I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 469 466 Two Contradictions

Chapter 469 466. Two contradictions

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin turned around and called Yang Mi.

The call was connected quickly, and as soon as it was connected, a noisy voice came from inside:

"Hey!! Yangyang! You can't tickle grandpa!!...Uncle, you can't spoil him like this. It hurts when a child bites someone...Shishi, come on, come on, help me, I'll wash her quickly Butt…hey…what’s the matter with you?”

Across the phone, Xu Xin could feel the turmoil at home, and said quickly:

"do your stuff."

"Well, hang up."


The phone hung up again.

After about twenty minutes, I called again.

"Hey, what were you doing on the phone just now?"

On the second floor of the rented courtyard, with the cool air conditioner blowing, she asked lazily while looking at the relatively well-preserved folk streets in Chikan Ancient Town.

Xu Xin said in confusion:

"You guys also have a day off today?"

"You guys also took a rest?"

"Well, suddenly there were so many tourists in Yuan'an and Qinglong Village that we couldn't film the movie at all, so we took a break."

"We are the same here. In addition, Tony Leung has been too tired recently, so the director said to take a few days off and wait until he can avoid the holiday."

"What about Shishi? What's going on with Shishi?"

As soon as he finished asking this question, Liu Zhishi's voice rang out:

"Don't mention it, Hengdian is in a panic. The streets are full of people, and there is no shooting environment at all. All the crew have taken a break... It's strange, it's strange, it wasn't like this in previous years. What happened this year..."

"The holidays have been extended. Legal holidays are protected by law. In the first year, no one dares to mess around."

After Xu Xin explained something, he asked:

"So you came here to take some time off from your busy schedule?"

"Yes. The scenery here is really nice...it's just a bit hot. But it's better than Hengdian anyway. My parents went to Japan for a trip, so I came here."

"Haha, okay, let's stay a few more days."

After chatting with her on the phone, Xu Xin said:

"Let me tell you something. Nazha just called me."

Hearing this, Yang Mi canceled the speakerphone, put the phone around her neck and fiddled with Dan Cong in front of her, and asked:

"Well, what then? How is her father's condition?"

"That's what she said..."

After explaining the cause and effect of the matter, he said:

"Aren't you going to attend the Yanjing College Student Film Festival on the 8th? Come see her when you go back and make an IOU. I said, I don't want her to demolish the house and sell the land to pay me back. If you really want to pay it back, then Just hone your acting skills honestly, become a good actor, and pay me back the money through the salary. I will not accept any other methods."


Yang Mi chuckled:

"You really care about her."

Xu Daqiang, who was guarding his granddaughter and grandson, twitched his ears.

On the phone:

"Go away, your remarks are not even considered sarcastic, this is called sarcasm."

"Haha, okay, okay... you can do whatever you want."

"Well, as long as you know that. I will have less contact with her in the future. Are you satisfied?"

"That's not what I meant. I was just joking. How can you be more serious... Okay, I understand. Is there anything else?"

"Where's our dad?"

"Look at Nuannuan and Yangyang. They have to leave soon and go back to Shenmu. My sister-in-law hasn't seen any relatives this month. Brother Sanshui called her. I guess she has... I'll go back and check on her later."

"Yo? Okay."

"Hey, no, I'll just wait for the results of the blood test at the hospital tomorrow..."

The two chatted for a while, and Xu Xin hung up the phone after he was about to start working.

Liu Zhishi didn't ask what the couple talked about.

She came here also on vacation.

The scenery in Chikan is beautiful, and the food is delicious. Why should I worry about the couple's affairs?

In this way, the time came to early 5 o'clock in the evening.

Everyone started to have dinner.

Dinner is early tonight because after dinner, Xu Daqiang will leave by car.

He has been here for more than ten days, and now his eldest son and daughter-in-law are still waiting for him... For such a big thing, it would be better to go to the hospital for a checkup together. So I had to go back quickly after eating.

During the meal, I didn’t actually drink much wine.

Yang Dalin and Xu Daqiang each had a drink.

After drinking twenty ounces of wine, I got on the plane comfortably.

After the meal was finished, Yang Mi originally wanted to help Li Hao pack his things, but she was stopped by Xu Daqiang:

"Mimi, come here, let me tell you something..."


Yang Mi didn't think much, and the two of them walked out of the house and came to the courtyard where the Feng Shui Bureau was located.

The small courtyard she rented actually suited Yang Mi's wishes.

The courtyard is built next to the river, and regardless of Feng Shui, this layout is very comfortable.

There is a semi-open-air terrace on the second floor, where you can overlook the entire sparkling river bank when the lights are turned on at night. There is a sense of déjà vu like Scenery Along the River During the Qingming Festival + Qinhuai Scenery.

Secondly, the various furniture buildings are not particularly old. The original owner had renovated them before.

Living here feels like living in old Shanghai in the last century.

Anyway, she liked it.

Especially at night, open all the glass windows on the terrace, turn on the fan, and drink tea.

It was a hot day, and after several pots of tea, I was sweating. It was not very comfortable to take a bath in the bathroom and return to the air-conditioned room.

If it rains, then lean on the railing and listen to the rain. Looking at the misty and rainy Chikan, you feel like you have returned to the charming Jiangnan in the misty rain.

So she lives happily in this house and even plans to buy it.

When she came under the eaves, she asked:

"Uncle Xu, what's wrong?"

"...Sanjin's phone call this afternoon, what did you say?"


More than 20 minutes later, Liu Zhishi was pushing the stroller, and Li Hao was carrying the suitcase. Next to them were the Yang Dalin couple who were carrying large and small bags of local specialties, intending to let Xu Daqiang take them back for Sanshui and Qianqian to try. out.

Yang Mi, who was still chatting under the eaves, nodded:

"Okay, I know what's going on."


Xu Daqiang didn't say much, and walked to his granddaughter and grandson with a smile:

"Come, kiss grandpa, grandpa is leaving..."

After Xu Daqiang left, Yang Dalin and his wife pushed their children for a walk as usual.

The locals here like to play a card called "Ma Diao". Yang Dalin and his wife have just learned it recently and are quite addicted to it.

Then the nightlife here is also quite lively, with Yue opera singers and various entertainment activities.

The two of them like to watch, and the children also like to have fun.

So I went out for a walk in the evening.

Liu Zhishi just came today, but the two of them don't plan to go for a walk tonight.

Today is the time when there are the most tourists. If you are recognized and blocked, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Therefore, the two of them agreed that they would watch the night view and drink tea at home tonight, and then take a tour of this ancient town when there are fewer tourists.

At this moment, sitting in the semi-open-air tea pavilion on the second floor, Liu Zhishi, wearing a loose sports vest, men's sports shorts, and a pair of Adidas sports slippers, put down his tea cup and exhaled a breath of hot breath...

Not to mention...

Dancong tea... After you get used to drinking it, the aroma is so strong...

She wiped the sweat from her temples.

Turn on the air conditioner, blow the fan, open the windows...


What a luxury.

Then, she glanced at Yang Mi.

Mimi is in a daze.

"...What are you thinking about?"

she couldn't help but ask.

"What did Uncle Xu say to you? Why do you feel so weird about you?"


If anyone asked, she would definitely not tell.

But the relationship between the two is here, plus...she actually has a desire to tell.

So he asked with a smile:

"Want to know?"

"If you don't want to say it, I won't force it..."

Liu Zhishi looked at her smiling face and shrugged:

"It's just that you seem to be worried, and you don't feel comfortable."

"Oh, just tell me if you want to know."


After hearing this answer, Yang Mi pointed to her face:

"Kiss me and I'll tell you."

"Get out!"

Liu Zhishi instantly rolled his eyes:

"Fuck you, pervert!!!"


Yang Mi smiled, poured another cup of tea for her friend, and said in the same tone that she had been watching the old men and women singing in the past few days:

"Then listen to my husband~ tell me carefully~~~~~~Come~~~~"


Grandma has legs.

Just take advantage of me.

Sooner or later, one day I will be so unclean that I can’t get married!

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a sentence:

"Last year, Xu Xin met a girl."

"Dang Cang..."

The tea cup was not held firmly and it instantly fell into the tea tray.


Liu Zhishi’s eyes were full of absurdity:

"Nani!!!... He... He cheated!?"


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

"Thank you."


It sounds like Xu Xin hasn't cheated on her yet.

Liu Zhishi's eyes became strange:

"Then can you please stop putting on airs when you speak? It's really easy for people to misunderstand your words."

"So just listen to me and don't be surprised."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"It made me feel so scared."

"...You say it, you say it."

Liu Zhishi sat down obediently and picked up the roasted sweet potatoes on the table.

She had to stay in shape and couldn't eat anything too high in calories.

Dried sweet potatoes can be used as potato chips and tea can be used as a snack.


I have some gossip to listen to!

She felt that as long as Xu Xin didn't cheat, the relationship between the two of them was like a seamless egg that even a fly couldn't bite. Her eyes were filled with burning flames of gossip.

"Stupid virtue."

Yang Mi shook her head helplessly:

"I met this girl in Shanghai. The cause was a business dispute between him and Shanghai Film Studio..."

She began to talk.

But Liu Zhishi was speechless after hearing the first half.

What do you mean... a drinker?

Although she can understand that men still socialize outside...but...

In any case, it’s not appropriate for a director like Xu Xin to have a casual relationship with a girl who is accompanying him outside.

But after hearing the second half, her eyes became even more ridiculous.

Oh, in total, it was you, the old man, who lured the Japanese here?

She couldn't help but said:

"Why did you ask her to send Xu Xin back that day?"

"You'll find out when you get married."

Yang Mi waved her hand:

"My own man drank too much outside and had no one to take care of him. Compared with this... everything else is nothing... and it's not right. Anyway, that's what it means. You just need to understand."

"That's... okay. And then? From that point on, have you been stuck with you?"

"That's not..."

She briefly explained Nazha's situation.

However, in order to "clear away the suspicion", she blamed Xu Xin for being the one who had the idea to make money for Nazha.

After Liu Zhishi heard this, he said speechlessly:

"Although it's a bit wrong to say this... but from my point of view, for her to know Xu Xin is simply... a blessing acquired in eight lifetimes. It's just the two of you... If you change someone else, who cares about her? Is dad alive or dead? There are so many unfortunate people these days, and they don't mention it when they meet by chance... Even if, I mean even, even if Xu Xin really flirts with her, then she is not worth so much money. "

"Well... just think of doing good deeds for your children."

Yang Mi's words earned her a big eye roll:

"Hundreds of thousands are enough to accumulate virtue and do good deeds... You have done well, but I am also short of money."

"That's not easy...if you marry me in, isn't what's mine yours?"

"...Are you sick? Are you looking for a mistress for your husband? Good guy, the virtue of three wives and four concubines has really been carried forward..."

"I'm talking about you marrying me in to be my second wife. Who asked you to be my husband's mistress?"

Yang Mi had an expression on her face that said, "You're weird, young man."

Liu Zhishi was even more speechless:

"What should Xu Xin do?"

"Him? Dafang."

"……And me?"

"Second roommate. But the children in the future must have my last name."

"You mean I marry you?"


"Let's not talk about whether you are a bitch or not, Commander Yang, let me ask you a question. How are you and I going to have a baby?"

"It's easy. Xu Xin can help."

"Ah!!! Go to hell!!!"


Yang Mi's happy laughter sounded in the tea room.

Liu Zhishi, on the other hand, turned red with anger (and embarrassment).

"I might as well go to the Daughter's Kingdom and drink well water!"


Holding the teacup and moistening her throat, Yang Mi continued:

"Didn't you ask me why I was absent-minded? In fact, it was Uncle Xu and we just talked about this matter. When he heard me say that Xu Xin cherished her beauty in the afternoon, he felt that something was wrong and asked about the cause and effect. Then he gave me some opinions..."

"Uncle Xu?...What advice did you give you?"

“A kindness can turn into an enemy.”

Yang Miyan summed it up in four words concisely and comprehensively.

"His meaning is very simple. This time I went back to participate in the film festival. Didn't Xu Xin ask me to meet this girl and get an IOU?...Xu Xin meant that I don't need the money, and if the girl wants to pay it back, Then she should hone her acting skills in a down-to-earth manner, become a good actor, and pay it back with her salary. There is no need for her to demolish the house and sell the land..."


Hearing this, Liu Zhishi sighed with emotion:

"So sometimes I unconsciously think... I have been with you two for a long time, and looking at other men and women is like looking at fools. How can I find someone who is as romantic and kind-hearted as Xu Xin... Someone who is still devoted to me?"


Yang Mi tilted her head and looked at her friend.

I always feel that her thoughts are particularly dangerous.

Of course, this is also a joke.

She continued:

"But...Uncle Xu meant to make it clear directly that after this help, there is no need to pay back the money. But she has to disappear."

"...Kill her?"


Yang Mi's eyebrows jumped wildly.

I can't tell.

Xiaoya is quite social...

Liu Zhishi smiled:

"Just kidding, I know what Uncle Xu means, he is afraid that she will affect your relationship, right?...She is very beautiful?"

"very beautiful."

Yang Mi nodded:

"Not talking about connotation, personality and other factors, just talking about that face, it can definitely be beaten. She is from an ethnic minority and has a bit of a mixed-race feel... You know, a lot of people like this."

"Tsk...that's true."

Liu Zhishi nodded and continued to ask:

"Then what do you want to do?"

"This is actually what I'm struggling with... If I confront Xu Xin, he will definitely listen to me. But I don't think it's necessary, as if I'm stingy... Besides, even if this little girl and Xu Xin The process of getting to know her was a bit... how should I put it? It was a bit ambiguous, but I could see that he didn't think about other aspects at all. And the reason why he helped Nazha this time was not because we were kind-hearted. The bigger reason is...he wants some psychological comfort. Remember, I told you that my mother-in-law..."


Liu Zhishi immediately understood what his friend meant.

While sighing at Xu Xin's kindness, she said:

"Then can I understand that...Xu Xin has a place of trust in her...no, in her father?"

"You can put it that way. That day he repeatedly told me: Now that I have money... I'm not afraid... I could hear what he was thinking."

"Then have you told Uncle Xu?"

"I said it... but Uncle Xu's idea is also very simple. No matter what happens to his wife, his children and daughter-in-law must live happily. And this little girl is a hidden danger, because of her son's attitude towards her... Don't worry about who it is because of, Anyway, it’s unusual. So, what he means is that a favor can turn into an enemy, just help him once and that’s the end of it.”

Speaking of this, she suddenly shook her head:

"But I feel...that makes me look incompetent. Do you understand what I mean?"

No ability...

Liu Zhishi was stunned for a moment before she realized what her friend meant.


Upon hearing this, Yang Mi responded:

"Well... to put it bluntly, if I can't even understand a little girl's movie, then I am not the kind of person who is morally and unworthy of me. And I actually understand what Xu Xin means today."


Liu Zhishi was confused again:

"What does Xu Xin mean?...What does he mean?"

"In order to make me feel at ease, he left the person to me to handle. Because he said on the phone that he would not care about these things from now on... When he said this, I understood."


For a moment, Liu Zhishi didn't know what to say.

Her... brain reaction is relatively slow, and she can't come back to her senses at the moment.

But she didn't forget the core point.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Actually, I think... no matter what, this little girl is quite lucky. Think about it, how many people want to curry favor with you but they can't, but she can get help from both of you. With this name, actually She has already established herself in this circle...I don't know why Xu Xin placed the dream of being a good actor on her..."

"This is not a wish, but a hope that all young people can hone their acting skills in a down-to-earth manner. He is a director, and he knows what kind of actors he wants...or wants to see in the circle. This is also what he said after graduation. One of the reasons why I stayed in school.”

"Uh... Anyway, what I mean is, whether you contact this girl or not, she is lucky enough. Not only is dad's life the life-saving grace you saved, but also the fact that he is in the circle...

Think about it, what do actresses look at first? Face. She has a face, right?

If she is obedient, listens to Xu Xin, and studies her acting skills conscientiously, then after she comes out... she will naturally know how to take advantage of your relationship... There is nothing right or wrong in this. It doesn't matter whether it's a tiger's skin or a fox pretending to be a tiger's power.

Your relationship is enough for her to accumulate an early advantage. If she can stand out, it means she is indeed the material. If it doesn't come out...it means this is her fate. It's not what makes this bowl of rice ~ It's useless no matter how much you help, right? "

Yang Mi was stunned and looked at her friend:

"So what do you mean?"

At this moment, Liu Zhishi shrugged like her caring little cotton-padded jacket:

"Isn't your conflict now that you don't know who to listen to? Are you listening to Uncle Xu and pushing her away based on the relationship between husband and wife, or... listening to Xu Xin, he will not have much contact with Nazha in the future? ...You don’t know who to listen to, is that what you mean?”


"That's so easy, don't choose either one. How can you help her? Sign her up? Don't. That's not giving Uncle Xu eye drops? What's more... If I were you, I wouldn't give one to my husband Keep the people you meet from that business bureau with you.

At least not at this stage.

Because this identity is too sensitive, who knows if there is a possibility of private contact between the two of them in the same company? What's more... what kind of chosen one is she? When my father was sick, he just made a phone call and someone prepared hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then he will help her when she goes to school, and if you are arranging her debut and giving her resources... My dear, I don't believe you when you say that they are both fine.

All I can say about this is... Xu Xin's kindness is far beyond my imagination. Even kind enough to be a bit... so perfect, so perfect that even a loving couple like you two would feel pressure as a wife. She can't help but feel inferior to find a wife for his dazzling brilliance even when she completely trusts her husband. Only by hiding dark excuses can you feel at ease.

But you said you don't care about her? It's not realistic either. Who knows what your husband did this time? Give him a thumbs up? People say that the poor breed treachery and the rich breed conscience. His conscience is there, and even his sense of proportion is there. I think it is an "insult" to Xu Xin that anyone...including Uncle Xu thinks so much of his own child.

A hero's uprightness should not be harmed by the dark side of other people's souls. If you really ignore her... it would be unfair to Xu Xin. It's a travesty of kindness. so……"

Speaking of this, Liu Zhishi suddenly sighed...

"Sigh... Although I don't want to tell the truth, I think Xu Xin gave you this method is the best. First, take him out. Second, what kind of trouble can she cause in your hands? "


Yang Mi nodded thoughtfully:

"That seems to be the case."

Then, her eyes lit up:

"I didn't see it...Mr. Zhuge. You really hide everything..."


Liu Zhishi lowered her head and glanced inside her clothes.

I thank you.

This idiom is finally understood by you.

She shook her head slightly:

"It's not that it's hidden, it's just clear to the outside world. It's so easy for you to control her. If you trust her, you can sign her and keep her under your nose. If you don't want to, she has both of you. A name is enough to establish a foothold. There is no need to be like Uncle Xu... He is afraid that you will think too much..."


With Zhuge Kongming, known as Xiao Liu Zhishi, giving her advice, her mind became much clearer.

Shishi was right, in this matter... she and Uncle Xu were at odds with each other.

It's not that complicated.

Can this girl sign it?


But not at this stage. If she wants to sign Nazha, it must be after the other party has a chance to prove herself.

If she starts training from scratch... Shishi is right.

Then this girl really should buy a lottery ticket... No, even winning a lottery ticket can't compare to this luck.

So it's not necessary.

But will she lend a helping hand or provide some resources?


But the purpose of extending a helping hand is to push the other person away from you.

She allowed the other party to carry her name on this ocean...but when you can form a pirate group yourself, you must cancel Yang Huzi's name.

Or to put it more darkly, after she became famous, she could use this experience to improve her reputation as "benevolent and righteous", and then the two parties could break up peacefully.

The purpose of her giving resources is to hope that the other party will receive attention.

Being noticed is equivalent to having value.

Of course someone will find her.

The road will be easier.

And after the road is easy, if I can become a particularly down-to-earth actor, my husband will be very happy.

This is her contribution as a wife.

But if you don't come out... the wife has worked hard, but this person is not good. Don't feel uncomfortable if we stay away from her husband.

She is not this material.

After following Liu Zhishi's train of thought and figuring everything out, a look of joy appeared on her face.

Holding the teacup:

"Baby, you are awesome!"


Liu Zhishi rolled her eyes.

Here we go again, right?

Damn it!

She picked up the cup in disgust and touched it.


"Those who know me are poetry~"

Yang Mi said and drank the tea in one gulp.

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