I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 451 449 More than three kilograms of gold (Happy New Year!)

Chapter 451 449. Three pounds of gold (Happy New Year!)

"Hey, you came quite early."

After opening the door and seeing Liu Zhishi and Li Minian, Xu Xin smiled and said hello.

Liu Zhishi nodded:

"Yeah, I'm already hungry... Is this place delicious? It looks luxurious. How does it taste?"

"It's pretty good. The steak is particularly good...the wine is also okay. Do you still want to drink it?"


After hearing this, Liu Zhishi asked:

"Does it taste good?"

"The one I drank last time was pretty good."

"Then drink some."

The girl, who was in a good mood and had completely forgotten that just a few hours ago, she had made a promise to stop drinking, nodded.

Seeing this, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Okay, has Manager Li driven the car?"

Li Minnian, who finally had a chance to speak, shook his head:

"No. Neither of us drives."

"Then let's have some drinks...is this luggage?"

Looking at the box in the corner of the room, Xu Xin asked in confusion.

"After dinner with you, I'll leave. I've booked a flight for 9 o'clock."


Looking at the time on his watch, Xu Xin found that it was already past 6:30.

He finished late today, so he came a little late.

As for the plane after 9 o'clock...it will be calculated as taking off at 9:50, and the plane will stop boarding at 9:20.

In other words, you should allow at least 40 to 50 minutes from here to the airport, to go through the security check, and then to board the plane.

As for Roosevelt's meal, just the filet mignon Wellington or something like that would take more than half an hour to grill.

From the appetizers to the final dessert, it only takes over an hour.

This time is too late.

So, he said:

"The time is too late... please refund the tickets. Can you just take my plane and leave?"

"No. It's too expensive."

Liu Zhishi quickly refused.

But Xu Xin waved his hand:

"Okay, why are you arguing about this? Manager Li, please refund the ticket. My plane is in Shanghai. I will arrange it later. When will we leave after dinner?"

Although a flight from Shanghai to Yanjing costs about 150,000 to 200,000 yuan including the route and labor.

Just friends.

It’s not like I can’t afford the taxi fare of 10 or 20 yuan.

Seeing Liu Zhishi shaking his head, Xu Xin was unhappy:

"What are you doing? It's really boring to argue... Broker Li, hurry up and refund the ticket. I'll call you here. I'll have Roosevelt's people see you off later."


Li Minnian was a little confused.

What the hell... Director Xu is talking about a private jet?

? ? ? ?

And Xu Xin, who just did what he said, had already dialed the number of the airline agency:

"Hey, let's go to Yanjing. If it's time... tonight. Like ten or eleven o'clock, two of us. I'll send you the ID numbers later... Hmm."

Listening to the questions on the phone, Xu Xin asked jokingly:

"Do you have any requirements for Master Kong? Someone handsome? Someone cold? A sunny guy? A melancholy handsome guy?"


Brother, can you call the ducks for me?

Liu Zhishi was speechless.

The baby's face is red!


Seeing her strange reaction, Xu Xin smiled and said to the phone:

"Two flight attendants and two flight attendants. Standard configuration. Then we will arrange ground pick-up for two cars... Oh yes, the meals on the plane will be prepared to be halal. ... Well, I'm done."

After hanging up the phone, he edited a message and handed it to Li Minian:

"Agent Li, just send him your and Shishi's ID cards, mobile phone numbers, and names."

After saying that, he sat on the sofa and rang the service bell.

The waiter standing guard at the door came in:

"Bring over some bottles of red wine and choose from them. The older ones should be suitable for ladies to taste. Then what...what kind of set menu do you have? Just the one where the chef cooks it himself. Here's a set...Oh yes, for the appetizers. The one we opened last time...the ham from Libya or Iraq, the one from Spain..."

Brother, where are you leaving the self-destructing truck?

And Libya...

Liu Zhishi didn't know how to complain.

But she also saw that Xu Xin was really familiar with this place.

Apparently, been here many times.

After the waiter nodded and left, Xu Xin asked:

"I heard...what happened? Hidden in the snow?"


Liu Zhishi was stunned and asked subconsciously:

"How do you know it?"

Li Minnian's mouth twitched.

His eyes were a little panicked.

It's over... I forgot to tell Mimi to come up with a reason to excuse Shishi.

Shishi didn’t let me say it.

When Xu Xin looked at Li Minnian's eyes, he immediately understood something and said with a smile:

"Tang Yan just contacted me in the afternoon. She said that your company invited her to act in "The Stranger Iljimae"... She didn't know what was going on, so she asked me."

"...Do you still have contact with her?"

"Yes. We played golf together last time."


Looking at her doubtful eyes, Xu Xin also knew that this lie would definitely not work if he examined it in detail, so he changed the topic:

"How do you feel now?"

He thought the other party would show a wry smile or something like that.

But not.

The girl shrugged casually:

"I can finally have a good rest."


Xu Xin raised his eyebrows.

She seems to be in a good mood.

So he laughed and said:

"Just think about it this way. Actors also need to recharge. If they keep spinning and don't have time to settle and accumulate, then their acting skills will always be on the surface..."


Liu Zhishi nodded:

"So, if you hide in the snow, just hide in the snow. It doesn't matter. Just take a rest and let it settle... Do you know the reason why I hide in the snow?"

"Let's talk about it."


Liu Zhishi recounted what happened at noon today.

Although he already knew about this in advance, Xu Xin still pretended to hear it for the first time and frowned slowly.

"That's it... ok, then I know about this. I'll think about it later..."

While he was talking, several waiters came over wearing white gloves and holding various kinds of red wine in their hands.

At the same time, several other waiters began to prepare white wine to accompany the meal.

Dinner has officially begun.

During this meal, Xu Xin didn't say anything like "I'll help you get revenge."

Because it's not necessary.

The girl was unaware of many things for the time being, and Xu Xin had no intention of talking about them.

He said it as if the subtext was "Shishi, you owe me a favor."

No need.

Neither he nor his wife needed it, nor did they want Shishi to carry the psychological burden of owing him a favor. What's more, she suffered a disaster in this matter.

Therefore, during this meal, everyone basically did not talk about this aspect.

Xu Xin was talking to her about the crew.

For example, Liu Yifei's acting skills.

For example, the characteristics of the character Jingqiu and so on.

When she heard that Liu Yifei had suddenly undergone such a big... almost earth-shaking change after being isolated from the world for several months, she was filled with surprise.

Then she discussed with herself how she could improve her acting skills.

Although Xu Xin sounded like she wanted to re-create the path Yang Mi had taken... But it was true that she was right to think so.

As a director, in his opinion, a good actor really needs to settle down.

It is said that everyone has his or her own ambitions, and the path is chosen by oneself, and others cannot force it.

But let Xu Xin make the choice himself. Between an actor like Sister Bingbing who starred in seven dramas a year, and two actors like Yang Mi who naturally fell silent for a period of time and then came back after one movie, He will definitely choose Yang Mi.

It has nothing to do with celebrity status, popularity, box office appeal, etc.

In his view, actors play roles just like digesting food.

There is a process.

Eat slowly, chew carefully, and digest a character perfectly.

This will not put any burden on the actors themselves, but also prevent others from worrying.

After telling Liu Zhishi this idea, Liu Zhishi's rare low-myopia eyes glowed with a... light of hope similar to longing.

Obviously, this is the kind of actor she yearns for.

The work is neither fast nor slow, but in every work, she can give her best on the screen.

Give it your all, leave no regrets, completely ignite and release yourself, and be reborn from the ashes just like the returning phoenix.

Seeing this, Xu Xin suddenly asked:

"Hey, have you read the novel "Bu Bu Jing Xin"?"

"Well, not yet."

Liu Zhishi, who didn't think much about it, shook his head slightly:

"Mimi has always told me that this book is good, but... it's an online novel... it's not a literary work..."

"You have the wrong idea."

After hearing the subtext in her words, Xu Xin shook his head:

"There is no distinction between high and low in literature. Online novels may not be as profound as the works of those eras, but don't forget that since ancient times, culture and entertainment have not been separated. Culture and entertainment are highly overlapped in some aspects. The audience...or It is the people's choice to say that the masses choose to use it as a form of entertainment and relaxation after dinner. Anyone who tries to influence, deny, or fool this choice... To paraphrase a great man: Who do you think you are?"


"So don't have this idea. Think about it, as an actor, you can't even be recognized by many people. But a novel written by an online author has received hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of From this point of view, others are much better than us. It is true that books are a way to accumulate knowledge, but if you regard books simply as a way of learning, it would be a big mistake."

His words worked better than anything else.

Suddenly I thought about the importance of why an online novel can be recognized by so many people...

Liu Zhishi frowned and began to think.

After one sip of wine and three puffs of cigarette, she nodded:

"I'm too short-sighted. Then I'll look back... I just have some free time. I have a lot of time every day."

"Well, it's a good read. Because Yang Mi is working on the script for this book. Although I don't know when it will be filmed, weren't you yearning for the kind of acting that involves giving everything for a role and burning yourself into a pile of ashes? Then you can turn it into a pile of ashes. Think of it as a testing ground.”


No rejection, no politeness.

Because it's not needed.

The friendship between friends is very heavy, just keep it in your heart.

She was filled with excitement.

I can’t wait to “burn out” myself.

One and a half bottles for three people.

After the dinner, Liu Zhishi, who was still drunk, looked at the prosperous scenery of the Bund outside, feeling that she had not finished talking.

After checking the time and feeling that there was still some time left, she said:

"Eh? Have you ever visited the Bund?"


Xu Xin thought about it and found that it really didn't exist.

He has been to Shanghai so many times, even Roosevelt has been here so many times, but he has never gone to visit across the street.

"Then let's go for a walk? I don't think there are many people here."

There really weren't many people on the Bund today.

First of all, the weather didn't allow it, and it was still a bit cold in the Magic City at night.

Secondly, this is not a weekend, nor is it the peak tourist season. So there really aren’t many people.


Xu Xin agreed happily.

"But your luggage..."

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Li Minnian thought for a while and said:

"Then let me go to the airport first, okay? I'll go to the airport with my luggage first, and Shishi will get in the car and catch up here later."


So, the two sides separated and walked away.

After Li Minnian left, Xu Xin and Liu Zhishi also went downstairs wearing masks.

Go downstairs and pay.

Xu Xin ate more than 110,000 yuan in one meal.

The main expense is red wine.

Two bottles of 2005 Romanée-Conti Richburg cost him more than 80,000 yuan.

The premium is definitely a premium.

But it doesn’t matter, people also want to make money, right?

But Liu Zhishi stuck out his tongue:

"Oh my god...it's so expensive..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin, who just thought it was 11 yuan to treat a friend to a roadside stall to eat fried noodles and drink fruit beer, shrugged:

"Let's go."

The two strolled out the door.

Soon we crossed the road and came to the Bund embankment where boats passed by.

“When I came to the Magic City, I realized how poor I was.”

In the evening breeze, a sigh of relief came out of Liu Zhishi's mouth.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes directly:

"Don't do this, it's just like Yanjing's consumption level is very low."

"Isn't that true... Mainly because I'm familiar with Yanjing. I'm familiar with eating delicious food or drinking something. But to come here for a meal worth more than 100,000 yuan... is outrageous."

"Men'er Men'er."

A low whistle sounded from the Huangpu River.

Xu Xin was speechless.

And curled his lips inwardly.

110,000 is considered high consumption?

If you have a chance, let my old man open your eyes.

Look at my old man’s consumption...

110,000 yuan is 11 yuan here to me, but maybe 1 yuan yuan to my old man.

"In Shili Foreign Market, it is normal for consumption to be high. If the consumption level in an international metropolis is the same as that in a village, it means that the people are not living a good life. You should think of it this way. The price can be so high, which means that our people can afford it. Get up. That means the country is rich and powerful..."

He made some nonsense.

And just then...

"Xu Xin!"


Xu Xin turned to look at her.

I saw that the girl next to me had already pulled off the same face-slimming mask recommended by Yang Mi.

The evening breeze blows.

Her single ponytail hair was a little messy and swaying in the wind.

And on his face was a bright smile full of hope for the future.

"After I become a good actor, I will definitely make a lot of money! Then I'll treat you and Mimi to a big meal! Just like a million dollars!"


Xu Xin, who thought she had any ambitions, was stunned...

Suddenly happy.

The girl in front of her has small white teeth, her hair is flying in the wind, and her beautiful face is full of determination and persistence.

Therefore, he had no intention of refuting or attacking the other party.

Just smiled and said:

"Don't feel bad then."

"Hey, whoever feels sorry for you is the puppy! One million meals per meal! It's settled!"

"Men'er Men'er~~~"

The whistle of the Huangpu River sounded.

Witnessed the sincere vows of friends by the river embankment.

Pulling hooks and hanging people will not change for a hundred years.

"Hahahaha, did she really say that?"

"Yeah. A million meals."

"Hahahahahaha... Well, let me do the math. Gold is now 270 per gram, ten grams is two thousand seven, one hundred grams..."

"Are you going to talk to me about the word count?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and directly gave the answer his wife wanted:

"About 3,500 grams."

"Mom, more than three kilograms?"


Your math teacher died so early.

Thank you for your blatant nonsense every day, such as "I was good at studying when I was a child" and "If I hadn't been delayed by my career as an actor, I would have gone to Tsinghua University."

Thirty-five hundred grams is more than three kilograms?


Without saying a word, he quietly listened to his wife talking nonsense:

"A person can eat more than a kilogram of gold to make up for this million. Let alone gold, you can't stand it even if you eat more than a kilogram of beef."

This is also fart.

When it comes to eating meat, don’t you eat more than me?

I, Lao Shaanxi, felt so happy when we met each other.

But I really can’t eat this pound of beef.

But there’s nothing wrong with you old Bei’an.

The food is so authentic~

Perhaps because he drank too much, he was thinking about the train at the moment.

But I dare not say it.

After all, I am going to Hong Kong to attend the Hong Kong Film Awards on the 15th.

The bitch bitch...she holds a grudge.

What if the punishment is changed from trampling on the face with a white silk fishing net to cutting off the children and grandchildren... Then wouldn’t we, Lao Xu, suffer a big loss?

So he kept mumbling in agreement.

At this moment, he heard a "buzz" sound coming from his cell phone.

Someone sent him a message.

He thought that someone might be calling him but couldn't get through, so he turned on the speakerphone to see who it was.

As soon as I opened the text message, I saw a message from an unknown phone number:

"Hello, Director Xu. My name is Nazha. I'm sorry to disturb you so late. After listening to your opinions last time, my family and I discussed it and decided to apply for Beijing Film Academy. My family is also very supportive, and Mr. Hu also agrees. He even found an art exam training class for me in Yanjing. I will definitely not disappoint your expectations."

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that her brother stopped answering, Yang Mi asked in confusion.

Xu Xin came back to his senses and said:

"Well, it's okay. Nazha sent me a message. She said that she decided to apply for Beijing Film Academy, and Hu Guang also signed her up for an art exam training class."

"Then why did I send you a message specifically?"

"Because I suggested she take the exam last time."


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, her eyes narrowed:

"Young man, your thoughts are very dangerous. Tell me! Are you going to have a harem?"

"Get lost."

While replying "Okay, come on" and rolling his eyes, Xu Xin said:

"Who would make fun of a 17-year-old girl's future? I'm serious about the advice I'm giving her, okay?"


Hearing this, Yang Mi snorted twice.

But I didn't care much.

In terms of beauty...that girl is still young.

What's more... this is indeed my brother's style.

Others don't know it clearly, but she knows it best as a pillow person.

How kind her lover is at heart.

"But...I didn't expect that Hu Guang would be willing to let her go...Oh, that's right. Now she has taken the shape of the great director Xu Xin!"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Dog bitches...

It's your mouth, it hasn't insulted your name at all.


Happy New Year of Guimao and great blessings in the New Year. I wish you all a prosperous new year and a bright future!

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