I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 272 270 The bastard burst into silence

Chapter 272 270. The bastard’s silent explosion

In Xu Xin's eyes, the party here at Wanwan is quite wild.

It’s not that it’s messy, but it’s the atmosphere.

Just when you look at a group of Taiwanese girls dancing in a reserved nightclub, you can easily feel your hormones raging.

This group of people... are quite good at playing.

This is the truth.

Especially after Warhead came up with a swimsuit party theme and found a lot of girls...

Dry swimming.

Have you seen it?

There was no swimming pool or swimming, but the girls took off their T-shirts to reveal bikinis, looking like they were partying in a nightclub.

Not to mention, it’s quite pleasing to the eye.

But for him as a director, it felt a bit destructive.

I don’t know if it’s an occupational disease, but he now has a professional instinct for being sensitive to these people’s faces, lighting effects, etc.

Under the light, each body showed its charm.

However, in his eyes, these faces have been filtered out by many filters and even makeup.

He could vaguely feel how these "beauties" looked after taking off their makeup.

There are not so many beauties in this world.

Maybe occasionally.

But after comparing it to his fiancée... the kind of aesthetic standards that judged her superior to superior made him naturally lose interest.

In comparison, others were quite happy.

Especially Big Pharaoh.

He was the one with the least burden of being an idol. He was surrounded by several beauties on the dance floor, and he was having so much fun.

Xu Xin couldn't help but laugh out loud.

However, after watching it for a while, a feeling of boredom began to spread.

In fact, he didn't know why he suddenly "wasn't keen" on this kind of occasion.

Obviously in the past, Wang Sicong's position should have been his own.

But now he was just standing on the second floor overlooking these people, looking at the indulgent crowd under the psychedelic light and shadow, with a line of alienation in his heart.

It's quite strange.


But surprisingly not annoying.

He picked up the glass, drank the wine and ice cubes, and lit a cigarette.

After smoking a cigarette, he took out his mobile phone:

"What are you doing?"

"Eat. Ah Yi Restaurant, a place to eat abalone. It tastes pretty good. Let's eat there next time we come to Xiangjiang."

"Okay. What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"I don't know. Let's talk about it when we wake up. We still need to buy some more things~"


"Well, enjoy the PARTY~"

"Enjoying it, it's a bit noisy."

"Haha, Yifei and I are eating and chatting. Let's go back and talk."

From the beginning to the end, Yang Mi never asked about the party or gave any warning.

No need.

After she just put down her phone, she smiled and nodded when she heard Liu Yifei's words "Xu Xin?"


the next day.

"Sister, did you go out to have dinner with Yang Mi last night?"

Hearing CINDY's words, Liu Yifei looked at her with an... inexplicable look, and then nodded:

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I saw the news."

CINDY didn't think much and replied directly.

Then he sat at the dining table next to Liu Yifei and continued:

"When did you buy the clothes you wore yesterday? I saw a lot of compliments on you in the news. They said you looked particularly good-looking~"


Holding the glass filled with milk, Liu Yifei thought for a while and asked:

"Is it on the news?"


"What did you say?"

"Well, it probably means that you have finally found the clothes that suit you best. They are fashionable and trendy, and you don't follow the crowd... They are all compliments anyway. Sister, when did you buy the clothes? Why didn't I know ?”


Liu Yifei didn't answer.

She got up earlier than CINDY, so she was almost finished eating by now.

After finishing a glass of milk and putting down the glass, Liu Yifei suddenly said:

"I have to go shopping today. You guys should book your tickets and go back first."


CINDY was stunned:

"Shall we go first?"


Liu Yifei responded:

"Mimi invited me to go shopping. It's not convenient for you to follow...and it's the end of the year. Let me tell you all to go back and rest. I have nothing to do here. I don't care about the company's cocktail party or year-end bonus. You go get it.”

The implication: It’s a holiday.

Quickly, a light flashed in CINDY's eyes.

Although the words are still "pleasant", the light in the eyes cannot be faked:

"This...can't do it..."


Liu Yifei took in her expression and waved her hand:

"Okay, let's just say that, I won't care about you anymore."

After that, he left directly.

CINDY was left with a hint of joy gradually appearing in her eyes.

Is the holiday coming?

In Xiangjiang again...

Do you want to buy something to go back to?

Oops, what should I buy~...

About an hour later, Liu Yifei got into the commercial car.

It was still Sun Ting who was driving.

Just yesterday, she knew that Sun Ting had a driver's license here.

And wherever I want to go, I have to find a local driver in Xiangjiang...

After adding what happened in the morning, she subconsciously asked:

"Tingting, when do you have a holiday?"

"...Spring Festival holiday?"


"The specifics will depend on Sister Mi's arrangements. If Sister Mi says we can rest, then we will rest."

After hearing Sun Ting's words, Liu Yifei asked again:

"Then if Mimi suddenly says you can rest, what will you do?"


Sun Ting thought for a while and said:

"It's unlikely. I have so many things to do at the end of the year~"

"I said if, if Mimi suddenly said that you need to rest, what would you do?"


"How will you manage your time?"

"If there's time..."

Sun Ting thought about it again and said:

"I definitely have to look at the work first."

"...Didn't I let you guys rest?"

In fact, Sun Ting was quite puzzled as to why Liu Yifei wanted to talk about this topic.

very strange.

Do you want to take a vacation or something?

But she still replied:

"I know, but before taking a break, I will first look at my own work. For example, if there is anything Sister Mi asked me to do before, or if she reminded her that she has not finished the work. Then I will ask Sister Mi how to arrange these tasks, and then look at Is there anything I can do easily by myself? After finishing it, I will stay in Yanjing for a day or two. I am sure Sister Mi is not looking for me anymore, I am going home."


This time it was Liu Yifei's turn to be silent.

After walking for a few more intersections, she suddenly asked...a question that was not hers to ask and Sun Ting was not suitable to answer:

"Tingting, what do you think of these assistants around me?"


Sun Ting was speechless.

How do I answer this?

While thinking about it, Liu Yifei suddenly said:

"It doesn't matter, you can say whatever you want.

I can’t say whatever you want.

Why does this problem happen to me?

But it would certainly not be appropriate to not answer.

After thinking for a while, she said:

"I think... they may not know your habits very well, Sister Yifei, right?"

Low EQ: Those crooked melons and cracked dates around you.

High emotional intelligence: They don’t understand your habits yet.

And after saying this, logically speaking, people with rich social experience should understand the meaning.

After all, people are so tactful, they definitely don’t want you to continue asking.

But... Liu Yifei didn't hear it.

She easily understood the literal meaning, and then said absurdly:

"They have been with me for three or four years, and they still don't understand my habits?"


Sun Ting was speechless.

Isn't what I said straightforward enough?

While thinking about it, Liu Yifei asked again:

"Tingting, what do you think I have a habit of?"


Sun Ting felt that this question seemed easier to answer than the previous mourning question.

So he thought about it and said:

"You still have a lot of living habits. For example, when we were eating yesterday, I noticed that you stayed away from oily food. You used the fried bells in the pre-dinner snack to get the oily residue inside. I picked out all the pieces...coupled with the ready-to-eat bird's nest supplements I saw in your room yesterday, it shows that you rarely touch these foods. And your diet is relatively light~"


Liu Yifei subconsciously widened her eyes.

Just listen to Sun Ting continue to say:

"For another example, when you were listening to Sister Mi's chat yesterday, you would have a habit of drying out your lips when you encountered topics that you were not interested in. So you would carry lip balm with you."


"Also, I was watching the news before, and someone said that you have worn the dark red down jacket for a long time, which shows that you are thrifty. But I noticed that the pillows and sheets on your bed should have been brought from home. And it looks like it has been washed a lot. I think that while you are diligent and frugal, you should be the kind of person who likes to use items that are suitable, easy to use, and have passed the "run-in period". You pursue comfort, so you are more resistant to new things. . Because these new things may make you uncomfortable..."


Sun Ting is talking.

Liu Yifei is listening.

Everything Sun Ting said is right.

Liu Yifei was speechless.

How close are you to Sun Ting?

Not much.

Even just a few times.

But look at people...

Don't mention anything else, let's just talk about this living habit of dressing and using things. Even my mother felt that she was "too frugal", but no one had ever said or understood that she could still be exposed to new things without being frugal.

It's just that...those brand-new things are not necessarily comfortable.

Just like the sheets of a quilt.

A sheet that has been washed many times will feel soft when covered with it, and even have a very familiar fragrance.

It makes people feel at ease in an unfamiliar environment.

But the new sheets will look more or less hard and rough.

This uncomfortable feeling will be infinitely amplified when sleeping at night.

Therefore, she usually has two quilts on her bed at home. One old bed, one new bed. Cover yourself with the old and hold the new in your arms.

As time goes by and the number of washings increases, those new quilt covers will become softer and "safer" before they are taken out for use.

That's why she's always using old stuff.

And every time she goes to film or something, she is reluctant to throw away the sheets and quilts after the filming.

It’s not that I can’t bear to pay for that quilt.

It's about being reluctant to put in the effort you spent during the "run-in period".

But these habits become "eccentricities" in others.

It doesn't matter whether she refutes or not.

Just be comfortable.

But today, I was directly pointed out by someone I had only met a few times...

This person is an assistant.

CINDY, also an assistant.

But why...CINDY can't tell?


Is it really that big?

Thinking of this, she asked again:

"Tingting, who did you work for as an assistant before?"

"Well, I have always been an assistant to Sister Mi. Ever since I found this job, I was assigned to Sister Mi by the company, and I have always been there."

"...You've never been an assistant to anyone else?"


"...Then how do you summarize these things?"

"That's it. Isn't it the assistant's job to keep the artist in a comfortable state at all times? Not only life, but also food and daily life..."

Speaking of this, Sun Ting paused and continued to add:

"But there was a running-in period at the beginning. For example, during the period of "Golden Armor", Sister Mi would basically tell me some of her living habits. But then gradually, I knew how to do it myself. The main thing was observation, observation , and then write it down in a notebook. Over time, the assistant and the artist will be able to perfectly match each other."

After hearing this, Liu Yifei thought for a while and said:

"Then you took care of both Qiqi and Jiaojiao?"


Sun Ting responded:

"I'll take care of them all. Sister Mi means that I might be in charge of art training in the future. We strive to make every artist free from any worries in life...hehe."

She smiles because her career prospects are getting brighter.

But as everyone knows, these words seemed particularly convincing to Liu Yifei, thinking of her carefulness just now.

So much so that she fell silent again.

Yang Mi arrived home at around 10pm.

When she got home, she saw Xu Xin working at his desk.

He threw aside the Hermès he just bought on his shoulder and pressed his whole body directly on Xu Xin's back:

"Why didn't you pick me up when I came back? By the way, Shishi will come to me tomorrow morning...what is this?"

She suddenly saw a sketch in her fiancé's hand.

That...should be the stage of a certain venue. The most eye-catching thing is the four chairs with their backs to the venue...

"I designed the stage scene."

Xu Xin rubbed his girlfriend's still cold cheek with his face and said:

"When I come back in the afternoon, watch that Britain's Got Talent show..."

"The one with Aunt Susan?"

"Yes. I suddenly had inspiration... Look, this is a stage. When the singer comes on stage, the four judges have their backs to him. And the wide chairs can prevent them from turning around to peek... but the audience can see it. Then The singer sings and sings... For example, if I am a judge, I like it immediately, so I press the button on the chair, and the chair will automatically turn around..."

Lying on her fiancé's shoulder, Yang Mi looked at it and suddenly asked:

"Where's the link? Is it out?"

"I have a few rough ideas for the time being, which are nothing more than auditions, intra-team PK, team-to-team PK, and then the top eight, top three, championship, etc. But how to make it interesting, I still need to think about it carefully."


Yang Mi suddenly asked:

"I want to be a female host's assistant."

"Are you hosting?"

"Of course not, for baby."


Xu Xin frowned:

"give her?"


"...Why give it to her?"

"Because I want to sign her. I can't lose my loyal character~ So can you give me a... job like a behind-the-scenes host of a talent show. For example, interviewing contestants or something~ More or less cameras? It doesn’t matter, you’re not afraid of making mistakes, you can edit after all. How about it?”

After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and wrote down something in the notebook beside him:

“Arrange a hosting session for a behind-the-scenes interview.”


After a satisfied Yang Mi kissed his cheek, she stood up and continued:

"Her appearance has changed a lot now..."

"Have plastic surgery?"

"The teeth were done. But when we were chatting last night, I could tell... maybe Liu Yifei stimulated her too much. When she knew that Liu Yifei was all natural, her expression..."

Speaking of this, Yang Mi thought about it and shrugged:

"A woman's desire to compare."


Xu Xin felt a little emotional and continued to ask:


"There's nothing else."

"Liu Yifei, didn't you come back together? Didn't you say anything?"

"What are you talking about? The bait has been spread out, and then it's up to her."


Xu Xin responded, then suddenly remembered something and opened the drawer directly:


Looking at the information handed over, Yang Mi was a little puzzled:




She opened the script in front of her in surprise and saw four big words:

"Breaking Silence".

"Huh? Isn't this the story you've been stuck on for a long time? Is it finished?"

"That's right. But there are still some details to be worked out... take a good look."

Although she had just arrived home, Yang Mi still entered working mode the next second. After opening the script, she saw this line:

"The son of a single mother named Zhaodi (played by Yang Mi) accidentally disappeared in the vast loess of the northwest. In order to find her son, she had to fight against a huge group on her own. Humanity, animality, motherhood... She just wants her baby back home."

Seeing this name, Yang Mi was speechless:

"Recruiting a younger brother? Isn't this name too vulgar?"

"It's a custom over there. If the first child in the family is a girl, many people will have this nickname, which means they want a boy."

After hearing this, Yang Mi nodded:

"Okay, so to speak, it seems to have a rustic feel..."

With that said, she turned directly to the page of the script.

"Act 1:

In a large, dilapidated car shop.

A room full of men sat around their tables, silent and silent, their eyes focused on a table piled with sheep bones.

In front of the table, the village chief, bachelor Li Shuiquan, and others were watching Brother Zhao wolfing down the sheep's spine.

And in her arms, there was a swaddled baby sucking milk.

Breastfeeding in front of so many people was originally a very shy thing, but Zhaodi ignored the hot and hungry eyes of those men and just held his chest slightly while gnawing on the few remaining lamb spines. bone.

And the clean-shaven bones were already piled up in front of her..."

Seeing this, Yang Mi's brows instantly wrinkled.

Not because of the breastfeeding drama.

She understood with her toes that her fiancé would never really let her "expose".

The reason why she frowned was because of this... smell flowing through the words.

Can't tell.

But in this scene, those "big car shops", "sheep spines", "hungry eyes of onlookers"...

It gave her a...very inexplicable feeling.

Like it, but suppress it, fear it...

It seems that I have seen the ending...

I don’t want to see that ending...

Extraordinary contradictions.

So, she took the script and sat directly on the sofa.

I read it quietly...

As she read, a scene gradually appeared in her mind.

With old light bulbs, an unclean environment, and a smoke-filled restaurant, the environment became more and more lively with a girl holding an infant baby eating a goat scorpion.

It's close to 12 o'clock.

Yang Mi closed the script.


"The ending must be like this? Can the child survive? Must it be so indifferent?"

"Because this is reality."

Xu Xin, who was also doing a variety show, raised his head.

Looking at his fiancée whose eyes were reddish for some reason, he sighed:

"This is what really happened to our dad's friend. He is still in the detention center..."

"...That child is really dead?"

"Well, he was killed on the spot and buried on the mountain. He was pushed out with a shovel..."

"What a bastard!!"

Suddenly, the woman gritted her teeth:

"Fucking bastard!"


Seeing her so excited, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

He has been revising this script called "Broken Silence" repeatedly for several years.

But in the end, after going around and around and making several decisions, I finally chose this ending.

Even though the movie comes from life, it is higher than life.

Although...he doesn't like this ending either.

Although he also wanted to give this story the perfection of a fairy tale.


There are no ifs in reality.

So, he just asked:

"Do you want to act or not?"

"...I don't dare to act. I'm afraid I'll go crazy..."

Yang Mi suddenly showed a self-deprecating smile:

"I have to admit at this time that I am a Methodist. It would be great. If I were an Experienceist... I would really drive people to death if I told you this story."

She was smiling, but not smiling at all.

Just eyes full of anger!

After saying this, he continued to ask:

"Then how many years was this prototype named Chang... sentenced to?"

"No time limit."

"It's easy for him!"

Yang Mi started to gnash her teeth again.

But Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"No, this is the biggest torture... If my family hadn't used some connections to transfer him here, he would have been useless there... Sigh. Our dad only visited him two years ago. In his words: Now he looks like a human being."

"Deserve it!"

She is like a mother animal protecting her cubs.

Baring his sharpest fangs, he expressed his anger and murderous intent:

"You deserve the death penalty!"

And Xu Xin also knew that part of the reason why she was so angry was because of the script.

So, he just continued to ask:

"Do you want to act or not?"


This time, Yang Mi did not refuse.


"I demand a change in the ending!"

"It's impossible, don't think about it."


Yang Mi was speechless and silent.

Finally he cursed:

"Fuck you!"

It was extremely rude, but what was even more terrifying than the rudeness was the hatred in his emotional expression.


Xu Xin stood up and sat next to her.

After holding his lover in his arms, he gently patted her shoulder:

"It's just a movie. This script...you should prepare it in one year. I'm not in a hurry, one year or two years will do. I will try my best to give the role of "Recruiting Brother" a deeper meaning. You know Yes, the judges from the three major universities like to see this kind of thing...don't be angry."


Yang Mi's muscles finally relaxed.

Leaning on Xu Xin's shoulder, he responded and after a long time, he said:

"Brother... we must protect our child and prevent him from getting hurt, okay?"

"This is for sure."

Xu Xin nodded vigorously:

"However, being immune to injuries doesn't mean that you can't be beaten. Girls are okay...boys still need to exercise more and be strong...right?"

"……we'll talk about it then."


Xu Xin didn't say a word when he heard the doting words that began to spread.

But after enjoying the tenderness for a moment, he said:

"When are you going to Thailand?"

"These two days. After you finish your work at the end of the year... do you want to go to Director Zhang's house?"

"Director Zhang has returned to Wuxi. Come and visit after the new year~"


As the parents became discordant, Yang Mi finally calmed down.

However, this story called "Broken Silence" has already planted seeds in her heart.

Waiting for it to take root and sprout.

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