it wasn't very realistic.

Just sit at the table that belongs to the director's team.

Stand to greet, applaud, listen to the speeches, and finally start the banquet.

The food was quite elegant.

It's just that the taste of Moutai is slightly different from that outside.

As for the taste of the dishes...to be honest, there is not much difference.

And there is no boiled cabbage today.

It's the standard four dishes and one soup, divided into meals.

What we eat is not food, what we drink is not wine, but glory.

Just sitting here, I have a...very inexplicable feeling.

Xu Xin couldn't explain why.

But after drinking a cup of wine, his whole body felt a little hot.

The fire was burning brightly.

It can’t be said that the wine has exceeded three rounds, nor can it be said that the food has exceeded five flavors.

But the leader came over to drink with everyone.

Several people came at the same time.

Everyone quickly stood up respectfully.

As the chief director, Director Zhang must be the first target.

In fact, he was the one who had the hardest time during the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games.

So it seems "natural".

Xu Xin originally thought that he was just a foil, but after everyone finished the cup together, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

Turning around and looking...

An...unfamiliar leader.

He was looking at him with burning eyes.

"Xiao Xu."

He said:

"Let's touch one."


Xu Xin opened his mouth.

Do you know it?

do not know.

People who may come to drink and walk around...

After he reacted, he nodded quickly, held the cup with respectful hands and said:

"I respect you..."

He was actually quite flattered, until... After he drank the glass of wine, he heard the other party pat his shoulder and say "thank you".

Not loud.

But Xu Xin was confused.

what's the situation?

But the other party didn't say anything, he just smiled and patted his shoulder again, and then left.

He became the only person at the table who drank one more drink alone with the leader.


Holding the wine cup, Xu Xin was a little at a loss.

Subconsciously looking at the two directors Zhang...

I found that they were actually quite confused.

what's the situation?


Are you... thanking me? Or would you like to thank everyone for your hard work together for the Olympics?

It must be the latter, right?

The leader... is quite emotional.


October 1st.

The news that the directing team and staff of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games were invited to attend the dinner appeared on the Xinwen Network.

October 2nd.

The crew of "Sword and Sword III" has announced that it has finished filming.

The entire series was put into intense post-production.

A reporter photographed Yang Mi appearing at Yanjing Airport at around 3 p.m., getting into a business car and driving away with the staff around her.

"Hey, Dad, I'm back... If I don't go back to eat, I'll go directly to Xu Xin's."

In the car, after Yang Mi finished speaking while holding up the phone, Yang Dalin on the other end of the phone seemed to say something, but Yang Mi shook her head:

"It doesn't matter, Dad, I want it right now. This play is very important to me."

"……Yes, very important."

"Okay, I really don't have time to cook anymore. Hehe... I really wish for it."

"Well, then I'll pack up a room for you when I get back."

"No, there are a lot of empty rooms at home...Okay, but normally you and my mother just don't care how Xu Xin and I get along. We can be said to have broken up temporarily at this stage. He is the director and I am the actor. You understand me What do you mean?"

"Oh no, what are you thinking? Didn't I say that this play is very important to me, and I took the initiative to mention it. This is the working condition of an actor. So it will be difficult for me, and it will be difficult for him. Come on. No matter what you two see, just pretend it doesn't exist. Do you understand?"

"Hmm... Then I'll clean it up when I get home. The house won't be too messy if nothing happens. Tonight is..."

Yang Mi glanced at Sun Ting, then at Wu Qiqi, and finally at Zhang Jiao sitting in the back row.

"Counting you two, there are seven people."

"Okay, then I want to eat braised noodles and pork ribs. Xu Xin is happy to eat the cucumber stick cold dish you made... Okay, then I don't have to worry about it. You two will come after you buy the food, okay?"


After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi said directly:

"Brother Cheng, I won't take you to dinner tonight. Hurry up and go home to be with your wife and children."

Cheng Hu, who didn't talk much, nodded silently.

Yang Mi reached out to Sun Ting, who was sitting next to her, and Sun Ting handed over a red envelope tacitly.

"This is Xinxin's birthday gift, a big red envelope from my aunt~"

"Thank you, Mr. Yang."

Cheng Hu took it without any hesitation.

Yang Mi responded, turned to Wu Qiqi and said:

"Qiqi, you are responsible for arranging Jiaojiao's accommodation and other arrangements."

After speaking, he extended his hand to Sun Ting.

Sun Ting pulled out another thick red envelope like a magic trick:

"Jiaojiao, take it."


Zhang Jiao was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously took it.

"Buy some daily necessities...and then, you will be with me every day these days, do you understand? Let Tingting and Qiqi take turns to rest for a while. Don't stop talking, let's quickly get familiar with the working environment."

"Okay... okay, Sister Mi."


After giving the instructions, Yang Mi didn't say anything, and leaned on the seat to think quietly.

There was no yearning on his face.

Just silence.

"I am Gu Xiaomeng."

"I do not have a boyfriend."

"I am Gu Xiaomeng."

"I...I won't have a boyfriend starting tomorrow."

that is it.

So, the business car arrived at the entrance of the alley. Yang Mi ignored the luggage behind her, lowered the brim of her hat, got out of the car, and ran towards the house.

The weather in Yanjing in October is quite comfortable, neither hot nor cold.

Yang Mi immediately saw her fiancé walking out of the linen room with a rag in his hand.

"I'm Gu...I'm Yang Mi."

"I do not have a boyfriend."

"I have a fiancé..."

"I saw my fiancé."

"I've always been jealous of this man..."

"No, no, you have to calm down, I am Gu Xiao..."

"Well, I am Don Quixote!"




Zhang Jiao stood at the door, a little embarrassed.

He glanced at Sun Ting, then at Wu Qiqi...

"Sister Tingting...are we...just leaving like this? Don't you care about Sister Mi?"

Hearing this, Sun Ting, who has become accustomed to seeing whether it is strange or not, shook her head:

"We're leaving, so we can rest. You have to stay here, do whatever Sister Mi asks you to do, and remember to write down some of Sister Mi's or Brother Xu's habits in the notebook. Whether it's about eating Taste preferences, or some little habits. These are all acquired through daily interaction. Do you know? "


Zhang Jiao suddenly blushed:


"Well, let's go then. Do you know the address of the house Qiqi and I rent, right?"

"I know. Can I take a taxi there in a moment?"

"Well, Sister Mi is going to bed, or she wants you to leave, so you can just take a taxi. Qiqi also has a change of bedding and other things. I will buy new ones for you in the next two days. Be careful, you know? "


Zhang Jiao nodded quickly, and then...it seemed like there was something unspeakable.

After hesitating again and again, he looked at the two people standing on the roadside holding suitcases and whispered:

"Then...then I just stand here and wait?"

Sun Ting turned to look at her with red eyes, a little speechless.

"Aren't you afraid of the sun?"

"But...but they are inside..."

"Just pretend you can't hear me. Don't cover your ears or your mouth at this time... Of course, it's okay if you want to stand here. But you have to think about it..."

Speaking of this, she and Wu Qiqi both had a somewhat playful smile on their faces:

"An hour less. What's more, the two of us haven't seen each other for so long... at least this amount."

Sun Ting raised three fingers:

"If you want to show it... then go ahead. Hehehehe..."

"Hey hey hey hey..."

She and Wu Qiqi both laughed out loud.

At this time, a taxi came.

The two quickly reached out their hands.

Then he left Zhang Jiao here and walked away.


Seeing the two people leaving immediately, Zhang Jiao suddenly felt that these two people were a bit inappropriate.

Selling out teammates is really thorough.

But now she looked at the quiet courtyard behind her...

After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone:

"Baozi, I've arrived in Yanjing."

"Hey, have you met Director Xu?"

Zhao Liying replied almost instantly.

How dedicated are you to Director Xu?

Zhang Jiao was speechless, but she still replied honestly:

"No, when I entered the house with my luggage, Director Xu had already pulled Sister Mi into the house."


Zhao Liying first replied with a question mark.

But right away:

"Wow!!!! Jiaojiao!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!"

Seeing this message, Zhang Jiao sighed helplessly.

have to.

You know a lot.

But as soon as the second article came out, her face turned dark...

"Go and record the time, how long it is. Do you remember, Xiaomei said that the producer she was with didn't even last five minutes! Go and listen, remember to tell me, wow, I'm so curious!"

? ? ? ? ?

Zhang Jiao, whose head was full of questions, was speechless and replied with two words:

"Sex embryo!"

Zhao Liying did not reply.

But based on her understanding of her friends, she probably didn't want to waste this dime text message with meaningless "hahaha".


A little speechless, Zhang Jiao turned around and walked into the small courtyard, closing the door at the same time.

"What did you say about Liang Bingning?"

She asked, arching into her boyfriend's arms.

After resolving her lovesickness, her sanity finally came back online.

Xu Xin didn't speak at first, but buried his head on her back and absorbed her thoughts day and night.

After a while, he said:

"She has dated me about... five or six times recently. I went out twice, but kept dragging her along. If nothing else happens, we should wait until the factory's 50th anniversary to make an announcement."

"The 50th anniversary celebration...is November 8th?"


November 8th this year is the big day for the 50th anniversary of Xiying Film Studio. There will be a large-scale celebration in the factory.

As for Liang Binning's matter, it was decided to announce it at that time.

But only a few people knew the news.

In the same way, the specific news of "The Wind" will also be announced at that time.

So, after hearing the specific time, Yang Mi nodded:

"Okay... when does the audition start?"

"It's also November."

"Hmm... So after calculating this, plus studio preparations and other things, can we start shooting by the end of the year?"

"It's almost the same. If everything goes well, I'll probably be able to finish filming the interior scenes before the end of the year. But the details still depend on how well you actors get along."

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt goosebumps on his girlfriend's skin.

After thinking for a while, he said softly from behind her:

"It's okay, don't be nervous. I'm here~"


Yang Mi suddenly turned around and buried her whole body into Xu Xin's chest.

"elder brother."


Because of the angle, Xu Xin couldn't see her expression.

"I won't let you down!"

"Ha, I know~"

As he spoke, he put his hand on his fiancée's back and patted her gently.

Yang Mi listened to his strong heartbeat and asked:

"How do you plan to start?"

"Actually, this play is basically all literary drama. I plan to start from two aspects. First, I will go through all the dramas from you."

"...For example?"

"For example, script reading, such as wooden man."

As soon as this was said, Yang Mi understood.

Script reading, also called script reading meeting.

It means that the actors, under the leadership of the director, gather together and perform according to the lines of their respective characters.

An actor's lines are a very important knowledge.

Just like what I said when I chatted with Brother Qian'er before, it's the art of language.

Sometimes a sentence, a word, or even a wrong modal particle will have different effects.

Therefore, circle reading has become an important part of the preliminary preparation of the script.

Everyone speaks the lines through their own understanding.

If something is wrong, the director will correct it.

Because the whole film is based on the director's ideas throughout, after the actors say it, if the director feels something is wrong, he will change it. Or it can be discussed by both sides.

It's not a formal shoot, the atmosphere is relaxed and there's no pressure.

But the same thing is of substantial help to the movie.

The other wooden man is even simpler.

To put it bluntly, it is a simulated performance.

The literal explanation is to perform in front of wooden figures.

After finishing her lines, Yang Mi will use her acting skills to integrate the role of "Gu Xiaomeng" over and over again in simulated situations.

Don't worry about other people.

As long as Xu Xin says it's okay, that's all.

Both are very effective ways to improve character control.

What is bad can become ordinary or excellent.

And the good can become even better.

Because if you can act like this against wood, then you will perform better when acting against the right actor.

So, Yang Mi nodded:

"That requires Jin Shenghuo, Bai Xiaonian, Li Ningyu, Wu Zhiguo, Wang Tianxiang, Takeda..."

"Well, there are enough people. Leave me and you alone, Tingting, Qiqi, Zhang Jiao, oh yes, Lao Lang also thinks this is quite interesting, and plans to come over to join in the fun. I'm looking for the remaining two, there are not many people, right? ?”

"When does it begin?"

"Let's do it tomorrow. You have been preparing for a year. During this time, you are training. Young man, let us dominate the country!"


Yang Mi burst into laughter instantly.

"A slam dunk master? I became Sakuragi Hanamichi? What are you? Haruko?...Hey, let alone, it looks very similar. Isn't Haruko the first teacher of Sakuragi?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, looking at his fiancée who raised her head from his chest, a look of evil desire echoing on her face...

Suddenly I felt a little nervous.

The words seemed to be correct and the plot matched.

But why is it so awkward?

"You...what do you want to do?"

But after hearing this, Yang Mi nodded:

"Okay! But hurry up. My parents have gone shopping for groceries and are babysitters for us during this time."



That's not what I meant...


Hearing the noise, Zhang Jiao looked at Sister Mi walking out of the house...

There is a feeling in a trance.

Sister Mi seemed to have just come out of the bathhouse.

It has that kind of... feeling comfortable and relaxed all over the body, the kind that comes out of washing comfortably... Oh, it's a very strange feeling anyway.

You don’t know whether she feels comfortable after washing, steaming, or adding salt, milk, and rubbing.

Or maybe he went upstairs...

But in short, she exuded a very comfortable feeling from the inside out.

And the most essential thing is...

After she came out, she just nodded to herself, raised the thermos cup on the tea table in the living room, and drank a large glass of water.

After drinking it all, he burped.

Society is in shambles.

Zhang Jiao also likes this... After washing herself comfortably in the bathhouse, while the waiter is getting her shoes, she takes out a bottle of iced black tea or Wellcome Red Apple from the freezer to cool down. Drink it down in one breath.

The next step...is it time to give the hand a card?

While thinking about it, Yang Mi suddenly grabbed a car key on the table:



"You take the keys to this car and get to know me when you have time. Don't you already know my figure? Go buy some autumn and winter clothes in the next few days."


Looking at the shield logo above, Zhang Jiao just nodded when he heard the movement behind him:


She quickly turned her head, looked at Xu Xin and said hello respectfully:

"Director Xu."


Xu Xin nodded with a smile and walked to Yang Mi.

After seeing that the water in the thermos cup was empty, I was a little speechless:

"Can't you just drink it from your own cup? ...No, I've brewed it for you."

He pointed to another thermos cup.

But Yang Mi shrugged:

"I like drinking from your cup..."


Helpless Xu Xin picked up his fiancée's cup and started drinking...

"Oh my god, these two people really treat their house as a bathhouse."

Zhang Jiao was a little confused on the side.

Xu Xin, who was confused, drank all the water in the cup and burped:


Exactly the same.

To be honest, Xu Xin really likes to eat the food cooked by his future father-in-law.

The craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation in the old Yang family is really good.

But he didn't drink tonight.

In fact, he is not greedy for wine, but his "father-in-law" comes to the house and he is not allowed to have a drink?

But Yang Mi didn't let it go.

Don't let him drink, and don't let dad drink either.

Mom can't drive safely at night, and dad doesn't live here anymore. He leaves right after dinner and will come back tomorrow at noon.

Just like running a commute.

So don't drink anymore.

What's more, there are work matters at night.

And Yang Dalin was relieved when he saw that his daughter and future son-in-law had not "really broken up". At the same time, he was quite puzzled that his daughter looked very pretty when she found this assistant.

Fortunately, it was his daughter who found it. Otherwise, if Xiao Xu had found it, he wouldn't know what to say.

After eating, the couple left.

But I asked my "son-in-law" in advance what menu he wanted to eat tomorrow.

Zhang Jiao was actually quite nervous on her first day of private contact with Xu Xin and Yang Mi.

However, she gradually discovered an advantage of Director Xu.

That means paying great attention to the differences between men and women.

I obviously had a meal and took a shower because I was sweating, but I was still wearing underwear when I came out.

It doesn’t mean that you just wear underwear and come out.

Instead, he was wearing a loose vest and large pants, with underwear underneath.

Don't ask her how she saw it.

Anyway, I saw it.

Moreover, she also got a script called "The Wind".

"This is……"

"I'm going to help her hone her role as Gu Xiaomeng in the past few days. You will be a character in the script reading meeting."


Hearing Xu Xin's words, for some reason, Zhang Jiao's heart gradually started to ripple.

It’s really… I haven’t touched a script in a long time.

For a moment, she was a little nervous.

Xu Xin also saw her nervousness and smiled:

"It's okay, don't be afraid, it's not a test of your acting skills. You just need to take the role for her. This is specifically to hone her... your acting skills..."

When recalling Golden Armor, Xu Xin did not belittle her somewhat artificial performance, but only comforted her:

"You can't get to this level yet. You have to polish it."

"Okay, Director Xu."

Zhang Jiao responded.


Although she knew that Director Xu was telling the truth, she was inevitably a little disappointed.

At this moment, a phone call broke the tranquility in the living room.

Yang Mi, who was concentrating on reading the script, frowned. After looking at her phone, she was stunned.

Then the call was answered:

"Hey, what's up?"

Xu Xin didn't know who it was and didn't care.

Instead, he took the script and began to think about what qualities he needed Yang Mi to show.

At this time, I heard Yang Mi’s words:

"Tomorrow?...Well, not tomorrow. I have something to do...Hey, wait a minute."

As she said that, she glanced at Xu Xin...

Suddenly he glanced at Zhang Jiao again.

He seems to be calculating something.

Then he said:

"I'm going to start preparing for a role tomorrow. Would you like to come to a reading meeting?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin also cast his eyes over.

Yang Mi was stunned:

"Let's read the script around."

"No, no, no, it's not our kind of dialogue, it's a round-up reading. Have you never participated in a round-up reading?"

"...It can be said to be a line reading, but it is more like a kind of preparation work for actors to preview their lines and prepare for the role. You haven't participated in it? The directors of the few plays you participated in didn't hold readings?"

"Awesome, sister. Then you are also gifted, hehehehe~"

"Then you can come over tomorrow. I happen to have few people here. This drama is my husband's drama..."

Xu Xin's ears twitched.

This title...

It sounds so comfortable.

Although a bit boring.

No brother sounds good to my ears.

But...he likes it.

"Okay, there are no outsiders anyway, come on. You will have to participate sooner or later in the future. Some directors attach great importance to script readings."

"Okay, then tomorrow..."

Speaking of this, she turned her eyes to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin thought for a while and made a "9" gesture.

Yang Mi understood instantly:

"Nine o'clock, how about it?"

"Okay. Let's have dinner together at noon. We were all unfamiliar with each other last time. Let's get to know each other this time."

"Well, okay, then I'll hang up."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin asked in confusion:


"Liu Zhishi."

Yang Mi fiddled with her phone, and after answering, she held the phone to her ear before continuing:

"Aren't there still a few of those characters... Hey, Dad. Are you home?"

"Let me tell you, don't buy pork tomorrow, and then...I'll ask Jiaojiao to go home later. You haven't used the set of Amway pots and stuff I bought you last time, have you?"

"Okay, I'll ask Jiaojiao to get it. I'll buy mutton and beef tomorrow. I have a Muslim friend coming to my house for dinner."

"Ok, I know."

"Okay, I'll hang up then. Good night."

After hanging up the phone, she turned to look at Zhang Jiao and said:

"Go to your house and bring a new set of pots and pans. Then if you pass by any hardware store or supermarket, buy a new set of dishes and chopsticks. Go now~ Go ahead~ There is a navigation in the car, and you can play around with it by yourself."


Zhang Jiao nodded and stood up quickly.

It's getting late now, so hurry up.

Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Is Liu Zhishi a Muslim?"


"...When did your relationship become so good?"

"Hmm... I said I used a jar of fried sauce to pick her up as a child. Do you believe it?"


Xu Xin didn’t believe it.

On the contrary, it seems a bit ridiculous:

"I hear what you mean, she didn't even participate in the reading meeting?... Didn't she come from a major? Ye Luzi?"

Yang Mi nodded:

"You can also say Ye Luzi. She graduated from Beijing Dance University. So the current situation is actually similar to that before Lun'er. Regarding acting, she actually came out of the acting training class. Then after being trained as a little Liu Yifei by the Tang Dynasty, please Although her acting teacher is great... But as you know, she didn't come from school after all, and her foundation is very poor. After you left, I gave her a lot of advice on filming, and we got along quite well... And, I secretly Can I tell you a secret?"

A trace of gossip flashed in her eyes:

"She told me personally that as long as she becomes popular, no matter what the company arranges, she will get rid of Liu Yifei's hat... She hates this title because she secretly cried when others mistakenly thought she was Liu Yifei... …”

"...Does this count as picking up the bowl to eat and putting down the chopsticks to curse?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Yang Mi shook her head:

"Forget it, but if someone said that you, brother, are Xiao Zhang Yimou, would you feel comfortable?"



"I think it's a compliment to who I am now."


Yang Mi was stunned...

Then he nodded and said with some emotion:

"You have such a big heart... Indeed, I would be happy if you wanted me. Imperial Master... Are you an ordinary person?"

"Okay, let's get started. Let's show off first."

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded:

"Okay, wait for me."

After saying that, she walked into the house.

Xu Xin waited for about two or three minutes.

There was a "ta-da-da" sound.

Yang Mi walked out step by step wearing wedge heels, a black cheongsam, and her hair tied up.

No sense of fun.

If only before, she had to put on a charming pose to seduce her fiancé.

But not this time.

Cheongsam should be dignified, graceful and elegant.

Rather than coquettish.

Therefore, the waistline of her cheongsam is not obvious, and the hem of her skirt is not as looming as Qian'er's words of "coming out with two curtains on it".

Wearing a decent embroidered cheongsam, she stood in the middle of the living room.

Looking directly at Xu Xin:

"Hello, Gu Xiaomeng."


Xu Xin was really surprised.

Because just this sound made him feel like a "young lady".

Not kitsch, not graceful.

Not too condescending.

But the sense of superiority deep in his bones cannot be faked.

As the brother of the "Wang Puppet", she donated a JU52 aircraft to the Wang Puppet. As the eldest daughter of the Gu family, there are really not many things in China that she can worry about.

Therefore, the natural sense of superiority is directly revealed through the sentence "Hello, Gu Xiaomeng".

Just 5 words.

But through the changes in speaking speed and tone, and because she was standing, Xu Xin was sitting down and condescending, which was vividly reflected.

It was as if this place had become an audition scene...or some occasion where she needed to introduce herself.

All of a sudden, Xu Xin completely remembered her.

Just this sentence.

Xu Xin nodded:


Having said this, he lowered his head, flipped through the script, and suddenly said:

"You should prepare for this period."

The condescending energy immediately disappeared. She took over the script and looked at the scene Xu Xin pointed at:

"Li Ningyu's eyes suddenly turned red and she stared at Gu Xiaomeng."

"Gu Xiaomeng asked quickly: What's wrong?"

"Li Ningyu: Liu Linzong has disappeared for several days."

"Gu Xiaomeng was silent."

Pointing to the script, Xu Xin said:

"I want to see three things here. The first layer is Li Ningyu nestling in your arms, the love in your eyes. The second layer, I want to see the surprise that is not unexpected in your eyes. The third layer is Wu Zhiguo's "Empty City Plan" outside "When "Li Ningyu curiously walked to the balcony", restrain all clear listening, and the last one in the close-up shot... You need to show something..."

Before she finished speaking, Yang Mi said:

"At this time, Gu Xiaomeng should be frightened and unsure. Right?"

Xu Xin didn't need to say anything, she said it herself:

"I was frightened because the singing in this scene was the secret code of the underground party. I was not sure because Wu Zhiguo had not yet started to change. Then, after the two met, Gu Xiaomeng and the two of them had a "Tangshan Leting" scene. There should be a kind of joy in the dialogue, but it cannot be seen. This whole scene is actually a psychological change on the sixth level."

This time, Xu Xin was really surprised.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at his fiancée who began to pace back and forth with squinted eyes...

After a while, standing in front of the mirror, the performance began.

Although she was standing, she seemed to be holding someone leaning on her shoulder.

Xu Xin said appropriately:

"Liu Linzong has been missing for several days."

Then he narrowed his eyes and watched the changes she showed quietly.

After a while...

"Wait a minute, I'll do this again."

Xu Xin didn't need to say more, she rubbed her face.

Just a moment more...

"Still not right...wait, give me a few more minutes."

The effort of a cigarette.

"Three layers, two layers are missing. Let me think about what I said in front of the mirror..."

half an hour.

"Actually, the solution here has a more extreme and exaggerated expression. See if you can accept this."

One hour……

Xu Xin has hardly spoken since he made the request for this scene.

Because there was no need for him to speak, after Yang Mi showed dissatisfaction several times through the micro-expressions controlled by her eyes, mouth, and even facial muscles, she overturned the entire paragraph herself.

And, in front of him, he tried continuously for a whole hour.

Different expressions, different mental activities, different body language.

If it were a normal shooting, this would definitely not be good, because the director would at least tell her what was wrong.

But this is also the purpose of the two of them now from being around to being a wooden person.

It doesn’t matter if you are reading around or a wooden person.

There is only one person to serve.

That is to help Yang Mi smooth the entire "Gu Xiaomeng" role.

So, don’t say it’s an hour.

Xu Xin was willing to spend just one day here with her.

Don't worry about whether you are satisfied or not.

You are satisfied with yourself first, and then ask me if I am satisfied or not.

This is the most basic requirement.

This is also the meaning of the existence of Weidu and wooden people.

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