I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 367 365 Top Baby (31)

Chapter 367 365. Shangtou Baby (31)

"Every time I'm sad~

Just look at the sea alone~

I always think of my friends walking on the road next to me~

How many are waking up..."

In front of the TV, Xu Xin and Wang Sicong followed the sound of the TV and hummed the song "Once Upon a Time" by Xu Wei, sung by Song Dongye.

Although Xu Xin sang very well... Big Lao Wang was not much better.

In Jay Chou's words, both of them are in the stage of singing with their throats.

Go to KTV and sing a few songs and your voice becomes hoarse.

Sometimes when Xu Xin was happy, he would hold his daughter's hand and make noises at her.

Although the picture is temporarily invisible, I have to admit that the design of this song is really good.

Especially the last part... I don't know if it's a tambula or something else, and the SOLO part with the bass really makes Song Dongye, a folk singer, sing out the flavor of folk rock.

Wang Sicong listened with emotion:

"It's so strong. I never felt it before... Dao Lang's arrangement of music is so amazing. I always thought he was quite tacky."

"He's not rustic."

The sound on the TV has reached the PK stage between him and Li Ronghao.

These 8 people competed against each other in pairs. Those who won advanced to the second round, while those who lost were stopped in the top 8.

There is no chance of a comeback.

Quite cruel.

Sa Beining is hosting comments from several instructors and voting by the audience.

Xu Xin actually doesn't care much about who wins or loses.

Being able to enter the quarterfinals means that their level has been recognized by the audience. This kind of single-game, single-round knockout competition is sometimes more about live performance and whether the selected songs can be close to the hearts of the audience and judges.

In the voice of the host on TV, Xu Xin said:

"I talked to Wheels and I also talked to Lao Lang. In fact, in terms of his control over national music, Dao Lang is a serious singer with extremely delicate emotions. Of course, it may also have something to do with his personal It depends on his experience, but he is indeed the best at this kind of integration.”

"Then who do you think wins between him and Li Ronghao's song "Love Me or Him"?"

"As far as this one is concerned...I think Li Ronghao won."

"Why? Xu Wei's song was not performed well by Fatty Song?"

"Okay. But think about the structure of Li Ronghao's entire song...it's extremely clever."


"First of all, everyone can basically sing "Love Me or Him"..."

"Isn't it the same with Xu Wei's "Once Upon a Time"?"

"Listen to me first. Yes, the popularity of the two songs is evenly divided. Then there is the singer... Do you think Fatty Song is better, or Li Ronghao?"

"I think both of them are pretty much the same."

"Okay, it's a tie, so I'm asking you, who do you think is better in terms of on-site appeal?"


Looking at Wang Sicong's thinking look, Xu Xin continued:

"Why I say he is smart is because...you see, first of all, he is a member of Huang Xiazhong's team. Secondly, his song structure, the 4-minute singing time, he actually only sang for more than a minute, and the rest For nearly two minutes, he played solo with his guitar...

Didn't you notice that this singing format is exactly the same as BEYOND's concert arrangement? For more than a minute, he was Jia Kui. In the next minute or so, it was definitely Huang Xiazhong who helped him arrange his SOLO, it was absolutely amazing. Dao Lang's subsequent processing... was instantly killed by Huang Guizhong. "

"...That seems to be the case."

While the two were chatting, voting had already begun over there.

Because it was covered with a dust cover, the two could not see the results of the vote.

Just know that the media vote was 23 to 26.

Li Ronghao is temporarily in the lead.

"Would you like to bet on something?"

Wang Sicong thought for a while and suddenly said this.

"Okay, tell me, what are you betting on?"

"Bet... just bet on Long Lang's expenses."

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't say anything, but Xu Daqiang asked in confusion:

"What is Langlang?"

Wang Sicong chuckled:

"A few of us go out for fun every year."


Xu Daqiang didn't care either.

Xu Xin asked:

"Starting next year?"

"Yes, don't we take turns to be responsible? It comes around every four years. We don't take anyone else with us, it's just us. If I win, you will be the one in my year. If I lose, I will be the one in your year!"

"It's a bet!"

Xu Xin became interested.

"Think carefully, whoever saves you a penny will be the grandchild!"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes:

"I'm afraid of you? Come on...who are you betting on?"

"Li Ronghao! I have been supporting him just now."

"Okay, then I'll choose Fatty Song! I'll choose first next time!"

"no problem!"

During the bet between the two, the 499 viewers of "The Voice" finished voting.

Song Dongye VS Li Ronghao, the audience score in the first round of the 8-to-4 knockout round: 228-271!

Including media votes: 23-26.

There is no doubt that Li Ronghao advanced to the second round!

"Ha ha!"

Xu Xin laughed out loud when he heard the words "Congratulations to Li Ronghao for advancing to the next round" from Sa Beining.


The corner of Wang Sicong's mouth twitched, and he nodded and admitted defeat:

"You lose one year."

"Let's talk about it first. There is no offset. It will be postponed all the way down."

"That's for sure! From 2010 to 2014, your consumption in that year will be mine!"

"Hahahaha... Come on, let's see who's next. Dao Lang and Huang Xiazhong are done competing. It's time for Lun Lun and Han Hong, right?"

Today's The Voice finals is a three-hour, two-round competition.

Following Xu Xin's words, after several instructors over there comforted Fatty Song, and after Fatty Song finished speaking about his feelings along the way and gave his most sincere blessings to Li Ronghao, the second round began.

Hu Xia from Han Hong’s team faced Xu Song from Zhou Jielun’s team.

"I...oh my god, I blew up the two kings when I came up!?"

Listening to this movement, Wang Sicong's face was filled with uncertainty.

But in front of his goddaughter and godson, he didn't have the nerve to swear.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Are you making a choice after listening?"

"That's boring. Can you wait until the game is over before you start betting on the World Cup?"

"I'm afraid that I went to manage money and ended up on the rooftop!"

"Hurry up, why are there so many ink stains?"

"...Xu Song! I believe in Xu Song! Hu Xia is strong, but Xu Song obviously matches the wheel's style better!"

"Then I am Hu Xia... Dad, you can testify that the result between us today is a cycle of four years. In order to prevent him from not admitting it!"


Xu Daqiang watched the two of them playing around happily.

And then I didn’t forget to add:

"I like Hu Xia, Xu Song sings like a mosquito, it doesn't sound bright~"

When he said this, Wang Sicong was stunned...

He subconsciously said:

"Can I change it?"

"I'm sorry to leave after buying it."

Following Xu Xin's words, the PK on TV officially started.

Hu Xia's masterpiece "I Expect" by Zhang Yusheng VS Xu Song's "Chrysanthemum Terrace".

Xu Song came first.

Frankly speaking, the problem of his weak voice has been greatly improved by Jay Chou's adjustments during this period.

Moreover, Jay Chou seems to have made some special adjustments to the processing of this song "Chrysanthemum Terrace", making it even more affectionate and tearful to match Xu Song's voice.

Played quite well.


When Hu Xana sang the high note of "SAY GOODBYE~" directly on A4...

"It's over."

Wang Sicong's words sealed this bet.

Xu Song's worship was not unfair at all.

Just like what she promised to Hu Xia during the audition, Han Hong helped him get rid of and correct all the bad problems in his voice.

Although this song "I'm Expecting" is difficult to compare with the original singer, but judging from the fact that the high notes are smooth and smooth throughout, Xu Song's defeat is natural.

"2015 to 2018."

Listening to the final result, Xu Xin asked:


"Go on! Grandma, I don't believe it! Who's next?"

Deng Ziqi VS Liu Xin.

"Deng...Liu Xin! I've heard this guy's songs! It's definitely not bad! I believe it! What's wrong with Deng Ziqi's loud voice? The odds are against him, and the villa is close to the sea!"

"You should think clearly...there are not so many unpopular people in this world."

"One to two! Directly to 2022!"

"Tsk...you're so easy to fall for. Come on."

Determined to cure him, Xu Xin, who likes to get excited when others provoke him, has a look of wisdom, waiting for the "lottery results".

Deng Ziqi's "Rain Butterfly" VS Liu Xin's "Dear Child"...

This incident made Xu Xin feel unsure.

Because Liu Xin's performance in this song is really amazing.

And when the two of them finished singing, the final result was quite close.

The media review was 24 to 25.

Audience judges 257 to 242…

Deng Ziqi advanced to the next round with a slight advantage...


Wang Sicong had a mouthful of old blood that he could not spit out.

"Come again!"

"not coming……"

Xu Xin shook his head directly.

"It's too easy for you to get fooled. If someone bets something with you, and you lose a little bit, your brain will start to get hot. It will be too easy for you to suffer losses in the future... Where did you get such a strong gambler's mentality? Stop it, You can apply for it next year, and the rest will be invalid, and then you have to think about your easy-going problem."


Wang Sicong was speechless for a moment.

But at this time, Xu Daqiang spoke:

"Sanjin is right, Xiao Wang, have you been to Macau?"

Wang Sicong nodded:

"I've been there, but not often. I don't like gambling~"

"Then you are very competitive."

Xu Daqiang looked at his son's friend with a smile:

"I have a strong competitive spirit and refuse to admit defeat in any aspect. This is a good thing, but...it is also easy to be provoked by others, and my brain will get hot...This is my nature. If you can't change it...just change it."

"Change? Uncle Xu, how do you change?"

"This is a way to return the favor. If you like someone, find a girl who can stop you when you are someone. If you have a bad temper, find someone who can stop you. At least... she is doing something. Sometimes, someone stops you and tells you to calm down and think more... It’s hard to control someone if they come from your mother’s womb. Someone needs to help you. If you are like this, it won’t work if someone can hold you back. "


Under Wang Sicong's doubtful gaze, Xu Xin helped the old man explain:

"Generally speaking, it's just to give yourself a psychological hint. Or there is someone around you who can be as rational and smart as me at all times..."



Looking at Xu Xin's doubtful eyes, Wang Sicong remembered that Old Xu was taught English by his physical education teacher.

But he didn't explain, he just thought about it, got up and walked out.

Went to smoke.

After he went out, Xu Daqiang said to his son:

"You have to keep an eye on him from now on. It's too easy to get fooled. If others want to trick him, they have to be sure to trick him every time."

"That's not the case."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"Lao Wang is not a fool, he just has a short temper... I will just watch over him from now on."


Li Ronghao, Deng Ziqi, Hu Xia, and Wang Sulong entered the semi-finals.

Xu Xin stopped watching after that.

The two children started to feel sleepy and cry a little. After he and Xu Daqiang put the two children in the bedroom, he went to warm the milk.

on site.

In the battle of the top four, Li Ronghao lost to Deng Ziqi, and Wang Sulong was defeated by Hu Xia.

In the final championship battle, Hu Xia chose a song called "Heavenly Road" by Han Hong.

But Deng Ziqi went against the norm and lost all her glamour, choosing the song "Girl with Wings".

Compared with the grandeur of Hu Xia's song, Deng Ziqi interprets this song into a tender and tender piece that belongs to the little girl's own thoughts.

In fact, from the artistic conception point of view, Hu Xia has already won.

Yang Mi was relieved in her heart.

She didn't think about whether the song selection this time was Huang Xiazhong's mistake or Deng Ziqi's own persistence.

But in terms of program revenue, she felt that Deng Ziqi's runner-up was actually better than the champion.

After all, she is already Jewell's contracted singer.

A "Good Voice" is enough to elevate her to the position of a popular singer. If she wins the championship, she will run the risk of being accused of shady things.

Even this time, neither Jay Chou nor the program team has any bias.

She managed it entirely on her own.

But if people who fabricate things out of thin air want to find excuses, they can find them no matter what.

She stood beside Tian Shuanghe and thought to herself.

And the fact was just as she expected, the difference in the number of votes in the final round was actually quite large.

The jury's vote was 16 to 33.

Audience votes: 218 to 281.

Hu Xia, a young player who has been considered a seed player since he appeared in the first audition, won the championship of the first "The Voice".

Golden rain fell from the sky instantly.

At this time, she heard Tian Shuanghe’s words:

"Mimi, get ready to go on stage."

"Okay, leader."

Yang Mi gathered her thoughts.

At this time, she heard Tian Shuanghe say again:

"Everyone has worked hard this season."

"this is necessary."

Gradually, the hostess also came to the two of them.

And Sabining's voice also sounded at the right time:

"Now, I would like to invite Tian Shuanghe, chairman of Xiying Group, and Yang Mi, director of "The Sound of Nature" to come to the stage to award trophies and certificates to our champions. Please."


Hearing that Yang Mi was about to take the stage, the audience suddenly burst into lively cheers and applause.

In the rain of golden ribbons, Tian Shuanghe stretched out his hand, she put it on Tian Shuanghe's hand, and the two stepped onto the stage step by step.

This scene is not only visible to the audience at the scene.

Even viewers watching TV shows across the country have seen it.

Yang Mi appeared in public for the first time after giving birth.

As soon as she came on stage wearing a black suit and skirt, many people's eyes widened in surprise.


Is it really just over a month after giving birth?

Dazzling, radiant... the condition couldn't be better.

She even has a charm that only mature women have...

What a charming and charming beauty.


"Sounds of Nature"? Isn't that the producer of "The Voice"?

Yang Mi is actually the director of the production company of "The Voice"? ?


Everyone who reacted belatedly looked in disbelief.

But I have to admit...

Yang Mi is recovering really well.


So beautiful.

In her first public appearance after giving birth, she left an extremely deep impression on everyone!

Incredibly beautiful.

Tian Shuanghe was in front, presenting the trophy.

She was behind, presenting the certificate.

But The Voice’s rewards don’t stop there.

There are also 1 million creative incentives, as well as singer contracts that various companies bid for, etc., are all rewards.

After the show started airing, Yang Mi launched a wave of internal bidding.

Jewell is among them.

This time it is not for money, but for the subsequent development of the players.

Companies participating in the bidding will be screened and reviewed layer by layer, and five professional music companies including Jewel are finally left.

If these players want to debut, they only need to entrust "The Voice" to help them negotiate contracts.

"The Voice" will serve as a communication channel to help musicians find a company that is more suitable for them. At the same time, it also ensures that their talents will not be buried... After all, for a program with such a high ratings, if the singers who are launched are cheated by the company and fail to realize their musical value, it will also be a problem for the program. Huge loss of credibility.

And "Jewel" cannot afford so many resources.

At the same time, it is impossible to monopolize it.

If any link loses competition and becomes a pool of stagnant water, then death is not far away.

She certainly wouldn't make a mistake on that front.

Finally, the contestants took a group photo and the live broadcast ended.

And when "The Voice" ended as a whole, all the people who watched the entire TV station, various advertising media, and major brokerage companies wereted no time to inquire about the ratings and market share of "The Voice".

Although it was announced that there will be a peak night concert at the Bird's Nest on Christmas Day, which will be broadcast live.

But that concert had no reference.

They want to see what the ratings of this live broadcast are.

And soon, various real-time ratings data were sent over.

Time period from 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock.

"The Voice" average rating: 5.35.

Rating share: 29.47

The highest ratings occurred at 10:29, when the championship battle of "The Voice" began.

Highest ratings: 6.131

Rating share: 16.9.

Break 6...

Contestant variety show breaks 6...

The ratings of a talent show variety show launched by a local station and broadcast by a third-rate star station in a province exceeded 6...

Although it is not like "2005 Super Girl", which achieved a miracle of 11.05 ratings in the finals...

But when was that?


This is almost 2010.

With the popularity of the Internet, not to mention variety shows, even the ratings of some TV series have changed from casually 6% or 7% to the current 1% or 2%...

Except for the Spring Festival Gala, the 11.05 ratings may not appear in the future.

Just look at the average ratings of various talent shows in the past two years.

At most, it only fluctuates around 3%.

But...in the penultimate month of 2009, a variety show with a ratings of over 6 was born!

The moment they received this data, everyone understood one thing...

The commercial value of "The Voice" is about to begin to expand.

As for the extent to which it has expanded, it is still unknown.

However, one thing is certain.

Its success, at least within three years, will be a myth!

Director of "Sound of Nature"... Yang Mi?

Xu Xin hid himself and put all the halo on his wife?

Then, after the 23-year-old actress got married and had a child, she used this method to rejuvenate her stardom... no, it should be said that it became even brighter!

Why is it him again?

Why are these two couples again?




It seems that many people will have insomnia this night.

Hong Kong.

Xu Haofeng looked at the TV and saw Hetian Shuanghe standing together. Under a black dress, Yang Mi looked particularly fair-skinned...

He turned to Wang Jiawei and asked:

"Director Wang, do you feel there have been any changes in her?"


Wang Jiawei didn't speak, just stared at the TV. He didn't turn off the TV until the subtitles from the post-production staff appeared on the program.

After falling into silence for a moment, he asked:

"You still insist that she is suitable for the role of Gong Er?"

Xu Haofeng nodded:

"Yes, I insist. She makes me feel so good, whether it's fighting scenes or the... woman's strong and soft temperament. I insist that she is suitable for the role of Gong Er."

After hearing this, Wang Jiawei thought for a while and said:

"Then what's the difference between Zhang Ziyi and her?"

"Zhang Ziyi's steel is a performance, while her steel is a kind of persistence from the heart. This is the biggest difference in my opinion. When she comes, Director Wang, you will know after you take a look. She looks really good now She is very beautiful, but it is precisely because these beauties cover up her brilliance in other aspects. Just like the audition clip, when she puts on her posture, the confidence that comes from the heart on her face is incompatible with That kind of... tough feeling, for me, is much better than Zhang Ziyi."


As the screenwriter of "The Grandmaster", Wang Jiawei must attach great importance to Xu Haofeng's opinions.

But his and the other party's casting ideas are always in conflict.

He thinks Zhang Ziyi is very suitable.

Although I don’t deny Yang Mi’s audition clip.

But after seeing Zhang Ziyi's performance on the spot, he finally chose Zhang Ziyi to play the role between the two...

However, the decision is final, but the screenwriter's insistence also made him have to meet in person the girl who he said was "hard and soft" who had just been crowned the golden rooster.

And he also admitted...compared to the audition clip, Yang Mi looked more feminine tonight.

Thinking of this, he nodded:

"When will she come?"

"Just these two days."

"Okay, then set a time with her in advance. Come early and finish early."


Xu Haofeng responded heavily.

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