I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 360 Chapter 358 was shot while lying down

Chapter 360 358. Shot even while lying down

Time goes back six hours.

dinner time.

"This meal is becoming more and more unbearable."

Yang Mi grimaced, and after drinking the pigeon soup that replenished Qi and blood, she looked at the five or six plates with shrimp, fish, meat, and vegetables on her plate and made a speechless cry. sigh.

After hearing this, Yang Dalin said to his daughter angrily:

"Okay, what's so great about this? Confinement meals are usually low in salt and oil. You've been eating them for a month, and you're still a few days away from confinement and you can't bear it anymore? You're telling me, you don't even have soup in this meal. Eight dishes with fruits, isn’t that enough?”

"It's not impossible. I'm not picky about food. I'm just talking about the taste of the food. It seems that after the confinement period, I feel that my mouth is very heavy. As you saw at noon, the one I asked Xu Xin to buy Wan Lanla, you said it was just right, Xu Xin also said it was just right, but I think it has no taste..."

She continued to complain about the food.

But not a single chopstick moved.

I can't help it, it's too bland and I really can't swallow it.

Seeing this, Yang Dalin lowered his head and looked at his lunch box...

Inside is the bacon with garlic sprouts fried by my wife, as well as cucumber slices and eggs.

In the past month, I have eaten all the food in the neighborhood.

So Yang Dalin started to bring food to eat.

There is no way, I really can’t get used to it.

No one can bear to eat fried noodles every day, especially as they get older, and the food outside is not as good as the food at home.

But this bacon is so salty...

He was afraid that his daughter would eat it and his granddaughter and grandson would get angry if they sucked milk.

But then he looked at his daughter's lack of interest.

The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, and he couldn't bear to part with any of them.

After thinking again and again, he handed over his lunch box.

"Eat less bacon, it's salty and makes children prone to getting angry."

"Hey, daddy is the best!"

Yang Mi happily took the lunch box and handed her dinner plate to her father:

"I didn't eat pigeon meat."

Hearing this, Yang Dalin glared at her again.

"Do I have to eat the rest of you?"

"I just drank the soup~ If you don't eat it, he will eat it when Xu Xin comes back. Otherwise, it won't be a waste~"

While talking, she happily added a piece of fatter bacon.

Feeling the smoky plump taste in his mouth, he nodded vigorously:

"Well, when he starts preparations for his documentary, I will definitely recommend him to find a scene of bacon. The fat meat is so delicious..."

Just as he was talking, the phone rang.

Yang Mi glanced at the caller and answered the call:

"Hey, Sister Zeng, what's wrong?"

"Mimi, someone from Tang Ren sent me a business cooperation letter just now. They want to invite you to be the spokesperson for a game called..."Dream Zhuxian". The endorsement contract is three million a year. Are you interested? ? Said it was an invitation received by the original cast of "Sword and Sword"."

When Zeng Jia was talking, she had already adjusted the phone to speakerphone and placed it on the edge of the table.

Chatting while eating.

"Three million a year? What's the specific number?"

"A short commercial, accompanied by attendance at no more than 8 commercial events."

Hearing Zeng Jia's words, Yang Mi curled her lips:

"It doesn't sound good. People from Tang Ren said it was a collective invitation?"

"Yes. I don't know the specific price of the overall invitation. The price of three million is at the high end of the market. I think it's okay. The price of online game endorsement is currently the top in China. 8 events..."

"It has nothing to do with money, Sister Zeng."

Yang Mi said:

"When I'm out of confinement, I'm going to audition for a movie. If I get the audition, I'm going to film it. If I don't get the audition, I have to prepare for the wedding and have a lot of things to do. And Xu Xin is going to make a movie next year. When I go out, I have to spend more time with my child. Forget it, just say no for me."


After hearing this, Zeng Jia was silent for a while and then said:

"Okay. Will you still accept online game endorsements in the future? Give me a price so I can talk to them. And your contract with the VS battle platform has also expired this year."

"Let's not take it this year."

"...No answer?"

After hearing this, Zeng Jia was silent for a while and then said:

"...Okay, then I'll reply to them."

"Hmm, I'll hang up then. I'm just eating."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Dalin, who was eating confinement meal, said:

"It's okay if you don't answer, just play games...it's an Internet product after all, and it's not a good thing to lead other children into trouble."


She had no intention of refuting what her father said.

The generation gap of the times cannot sometimes be solved by communication alone.

In the eyes of my father's generation, online games are a bit of a waste of time.

The so-called "Internet pornographic products" are not said by my father, but by those experts.

It's a bit stronger now. In the past two years, the trend was as if playing games was some kind of mental illness.

I had to go for electrotherapy.

However, after hearing her father's words, she actually wanted to complain:

"It seems that the people who carried tape recorders and danced DISCO in the square twenty or thirty years ago were not of your generation."

While thinking about it, she dialed Sun Ting's phone number:

"Hey, Tingting, are you in the company?"

"Yes, sister, I just finished training."

"Well, have the people from the Ministry of Commerce left?"

"Well... Zhao Ziyi is still here."

Zhao Ziyi is the head of the business operations department of Shuangwei Entertainment.

"Then you tell Lao Zhao to stop the online game business from now on. Let him talk to the big guys tomorrow."


Sun Ting responded, then added:

"Then do you want to tell Sister Hua?"


Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"Okay, just tell me. I won't accept the online game endorsements for now, but that doesn't mean I won't accept them forever. The trend will change every year. We'll see what happens next year."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi continued to eat.

In fact, her eating was greatly influenced by Yang Dalin.

Especially eating this kind of box lunch is always very fast.

After all, I have been hanging around the workplace with my father since I was a child. Those uncles and uncles eat very quickly. Otherwise, if something happens in the precinct and something happens in the precinct, they may be gone for a long time without taking a few bites.

At least five to six out of ten veteran policemen have stomach problems, and it's also because of this.

I can't eat on time, so I have to hurry up.

Just after finishing a lunch box of bacon and fried garlic sprouts, the phone rang again.

That is to say, the two little guys are at the nurse's station right now, otherwise they would have to be woken up by the ringing of the two phones.

Seeing the caller, Yang Mi answered the call:

"Hey, Sister Hua."

"Hey, Mimi, have you eaten?"

"Just put down your chopsticks~"

"Yeah, eat more. Don't try to stay in shape at this time. Mommy's nutrition is the most important thing."

In fact, the difference between her and Zeng Jia is more or less revealed here.

Zeng Jia was talking about business directly.

But Wang Jinghua chose to show concern even if it was nonsense.

Speaking of which, there are actually no advantages or disadvantages.

It's just a different way of doing things.

But I felt much more comfortable listening to it.

After a word of concern, she said:

"Mimi, I heard from Tingting that you want to suspend your online game endorsement business?"


"Can you tell me the reason? Celebrity endorsement in the online game market is a new business that has just emerged this year. Although the price is not as high as traditional advertising, it is better because the funds are available and there are fewer trivial matters. Moreover, the influence of celebrity value Hook up. If the game data of the endorsement is good, it will be very helpful to increase your own value. It is a piece of soil worth cultivating. "

She expressed her opinion first.

Yang Mi also knew what she said, but she understood...

"Sister Hua, I just got a contact from Sister Zeng. It was from Tang Dynasty. It was said to be a game of "Perfect World" called "Fantasy Zhu Xian". I was offered three million for an advertisement, not much. At 8 events a year…”

"'Perfect World'...'Fantasy Zhuxian', right? Perfect is also a big company, so if you can take it over, I think it's okay. Their financial resources are also quite strong, so I don't rule out the possibility of continued cooperation in the future..."

"That's what I'm saying, but if I can get on the movie that I'm busy with during my confinement period, I'll definitely have to concentrate on filming. If I'm asked to attend an event... then there will be a conflict. And If I am not selected, I still have to prepare for the wedding. And... I think the price of endorsing online games is too low. Didn't you notice? Then what... Sister Feng, Sora Kurai, and Sister Furong are all endorsing online games..."

"I see."

It took Wang Jing a second to understand what Yang Mi meant.

"Indeed, if you can maintain a high level, and then wait for you to come back, you will start to operate slowly and move towards high luxury. The influence will be much greater than this. Well, then I understand... Then can I contact you? ?”

Just as she understood Yang Mi, Yang Mi also understood her meaning instantly.

So he said apologetically:

"Forget it, Sister Hua. It's not that I'm meddlesome. The main thing is that they invited the original cast of "Sword and Sword III"..."

"Okay, then I'll pretend I don't know about this."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Sister Hua, I don't want to be poked in the back."

"I understand. As for the game endorsement... why don't you stop now? There is a quotation sent to you over there. If you are not interested, you can forward it to me. From my side..."

"no problem."

Yang Mi agreed:

"Then I'll talk to Tingting."

"Well, in addition, I have recently been helping Baby or Baozi find a suitable business. I will not consider Liu Yifei for now. I will talk about it after Xu Xin brings her back from the film festival. How about it?"

"Mmm Good."

After a few words, the two completed a round of exchange.

After exchanging pleasantries and hanging up the phone, Yang Mi heard her father say:

"This Wang Jinghua seems to be much more professional than Zeng Jia, right?"

"There are more majors, more, more, more..."

Yang Dalin rolled his eyes instantly:

"You are the only one who talks a lot!"


Yang Mi shrugged:

"The main thing is that she knows how to measure and is more delicate, so she is quite comfortable to get along with."

After saying that, she clasped the lunch box:

"Daddy~ I want to eat Guoguo~"


Yang Dalin was speechless.

He took a look at the fruit platter in front of him. Bananas, dragon fruit, oranges, cantaloupe, kiwi...but no apples.

"I am your father, not your servant!"


Yang Dalin, whose bones were instantly numb, was helpless.

have to.

Just such a girl.

Pamper it.

It's almost 1 o'clock in the morning.

Xu Xin dragged his tired body back home.

But instead of going to the master bedroom, I opened the door to the guest bedroom. After seeing my father-in-law snoring inside, I thought my mother-in-law should be in the master bedroom.

This should be because the old couple didn't dare to leave until they came back.

He didn't say anything, took off his shoes and left the house again. After washing my face in the public restroom, I rubbed my eyes vigorously.

After staring at the TV all day, he felt very uncomfortable looking at the picture quality of the DV.

My eyes feel dry and astringent now.

But when I came back, the pharmacies were still closed.

I can't even buy eye drops.

After washing it with cold water for a while, he felt that the dryness had subsided a little, and then he returned to the room.

He yawned twice in a row, bringing some tears to his eyes, then lay down on the sofa and closed his eyes.

As soon as it was dawn, my eyes felt better.

It's just that when I woke up in the morning, I had a lot of eye mucus.

And...that dry feeling is still there. After all, it's not even 8 o'clock yet, and it was his biological clock that got him started.

He really didn't sleep long.

After chatting with Yang Mi about the results of last night's audition, he went out after breakfast and went to the drugstore to buy a bottle of anti-fatigue eye drops. After taking two drops and feeling better, he went directly to Zhang Yimou's house. .

When they arrived at the old man's house, they found that he was already awake.

Sitting in front of the TV in the living room.

"You woke up so early?"

Zhang Yimou turned to look at him and said:

"Why are your eyes red?"

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then tentatively replied:



Zhang Yimou didn't pay attention to him, but looked straight at his self-deprecating face.

"Tsk... I was glued to the TV for too long last night."

Xu Xin looked around:

"Where's Sister Mo?"

"Still sleeping... You came just in time to take a look at her."

As Zhang Yimou spoke, he took the remote control and started rewinding.

Soon, I came to the camera of a girl.

Click to play:

"Hello, director Xu Xin from the crew of "Hawthorn Tree Love", my name is Ni Ni, I am 20 years old, 170 cm tall, AB blood type, I am a junior student from Nanguang College of Tianchao Communication University... uh... I am Nanjing native... is currently a national second-level swimmer, and has also won the JS provincial international standard dance championship. The following is my talent show~"

After the girl finished speaking nervously to the screen, some noisy dance music came from the TV.

The 170-year-old girl with long legs stepped on the beat and danced a Latin dance.

After about a minute or so, Zhang Yimou pressed the pause button:

"what do you think?"


Xu Xin said nothing.

After putting some eye drops on my eyes, I blinked and planned to continue reading.

But the eye drops seemed a bit irritating, causing him to squint his eyes.

The residue of eye drops on his eyelashes caused that blurry light spot to appear when he watched TV.

Subconsciously, he closed his eyes again.

After closing his eyes, a scene flashed through his mind in a blur of residual visual light... No, it's not appropriate to call it a scene.

It should be said that it is the image.

Slender eyebrows, red lips, and a slim figure wrapped in a cheongsam...

"Zhao Yumo?"

One sentence came out of his mouth.


Zhang Yimou's eyes lit up:

"Do you also think she looks like Zhao Yumo?"


Xu Xin nodded, recalling the vague feeling in his mind, and said:

"Beauty is in the bones, not in the skin. She is very similar to Zhao Yumo. She is promiscuous but proud. Very good. Do you think so too?"


Looking at the girl on TV, Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Indeed, her beauty lies in her bones, not her skin. She is very vivid...and she is still a student of Nanguang College, so she is not a person without foundation."

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"I think it's okay, keep her on the list?"


Zhang Yimou took another careful look and said:

"I also think it's a good idea."

"Then if you say that, I have to ask Yang Mi to contact you."


Hearing this, Zhang Yimou was speechless for a moment:

"I cooked another pot of food for you?"

Xu Xin chuckled:

"You've already given it to me. If she's really good at it...how can I not eat it? Besides..."

He was also staring at the girl named "Ni Ni" and nodded slightly unconsciously:

"Indeed, she has a sense of high-end. She is suitable for heavy makeup. Don't look at her without makeup now, it looks a bit wide between the two eyebrow bones... But as long as the eyebrows can be traced, they will look good. This girl is really good, It’s amazing.”


Xu Xin's words spoke to Zhang Yimou's heart.


"Don't have any contact with her yet."

"I know that. When you find all the actors and start the training phase, you will definitely have to come here, right? I will just let Yang Mi get in touch with them."


Zhang Yimou nodded and continued to press the play button.

This time, many people went to the working group in Nanjing.

Even including some Nanjing children who went to school in other places, Pang Liwei asked people to collect as many girls as possible that fit the appearance description of the original book "Jinling".

Heavy workload.

But the advantage is that the old man knows many people.

Moreover, although "Hawthorn Tree" is a literary film, with Xu Xin's reputation, the news is much louder than other directors making literary films.

What's more, the two of them are a "strong alliance".

So schools everywhere are very cooperative.

Just for the audition tapes of "Jinling", I collected 12 boxes this month.

But that's certainly not all.

After all, there are so many people in Nanjing.

But the audition time for "Hawthorn Tree" is limited after all. It will be postponed until the end of the year at the latest, so we have to find someone.

It seems like you have plenty of time, but in fact it’s also quite tight.

The main reason is that the old man's request is too persistent.

In order to show the painful scars, he insisted on using local Nanjing actors.

And since he insists, Xu Xin will accompany him.

What else to do...


"Hey, Sister Hua, tell me."

"There's something I need to tell you."

"Just say it."

Yang Mi was a little curious:

"What's going on?"

"Do you still remember the game endorsement for "Dream Zhuxian" that I got from you a few days ago?"

"Well, what?"

"Has Tang Ren contacted you?"

"Tang people?"

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and became interested:

"No, why are you contacting me?"

"That's right, you didn't let me participate, so I didn't ask. However, someone took the initiative to find me a few days ago. Mr. Xie from Star City."

"Star City?"

Yang Mi was stunned and blurted out:

"Huo Jianhua?"

Star City is Huo Jianhua's agency.

Benwan over there.

It's not a big company, but it has Huo Jianhua.

"Yes, the news I received from Mr. Xie is that the endorsements they were looking for this time were originally from the original cast of "Sword and Sword III". However, Huo Jianhua was the first to be kicked out."


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

Subconsciously asked:

"Isn't it related to my rejection?"



Yang Mi was speechless for a moment and said:

"What do you mean? You can't do it without me?"

"You can think of it this way. People were targeting Hu Stubble and you. At first, they wanted you and Hu Stubble to be the spokespersons alone. Later, Tangren used Hu Stubble to fight for it, saying that he wanted to endorse the entire crew. In the end... you refused. As soon as you refused, Tang Ren directly kicked Huo Jianhua out, and Mr. Xie found me. He asked me if I wanted to cooperate, which meant putting Huo Jianhua in my place, learning from Bingbing, and setting up a studio together."

Regarding Huo Jianhua, Yang Mi didn't care... although these words were very cold-blooded.

But our friendship is limited to one work.

She has a partner and a husband. Could it be that she has a close friend with a beautiful face?

So no more frying?

What's more... ever since the night when her brother came to visit the class and Hu Bu asked her out, she had been trying her best to distance herself from all the male members of the "Sword and Sword III" crew.

I don't dare to cause a family feud because of a drama.

It’s so easy to find a good husband, why make yourself uncomfortable?

Therefore, she really didn't care much about what happened to Huo Jianhua.

What she cares about is Liu Zhishi:

"Sister Hua, what do you mean, the Tang people still want to find me?...Why are they looking for me? Even Huo Jianhua is out."

"Because of the quotation. People from Star City asked me to cooperate, so I became interested in "Fantasy Zhu Xian". As a result, the news I found out was that the quotation with you and the quotation without you were completely the same in heaven and earth. People are perfect. Not stupid... The intention of the Tang Dynasty to promote people is too obvious. They have stuck the neck of the Tang Dynasty in order to absorb the fans of the original novel "Zhu Xian" of "Dream Zhu Xian"."

"They have tasted the sweetness of adaptation."


Wang Jinghua was not surprised at all that Yang Mi could figure this out.

This girl’s brain…

Most people can't compare.

Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"So, even if the Tang Dynasty gives a bargain price, they still want to pay for "Dream Zhu Xian"?"

"That's right. And I've already got the price list."

"How many?"

"Excluding you and Huo Jianhua, Hu Zai, Liu Zhishi, and Tang Yan from "Sword and Sword III" together are worth two million."


Hearing this, Yang Mi was silent, speechless, and even had a headache.

Her headache was not someone else's, but Liu Zhishi's.

This perfect move is amazing.

You are a fan of "Zhu Xian" in Tang Dynasty, so I gave you a price that can be called cabbage price.

Don't mention anything else, just talking about stubble, as the hero and heroine, his price must be at least the same as mine, right?

But now?

Two million? ? ?

And the remaining people are really equivalent to giving it away for free.

No, it's not a free gift, it's simply a tip of the hat.

Because this money is still before tax.

Maybe those who are not perfect will have to ask Tang people for tax rebates.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but ask:

"Can the Tang Dynasty agree?"

"I don't know about this. That's why I asked Tang Ren if he was looking for you. After all, if he wants to make money, the only way is to find you. If he doesn't look for you, just these two million... Even if Tang Ren thinks it's worth it, but You also have to ask Hu Dan what they are thinking, are you right? Artists are also human beings, and they don’t make money working for the company? It’s unrealistic. So, you are the solution to that dilemma~"


Yang Mi immediately said, dumbfounded:

"So, you got me involved after all? What do I mean? I was shot even while I was lying down?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two beeps came from the phone receiver.

Yang Mi turned on the speakerphone and switched the screen to take a look...

"Sister Hua."


"Shishi sent me a message and asked me why my phone was always busy."


Please vote for me, brothers! ! ! This chapter was written at 11:54 again, I’m so sorry I haven’t caught up with the update~ Please read it first, I’ll start checking for typos.

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