I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 427 425 Script

Chapter 427 425. Script

At almost 10 o'clock, Xu Xin returned to Dahu Mansion.

In fact, compared to Shijia Hutong, everything here at Dahu Mansion felt a little strange to him.

Mainly...how should I put it, this place is a bit far away.

It is quite different from Shijia Hutong, which is right next to the Forbidden City.

But Yang Mi is very happy because she likes taking her children for walks around Jingzang Lake.

The air in Yanjing is still a bit bad in winter, so it is definitely more relaxing here than in the city.

There are even quite a few people raising dogs here.

When the two properties developed by Wanda were first sold, their customers were younger people with golden collars and above.

The concept of rich people living in villas is still popular among middle-aged and successful people, while large flat-floor landscaped apartments such as Dahu Mansion are more suitable for the tastes of young people.

Young people pursue quality of life, and it is normal to have a cat and a dog.

The lawns and green trees here are a paradise for dogs to play.

Compared to the situation in Shijia Hutong where they were afraid of being hit by a car or scaring someone's children, Zaizai and Niuniu had more fun on the lawn here.

I can't say who is better or worse on either side, they both have their own merits.

The most important thing is that his car finally no longer needs to park on the curb.

"Dad is back..."


Although the two little guys who are almost half a year old are not yet able to move independently, they can already tell who is close to them. Seeing Xu Xin coming back from a business trip, Xu Xin's fatigue faded away with two cute smiling faces.

"By the way, the plane is coming down."

After seeing his wife, Xu Xin gave her a kiss and said.

Yang Mi was not surprised either.

Apparently she also knew the news:

"I helped you contact the route at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. You don't have to rush so much this time. I've asked everything clearly, and the license plate has been entered. You can drive directly to the T3 terminal tomorrow. After entering, you can take the commuter bus and get on the plane. "

He is going to Shanghai for a meeting next year.

May is the opening ceremony of the World Expo. At this stage, he has to run there often, two, three, three or five times a month is normal.


Already accustomed to his wife helping to arrange the itinerary, Xu Xin nodded, washed his hands, lay down on the crawling mat, and watched the two little guys not wanting to move.

Wife, children, hot bed.

The warmth and happiness of the family of four, and the smell of milk from the child, made him drowsily yawn.

"I'll put some water on you, go take a bath?"


"We can't be together, today is the first day."

When Xu Xin heard that she had come to see relatives, her face was filled with regret:

"Tsk tsk..."

"Okay... Oh yes, let me tell you something."

Yang Mi seemed to suddenly remember something and said:

"Uncle Lang called me at noon today."


Xu Xin was a little confused:

"Why did Uncle Lang call you?"

Lang Lang's father is an elder, so the two of them are definitely no strangers.

After all, we are such good friends.

But usually, the elders are the elders, and there is no "deep friendship".

"Is there anything I need to see you for?"

"Yes...it's still about MIUMIU."

"...Gong Xinliang?"


Yang Mi responded, with a strange expression on her face:

"We didn't talk about much, just...he asked me: Is Lang Lang dating a girlfriend? Who is she..."

"Did you say that?"

"I've said it. Although I don't understand it, Lao Lang is such a big man, why do you need to ask about a date? This is not puppy love in school. Parents are afraid of delaying their children's studies, but as a classmate and friend, you have to help hide it. Just for a moment. We are all adults, so it doesn’t matter if we talk about it, right?”

"Hmm. Then what?"

"Then he asked me about the situation... Actually, let me tell you, Uncle Lang should have figured it out already. Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked me: Mimi, has he found someone from the entertainment industry?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Yang Mi also looked a little strange.

After all, in a broad sense, the two of them are also people in the entertainment industry.

As soon as these words were spoken, it sounded like...the other party had some prejudice against people in the entertainment industry.

But...the two of them couldn't say anything.

Because long before everyone met, Lang Lang's father was famous for looking down on women in the entertainment industry.

The most famous among them is the scandal between Lao Lang and Liu Yifei.

Yes, you read it right, Lao Lang and Liu Yifei had a scandal.

There's actually nothing to say about this matter, and it's also an own mistake. At that time, Liu Yifei didn't know Lang Lang at all, and Lang Lang had little interaction with her.

The news specifically came from a gossip magazine. Liu Yifei was extremely popular at that time, and Lang Lang, as the first Chinese pianist to play in the White House, instantly jumped into everyone's attention from that year on.

Then there is the so-called rumor-mongering and clarifying the rhythm of running away.

Under the media's exaggeration, Lang Lang was madly pursuing Liu Yifei. Then the reporter who was not too concerned about the excitement went to ask Lang Guoren, and Lang Guoren responded as if he was joking: "We are artists and focus on spiritual enjoyment. It is not bad to find someone from the royal family. We have a very good relationship with Prince Charles." , but he has no daughter.”

This was originally a joke. Lang Guoren also knew that his son did not know Liu Yifei and did not like Liu Yifei.

But when you said this joke, it was in a joking tone, but when it was put in the reporter's newspaper, it was completely exaggerated into news that "the Lang Lang family looks down on the actor Liu Yifei."

The media wrote a lot about it, and Liu Yifei was angry when she found out.

I don’t know you, why are you belittling me?

So he said the words "In my opinion, there is no difference between playing the piano and playing cotton."

Then, the media went to find Lang Lang.

Lang Lang was also annoyed.

I don’t know you either, why do you look down on piano players?

So he said the sentence "I don't know Liu Yifei, not now, and never will in the future."

The bridges on both sides were closed.

But not very deep.

Last year everyone talked about it.

Originally, the media was the one instigating the conversation. We all spent a meal talking about the past, and with Xu Xin and Yang Mi here as peacemakers, playing the piano after a glass of wine was definitely different from playing cotton.

Liu Yifei definitely needs to be known.

That's it.

However, through this incident, it became clear that Lang Guoren did not like people in the entertainment industry.

So now when hearing Lang Guoren's words, Xu Xin was speechless and Yang Mi was speechless as well.

But for Dad Lang, it’s true that he clearly loves and hates, and it’s also true that he doesn’t have any evil intentions.

He is also the father of a good friend, so naturally it is impossible to care about him.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Then what?"

"Then I said, what can I do? I must say the best for that girl. I said, uncle, this girl is not from the entertainment industry in the pure sense. She studied finance at Tsinghua University and was accidentally directed by I fancy it, and I came here just for fun in the entertainment industry. I have a serious job..."

"...Are you lying?"

"Otherwise? How about you handle it?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin laughed sarcastically:

"As if I didn't say...then what?"

"Then Uncle Lang told me: Mimi, you have to help Lang Lang. He is honest, and there are always people around him who want to cling to power... Anyway, he said a lot, with hidden meanings, and asked me to help him deal with it. For a moment...what can I do, brother! How can I separate the two of them?"


Under Xu Xin's speechless gaze, Yang Mi resisted:

"I just responded with a haha... Then I turned around and called Lao Lang. Guess what!?"


The tone of his wife's last sentence made Xu Xin feel possessed by Brother Qian'er in a trance, and he continued:


"Lao Lang really spent a lot of money on this girl..."

"……What's the meaning?"

"Do you know where they are?"


"……How do you know it?"

"Nonsense, we have a group. We were chatting two days ago...Wanwan also went to the United States to shoot the MV and work on "The Green Hornet". The filming of "Pandaren" will be stopped for a week. But on the 15th, I will be in Wanwan It has been released over there, and Yang Junrong is in Guangzhou these days negotiating the broadcasting rights of local stations..."


Yang Mi was obviously speechless.

She did not join the QQ group of her husband and his friends.

She understands propriety, and the things that men sometimes talk about are really not convenient for girls to read. But that didn't stop her from simply scrolling through the chat history in the group while her husband was hanging up.

Anyway, Wang Sicong is quite dirty.

There are so many URLs...

However, she did not hesitate and continued to ask:

"Then do you know why the two of you went to the United States?"

"I went to make music."

"What kind of music are you making?"

"How do I know? I don't understand."

Looking at her husband who looked silly and sweet, Yang Mi sighed silently:

"Alas... Brother, Lao Lang is going to produce a single for her! Do you know? I only asked in the afternoon. He found a musician in the United States to produce a single for her and release an album... and then you know How big will the single be this time?”

"How...how big is it?"

"Madonna has agreed to appear in the MV and be a backup dancer for MIUMIU."


Xu Xin was stunned by these words:

"Madonna...is that Madonna?"

Others don't understand this, but Yang Mi does.

So, her answer was:

"That's right, the Madonna who squeezed Rodman into a soft-footed shrimp."

You said that your husband must have never heard of Madonna’s songs.

Even what Madonna looked like...he might not even recognize her even if she stood in front of him.

But you want to talk about something about the NBA...

He must know.

So... after confirming that this "Madonna" was Rodman's Madonna, Xu Xin took a deep breath:

"Hi~~~~~She is a queen!"

"Nonsense, big insects won't kill unknown people!"


Looking at Xu Xin's speechless look, Yang Mi shrugged:

"Now it seems that you, Wheel, and Big Laowang have turned a deaf ear to what I said to you at Brother Qian'er's place. I told you to look at him a little bit... and don't get carried away. This girl at least Some of the things are fake! Didn't you mention it to Lao Lang?"

"It's you, would you mention it? It's just like when we were in a relationship and someone said bad things about you in front of me, do you think it would make me feel better after hearing this? That's not what friends do."


Yang Mi didn't know what to say.

After all...it's really hard to say this.

It's better to say that she came here by herself, why can she leave this matter to these three useless men?

"What should we do now?"

"How did I know that your friend is not my friend."

"Bah, now you know how to blame? When you were teaching your daughter and your son to play the piano, you shouted at Master Lang, did you forget?"

The man's words made her feel embarrassed.

But there was no way to refute it.

I can only shrug:

"Anyway, this is what Lao Lang told me personally. In order to praise her... he planned to directly promote her to an international superstar. I didn't try to persuade her in the afternoon, I just talked about it. He was very tolerant and said What would I tell Uncle Lang... I didn't say anything... I couldn't say anything, Lao Lang's own connections are here. It is said that the top producers in Hollywood are hired..."


Xu Xin scratched his head.

I have a lot to say.

I want to do all the things I want to do.



After a long sigh, he said:

"I went to take a shower. Do Lao Wang and the others know about this?...I asked the wheel to persuade them?"

"What if they really get married in the future? Are you selling his future wife in front of your friends?"


Xu Xin was speechless.


What can I say about the old man's aesthetics... It's quite straightforward.

A few keywords.

Gold, luxury, earth.

He didn't know if there were any decoration weight requirements for this aircraft, but he was concerned about the natural stone table tops and the carved wine cabinets that he could tell by looking at the lines that they must have taken a lot of effort to carve out. , I knew this thing would not be cheap.

But the problem is that it’s really a bit earthy…

It feels like I want to put all the gold on the surface.

Sitting on the seat of this Gulfstream, he felt that his temples were bulging when he looked at the craftsmanship that was either electroplated gold or frosted gold.

Dad, can't we make it simpler?

With bursts of speechlessness, the plane got into the clouds.

Then in less than 2 hours, we arrived in Magic City.

A private plane is not the same as a passenger plane. He turned on his cell phone and chatted with Yang Mi.

The meaning of the conversation between the two can be summed up very simply:

"Show me the airplane photos."

"MMS: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]"

"It's so ugly, so earthy."

"Yes, it's really rustic. But it's very comfortable to sit on."

"I won't sit down if it's comfortable. It's too ugly."

That's probably what it means.

He despises it, and so does Yang Mi...

In fact, this decoration is definitely not ugly, but it reveals a sense of luxury everywhere.

But the use of gold is really unacceptable.

But this could also be him being pretentious.

But no matter what, with the comfortable seats, ample space, and the hospitality of the stewardess in black stockings, he arrived in the Magic City safely and comfortably.

After getting off the bus, we got on the car picked up by the World Expo and walked directly to the opening ceremony venue.

The actual performance props are starting to be installed at the venue, and everyone wants to see the effect.

There is nothing to say about the busyness here. I was busy from morning to afternoon. Although the intensity of the preparation cycle of all processes is not as intense as that of the Olympic Games, I can't be careless at all.

And by the time everyone is finished and they come out of the World Expo venue, it’s already peak time in the Magic City.

He came to the roadside, where a large Mercedes-Benz was already waiting.

"Director Xu, hahahaha~"

Hu Guang greeted him with a smile, and as expected, the girl named Nazha was next to him.

As the saying goes, nothing matters more than three things.

Logically speaking, the little girl named Nazha has proven something since she first met Xu Xin, no matter how Hu Guang hinted, Xu Xin can become Liu Xiahui.

Either he doesn't like this girl and wants to "change" her.

Or, Director Xu is not interested in female sex.

It's actually easy to say before. There are so many models in Mei Kong. Hu Guang can pull over a company at any time if he wants to... Of course, this is a joke. But there are definitely a lot of people, and there are all kinds of people, that’s for sure.

But the problem is, Hu Guang is also a little scared.

Afraid of self-defeating.

From what Nazha said and from the observations of these few contacts, he found that Director Xu was really a well-behaved person.

If you want to have fun in every situation, others can accompany you in every situation.

Whether it’s hugging the model and chatting about things or having fun, no matter what the occasion, they say whatever they say.

This kind of well-behaved behavior does not necessarily mean that the wife is strict, or that she is lustful but not bold.

More likely it was a form of restraint.

A kind of restraint with a romantic color that is rare in the entertainment industry.

Why do you say that...Hu Guang actually has a steelyard in his heart.

First of all, my wife has one of the top looks in the entertainment industry.

Secondly... Director Xu probably doesn't hate Nazha. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have taken Nazha down from a position like a commodity when we first met.

The beauty fell into his arms, but he could still sit still and keep an appropriate distance.

For the first time, you can say that everyone is divided, but the relationship has not reached this point.

But starting from the second time, he would give a lot of care every time, from the so-called labor fee to actually letting Nazha and others audition for "The Hawthorn Tree" and so on. Although this kind of care didn't seem like much at first glance, but with his position, if Nazha is really regarded as a commodity, there is no need to be like this.

Therefore, although Hu Guang felt a little ridiculous in his heart and did not believe that there was really a man in this world who could remain calm with a beautiful woman in his arms... But the fact had already happened, and he himself had to weigh it.

Regardless of whether Director Xu is a true gentleman or a hypocrite, he behaves like an honorable gentleman in front of him.

If people talk to you as if you are a gentleman, if you don't know what is right, you will lose your elegance.

Therefore, he did not choose to substitute.

This time, he chose Nazha.

And he repeatedly told Nazha in the car:

"You have only one task today, which is to take care of Director Xu. We will drink tonight. Director Xu's glass is empty. Please fill it up. Director Xu can't drink anymore, so you have to stop him. Take good care of Director Xu, this is your task .”

It is obviously more suitable for Nazha to take care of her than a stranger.

"Mr. Hu."

Xu Xin smiled and shook hands with him, then glanced at the girl next to him.

Wei Wei is a little surprised.

Compared to the weak and immature appearance of the previous times, the girl today has a different look.

A set of dark blue plaid jacket, pants, high heels, and a gray shirt underneath.

And she had a very businesslike single ponytail.

Although the appearance of holding the handbag can still be seen as a bit childish, the business style suddenly emerged.

The person also seems to have matured a lot.

Just like a secretary.

Not to mention, it can digest clothes quite well.

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Well, you look good today."

Nazha was stunned...

But Hu Guang’s eyes lit up:

"Haha! Today's outfit was carefully chosen by Nazha. Tonight, Director Xu, just think that Nazha is your secretary. From recording business negotiations to serving food and wine, Nazha can do all the tasks of a secretary. capable."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled:

"Why do you want a little girl to stop drinking...get in the car first, don't keep the big guys waiting for too long. It's not far, right?"

"Of course it's not far. It's very close to here, about two or three kilometers. Please guide me."

Following Hu Guang's words, Nazha quickly opened the car door.

Xu Xin sat in.

Soon, the two got into the car and drove towards an unknown location.

After getting in the car, Xu Xin first called Xu Zhi.

He will also come over for today's dinner.

After all, Xu Zhi is currently dealing with these contacts at Shanghai Film Studio.

But as soon as the call was dialed, Xu Zhi's hoarse voice sounded out:

"Hey... Sanjin... you're here... what time is it?"

"...What's going on with you? What's wrong?"

"I'm in the hospital...appendicitis...oh, don't mention it, it suddenly happened at noon."

"...What?! Someone is taking care of you?"

"A... friend is taking care of me. I just took a nap and got an injection. I don't feel any pain now, but I'm going to have surgery soon. What's wrong... ah? There's going to be a banquet tonight?"

Xu Zhi reacted belatedly.

But Xu Xin quickly said:

"You're drunk, you should take a rest. Where are Xu Yang and the others? Are they not with you?"

"Come here in a minute."

"...Okay, then you wait for me, I'll be there in a minute."

"No need to use it, it's not a major surgery..."

"Stop farting, that's it, hang up."

After hanging up the phone speechlessly, Hu Guang asked tentatively:

"Director Xu, did something happen?"

"Xu Zhi had appendicitis. We originally made an appointment to meet him that night, but he was sent to the hospital in the afternoon."


"It's okay, Mr. Hu, let's go first. When we get there, I'll say hello to everyone in person and apologize. I may not be able to eat today's dinner. My seventh uncle and the others are not here for his surgery. I will definitely have to go. Let’s make an appointment tomorrow.”

Hu Guang also knows that things have priorities, let alone the matter of Nifeng Entertainment.

So he nodded quickly:

"Yes, I understand. How about I take Director Xu to the hospital directly?"

"No, let's say hello to everyone first and explain everything clearly, and then we can go there in time. Isn't it not far?"

"It's not far, just above the Jindinghui in front..."

Xu Xin didn't know where he was talking about, so he just nodded:

"It's not far."

Hu Guang was unambiguous when he saw this and directly increased the accelerator.

The Mercedes-Benz began to swerve in the evening rush hour traffic, heading towards its destination.

"Then let me give Director Xu a ride."

In the hotel room, when I heard the news that Xu Xin was going to the hospital tonight, I didn't know whether he came here specially or just by chance. Qian Pengcheng of Tianyu took the initiative to say it.

As soon as Xue Haifeng and the others heard that it was Xu Zhi's matter, they also understood... Due to emotions and reasons, Xu Xin could not continue to eat this meal.

If you have a baby, don't worry about the size of the surgery. Since you are in Shanghai, you must go.

What's more... the shareholder of Headwind Entertainment is not only Xu Zhi, but also Liu Momo.

When Xu Xin heard this, he understood that Qian Pengcheng probably had something to ask of him, so he nodded:

"Then it's Mr. Qian's trouble... Mr. Xue, everyone, I'm really sorry for today. This is an emergency for Xu Zhi. Tomorrow, tomorrow I will be the host and I will make amends to everyone."

"Haha, Director Xu is too polite, family matters are important."

"Bring us greetings as well."

"Don't worry, Director Xu. If you need anything, I'll call someone from Tongji..."

A group of people greeted Xu Xin politely. After Xu Xin thanked them one by one, he left the box directly with Qian Pengcheng.

Taking the elevator all the way downstairs, Qian Pengcheng smiled and said:

"Don't be too hasty, Director Xu. Appendiceal surgery is not a major surgery and the risk is almost zero. It will be over soon after we get inside."

"Ok, I know."

Xu Xin responded:

"I'm definitely not in a hurry, but I'm also worried. So I have to go over and have a look. It's all thanks to my hard work, and I was given a special trip."

"Ha ha."

Qian Pengcheng laughed:

"To be honest, I came here specifically for Director Xu. When I was seeing Director Xu off, I just wanted to talk to Director Xu about this. It can be regarded as a small selfish move."


Xu Xin was a little curious:

"Money always comes to me...what's the matter? But it doesn't matter."

Are the people from Hunan Station looking for me?

He was really curious.

Then Qian Pengcheng took out a thick stack of scripts from his briefcase:

"Actually, the main thing is to discuss a play with Director Xu. We would like to invite Mimi to star..."

Following his words, Xu Xin took the script and saw the name on it at a glance:

"Jade Palace Lock Heart"

Let me tell you, my wife has to drink water for at least 5 days because of bronchitis. Then I have to stay with her these days, because I can’t coax my son and I to stay alone at home.

Therefore, I can’t add updates in the past few days. All I can say is to keep updates as stable as possible. The details will depend on the hospital’s IV drip queuing time.

There are so many people in the hospital now, and the appointment time is very uncertain. I try my best to ensure stable updates.

Please understand.

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