I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 358 356 Three Days of Farewell (Thanks to the leader of

Chapter 358 356. Three Days of Farewell (Thanks to the leader of "Big Watermelon ZZZZZZ"!)

For dinner, Xu Daqiang showed off his most authentic craftsmanship.

A bowl of serious Qinchuan oil noodles.

Regarding the incident in the bathroom in the afternoon, neither father nor son said anything.

There is no need to say such a thing.

As long as he is sure that his son is not messing around, he is actually relieved.

Otherwise, if they continue talking, the couple will end up quarreling over something that does not exist, and that will be the worst result.

As the saying goes, if you know how to do something, hide it from both sides, and if you don't know how to do it, let both sides know.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is sometimes the epitome of complex communication in a person's heart.

The best way to deal with it is sometimes to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

After dinner, while smoking, Xu Xin received a call from Jay Chou:

"Dudu, eh, I'm done. What do you think of the script?"

"You want to shoot...how to say that? That word. For children...that Japanese..."

Sitting in the pavilion garden of the confinement center, Xu Xin asked.

"Zi Gongxiang."

"Yes, yes, that's the word. Are you going to make a TV series about Zi Gong Xiang?"

"Ha~ Good taste~"

There was a brisk smile from Jay Chou's side.

"You still understand, you can tell it right away? A lot of people here think I'm filming an idol drama."

But facing his brisk tone, Xu Xin didn't mean the slightest bit of joking.

Instead, he sighed:


"Why are you sighing?"

"I'm a little speechless. Don't blame others for saying that you want to make an idol drama. The routine of this script is indeed very similar to the process of an idol drama... and then there are the shadows of "Batman"... Although it can't be said to be plagiarized, and I I also admit that the description of the Pandaren, including a series of future technological equipment, is quite interesting. But...since the audience for this thing is children, why are you still engaging in so many gun battles and the like?"

"Because I think it's funny."

Jay Chou's voice was still full of interest:

"Hey, think about it, it's like "Listen to Mom". I just released the album, and a lot of people said I was naive. But that's what I want to write~ You underestimate the receptive ability of children... Besides, it’s not all about children. I hope this show can be watched by older children who still have heroic dreams in their hearts. Let the Pandaren become their heroes, like Superman and Iron Man. .”

"...How much do you plan to invest?"

"One hundred million NT dollars."

"...Twenty million?"

"Yes, but don't worry, I have already recovered my capital...and made a lot of money."

Hearing this, Xu Xin was startled:

"What's the meaning?"

“Metersbonwe, Patriot Digital Technology, Skyworth TV, Delray, Coca-Cola, MAODA cigarettes, Yi Xingtianxia travel website, Jinmao Grand Hyatt Hotel, Sony... there are probably more than 30 companies interested in product placement. The lowest is an implantation fee of 2 million. So you don’t have to worry about distribution costs.”


Xu Xin was a little confused when he heard the series of brands that Jay Chou read.

Subconsciously asked:

"Are these product placements?"

"That's right~ Urban themes are good for this. Any advertisement or plot setting can be added into it."

Jay Chou's tone was extremely relaxed.

But Xu Xin subconsciously felt something was wrong.

Although product placement has been everywhere in the past two years.

All movies have to have ads embedded in them, and advertisers pay a lot of money to go to each crew, hoping to promote their own brands.

It's a pleasure to give money.

But... the audience will get tired of it.

There are too many advertisements and too much commercialism. How can we ensure that the audience can be immersed in the emotions of the TV series and not get distracted?

When he was about to say something, suddenly, he heard Jay Chou say:

"I'm going to be the director of this drama, Ah Xin~hahaha~"


In an instant, all the things Xu Xin wanted to say were stuffed back into his stomach.

He has always had a dream to be a director, Xu Xin knows this.

He knew it from the beginning of "The Secret That Cannot Be Told".

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Do you need me to help you control the quality?"

"Haha, why? Don't you trust me?"


Xu Xin was silent for a moment and said with a smile:

"No, I'm sure you can rest assured. But... Let's not talk about the script. Regarding product placement, I suggest you be careful. It's really not easy to overdo it. Although it seems very profitable at first glance, I think your TV series debut has a better reputation than Everything is important. The idol dramas of Wanwan have indeed been declining step by step in the past two years. You are very famous, and if you film well, you will give everyone a breath of fresh air. But if you don’t film well, it will be easy for others to I think you are one of the culprits who ruined Wanwan’s idol drama. Then the gain outweighs the loss~"


After hearing Xu Xin's words, Jay Chou was suddenly stunned.

Subconsciously, he glanced at the advertiser sponsorship application that was about twenty or thirty centimeters thick on his desk...

"So exaggerated?"

"It should be more exaggerated than that. Think about it, who doesn't know your appeal now? Your drama will definitely attract a lot of attention. If every corner of a drama is filled with commercialism, then don't worry about it. How about the drama? First of all, you will be labeled as overly commercialized. Anyway, this drama will not lose money. It is much better to take a long-term view to catch big fish than to rush to recover the cost first, right?"

"...That makes sense. Hey, do you want to come to Wanwan in December? Can you come with Mimi? After I participated in the finals of "The Voice" on the 28th, this year's only activities in the mainland are left The "Peak Night" Good Voice concert will be held on the 25th~ How about bringing my godson and goddaughter to Wanwan? We will have a good chat then, the weather here is very good~"

"When do you think the crew of "Pandaren" will start filming?"

"I will shoot part of it before the year, and then I will rush to shoot and broadcast it. I will just do the location selection and preparation in December."

"...We'll talk about it when we go to the Golden Horse Awards. How about it? She is also preparing a movie over there. It's not easy for me to arrange my time here. Besides, I have to be busy with "The Hawthorn Tree". You have to come over for a drink in two days. There’s full moon wine.”

"I know... that's okay~ Let me just say this first, your suggestion makes sense!~ I want to think about it again."

The phone hangs up.

The evening breeze was rustling, Xu Xin was sitting in the pavilion, holding the phone and thinking carefully about planning his next activities.

In fact, there are only a few things he will be busy with next.

One is "Hawthorn Tree", and the other is an opening short video for college students.

I really want to say I'm busy... but I'm not.

But by the same token, the preparation of a movie is a very tedious matter. From location selection, casting, to crew formation, to script stories, etc., this series of workload requires him to do it himself.

Even if he doesn't have to choose the location himself, he just looks at the photos.

This is a work matter.

What's more... the wedding next year, how to take care of the children if my sister is selected for "The Grandmaster", and his graduation thesis...

That is to say, he hopes to be recommended to the school for graduate students, otherwise just one postgraduate entrance examination will be enough for him to drink a pot.

Why do you feel so busy all of a sudden?

He scratched his head.

Then the phone dinged.

"It's time to come up, daddy. It's time to do exhaust exercises for the baby and put us to sleep~"

Seeing this message, Xu Xin quickly got up and walked into the corridor without saying anything.

When he returned to the room, he looked at his wife who was doing exhaust exercises for Yangyang. He quickly rubbed his hands and warmed them up before gently placing Nuannuan on the bed.

Hold her legs and follow the movements taught by the nurse to do exhaust exercises for your daughter.

Just after doing it a few times, I heard two "pops".

"Hey~ Smelly~"

Xu Xin said deliberately with disgust in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Nuannuan just stared at her mother in a daze.

Ignore him at all.

Xu Xin, who was asking for trouble, rubbed his daughter's belly and said:

“I find ad placements are crazy these days.”

"What's wrong?"

As soon as Yang Mi mentioned what she was talking to Jay Chou about;

"It's normal. When you look at the movies in theaters now, which one doesn't have product placement? Why? Are you tempted?"

"I'm so tempted."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Whoever likes to do implants can do it. I don't care about that... I'm just worried that if the wheel is too commercial, I will be scolded."

"He listens to what you say. Since you have said it, it shouldn't be too much. But... it must be a good thing to recover the cost."



Two more farts came out.

Xu Xin looked proud:

"It has to be my eldest son, he farts so hard."

"Your son's poop tastes delicious."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes.

Xu Xin didn't refute, just laughed out loud.

Yang Mi's confinement officially ended on November 8th.

28 days.

But for the sake of her health, Xu Xin chose confinement, and she directly reached the limit of 45 days.

The reason is that her body will not leave any hidden dangers in the future.

However, after the confinement period, her amount of exercise has actually increased significantly.

Whether it’s brisk walking, yoga, or standing postures.

Although the pace is a bit shaky, at least the muscle memory is still there.

And all this is to attend the audition for "The Grandmaster" after I am out of confinement.

Speaking of which, she has been preparing for the story "The Grandmaster" for a year.

But the preparation for this year is actually very speechless.

For a year, she relied on that line of introduction about "Gong Er" and four sentences to construct her own character.

There is no way, who asked the director to keep the script secret.

In the past year, Xu Xin and her had discussed the person "Gong Er" more than once.

I have also simulated many different personality expressions.

Including various anecdotes from the Republic of China, and even some story fragments from martial arts novels and online novels, they were all integrated into Yang Mi's notebook, which was almost full.

In fact, many people don't believe this.

Because Yang Mi has no shortage of filming.

At this moment, because there is no confirmed role for her to star in, she has been busy inside and out for a year.

But both he and Xu Xin felt it was worth it.

It is not unusual for a good actor to spend a year polishing his character.

And as the end of confinement approached day by day, she also began the journey of cramming for the day.

In addition to spending time with the children every day, I also think about the script.

Xu Xin became her backbone.

However, the couple is not fighting alone.

At least that’s the case with Full Moon Wine.

Apart from providing the list, the couple did not worry about anything else.

And just as the young couple continued to enjoy their final peace and quiet in the confinement center, the final script of "The Hawthorn Tree" was brought over.

November 16th.

After Xu Xin got the news, he came to Zhang Yimou's house.

"Here you go."

After meeting Zhang Yimou, he did not choose to accept the script directly, but first presented an invitation with both hands.

Zhang Yimou opened the invitation, looked at the date, and asked:

"The 26th? How was your day?"

"The tenth day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar is Thanksgiving Day in the West. According to the almanac, it is a good day."

"The lunar calendar is also on the tenth day of October? Is it the same as the solar calendar of births of Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang?"


Speaking of this, Xu Xin couldn't help laughing:

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. Although the child's lunar calendar is different, it...is indeed the tenth day of October."


Zhang Yimou couldn't help laughing.

After closing the invitation, he said:

"I'll choose a more suitable gift in the next few days."


Xu Xin responded and then sent another invitation to Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo took it with a smile and said:

"I have to follow the money. Gifts are really worth it without money~ The two little guys will be very rich in the future~"

"Haha~ Money is good, the more money the better."

Xu Xin was overjoyed to hear this auspicious words.

Then Zhang Yimou said:

"Have you given away the people from the Olympic Games?"

"No, you are the first one. In the next two days, I will send them all in person one after another. If you are not in Yanjing, I will also call and invite them."


After handing the invitation to her daughter, she handed the script to Xu Xin.

Zhang Yimou pointed upstairs:

"Let's go, it says."


The three of them went all the way to the second floor and opened the study door. Xu Xin saw the samurai sword on Director Zhang's table that Ken Takakura had specially come to give as a gift during the Olympics.

When I first gave this knife as a gift, Xu Xin was in Shenmu and didn't catch up.

But having said that... he is not from Director Zhang's era. Although he knows that Takakura Ken is very good at acting, he does not have an overly fanatical star-chasing mentality.

On the contrary, the old man felt quite sorry after hearing that Takakura Ken had been here.

After all, when the movie "Pursuit" was spread to China, it was truly a classic memory of a generation.

The friendship between the old man and Takakura Ken is also quite enviable.

He is really a very "elegant" kind of friend.

The contact information between the two people is actually a letter. Can you believe it...

It’s not emails or phone calls, it’s communication.

The two gentlemen turned out to be "pen pals"! When the two of them wrote letters, Ken Takakura would write in Chinese and Zhang Yimou would write in Japanese. They would compare them bit by bit with a dictionary, write them down, and mail them to each other.

Moreover, the knife he gave to the old man was quite valuable, as much as a house in Yanjing. The gift of the knife was in the morning. In the afternoon, seeing how busy Zhang Yimou was, Takakura Ken left.

But before leaving, I made a special trip to Baiyun Temple to pray for the old man before leaving.

This is not the best.

The most amazing thing is that since the knife was given to him in 2007, Takakura Ken has invited a knifemaker to come to Director Zhang's home every year to maintain the knife.

The old man also cherishes this knife very much. After learning the maintenance of the knife next to him, he often takes it out for maintenance.

I even ordered a knife holder for this knife on the most eye-catching place on the bookshelf in the study.

No one is allowed to touch.

Not even Zhang Mo.

Neither can Xu Xin.

When the three people came in, Zhang Yimou quickly put the knife back on the shelf.

Then, the same old rules.

Zhang Mo makes tea and Xu Xin reads the script.

It took him less than an hour to read the entire script, and he felt at ease.

"This is the story I want."

He nodded to Zhang Yimou:

"That kind of calmness that seems like running water at first glance, the emotions are advancing layer by layer, and they are foreshadowing little by little. Finally, at the moment when Lao San and Jingqiu parted, the emotions completely stacked up and exploded... Yeah!"

Suddenly, he picked up a stack of scratch paper and wrote down a line:

"There needs to be a song that runs throughout. A song that fits that era! It needs to be both sad and cheerful!"

An inspiration flashed through his mind, and he quickly captured it and wrote it down.

Zhang Yimou watched him finish writing and asked directly:

"Russian song, how about it?"

"...Russian song?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Yes. In fact, many of the songs from that era were translated from Soviet songs. Especially in the Northeast, many songs meet your requirements. For example, "Katyusha", such as "Ah Goodbye, Friend"..."

"Ah, bye, my friend, bye, bye, bye? What if we... la la la la..."

Xu Xin hummed subconsciously.

Just as Zhang Yimou nodded, suddenly, Zhang Mo said:

"Isn't this song good? It's not a Soviet song, it's an Italian song. Its original name is BELLA CIAO~"

"Is this song Italian?"

Even Zhang Yimou was stunned for a moment.

Apparently, this was also the first time he heard about it.

"You don't know?"

Zhang Mo was a little surprised.

Zhang Yimou shook his head and looked at Xu Xin:

"I'm not an encyclopedia... what about "Evenings on the outskirts of Moscow"?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"I can't remember the words. I just remember one sentence: Night outside Moscow~ la la la la..."

Zhang Yimou frowned and was speechless:

"How come you, a young man, are so forgetful?"

"I'm pretty good at it. You don't know that some singers sing their own songs, and a good "Incomparable" concert suddenly turned into "Incoherent"..."

After listening to Xu Xin's words, Zhang Yimou asked curiously:



Jay Chou rubbed his nose in confusion.

The weather is getting colder~

After getting the final script of "Hawthorn Tree Love", and Xu Xin was very satisfied with the quality, he felt at ease.

As for the next thing, Xu Xin "almost" doesn't have to worry about it.

On the 18th, the media received the news.

"Xu Xin invited Zhang Yimou to be the producer of the next movie."

When a piece of news appears, it is like a swimming fish, its tail fin swinging, causing ripples.

At the same time, reporters finally dug up the name of the movie.

"Hawthorn Tree Love".

This book tells the story of "Jingqiu" and "Lao San" in a special era.

It is adapted from the novel of the same name "Love at the Hawthorn Tree".

It doesn't matter who released the news.

What matters is what it represents.

The young director who just made a movie worth 300 million yuan in July is about to start preparations for a new movie!

And the movie being prepared this time turned out to be a literary film about a love story in a special era! ?

Are Zhang Yimou's disciples trying to pay tribute to their teacher?

Or are you here to hand in homework?

So, who is the heroine?

Or Yang Mi?

Just like Zhang Yimou supported Gong Li, Xu Xin wants to support Yang Mi?

As a producer, what kind of tone and artistry can Zhang Yimou bring to this film?

This has become a major question in the minds of many people.

At the same time, "Three Guns" took advantage of this popularity and began to strike while the iron was hot and began pre-release publicity before the movie was released.

For a while, the popularity was even higher than "Hawthorn Tree".

It belongs to riding on the popularity of "Hawthorn Tree".

Although I don’t know if it has been discussed, but I have to mention that this method...

Very clever!

"Sister Wei!"

National Theatre.

When Xu Xin saw Wei Lanfang, who had grown her hair long, she smiled and handed over her wedding invitation.

"November 26th, Sister Wei, remember to bring a red envelope."

"You boy~"

Wei Lanfang smiled helplessly and shook his head:

"You are already a great director, how can you still like me?"

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat."

"You want to be beaten~"


Since the end of the Olympic Games, everyone has been together with the director team. It is natural to be extremely happy to meet old friends at this moment.

After Wei Lanfang accepted the invitation, he opened it and looked at the date and content, and sighed with regret:

"Obviously it seems like yesterday that you and your partner Mimi were together, but now you have a child, and I haven't done anything yet."

"Why are you anxious? Isn't next year a good time?"

Xu Xin said with a smile.

Wei Lanfang nodded:

"That's what I say, but who knows when he will come back?"

Wei Lanfang's boyfriend is from China State Construction Engineering Corporation, and he went to Africa to aid construction.

The project won't be completed until next year, and the date for their wedding has been chosen next year.

"Don't worry about being late for a good meal."

Xu Xin comforted her again.

Wei Lanfang nodded and asked:

"What about the rest?"

"Everyone will come that day. Those who are in Yanjing will come, and those who are not here will try their best to catch up... I have arranged them all in a large box that can seat three tables."

"That's pretty much it... You have to drink that day. You won't come home until you're drunk."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:


"Come on, let me take you inside for a walk? You haven't been here yet, have you?"



Xu Xin followed Wei Lanfang and walked into the National Center for the Performing Arts.

But just after taking two steps, the phone rang.

After opening it and taking a look, he answered the phone:


Sun Ting's voice sounded:

"Hey, Brother Xu, the script of "Deal" has come out. Should I take it to the confinement center now?"

"I'm at the National Center for the Performing Arts... If you're like this, where is Liu Yifei?"

"In Yanjing."

"...Send her the script, and I'll ask her to have dinner with her tonight, and you come with me."


Sun Ting hung up the phone, and Xu Xin heard Wei Lanfang say:

"Okay, Xiao Xu. Even the fairy sister is in your pocket?"

Xu Xin chuckled:

"Then you see~ Shibie for three days..."


Wei Lanfang nodded with emotion in his eyes.

The image of Xu Xin being given a badge when the two met for the first time appeared in his eyes.

He said it sincerely:

“It’s really impressive~”

By the way, this chapter is not included in repaying the debt. It's to pay for yesterday's leave. Therefore, the alliance leader owes updates this month: 6 updates

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