I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 433 431 Invitation

Chapter 433 431. Invitation

Director Xu... understands women.


This is not quite accurate.

To be precise it should be:

"Director Xu knows damn well about women!"

The romance of this hoe...

Not to mention that the men at the scene understood it, but the women also understood it.

How old is Liu Yifei?

All I can say is it's okay.

But as soon as he put on a small white shirt, rounded his arms and waved a hoe, all of a sudden... that smell came out.

The whiteness and cleanliness of the white shirt, the brightness and dustiness of Liu Yifei's appearance without makeup, blended together for a moment... Although they didn't look at the camera, the impact of watching it live was not weak at all. Many people suddenly reacted belatedly in this silence.


This woman...


She is not attractive, and her figure is not exaggerated.

But the smell came out right away.

Seductive but not demonic.

There is a charming charm in her bones that is completely opposite to her face.

But this charm, in this simplicity, turned into a dreamlike glimpse of life.

I saw it, but I can’t remember it clearly…

It's like the ginseng fruit Zhu Bajie eats, it doesn't even taste good.

I, an old pig, want to watch it again.

My heart felt very itchy.

And their wish was soon fulfilled.

The director didn't shout to stop. After Liu Yifei went down with the hoe, the ground was dug into a clean and smooth pit.



Another hoe.

Then, she seemed to feel a little tired and slightly out of breath.

When she was panting, she subconsciously covered her chest. After covering it, she gasped twice quickly... She suddenly raised her head and twisted left and right, as if she was observing something, but her body language revealed some guilt.

Just when everyone's thought of "Why is she guilty?" they saw her quickly let go, lowered her head, and then hid her breasts again in that awkward way of holding her breasts.

Now, the whole idea of ​​the play has been explained clearly.

Jingqiu worked hard to hoe the ground. But she is a girl after all. After two strokes, her strength was exhausted and she was a little out of breath. But when she was panting, she was afraid of others staring at her breasts, so she could only quickly adjust her breathing, and then hide herself again...like an ostrich in danger.

It's of no use at all.

Her slender figure looked like a "defenseless" existence in the eyes of everyone.

It's useless no matter how much you hide it.

But when this "useless" thought appeared in everyone's mind, as film practitioners, they were suddenly stunned...

The crew members who can appear here today must have read the original work and the overall script.

The moment this idea appeared in my mind, the character and setting of Jingqiu in the original work and the script instantly appeared in my mind.

The contrast between Jingqiu's good figure and low self-esteem... didn't it stand out immediately?


There were more and more surprised expressions among the crowd.

Then, Xu Xin’s approving voice sounded:

"Well, that's okay."

After stopping Liu Yifei's performance, he was sure that he had chosen the right person just through this short scene and nodded:

"Teacher Zhang."

He said to Zhang Li, the costume instructor next to him:

"Jingqiu's shirt should be the current size, and then... slightly looser. The bust of this dress is still too tight, and lust is greater than beauty. You have to find a balance. Don't be too lusty, let Jingqiu Learn to hide. You can’t help but desire... Anyway, that’s what it means, you can revise it again, revise a few more versions, and we’ll take a look at it in early April.”

Zhang Li, who is over 50 this year, nodded.

"No problem, director."

Even if the two Xu Xinga together are not as old as her, the director is the director.

In the minds of these older generation of film workers, people in this position must be respected regardless of their age, as long as they are directors.

"Okay, let's find some fixed lights and prepare those locations. Let's go there now... Yifei."

While instructing the next stage of work, Xu Xin told himself to stop. Liu Yifei, who was waiting with a hoe in hand, nodded in approval:

"You're doing great...Lin Gou, I'll see to you soon."

Liu Yifei smiled with her gums.

Lin Gou looked tense.

The fairy sister, who has lost her fairy halo, performed impeccably in this scene, and her cooperation with the director and her "natural face" in the mouth of fans were perfect.

Now the pressure is indeed on my side.

You have to prepare well.


Wouldn't that embarrass us gentlemen?

"The compatibility is very good."

This is the evaluation given by Wang Lei:

"The camera compatibility of these two people is quite good."

As a director of photography, his words are almost equivalent to what many people think.

Indeed, Lin Xingxin and Liu Yifei's performances were not bad. And the two of them don’t feel awkward in the camera.

It's good if it doesn't violate harmony.

After a busy day, I have almost covered everything that needs to be done.

The crew called it a day and checked into the county hotel.

Depart from Qinglong Village tomorrow.

In the past few days, all the details that require the actors to be present have been processed. When we come back next time, the filming will officially start.

Because we came back late, we didn’t have any dinner parties.

The food expenses are the crew's responsibility. Whoever wants to eat can directly ask the chef in the hotel to cook it. If you want to eat out, pay for it out of your own pocket.

Xu Xin didn't go out, and the box lunch he had at night was okay.

However, Zhang Mo still thoughtfully brought him a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns.

Then everyone, including Wang Lei, held a meeting in his room.

The factory originally wanted to send Li Haiping as the assistant director this time. After all, everyone collaborated very happily on "The Wind"... It can even be said that they are very close. But considering that Li Haiping was a "ruthless person who doesn't talk much" type, he didn't let the other party come over.

Instead, he communicated with Qi Lei and chose Xue Yong, a more talkative deputy director.

Compared with Li Haiping's meticulous approach to everything, Xue Yong and Xu Xin are slightly less compatible. There are many things between the two that don't match up well.

Firstly, there is a lack of tacit understanding, and secondly, compared to Li Haiping, who is 50 years old this year, Xue Yong, 37, is quite young.

Xu Xin's own shooting habits were learned from the old man's "Golden Armor" crew.

Some habits belonging to the old man and his fifth-generation directors.

For example, I like to "have meetings", like to distance myself from the actors, etc.

Li Haiping is very adaptable to this rhythm, but Xue Yong is a bit "actor first".

It's not that he doesn't have a director in his eyes, but after Xu Xin finished talking about some preparation work that the assistant director had to do, as the assistant director, the first feedback he gave was not to hand over to other staff, but to first Communicate with the actors.

In fact, the relationship between the two is in reverse order, and there is no hierarchy between them.

What's more, people are what Xu Xin wants.

What he asked Qi Lei was to "find someone who talks a lot and is outgoing" and had only one purpose, which was to take care of Zhang Mo.

As an assistant director, Sister Mo still lacks a lot.

Xu Xin not only wanted her to integrate into his crew, but also wanted her to learn how to think about problems from a director's perspective.

She and the old man have similar temperaments. They are both the type who are usually boring and pretend to keep things secret to others. With Xue Yong here to help her get familiar with the work, it will be very convenient to communicate with her frequently.

This is Xu Xin's purpose.

A room full of people talked about very detailed things.

People in the factory also know his personality and likes to prepare everything underneath. All possible situations, regardless of whether they are nonsense or fanciful, must be fully estimated before proceeding.

This ensures multiple responses to various situations.

After we had finished chatting about everything, it was almost 11 o'clock.

Xu Xin, who originally planned to talk to Liu Yifei and Lin Gou, had no choice but to give up.

But just as everyone was leaving the director's room one after another, Zhang Mo sat on the sofa and didn't move.

Xu Xin took one look and knew that she had something to do with him.

After seeing the others off, he returned to the house and just lit a cigarette when he saw Zhang Mo take out a brand new household registration book from the briefcase he carried with him.


"...Aunt Ting's?"


After handing the household registration book to Xu Xin, Zhang Mo nodded:

"They were all re-registered and separated from the original household registration."

Xu Xin said nothing, opened the household registration book, and saw the column for the head of the household.

And the ID card inserted into the cover of the household registration booklet.

Aunt Ting is quite beautiful.

But rather than being beautiful, Xu Xin felt more of a heavy trust and expectation while holding this household registration book and ID card.

Yang Mi said that after having children, she was completely different from the time before she had children.

Her maternal instinct makes her look forward to everything that can make her two children happy. It made her resist, even resent, or want to destroy everything that made the two children feel wronged.

Not only her, but also Xu Xin.

Not to mention anything else, when he was getting the vaccine, he saw the two children crying there, and he didn't give the nurse who gave the injection a good look... Of course, it could also be that he was wearing a mask, and the nurse didn't even see his gnashing of teeth. appearance.

But no matter what, he could understand what his wife said.

But just because of his understanding, at this moment, after looking at the household registration book with only the head of the household's information... he couldn't help but think that from the birth of the first child to now... the mother has always been in a "black household" state when her child is named. It's not fair to say that, how sad is it in my heart.

It suddenly occurred to me... when Aunt Ting gave the household registration book and ID card to Zhang Mo, what kind of expectations she had in her heart.

Thinking of this, he nodded heavily:

"Tell Aunt Ting to just wait for news from me. There must be no problem with this matter."


Zhang Mo responded:

"Then my dad is looking for connections in Wuxi..."


Xu Xin shook his head without thinking:

"Don't do it. Leave this matter to me. Once my dad finds someone to find a safe place, we can get the marriage certificate together. You can find someone to do this now. What if something goes wrong? There's no need. , just wait for my news."

"...Yeah, that's okay."

Zhang Mo nodded and agreed, then continued:

"After we go to Qinglong Village tomorrow, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm going to the Magic City to deal with the World Expo...what's going on?"

"Aunt Ting would like to invite you to come and sit at home..."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"Aunt Ting called me?"

"Well...she has actually known about you for a long time. Especially since you gave her so many things this year...it was piled up all over the wall..."

"...wait a moment, wait a moment...what?"

Perhaps he was a little shocked by her description of "a wall".

Xu Xin's mind suddenly became confused:

"Who did I send?"


Zhang Mo was also stunned:




The two stared at each other for a while. After clarifying the relationship between master and slave, Xu Xin asked:

"Didn't I just bring you two boxes of good tea and a thermos cup? That's what the old man is using right now. What else is there?"

"...But Sun Ting contacted me and bought supplements such as fish maw and bird's nest for Aunt Ting, as well as toys for the children, as well as several boxes of wine and cosmetics..."

As she talked, she herself was speechless.

Looking at Xu Xin who looked confused...

Looking at his "virtue", he doesn't look like someone who understands "Youlan" or "Jenny Brown".

"A gift from Mimi? Aunt Ting also asked you not to spend any money next time..."

"...My thermos cup cost 680, and I got the tea from home."



The two looked at each other speechlessly.

To be honest, in Zhang Mo's eyes, tea doesn't matter, and a 680 cup doesn't sound expensive at first glance.

But it was in line with my father's wishes.

My father is not saying that he needs people to give gifts, but there are really not many people who know what they are short of.

What does that thermos cup have... is it magnetic or something high-tech? According to my father, using this cup every day is good for the body.

Tea is also the black tea he likes, which is thick, strong and bitter.

He has a bad stomach, and Aunt Ting won't let him drink green tea or strong tea. Except for Xu Xin, most people really don’t dare to give it away...

It can be said that this gift is not expensive, but it is delivered to the heart.

Therefore, it is also "very expensive".

But these two couples...

"Don't you two discuss each other's gifts?"


Xu Xin looked innocent:

"I don't even know who to give gifts to...it's all in her care."


In the end, the topic was dropped.

I can't continue the conversation.

Zhang Mo understood as soon as he heard that he was probably a big shopkeeper at home.

Xu Xin’s definition of himself is clearer:

"Eating and Waiting to Die"

Since his wife took over all the household affairs, he basically doesn't have to worry about these things anymore.

"Anyway, what Aunt Ting means is to invite you to visit her home. It depends on when it is convenient for you... She wants to thank you in person."


Xu Xin shook his head:

"If you thank me, I won't go. Does the old man know about this?"

"I know...but he wouldn't let me. He said you were too busy, so don't delay your affairs."


Upon hearing this, Xu Xin shook his head.

I’ve given you so many gifts that I won’t even let you in.

Really stingy.

In this case...

"Then wait until I come back from Magic City...is there an airport in Wuxi?"

"Yes, Shuofang Airport."

Zhang Mo nodded first and then said:

"It's only more than 130 kilometers from Wuxi to the capital, so you still take a plane? Isn't that a big deal?"

"You must sit down, otherwise I will have to go to the Magic City when I return to Yanjing from Wuxi?"

"...Can't we just go directly from Wuxi?"

"Okay, so the plane goes to Wuxi!"

"...There is a flight from Wuxi to Yanjing!"

Hearing this, Xu Xin responded:

"I know."

"Then why are you still going through this trip?"

Xu Xin said casually:

"I fly on a private jet."


Zhang Mo's mouth twitched.

It’s 4,000 today. My wife has emphysema + calcification + pneumonia. The child has just recovered and she will be hospitalized. Feel sorry.

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