I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 424 422 A brand new road

Chapter 424 422. A brand new road

Ren Changzhen, Yan Dazhong, Zhang Minghuan, Yang Xiaoqing

These are the four directors who won the bid for the "Bite of Tongue" directing team.

Xu Xin didn't have much to say about the director's bidding, because the system adopted for the entire project was a "project system." If you really want to talk about it, CCTV still controls the program, so the team is naturally selected by CCTV.

Xu Xin did not argue too much with Luo Ming about this matter of the right to speak.

He is relatively able to figure out his position.

In terms of affiliation in this matter, CCTV is naturally the boss.

In fact, there is no need to specifically clarify this point of view here. If any individual director or crew cooperates with CCTV, then they must be the boss.

You must admit that no matter what CCTV does, it has an unparalleled advantage over any local TV station or capital power.

Across the country, there are too many outstanding talents attached to them.

But that doesn’t mean that he, as a director, has no rights.

If the program is really successful, then the credit must be shared equally between the director and CCTV.

And being able to "share evenly" with CCTV is already amazing.

As for Xu Xin, he actually put forward two requirements for the selection of the director team.

First, the team must have strong local experience.

This requirement to focus on things made Luo Ming and the others focus almost entirely on local-related programs.

Even the directors who have worked with CCTV 7 are the focus of inspection.

No, Ren Changzhen is the backbone of the editing and directing of seven "People" documentaries. Before resigning in 2005, he had been the executive director of "Long Live Life" and "Keep the Craft" under the variety documentary "People".

He has very rich experience in rural work.

After leaving his job, he has been working in the documentary field, cooperating with local stations, focusing on the regional culture of various provinces and cities.

It is the best choice for the team.

Yan Dazhong, who was also the director of "People", left the company together with Ren Changzhen. They are golden partners who have worked together for many years.

Xu Xin didn't ask why these two people left their jobs in the first place...

In fact, if you think about it, you can tell to some extent that as golden partners, the two have already become executive directors of large-scale documentaries. Their future is not bright.

But he resigned...

There is more or less something going on here.

But he didn't ask.

The following Zhang Minghuan and Yang Xiaoqing also have rich resumes.

After reading the resumes of the four directors, Xu Xin felt relieved.

And his second request was to bring Fang Xiu over.

Because Luo Ming spilled the beans at the first meeting.

At first glance, this program appears to be the "Charm Record" column, but in fact, the "Charm Record" group will set up a brand new channel in October this year.

CCTV - documentary channel.

And this group of people are the backbone of the channel.

Fang Xiu himself was in CCTV, and Xu Xin felt that a brand new channel would have a better future.

Lao Fang has enough academic qualifications and is even preparing to take the PhD exam.

In a brand new channel, and there is a national support plan to support the cause, it will definitely be better than the original plan.

Regarding this request, Luo Ming "didn't take it seriously" at all.

Because it's too simple.

With just one transfer, Fang Xiu had already joined the team of "Charming Records".

At the same time, he will also serve as the photographer of the photography team of "The Tip of the Tongue".

Director Xu's old classmate.

It must be taken care of.

And the content I will meet with you today is relatively simple.

Even following the same pattern, Xu Xin re-narrated the overall concept of "The Tip of the Tongue" in front of several directors.

Then start the preliminary project planning work.

But there was an episode in the middle.

It made him understand the somewhat upright character of Ren Changzhen, the director he valued most.

Chen Xiaoqing, director of the project planning department under "Charming Record", made a suggestion regarding the overall project plan for "Bite of Tongue".

"Can we take advantage of the celebrity effect? ​​Invite some celebrities to promote the delicacies of their respective hometowns? For example, when we go to the Northeast, we invite Shen Xiaoyang. For example, for the canteen culture of those foreign Internet companies that is very popular now, we can also invite Zhan Chaoyang and Ding People like Sanshi... can still get a lot of sponsorship..."

This is purely advice.

After all, it is an indisputable fact that the project funds for "The Tip of the Tongue" are tight.

Of the five documentaries it piloted, it alone ate up 5 million. As a person in the project planning department, he is under a lot of pressure.

The other four projects share 10 million equally...it seems impossible even if I think about it.

The documentaries that can be shortlisted are all documentaries approved by CCTV. Which one to cut...it is difficult to explain in all aspects.

He could only find another way to think about how to solve the funding problem.

What's more... these things don't take up much time. If more money is given, the funding for "Tiangue" will be much looser, and the pressure on him will be much less.

It's a "win-win" situation.

Xu Xin can understand his mentality very well.

But Ren Changzhen seemed to have touched some... taboos, and directly raised objections at the meeting:

"No! If you want to shoot like this, I will never do it! I will never shoot celebrities!"

The response was beyond many people's expectations.

But what she said was actually very confident.

She is a freelance director and was shortlisted for the job this time.

The worst case scenario is not to do it anymore.

Nothing is lost.

She has come out of the CCTV system and has a very strong backbone.

But Chen Xiaoqing’s face became a little uneasy:

"What's wrong with celebrities? Celebrities plus food get more ratings. Don't you like Shen Xiaoyang?"

"I have no problem with Shen Xiaoyang. As the son of a Northeasterner, there is no problem with him appearing in my film. But if he appears in my film as a celebrity, I can't accept it!"

The two suddenly "conflicted" at the meeting.

And just after she finished speaking, the smell of gunpowder suddenly arose, Xu Xin waved his hand:

"Director Ren, please don't be so excited. You don't understand what Director Chen means."

He suppressed Ren Changzhen's sharp-edged anger.

Then he turned to look at Chen Xiaoqing:

"Director Chen, I understand what you mean, but in this film we explore the cultural roots of our nation through "eating". Inviting celebrities is a bit narrow-minded. What we want is not to promote whose birthplace has delicious food, but Through different food diversity, we can see a colorful film that highlights our spiritual core through food culture. Director Luo, are you right?"

After Luo Ming's eyes met with his, he understood the meaning and nodded:

"That's right. Lao Chen is actually worried that our funds are tight and it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice."

"I understand Director Chen's concerns about our program team."

Xu Xin smiled and said:

"But it doesn't matter if you are poorer or more miserable. The big idea of ​​the show cannot be changed. It is to explore our "roots" through food. If this idea is gone, no matter how much money you have, the pot of soup will have changed." smell……

Therefore, Director Chen, you should work harder and withstand this pressure. No matter who says you are partial, you have to bite the bullet!

If nothing else is mentioned, just look at Director Ren’s serious attitude. When our film comes out, it will definitely be no worse than any documentary! Director Ren's attitude is also the truest expectation of all of us sitting at this table today, don't you think so? "

He and Luo Ming cooperated and redirected all their anger towards the original intention of "for the good of the show".

Chen Xiaoqing's face looked good.

Ren Changzhen's fried chicken-like attitude also softened.

At the same time, the eyes of a group of people listening fell on the director who was in his early twenties before them... Only then did they get a taste of it...


Not to mention anything else, this and Xini can make both of them feel comfortable...

Although this is just the tip of the iceberg of the ability to coordinate relationships, is it possible that the "art" of leading this conversation is really just a young man in his early twenties?

Tsk tsk...it’s really not that simple!

But Fang Xiu, who was listening in, felt the same as Ming Jing.

It’s just Lao Xu’s basic operations.

When he was at the Olympics, as a follow-up photographer, he had seen with his own eyes how Old Xu was able to keep tens of thousands of people up and down in an orderly manner.

Even to put it ugly.

People in the Olympic Games may not know Director Zhang, but no one does not know "Director Xu".

If something goes wrong, go to Director Xu.

No matter what the problem is, it has become a common understanding of almost everyone to find Director Xu to solve it.

Tens of thousands of people can live on equal terms, let alone these two people...

Tsk tsk...

Lao Xu.


"You said you...why did you lose your temper so quickly during the meeting?"

In the parking lot, Yan Dazhong said to Ren Changzhen speechlessly.

The two have been partners for many years.

She has been a confidante for many years.

He is very clear about Ren Changzhen's temper.

Four words: I would rather break than surrender.

If it weren't for this temper, she wouldn't have given up on CCTV's promising future and become a freelance director.

Ren Changzhen never concealed anything from Yan Dazhong. After hearing this, she said directly:

"Why did we leave "People"? Isn't it because of these things? I really hate looking for celebrities. What's the use of celebrities? What we want to shoot is the real life of ordinary people! Reality, talent It’s the soul of the film! He said he wanted to invite celebrities when he came up, why?”


Yan Dazhong shook his head:

"You know that's not what I meant. After all, it's CCTV, so you have to restrain yourself. Look, I'm going to let someone help me today..."


Hearing this, Ren Changzhen also fell silent.

After walking a few steps, she said:

"It seems quite embarrassing...right?"

"No. I'm still a young man..."

"Oh, I was indeed impulsive. But when I heard that he wanted to invite celebrities... I couldn't hold back my anger! I saw this plan and I really liked it from the bottom of my heart, so I came here! It It gave me the feel of a BBC documentary!...But I'm really afraid that it will end up being filmed differently..."

Before Ren Changzhen finished speaking, suddenly, a voice sounded from behind:

"Director Ren, Director Yan!"

The two of them turned around and saw Xu Xin speeding towards this side of the building.

Although the two of them felt a little awkward about Xu Xin, the chief director, because of their age, what happened just now and the young man's brilliant resume, which could be called a genius, made them no longer look down upon him.

The chief director came looking for him, and the two of them quickly stood still:

"Director Xu."


Xu Xin nodded, came to the two of them, and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Thank you, Director Xu."

Yan Dazhong took it with a smile.

After seeing Xu Xin's lighter, he shook his head again:

"I can do it myself."


After a little push, Xu Xin helped him light a cigarette.

After lighting one himself, he said:

"For project planning, we need some gourmets from all over the world to serve as consultants. You two can mobilize your own connections..."

This was actually said at the meeting just now.

Not only the two of them, CCTV is also looking for them.

And Xu Xin just used this excuse to expand the topic.

However... his original intention was to make some promises to the two of them, so that they could work with confidence and boldly, and he would take care of it if anything happened... Although it was a bit exaggerated, that was the meaning.

As a director, he knows very well what "creative freedom" means.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, Ren Changzhen said:

"Director Xu, we really want to film the stories of ordinary people, right? It won't change, right?... I really think this project is very good! What we want to show you is the story of ordinary people through thousands of years. Changes in people’s dining tables to explore the roots of our culture..."

Xu Xin was stunned...

But he immediately showed a smile:

"Of course. Director Ren, what I want to say is actually this. All the scalable content in the project will not be separated from the plan in your hand that I spent several months writing myself."

The moment she heard this, Ren Changzhen showed a look of relief on her face:

"That's fine. I really resist taking photos of lofts in the sky that are out of touch with ordinary people..."

"I understand and can see it."

Xu Xin nodded:

"However, what I want to say is, Director Ren, you can tell me your thoughts about conflicts of ideas in the future. Everyone is doing this project for the best, but there are some things that it would be more convenient for me to communicate. Director Ren, Director Yan, including everyone in the team we will form in the future, everyone only needs to be responsible for one person, and that is me.

As for other things, you don’t need to worry about it, and you don’t need to worry about it. I'll handle it. I will give everyone the greatest degree of creative freedom, and finally, just give me your freedom. how? "


Ren Changzhen hasn't spoken yet, but Yan Dazhong nodded:

"Of course, we understand Director Xu's painstaking efforts... Then please take care of Director Xu in the future."

"Ha, that's as it should be."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

"From now on, we will all be brothers who stir the pot, so you don't need to be so polite. For the next work, I will write a direction plan tonight and send it to your email. Future internal discussions will be left to me. My wife’s company. After all, the environment there is more relaxed. Let’s meet there then?”

"Okay, Director Xu! ... I'm causing trouble for you today."

"Director Ren's words are too kind. You are the senior and the backbone. We can just cooperate with each other."

After conveying what he meant, Xu Xin chatted with the two of them for a while. After smoking a cigarette, he waved and left in the Volvo.

After the two of them politely watched Xu Xin leave...

"Do you understand?"


Ren Changzhen nodded:

"All matters that require communication in the future should be left to the chief director...tsk tsk...he is only 23, right?"

"It's 24."


After hearing this, Ren Changzhen was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly said:

"Why do I feel like my age has been wasted?"


Yan Dazhong chuckled:

"Do you think anyone can become the chief executive of the Olympic Games?"

"...Tsk, tsk. I don't know what he will be like in ten years."

Ren Changzhen's words did not receive an answer from Yan Dazhong.

Because he couldn't think of it either.

After all, no one knows what will happen in the future.

But one thing is certain... Director Xu, even at this age, is better than many directors...

Much more powerful.

The opening date of Beijing Film Academy this year is March 1st.

It happens to be Monday.

This holiday is considered a relatively long one, and Xu Xin has officially entered the second half of his junior year.

However, for him who has secured a graduate degree in advance, his undergraduate studies are almost over.

Actually speaking, it is quite difficult to get the school's postgraduate qualification.

Especially Beiying.

There are so many outstanding talents. If you want to obtain the qualifications for postgraduate research, you must be recognized as outstanding, both internally and externally.

And is Xu Xin’s resume good enough?

The answer is yes.

But he is not without his shortcomings.

In other words, the reason why he came to fight for this postgraduate qualification was because of a natural flaw of his.

Poor English……

If he were really allowed to take the exam, this subject alone would be enough to kill him.

So... just protect your research.

Comparing his "merit", even an English test cannot deny his excellence.

On the first day of school, he went directly to Yu Zhen's office and started to complete the procedures.

The normal stage should be to apply for postgraduate qualifications and submit them to the school for review. Then qualified students will take a re-examination. At the end of the re-examination, students who pass will receive a pending admission notice from the school.

And he came to Yu Zhen's office just to receive the admission notice.

He didn't even take the retest.

Because the re-examination took place on November 5 last year, and that day he happened to go to Shanghai to attend the first-month meeting of the World Expo.

After submitting the administrative explanation in advance, he, who had already been confirmed as a postgraduate student, did not show up for the re-examination at all. After he gave the transfer certificate in Shanghai, he was immediately OK. (Note 1)

When Xu Xin saw Teacher Yu again after an absence of several months, he found that she had gained some weight...

The face is a little rounder.

But he didn't dare to say anything.

I am afraid that Teacher Yu will use the pointer of love to let me see why the flowers are so red.

After signing a series of procedures, he will officially become a first-year student at the Beijing Film Academy Graduate School in September this year.

The mentor is also Yu Zhen.

As for herself, a student, Yu Zhen was not polite. After all the procedures were completed, she asked:

"When does "The Hawthorn Tree" start?"

"Filming will start one after another in late April. Mainly, some of the exterior scenes of this film require specific months. In April, we will rush to shoot some interior scenes. In May, we will start shooting intensively."

After hearing what Xu Xin said, Yu Zhen said directly:

"Will you help me take care of last year's graduate students then?"


"Yes. These students are pretty good, but they lack practical experience. If they are good, they will be arranged to join your crew and learn from them."


Xu Xin readily agreed.

It's just a matter of getting a few more hotel rooms, and in exchange for some free labor from various departments of the crew...what? Are you asking if you will be paid?

What an international joke.

Is it true that who in Director Xu’s crew can join as an intern if they want?

Not to mention anything else, once the news got out that his crew needed interns, the graduate students of film and television directors had to fight hard to get in.

Because this can not only improve your professional level, but also make a glorious mark on your resume.

"I once worked as an intern on the crew of "Hawthorn Tree Love" directed by Xu Xin" has much more ability than "I once worked as an intern on the crew of an advertising director".

What's more, if "Hawthorn Tree" is successful, the light of this resume will be even more dazzling.

In fact, Xu Xin and Teacher Yu can be considered mutually beneficial.

With Teacher Yu around, he was relieved of many academic troubles. For example, the English CET-4 and CET-6 for this postgraduate entrance examination, as well as postgraduate qualifications, etc.

Yu Zhen helped him operate it.

After joining Yu Zhen's team in the future, whether it is academic papers or other aspects, the path he takes will definitely not be too arduous.

Similarly, holding the card of Xu Xin in his hand, the title of "Mentor Yu Zhen" is also very unusual.

Under this kind of teacher-student inheritance, the comprehensive advantages of Yu Zhen as a teacher must be great. When graduate students choose a supervisor, they think about it. If they come from the teacher, they can have a connection with Director Xu, and their selection tendency will be aggravated.

Disciple is also a small faction leader.

It cannot be underestimated.

March 2nd.

Nominations for the 29th Academy Awards announced.

The most eye-catching one is last year's tribute film "October Siege", which was nominated for 15 nominations including Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best New Actor. A total of 19 people were nominated for this award, setting a record for the most nominations received by a film in the previous Academy Awards.

But it’s normal to think about it.

Hong Kong films have always been given priority in the choice of flavors at the Academy Awards.

The box office of "October Siege" last year was 290 million, although it was not as much as "The Wind"...

But their lineup is strong enough.

Almost all the familiar actors are in it.

So it's natural to receive so many nominations.

Compared with the multiple award nominations of "October Siege", "The Wind" seems much simpler.

There are a total of 5 award nominations.

"Best Picture", "Best Director", "Best Actress", "Best Asian Film" and "Best Costume Design".

This nomination is a certain amount of explosive news for mainland journalists.

After all, the Golden Horse Awards did not give Xu Xin a nomination for "Best Director", but the Academy Awards did.

And take a look at the shortlist, "October Siege", "Night and Fog in Tin Shui Wai", "Red Cliff 2", "Shinjuku Incident", and "The Overheard".

To be honest, among these movies, in terms of box office, only "Red Cliff 2" with 370 million is higher than "The Wind".

But similarly, in terms of the screening period, "Red Cliff 2" was released for 40 days, which is 40 million more.

What's more...how much was the investment in "Red Cliff"?

How much is "The Sound of the Wind"?

Not to mention several other movies.

"Eavesdropping" 90 million.

"Shinjuku Incident" was simply not released in the mainland.

The box office of "Tin Shui Wai" was only a pitiful 1.16 million, and it was a mess.

It doesn't even compare to "The Wind".

As for "components", in terms of achievements, after "The Wind" won Yang Mi a double Golden Film Award, "October Siege" had multiple nominations at the Golden Horse Awards, but the only one that won was the Best Film Award. modeling.

Moreover, the only other shortlisted awards it won were the Golden Statue and the Asian Film Festival.

Oh yes, there is also the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Award...

Everyone is the main theme, one won double gold, even counting Liang Bingning's triple gold for Best Actress, and the other only had Xiangjiang behind closed doors to enjoy the movie.

Logically speaking, it is actually clear who loses and who wins.

But the reason why the media thinks it's hot enough to speculate on is because... everyone wants to see if this Academy Awards is for their own benefit behind closed doors.

But anyone who is a little sober can actually tell it... Compared to a movie like "The Wind" about the hidden front, "October Siege" about Mr. Sun Yat-sen's return to China is a bit "bigger".

If "The Wind" can't be beaten, that's normal.

So the "Best Director" award for director Xu Xin seems quite mysterious.

Compared with the nomination of "Best Director", what attracts more attention is the "Best Actress"...

What a coincidence, Yang Mi and Liang Binning were nominated for the lead actress again.

But this time, they want to compete with Zhang Jingchu and Hui Yinghong from "The Demon" who are inextricably linked to a certain director at the West Film Studio. It is even rumored that they have been banned in the mainland and can only come to Hong Kong to work in the industry. , Zhao Wei in "Mulan", Shu Qi in "The Dragon and the Phoenix", and Wu Junru in "The Thief of Years".

Leaving aside who has the best chance of winning this time, there are still quite a lot of revelations about Yang Mi and Liang Binning.

If Yang Mi could win the award...

Good guy.

Three golden movie queens.

Zhou Xun won three gold medals for "Hollywood", "If Love" and "The Banquet". (Note 2)

Zhang Ziyi is the director of "Jasmine Blooms", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "2046".

There are currently only two three-time Best Actress in the country, and they all won it through different movie roles.

If Yang Mi wins the award, it will be equivalent to "Wind" killing everything!

Although I know...because of "October Siege" and other accidents, Yang Mi has little hope of winning the Academy Award...

But as soon as this gimmick appeared, the popularity of the news began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It shouldn't be that outrageous, right?

This is the first reaction of many people.

But the second reaction is: What if I win?

One movie, three gold medals?

Oh my god...

And compared to Yang Mi, Liang Binning's popularity is no worse.

"The Wind" got her a nomination for "Best Actress", but the same "October Siege" got her a nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

No matter which of these two awards it is, as long as Liang Binning can win it, there will only be one winner inside and outside the circle.

Not right either.

It should be two.

One is Liang Binning herself.

After she left Huayi, with these film and television works, she successfully established "Liang Binning Studio" in the entertainment industry.

And last year I heard that she worked 24/7.

There will be many movies released this year.

If this is the case... then her popularity may be much higher than that of all female stars.

This career has been so successful, and it has set an example for all actors.


In some people's minds, she is not the biggest winner.

The biggest winner should be Xiying Studio... That’s not right either.

It should be said that they are the old state-owned film studios that still exist in the world.

After Liang Binning left Huayi, what did she do when faced with limited resources?

She only did one thing, and that was to switch to Xiying Studio.

After becoming the deputy leader of the actor troupe, he received the support and endorsement of Xiying Studio!

She starred in "The Wind" and won the Golden Rooster Award.

Moreover, after having the support of "Xiying Studio", she began to travel across the Taiwan Strait and three places, whether it was Beijing or Hong Kong, etc., she began to cooperate!

And this sends a very strong signal to all those who are interested in breaking away from some big brokerage companies and working on their own.

Aren't you worried that after you go out and do it alone, you will be restricted by others and be restricted in every way?

It's very simple, follow me and join these state-owned factories.

With state-owned factories behind you, you can also develop your own business across circles.

Maybe it won't let you get film and television roles easily, but it can become your strongest backing when you are treated unfairly or when others want to bully you!

How you fight and how you break through is up to you.

If you want to become a capital, if you want to be a master, then risk your life!

What these state-owned factories can do is put you on the same level as everyone else!

Unless it is the kind of resource that is self-produced and sold, otherwise, you can compete with any private company or other people for all competitive resources!

Use your acting skills and your own appeal to win this victory!

And this is the foundation of the state-owned film studio!

Don't worry and fly, the state-owned film studio will provide you with a backup!

What's more... the benefits that Laoliuda can bring are far beyond these!

Through Liang Bingning, the energy of these film studios suddenly jumped into the horizons of all actors who were interested in starting their own business.

They don't lack acting skills or charisma. What they lack is nothing more than the dilemma that Liang Binning faced without capital support, which led to an imbalance in the competitive balance.

But now...

Looking at Liang Binning who also made a comeback through the movie "The Wind"...

A new path...

Appear in front of everyone!

(Note 1: I have never taken the postgraduate entrance examination. These are all the information I checked, including re-examination, exemption from CET-4 and CET-6, etc... If there are any mistakes, just take it as the nonsense of Xia Chong Yubing. After all, I am not that high. Educational qualifications, please understand.

Note 2: Because of "The Wind", "Li Mi's Conjecture" did not win the Golden Rooster, so I watched Zhou Gongzi's other films and assigned "The Night Banquet", which was nominated but did not win, to the Golden Rooster.

Note 3: The same is true for Zhang Ziyi. The arrangement is "2046". )

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