I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 466 464 Da Qiang’s Joke

Chapter 466 464. Da Qiang’s Joke

In fact, Li Hao really feels sorry for Uncle Xu now.

But he didn't think so when he was young.

Just like everyone has a past, he also has his own story.

Li Hao has followed Xu Daqiang for a long time.

He didn't call him "Uncle Xu" out of nowhere, but he actually had some relatives on both sides.

But this relative is indeed quite far away.

His mother is the granddaughter of her aunt who married from Xujiawan.

Although I don't keep in touch with the people in Xujiawan frequently, in this small place everyone still recognizes this kind of kinship relationship.

What's more, Li Hao's family conditions are also average.

If one is rich and the other is poor, then it may be true to the saying that when you are poor in the streets, no one cares about you, but when you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives. But neither side is doing well. They are all miserable people with their backs to the sky and their faces facing the loess. Relying on family ties, everyone is always willing to give some food to the poor themselves to support their relatives who share the same illness as themselves.

The relative relationship between Li Hao and Xu Jiawan falls into this category.

Don't look at the fact that he wears gold-rimmed glasses every day, but he speaks well and does things neatly wherever he goes.

People will know at a glance that they are successful people.

Once upon a time, he was young and frivolous. He was aggressive and formed a "gang" with several gangsters, and wandered around the streets every day like a child playing house.

There was no way, it was just like that in those days and months.

The poorer the place, the more likely they are to breed.

Fortunately, Li Hao is obedient and filial. After wandering around on the street for a few years, his mother also asked someone to find him a job as a driver for a transportation team.

The transportation team at that time was very poor.

At that time, the large and small rivers and ditches of Shenmu were not regulated, and the water and sand dug out of the river every day were good materials for construction.

He drives a car and pulls sand. Not only does he earn a high salary, he also earns a lot of extra money. If you just need a few pounds or a few bags of sand, you can earn dozens of dollars.

But it's a pity that the young man's blood is so hot that he doesn't know how to drink. After telling his friends about this at the wine table, I still don't know which bastard got jealous and reported him to the brigade.

Logically speaking, this matter is an unspoken rule, and everyone in the team acquiesces to it.

Anyway, there is a lot of sand in the river. Apart from not letting ordinary people dig it, who of the drivers in his own team would not be able to shovel two shovels?

Public things, what are they?

But unspoken rules are one thing, and being reported is another.

As a result, Li Hao's job was gone.

He especially remembered how sad his mother cried when she found out that he was expelled from the brigade.

From that time on, Li Hao finally learned one thing.

That's what it means: shut up.

But no matter what, the job was gone. He saw his mother's hair getting grayer day by day since he was fired. The rebellious young man's blood suddenly ran cold.

find a job.

Any job will do.

I can't let my mother worry anymore.

You can't go too far either.

I'm afraid that if I go far away, no one will show my filial piety to my mother.

Coincidentally, at that time, coal was discovered in several places around Xujiawan and Shenmu.

Shenmu County, which usually saw few large vehicles entering the city except for small trucks from the brigade, suddenly saw many large trucks pulling equipment.

Every now and then, you hear news that XX Village has become rich overnight, and the villagers can share millions.

Unfortunately, Li Hao's family has moved to the city and is no longer connected with the countryside.

But with the mentality of giving it a try, he followed his mother's relationship and returned to Xujiawan to see if there was any job that required a driver.

Then I met Xu Daqiang, who had already started building a mixing station at that time.

Xu Daqiang asked him to call him uncle.

He said that even if a girl from Xujiawan gets married, she is still from Xujiawan.

After learning that his father also died of illness when he was in school, Li Hao was asked to drive and pull goods at the mixing station.

And Li Hao, who finally grew up, regained the acceptance of his "family" little by little by virtue of his reliable work and strict speaking. Finally, I became Xu Daqiang's driver in the first Santana he bought.

Once you do it, it lasts for many years.

As for the harvest over the years, don’t worry about my mother’s glorious funeral, the three-story house built in Xujiawan when I was married, or the annual fixed dividends from the mine and ordinary business. I won’t mention it anymore.

Uncle Xu never treated the people around him badly.

As the person who has been with him for the longest time, he has almost witnessed how Uncle Xu grew from a small mixing station to the scale it is today. In Li Hao's heart, Uncle Xu has long replaced his father's existence.

Even his matchmaker was appointed by Uncle Xu.

Otherwise... why should I, a married woman born with a foreign surname, take the name of a Xujiawan woman?

Can a child after giving birth still receive money based on head in the mine?

This is not a treatment that a married woman can enjoy.

In Li Hao's heart, Uncle Xu is one of the best in the world in terms of his brains, vision, and keen business sense.

Obviously, he is also uneducated, and even reading a book is like taking sleeping pills.

But... no matter what Uncle Xu does, he can succeed.

And things will always go according to his wishes.

Moreover, when he was young, these were not the things he envied most. Instead, as a secretary, I followed Uncle Xu and saw what kind of life he was leading.

Simple summary, four words:

"Go wild and have a good time."

Whether at work or in private, this word can be used to sum it up.

Then all the work matters are done in this debauchery, and success is guaranteed.

In private, no matter how beautiful and reserved the little girls are...when you wake up in the morning, you can always see them lying on Uncle Xu's bed.

As a man, Li Hao was really envious when he was young.

Even he also got a lot of credit.

But what good man has not had some dream in his heart that "a man is born in heaven and earth"?

However, the dream was just a dream. Unknowingly, the relationship between the two of them changed from a mere employment relationship to a family relationship.

Especially when Li Hao got married and gave birth to his first child, and the child called out the babbling "Grandpa" in front of Xu Daqiang.

Li Hao followed Uncle Xu steadily in his daily life and took care of his life. At the same time, he would occasionally be amazed by the beauty of the people next to Uncle Xu... and even some ridiculous things.

In the first twenty-seven or eight years of his life, he felt that Uncle Xu must be the reincarnation of some peach blossom fairy.

That peach blossom luck is outrageous.

However, in the past few years of his life, his mentality became more and more mature as he turned thirty. One morning when he was brushing his teeth, he suddenly understood many things at once.

Facing the various beautiful girls around Uncle Xu who were still looking around... I met them at dinner parties, met them in bars, all kinds of beautiful girls... I watched them holding the coins that Uncle Xu bought for me. Thousands of yuan worth of perfume, tens of thousands of yuan worth of clothes and bags, and the look of leaving happily...

And Uncle Xu sent the woman away with a smile, and turned his face into a normal face as if he was used to it. He seemed to understand.

Uncle Xu, this is not some kind of luck.

He's just...very lonely.

Isn’t that the same with the buzzwords on the Internet now?

Something like "How lonely it is to be invincible".

Sometimes when I return home after a business trip, with my wife and sleeping child in my arms, the couple whispers at night, they talk about Uncle Xu. The most common thing they talk about is "Is Uncle Xu's bed cold or not?" topic.

At first glance, it sounds a bit ridiculous, as if you want to keep warm under the covers.

But in fact, what the two of them were talking about was... Uncle Xu, after a tiring day at work, faced a beautiful girl who he might not even remember where he met, and had some interactions with a girl without any familiarity or tacit understanding. When venting something, what is the feeling of emptiness and loneliness after it ends.

To put it more ridiculously, even if I kiss so many little girls, I have to adapt to the different taste in everyone's mouth...

Especially as you get older...

Just like Li Hao now.

He is in his thirties, although he is not old, but now he likes the tenderness of his wife more than when he was in his twenties.

Everyone knows each other well, and they have a tacit understanding to guard the sweetness and warmth of the child.

These...does Uncle Xu have them?

Li Hao, who had never seen Uncle Xu being with someone for a period of time, could only shake his head... Oh yes, there is a woman.

In his mind, he was a few years younger than Uncle Xu, but... he was the only person he had ever seen who could say that Uncle Xu took the initiative to care for her, and that the two of them were "talking about feelings."


That woman met Sanjin, who was the most ignorant person during her rebellious period.

Every time he thought about this, he felt very sad.

If Sanjin had been more sensible than he was back then, Uncle Xu might not be alone now.

And today I heard Uncle Xu chatting with Sanjin about the lunch meal...

Apart from sighing, he had no other thoughts.

The older a man gets, the harder it is for him to find a satisfying love.

Now Sanjin is sensible...and filial, and he has married a daughter-in-law that everyone in the village praises.

But now I think of caring about Uncle Xu’s emotional problems...


Remaining silent, driving the car, muttering about the past in my heart.

Land Rover finally got to the navigation position.

At this moment, the weather is already starting to get brighter.

There's no other way, there's a traffic jam, and there are so many cars in Magic City.

After arriving at the place, Xu Daqiang looked at the old house in the suburbs and was about to go inside.

Li Hao quickly asked:

"Uncle, are you drinking?"

"Don't drink."

Xu Daqiang said without looking back.

Hearing this, Li Hao nodded and understood the ingredients of tonight's game.

A clean game... Tsk.

He sighed quietly.

Others don't know...can he still know some things?

Since I don't drink, it seems that I don't have to find a separate table for tonight's meal.

"Mr. Xu."

In the box, when Liang Binning saw Xu Daqiang walking in, she stood up with a smile to greet him.


Xu Daqiang said hello and responded with a smile:

"I'm late, there's a traffic jam."

"It doesn't matter, I just arrived not long ago."

Liang Binning said and nodded to Li Hao:

"Brother Hao."

"Hey, hello Bingbing."

Although he is older than Liang Binning, his title also carries a layer of respect.

Both sides discuss their own issues.

Then, according to custom, he picked up the teapot and poured tea for Xu Daqiang.

The private cuisine here seems to be of high quality, and the utensils are quite particular. But when he picked up the teapot, he found that there wasn't much water in it. He took a look at the size of the teapot, and he knew more or less how long Liang Binning had been waiting.

Then he didn't pour the tea root for Xu Daqiang, but took the hot water kettle placed on the induction cooker next to him to add tea.

Xu Daqiang saw Li Hao's movements and knew what he was doing. He smiled and said:

"Then it's not good to keep you waiting for so long. The main reason is that Xiao Hao is not familiar with the road. Next time he is familiar with it, he can drive faster. Isn't it wrong to make you two wait for so long?"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Liang Binning, Wang Dongying, who was replacing Yang Tianzhen as assistant, felt very comfortable because of these words.

She had heard Sister Bingbing tell her about Mr. Xu's energy.

I didn't expect it to be so approachable.

She was also very honest...I apologized promptly for being late.

It's really different from those nouveau riche.

Is he really a coal boss?

I can't tell... he looks strong, dark, and energetic.

From his speech to his appearance, he is very different from the other wealthy people Sister Bingbing has met.

It feels very real...but the words are a bit earthy...

After Liang Binning heard this, she smiled and said:

"In that moment, Mr. Xu will have to punish himself with a drink."


Xu Daqiang waved his hand:

"As for tea, I drank a lot in the afternoon."

Liang Bingning tilted his head:

"Mr. Xu, I'm talking about wine."

"Ah, I don't drink if I don't drink. I'm having dinner with you, it's not socializing, why do I drink so much? Don't you follow Weibo? Why did you read what the doctor said in the repost? If you drink frequently, women are more likely to grow old quickly. .Drink some tea, drink some scented tea, beautify your skin~"

"That's not possible. How can I express my gratitude without wine?"

Liang Binning was still persuading, but Xu Daqiang took the kettle from Li Hao and sat on the chair waving his hands:

"Thank you very much. Today is just for us to have a meal, so it's not a big deal. Eat something nice, drink some tea, and have a chat, okay?"


Taking a look at the two cakes of red wine specially prepared by herself on the table, Liang Binning felt a little helpless:

"I've prepared two bottles of good wine..."

"You won't drink it either. Listen to me, just drink some tea... Why, you've been drinking so much lately? Did you bring this wine with you in the car?"

"You must always keep it. Otherwise, if you go to eat with others, there will be no atmosphere without wine..."

"Don't take it with you in the car next time."

Hearing this, Xu Daqiang continued to shake his head:

"You should check Weibo often, those retweets. Doctors have made it clear that this..."

He showed a reminiscence look, thought for a while, and summed up the words:

"Ah, this... there is high temperature in the car. For this... it needs a constant temperature storage environment. The damage is too great. On the one hand, it will damage the taste, and on the other hand, this... this, this... it is easy to breed carcinogens. Hey, this Don’t dare to mess around..."

As he spoke, Xu Daqiang suddenly took out his mobile phone and started playing with it. While playing with it, he said:

"Your home is in Yanjing, so I won't mention it. If you come here and have a dinner or talk to someone about something and want to drink, I'll give you a call..."


Liang Binning's cell phone rang:

"Keep this phone number. If you need wine, just call this number. Just say yes and let him deliver it to you. Don't put it in the car. Drinking it is not good for your health."


This Mr. Xu is too warm.

Wang Dongying was a little stunned.

After she resigned from Mr. Yang as Sister Bingbing's assistant and began to serve as the publicity director, she followed Sister Bingbing.

What kind of people have you not seen around?

Regardless of whether the various bosses are gentle or so-called nouveau riche, everyone always looks at Sister Bingbing's attitude in a strange way.

There is desire and there is coveting...

If you can drink, let Sister Bingbing drink as much as possible, and try to make fun by changing cups and cups...

In the past few months, she has followed Sister Bingbing around.

The father of Director Xu, who is said to be super rich, is the first person to truly care about Sister Bingbing...


Is Director Xu’s gentlemanly demeanor inherited from Mr. Xu?

No wonder she is attracted by Sister Mi...

Although Mr. Xu sounds stupid, he doesn't have so many sweet words. But that kind of care and concern that is almost that of an elder...isn't it too warm?

Rich and gentlemanly...

Wow, this guy is great!

Xu Daqiang, who didn't know that with just a few words, he had gained a "little girl", put down his cell phone.

But when Liang Bingning saw that he was so serious, she no longer forced herself.

He turned to Wang Dongying and said:

"Yingying, please take this wine. Let them serve hot and cold dishes together...and ask if there is any scented tea. Let me have a pot."


When Wang Dongying stood up, Xu Daqiang said with a smile:

"I drink so much that I don't socialize and talk about things. Just eat, drink and just chat."


Liang Bingning responded, holding her cup:

"Then let's have tea instead of wine. Mr. Xu is welcome to enjoy it."


Xu Daqiang laughed and clinked a drink with her, and then asked:

"How many awards did Sanjin win this time?"

"Mr. Xu doesn't know?... Oh, yes, Mr. Xu seemed to be watching "Yongzheng Dynasty" at that time. There was no one... The Academy Awards were given to films from Hong Kong this time, and people from mainland China were there to serve as foils. .”

"Then I won't go there anymore. I've made it clear that I'll just play with myself behind closed doors. I'm so petty, so just stay away...so can you? Didn't you also act in a Hong Kong movie?"

"Me neither...but I have already won the Golden Rooster. It doesn't matter whether I win this award or not."

Liang Binning finished speaking with a smile and asked:

"What is Mr. Xu doing here this time?"

"Working. But I can't tell you..."

"I understand. I don't understand what Mr. Xu is doing either."

"This is not... it's San Jinrang's favor. It's important that things... get done. I know that the fewer people involved, the better. So it's not that I won't tell you, but I can't say it for the time being."


Liang Binning was stunned for a moment, then nodded:


"What about you? How busy have you been lately?"


She smiled:

"What else can I do? I'm looking for movies to shoot, I'm looking for commercials to shoot, and I've recently negotiated for a few endorsements, but they won't be available until next year. I have to keep up... I don't know whether I can win or not."


"Influence, simple influence is not enough... I follow all blue and red blood..."

"Medical industry?"


As soon as Xu Daqiang said these words, Wang Dongying couldn't hold it in and suddenly burst into laughter.

Liang Binning frowned... somewhat displeased.

And Wang Dongying suddenly panicked... She suddenly laughed out loud at the most inappropriate time...


"Ah, don't glare at people."

On the contrary, Xu Daqiang looked unconcerned and said to Li Hao with a smile:

"Xiao Hao, what do you think of this joke? It's not out of date yet."

Li Hao nodded with a smile:

"That's right, Bingbing... don't take it too seriously. As soon as Uncle Xu said this joke, nine out of ten people would laugh out loud..."


Xu Daqiang waved his hand again with a smile and said to Liang Binning:

"Okay, little girl, you are staring so hard. Isn't this joke funny?"

Liang Binning turned her head and looked at Xu Daqiang with some embarrassment:

"Yingying has been with me not long ago..."

"Ah, what did you say? You know, Blue Red Blood is talking about those... donkeys..."


Liang Bingning's mouth twitched...

Xu Daqiang looked at her intently and said speechlessly:

"Not funny either?"


Only then did she realize that Xu was always making her happy.

Then he showed a look that didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said coquettishly:

"Mr. Xu~~~~~"

"Hahahahaha~ That's right, smile more. You look good when you smile~ Wear a mask every day... As I said, tonight is not a business bureau, it's just a dinner with friends. It doesn't matter. Feel free."

After saying these words, the "smile mask" on Liang Binning's face finally completely faded away like an iceberg encountering the scorching sun.

There was also a hint of rosiness.

Wang Dongying lowered her head silently...

My heart was full of uneasiness.

I thought that I would definitely be scolded when I went back.

But at the same time, I'm a little grateful.

If Mr. Xu hadn't spoken out in time, he might not have just been scolded.

What a...good person.


Then I heard Xu Daqiang say:

"Those foreigners who choose luxury goods are just pretentious... When choosing an advertising spokesperson, you don't have to be beautiful, but have a good temperament. It's not like you don't meet the requirements... you need influence? What? You need influence... it's just Just ask Bill Gates to go."

"It's not..."

Liang Binning shook her head slightly:

"They just want areas that can radiate more. What I want is not the kind of endorsement for a certain season or series. This endorsement is also divided into levels. The lowest level is nothing more than a promotion ambassador or a brand endorsement. I have these . This year I appeared on the Spring Festival poster in the New York Plaza. I am currently talking about the endorsement in the Asia-Pacific region... This endorsement is one level lower than the global endorsement, which is very high. If it can be negotiated, then I should be... ...The first person in domestic history. A Chinese native to serve as the spokesperson for Louis Vuitton in the Asia-Pacific region..."

"Oh, that's it..."

Xu Daqiang nodded seemingly understandingly, and then asked:

"Then what's the difference now? Influence...more influence? Aren't you famous enough?"

"Fame is definitely enough. But... Westerners are more pretentious. They see more. They require spokespersons to have humanistic care and so on... Anyway, there are quite a lot."

"Humanistic care...?"

"Yes, the spokesperson is not only required to be in the entertainment field, but also to radiate into all aspects. For example, you can do charity, or environmental protection, etc..."


Xu Daqiang was stunned.

Then he seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned to look at Li Hao:

"Xiao Hao, last time I came to Magic City, we had dinner with that person from the Song... Foundation. Do you still remember?"


Li Hao nodded:

"Mr. Lu."

"Yes, that's him..."

Xu Daqiang turned his head:

"Are you leaving these days?"


Liang Binning was stunned for a moment and did not answer directly, but asked subconsciously:

"Mr. Xu, the foundation you are talking about...could it be..."

Xu Daqiang nodded:

"Yes, we had dinner together and we had a good chat. There is a charity dinner this year, and I originally planned to let Sanjin and Mimi go...will you go?"

"I won't compete with Mimi..."

Hearing this, Xu Daqiang was delighted:

"What's the matter with grabbing extra chairs? If you're free these two days, why don't you invite him out and let you get to know him?"


Liang Bingning was stunned:

"But...is that okay?"

"Well, it's just a matter of a meal... It's better to choose a different day. Tomorrow? I'll leave the day after tomorrow, and ask someone out tomorrow night, okay? If you want to do charity then, just leave from here. They So famous~"


Liang Binning was speechless.

I really don’t know what to say.

A charity dinner of that level... How could there be any celebrities attending?

They all have to be locals from the Magic City... To put it bluntly, the boss would shake the ground even when he stamps his feet.

It is an existence that is beyond your reach.

But here, Mr. Xu... was so lighthearted... inviting someone out for dinner?




Not sure.

She just... took advantage of the emotion in her heart and said sincerely:

"Thank you, Mr. Xu..."

"Haha, it's nothing. It's a trivial matter~"

There is no exchange of benefits.

There is no courtesy.

Didn’t you say that people should look at influence and don’t they want to be charitable?

Okay, let me help you get there in one step.

Donating money in your own name is completely different from attending a charity dinner and being in the news.

Listening to this hearty laughter, and...this help without asking for anything in return.

Looking at this man who exudes a cheerful and heroic atmosphere...

Liang Binning, who has become accustomed to getting something, must give something equally. From the beginning to the end, no one supported her or gave her any protection. Liang Binning was stunned for a moment and revealed that tonight started after the two met. , the most sincere smile comes.

Like an iceberg melting.

So beautiful.

Sure enough, Mr. Xu is still the same Mr. Xu.

Nothing has changed.

Thinking of this...

She felt warm in her heart.

Even if this kind of care is nothing to the other party, it may not even be considered as shit.

But for me, it really hit the point where I needed it most.

Mr. Xu's "protective umbrella" only touched him a little bit, and it directly solved his urgent need.

If you can get recognition, it will help your career rise to a higher level again.

The importance of red and blue blood to the artist's brand value is self-evident.

But that's exactly what it is...

She suddenly felt a little scared again.

No, it's not appropriate to say panic.



No, how could it be because of inferiority complex?

What do I have to feel inferior to...I am...the big star Liang Bingning...

She felt a little funny again.

But at the beginning...

Women who can't understand the taste can only use teacups to hide their emotions.

But fortunately at this moment... the door opened.

The waiter came in with a tray.

It's time to serve.


Taking this opportunity, she suppressed the absurd inferiority complex in her heart and said with a smile:

"I'm more worried now about whether tonight's dish will satisfy Mr. Xu~"

"Hahahaha~ It's easy to make a living, you can live with a bowl of noodles~"

Xu Daqiang laughed again.

Rugged and heroic.

That smile was bright, but for some reason... Liang Binning seemed to be dazzling, avoiding the smile and looking at the delicacies on the plate.

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