I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 429 427 Life of Pi

Chapter 429 427. Life of Pi

"Tingting, please help me entertain the guests."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she quickly joined Cheng Hu and Yang Dalin, who also woke up, and helped the unconscious Xu Xin into the small elevator and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

Xu Xin would not go into the master bedroom after drinking too much, because the breath of a drunk person would also release alcohol, which would affect the brain development of children.

After the three people helped him to the guest bedroom, Yang Mi took off all his clothes.

After tucking into the bed, I poured another glass of water, and then took the trash can to the floor at the head of the bed.

After so many years together, no one knows how much honey he drinks.

Everything was ready, she nodded:

"Okay, Dad, go and have a rest."

"Well, that little girl..."

Obviously, Yang Dalin also saw Nazha.

And they were equally surprised by each other's beauty.

Although I trust my son-in-law, I still want to say a few more words.

But before she could say anything, Yang Mi waved her hand:

"Oh, it's okay, I know this girl's situation."

"……All right."

Yang Dalin said no more and went back to the house directly.

Yang Mi took Xu Xin's dirty clothes and walked downstairs directly.

Nazha was holding the water poured by Sun Ting in her hand and was fidgeting.

Seeing Yang Mi coming down, she stood up instinctively, looking very restrained.

But Yang Mi waved her hand:

"Tingting, are you staying here tonight?"

"Okay, sister."

Sun Ting nodded.

If others heard this, it would be nothing more than an attempt to persuade him to stay.

But as a caring little cotton-padded jacket, she was very familiar with Yang Mi’s habits and immediately said:

"Then I'll clean up the next two rooms?"


Yang Mi nodded.

"Go ahead."

It used to be normal for her to live in Sister Mi, but since they fell in love, Sister Mi rarely let her live here.

Even the time you have to spend with her is no longer that "all-in".

Instead, he will take the initiative to find time for her to fall in love.

Today, she was pulled out at her boyfriend's house.

As soon as Sister Mi called, she came over quickly. But normally, when things are done here, I would definitely let myself go back.

But if he stayed here today, it definitely meant that Nazha would stay here for one night.

After the upper and lower floors of Dahu Mansion are opened, the area is close to 600 square meters.

Especially on the lower floor, there are 5 bedrooms.

The reason is that Brother Xu and several good friends can play games together, or stay here if they drink too much.

Sister Mi didn't arrange a hotel for Nazha, but she stayed here herself. The meaning is self-evident.

There is no need to mention the tacit understanding between the assistant and the boss.

In fact, Yang Mi had no intention of chatting with Nazha.

It's already past 2 o'clock and almost 3 o'clock. Why are we talking if we don't go to bed quickly?

What else is there to talk about?

But as a hostess, she must show her receptive attitude and courtesy.

So he smiled at Nazha:

"It's too late today. You should go to bed early. You have worked hard all the way. It's just one night here. We have just lived in this house. The bedding and everything are new... I see that your figure is about the same as mine. My body is about the same." There are also a few new sets of pajamas. I'll ask Tingting to get you a set later. I'll ask him to thank you in person tomorrow."

"Ah? No, no, no, no... no need, Sister Mi..."

Upon hearing that Director Xu was asked to thank her, Nazha quickly shook her head.

But Yang Mi waved her hand:

"Okay, let's rest first. Staying up late is a girl's natural enemy. Sleep peacefully. I'll call you to eat at noon tomorrow."


Nazha no longer refused, and then she saw Yang Mi knocking down Director Xu's suitcase.

Seeing this, she quickly said:

"Sister Mi, I checked Director Xu's room twice...under the pillows and in the cabinets. I found nothing missing. Take a good look. If there is anything missing, I'll leave it with the hotel front desk. I’ve called you, but the room hasn’t been checked out yet.”

"OK, all right."

Yang Mi responded.

She packed Xu Xin's luggage for this trip to the Magic City.

It can be said that except for the amount of cash in the wallet, she knows everything else.

As soon as she opened the suitcase, she saw the clothes neatly folded.

But it's not my own way of stacking.

Her habit of folding clothes is based on the three-point and one-line method. For example, for shirts, she first buttons the shirt and then lays it flat, then turns the shirt over, folds the sleeves on both sides of the shirt lengthwise along the shoulders, and finally Fold the bottom third of the dress upwards, then fold the collar downwards and overlap.

This can ensure that whether it is a shirt or other clothes, there will not be too many wrinkles and they will look smooth even without ironing.

But the folding method of clothes in front of me looks like the kind of folding method used in primary school labor classes.

It's a method where the two sleeves are put together, then folded in half at the bust line, and then folded in half again.

Even a very young student is getting started.

But it can be seen that the stacking is still quite smooth.

Not that kind of hasty fooling around.

It's so flat that my brother can't fold it up.

And he doesn't have the habit of folding clothes. Every time he goes on a business trip, he stuffs the mess into a box and then handles it himself when he comes back.

I've been used to it for so many years.

Is that this girl?

After thinking about it, she sorted and tapped the items she carried, and asked:

"When was it folded?"


Nazha was a little surprised, but she quickly said:

"On the plane... Director Xu drank too much at the hotel, so I stuffed it into the suitcase randomly and walked to the airport. Then I helped Director Xu fold the bags on the plane."

"Very attentive."

A smile appeared on Yang Mi's face.

After looking at the clothes, chargers, and several sets of clothes, socks, etc., he nodded:

"The only thing missing is a portable kettle. But it's normal that you forgot to take that thing."


Nazha was stunned.


Yang Mi nodded:

"Every time he goes on a business trip, I will bring a kettle for our own use. You should use the hotel kettle less in the future. You don't know what the previous guest cooked in it. It is very dirty, so you can bring it yourself. I definitely have to bring it myself.”

"Then I call and ask them to keep it... That hotel is not open to the public, and only people from the World Expo can enter. If Director Xu... goes there next time, he can still get it."


Yang Mi raised her head:

"How do you know it's not open to the public?"


Nazha felt a chill down her spine for no reason.

Her instinctive desire to survive made her quickly say:

"Mr. Hu and I...just..."

"Hu Guang, I know."


Nazha didn't expect that she even knew Hu Guang.

After being surprised, he quickly said:

"When Mr. Hu and I went to pick up Director Xu, we had to wait at the door of the hotel. They were not allowed inside... If I hadn't sent Director Xu who had drunk too much this time, they wouldn't have been allowed in either... "

"So that's it."

A smile appeared on Yang Mi's face, she looked at the folded and stuffed socks in her hand, put them to her nose and sniffed.


Making sure it was worn, she held it in her hand:

"Okay, let's go and rest."

She said no more or asked any more questions and walked directly into the laundry room.

The bedroom is so big.

This is Nazha's most intuitive sense of déjà vu.

The second impression is...

Can these be used casually?

Looking at the complete sets of La Mer, Clarins, SK-II and other skin care products in front of me, from cleaning to maintenance, as well as the shower heads and decorations in the bathroom that don’t look cheap...

How much does it cost?

Recalling the words of the assistant Sun Ting just now, "The cosmetics in the bathroom are for guests, use them casually without any scruples"... Her eyes finally fell on a box on the shelf.

Facial mask.

The name is Valmont…

Chinese translation: Falman.

Swiss noble lady's mask.

She had only seen this package once in a shopping mall in Shanghai.

Super incredibly expensive.

There are six tablets in a box, and the price is more than 5,000...

Nearly one thousand yuan a piece...

She saw the introduction on the billboard, saying that it used iceberg mineral water from Valais, Switzerland, and it was also one of the royal brands...

But she never thought that she could use it.

One thousand yuan!

A facial mask!

It's not as luxurious as having gold on your face.

But at this moment, it was placed in front of him so openly...

For guest use…

Use whatever you want...

She opened her mouth wide, not knowing what to say for a moment.

And something naturally came to mind.

Generally speaking, facial masks are applied once every other day, or three times a week.

Just count it as three times a week.

There are 52 weeks in a year.

Three times a week, that’s 156 times a year.

One hundred and fifty-six times, multiply by one thousand...one hundred and fifty-six thousand.

Just the facial mask costs 156,000 yuan a year?

This is for guest use only.

So... what kind of facial mask does Yang Mi use?

Is there any facial mask more expensive than Falman?

Maybe, but she really didn't know anymore.


Is this the life of a star?

Looking at the set of "guest use" cosmetics in front of me that probably cost more than 100,000 yuan in total...

I looked at myself in the mirror again...

Even if a girl who is about to turn 18 does not have a facial mask, the skin on her face can still be said to be breakable.

This is the beauty nurtured by the snow water in northern Xinjiang.

So natural and unabashed.

But what about ten years from now? fifteen years?

With the passage of time, hundreds of thousands of cosmetics can't survive the snow and water of Tianshan Mountain?

she does not know.

But she discovered... there was light in this mirror, and the halo was not dazzling but could illuminate all of her skin without leaving any shadows.

Simply an excellent makeup mirror.

This mirror... costs a lot of money, right?

She thought blankly.

The bed was very comfortable and so was the quilt.

It was much more comfortable than the bedding and mattress in the house she rented.

But Nazha still didn't dare to get up too late.

Especially after hearing the noise outside, she didn't want to give people the impression of being lazy.

So, at early 9 o'clock, she walked out of the room.

The living room on this floor was empty.

But as she moved, soon, a dog's growl came from upstairs, and Yang Mi said:


Before Nazha could react, Yang Mi's voice came from the stairs:


"It's me, Sister Mi. Good morning."

"Yeah, come up. I can't get down right now."


Nazha was a little restrained and did not dare to take the elevator. Instead, she took the steps to the second floor.

As I walked, I was still wondering, why does this duplex look like two floors combined?

When she came up, she saw Yang Mi doing yoga next to a piano, spread out on a yoga mat and wearing baggy clothes.

And two dogs nearby.

Ichijo's belly is still a little bulging, as if she is pregnant.

When the two dogs saw her, they immediately raised their heads warily.

But with Yang Mi's words "Why are you up so early?", they seemed to recognize that the person who came was a guest. The two dogs lowered their heads again, lying lazily aside and watching Yang Mi do what she was doing. Yoga.

"When you wake up...just get up."

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded:

"Well, are you hungry? There is porridge downstairs, but it's a bit cold. Can I heat it up for you?"

"No need."

How dare Nazha trouble her? She quickly shook her head:

"I'm not hungry."

"If you're not hungry, we can eat together at noon. After buying the groceries in a while, we'll make a big meal for noon."


Nazha nodded, still looking very restrained standing at the top of the stairs.

Seeing this, Yang Mi asked:

"Will you do it?"

"……Less likely."


Yang Mi, who maintained a standing posture and twisted her legs like twists, was a little surprised:

"Aren't you a model? You can't do yoga? How do you stay in shape?"

"I... come from a dance background. I don't usually need to do this. I just warm up according to the moves I learned in the group when I was a child..."


Yang Mi nodded:

"You are also a dance major... How old are you this year? I heard Xu Xin said that you seem to be quite young."

After hearing this, Nazha did not dare to hide it and told the truth:

"I was born in 1992."

"...just eighteen?"

"Not yet... I will turn 18 in two months."


Yang Mi was stunned.

Subconsciously asked:

"Then how did you drive last night?"


Nazha was silent for a moment and then said:

"Che... it was Mr. Hu who asked me to teach him in the school. Then in Shanghai... there was basically nothing to do."


Yang Mi was even more speechless.

After driving for a long time, you are still driving without a license?

But after being speechless, she frowned:

"What exactly are you doing in the US Air Force?"


"It's okay. Let's talk. Just treat it as a casual chat. You are only 17 years old. How many years have you been out?"

"...In 2008, I went to the Magic City."

"2008...15 years old?"


"Why are you out so early? You don't go to school anymore?"


Maybe it was Yang Mi's surprise that inspired her desire to tell, or maybe she didn't dare to lie, so she chose to tell the truth:

"I went to a dance technical secondary school. I graduated last year...but I graduated early...mainly because...my dad has a bad heart and has always wanted to have an operation, but he didn't have enough money. I just wanted to come here and watch If there is any opportunity to make more money, it will come out.

Because... I have participated in the national costume display of the Olympic Games, and there are more people doing Taobao in Shanghai, and I make money as a model for them. Then... it just happened by chance. I was discovered by a talent scout from American Air and introduced me to the company. Just...until now. "

"What about now? Have you made enough money?"

Yang Mi originally asked casually, but what she got in return was the girl shaking her head bitterly:

"There's still a lot to be done..."

"...What kind of surgery?"

"heart transplant."


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

Good guy.

Starting from 500,000.

Donors still have to queue up.

At least 100,000 anti-rejection drugs are taken every year.


She sighed.

"What about your current income? How is it?"

"If you work as an advertising model for a month, you can probably earn around 10,000 yuan."

"Then you have to make money in the Year of the Monkey..."

Yang Mi suddenly paused, seemed to realize something, and asked:

"Is that why you took the business entertainment job?"


As soon as Nazha heard this, she knew that the other party was knowledgeable.

Although she didn’t know how she knew, she still nodded:


"But you are still underage..."


Nazha opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

But I don’t dare.

Only default.

She didn't dare to say that she just came out... and met Director Xu.

Because she is the one with the best appearance among the batch of models. To put it bluntly, she is called for sale.

Although this is not the first time, Director Xu is the only one who is truly allowed to do so.

And although Director Xu is very... a gentleman, but including the hard work fee last time, Mr. Hu's change in attitude towards her during this period, as well as the increase in commissions for some activities, etc., after getting to know Director Xu, She is making more and more money.

If this continues... in one year at most, I will definitely be able to raise enough money for dad's surgery.

But she didn't dare to say this.

Saying this in front of other people’s wives?

Aren't you afraid of being thrown from a building?

Yang Mi also stopped the topic.

Everyone's destiny is different.

Not everyone is born with many choices.

To put it bluntly, although saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, it is unrealistic for her to give half a million to a "stranger".

If she really does this... how much can she help by spending all her wealth?

But having said that, after roughly understanding this girl's situation, she also finished her yoga.

"Let's go downstairs, he's still asleep."


Nazha nodded obediently and walked downstairs.

But Yang Mi didn't go down directly.

She needs to change her clothes.

I went to the study room by the way.

After opening the safe, she looked at the cash inside, thought about it, and took out 20,000 yuan and an envelope.

There is no way, the envelope can only contain 20,000 yuan.

If you want to carry 30,000 yuan, you have to use a portfolio.

He put the money in the envelope and walked to the cloakroom.

She looked at several boxes of unopened cosmetics and chose a set of amulets and makeup. After putting the money in the bag, she didn't carry it directly, but put it at the door of the cloakroom.

Then he changed his clothes and walked out.

As they walked down, Sun Ting and her parents came back from shopping for groceries.

"You don't have any taboos, do you?"

Hearing this, Nazha quickly shook her head:


"Well, rest then, I'll cook now."

"You... cook for yourself?"

"Yeah. What?"

"But... didn't it say on TV that oil fumes are particularly damaging to the skin?"


Regarding this question, Yang Mi gave her own answer:

"It's not something I do often. I only cook it myself when he wants to eat it... What's more, girl, cook a meal full of your heart for your lover and watch him eat it happily... I'll wait for you later. You know, there is nothing happier than this in the world."


Looking at Nazha who had just stood up on the sofa at home, Xu Xin was a little confused.


"Hello, Director Xu."


"Brother, are you awake?... You drank too much last night and had to come back. I asked Nazha to take you back. Quick, wash your hands. I'm going to start making some soup."


Xu Xin, who couldn't remember what happened last night, nodded subconsciously. He was about to go back upstairs to wash his face and brush his teeth, but after taking two steps, he turned around and looked at the girl who had not yet sat down:


Nazha quickly shook her head:

"It's okay, Director Xu. This is what I should do!"


Forcibly suppressing the speechlessness in his heart and the absurdity of "What on earth did I do last night?", he returned upstairs.

After washing up, when I came down again, a table of dishes had been set.

Yang Mi said politely to the guest Nazha:

"It's just a simple meal, don't find it objectionable. I've already booked the air ticket for you. After dinner, I'll ask Tingting to take you to the airport. Thank you for your hard work~"

"Thank you, Sister Mi."

Nazha quickly thanked her.

Yang Mi waved her hand:

"I should be the one thanking you...Okay, try my handiwork."

Hearing this, Nazha looked at the hand-made rice that was obviously made in Northern Xinjiang...and swallowed eagerly.

She has no interest in noodle soup.

But this bite of rice... looks very authentic.

There are even yellow radishes, which are rare in Yanjing.

And in one bite...

Her eyes widened in surprise.

This meal...

It had been a long time since she had tasted this authentic taste, and she felt a little homesick.

And this taste was deeply engraved into her taste buds.


After finishing the meal, Sun Ting looked at the time and reminded Nazha and Yang Mi:

"It's almost time."

"Well, let's get going... Oh yes, just wait."

Yang Mi quickly ran upstairs and came down carrying two gift boxes:

"Take these two boxes of cosmetics."

"No, no, no, sister Mi, I can't have it..."

"Okay, just take it."

Forcing the gift box into her hand, Yang Mi smiled and waved her hand:

"Thank you very much this time. When he goes to Shanghai from now on, I will feel relieved that you will take care of him. Okay, go quickly and don't delay the plane."

She didn't give Nazha the right to refuse at all.

Just like that, Nazha took two boxes of cosmetics and got into Sun Ting's car.

In the car, she was a little cautious and didn't dare to make any moves.

Too embarrassed to even check to see what these two boxes were.

But I know the brand.

International frontline.

And her intuition told her that for people who can use Falman facial mask as a "guest", this gift box must not be light.

Thinking of this, I still feel a bit happy in my heart.

After all, this cosmetic is used sparingly, but it can last a long time.

After arriving at the airport, she politely said goodbye to "Sister Tingting" and planned to get her boarding pass first.

While waiting in line, she wanted to see what was in the two gift boxes.

But when I opened the bag, I suddenly found an envelope inside...

As soon as she pinched it with her doubtful hand, she immediately knew what it was through the familiar thickness and feel.


The other party not only gave me two boxes of first-line brand cosmetics.

And money!

Twenty thousand yuan...

All of a sudden, a kind of joy and satisfaction, coupled with an... inexplicable fear, appeared in the girl's heart.

But before she had time to react, she suddenly heard a voice:

"Next passenger."

Seeing that Diqin was looking at her, she quickly suppressed all these emotions, held the envelope in her hand, put the gift box on the conveyor belt, and handed over her ID card.

She left in a hurry this time. She didn't bring any luggage, just the clothes she brought with her in a handbag.

But at this moment, with 20,000 yuan in hand, she felt unprecedentedly satisfied.

Director Xu also received an envelope, also worth 20,000 yuan.

Sister Mi is also now...

They are... really good!

With these 20,000 yuan, Dad’s surgery expenses are one step closer!

At this moment, Nazha, who was still immersed in this joy, suddenly heard a voice:

"Hello, your boarding pass. The business class aisle is on your right, just keep walking."

"Okay, thank you...huh?"

The girl who received the boarding pass was suddenly stunned and looked at the ground staff who checked in for her:

"What passage?"

The ground crew thought she didn't hear clearly and replied politely:

“First class/business class access.”

"...first class?"

Nazha was stunned.

Subconsciously he looked at his ticket.

"Seat: 3A"


Just like that, with a speechless and... I don't know how to describe the mood, this girl who was so beautiful that she would turn heads every time she passed by passed the security check, and before boarding the plane, she was surrounded by a group of people. The people in the economy class were paying attention and guessing what kind of "Bai Fumei" this was. They took their tickets, passed the business class aisle, and sat in the seats that were much looser than those in the economy class.

The stewardess greeted me attentively and politely.

Generous seats.

And the beautiful scenery of the plane climbing into the clouds by the window...

Everything, during this journey, opened a door to a new world for this girl who was about to become an adult.

I’m so tired. I’ll correct the typos tomorrow when I wake up. good night everybody

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