I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 329 327 It’s easy to change the heart of an old friend (23)

Chapter 329 327. Change your heart easily (23)

"Dad, what should we have for dinner?"

Everyone had left, and the villa seemed a little empty.

Zhang Mo looked at his father who was sitting on the sofa meditating and asked:

"Let the cooking aunt buy some vegetables? Or should we cook them ourselves?"

"Let Xiao Chen go buy some food and come back. It's still early~"


Zhang Mo responded, turned around and walked into the nanny's room.

After giving the instructions twice, the nanny quickly walked out to buy groceries with the basket in hand.

It’s not that the nanny is incompetent or lazy.

She has been in Zhang Mo's house for a long time, and naturally knows her master's habits very well.

Eating is not a fixed thing.

Rather than eating, it is more important not to interrupt Director Zhang's train of thought because of any news at work.

Although Director Zhang has a bad stomach...

But even Mrs. Chen acquiesced in this matter.

If Director Zhang doesn't say he's hungry, he won't cook.

Try to keep it as quiet as possible at home, otherwise his train of thought will be interrupted and a movie might be ruined.

After the nanny left, Zhang Mo helped clear away the teacups on the coffee table.

Looking back, I saw my father still sitting on the sofa, deep in thought...

She thought for a while and asked:

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Yimou came back to his senses, looked at her and asked:

"As a director, which creative idea do you prefer?"


Zhang Mo sat on the sofa.

After thinking for about a minute, he shook his head:

"Actually, I have been hesitating in the afternoon. Because... I found that I like both ideas. On the one hand, it can give the story something deeper. On the other hand, it seems more pure... I have never thought about it. ,and you?"

Zhang Yimou did not answer directly, but continued to ask:

"As a director, which story do you prefer?"

Zhang Mo knew that it would be impossible not to give a clear answer.


The problem is that she doesn't really know which one to choose.

Because both sound great.

One is to use lust as a metaphor for the suffering of that era, which has a deeper artistic quality from the perspective of a bystander.

The other one shines like...the only bright spot in the darkness.


After thinking about it for a long time, she still shook her head:

"It's hard for me to draw a conclusion. Because I like both of them very much... Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you that I think it would be better to put them together."

"That would be a disaster."

Faced with his daughter's thoughts, Zhang Yimou directly rejected her thoughts:

"I understand what you mean. The tone of the whole story is to describe suffering, and the love between Jingqiu and Lao San is like a little white flower that emerges from the mud but remains unstained, right?"


"Do you know why no one, including the screenwriter, has taken this idea?"



Hearing his daughter's rhetorical question, Zhang Yimou was silent for a moment.

I sighed inwardly.

But he still explained:

"Because what we want to make is a movie, not a TV series. In 2 hours, on the one hand, we have to describe the sadness of a great era, and on the other hand, we have to establish a pure emotion... Establish pure emotion, and you will It needs to be contrasted with various characters and sentient beings from the era. But you only have two hours, and this process is too crowded and bloated."


Under Zhang Mo's slightly frowning brow, as a father, Zhang Yimou once again gave his advice:

"A good director needs to learn not only addition, but also how to subtract. If it's a TV series, then you don't need to tell them, they will follow this idea. But not for movies."

As he spoke, he sighed:

"Hey...when did this kid start looking at Yu Hua?"

For some reason, he felt a sense of regret when he said this.

But he looked at Zhang Mo:

"His ideas are actually in line with mine. Haven't you always disliked Yu Hua's books?... But now I suggest you read them. Because Yu Hua and his ideas are consistent. I don't know why. Did he get inspiration from Yu Hua's book or something. But...suffering really shouldn't be praised."

"...You also want to make a simple love movie?"

"Is it simple?"

Zhang Yimou shook his head:

"In fact, sometimes simplicity is the ultimate. As a director, you must have your own cognitive perspective on things. This is a sign of a mature director. Don't care what others think. Yes, many people now mention that In any era, you will feel bitter, a tragedy, and a disaster. But there are always those sparkling existences in any era. Everyone is fishing in the river, but you find a pearl. This is your ability …Don’t follow the herd.”

Looking at his daughter, he gave the second piece of advice for life:

"Don't follow the crowd, don't follow blindly. Use your own eyes and your own perspective to observe the world."


For a moment, Zhang Mo didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, she asked:

"He did it?"

There was no nomination or surname, but Zhang Yimou knew who his daughter was talking about.

So, he smiled and asked:

"What do you think?"


Zhang Mo was speechless.

Zhang Yimou continued:

"Don't be unconvinced. There are such outstanding talents in every industry. Maybe they are born with things that some people find difficult to understand in their lifetime. But by the same token, everyone has their own shining points. Learn from each other's strengths and offset their weaknesses. , just follow the path that suits you. It’s tiring and unflattering to compare with others.”


Zhang Mo nodded.

She knew that this was her father's third piece of advice.

"Sister Mi."

"Well, where is your brother Xu?"

"In the study room."

Zhang Jiao pointed to the study and lowered her voice:

"Director Yu asked Brother Xu to give a speech at the opening ceremony. He was holding back the manuscript. Just now, Niuniu got scolded and kicked away when she came to him. She is annoyed right now..."

"...Opening Ceremony Speech?"

Yang Mi was stunned at first.

But immediately a malicious and malicious look appeared on his face:

"He agreed?"

Zhang Jiao nodded:



Yang Mi suddenly let out a mischievous laugh and tiptoed towards the study.

The study has two doors, which can lead to the house and the yard respectively.

She approached the door to the courtyard, glanced inside through the curtain, and saw Xu Xin scratching his head...

After thinking about it, she pretended to be ignorant, fiddled with the door curtain, and walked into the study amidst a series of clattering movements.

"elder brother."


Xu Xin, who had been staring at the blank WORD document in a daze for a long time, responded, but did not look back.

Didn't even ask her where she was going.



Very annoying.

Can’t take leave yet…

There was even a slight toothache.

Yang Mi remained silent and pretended to look at the books on the bookshelf in the study room. Then she swept the glass display case containing the antiques with a feather duster and said casually:

"Hey, Teacher Yu called me today."


Xu Xin, who had just agreed, realized something was wrong and turned to look at his wife with doubtful eyes:


"Teacher Yu, you called me today and asked me if I was free to give a speech at the opening ceremony, but I refused."


Xu Xin was stunned and subconsciously said:


"Nothing can happen anymore, I refused directly. It was a pity for Teacher Yu, so I told Teacher Yu: I said my achievements are not worth mentioning, at least they can't be compared with my husband. Teacher Yu, you can't find anyone." Look for me. I am just a young actor..."

As she spoke, her big and smart eyes carefully paid attention to the changes in Xu Xin's expression.

as expected……

As he spoke, the look in his brother's eyes began to change from "shocked" to "speechless" to "annoyed"...

And just when he was angry, he glanced at his stomach...


Two death-free gold medals were stored in his stomach.

Just asking you if you are afraid!

But it doesn't seem to be a critical hit yet.

So, she said again with a bad heart:

"Oh, I don't know which unlucky person this job belongs to."

"...Sun thief! I'll kill you! That unlucky guy is me! It's me, you know! I will be carried by Teacher Yu to give a speech in heaven in a few days! Me! Me!!! Your uncle's!"

Xu Xin broke through his defense instantly.

And looking at his hopping and cursing look, Yang Mi finally couldn't stand it any longer:


Expression management can no longer be maintained.

"You are so funny...hahahahaha...hahahahaha..."

She laughed so hard that she started holding her stomach.

As soon as she covered her stomach, Xu Xin panicked:

"Hey, don't be scary!~Don't be scary!"

"Hahahahaha... Ouch..."

Yang Mi waved her hands to indicate that she was fine, then she held her stomach and laughed for a while, then looked up at Xu Xin who was speechless:

"I'm teasing you. I heard Jiaojiao talk about this when I walked in, so I decided to tease you... I don't know you yet? You are so thin-skinned that even a little girl is tender. When I think of you facing a group of When someone gives a speech there, I just want to pick my toes... Oh, what are you going to do~"

"What can I do!"

Helpless Xu Xin shook his head and sat in front of the computer again:

"Just hold on to the manuscript."

"Do you have any ideas?"

"No... I just looked for a sample essay on the Internet, and I originally wanted to copy it."

"No. You are a celebrity. If someone finds out, your reputation will be ruined. You don't dare to play like this."

"I know……"

Looking at the blank WORD in front of him, Xu Xin sighed:

"Oh... that's why I feel so bad. I have no clue at all and don't know how to write."

"That's your problem."

After having enough fun and making enough noise, Yang Mi shook her head:

"I can't help you. I haven't been able to write well since I was a child~"

She looked helpless.

"Anyway, there are still two weeks of military training for freshmen. No rush, just take your time."


Xu Xin stood up from the computer desk again, knowing that he had to hand in his homework but just didn't want to write it.

He helped Yang Mi walk towards the living room and said:

"What did you do just now?"

"Let's go for a walk. How's the discussion about the script of "The Hawthorn Tree" going?"

"I gave my ideas."

Back in the living room, he petted the dog and said:

"Several screenwriters wanted to do it... to give Jingqiu the meaning of bitterness. I didn't agree. I wanted to make a clean love story. I think people who came from that era had more or less feelings in their hearts. , there will be a shadow of someone in the heart that may be beautiful, charming, or unable to achieve what is desired and becomes a regret under the constraints of rigidity. I want to photograph this shadow, rather than in the name of a love story. Why are we filming the suffering of this era? There is no need~"

"Can I act?"


Xu Xin was suddenly speechless:

"Let's not mention "The Grandmaster"... How much do you hate the script of "The Grandmaster"? If "The Grandmaster" didn't choose you, why don't you just slip into filming "The Grandmaster" with me? Why are you still eyeing it? Did you get into this script?"



"To be honest, I know that the story of "Violence" has depth. But I have a hunch that filming it will torture me to death. Really..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin's brows frowned instantly:

"You don't like it that much?...Then I'll replace you?"

"don't want."

This sister showed a miser-like attitude:

"If you don't like it, it's mine! I don't want to give it to anyone else~"

But immediately she returned to the conversation, and what she picked up was her notepad.

There is a series of extended materials about the character "Gong Er" that she made herself.

Including some hearsay about old events of the Republic of China.


Xu Xin would not force her to film "Violence" before she was ready.

She needs to settle down, and so does she.

School starts on September 1st.

At the beginning of the new semester, Xu Xin, who couldn't write down an opening speech in two days, yawned and walked out of the house, and immediately saw Zhang Jiao, who was specially dressed up.


Zhang Jiao is quite beautiful.

This must not be false.

And also dress up.

Today's makeup, whether it's the white shirt or the denim cropped pants and sneakers underneath, makes her look "young".

It smells like students.

"Brother Xu, morning."


Xu Xin responded, looked her up and down, and nodded slightly:

"This looks good."


The praise from Xu Xin made Zhang Jiao somewhat relieved of her nervousness.

After the two got in the car, they walked directly towards the school.

inside the car.

"We are classmates in school, so try not to expose our relationship. People in off-the-job training classes are generally older than normal students, and they are more mature. When you are mature, you are more likely to cause trouble, so even if we meet in school, I pretend not to know you, do you understand?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhang Jiao nodded:

"I know."

The place she went to was a training class at Beijing Film Academy.

Or a continuing education college.

Formerly an adult evening school.

There are also opportunities for associate degree upgrading.

The duration of study is generally two years of full-time study.

The actors here did not pass the college entrance examination, but signed up and took the recruitment exam. Every year, some non-art candidates or people working in the film and television industry feel that they are not capable enough... or they want to "affiliate" and sign up.

The same is true for Zhang Jiao.

"Study hard. Your classes should be quite intense. Yang Mi and I also told you to just study hard."


Seeing how quickly she agreed, Xu Xin was still a little worried and warned:

"Never forget your dreams."

"Brother Xu, don't worry!"

This time, Zhang Jiao’s answer was decisive:

"Never forgot it!"

This time I did not drive to the entrance of Beijing Film Studio, but to the parking lot not far from here.

After getting off the car, Xu Xin said:

"Let's go separately."


Zhang Jiao was carrying a shoulder bag and a peaked cap and was about to follow Xu Xin.

But Xu Xin pointed to the front:

"You go by yourself, I'll buy you a cup of milk tea."


"You know where the classroom is, right?"



After waving her hand to leave, Xu Xin went directly to the milk tea shop next to her.

I ordered a glass of ice-cold Americano... He stayed up late last night.

Mainly to write the speech.

Because he had never written it before, he felt a little weak after writing down all kinds of great principles.

He doesn't know why...he knows that the idea of ​​​​this manuscript must be more "decent". But the more I write, the weaker I feel.

It’s not empty either.

How should I put it...it's just awkward.

Very awkward.

Junior students who have just entered the school, listen, it is nothing more than some big principles.

But people who have already started to contact the crew and the film and television industry will feel that it is all fake and empty.

Xu Xin himself felt that he was very incompetent in writing this kind of thing.

None of the bullshit is attractive.

Listening to him whining for five or six minutes is really a waste of time and life.

So he felt very uncomfortable.

But even if I feel uncomfortable, there is nothing I can do about it. The so-called speech at the opening ceremony is nothing more than these things. Why should we aspire to be good actors and directors? What is the People’s Art Barabara…

This is the only way to go.

The sequelae is insomnia, tossing and turning in bed.

The bitter taste of bad coffee cuts across your throat.

He couldn't help but yawn again.

By the time he reached the school gate where he could see Beijing Film Academy, he had already seen many people standing on both sides of the road.

Someone else was handing out business cards.

Not surprising.

Those are talent scouts.

Or scalpers are almost the same.

They are fooling those freshmen, looking for new talents, being directly under the direct supervision of talent scouts of big companies, and so on.

I will send you a business card. When you see the so-called XX Entertainment Agency and believe it to be true, a trap may be waiting for you.

Of course, there are some people with real abilities among them, but they are rare.

Scalpers are somewhat conscientious. After getting online with you, they will at most introduce you to brokerage companies with stable business channels.

Some scammers simply trick you into signing a contract, and what awaits you may be a small amount of liquidated damages...

Although seniors who are responsible for receiving new students come to warn newcomers about these things every year, there will always be a few idiots who come with utilitarian intentions and are deceived.

He lost his wife and lost his troops.

After putting on his hat and zipping up his mask, he carried his coffee and walked toward the school.

But I didn’t expect that someone would recognize him before he even took three steps to the school gate in disguise:

"Director Xu!?"

Xu Xin turned his head subconsciously...

He caught sight of a group of people.

Then these people gathered around him like flies seeing meat:

"Director Xu, I am a talent scout from Xingcan Entertainment Media. We have many artists here, both male and female. The pay is cheap and their acting skills are all very good! Can Director Xu leave your contact information?"

"Director Xu, I have a few special actors here! They know real kung fu and can even risk their lives!"

Xu Xinxin said, why do I want your actors to risk their lives?

"Director Xu, this is my business card!"

"Director Xu..."

Seeing that the momentum was not right, Xu Xin rushed forward. Fortunately, when he reached the door, the group of people behind him were stopped by security guards.

Entering the school gate with a banner welcoming new students, Xu Xin turned his head and glanced at those people, then shook his head speechlessly.

Obviously it wasn't so exaggerated when school started last September.

Why did it become like this this year?

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard someone shouting in front of me:

"Director Xu~"

He looked up and was suddenly startled...

Who is coming?

Jiao... Jiao...

What's the matter with Jiao?

Yang Mi’s classmate.

Not only her, but there were several men and women next to him who were familiar to him but couldn't remember their names.

There were seven or eight people in total.

Just stood on the roadside and stared at him.

When this group of people saw him looking this way, several people, led by the girl named Jiao, looked respectful at the same time.

"Director Xu, long time no see."

"Hello, Director Xu."

A series of greetings sounded.

Xu Xin paused for a moment, and a polite smile appeared on his face:

"It's you. Long time no see, everyone."

As he said that, he had no intention of getting in front of this group of people. Instead, he continued walking towards the teaching building and asked:

"Aren't you all graduated? Why are you here?"

When he spoke, he kept a pace that was neither too fast nor too slow.

He didn't look particularly anxious, but as long as others were not stupid, they could tell that he had no intention of talking to the big guys.

When the anxious girl heard this, she laughed and said:

"Let's come back and see the teacher... Director Xu, how is Mimi's health?"

"It's okay. I'm raising my baby at home. Thank you for your concern."

"Hmm, Director Xu... Mimi, are you free tonight? Let's have a meal together? After all, we haven't seen each other for a long time."


Xu Xin looked a little regretful and shook his head:

"She is a month old and very lazy. Let's wait for another day."

After rejecting these people directly, he quickened his pace:

"I'm going to class first. See you later."

Waving his hands politely and politely, he walked towards the teaching building amidst the sound of saying goodbye.

As he walked, he took out his mobile phone and told Yang Mi about this.

My sister responded quickly:

"I guess it's because the drama has been frustrated. Just be polite and that's it."

"Well, I'll just tell you, as long as you know this."

"Know it."

After replying, the person also walked to the teaching building.

There is no class this morning, so just come over and check in.

According to the notice, he walked to the third floor of the Directing Department Reporting Classroom. As soon as he reached the third floor, he saw a few unfamiliar young men and women chatting with each other in the corridor.

He didn't think much about it at first, but after seeing him, those people subconsciously tidied up their appearance.

Then neatly...

"Hello, Director Xu."


Xu Xin paused.

Then nodded:


With a polite word, he passed a few people and walked into the classroom without looking back.

"Hello, Director Xu."

As soon as he entered the classroom, he heard such a greeting again.

Turning around, he saw that it was his classmate Zhou Xiaolin, looking at him with a somewhat polite smile.

"...Well, morning."

Xu Xin responded with a smile and looked around the classroom.

Finally, I walked to the corner by the window and sat down.

Looking at the figures of the students outside the window, for no reason, he felt a feeling in his heart.

It seems that I am becoming more and more incompatible with this place...or my identity as a student.

Third update: Don’t wait tonight. I just started writing at 11 o’clock in the evening. Because some trivial life events happened during the day, the progress was completely behind. But I will finish it, and everyone can just get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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