Chapter 483 481. Gift

In the audition hall.

"Okay, that's it."

After hearing Zheng Xiaolong's words, Liang Binning walked directly from Zhang Jiao back to the edge of the table and sat down.

The division of seats here is actually not very particular.

Except for the director, who must be sitting in the middle, everyone else sat casually.

The reason why Liang Binning sat at the far end was because she had to go on and off the stage constantly, standing on the stage with those audition actors such as "Jing Fei" and "Jin Xi" who had Director Zheng's permission.

If you sit in a crowd, it will be inconvenient to get in and out.

After Liang Binning left, Zhang Jiao stood respectfully on the "cross sign" under her feet, waiting for Zheng Xiaolong to ask questions.

"Tell me about your understanding of the character Huanbi. What do you think of this character? Do you like her?"


Zhang Jiao shook her head without hesitation.

"I don't like her at all. Although I sometimes feel sorry for her, I still can't like her."

"Do you feel sorry for her too?"

Zheng Xiaolong seemed not surprised by this answer.

In other words, no one in this room was surprised.

Because this answer is almost the standard answer.

Director Zheng actually has his own set of principles when it comes to casting.

Compared with Xu Xin's emphasis on appearance, he pays more attention to "meaning".

It's not that there are any advantages or disadvantages between the two, but it's a matter of choice.

As for Xu Xin, when he sees a character, he will first think about what he looks like in his mind.

For example, when choosing Wang Tianxiang.

Xiying Studio found so many good actors for him, why did he choose Wang Zhiwen alone?

Just because... he felt that the character Wang Tianxiang should have a "bookish atmosphere".

In other words, it is the kind of "smiling tiger" image that always wears a mask and is smiling with you one second, but the next second it stabs you in the heart.

Until Tiger stops smiling, he can't let people notice that he is a villain.

There must be this contrast in your body.

Therefore, when so many people's acting skills met the requirements and under the same standards, he chose Wang Zhiwen.

But there are some differences between Zheng Xiaolong and Xu Xin's casting.

He values ​​plasticity more.

For him, face is secondary.

Or "least important".

As for acting, it is "medium important".

The acting skills in TV series are still different from those in movies.

The requirement of the movie is that every frame must fit the characters. But TV dramas can't do it... Otherwise, if TV dramas with one hour each episode and thirty or fifty episodes are all based on high-standard movie standards...

The director and actors might both die suddenly.

too tired.

The general acting requirements for TV series are lower than those for movies.

This is also the reason why so many actors entered the industry in TV series when they debuted.

And for Zheng Xiaolong, what is the most important thing?

It's understanding.

His requirement is that all actors who come to audition must have read the original work and understand the role they want to play.

To put it bluntly, his audition scene was a bit like an "examination room."

Face is a 40-point multiple choice question.

Acting is a 50-point word question.

The most important 60-point questions are the guessing and understanding of the characters.

This is what he values ​​most.

Because only when the actor's understanding and the director's understanding are consistent and have a common starting point, can everyone in the same crew turn this understanding into a vivid and vivid image on the screen.

Hmm... I really need to make a distinction.

Maybe it’s the difference between the Huashan Sect’s “Sword Sect” and “Air Sect”?

I guess so.

Counting the people in front of him, Zheng Xiaolong has already auditioned for 11 people for the role of "Huanbi".

Several of them simply did not reach this stage and were brushed off directly.

The answers given by actors at this stage are almost always "dislike" and "very pitiful".

Is this answer correct?


Because in the book, Huanbi has such a character setting.

But the problem is that everyone can make rice. Why do some people make it so delicious? Why do some people make it like a pot of uncooked rice?

So the most important thing is to look at personal understanding.

The answer is "right".

But none of these people's answers have entered their hearts yet.

What they saw was that Huanbi always treated Zhen Huan badly, was extremely jealous, and had no brains at all...

Anyway, it’s all about the performance in the book.

But what Zheng Xiaolong wanted to see was an answer that fit his heart.

This answer has not yet appeared.

When facing this actor named Zhang Tianai, he didn't care whether the other person was double-wei, or three-dimensional or four-dimensional... it didn't matter.

As long as the acting skills and appearance are up to par.

She has a cold temperament, but as long as she finds a specific makeup look, that mean look can be easily revealed.

Acting is okay too.

Very childish.

But a passing score can still be given.

As for whether she can get this depends on how many points she can get in this wave of "reading comprehension".

When she heard Zheng Xiaolong's words, "Do you also think she is pitiful?", Zhang Jiao nodded:

"Yes, although I don't like the character in the book or even in the script, I sympathize with her."

Zheng Xiaolong was not surprised by the "script" she mentioned.

As an artist recommended by Shuangwei, the one who is closest to the stage gets the first one.

Getting the script was nothing short of normal.

So he nodded:

"Tell me your understanding."


Zhang Jiao was silent for a second, organized her words and then said:

“The starting point of my sympathy is actually very simple, that is, to put myself in Huanbi’s shoes and think about it.

She actually has the same identity as Zhen Huan, they both should be a young lady. But because of the difference between legitimate concubine and concubine, she will always be a maid, while her sister will always be a young lady.

And when my sister was learning some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, what was she learning? I learned the menial jobs.

Just...all everyone saw was her sister. She is like the most inconspicuous little star next to the sun. When others talk to you, they actually do it for your sister's sake. When others come to you, it must be because of your sister's affairs..."


Zheng Xiaolong’s eyes lit up slightly.


This the right one.

Finally, there is someone who does not stand from the perspective of the palace maid Huanbi, but from the perspective of an actor who, although she is an illegitimate concubine, is also a half-sister with Zhen Huan when it comes to blood.

This is right.

It is useless to study a character only by looking at what the character has done.

You have to start from the root.

So, he nodded slightly and listened to Zhang Jiao continue:

"This is where I pity her. If she was just a maid, well, what she did in the script was really her own fault. Even in the final ending of the script, she crashed into the coffin and died, which may Make the audience feel happy.

After all, she had caused so much trouble for Zhen Huan and done so many wrong things. In the end, it is a kindness of the screenwriter to arrange for someone to die for love.

But in fact, if you put yourself in her shoes, you are obviously also your father's daughter. As soon as my sister was born, she had a doll and a princess room, and the whole family pampered her. Her husband is even the emperor, and under the emperor, there is a prince who is famous for his romantic talents and loves her to death.

But Huanbi had nothing.

While her sister played with dolls, she was learning to take care of herself. While her sister was learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she was learning to sweep the floor and cook... From the time she was born, everything she had was living for her sister. She is also a daughter, and her world has been completely closed to family ties from the moment she was born.

Even the saddest thing is that even the person she loves and admires from the bottom of her heart always has her sister in her eyes.

Even if this man finally married her, he only regarded her as his sister's substitute.

But she still has no regrets. Because her love was too humble, even though she would be jealous of another Clan Fujin, in the final analysis, she was just afraid of losing. Because King Guo is the only one in her life... something she wants to have alone.

She refused to give it to others..."




When Zhang Jiao explained her understanding of the character, no one spoke.

Including Liang Bingning.

Because they are all listening attentively.

Listening to this girl's interpretation of the character "Huan Bi" gave her a completely new perspective.

As the saying goes, poor people must be hateful.

Under Zhang Jiao's interpretation, this sentence was revealed vividly.

Regardless of whether the love is humble or not, Zhen Huan has been in danger several times because of her. This cannot be wrong.

But looking at Zhang Jiao's perspective, all this seems to be correct.

Huanbi is also a human being, and she is also a girl.

What she wanted to have... was actually just some very ordinary things.

I don’t want to be given alms because I will lose my dignity.

I don't even want to hide in the public, because that will make the people I love wholeheartedly unable to see me.

From beginning to end...she just hoped that the other party could look at her one more time.

Don't just look at your sister.

"In the end, her decision to hit the coffin and die actually got a reasonable explanation. Because the Prince Guo "belonged" to Zhen Huan during his lifetime. And the side Fujin who was poisoned to death did not reach the same level as Prince Guo. The promise in the marriage certificate is that they are not to be born in the same year and on the same day, but to die in the same year and on the same day.

But Huanbi did it. When the prince of the county died, she died in love. She would not let King Guo go alone... Life and death were separated. In this life, even if he had eyes for Zhen Huan, he would rather die for Zhen Huan, but in the end, the person who stayed with him and "walked down" with him was Huan Huan. Bi.

So, I think... when Huanbi was dying, the last thought in her mind should be... the feeling that she finally defeated her sister for once... in this life. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Jiao also showed a hint of sadness on her face.

After adding the delicate texture of a girl's inner monologue to this understanding of the character, Zheng Xiaolong has even made a statement in this scene to add the sentence "In this life," to Huanbi before she was dying. After all, I won you once" and other words.

There was a sudden change. After the character of Huanbi was interpreted by this girl, it seemed that she suddenly sublimated.


"Ok, Ok."

Without concealing the admiration in his eyes, he gave his approval:

"That's great understanding...Okay, let's go back and wait for the notification."

It was like taking a sip of ice-cold watermelon juice in the dog days of summer, he said with a hearty smile.

"Okay, thank you directors and teachers. Goodbye."

Zhang Jiao bowed politely and left.

Zheng Xiaolong did not hesitate to put her information in the "actor list" basket.

Huanbi, found it.

After completing this set of actions, he turned to the people on his left and right and asked:

"How about it, do you guys have any objections?"

The director has decided, what can anyone else say?

Naturally they shook their heads.

Finally, Zheng Xiaolong looked at Liang Binning:

"Bingbing, what about you?"

"Me? I definitely have no objection. Jiaojiao and I are very close~ Besides, her interpretation is very good. As long as she can continue this line of thinking... Well, I'm looking forward to playing opposite her."

Liang Binning did not hesitate to praise her.

At this time, the only person who raised objections, director of photography Xie Ze, frowned and said:

"It's just...too beautiful. It's easy to steal the show..."

Before she finished speaking, Liang Binning chuckled softly:

"Ha~ Director Xie doesn't think I'm pretty?"


Xie Ze was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly:

"That's right. I was overthinking it."

Liang Binning smiled confidently.

Is Jiaojiao beautiful?

quite pretty.


Worse than myself.

This is not confidence, but fact.

It's about 5:30 in the evening.

Finally, today's audition is over.

"Director Zheng has worked hard, Director Xie, Director Wang... everyone has worked hard."

Liang Binning, who was polite and polite, thanked everyone for their hard work and pointed to the door:

"I have something else to do tonight, so I'll leave first."

After exchanging pleasantries, she carried her bag, put on her mask and sunglasses, and walked out quickly.

When he went out, Wang Dongying was already waiting at the door.

He took Liang Binning's bag and whispered:

"Sister, shall we leave now?"

"Well, how far is the hotel address from here? How many trips did you make this afternoon? Have you found the fastest route?"

"We have found it. We even simulated a traffic jam of 20 to 30 miles. It will only take half an hour at most."

"Okay, let's go quickly. Where is the car? In the basement?"

"No, it's right at the door. I was afraid that the cars of this office building would be queuing up at the exit, so I parked on the side of the road."

"Well, leave quickly."

Liang Bingning and she quickly accelerated their pace and entered the elevator.

After getting out of the elevator, he sprinted outside with quick strides.

Sure enough, because it was off-duty time, cars waiting to go out were lined up on the internal roads of the office building.

The two people quickly squeezed through the gap between the vehicles to the side of the road and got into a commercial vehicle with double flashers.

"Old He, hurry up, you're almost late."

Liang Binning urged, and after driving, she quickly took out her mobile phone.

"Dudu... hello?"

"Mr. Xu, are you here?"

"Oh, we're here. Are you done?"

"Hmm, it just ended...I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, it's a bit late today... Mr. Lu hasn't come yet, has he?"

"Not yet."

"Hmm...I can be there in half an hour at most."

"Oh, okay. Oh, no need to worry, he hasn't arrived yet... Is your car repaired?"

"'s fixed."

"Oh, that's okay. Then drive slowly, safety is important."

Although she knew it was not good to be late, Xu Daqiang's words still made her feel relieved...

Couldn't help but say:

"Okay, I understand... I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, I don't want to be late."

"Ah, what's going on? I know you have to film with the director in the afternoon. So I told him in the afternoon and changed the time from 6:30 to 7:00. Don't be in a hurry, be more careful. Drive, there are many cars in Yanjing...oh yes, fasten your seat belts."

"Oh, yes. Seat belt~"

Xu Daqiang reminded Liang Binning that she was not wearing a seat belt.

Mr. Xu is right, the evening rush hour traffic in Yanjing is indeed like a swarm of ants.

If a scratch occurs, it doesn't matter how the car looks like, the most important thing is to waste time.

But when she thought that Mr. Xu had changed the agreed time for the dinner for her, she felt relieved again...

"Huh... Lao He, it's okay to drive more safely. Mr. Xu helped us delay it for half an hour. There's no need to rush, safety first."


The calm driver nodded, no longer driving in the hooligan way of exploiting every opportunity.

The co-pilot Wang Dongying also felt relieved.

He muttered unconsciously:

"Mr. Xu... is really a reliable man."

As she said that, she turned to look at Sister Bingbing who was on the phone.


I also know how to remind Sister Bingbing to wear a seat belt...

This "uncle" is really too warm.

"Mr. Xu, I'll hang up now. Can we see you later?"

"Oh, wow."

After hanging up the phone, Liang Binning let out a long sigh of relief.


Then he seemed to remember something and said to the driver Lao He:

"Lao He, did you tell Yingying what's wrong?"

At first glance, her question seemed a bit confusing, but Lao He understood and responded:


Then, Wang Dongying also spoke:

"The timing belt was old, so I went to a 4S shop to get a replacement one."


Liang Bingning responded:

"Remember this, don't let it slip. Where are the things I asked you to prepare? Have you brought them over?"

"Here it is, at your feet."

Hearing this, Liang Bingning lowered her head and saw two boxes, one large and one small, in the aisle leading from the middle seat to the back row.

This is why she came as Mr. Xu’s car today.

The two of them had lunch together.

Mr. Xu also just arrived in Yanjing today.

And the reason why he came... was because Mr. Lu from the foundation came to Yanjing from Shanghai on a business trip today.

After she learned the news, she wanted to ask him to have a meal.

This relationship was introduced by Mr. Xu.

Mr. Yu, if she had this meal with Mr. Lu alone, it would be a bit unethical for her to do things.

In private...

Anyway, after the two had a meal together at noon, Liang Binning received a message.

The jadeite Guanyin ornament she commissioned to be photographed in Xiangjiang has been shipped to Yanjing. Ask her to get it.

This is a souvenir for Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu was a very devout Buddhist, so she prepared this gift as he liked.

It's not expensive, six figures, but it looks beautiful.

The texture of jade is also great.

I believe Mr. Lu will like it.

As luck would have it, Wang Dongying also received a call while eating.

It was someone from the shopping mall who called Yingying.

The pair of Balenciaga knitted shoes she wanted also arrived from Europe.

And these shoes...

He should like it, right?

Liang Binning thinks that she is a very careful person.

Sometimes things that others just say casually, or small details that are revealed inadvertently, will be remembered by her.

And sometimes, these small details can turn into... a good feeling that brings everyone closer.

Let strangers become friends and partners become intimate.

It's like brushing up your favorability in a game.

She bought this pair of shoes for Xu Daqiang.

As for why I bought it...

First of all, Balenciaga has a new design director this year, called Dema Vasaria.

I won’t mention any specific resume.

After changing the design director, Balenciaga changed its past lack of ambition and began to adopt some avant-garde fashion styles, consciously launching some... fashion items that even Liang Binning herself found stunning.

This year, they launched a new line of sneakers in the “RUNNER” series.

There is a sub-brand series that is not a hit, but one that Liang Binning likes very much - knitted shoes.

It is the base of sports shoes, and the upper is made of knitted fabric.

She bought a pair of these shoes in France when "Rizhao Chongqing" was shortlisted for Cannes.

Very comfortable to wear.

Very breathable.

And the classic style with black surface and white bottom looks particularly versatile.

However, this new product has not yet expanded into the Chinese market.

The people of Balenciaga are not concerned about the Chinese market for the time being, but plan to regain their reputation in Europe.

Only when the European market responds promptly will they promote it to the world.

Therefore, it is not currently available in China.

Originally, I bought this pair of shoes as soon as I bought them, just a pair of shoes.

But just about... more than half a month ago, she and Mr. Xu chatted on the phone. While chatting, she asked where Mr. Xu was, and the reply was that he was washing his feet.

She said somewhat speechlessly:

"Why are you washing your feet every day? Doesn't Mr. Xu do other things?"

And Xu Daqiang said casually:

"Ah, you have to suffer from wearing leather shoes in summer. Wash your feet and feel comfortable. Wow!"

Then, through chatting with Liang Bingning, she found out that Mimi had taken over Mr. Xu's wardrobe very early.

Even the shoes are custom made.

At first glance, it’s actually quite thoughtful.

But there is a problem, that is Mr. Xu’s clothes...

It's really not that good.

Although the daughter-in-law took over the formal attire, even the leather shoes were specially ordered.

But the question is who wears a suit every day in summer?

As for this kind of daily wear, Mr. Xu always goes to those stores to scan around, without looking at the style, etc., he just wears what others recommend.

It probably means "just don't run naked".

This was her previous perception.

But as I got to know him, I realized a small detail that ordinary people would hardly notice.

His shoe choice issues.

His feet are wide and thick.

The reason why he wears Yang Mi's custom-made leather shoes every day in summer is because it is difficult to buy comfortable shoes for his feet.

If he buys the regular size, he feels squeezed. If you want to be comfortable, you can't tie your shoes, or you can't tie them.

It looks a little sloppy.

But if you buy a larger size, the shoes will be too big when you walk and they don’t fit your feet, so they are very uncomfortable.

Wearing them back and forth, it turned out that the custom-made leather shoes suited him best.

But leather shoes are actually uncomfortable after being worn for a long time.

He can't wear a drag strip when meeting friends, right?

That's not appropriate either.

Therefore, foot washing and relaxation have become essential items in summer.

Xu Daqiang said it casually, but Liang Binning remembered it in his heart.

After seeing her pair of knitted sneakers, she suddenly realized that this problem could be solved.

He even put his fist inside to try it out.

The elasticity of the knitted fabric minimizes the feeling of restraint.

At the same time, these shoes are also very breathable.

I don’t cover my feet even after a long time.

Just don’t go to places that are extremely dusty or have a lot of sand.

It really seeps inside.

So, she thought...Mr. Xu would definitely like these shoes.

Sneakers, but very breathable and stretchy.

It's much better than those leather shoes that tie your feet.

After keeping an eye on it, in the next few days of chatting, she asked Mr. Xu's size.

Let people get goods here from Europe.

After waiting for so long, today is finally here.

If she went to the auction house alone to get a Jade Guanyin, she wouldn't come in Mr. Xu's car.

But if she had to go around the arena to get her shoes, and in order not to be late for her audition today, she would have to ask Lao He to find the most suitable transportation route.

So she got into Mr. Xu's car naturally, lied that there was something wrong with the car, and asked Mr. Xu to give her a ride.

After seeing the box at her feet, she picked up the small one and opened it first.

I didn't pay much attention to the auction house's certificate or anything like that. I just looked at it and made sure it was the jade I bought, and then I closed the box.

Then she picked up the second shoebox.

Once opened, it is a pair of black classic knitted sneakers.

Same for men and women.

So Liang Bingning didn't delve into the style. She just turned on the reading light and used the light to check little by little whether the shoes were damaged and whether the size was correct.

Check carefully.

Check carefully.

It seems that the pair of shoes in my hand, which cost only a few thousand yuan, are more important than the jade Guanyin ornament worth hundreds of thousands.

She even put her hand inside the shoe, about ten centimeters away, and blew into it with her mouth pouted.

When my hands in the shoes felt the breath, I felt completely relieved.

A smile appeared unconsciously.

very good.

The breathability is quite good.

And the fabric is also loose and loose.

Although it may feel a little uncomfortable at first, you can feel the relaxed and comfortable foot feel brought by this soft upper after just a few dozen steps.


very good!

She nodded again, smiling with satisfaction.

He muttered unconsciously:

"He should like it..."

This is a gift that I really put my heart into.

Just as she was thinking about it, the vibration of her phone suddenly brought her back to her thoughts.

Picked it up and took a look: the caller——Xu Xin.


Unconsciously, she sat up straight.

This is pure instinct. If you ask her why she does it, she may not be able to explain it herself.


She suddenly felt a little weak now.


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