I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 395 393 Xiaohong relies on luck, and Dahong relies on fate (23)

Chapter 395 393. Little red depends on luck, big red depends on fate (23)

Early the next morning, Xu Xin received a call from Zhao Benshan.

In his words, the Northeast King never mentioned what happened last night.

But the words were full of intimacy, saying that Xu Xin must call him when he goes to Northeast China.

Treat him to the highest standards.

Xu Xin's calves trembled after hearing this...

Xu Xin really noticed the old man's drinking behavior yesterday.

This is just Wuliangye to drink.

What if I drink the kind he talked about last night...the kind that is roasted in a loose pot with over sixty degrees...

The Northwest wolf must die at the hands of the Siberian tiger.


Northeast... I don't dare to go. I don't dare to go.

fear death.

Then he drove on to the audition.

After trying it all day, 30 children were finally selected.

The most important actor audition for "Jinling" is finally over.

The old man didn't let Xu Xin worry about the next few actors.

The mission of "Hawthorn Tree" has also been completed.

However... completion is completion, and Xu Xin is actually quite confused about the final candidate.

In the evening, he and Zhang Mo chatted until past 10 o'clock in the evening, and re-corrected some things on the location selection, service, and casting of "The Hawthorn Tree".

Zhang Mo started packing his luggage.

One is to continue to pick out scenery that Xu Xin is satisfied with, and the other is to take a secret trip to Wuxi.

And after she left, Liu Yifei came.


On Monday morning, Xu Xin looked at Liu Yifei coming in and said hello with a smile.

Liu Yifei nodded:

"Well, where's Mimi?"

"I took the kids for a walk. I'll be back in a while."

"Why go out when it's so cold?"

"Building up your body... You know the Russians let their children sleep outside for half an hour every day in winter when their children take a nap to strengthen their body. Gee, they are a fighting nation."


Liu Yifei's mouth twitched.

Xin said who did you listen to?

But she didn't correct it, it was just a trivial matter.

He walked to the tea table and sat down, took the cup from Xu Xin and asked:

"When does it begin?"

"Afternoon, I'll take you to meet that kid in the afternoon. He took a special day off and returned to Chongqing in the evening. During this afternoon, let's try on makeup and get acquainted with each other."


Liu Yifei nodded, then took out a diary from her bag:

"show you."


After Xu Xin took it, he turned to the first page:

"A summary of Jingqiu's characteristics..."


It seems that my sister's good habits have been passed on to another person.


Sure enough, Yang Mi.

Probably turned over.

Not bad, the content is about ten pages long.

Quite full of writing.

From Jingqiu's characteristics, to comparison with herself, to various ideas on how to find Jingqiu's... simplicity that uniquely belongs to that era.

You only need to take a look at the contents of this diary to know that the other party is careful.

Even though this role is not hers yet.

Just like what she once said to Yang Mi:

"Even if it's just an audition."

After reading it, he returned it to Liu Yifei:

"The main ideas are correct. The details lie in the different habits of each actor... But can you go back to the countryside?"

He was talking about the words "Go back to the countryside and observe" that Liu Yifei wrote in her notebook when she was talking about how to embody Jingqiu's simplicity reflected in her body language.

Liu Yifei nodded:

"Well, there are still people in my hometown."

Hearing this, Xu Xin stopped talking.


How an actor prepares for a role is his or her own business.

As a director, you only need the actors to meet their own requirements when you need to shoot the footage.

Even if the role isn't hers yet.

Then, the two changed the topic to the short film "Deal".

He also showed Liu Yifei the child named Wang Junkai.

After reading it, Yang Mi also came back.

Liu Yifei's attention was immediately grabbed by the two children.

Xu Xin also picked up her diary again and began to read it carefully.

In the afternoon, Shuangwei Entertainment.

Xu Xin also saw this little boy named Wang Junkai for the first time.

He just stood timidly next to his mother, looking up at himself, Yang Mi and Liu Yifei.

And his mother is kind of... how should I put it?

Just like ordinary people who want to please someone when they see some big shot, they don't dare. But doing nothing feels a little uneasy.

In the end, I could only bow to the three of them in Mandarin with a slight Sichuan and Chongqing accent:

"Hello, Director Xu, hello..."

"Hey, you're welcome."

Xu Xin quickly bowed to return the salute, and then took the initiative to extend his hand.

"Hello, I am director Xu Xin."

It seems that he did not expect that this great director would be so easy to talk to. Gong Shenghong was stunned for a moment, and then held Xu Xin's hand with both hands.

Looks very humble.

Seeing this, Xu Xin also put his left hand on the back of the other person's hand, and then Gong Shenghong said:

"I...I am Gong Shenghong, Kaikai's mother."

"Hey, thank you for your hard work."

Xu Xin smiled politely.

Then he turned around and shook hands with Wang Junkai's agent.

But Wang Junkai stayed by his mother's side and didn't say a word. He just remembered the first meeting between his mother and the "internationally renowned director" in his mother's words.

He felt...this director didn't seem to care about his mother very much like others...

All of a sudden, that uneasy feeling subsided a lot.

At this time, a very beautiful face appeared in front of Wang Junkai.

Yang Mi squatted in front of the timid little boy, smiled and stretched out her hand:

"Hello, Kaikai. Do you know me?"

In Wang Junkai's eyes, the sister Xuejian in the TV series "Sword and Sword III" that he likes to watch has a very gentle smile, just like a beam of light.

His face heated up unconsciously.

He lowered his head shyly.

"Yeah, you're still shy, hee hee."

Seeing the red-faced child, Yang Mi found it interesting, smiled and touched his head.

"Oh, that's so cute."

After Gong Shenghong heard this, a surprised smile appeared on her face, and she quickly said:

"Yang...Ms. Yang, my Kaikai works very hard. He can sing and dance..."


Yang Mi smiled and nodded:

"It's a sight to behold."

Hearing her compliment, the joyful smile on Gong Shenghong's face was even more overjoyed.

At this time, Xu Xin said:

"Let's go in and talk."

He pointed to the reception room and said.

Then, Yang Mi shouted:

"Make some cups of tea."

After the group entered the reception room together, Sun Ting, who followed behind, began to arrange the makeup audition process.

While waiting, Xu Xin began to understand the child's situation.

In fact, it is mainly an academic issue.

"Sister Gong, let me tell you first, the shooting plan is like this. Every Saturday and Sunday... It is expected to be completed in two weekends at most. You are in Chongqing now, right?"


Gong Shenghong turned to look at Wang Junkai's agent, and then said:

"Yes...yes. The company said that they are going to create a combination, and they will come here often..."

Upon hearing this, the agent next to him quickly added:

"Director Xu, it's like this. In our era, Junfeng planned to form a youth group and recruited thirty or forty children to be trainees..."


Xu Xin nodded and did not let him continue. Instead, he turned to look at Gong Shenghong and said:

"So that's it, as long as it doesn't delay your academic performance."

The agent was stunned...

And Yang Mi also smiled and said:

"Trainers have a hard time, are you afraid?"

She asked Wang Junkai.

Then the child pursed his lips and shook his head firmly:

"Not afraid."

"Well, that's great~"

After Yang Mi praised her, Sun Ting opened the door and said:

"Brother Xu, the makeup artist is ready."


Xu Xin responded, turned to Liu Yifei and said:

"Then you two go?"


Liu Yifei nodded, smiled and extended her hand to Wang Junkai:

"let's go?"

Wang Junkai glanced at his mother again, and then bowed politely to Liu Yifei:

"Please give me your advice."

The little grown-up appearance and the overly deliberate etiquette actually didn't go well with him.

Liu Yifei was speechless and smiled helplessly:

"Okay, let's go."

The two of them went out together.

After both of them left, Wang Junkai's agent began to promote the business:

"Director Xu, our company has many children with great potential. Whether it is singing, dancing or acting training, we are also doing it..."

"Yeah, let's have a chance to work together."

Xu Xin responded casually.

But Yang Mi heard his perfunctory tone, so she took over the topic with a smile and started chatting with her agent.

After chatting for about 20 minutes, Wang Junkai walked in first, followed by the stylist.

Liu Yifei is still putting on makeup.


When he came in, he was wearing a very common primary school uniform, with a red scarf on his chest and a schoolbag on his back. He felt like a primary school student.

Xu Xin squinted and looked carefully:

"His hair. You want the kind of... that stage when you know that the flat hair has grown and it's time to cut it? This kind of bob hair is too fashionable, it's not acceptable. The kind of flat hair, the kind of natural hair that the child wakes up without washing his hair. The feeling of falling asleep."


The stylist nodded and said to Wang Junkai:

"Then let's go get a haircut?"


This time, Wang Junkai hesitated.

Unconsciously, my eyes for help fell on my mother.

Gong Shenghong and her agent were also in a dilemma...

This child's bob haircut was specially designed to fit the company's image.

But now Director Xu actually wants to move...

Although it is normal for actors to change their costumes according to the director's requirements, but... at least at this moment, it can be seen that both of them are somewhat reluctant.

After thinking about it, Wang Junkai’s agent said:

"Director Xu, doesn't this hairstyle work?"

"No, it is impossible for a child raised by his grandmother to have such a popular hairstyle. The simpler his style, the better."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Yang Mize suddenly spoke:

"You do not want it?"

She said this to Wang Junkai.

But after hearing this, the manager thought Yang Mi was angry and quickly shook his head:

"No, no, don't get me wrong..."

"I didn't ask you, I asked him."

Yang Mi glanced at him and told him to shut up, then looked at Wang Junkai with a smile and asked:

"Don't you want to cut your hair?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Junkai did not answer directly, but asked uneasily:

"Can...can you not cut it?"


Yang Mi looked like she was looking up, pouting and thinking, and then shook her head:

"No, do you know why?"

The boy shook his head silently.

Seeing this, Yang Mi smiled and explained:

"Because you are an actor. You are an actor, and I am also an actor, aunt. Do you know what the most important trait of an actor is?"

Wang Junkai still shook his head.

"The most important characteristic of an actor is to satisfy the director's artistic image... You may not understand this. To put it simply, actors have to satisfy the director's needs. Whatever the director wants us to become, we It will become whatever it is. Do you know what respect is?"

Yang Mi's words were actually a little difficult for Wang Junkai to understand.

But she explained to him in as straightforward language as possible:

"We must respect the roles we play. Because this is the most basic requirement for actors to act. Just like you must wear a school uniform when you go to school... Only by adhering to this principle is the foundation for becoming a good actor. Tell Auntie, Do you want to be an actor?"


After hearing the boy's answer, Yang Mi asked with a smile:

"Then what kind of actor do you want to be?"


After another period of silence, the boy gave a very frank answer:

"Be a profitable actor..."

After hearing this answer, Gong Shenghong and her agent were a little anxious...

Obviously, the standard answer at this time should be the so-called "dedication to art" and other great things.

He answered wrongly.

But Yang Mi nodded with a smile:

"Well, if you want to make a lot of money, you must first be a good actor in order to make a lot of money. If you are not a good actor, you won't make much money. So you see, becoming a good actor is the most basic thing. Request, right?”

Don't tell me, she really has a way of coaxing children.

In a few words, Wang Junkai understood what he wanted to do through these simple words.

So, he turned to look at the stylist:

"Teacher, let's go get a haircut."


The stylist nodded and led him out.

Gong Shenghong and her manager were stunned for a moment.

Xu Xin was also a little surprised.

This skill of coaxing children...


And the principles are also correct.

Children are actually easily led astray.

No matter how upright a brokerage company packages itself, the profit-seeking nature of businessmen is always there.

Although in front of others, Xu Xin would not tell Gong Shenghong how unreliable the so-called "trainee" assessment system that he learned from South Korea was.

That's killing people's jobs.

He won't do this.

But it is indeed the case.

In recent years, the so-called "Korean Wave" has hit the mainland.

There are posters all over the streets for groups like TVXQ and SUPER JUNIOR.

As a friend of Jay Chou, the anti-Korean pioneer, it is inevitable that everyone will talk about this when they get together.

Several people's definitions are simple.

When things in the entertainment industry can be mass-produced, then these so-called boy groups and girl groups will no longer be just talented singers and movie stars who show off their singing voices.

But a commodity.

Just a commodity from one generation to the next.

Everyone thinks that if you enter the entertainment industry, you will be successful and have more money than you can spend.

In fact...it is indeed the case.

People who can stand out in the entertainment industry may not be rich, but at least they can make money much easier than ordinary people.

Sell ​​your face, sell your voice, sell your body...

That's all money.

But some ordinary people who cherish celebrities can only see this.

But one cannot see how many people’s wasted dreams are buried under that seemingly glorious soil.

And now the method chosen by this company called...Era is actually to turn children into commodities.


It's nothing more than merchandise on the shelves.

Not to brag, out of 100 trainees, I would be grateful if only 5 of them could succeed.

Although the "why can't it be me" argument makes sense, I am afraid that some people are eager for quick success and will not care about anything for money.

Therefore, he agreed with Yang Mi's point of view.

I don’t ask this child to be smart, I just ask him to remember what his wife said today.

If he really wants to take this path...then no matter whether the years are wasted or he becomes famous, his acting skills are not there, as long as the original intention of being a good actor is still there, then no one knows how high his upper limit can go, but the lower limit is very low. solid.

That's it.

Come on, little one.

Be a good actor.

Who has seen the prostitute Liu Yifei?

Anyway, Xu Xin saw it.

Leopard print leather jacket, lace top, leather skirt, stockings, boots...

And that smoky eye.

In addition, Xu Xin named it and was "carried forward" by Yang Mi within the company - the scumbag girl Da Lang.

Not to mention Xu Xin in the reception room, many of the employees working outside were stunned by her look.

Be obedient...

This look... You can tell at a glance that he is an absolute practitioner of the special industry and has not run away!

Good guy...

"Sisters, let me tell you... I really have a new impression of you."

Yang Mi looked straight at the woman with a dusty look on her face and murmured:

"If you put this in a nightclub... you are a model worth at least 800 yuan. The number one card! If you get another red card... say less than 1,500 yuan!"




Including Xu Xin, everyone in the room stared at this sister...

"You...know a lot!"

He couldn't help but complain.

And Liu Yifei's face turned red.

What do you think this is called?

How come she even knows the difference between red and green cards so clearly! ?

What are you doing!

What are you and Xu Xin doing privately every day?

There's something wrong with you two...

However, you have to admit it.

Yang Mi's words are correct.

Indeed... I think this outfit is worth the price of one thousand and fifty.

In one afternoon, she and Wang Junkai completed all their makeup.

Then Gong Shenghong and Wang Junkai hurried back to Chongqing.

Before leaving, Xu Xin asked mother and son how to get back, and learned that they would take a train...

In fact, this is normal.

How expensive is it to fly?

This time the salary for the short film was only 7,000 yuan.

If they take the train, a round trip for mother and son only costs 1,000 yuan.

But if you take a plane at least one trip costs two to three thousand.

In "Transaction", this is the reason why Xu Xin and Lu Yang said they were looking for children near Yanjing.

This has nothing to do with whether he has money or not. The main reason is that although the short film "Deal" is currently launched by Shuangwei, its actual purpose is to serve as the opening film for the college student video festival.

They paid for the filming.

Including Xu Xin's 20,000 yuan remuneration, a total of 120,000 yuan was given.

This is the entire budget.

It's already very cheap in itself.

You know, if you really want Xu Xin to make a movie now, the lowest price would have to be a salary of 1 million+ plus a 2% to 5% box office share.

Therefore, Xu Xin really gave him face for the price of the opening film of the College Student Video Festival.

What's more, Liu Yifei still got zero pay for her role.

Otherwise, the 120,000 yuan may not even be enough to cover the actors' salary.

The actors Shuangwei found had no intention of reimbursing travel expenses from the beginning.

Since Lu Yang is looking for local actors, what travel expenses will he be reimbursed for?

One yuan for the bus and two yuan for the subway?

So it was all calculated into the remuneration.

And this child Wang Junkai was brought from Chongqing by the great leaders of the times.

It doesn’t matter where the person comes from. What’s important is that the crew’s requirements are local children from Yanjing.

Even if you come from Antarctica, you will not be reimbursed for the round trip expenses.

Actors come to act, get paid and leave. How you get home is your own business.

But when I heard that the mother and son were arranged by the company to take the train back... Xu Xin didn't intend to ask more questions at first.

But after thinking about it after getting in the car, he suddenly asked Sun Ting:

"Tingting, how long does it take to take the train from Yanjing to Chongqing?"

"Uh... let me ask?"


Sun Ting, who was driving, quickly dialed a number. After asking a few questions, she hung up the phone:

"Brother Xu, I asked. The fastest direct train from Yanjing to Chongqing is the Z-prefixed train. There is one train at 6:03 pm and it will arrive in Chongqing at 4:40 pm tomorrow. The others are all transfers from Chengdu. Slower than this class.”

"...tomorrow at 4:40? In the afternoon?"

Xu Xin was stunned.



For a moment, Xu Xin was speechless.

Today is Monday, and the child has missed a day of classes. As a result, if he goes back tonight, he will have to stay in the car for a day tomorrow.

Classes will resume normally on Wednesday.

And if we follow this rhythm... the shooting day is on Saturday.

They might have to leave on Thursday night, then arrive in Yanjing on Friday night, shoot on Saturday and Sunday... go back on Monday... and delay it for a few more days...

Doesn't this delay the children's class?

Just as she was about to speak, Yang Mi said:

"Let's book a plane ticket. The company will pay for it, so we'll book it for tonight. No matter what, we can't delay the child's studies."

Obviously, she and Xu Xin wanted to go together.

In other words, she had already guessed the meaning from her husband's words.

Sun Ting nodded:

"Okay, will the salary not be moved?"

"Well, it's still seven thousand. Just treat it as a good deed... But if this happens again in the future... ask clearly in advance. These small brokerage companies are more competitive than each other. There is no reason for us to keep bearing this money. This time, it will not be the same next time. "


Sun Ting hurriedly drove and made phone calls to make arrangements.

Xu Xin, who was sitting in the back row, leaned on his chair and sighed:

"Sigh... If I were like you, I would start out as a child star and look for opportunities. Whether I am popular or not depends on my luck. I have to be a trainee... just like a product on the shelf. It's okay to survive... If you can’t survive it…”

"It depends on fate."

Yang Mi shrugged:

"Am I right?"


Xu Xin nodded.


Xiaohong looks at luck.

Dahong...it really depends on your fate.

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