I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 291 289 Guilty conscience and epitome

Chapter 291 289. Guilty conscience and microcosm

Night, 11 o'clock.

Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli, whose faces were slightly red, returned to the hotel room.

As soon as they returned to the house, while they were changing shoes, Sun Ting and Wu Qiqi had already taken out two sets of clothes:

"Aunt Liu, this is your outfit for tomorrow. The Hong Kong media took photos of you and Sister Yifei traveling together a few days ago. They all said that Sister Yifei inherited your beauty. So I communicated with Zhang Jiao here. Finally, I will help you choose clothes with more elegant colors that can reflect your temperament."


Liu Xiaoli continued to nod.

Wu Qiqi also took out Liu Yifei's clothes.

Then he said:

"Sister, my appointment with Director Chen tomorrow is at ten o'clock in the morning. Is it okay if I come and call you at eight o'clock?"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Qiqi, Tingting, you two go and rest."


After hearing this, Sun Ting and Wu Qiqi nodded and left.

After closing the door, Liu Yifei, who was just about to change clothes and take a shower, heard her mother sigh:

"Oh...it's really..."

"...Mom, what's wrong?"

Liu Yifei, who had drank a few more glasses of champagne today, asked as she prepared to tie her hair up.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to take a shower for a while.

Then, she heard her mother say:

"Without comparison... I really don't know. With such an assistant, how could it not be successful?"


Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then shook her head:

"You're saying the opposite. Mom, the reason why Tingting has the ability she has now is because Mimi taught her little by little. Just like today's salon, after she received the invitation letter, she got the guest list. She has been in the salon for the past few days. Remember everyone’s appearance and resume. This is not a job that ordinary assistants can do.”

"Compared with her...those people are really amateurs."

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoli was quite emotional:

"This... is what Mom did wrong. Originally, I just wanted someone to take care of you, but I didn't expect that the assistant could do so many things... No wonder the salary is so high."

"She got higher on Mimi's side."

"I made a mistake..."

Liu Xiaoli sighed again:

"I really didn't realize that a kid who was so inconspicuous on the set back then..."

"Mom, it's not that Mimi is inconspicuous, it's just that you don't take her into consideration."

Compared to before, Liu Yifei's words now seem...more truthful.

I feel more courageous to express my opinions.

Looking at her mother, she said:

"You always think that others are nice to me because they are doing something for me... Now you know, right? Not everyone is like this. At least Mimi isn't like this, right?"

"...But she can be nice to you for no reason?"

Liu Xiaoli did not directly refute this time.

Just raises a question.

"Why isn't she nice to other people?"

"How do you know that she is not good to other people? ... Just like Tingting, do you know how big a red envelope she sent to Tingting last year? How many red envelopes did she send to Qiqi, Brother Hu and others? Also, Have you ever heard of anyone she had trouble with or was unhappy with?"


Liu Xiaoli was speechless.

This is true.

This girl... is really good at being a person.

The "oil" thing is outrageous.

When Liu Yifei said these words, she remembered the prospects for the coming year that Mimi had said in the car when we met in Xiangjiang last year.

After thinking for a while, she suddenly asked:

"Mom, did you know that Mimi's contract will expire at the end of May this year?"


Liu Xiaoli was a little stunned:

"This year?"


"...Did she say which big company she was going to?"

"No. I guess... Mimi probably wants to do it alone. Think about it, Rong Xinda can't provide her with any help. Xu Xin has gotten everything for her since her debut. So. I should just go out and do it myself..."

"Isn't she pregnant?...Can Xu Xin still let her come out?"

"Then I don't know. But I think... if Mimi comes out to do it alone, she will definitely succeed. She has brains and is not short of money."

Liu Xiaoli didn't seem to understand the meaning of her daughter's words, and just shook her head slightly:

"I don't think she can come out in the future. She's already married, who would like to have his wife come out and show off her face?"

Speaking of this, her eyes suddenly lit up:

"Eh? Then if she really can't come out, you two have such a good relationship, you can't be the ones looking for her..."

Suddenly, she stopped talking, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes:

"Oh...this world is really changing. It's really ironic..."

But Liu Yifei had no regrets or emotion in her eyes.

She just shook her head and said:

"I said take it, take it? Why?"

"You two have a good relationship."

"Well, that's true. But it's not something I can just take. The difficulty I have now is not getting any resources, but... who dares to give them to me..."


Liu Xiaoli frowned.

These words...were they really what his daughter said?

A sense of déjà vu suddenly arises as "the child has grown up."

Then I saw my daughter say in a very casual but serious tone:

"I told you before that I have my own ideas. To be honest, my next step is to hire an agent..."


Liu Xiaoli's eyes straightened instantly.


"Mom, please listen to me, I don't mean anything else."

Liu Yifei quickly sat next to her.

"I understand your painstaking efforts. You are afraid that I will be wronged or something outside. But... we have to think about it carefully. I actually figured it out from Tingting... Mom, the professional thing is You need to find professionals to do it. If you look at CINDY and others, and then look at Tingting and Qiqi, you will understand what I mean.

So, the next step is for me to find a professional agent to save my career for me. A reliable and trustworthy person. It’s not that I’m going to replace you and my godfather, but I really need a professional team. If the people in it are like Tingting and the others, wouldn’t it be much easier to deal with things in the future? "


Instinctively, Liu Xiaoli felt something was wrong.

I feel like my daughter has changed into a different person.

But she also knew that what her daughter said was right...

Subconsciously asked:

"Then what kind of agent are you looking for?"

"Let's look for it. But there is a difficulty now, that is, my contract is still with my godfather. I want to find a big agent. He must have his own team, and he will definitely not join my godfather, right? ?”


Liu Xiaoli's brows furrowed completely:

"You're thinking……"

"I want to terminate my contract with my godfather's company."


In an instant, Liu Xiaoli's eyes widened.

"No, you..."


Before Liu Xiaoli could say anything, Liu Yifei asked a question that pointed directly to her soul:

"I can only fall into the chaos of Hong Kong now, can't I?"

When Liu Xiaoli was speechless, she continued:

"Even the Hong Kong industry is very simple... My godfather is good to me, I know. But precisely because he is good to me, I think it is right for me to leave at this time. Because... Now the domestic film industry has been taken over by me. The road is dead. I don’t want to go back to filming TV series...

So, I need an agent who can support me enough to keep going, right? Didn't you just say that Mimi's pregnancy and childbirth... will definitely leave a lot of resources. Now and then, I want to eat, but I need a stepping stone.

And I don’t know where this brick is.

So I'm going to use myself as bait, do you understand what I mean? I became a free agent. If someone comes to contact me, it means that this person has the confidence to help me open up the domestic film market. How do you fish without bait? "


At this moment, Liu Xiaoli seemed to be in front of someone for the first time, and she was in a state of confusion.


Is this what Sissi can say?

It would be almost the same if Yang Mi said it...

When did our Sissi start to... know how to play tricks on others?

But I have to admit that what she said... seems to be right.

How to fish without bait?


"Then what your godfather and I have done..."

"Oh, Mom~"

Liu Yifei seemed a little speechless, shook her head and said:

"You are my mother, and that is my godfather. How come these words sound like I am your money-making tool? I feel very uncomfortable."

"We don't mean that."

"I know, you actually just want me to be well and not get hurt, right?"


"Then it's over. I think I made the right choice. I'll regain my freedom and see which fish I can attract on the market. Then...let's talk, right? How should we talk about it? It's up to you and me I don’t understand when my godfather comes. We are a family, and we should use our strength in one place, right?"


Vaguely, Liu Xiaoli still felt that something was wrong.

Sissi...is not such a child.

Why now...

"Mom, then I'm going to take a shower? You just need to know about this. Don't tell your godfather first. He has a bad temper and this matter can only be explained clearly in person. You should also think about whether this is the case. I'm going to take a shower~ "


Liu Xiaoli nodded, and Liu Yifei walked directly into the bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, a glint flashed in her eyes.

This should be considered taking the bait, right?

The bird in the cage saw the light of freedom for the first time.

"Why can't it be shot like this?"

Yang Mi was a little puzzled.

"Why else?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Does your audition still require a photographer to find shooting angles or lighting for you? You might as well find a facilitator, and we'll put together a crew to film it for you."

When I came back this afternoon, Xu Xin was quite happy when he heard that Yang Mi was going to start auditioning.

I wanted to see how she would perform "Gong Er".

After all, it has been a month.

As a result, I heard an outrageous request:

"Hey, can we do it like a movie? You find an angle, design a shot, and then tell me about the positioning. Let's do it this way?"

Xu Xinxin said, are you blind because you don’t want to?

In actor auditions, what people look at is your acting skills, your image, and your understanding of the role.

Wouldn't it be better if you were here to shoot it as a feature film?


"Tsk, aren't I helping you interview the director? What if someone likes your shooting techniques?"

"Forget it. Still."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"Just try your mirror honestly."

As he spoke, he carried the newly purchased digital camera from the video room to the living room, with his back to the door to prevent the lens from being exposed, and then pointed at the empty living room:

"Here, let's get started. Uncle, aunt, would you like to come and see me?"

Hearing this, Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling looked at each other and walked over at the same time.

Appearing to be in high spirits.

Although I often see my daughter on TV, this kind of audition for an actor... this is really the first time for them to meet her.

I sat on the sofa with great anticipation, waiting for my daughter to perform.

"Tsk, you are so boring."

Yang Mi was a little helpless. After taking another look at her parents, she took the page of lines and looked at it, then walked directly to the camera.

Xu Xin stood aside and adjusted the lens before focusing the lens and getting all the data correct.

There is no way, he is not familiar with the new machine.

Everything was debugged, he said:

"It's time to start."


Yang Mi nodded and closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling did not say anything, but stared at their daughter seriously.

It’s like having a parent-teacher meeting when you were a kid and watching the children’s art report and performance.

After about a minute, she suddenly turned slightly sideways, revealing the side of her face.

Then, within a few blinks, his eyes became gentle and calm.

Embrace your arms, but not like a cross, but with your left and right arms clasped together.

It seems a little cold.

There is a hint of sadness in this "coldness".

Then, calm words sounded:

"My father said."

Her eyes were blank, staring sideways, and she maintained the hugging movement:

"There are three stages for people who practice martial arts: seeing themselves, seeing the world, and seeing all living beings. I have seen myself, and I have seen the world..."

Her recitation is very interesting.

At first glance, it sounds like a straightforward narrative.

But in fact, the sound shows a decreasing tone reduction.

"People who practice martial arts", she seemed to be explaining.

"See yourself, see the heaven and earth, see all living beings", it seemed that I couldn't continue to say it, and my voice became softer.

And when she said the last sentence, "I have seen myself, I have also seen the world...", she deliberately left a long pause.

One can feel her regret just by her words.

But this regret is revealed in the calm front that maintains this hugging movement from beginning to end:

"It's a pity that I can't see any sentient beings."

That trace of regret has become real.

But unfortunately, his face was still calm and calm.

Even when I uttered the following words of regret, nothing changed:

"I haven't finished this road yet."

After saying that, she finally made a small movement to raise her head.

The eyes are no longer vacant, but the muscles of the eyes are controlled, so that at first glance, the eyes have a sense of staring at others:

"Hopefully you can walk it off."

When I said this, all regrets disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there was a touch of anticipation.

As for the action that showed this expectation, she did not choose to nod firmly or make promises.

But smile.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the joy from the heart suddenly emerged with the curve of the corner of his mouth.

But Xu Xin suddenly waved his hand:



Yang Mi was stunned.

"Your smile made the whole scene collapse. Uncle, aunt, what do you two think?"

Following Xu Xin's words, Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling were both a little confused...


What did you do?

What did I see?

No...it's pretty good, there's no laughs or anything to do.

Why did it collapse?

After thinking for a while, Yang Dalin said:

"We both feel pretty good..."

"Look how I collapsed!"

Yang Mi was a little unhappy.

But Xu Xin ignored him at all. Instead, he squinted his eyes, recalled the audition just now, and said:

"You still haven't grasped the core. The character Gong Er represents the Gong family, and the Gong family... was the epitome of the martial arts world at that time. You have to be restrained. The restraint in the front is very good. But the problem is that you shouldn't laugh in the back... …

If you think about it, our ancestors' outlook on life was to be reserved. If the apprentice does something wrong, he will definitely be slapped and screamed at. But if the apprentice did the right thing, the master's exaggeration would not be so straightforward. Your smile is an expression of emotion, which is inappropriate.

Because those masters in the old days always praised their disciples to outsiders, instead of chasing after their disciples every day and praising them, oh, baby, you are so awesome... The tone of your words is obviously expressing, those who listen to Gong Er's words It has a special place in her heart.

It could be a couple, a lover, a confidant or a disciple.

But no matter which way, Gong Er can't show too many emotions. If you want people to know that you are praising, praising, or showing your feelings, then you are not a Gong Er. understand?

You have to be restrained and restrained. If you want to express the role of Gong Er, the tone of your lines should be greater than your expression. Even if you smile, it will only make people think that you are smiling, not the smile you show..."



Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling had already heard this.

Just...a smile is not a smile...

What kind of praise doesn’t express your feelings...

What is this all about?

But Yang Mi was thoughtful.

After thinking for a while, he nodded:

"That makes sense. Then I'll do it again."


Xu Xin responded and continued to take pictures of Yang Mi.

He was not proficient in using cameras, so he planned to keep shooting like this, and then rely on computer editing to edit the film.

After adjusting her state, Yang Mi once again performed this scene and captured that restrained emotion.

From the words "My father said" to "I hope you can go on", the emotions are very restrained from beginning to end.

At the end, she hid her smile and replaced it with a look back slightly.

Just right.

Xu Xin felt comfortable instantly.

"Well, this tastes just right!"

After turning the camera back and playing the performance again, Xu Xin gave a satisfactory evaluation.

Xu Haofeng sent four lines.

There are long and short.

After Yang Mi completed all the performances that met Xu Xin's requirements in about half an hour, he pulled out the memory card:

"Okay, I'm going to edit the film and delete the part you just made. Have you written down your experience in understanding the character?"

"Not yet... you go ahead and do it first. I'm a little hungry and want to drink some bird's nest. You'll cut the film later and I'll write it and send it to you."


Xu Xin responded and came to the study room with the memory card.

First export the file, and then use editing software to divide it into four parts.

In these four copies, my own words will also be edited out.

While he was compressing, he suddenly received a call from the soundtrack company:

"Director Xu, can you come over here for a moment? We have recorded the demos we mentioned two days ago."


Xu Xin's eyes lit up, and after looking at the time, he said:

"Okay, I'll be right over."

After getting up and going out with the keys in hand, she saw Yang Mi scooping out bird's nests one by one at the door of the kitchen.


"It's being compressed. I have to go to the music studio. The demo of "The Sound of the Wind" is out. I have to watch it."

"Oh, okay. Will you come back for dinner tonight?"

"Probably... I'll call you then."


After watching Xu Xin leave, Yang Mi drank the bowl of bird's nest in three gulps, and then walked into the study.

Two days ago, people from the housekeeping company came to deodorize the study room and cleaned away all the traces of second-hand smoke, so there was no smell in the room.

After taking a look at the video file being compressed on her computer, she directly reduced it, opened the WORD document, and started writing about the character.

Frankly speaking, Xu Haofeng's request was quite excessive.

If you audition, just audition. If you are selected, you will be selected. If you are not selected, you will be rejected.

Why is it like writing an essay, where you have to get some insights into the characters?

But...who made my brother like this story?

With a serious and responsible attitude, she began to type out her understanding of Gong Er in the past month.

"Gong Er is the epitome of the Gong family. And the Gong family is the epitome of the martial arts world back then..."

This is the first sentence of the opening chapter.


Yang Mi suddenly felt a surge of literary thoughts and inspiration like diarrhea.

The crackling sound of typing started to stop.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed by.

Looking at the more than a thousand words she had written eloquently, she checked carefully and found that all the meanings that should be expressed were expressed. Then she looked at the four video files that had been compressed and came to the desktop.


That should be the four plays, right?

My brother's movements are quite fast.

As she thought about it, she opened her mailbox and started uploading these four videos in oversized files.

The speed of several hundred KB per second is actually not very fast.

Fortunately, the file is not too big, and a compressed file is only a few hundred MB.

Yang Mi left the house directly.

The fitness instructor has been waiting aside for a long time.

She started exercising.

An hour and a half later, the time came to five o'clock.

After today's exercise, Yang Dalin put on an apron and asked Yang Mi:

"Daughter, ask Xiao Xu when he will come back so I can cook."


Yang Mi responded and dialed Xu Xin's phone number:

"Dudu...hey, brother, when will you be back?"

"Maybe I can't go back. I'm not very satisfied with this little thing. The band members are here and we are communicating. You guys can eat and don't worry about me. I'll take a bite here."

To the six or seven people in the room who were waiting for him, Xu Xin hurriedly said something and hung up the phone.

"He won't come back to eat. Dad, just cook. I'm hungry too."


Yang Dalin responded and started cooking.

Yang Mi seemed to have remembered something and walked into the study again.

The black screen of the computer lit up, and she looked at the several emails that had been uploaded. Finally, she uploaded her thoughts on the role of Gong Er and sent them all to Xu Haofeng's mailbox.

After confirming that the four emails were sent successfully, she dialed Xu Haofeng's phone number:

"Dudu... hello, Mimi, hello, hello."

Xu Haofeng's voice was quite quiet.

Not noisy.

Yang Mi smiled and said hello:

"Hello, senior brother. I have sent you the video of the interpretation of those lines and the understanding of the characters. Do you want to take a look?"


For some reason, Xu Haofeng's voice was full of surprise.

But he immediately responded:

"Okay, okay, has it been sent to my email?"

"Yes, would you like to take a look?"

"Yeah! I'll download it now and watch it. Are we in contact?"

"Hmm, I'll hang up then. Goodbye, senior brother."

Yang Mi said politely and hung up the phone.

Then I deleted all four videos that took up space.

My brother has a bad habit of using computers, that is, he likes to put everything on the desktop.

Over time, the computer's C drive will become full and it will become stuck.

This is not a good habit.

Then, she boarded the VS account and squeezed into the master room 1 interface.

have to.

Hang it.

Play two games in the evening.

So I went to eat happily.

"Gong Er can't show too many emotions. If you want people to know whether you are praising or praising or showing your feelings, then you are not Gong Er. Understand? You have to be restrained and restrained. Gong Er, this If you want to express the character, the tone of the lines should be greater than the expression..."

In the computer video, although the camera was full of Yang Mi's thoughtful expression, the male voice in the voice was extremely clear.

It was passed to the ears of three people sitting in front of the computer.

Xu Haofeng frowned.

Another middle-aged man is smoking.

And in the end, it was a middle-aged man with short hair and a Chinese character face who was quite ordinary.

The three of them just sat in front of the computer, silently listening to the male voice inside talking about their understanding of "Gong Er".

First video.

Second video.

third fourth……

Until the end of the fourth article, they heard a passage:

"Okay, I'm going to edit the film and delete the part you just made. Have you written down your experience in understanding that character?"

"Not yet... you go ahead and do it first. I'm a little hungry and want to drink some bird's nest. You'll cut the film later and I'll write it and send it to you."

Yang Mi in the camera lost her restrained calmness just now, and then left the front of the camera.

The screen ends.




After a while, the middle-aged man next to Xu Haofeng put out his cigarette and said:

"So, I sent the wrong video? But... I quite like Yang Mi's first performance. What about you two?"

"I like the part where this guy corrected it."

Xu Haofeng said.

Finally, the two of them looked at the middle-aged man with short hair:

"Director Wang, where are you?"

Xu Haofeng asked.

But no one responded.

The middle-aged man fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he answered the wrong question:

"You just gave her five paragraphs?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he spoke with a Hong Kong and Taiwanese accent.

"Four paragraphs, one paragraph is to introduce this character."

"...Look at that experience. See how she understands it."


Xu Haofeng downloaded the last document and after clicking it, a sentence came into view:

"Gong Er is the epitome of the Gong family. And the Gong family is the epitome of the martial arts world back then..."

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