I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 355 353 Vanity Fair

Chapter 355 353. Vanity Fair

Xu Xin didn't hear his father's instructions.

He was swinging happily at the moment.

"Director Xu, here you should stand with your legs spread apart, and your hands should be like this..."

"Woo... snap!"

Before Nazha finished speaking, Xu Xin had already swung out the club.

And the strength of this shot, according to people who know how to hit it, means that it is nothing.

The energy does not come from the waist, the line cannot be found accurately, and the entire energy of the ball is scattered.

However, Xu Xin fought out.

After the beating, he ignored Nazha who was teaching him and said to Hu Guang with a smile:

"Mr. Hu, come."

"...Haha, Director Xu's shot is of a professional standard."

Hearing Hu Guang's words, Xu Xin smiled and shrugged.

Just treat this as fart.

But what he was thinking was quite simple. Isn't this thing just for fun, with professional postures and other things... It would be boring if you have to follow rules and regulations to have fun.


You teach yours and I play mine.

As long as I'm happy.

But... I have to admit that golf is indeed a very social sport.

After the two of them took a shot each, they walked towards the foothold of the golf ball with their clubs in hand. Naza, who was behind, simply acted as a caddy and followed behind in a car.

Hu Guang pushed their beautiful model as usual.

"Director Xu, our movie audition this time...can we also participate? There are many models under Mekong.com who have received professional acting training."


Xu Xin agreed happily:

"If Mr. Hu has any good ideas, don't hide them, just come and come...Have you read the book?"

"Looked at it."

"Well, just choose according to the image in your mind. We are friends, so there is no need to ask about such things. When the auditions start one after another, just push people this way."

"Hahahaha, then thank you, Director Xu..."

"It would be too polite to say thank you. But... Mr. Hu, we have to talk about it first."

Xu Xin, who used the club in his hand as a crutch, shook his head slightly:

"The producer of this movie is Director Zhang. Although it has not been announced yet, it is already confirmed."

Hu Guang nodded quickly:

"Yeah. I know."

"Although Director Zhang's direction of casting is consistent with mine, because I haven't experienced that era, he is the one who takes the lead in the direction of casting. In other words, it's not enough for me to be satisfied, Director Zhang has to nod. Okay. Whether you are beautiful or not is secondary. The most important thing is that it should be similar to the image that Director Zhang and I have in our minds. So...people, feel free to come over. But...not everyone can be in Director Zhang's play, so to speak. , Mr. Hu should understand the difference, right?"

"I understand, I understand."

Hu Guang still nodded:

"After all, this movie is a literary film, and acting skills and image are indispensable. Coupled with the abilities of Director Xu and Director Zhang, the actor who can be cast must be the most suitable one. But we still have to give it a try, after all, we have excellent people There are also a lot of model resources...it never hurts to try, right?"


Seeing that he understood what he meant, Xu Xin stopped saying more.

After the two of them reached the place, Xu Xin took the club in his hand and turned to look in the direction of the hole flag, and swung another shot over.

"Good shot, haha~ This shot is really good~"

Hu Guang's admiration immediately rang out.

Xu Xin smiled and looked down at the gloves on his hands.

Well, don’t say it yet.

This thing is really interesting.

"Hahaha, Director Xu, I'm sorry, I'm late. I was mainly waiting for a script, so I'm a little late."

When I saw Xue Haifeng and Li Mingjun again, it was almost 3:30 in the afternoon.

The two of them arrived late, but Xue Haifeng was very polite to Xu Xin when they came up.

Xu Xin didn't know that he was late on purpose. Just like Hu Guang, he wished he could have sex with this girl named Nazha.

It was really delayed because of the script.

But it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, he was having a lot of fun during this time.

After chatting for a while, Xue Haifeng said:

"Director Xu, at our cocktail party tonight, all the actors from here will be here. You might as well take a look then to see if there are any suitable ones..."

"It's not enough for me to say it's appropriate."

Xu Xin, who was sitting on a chair behind the table and lit a cigarette, took off his gloves to show that he had no intention of continuing to play and said:

"Mr. Hu and I were still talking about this matter just now. Because this is a story of that era, Director Zhang has to have more control over the casting. Acting is part of it. What's more important is the first glance. Fate. Although I know there are many beauties and capable actors here, but whether it is or not, we still have to look at that fate..."

We are all practitioners in the film and television industry, so we naturally understand that what Xu Xin said is true.

Sometimes, when the acting skills of a certain character are equal, it is actually "that look".

This actor coincides with the character in the director's mind.

This first impression is more important than anything else.

"That's right, I need to have the feeling of Jingqiu, that kind of coquettishness, and it must be in line with that era... To be honest with Director Xu, I deeply resonate with the character of Jingqiu..."

After chatting with Xue Haifeng for a while about the roles of Jingqiu and Laosan, suddenly, Li Mingjun on the side asked:

"Director Xu, is this drama... New Picture an investor?"


Xu Xin shook his head, not hiding anything at all:

"I invited Director Zhang to come over for this movie. The investors are the factory and my cousin's company. Is Mr. Li interested?"

"What is the investment budget for "Hawthorn Tree"?"

"The estimate is less than 20 million."

Xu Xin shrugged:

"But this is all a bit excessive. I did my own calculations. As long as I can find a suitable filming location, the budget may only be 15 million at most... Of course, this does not count the actors' money. It is purely the production cost. .”

After speaking, he glanced at Li Mingjun:

"Quite a few, right?"

"Not much."

Li Mingjun responded:

"Xiying Studio's investment accounts for at least 60%?"


Holding a cigarette, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Although mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, to be honest, I don't have much expectations for this movie at the box office. After all, it doesn't look like it will be profitable regardless of its subject matter, age limit, or other aspects. Looks like that. Otherwise, when we first met, I wouldn’t have told Mr. Li that I was going to make a literary film. It’s unrealistic to expect literary films to make money..."

This is true.

Just like Director Zhang, no one will deny his status and contribution to film art.

But looking at his entire film career, you will find that... most of his films are well received but not box office hits.

The real rise of commercial films actually started with "Hero".

Looking at Li Mingjun who nodded, Xu Xin waved his hand:

"If Mr. Li is interested in this investment... my cousin will be here soon and we can have a chat. To be honest, I am the director. If you ask me to participate in any investment operation, I don't have the energy or brains. What's more... if we really want to cooperate, I won't be able to bear the risk of a loss-making deal. So, Mr. Li will just talk to my cousin later on how to do it. I will be responsible for working with Mr. Xue here. How about taking a look at the actors here in our magical city?"

With these words, he directly freed himself from the trouble of whether to invest and how much to invest.

Xu Xin really had no intention of investing in the movie "Hawthorn Tree" himself.

In other words, there will be fewer and fewer movies that he can personally invest in in the future.

In the future, Yang Mi will take over his shares in Headwind Entertainment. From now on, the entire company will separate investment and performance.

On the one hand, it can completely liberate Xu Xin and make him feel light when "nothing has happened".

On the other hand, she can naturally get involved in the film distribution business.

It is definitely much more useful than Xu Xin, a polished boss.

And this hawthorn tree is a small investment.

A literary film itself doesn't cost much. But it is a project that everyone should do together.

Not to mention that he is easy to handle at home, as Director Zhang said, he really needs a stable team to operate things around him.

Talking about business.

Regarding the investment, let Xu Zhi and the secretive Mr. Li go and recruit them.

It is good for everyone to clearly separate the interest relationships. Business is business and friendship is friendship.

At almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Zhi arrived late.

Compared to the unfamiliarity the first time, everyone is familiar with it this time. Xu Zhi also hit two shots, and Xu Xin could tell... he had the same moral character as himself.

No shit.

Come to think of it, serious young people... who plays golf?

The usefulness of the development ball is not bad...

It was early 5 o'clock and the sun had already started to set.

The temperature has also dropped a bit.

Xue Haifeng suggested going back to the manor to chat.

Moreover, he wanted Xu Xin to take a look at the script outline he brought today.

Everyone got in the car and returned to the manor all the way. When getting off the car, Hu Guang asked:

"Director Xu, let Nazha stay and take care of you? Or..."

Xu Xin glanced at the little girl who had worked hard all afternoon and nodded:

"Okay, isn't it a cocktail party today? Let's change some clothes. Mr. Hu can show her more of the world."

After saying that, under the girl's surprised look, he and Xu Zhi walked into the room side by side.

There are still some people in the house making arrangements in the hall and backyard.

Xu Xin even saw a champagne tower.

I don’t know the scale of tonight’s cocktail party, but the champagne tower is quite big.

Then, everyone went upstairs together.

Xue Haifeng took everyone directly to the second-floor terrace located in the study room.

The terrace is enclosed by glass, and looking down from here is the "scenery" of the cocktail party in the backyard.

Xu Xin thought about it for a while and could probably guess it. When the actors came later, they would be active on the first floor and in the backyard. And just by looking up, you can see where several people are sitting.

First, it can show the identity gap and symbolize the level of status.

Secondly...this gap can give people a "desire" born from the class level.

It really feels like a cocktail party in Europe and the United States, plus the smell of the old magic city from the decades on the TV.

As for men, who doesn’t have the ambition and passion to hold a murderous sword awake, lie drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman, and dominate the world?

And the display of this kind of status... I have to say, it's very good.

A few people sat for a while, and as night fell, the sound of car engines occasionally began to sound outside. The team of waiters and chefs in the backyard also started to get busy.

Outdoor BBQ, cold meals, champagne, lights...

The reception started slowly.

But a few people were in no hurry to go down.

Because Xue Haifeng came up with the script that currently only has a summary of the story, called "Guan Yunchang".

Xu Xin is watching.

The story tells the story of Guan Yu who was forced to surrender to Cao Cao in order to protect and comfort his sister-in-law. He was in Cao Cao's camp and his heart was in Han Dynasty.

The synopsis of the story plus the main plot is a total of two pages.

After Xu Xin finished reading, Xue Haifeng's first words were:

"Director Xu is not interested?"

Costume war movie...

This is Xu Xin’s first time getting involved.

Although he had seen director Zhang Lai manipulate during the production of "The Golden Jacket", he had to be cautious first of all for this kind of story involving real historical figures.

And this script gave him a very bad premonition, and he was even a little speechless.

Although the specific plot of the story is not yet understood, Xu Xin has been exposed to the story of the surrender of Cao Cao from childhood to adulthood, whether watching "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" or some dramatized operas.

This story needs to be drawn out separately to make a script and make a movie...

As a director's instinct, he unconsciously thought of a very bloody plot.

In order to make Guan Yu completely fall in love with him, Cao Cao designed something to happen to Guan Yu and his sister-in-law that shouldn't have happened, thus tainting Guan Erye's unparalleled loyalty...

Instantly, he got goosebumps.

Damn it, if you really do this...are you not afraid of retribution?

There is a god three feet above your head.

The stories in "Three Kingdoms" have become familiar to everyone after so many years.

Moving to movies and TV series, leaving aside those spoof movies, just saying that it is shot according to historical facts. If you want to form the conflicts required in the movie plot... there must be some changes.

Therein lies the difficulty.

Changed it, disrespecting history.

If you don’t change it... everyone knows the plot, why should I pay you to buy a ticket?

And if this movie is really based on his premonition, then don't worry about whether Mr. Guan will do such a thing... Xu Xin can imagine just this plot alone, and there will definitely be overwhelming curses by then.

Moreover, the reason why he said this was because...except for this kind of plot, his poor mind could not imagine the scalability of this kind of story.

So after reading the script framework, Xu Xin thought about it and asked:

"Has the entire script come out?"

"not yet."

"That's it...tsk."

Suddenly, he slapped his mouth, and then said sincerely:

"To be honest, Mr. Xue, I can't handle the ancient costume theme for the time being. Especially this kind of war theme, which is the work of eternal saints, is not something I can challenge now."

Although what he said was sincere, at the root, he strangled his fate with this movie.

Because this script gave him a... not good feeling.

After hearing this, Xue Haifeng felt a little regretful:

"That's it...I thought Director Xu was interested."

"I'm definitely interested, but being interested is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also depends on your ability, right? A movie like this with an ancient war theme, given the current length of time, would easily cost tens of millions. If it comes to me I screwed up my hand, how will I face Mr. Xue in the future?"

"Hahahaha~ Director Xu's words are too polite. In movies, there are profits and losses. How can there be a guarantee of profits but no losses? You must have this risk awareness."

"Of course I understand this. It's just business. As a friend, I definitely don't want my friend to lose money."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After finishing the matter of "Guan Yunchang", it's almost time.

Several people got up and walked downstairs.

As soon as he left the study room, Xu Xin heard bursts of soft piano music.

Maybe I have been with the old wolf for a long time.

Although he doesn't understand the piano, he can more or less tell the skill of the player.

All I can say is that the sound of the piano is just average.

And all the way down the spiral staircase, I met a man and a woman.

"Director Xue. Mr. Li."

The woman with short hair looked up and saw the person coming down, smiled and said hello.

"Haha~ Yili, here you go. Welcome~"

That's right, the people who just arrived were none other than Ma Yili, one of the most capable actresses in the Shanghai circle, and her husband Wen Zhang.

And Xue Haifeng's words were also very interesting to Xu Xin.

As usual, the male protagonist is outside and the female protagonist is inside. Even Ma Yili, who has sharp eyes, was the first to see her and others and say hello. But according to etiquette, you must greet your husband first and then your wife.

But Xue Haifeng's immediate "Yili" made it seem to Xu Xin that Wen Zhang's status was somewhat "low".

Xue Haifeng is a veteran, how could he make such a mistake?

This is the first thought.

The second idea is to observe Wen Zhang's condition.

And when I glanced over, I saw a smiling face.

"Director Xue, there is some traffic on the road. We are late. I'm really sorry."

When Xue Haifeng came closer, Ma Yili explained with a smile.

But Xue Haifeng shook his head:

"It's not too late, isn't this just the beginning?"

As he spoke, he turned aside and said:

"Come on, Ellie, no need for me to introduce you, right?"

Ma Yili shook her head with a smile and reached out her hand:

"Hello, Director Xu. This is the first time I've met, but Director Xu's reputation is well known. I didn't expect him to be so handsome..."

Facing her compliment, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Teacher Ma is so polite. It's our first time meeting you. Please take good care of me in the future."

After shaking hands with her, Ma Yili moved her hand to the side:

"My love, Wen Zhang."

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Wen Zhang. I am your loyal fan."

"Haha, Teacher Wenzhang is so polite. Thank you for your support."

He called him teacher just to be polite, and after shaking hands with Wen Zhang, he heard Xue Haifeng say:

"Director Xu, Yili is one of the best actors here."


Xu Xin responded, smiled politely at Ma Yili, and then said:

"I have watched every episode of "Struggle" without missing a beat."

Business blows off each other.

In fact, when the movie "Struggle" was released, he was very busy with the Olympics. Apart from knowing that there was such a popular TV series, he didn't even know what the TV series was about.

But the term "naked marriage" seems to come from this drama... Huh? What is naked marriage?

He was confused again. I always feel that this word is very familiar...but I just can't remember it.

But anyway, this is the only thing he knows.

"Everyone is looking forward to Director Xu's arrival. Shall we go and meet him?"

After saying hello and being polite, Xue Haifeng said to Xu Xin.


Xu Xin responded, while Xue Haifeng smiled and waved to Ma Yili:

"Ellie, we'll talk later."

After saying that, he walked to the large living room and backyard where there were the most people, and even the people sitting on the sofa stood up.

Xu Xin also followed, but before leaving, he nodded politely to Wen Zhang:

"Teacher Wen Zhang, you two, see you later."

Wen Zhang was stunned.

But Xu Xin had already turned his head.

However, Xu Zhidao stared at the two of them before leaving with Xu Xin.

Soon, Xu Xin saw the second and third pair of acquaintances.

"Hello, Director Xu, we meet again."

This time, it was Deng Xing who took the initiative to say hello, while Sun Li smiled lightly.

Xu Xin nodded with a smile:

"Hello, you two. We meet again."

"Director Xue, Mr. Li, Director Xu..."

Xu Zheng and Tao Hong also came forward, with catering smiles in their eyes.

In other words, other people also gathered around one after another.

Obviously, with the appearance of the rightful owner, the center of the entire banquet naturally shifted to a few people.

The status of Xue Haifeng, the production director of Shanghai Film Studio, is obviously not that high among these actors. In addition, with the arrival of Li Mingjun, who is actually more worthy of attention than Xue Haifeng in Xu Xin's heart, he immediately became everyone's Focus.

"Haha, Director Xu, everyone is here for you. How about it?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked around.

Smiling and nodding:

"Everyone really praises me too much, I'm a little scared. But...it's true that there are so many talents."

"Hahahaha~ Everyone, come on, let's hold up our wine glasses and welcome Director Xu!"

Amid the wine glasses raised by everyone, the internal cocktail party officially kicked off.

Xu Xin was like the moon, surrounded by stars that suddenly appeared in the middle.

"Director Xu, let's toast you."

Sun Li and Deng Xing came over holding cups together.

"Teacher Sun is too polite."

Xu Xin responded with a smile, and the three bottles of champagne clinked together.

At this time, Deng Chen held the bottom of the cup with one hand and pinched the cup body with the other and said:

"Director Xu is really... too young. The last time we met, I felt it was a little unreal, and I was a little rude. I have to apologize to Director Xu this time..."

"No, no, that's too kind. Come on, come on, you two, let's drink."

Xu Xin, who knew in his heart what they meant by coming over, drank the champagne in the glass with a smile.

Moreover, after drinking, he also looked at the faces of Sun Li and Deng Chen.

Then I silently marked the "PASS" option for the two of them.

No, it doesn’t go with Jingqiu and Laosan.

"Has Director Xu's script been released?"

"The third edition has already been published. I have been busy with this for a while..."

The three people began to chat.

After chatting for a while and agreeing to "see you at the audition," the two politely left.

After all, you can't always occupy Xu Xin's time, as it can easily cause dissatisfaction among others.

Today's situation is that Director Xue's group asked everyone to come over and make friends with Director Xu, and the two of you dominate it alone... Let's not talk about whether you have the courage or not.

Strength doesn't allow it either.

After the two of them left, Xu Zhize, who was naturally allergic to alcohol and was holding a mineral water to make up the numbers, took advantage of this juncture and naturally cooperated with Xu Xin and started working as a follower on this occasion, and leaned into his ear:

"Sanjin, I'm going to talk to Wen Zhang."


Xu Xin was stunned, turned to look at him, and asked:

"What's wrong?"


Xu Zhi vaguely pointed in the direction, and Xu Xin saw Wen Zhang leaning against the piano, holding a wine glass in a daze.

He subconsciously looked for Ma Yili's shadow.

Then I saw her and Li Mingjun chatting in the corner.

There were a few actors with me.

Smiling sweetly.

Seeing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"What did you want to talk to him about?"

"Don't tell me you didn't see it just now..."

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, his voice lowered a little:

"When encountering something like this, even a man feels uncomfortable. His face is not bright... I'm going to run away to make connections."

"Okay. Then just clarify our relationship directly, and then...Sun Li, Deng Xing...don't care who they are. If you like them tonight, just go over and make friends."


Xu Zhi responded and then gave instructions:

"You should drink less. Don't stay here for a while. I'm afraid I won't be able to get it away for you."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"I don't plan to leave tonight. I just go home to live. Courtyard No. 5 belongs to the old man."

"Oh? Okay, I'm going."


Xu Xin nodded and watched Xu Zhi leave.

Xu Zhi's ability... others don't know it, but he does.

His brain is no worse than his own.

If he could manage his connections in the Shanghai circle...


While he was deep in thought, someone suddenly came over.

"Hello, Director Xu, long time no see."

Hearing this, Xu Xin came back to his senses and took a look... After a few seconds, his mind remembered the other party's name.

So he smiled and nodded:

"Tang Yan, long time no see."

Sorry this chapter is a bit late. Send it out first, and then I'll correct the typos.

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