I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 389 387 Shut up!

Chapter 389 387. Shut up!

"Did Aunt Zhao break up with Zhang Ziyi?"


"I think it must be. They say they are good friends, and they even do investments together. But now we have mentioned Zhang Ziyi two or three times, and she doesn't answer... It must be abnormal, right?"


"And that kind of attitude... just feels wrong. Are you right?"


Seeing that Xu Xin didn't answer, Yang Mi was puzzled for a while:

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about Bing...Liang Bingning."


After hearing her husband's words, Yang Mi's first reaction was, young man, you are very brave~

But the second reaction is:

"What do you miss her for? Why do you miss her all of a sudden?"

"Didn't you notice that there was something wrong with Aunt Zhao and the two of us chatting all day after I answered her call?"

"...Isn't that used to divert Zhang Ziyi's topic? Just talk about the names you and Liang Binning call you. Isn't it a way to change the subject? Is it used to remind you from the side not to ask her?"

"How can it be so simple?"

Seeing that she misunderstood the meaning, Xu Xin shook his head directly:

"You can listen to what she said in front of her as a diversion, but in the subsequent conversation, you have to call her aunt, otherwise she will be inferior. She was obviously talking about Liang Binning. And my previous answer told her that she is young , I still wanted to call her sister... Actually, I was testing her intention, so she gave this answer. It means that if I call Liang Bingning, I should also call her aunt..."

"Why do you call me aunt? My aunt is from Uncle Xu's generation...hiss!!!"

She seemed to understand something, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

A pair of eyes looked directly at his lover, full of absurdity:


"Now do you know what I'm thinking?"

Holding the steering wheel, Xu Xin started the car.

It's still quite cold. Let's warm up the car first.

But Yang Mi’s goosebumps have already risen:

"You mean..."

"If others say it, I might not believe it. But the problem is that the words came out of her mouth... I have to believe it."


Hearing this, Yang Mi's lips began to tremble.


"What are you talking about? Say nothing! Don't mess with my mentality!"

"Nonsense! Who of us is messing with the other?! You said it yourself... You can mess with yourself, okay?"


Xu Xin didn't answer, just frowned.

After more than a minute, Yang Mi calmed down and asked:

"Call our dad and ask?"

"Do not hit."

Xu Xin shook his head simply:

"If this thing is true, if he wanted to say it, he would have told me a long time ago. But it's been so long. I met him once in "The Wind" and again at our house two days ago. Give it back. She made a cup of tea... Neither of them knew each other. This matter was either nonsense, or there was some kind of tacit understanding between the two of them and they never mentioned what happened before. So you can't ask."

"...Then what should we do? Pretend we don't know?"

This time, Xu Xin did not respond to her, but suddenly said:

"She was with Zhang Ziyi just now...called you again...what special interactions have you had recently?"

"No. I left a phone number for the Golden Horse Awards...and Sister Bingbing...uh...Liang Binning told me before that her "Rizhao Chongqing" will be finished in a week. Shouldn't she be filming at the moment? How could it be in Yanjing?"


Xu Xin remained silent again.

Instead, after pondering for a while, he said:

"You call Zhang Ziyi and say that you were busy just now and it's over now. If she wants to treat you to dinner or a get-together tonight... let's go together."

With that said, he started the car:

"Let's go home and feed the children first."

"...Aunt Zhao must have some kind of conflict with her. Should I go at this time? Will I offend someone?"

"You can't offend anyone with a meal. Besides...she and Liang Binning are together now. I have to figure out what they are calling you for. Being able to offend Aunt Zhao means that there must be some changes on Zhang Ziyi's side..."

"Then we can't get involved."

"But Liang Binning seems to want to get involved...on the one hand, the factory, and on the other hand...that matter. If it is true, pulling her out now and letting her wake up is better than Aunt Zhao or others. There was a conflict between the man and Zhang Ziyi, so he raped her in one pot. If he really did... I don't dare to bet on whether the old man would help if he knew about it. But if he did, he would definitely pay some price... Why bother? It’s better to believe that something that could have been prevented early has happened than that it didn’t happen.”

"I understand."

As soon as he said this, Yang Mi understood what her brother meant.

to be honest……

Don't dare to gamble.

Who knows if his father-in-law still has contact with Liang Binning?

No, it's the best.

Everyone walked on the main road facing the sky.

But what if the lotus root is disconnected?

Zhang Ziyi offended Zhao Xinyu, and it would obviously not end well.

This is for sure.

Although I don’t know where the other party’s confidence comes from.

It doesn’t really matter what kind of conflicts or conflicts there are between the two sides.

It has nothing to do with myself and my brother.

But if Liang Bingning was involved, the nature would be different.

If Uncle Xu has no contact with Liang Binning, then if there is any trouble on her side...you know, she is the deputy leader of the actor troupe of Xiying Film Studio.

It is one of the facades.

She was damaged. Although Xiying Studio will not be damaged, the facade is gone and her face is not good-looking.

But if Uncle Xu has a relationship with her...then what follows is more complicated.

He wanted to pick Liang Binning out alone, and the sacrifice would not necessarily be small.

Therefore, the safest way is that no matter what Zhang Ziyi wants to do, the "Xu family" will pull Liang Binning to "not hear or ask."

is the safest.

After understanding this, she directly called Zhang Ziyi back:

"Dudu... hello, Mimi."

"Hey, Teacher Zhang."

Yang Mi's tone was extremely "kind".

"My husband and I just went out to do errands and met with a few people. It was not convenient to answer the phone. We just finished now. I'm sorry."

"Well, it's okay. Mimi, do you and Director Xu have time in the evening?"

"Other people who come to me will definitely go home to spend time with their children, but Teacher Zhang and Sister Bingbing will come to us, rain or shine."

"Haha~ That's okay. I've made an appointment with a few friends in my circle tonight. Let's go to my friend's winery for a meal together? Okay?"

"Well, okay!...Then I will go back to nurse the baby now, and we will probably..."

As she spoke, she glanced at the time:

"We'll leave around 5 o'clock, okay?"

"Okay, no problem. Can I send you the address now?"


"By the way, you two can bring an assistant with you today. They are all from the circle. There are no outsiders. Let's talk."

"Okay. See you tonight, Teacher Zhang."


The call was hung up, and soon, Yang Mi received the address from the other party.

"It's okay, not too far..."

After looking at Xu Xin's address, she called Sun Ting:

"Hey, Tingting, come find me at home."

"Okay, sister."

At 5 o'clock in the evening, the rush hour has begun.

After settling the two children, the three of them drove to the address Zhang Ziyi mentioned.

There is nothing special for the couple to explain.

When away from home, the couple is actually no different from teammates who cooperate with each other.

If you say something wrong, I will be responsible for telling the truth. If I am impulsive, you will be responsible for stopping me.

Nothing more than that.

It is not yet known what kind of game tonight will be, but the two of them have only one purpose.

Pull Liang Bingning out and keep her away from this circle of right and wrong.

Even if she doesn't want to.

Because a very cruel fact is... Regardless of acting skills or fame, Liang Binning and Zhang Ziyi are simply incomparable.

That's a serious and ruthless person.

He took the grape skins spit out from Cheng Long's mouth, dated Huo Qishan for two years at the Monaco royal dinner, and became a member of Hong Kong's upper-class celebrities before escaping. Later, he broke into an arm-wrestling relationship with Deng Wendi, the wife of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, and was able to Capture Ivy Nevo, who is said to be worth a lot and is the largest shareholder of Yahoo...

Even if there is a beach scandal this year, there is no real ruthless person who has made any waves in the country.

What lies behind her has always been mysterious.

Even many people don't understand why she has such a high status in the West.

Being able to use "International" as a nickname, frequently attending celebrity dinner parties, and making friends with various world celebrities...

All of these are incomparable to Liang Bingning.

Zhao Xinyu can fight with Zhang Ziyi, Xu Xinxin.

Moreover, he believed that if the two of them really had a head-to-head confrontation, Zhang Ziyi would definitely lose.

Don't worry about who is behind Zhang Ziyi, it's useless.

She must lose.

But the question is...what does Liang Binning have?

She has nothing.

Fame and status are too illusory for Zhao Xinyu's position.

If he goes by his guess, then Liang Binning must be the fish in the pond that will be affected.

But today he got something from Zhao Xinyu that was inconvenient to ask... The previous attitude of sitting on the sidelines was no longer possible.

God knows what the relationship between the old man and her is.

Maybe when this matter is over, he will ask the old man and tell him about it by the way.

By the way, let’s take a look at the old man’s attitude.

But now... people have to be pulled out.

"AQUA...VITAE~water of life?"

At the door of the winery, after the three of them got out of the car, Yang Mi looked at the front door, which had the style of a foreign winery, and whispered.


Xu Xin asked.

Yang Mi shook her head:

"This string of English words seems to mean water of life."


He straightened his clothes without any interest and stretched out his hand:

"Let's go."


At the same time, the two people wearing black woolen coats held hands and walked up the steps step by step and walked into the winery.

After reporting the room number, the waiter led the three people to the door of a private room in this rather small winery.

After opening the door, Xu Xin heard bursts of laughter and some very light tobacco smell.

Turning around, he saw a few people sitting on a row of green leather sofas in the imitation wooden house building with a deer head model hanging on it.

Zhang Ziyi, Liang Binning, Zhao Wei with a bulging belly, an unknown but familiar woman, an unknown man with a high hairline...

Not counting the three of us, there were six people in total.

They seemed to have been chatting for a while, and there were glasses of red wine on the table in front of the sofa.

Seeing Yang Mi, Xu Xin, and Sun Ting come in, Zhang Ziyi and Liang Binning stood up first.


Liang Binning shouted, and Zhang Ziyi came over with a smile.

As he walked, he opened his arms.

It seems that she wants to hug Yang Mi.

That look was so kissable.

After Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, a smile appeared on her face and she stepped forward:

"Sister Zhang, sister Bingbing."

Yes, the names have been changed.

"I'm sorry, we were late. We were mainly coaxing the children and were stuck in traffic, so it took us some time."

Yang Mi apologized and hugged Zhang Ziyi, who was blushing.

"It's fine."

After the two of them hugged, Zhang Ziyi looked at Xu Xin:

"Director Xu, hello."

Xu Xin smiled politely and nodded:

"Hello, Sister Zhang."

"You're the last to come. You'll have to drink more later."


Xu Xin agreed happily.

Just red wine.

After drinking too much of this thing, it would make him feel sour even when walking around.

Nothing matters.

After Zhang Ziyi said hello to her, she said to Yang Mi:

"Mimi, I have arranged for everyone's assistants to be next door."

"...Tingting, go next door. See you later."

Hearing this, Sun Ting nodded:

"Okay sister."

With that said, Sun Ting walked out.

After she left and closed the door, Zhang Ziyi smiled and said:

"Come, let me introduce you two to each other."

Xu Xin and Yang Mi walked to these people with polite and polite smiles on their faces.

Let’s not mention the people Xu Xin recognized just now, let’s just talk about the few people he didn’t recognize.

When he heard the name "Wang Ke", Xu Xin vaguely felt that he had heard of this person somewhere.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

When the "Huang Youlong" was introduced, Xu Xin thought about it belatedly.

When I was chatting with my wife there a few months ago, my wife mentioned that Zhao Wei was dating a Singaporean businessman, and his name seemed to be this.

Judging from the intimate behavior of the two, it seems that they are really a couple.

As for the woman who looked familiar to Xu Xin, it turned out that she was also an actor named Liu Tao.

Zhang Ziyi, Liang Binning, Zhao Wei, Huang Youlong, Liu Tao and Wang Ke.

Counting myself and my wife, there were eight people in total.

Play mahjong?

Two tables?

With doubts, he took the wine glass from Liang Binning.

Yang Mi didn't drink. After all, she was breastfeeding, so she held a glass of water and stood with Xu Xin politely:

"We're late, so I'll punish myself with a drink. Please forgive me."

Xu Xin, a newly minted double-actor who has a background as a coal boss and whose two films have grossed 500 million at the box office but is unusually low-key, raised the glass together.

And everyone was very polite.

He held up the glass and sipped some wine more or less.

Then when they saw that people were almost here, Zhang Ziyi took the cup and said:

"Then let's take a seat and start serving food."

Even her boss spoke up, and the others didn't have any objections.

Everyone found a seat in front of the long, Western-style table.

Yang Mi also gradually realized that tonight's game seemed to be interesting, so she pulled Xu Xin to sit at the end of the long table in a low-key manner.

"Mimi, Director Xu, would you like to sit over here? Don't sit so far away."

Zhang Ziyi said, and asked the two of them to sit down on her left side.

Yang Mi's eyes moved.

To be honest... the people at this table are definitely not talking about who sits in the front and who sits in the back, right?

It should be about some strength.

But in a place of strength, let yourself and your husband be next to her?

Just sit next to her?

This is interesting.

But then I thought...could it be my father-in-law?

Regardless of what Zhao Xinyu is doing with Zhang Ziyi now, she should have been a frequent visitor to Chang'an Club before.

Did the father-in-law also have dealings with her?

So, she smiled and waved her hands:

"Sister Zhang, please don't flatter us two. We are the youngest, so we can just be transparent."

"Oh, it's okay. We haven't seen each other for several years, why don't we get close to each other? Come on, come on, you two sit here."

When Zhang Ziyi said these words, the two of them had no choice.

As a result, to the left of Zhang Ziyi, the main seat, the two people became important guests.

The others continued to row down, sitting on both sides.

Xu Xin, who was sitting down, wanted to know what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd.

Moreover, so many people were called over to talk about something... wasn't she afraid that some of them were some kind of rabble?

Xu Xin kept muttering in his heart.

After sitting down, Zhang Ziyi smiled and said:

"I called you two this afternoon. I hung up first and then stopped answering. I thought you two had some objections to me."

"No way."

Yang Mi smiled and shook her head:

"We did have something to do in the afternoon. We were busy at that time, so we didn't have time. I muted the phone."

"That's it... Hey, Mimi, Xu Xin, have you two joined any department such as the Artists Association?"

"Um, no."

Yang Mi shook her head:

"I haven't added anything. I think these things are too cumbersome and I have never been interested."

"That's it..."

Zhang Ziyi didn't say much.

She seemed to know how to chat in this very Western setting.

So after asking Yang Mi this question, she and Zhao Wei talked about "Painted Skin" over there.

Then there was the question of whether Liu Tao would consider making a comeback after his marriage... and then there was the question of Liang Binning being so tired this year, next year will definitely be a blowout year or something.

It's a party.

Just pick up and chat comfortably while everyone listens.

And no one was left behind.

Following her words, Xu Xin finally remembered who Liu Tao and her husband Wang Ke were.

"Four Young Masters in the Capital".

I didn't hear this title from Yang Mi, but from Big Lao Wang.

I especially remember that the old man was full of disdain and had forgotten his original words. But the general meaning is "What [beep] is the fourth young man in the capital? The three melons and two dates in his pocket are not enough to buy a pair of insoles, this kind of poverty [beep]"...

Anyway, both inside and outside the words are contemptuous.

There is no other way, Big Laowang cannot bear to see others having more money than him.

Since everyone is fighting for his father, let no one criticize anyone.

Talk about money.

At that time, he curiously asked who among the four young masters in the capital, and it seemed that there was such a one.

Then, it became clear to him.

The cash in this person's pocket is estimated to be less than 10 billion.


Dude, you are a bit poor.

Of course, thinking about it, he and Yang Mi still listened to everyone chatting there with smiles on their faces.

When asked about his topic, he would chat for a few words.

I didn't ask myself, just used it as a vase.

Make up your mind to talk less and eat more tonight.

After all, Zhang Ziyi said just now that the French cuisine in this winery is made by serious French chefs, not some Sichuan cuisine.

On the contrary, it was Yang Mi who started to use her social skills by saying something from time to time.

When the first dish came, everyone started to use their knives and forks.

The first course is fish.

Xu Xin ate it just so so, the main taste was quite bland.

However, the salad that comes with this dish tastes good, and it is quite enjoyable to eat with bread.

While eating, Zhang Ziyi took a sip of wine to clear her mouth and said;

"Mimi, Xu Xin, you two came late in the afternoon, and I have finished talking to them. Let me tell you two more... I plan to set up an actors industry union, and I don't know if you two are interested."



The couple said to each other...


But Yang Mi's first reaction after hearing this was: That's it?

Isn't the Screen Actors Guild...an official one?

Society of Motion Picture and Television Artists.

What's the use of this thing?

But Xu Xin's eyes narrowed.

Then, he used the action of tearing bread to cover up, and seemed to ask "casually":

"Trade union? What kind of nature? Our country seems to have one, right?"

When Zhang Ziyi heard this, before she could answer, Liang Binning next to him spoke first:

"No, it's an practitioners' union. It's similar to that in Hollywood, which integrates all actors, big or small, to carry out their acting careers under the premise of guarantees."


If these words came out of Zhang Ziyi's mouth, Xu Xin would not be surprised.

But when it came out of her mouth... it sounded a little different to Xu Xin.

He could hear the enthusiasm.

Obviously, Liang Binning seems to agree?

His heart sank.

After thinking for a while, he pretended to be ignorant and asked:

"Hollywood kind?"

Liang Binning nodded:


The two looked at each other.

And Xu Xin once again saw... something he hadn't seen from the other party for a long time, that thing called "ambition".

Obviously, she wanted this right.

I think it will be of great benefit to myself.

But I understand.

The Screen Actors Guild in Hollywood is indeed powerful, and everyone recognizes this.

If nothing else, let’s talk about the protection of low-level actors.

The simplest example.

Take "Wulin Gaiden" as an example.

"Wulin Gaiden" is so popular that there is no need to worry about selling it every year.

From this point, it can be said that Xu Xin has made a lot of money.

But what about actors? Whether it's Sha Yi or Yan Ni or those extras.

For them, Wulin Gaiden's fate with them has ended.

Once the movie is filmed and you get paid, the follow-up has nothing to do with you.

But Hollywood is different.

If "Wulin Gaiden" is released in Hollywood, the actors will get paid for every round of broadcast on every TV station.

The leading actors get paid according to the turn they play.

But those extras also have money.

Each time it's played, they can pass on their contribution to the episode...such as a line. A bit actor has a line in the episode, and every time the episode is aired and he speaks the line on the screen, there will be an income.

These revenues are directly linked to broadcast copyright fees.

Although it may be as little as possible, it may only cost about a hundred or ten yuan per playback. But he will never give a cent less to the actors.

Never take it all to yourself.

And how was this right obtained?

Answer: The trade union helped you fight for it.

You pay your dues and enjoy the rights of a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

Then there will naturally be labor unions to do these things for you and fight for your benefits.

Everyone benefits from each other.

As the leader of the union, while fighting for the interests of its members, it is also equivalent to holding the actors in their hands and becoming bargaining chips.

To put it bluntly, if you are asked to strike, you must strike. You have to do whatever you are told...

Because members also have to fulfill their obligations.

And the Chinese Actors Guild...

Well, I understand everything.

Although it is a bit extreme, domestically, this aspect is indeed blank.

At first glance, it seems promising.

But if someone asked Xu Xin privately, "Hey, how about we learn from Hollywood and form a labor union," Xu Xin would definitely sneer.

You just want to live a peaceful life, why don't you make yourself uncomfortable?

So what the capitalists create...can it be anything interesting?

Can it suit us?

What are you thinking about...

Has Zhang Ziyi lost her temper?

Who gave her the courage to do this?

Liang Jingru?

So swollen?

Or who gave her the bad idea? Make her feel that this is a prosperous road to continue upward?

Everyone is sitting in this position...can't tell what can be done and what can't be done?

No matter who you are connected to, you can't do this kind of thing.

Isn’t this a blind thought?

As for Zhang Ziyi, forget it.

Sister Bingbing, what do you think?

You don’t really think this can be done, do you?

Thinking of this, he slowly put his hand under the table.

Looks like he's thinking.

While thinking, look around.

Some people's eyes were bright, as if they were looking for a close friend.

Some people were peaceful and kept eating and drinking.

Looking around, he looked at Zhang Ziyi:

"It sounds pretty good. It must be a great achievement to be able to protect the rights and interests of the actors."

Zhang Ziyi's eyes lit up.

But immediately I heard Xu Xin say:

"It's a pity that we don't know much about these things and our qualifications are too low. We can only wait for Sister Zhang to finish it, and then we will come to join you... Well, this fish tastes good. I want to add another portion. , Haha!~"

Subtext: If you make it work, I will join in. If it doesn’t work, I won’t participate either.

Zhang Ziyi was not given a chance to express her "ideal" at all.

He rejected her in the most polite way and changed the subject.

The words fell.

Liang Binning frowned slightly, and was suddenly stunned when she was about to speak.

Because, a hand reached out from under the table, placed it on her leg wearing thick stockings and squeezed it.

Just pinch and leave.

No nostalgia at all.

But the meaning has already been laid out:

"Shut up."

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