I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 362 360 The King Meets the King

Chapter 362 360. The king meets the king

Xu Xin didn't know about this.

Yang Mi didn't tell him either.

She had also seen her brother's work status these days. It was said that he would watch more than ten or twenty video tapes a day. When he came back, his eyes looked like red eyes, which made her feel distressed.

Already busy enough.

After coming back from such a hard work, I would care about my son, care for myself, and then let him rest obediently.

There is no need to put these intrigues on the table and treat them as a very important matter.

No need.

In fact, the two people's routes are quite clear.

And on the road that her brother is going to take... she has limited talents and can't help him share anything.

But when it comes to reducing the burden, she knows it well.

To put it bluntly.

If you really want to fail in business, then just go home and raise your husband and children, be a traditional actor, and let the audience only remember you on the screen.

Anyway, the escape route is here.

There is a way out, why don't you dare to rush?

And Xu Xin really didn't see anything going on with his wife.

Although we get along day and night, he doesn't know how to read minds, and with the busy schedule of getting up early and staying up late every day, he doesn't understand this kind of thing at all.

However, it was early in the morning on November 25th.

On the day of Yang Mi's confinement, when the whole family was packing their things, Yang Mi went out to make a phone call.

After coming back, looking at Xu Xin who was folding clothes in the box, Yang Mi said:

"Brother, can you help me call someone in Jinjiang?"

"do what?"

Xu Xin said without raising his head.

"Buy the copyright of a book called "Step by Step Jingxin". Please help me ask how much it costs. If you can, I will buy it today."


Xu Xin raised his head:

"So urgent?"

"Yes. Now help me ask, let Tingting pack the things."

"All right."

Xu Xin nodded and dialed Xiao Bin's number with his mobile phone.

Xiao Bin got through quickly and his tone was very polite:

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Manager Xiao, hello, hello."

Xu Xin said politely and smiled:

"how are things?"

"Thanks to Director Xu, it's pretty good."

"Haha, Manager Xiao's words are too polite. Last time I went to Magic City, I wanted to have dinner with Manager Xiao. But the time I stayed was too short, so I had to catch up next time. If I go to Magic City next month , I wonder if Manager Xiao would be willing to come out for a meal?"

"Haha~ Director Xu has already spoken, I definitely don't dare to shirk it."

"Well, let's make an agreement then. Next time I come to Shanghai, I'll contact Manager Xiao?"

"Hmm...Does Director Xu come to see me for something today?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Xiao Bin asked.

Xu Xin turned on the hands-free phone and responded:

"Yes, Yang Mi is interested in a book and wants to buy the copyright."

"Well, what's the name? I happen to be in front of the computer. I can help Director Xu see if it has been sold."

"Well, the name is "Bu Bu Jing Xin"."

Looking at what Yang Mi typed, Xu Xin nodded:

"A step is a step for a step..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Bin's surprised voice sounded at the same time:

""Step by Step"?"

"...Yes, Mr. Xiao knows this book?"


You can clearly feel the hesitation on Xiao Bin's side.

Seeing this, Xu Xin glanced at Yang Mi strangely, and then asked:

"Manager Xiao, this book has been sold?"


There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, and then the voice rang again:

"Not yet, but...this book is operated by another department. I have to ask about the specific situation."

Listening to these evasive words, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Okay, no problem. How about asking Manager Xiao first? If Jinjiang wants to sell, the price is easy to negotiate. We have dealt with each other more than once, and Manager Xiao should know my strength. The last cooperation was not satisfactory. Is it very pleasant?"

"...Well, that's for sure."

Xiao Bin heard the meaning of Xu Xin's words and responded:

"Well, Director Xu, I'll go and ask you how well it's operating over there..."

"Isn't it not sold? If it is not sold, the copyright is still in your hands. Then the price is up to you... Manager Xiao is the person in charge of the copyright, can't he still make a decision?"

"Well... that's not... the main thing..."

Xiao Bin was a little embarrassed by Xu Xin's pressing step by step.

But at this moment, Xu Xin smiled again:

"Ha, then I will wait for the good news from Mr. Xiao. My wife likes that book very much. This is her hobby. Whenever she sees a good novel, she wants to put it in her pocket quickly. She can't wait for a moment. Otherwise, she will keep pestering her. Holding me, I feel quite uncomfortable."

"...Well, okay, Director Xu, I'll go and ask. Will I contact you then?"

"Okay. I'll hang up then. Thank you, Manager Xiao."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at his wife in confusion:

"What's going on?... It seems that the copyright of this book is quite difficult to obtain."

"I'm sure, this book is so popular~"

Yang Mi shrugged:

"But I like it~"


have to.

Wife likes it.

If you just like the stars in the sky, don’t you have to pick them all?

So, Xu Xin didn't ask any more questions and nodded directly:

"That's fine... I'll just help you, don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? Xiao Bin doesn't seem to be very willing."

"Then just give Li Mingjun a call."

"What is that...Honglin Investment Company?"

"Yes. Half of Jinjiang's shares are owned by Shanda, and Honglin is one of Shanda's shareholders. It is said that the shareholding is not small."

After hearing this, Yang Mi felt relieved:

"Anyway, I want this copyright, and no one will give it to me."


Xu Xin nodded, but didn't take it seriously.

We just need to wait for a reply from the other side and then see how to do it.

"Hurry and see if there is anything missing, and check it carefully again."

"It's already been checked."

Yang Mi shrugged:

"Let's go quickly. I have to take a shower when I get home. Give me a good wash. Please rub my back~it's so uncomfortable~"


Although it was just one word, she already understood what her husband wanted to do and bared her little white teeth:

"It depends on your performance."


So, at around 10 o'clock in the morning, Xu Xin and Yang Mi each held a child in their hands and left photos of a family of four at the confinement center. Finally, after 45 days, Yang Mi came to the confinement center for the first time. This time I walked out of the gate of the confinement center.

The weather in Yanjing at the end of November was already very cold.

But her heart was warm.

Wearing a windproof headscarf and a thick down jacket, we got into the car.

Soon, after Sun Ting and Xu Xin sent red envelopes to the nurses and confinement sisters who had worked hard to take care of their wives and children during this period, the two cars drove towards their long-awaited home.

Along the way, Yang Mi seemed to have no idea about the city that gave birth to and raised her, sitting in the passenger seat and watching non-stop.

But Xu Xin always paid attention to the children in the child seats in the two rows behind.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Do we have to change cars?"

"Change to a commercial vehicle?"


"Indeed, this car is for our family of four. If the children grow up and need personal care in the future... let's change it. It just so happens that after the Chinese New Year this year, we have to go to Dahu Mansion. We still have to go here. Renovation. When the time comes, we will have to build a garage...then we will be able to put down commercial vehicles."

"Well, then buy one with a high safety factor."


The two of them walked home while chatting.

Because there were children behind him, Xu Xin drove very carefully.

He is also slow, and he sees in all directions and listens in all directions.

However, the two little guys were very well-behaved and did not behave inappropriately while half-lying in the safety seats.

He just stared curiously at everything outside the window with his two pairs of eyes.

And just as we were about to get home, the car Bluetooth playing music was interrupted by the sound of a phone call.

Yang Mi glanced at the mobile phone on the center console and said:

"It's that Manager Xiao."

Xu Xin nodded and answered the phone directly:

"Hi, Manager Xiao."

"Hey, Director Xu, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

"It's convenient, just tell me."

"It's like this. I asked about "Bu Bu Jing Xin", and it is true that the copyright has not been sold to us. But... Director Xu, do you have any intention of sharing the copyright with others?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin turned to look at Yang Mi.

After seeing her waving her hand, he said directly:

"No. Manager Xiao, just tell us the price without considering other people's affairs. How much is it? We will directly draw up the contract and start making payments. Didn't our business go smoothly last time?"

"That's true...haha, this...Director Xu, because the results of this book are very good, the copyright is more expensive than "The Legend of Zhen Huan"."

"How many."

"Two million and two million."

"Okay, I'll have someone transfer the money to you now, and the contract will be sent directly to the company's fax number."


Although from the first cooperation, I have already understood Director Xu's resolute and resolute temperament.

But the two million and two million yuan was so rich that he didn't even pay back the price, which still left Xiao Bin speechless for a while.

Being a director...is it really that profitable?

But after thinking about it, he still said:

"Okay. Then I'll have someone start handling it now... Also, Director Xu, there's something... I need to tell you."

"Say it, Manager Xiao."

There was an extra warmth in Xu Xin’s words:

"We are all friends. There is no need to hide it, just say it directly."

"Hmm, this book... several companies were competing for it before. When I went to ask, I learned about it. The biggest interested party for this book is Tangren Film and Television. Our original intention was to ask Director Xu, if If you think it is too expensive, you can purchase and develop it with Tangren. After all, your wife had a great time working with them during "Sword and Sword III"..."

"Tang people?"

Xu Xin turned his head and glanced at Yang Mi who was sending a message, thought for a while, and said:

"Well, I understand. It's okay, Manager Xiao. We will be dealing with each other for a long time in the future. Didn't I tell you before? My wife has a little collecting habit and likes to keep all the novels she likes to read. In your pocket. We will have a long supply and demand relationship in the future. If I open my mouth, I must sincerely want to buy it. As for money, you don’t need to think about it. Just quote your company’s normal price~"

"Yes, yes, we have really learned a lot about Director Xu's work style."

"Haha... Okay, let's just say so. Manager Xiao will make arrangements. I happen to have to go to the company at noon, and I just want to go back with the contract to surprise my wife."

"Well, okay, Director Xu, then I will go and contact your company."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin said while driving:

"Okay, what's going on with this book?... Why are there people from the Tang Dynasty involved in it?"

"Mix it in, it's already mine anyway."

Yang Mi said casually.

Then after sending the message with a bang, he put away his phone and continued:

"In the future, your investments will be on the headwind side. When will you transfer your shares to Shuangwei?"

"Let's wait until Sister Mo comes back for Christmas. I'll definitely have to go there then... Do you plan to take this photo?"

"...Not sure yet."

"What about "The Legend of Zhen Huan"?"

"It's being adapted."

"...You want to play both?"

"Let's get ready first. We'll talk about it after I get back from Xiangjiang."


Xu Xin nodded.

In addition to the full moon wine tomorrow, she will rush to Xi'an on the 27th, and the finals of "The Voice" will be on the 28th.

Now that her children are born, she plans to make clear all her resources.

So in the finals on the 28th, she is going to give awards.

After the award ceremony is completed, we will go to Xiangjiang.

The people at "The Grandmaster" over there have been waiting for her for more than half a year. Whether it will work or not, just go there and find out.

So it can be seen to the naked eye that she is quite busy after confinement.

But fortunately, I don’t have to worry about my children.

A refrigerator for storing milk has been purchased at home, and my parents-in-law are also taking care of it.

It doesn't matter even if the couple is away for ten days and a half.

But it definitely won’t work over time.

Thinking of this, he asked:

"Then if you confirm "The Grandmaster" and I will also start filming "The Hawthorn Tree" next year, how can our schedule be staggered?"

"It's simple, the children are with me. I have already made an agreement with Aunt Bai. If she is too busy, she will resign from the company at any time to help me. She takes good care of the children, and with my parents, there will definitely be no problem. Yes. But I will definitely not do anything this winter. It’s so cold and I don’t want my children to suffer after following me around... Also, can you ask our dad about the private jet? It will be more convenient to travel in the future. .”

Aunt Bai is the confinement nanny who has been taking care of the two children and her during this period of confinement.

Works quickly, diligently, and cleanly.

When first wiping the meconium, Xu Xin wiped it while vomiting, but after Aunt Bai took care of the yang and yang, she also checked Nuan Nuan carefully.

Very attentive.

Xu Xin nodded:

"I can rest assured that."

"Yeah, don't worry about the child, I will take good care of it~"


Xu Xin nodded.

All the way home.

Who is the most excited?

It's Zaizai and Niuniu.

During this period, both Yang Dalin and his wife, and Xu Daqiang, would occasionally bring back some children's clothes.

Help Zaizai and Niuniu adapt to the smell of their two little masters.

And German Shepherds... seem to have a natural instinct for protecting children.

When the couple entered the house with their children in their arms, the two dogs couldn't walk.

His tail was wagging as fast as the electric fan, and he kept whimpering next to their legs, raising his head, wanting to sniff and smell the two little masters.

He looked anxious and cute.

After the couple entered the house, the two dogs ran to the sofa together and kept tapping the sofa cushions with their front paws to indicate where to sit.

"Oh, look at the trouble you two made."

Yang Mi was speechless. After sitting on the sofa, two dog heads came over.



My sister didn't cry.

My brother was frightened.

Then when the younger brother started crying, the two dogs instantly went into EMO.

He tucked his tail and quickly hid under the mahogany tea table, looking at this side with pitiful eyes...

This... why is the little twoleg crying?

"Okay, okay, baby, those are Zaizai and Niuniu, have you forgotten? Mommy has heard their voices for you~"

Yang Mi started to coax.

And Xu Xin waved:

"Come here~"

As soon as he said hello, Zaizai and Niuniu mustered up the courage to come over.

Under Yang Mi's deliberate dodge, the two dogs quietly approached Nuan Nuan.

Zaizai was a little bolder and nuzzled his gloved hand with his nose.

Nuannuan didn't react at all, she just looked at these two strange things curiously in her father's arms...

"The tail is starting to wag, look, look."

Yang Mi looked at Zai Zai's tail that was standing up again with a smile.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded, looking at Niuniu who also started to bend her head this way, she smiled and put her daughter's hand on Niuniu's head and patted her.

All of a sudden, the three little guys were all happy.

And perhaps sensing her sister's happy mood, Yangyang, who was originally frightened, stopped crying.

Reaching out to touch the dog in her mother's arms.

"Zai Zai, come here, let us touch... Hey, baby, don't be afraid, this is Zai Zai... Say hello, Zai Zai~ My name is Yangyang~"

The fate of the "two majors" and the "two minors" was finally formed.

And at noon, when the two children were sleeping in the crib, Zaizai and Niuniu were protecting them under the cradle.

like a statue.

Even when the footsteps of Yang Mi and Xu Xin sounded, they would prick up their ears alertly...

Bedroom door.

Xu Xin held his wife in his arms and looked at the scene in front of him...

"That's nice, isn't it?"


Leaning in her husband's arms, Yang Mi smiled from the bottom of her heart.


"Then what will we do in the future? We can no longer come at any time and whenever we feel like..."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

"Is this what you're thinking about?...When you see this scene, this is all you think about?"

"...I don't have as strong an ability to empathize as you do."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes.

Xu Xin couldn't help but shake his head and gave a two-word evaluation:


November 26th.

Peninsula Hotel Wangfujing.

Although reporters had already received the news early that Yang Mi and Xu Xin's children's full moon banquet was here, but the Peninsula Hotel, as one of the many luxury hotels in Yanjing, has become the first choice for many celebrities to entertain banquets. In addition to its high-end environment, it is also its excellent security system.

Not to mention reporters, not even a fly can get in.

So the paparazzi can only use long focal lengths, just like Wangfushi on the other side of the road, taking photos of one car after another, trying to see how many celebrities will come today.

And the people Xu Xin hosted today were all friends in Yanjing.

The Olympics were all over the place, as were the friends he made, but he didn't invite his classmates much.

I just called Lao Fang and several others who had collaborated on "Not Drunk" before.

The old man also has many friends here, some of whom are able to come, and some of whom are inconvenient to come.

Everyone who could come came, and those who couldn't come had their gifts sent to them.

As for Yang Mi, in addition to her own relatives, there are classmates, people in the company, and some normal relationships.

The reception capacity of dozens of tables of guests is not small.

But that's okay.

Three alternative godfathers for the child.

As well as a group of relatives and friends including Liu Zhishi, plus Sun Ting and others, all went into battle.

When many people in the circle came here and saw the "Three Musketeers" wearing suits and carrying red fireworks, many of them were speechless.

He had planned everything and let Jay Chou, Wang Sicong, and Lang Lang greet guests at the door...

Maybe this is the only one in the entire circle, right?

However, each of the three people was more enthusiastic than the last.

There is no way, Lao Xu said, this is the godfather's performance appraisal, you have to work really hard!

If you don't work hard, let the two grandsons next to you get it.

Isn't that blind?

Let alone the king of Asia, the richest man in China, or the top three pianists in the world.

It’s a cow!

The three cows are responsible for entertaining the guests.

"You all like Jay Chou?... Go and ask for his autograph. Pull him aside. You can sign autographs and take photos as you like. My mother-in-law is here, and he dares to disagree."

"Hey, do you like Lang Lang? Lang Lang likes to take pictures. Come and take a group photo."

"...Do you like money? Take a photo with him and he will give you 10,000 yuan each."

In front of Yang Miniang's family, the three cows were scheming there, and their brains were almost boiling.

Xu Xin's face also turned green.

As the host, he would definitely not be able to run away when hosting a banquet.

Yang Mi is "frail" now, so she waits until the banquet is over to push the two babies out for everyone to see.

As a husband, he had to entertain the guests with these three scammers who were just about to cut each other with knives.

Seeing the intrigue among the three of them, he wanted to throw them all out.

Forget about the others.

Old Wolf, you really take Old Wang as your enemy.

Looking at Wang Sicong who was surrounded by several nieces and nephews of Yang Mi, Xu Xin's eyelids kept twitching.

At this time, Zhang Yimou came.

Also accompanying him were Zhao Benshan and Shen Xiaoyang.

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment and hurriedly greeted him.

"Director Zhang, Teacher Benshan..."

As Xu Xin walked, he raised his head to Shen Xiaoyang again.

Zhao Benshan spoke first:

"Haha, the baby's father is so happy~!"

"Haha... Well, you're here. It's really a happy event for the two of us~"

Hearing this, Zhao Benshan pointed at Xu Xin with a smile and said to Zhang Yimou:

"Take a look, children are more likely to talk."

Zhang Yimou nodded with the same smile:

"That is."

And Zhao Benshan took out his pocket:

"Here, take it and give one to each of the two little treasures. Don't think it's too little~"

"Oh, thank you, thank you. Teacher Motoyama, your blessing is so important to these two children."

Xu Xin accepted two brand new big red envelopes without any hesitation.

Then pass it back.

Jay Chou, who was following behind, took over.

Seeing this, Zhao Benshan continued with a smile:

"Look, how big this battle is."

"Hello, Teacher Motoyama~Long time no see~"

"No, Jaylen, long time no see. My eyes are bigger than before~"


That's him, even Jay Chou wouldn't be able to laugh.

But he had met Zhao Benshan before the Spring Festival Gala, knew him well, and knew that Zhao Benshan usually liked to joke.

But the scale of the joke is very accurate.

"Come on, come on, please come in. The wheels are arranged in the box. Director Zhang, Teacher Benshan, Brother Shen, go to the box first, and I will go over to toast later."

"Okay, okay~"

In this kind of occasion, there are many people and it is lively, but it is basically impossible to talk carefully.

After Jay Chou led the three people in, cheers soon erupted in the hall.

Needless to say, this cheer must be for these two people.

Only the King of Sketch and the Imperial Master deserved such cheers.

While Xu Xin was greeting guests outside, there was also a knock on the door of the room where Yang Mi and her children rested.

Liu Yifei, who was still teasing Yangyang with her fingers, heard the noise. Since she was close to the door, she got up and opened the door to greet him.

But as soon as she opened the door... suddenly, she was stunned.

And the people outside the door were also stunned...



After each was silent for a second...

"Hello, Teacher Liu."

"...Hello, Teacher Liu."

Liu Yifei inside the door and Liu Zhishi at the door greeted each other respectively.

this moment……

The older sister who is obviously older than the other person, but can only call herself her cousin, and the older sister who is younger than herself, but can only assume that the other person is her younger sister greeted each other.

The king meets the king.

At the end of the month, please vote for me! ! !

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