I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 375 373 Stealing vegetables and steel wool

Chapter 375 373. Stealing vegetables and steel wool

First reaction: Are nuns crazy? Randomly climbing on relatives.

And Aunt Zhao...why is her face so big?

Second reaction: She knows me and asked me to call her aunt... Could it be...

Suddenly he seemed to realize something and asked tentatively:

"You and my father..."

"Da Qiang and I are friends."

This old woman... No, after Aunt Zhao said what she said, Xu Xin nodded and said a little embarrassedly:

"Ah?... Then wouldn't it be appropriate to call me aunt? I think I'm in my early thirties at most..."

The moment he heard this, Zhao Xinyu smiled brightly.

But Zhang Jiao, who was standing behind Xu Xin, had goosebumps on her skin.

Brother Xu... Although I know that you are sometimes a smooth-talking person who talks about people and ghosts.

But... how did you say this?

As a woman, Zhang Jiao's intuition allowed her to guess the ages of these two people.

Around 40 years old.

Your words have completely erased the ten-year gap...

To use an internet buzzword...

"You really have a sweet mouth."

Much sweeter.

They were all panicking.

Over there, Zhao Xinyu, who seemed very happy by these words, smiled and said:

"You kid... you have such a sweet mouth. No wonder every time I chat with him, he keeps praising you when I mention you."

As soon as she finished saying this, Xu Xin began to mutter about her relationship with the old man.

Look... it should look familiar.

A very good friend?

The old man is good at everything, but he rarely talks about his connections or resources.

Everything you do is done by "having a friend", "a friend", "a friend is doing it" and so on.

Then, usually after things are done, I talk to myself.

Just ignore the middle process or how to get through some links...

So much so that Xu Xin's grasp of his father's connections is actually quite poor.

So for a while, I really couldn’t guess the extent of the relationship between these two people.

At this moment, after Zhao Xinyu finished speaking, he glanced inside the venue and said directly:

"Let's leave a phone number. Didn't your dad just come back for two days? Make an appointment in the next two days for you and Mimi to come and sit with Auntie."

"Uh... ok."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Zhang Jiao quickly took out his mobile phone.

"Aunt Zhao, tell me, I will remember you."

"Hmm. 139..."

Zhang Jiao, who was in the back, looked a little straight as she listened to this string of mobile phone numbers.

Better than Brother Xu’s?

After saving her mobile phone, Xu Xin called her again.

One of the two assistants over there quickly handed over the phone.

Zhao Xinyu looked at it and nodded:

"Okay, let's go in. Where are you sitting?"

"I'll sit in the second row."

"Yo? What a coincidence? What's the date?"

Seeing that she was also sitting in the second row, Xu Xin's eyes moved and he said:

"number 11."

"Yeah, there are several seats between us. I'm number 25. Okay, let's go in first. It won't be good if we're late."

With that said, several people walked over there together.

Zhang Jiao and the others could not follow, but Zhao Xinyu returned the phone to the assistant as he walked.

But Xu Xin didn't.

I just adjusted it to mute and put it in my trouser pocket.

At this time, Xu Xin noticed that the two people were walking, she was in front, and the tawdry old woman named Yang Erche was half a step behind.

The master-slave status was immediately highlighted.

Paying attention to these details in his heart, he heard Zhao Xinyu's words:

"I've watched "The Voice" and I've watched every season. I really like it. I saw that Mimi appeared on the stage at the end. She was said to be the director of "The Voice"?"


Xu Xin didn’t hide anything, nodded and said:

"Yes, it's a variety show she put together with a few friends."

"It's very good. I haven't watched many talent shows in the past two years. I didn't expect that after watching one episode, I felt completely different..."

"Haha, I'll tell her what you said when I get back in the evening. She will definitely be very happy."

The two of them were chatting about "The Voice", while Yang Erche's old lady always cast her eyes unscrupulously on Xu Xin and looked at him carefully...from head to toe.

When we finally entered the already almost full recording studio, we finally ended the conversation.

The appearance of Xu Xin instantly attracted the attention of many people.

But everyone just watched as he walked to the second row, right next to Zhang Yimou.

At this time, Zhang Weiping also saw Xu Xin and said hello with a smile.

But soon his eyes were fixed on the other side, that is, Zhao Xinyu who was walking from the other side of the passage to positions 25 and 26.

After seeing it, instead of nodding to Xu Xin, he stood up and walked over with a smile.

He even shook hands with Zhao Xinyu.

Looks very enthusiastic.

As a result, Zhao Xinyu also received a lot of attention.

However...it seems that many people don't know her origins.

Those who knew were whispering among themselves, while those who didn't knew looked puzzled.

And Xu Xin was among those who were confused.

After he took his seat, on his left was Zang Qiwu, the assistant director of "Three Guns", and on his right was literary consultant Zhou Xiaofeng.

We all know each other, so there is nothing to say or say.

After sitting down, he asked Zhou Xiaofeng:

"Sister Zhou, when does it start?"

"It's almost 8 o'clock sharp. We've started debugging the machines~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found Xu Miao's number, and sent a message:


Xu Miao replied quickly:


"Our dad has a friend named Zhao Xinyu?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"What's her relationship with our dad?"

"Friends, the kind with whom we have a good relationship. What happened? Did we bump into each other?"

"When we meet, let me call you Aunt Zhao. I think she got off a white-plate car."

"It's normal, I have to shout too."

"have you seen?"

"It's often seen, she is not simple. Chang'an Club has her shares. Moreover, she is still..."


Suddenly hearing the sound of gasping, Zhang Yimou subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Xu Xin:

"What's wrong? Toothache?"

"Huh?...No, no."

Xu Xin subconsciously tapped the phone and shook his head:

"My teeth are stuffed."

Zhang Yimou was speechless.

But he didn't say much, nodded and turned around again.

Xu Xin held on to his phone and waited until everyone around him took their attention away from him before turning it back on.

After first deleting the chat message with Xu Miao, she sent him another one:

"She invited Yang Mi and me to play at her place."

"just go."

"Any real help?"

"Yes, whatever you want to do, as long as she can pull the strings, most of the time it can be done. But our dad won't let you contact us more. If you contact us more often, it's just a favor and it's hard to repay it. He will handle everything."

"okay, I get it."

"Where are you?"

"Where are you?"




"Then turn on the TV now and tune to Yanjing 1."


"Aren't you asking where I am? I'm on TV."

Xu Miao didn't reply.

I don’t know if I’m speechless or what.

Xu Xin checked again and made sure that the phone was in silent mode, then leaned on the chair, covered his mouth with his hand and yawned widely.

To be honest, he was a little tired and sleepy.

But this was a live broadcast, and I was sitting behind the old man.

In case you are caught sleeping soon...


I guess I can't keep my reputation for a lifetime.

As a last resort, he blinked and secretly prayed that this hour and a half would pass as quickly as possible.

Movies with new footage will definitely have behind-the-scenes documentaries.

The premiere will also be full of singing and dancing, just like a large-scale performance.

This seems to have become a... very regular promotional channel for this company.

And look at the film and television industry.

It seems that the only thing that can be played like this is the new screen.

The most important thing is... others really give me face.

If the prime time is available, it will be available to build momentum for "Three Guns".

However, when the pre-prepared clips started playing, Xu Xin suddenly noticed something was wrong.

This VCR clip contains excerpts from various works that the old man has made along the way. Together with the commentary, it looks like the beginning of a documentary.

That's nothing.

But the real problem is the line of small words on the right side of the screen:

""Shadow World" and "Three Guns to Surprise" Online Game Conference"

? ? ? ? ? ?

No, just wait a moment.

wait a minute……

Online game?

"Shadow World"?

"Three Guns"?

What is this "Online Game Conference"?

He instinctively looked at Zang Qiwu next to him:

"Director Zang, what is this online game...?"

Then he saw Zang Qiwu also looking confused.

"I do not know."

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at Zhou Xiaofeng again.

But I saw that Zhou Xiaofeng was also in a state of... frowning.

She doesn't seem to know?

Seeing this, Xu Xin started looking for several camera seats at the scene.

This is a live broadcast. When the camera is switched between live broadcasts, the red dot will light up on which machine it is switched to.

Looking around, I found that it seemed to be the time to play the VCR. Except for the screen on the stage, the other cameras were not on.

He quickly patted the arm of the old man in front of him.

Zhang Yimou did not look back, but leaned back slightly to show that he was listening.

"What is this online game?"


Zhang Yimou's head didn't move at first.

Then after a pause of maybe two or three seconds, he slowly shook his head.

Then the backward movement returned to normal.

Xu Xin's brows knitted together instantly.

Shake your head?

What does it mean?

Is it inconvenient to say? Or... he doesn't know either?

Then, two lines of words appeared on the live screen:

"The director is proud of the world, and the movie is trying to move the world."

"Zhang Yimou leads the network, and "Shadow World" is reinstalled and launched."

But after seeing these two lines of words, it was nothing... The next moment everything happened on the screen, a clip from the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was suddenly released.

And it's not a picture, but a video clip.

? ? ?

Xu Xin was stunned immediately.

The content of the video of the Olympic Games opening ceremony...you released it just like that?


What about authorization?

Has the Olympic Organizing Committee authorized it?

Even excerpts from film footage cannot be used indiscriminately if they are used in non-public situations, such as TV news, or any commercial situation other than a documentary authorized by the Olympic Organizing Committee.

At this moment, following the scene of the Olympic Games' main torch being lit, a webpage popped up on the screen.

"News, community, games, videos, all in one place."

Then, a cartoon pattern of Mazi Noodle House appeared together with a cartoon pattern of Zhang Yimou.

Under the four characters "Moying World", the old man with a cartoon pattern raised his loudspeaker, and for a while... it was definitely not from professional recording equipment, but it sounded like Zhang Yimou speaking on the phone in Shaanxi dialect:

"Welcome to the Shadow World."

Then, Shen Xiaoyang's cartoon appearance in "Three Guns" appeared, accompanied by the sentence:


Finally, the brand’s LOGO appears below:

"Renren - Happy Farm "Mouying World" - Mazi Noodle House"

"Thanks to: Renren, Dongfeng Peugeot, Sina, Minsheng Bank..."

A row of sponsor names popped up.

There are about ten of them in total.

And Xu Xin didn't know what other people thought when the sponsor names that covered the entire bottom of the screen appeared. Xu Xin didn't know, in his case...

He just felt that the smell of "money" filling the screen was coming to his face.

In a daze, the corner of his mouth felt bitter.

Xu Xin doesn't know whether "Three Guns" has paid back because of these product placements.

But he was thinking about one thing.

When a movie with so many sponsors' strong support explodes in word-of-mouth after its release... with new scenes... how should you deal with it?

Does Zhang Weiping not understand that this is killing the goose to obtain the egg?

Or...does he think the old man's name can really cover up everything?

And amid this somewhat bitter thought, this "unique" "online game conference"... began.

First there was a group song and dance in which an unknown song and dance troupe held a large porcelain bowl in their hands.

It seems to be singing about oily noodles.

Then three hosts appeared.

The old man sitting in the first row of the auditorium was invited to the stage and said some scenes about the movie.

Then when the old man came back, Xu Xin found out...it turned out that the fat man's real name was Cheng Ye, an actor who had appeared on stage with Yadan...

All of a sudden, the painting style felt like...it had become Liu Laogen's performance style on a big stage, although the jokes and the like were quite funny, and the performance also followed the theme of "Three Guns".

But Xu Xin was already on pins and needles.

What follows is rather dull.

The host presided over the starring actors of the movie, including Sun Honglei and others, taking turns to come on stage, either singing and dancing, or performing some kind of show.

In the middle of the show, we invited A Bao and Shen Xiaoyang, who are both very popular from "Avenue of Stars", to perform a song.

In fact, if you leave aside "Three Guns", the whole event is quite like a lively performance.

During this period, behind-the-scenes footage of "Three Guns" kept leaking out.

Watching the filming process really made the audience burst into laughter.

Finally, with Zhang Yimou signing multiple posters together, the program came to its final segment.

All the leading actors came on stage, and the host asked everyone to say a word to the audience to express their feelings about the movie...

Narino was the first.

"This movie is worth looking forward to, because the director has been planning it for a long time. Thank you everyone for your support of this movie, and I hope everyone can remember me. Thank you!"

Duck eggs are the second one.

She seemed really nervous at this point.

"Just...just...this movie is really good. You must watch it!"

That stumbling appearance attracted a round of applause from the audience.

Xu Xin also laughed and applauded from below.

Until I heard Yan Ni’s words:

"This movie is really good. Please give me your support. Thank you to the director for giving me this opportunity. Please support "Three Guns". It will not disappoint you. Thank you."

"Crash la la la..."

The applause resumed.

Xu Xin was also applauding.

While clapping, pay attention to Yan Ni's expression.

Whether she has seen the original film or not...it's unclear yet.

But unconsciously, Xu Xin sighed in his heart:


The press release "party" is officially over.

Finally, Zhang Yimou also came on stage.

Let’s bow together to express our gratitude to the audience who watched tonight’s program and the audience at the scene.

After the show ended, the guests began to retreat, while the audience ran forward.

Obviously going to get an autograph.

Xu Xin also walked out with everyone, but before leaving, he grabbed Zhang Mo's arm:

"Sister Mo, does Director Zhang know about this game?"

Zhang Mo said nothing.

It's just that his face is a little ugly.

Xu Xin understood.

After thinking about it, he whispered:

"Don't ask, the show has been broadcast live. If you have anything to say, just say it behind closed doors... I'm going back first."

"...Okay. I'll see if I want to call you later."


Xu Xin quickly shook his head:

"That seems like you and I are both too right and wrong. No matter what, even if it is under the guise of an online game, at least the movie promotion is a success. You can talk about some things, but I may not be able to talk about it. It's a bit overstepping~"

He clicked her words, and while Zhang Mo was thinking, Xu Xin waved his hand:

"I am leaving."


At this moment, a voice sounded:

"Xu Xin."

Xu Xin turned around and shouted:

"Hey, Aunt Zhao."

"As promised, I will call you in the next two days and take Mimi to my place to sit."

"Hey, okay. Aunt Zhao, please walk slowly."

Hearing this, Zhao Xinyu nodded with a smile:


Together with Yang Shiche, whose eyes turned green when he looked at Xu Xin, the two left.

When he went out, he saw Zhang Jiao with a cigarette case in her hand.

"Brother Xu, shall we go back?"


Xu Xin took the cigarette, thought about it, and asked:

"Jiaojiao, do you know Renren?"

"Renren?... Happy Farm? Brother Xu, do you want to play too? What's your ID? Can I steal your food?"

Zhang Jiao looked very excited.


Xu Xin asked in confusion:


"Happy Farm, Renren Happy Farm."

"I know...I'm not a BJ person."

He rolled his eyes and made a very meaningful joke.

"What does Renren.com do? What do you mean by stealing food?"

"It's the school network, which has the same nature as FACEBOOK. You can find your classmates from elementary school on it. Then they have a function, which is to give you a vegetable field and let you grow vegetables. Others can steal it..."


"Yes...Brother Xu, you don't know?"

Obviously, Zhang Jiao was surprised.

Why are you so OUT when we all are born in the 80s?

But the fact is that Xu Xin really doesn't know.

And...he is not interested in this kind of farming and cultivation stuff.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Very hot?"

"Well, it's been very popular recently."

"...then do you think that for such a popular website, if it wants to sponsor Director Zhang's "Three Guns"... how much money would it have to pay?"

Zhang Jiao, who was no longer a low-level novice, frowned.

After much thought, I came up with a number:

"At least... twenty million, right? Their market value is very high, it is said that it is one to two billion US dollars."


Xu Xin said nothing.

After walking in silence for a while, Zhang Jiao asked tentatively when he saw that he was silent:

"Brother Xu?"


"What are you thinking about? Are you interested in Renren?"


Xu Xin took a puff of cigarette.

After blowing the smoke into the sky, looking at the starless chaos, there came a sentence that Zhang Jiao didn't quite understand:

"I said I smelled something that was going to change the world. Do you believe it or not?"

"……change of weather?"

"Yeah. Two distinct circles... gradually began to merge, and together they pushed one circle to the next stage."

This time, Zhang Jiao couldn't understand it even more.

After saying this, Xu Xin lowered his head and glanced at his half cigarette butt...

Just throw it to the roadside:

"Stop smoking, let's go."

Soon, the Volvo drove out of the parking lot of Yanjing Terrace.

When she got home, Yang Mi was still awake.

But he wasn't playing games either. Instead, he was holding two long needles and a ball of thread in his hands, knitting something clumsily.

Can't see anything yet.

But Xu Xin was "shocked" and lowered his voice:

"Your Majesty! Stop it, Your Majesty! The child is too young, what's wrong with her? She wants to use such a long needle to prick my slave's child? My Majesty, I only have two children! If you want to punish me, punish me! Spare me!" Child!!!”


Yang Mi was stunned.

Looking at my husband who is obsessed with drama.

"Brother, did you drink some fake wine?"

Maybe it was because it was so rare for Xu Xin to look like a drama queen, and she was really confused.

Isn’t this usually my job?

Even if you take my job, you still act so carefully?

I don’t want to lose face?


Seeing that she didn't cooperate, Xu Xin rolled his eyes, sat next to her, and hugged her:

"What are you knitting?"

"The scarf... is for Nuannuan and Yangyang. Originally, I wanted to knit gloves, but my mother said it would be great if I could knit a scarf... I'll give it a try. You can touch it."

He touched this small piece of fabric and nodded:

"Very soft."

"Yes, it's cashmere. It's very valuable. One hundred and eighty pieces. EEDS brand."

It doesn't matter if it's 1.8 million or 1.8 million.

Anyway, give it to the children.

Xu Xin didn't care and just asked:

"Have you watched TV?"

"I saw...I showed you the camera a few times, and your eyes were a little wandering. Are you feeling bad?"

In other words, the person who understands men best is a woman.

Especially the pillow person who gets along day and night.

Xu Xin sighed:

"Oh... Oh, by the way, let me tell you something. Have you ever heard of a person named Zhao Xinyu... and another named Yang... Yang... Yang Erche..."

"Yang Erchenam?"

"Yes, yes, you know him?"

"I probably know a little about Zhao Xinyu, but I know Yang Erche Naam."

Yang Mi's face was filled with disgust:

"A crazy person. Back then, Kuai Nan chased Su Xing and asked for a kiss, and even invited Chen Chusheng to come to her room at night... She was old, ugly, and disgusting."

Xu Xin rarely saw her hate someone so much.

Quite unexpected.

But I still told you what happened tonight.

After hearing this, Yang Mi didn't care at all about "Zhao Xinyu". Instead, she looked directly at Xu Xin:

"You said...you shook hands with Yang Erchenam?"



Seeing his agreement, the young woman lowered her head and looked at the hands still around her waist...

Xu Xin suddenly felt a chill in his right hand and subconsciously let go.

"Right hand?"

she asked.


Xu Xin, who was made a little uncomfortable by this tone, swallowed, nodded slightly, and responded weakly:



Looking straight at her brother's right hand, after about a few seconds, she said:

"You have two choices. One, there is a knife in the kitchen..."

"The second one. Thank you."

"There are steel balls in the kitchen, and toilet cleaners in the toilet... You can shed your hands and come back."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

But he didn't refute, instead he got up and walked into the bathroom.

Soon, he came back after washing his hands:

"Do you smell it?"


Yang Mi still looked disgusted.

It's like my husband's hands have touched shit.

She pointed to the single sofa next to her and motioned him to stay away from her before saying:

"Hurry up and clean me inside and out in a moment... I feel so disgusted with that woman."


Unable to laugh or cry, he agreed to his wife's request.

Then, Yang Mi said:

"As for Zhao Xinyu, I got to know something about it when I chatted with Sister Hua recently. She and Zhang Ziyi are best friends, and they have a very good relationship. She is known as the number one socialite in the capital... Anyway, I knew she was pretty powerful, but I didn't Brother Sanshui knows so much about her... Do you want to make friends with her?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Why do I want to make friends with her? She invited us, okay? Since she called me, let's go."


Yang Mi nodded indifferently.

Then somehow... his eyes fell on Xu Xin's right hand again.

Then...she said with a look of disgust:


Please give me a monthly ticket. Please give me a monthly ticket! ! !

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