I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 516 514 Same people but different faces

Chapter 516 514. Same people but different faces

"Teacher Zhang."

Hearing the noise, Zhang Weiping turned his head and realized it was Xu Xin, and subconsciously said:

"Hey, are you done whispering?"

Xu Xin smiled:

"Look at what you said. If you want to say that...then I won't tell you the good news. Teacher Zhang, you are busy, I'm leaving."

"Hey, don't. What's the good news?"

His face immediately changed.

He also took out a cigarette diligently.

And Xu Xin also laughed, looking very generous.

"Teacher Zhang, to be honest, the subject matter of this story and product placement are really inappropriate. What do you think?"

When it comes to the artistry of conversation, Xu Xin dare not say that he has no rivals.

That's too much bragging.

But it’s true that he is very good at communicating with people.

No, if he doesn't add "what do you think", it means that what he said is final rather than discussion.

Zhang Weiping may not like to hear it.

But from the frown in the first half to the rhetorical questions at the end.

His tone immediately changed:

"Xiao Xu, I'm not talking about you. Just forget it if you can't figure it out. Why can't you, who is an investor yourself, not figure it out?"

Looking at Xu Xin, he looked preaching:

"Don't stand from the director's point of view. Think from my point of view. Let me ask you, with an investment of two to three hundred million yuan in this movie, do you think the domestic box office can support the return of the money?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin instantly developed something in his mind.

If he answered directly, saying "no" would be the most common answer.

But it's also true.

Because if a film really costs two to three hundred million yuan, according to the current film market, there is a high probability that it will lose money.

But the problem is that this is not enough to make Zhang Weiping feel any fluctuations in his heart.

What he wants to do will stimulate his desire to talk and create an illusion for him that "I convinced you".

Rather than feeling that "Xiao Xu came to me with a purpose"

So, he thought for a while and said:

"Isn't it more than 100 million?"

"How is that possible? How much does a Bell alone cost? Look at these sets..."

Pointing at the construction site, his eyes were full of helplessness:

"Yimou doesn't worry about these things, and I don't let him worry about it. Why? I feel sorry for him. He doesn't understand these things, so he can just make a good movie. But I know this account well, and Shi Qiu paid some Discounts, and even funded the construction with us...

But the question is how much can they pay?

Don’t I have to pay for most of this?

To tell you the truth, now I rely on the little money I saved in my early years to make up for it... But do you know why I never told Yimou? Because he doesn’t understand and doesn’t need to understand. He just needs to make his own movie, I don't want to disturb him with other trivial matters. "

His words are the same as many people's first impression of him.

Loyal and open to the point of being a mess.

But after Xu Xin heard this, he understood...why the old man had "hard-working and uncomplaining" to share with him instead of asking for shares in the company.

I'm afraid you were deceived by his rhetoric, right?

Does construction site construction cost money?

Definitely want it.

But the amount of money spent on shoddy projects and quality projects is too far wrong.

Zhang Weiping's words are enough to fool others.

But he is confused by this second-generation coal mine who has watched his family's mines open one after another since he was a child...

Excuse me.

not enough.

If you have the ability, would you ask my third uncle to come over and take a look?

Don't mention anything else, let him touch the cement on the wall, look at the steel bars, and look at the foundation...

Tell him the area again.

In less than five minutes, he can give you a rough estimate of how much your construction site can cost.

How much can Shi Qiu pay...

This kind of film and television base has funds in place from the time the project is established.

Do you need it?

But he still nodded in cooperation:

"Hmm, indeed, it sounds like you are under a lot of pressure."

"That's right, how much do you think these product placements cost? They cost between ten and twenty million... If nothing else, there are some factors that support local businesses. I also know that this subject matter is not easy to deal with, but If you were an investor and the financial pressure on this project was so great, what would you do?

If the financial chain is broken and the crew stops, how can we still film?

Looking for other investors? Other investors came and put pressure on Yimou to continue commercialization. Do you think I am worthy of my brother? "

Zhang Weiping basically had to say all the good things.

Xu Xin also cooperated there:

"Ouch... I feel a lot of pressure after hearing this."

"Yeah...Eh? What was the good news you just said?"

"Hmm...I was wondering if I could get something similar to naming rights like "Three Guns"...not in the movie, but more in the credits or credits at the end."

"It's no use."

Zhang Weiping waved his hand directly:

"How much money can you make? It's just a drop in the bucket."


Xu Xin also sighed:

"I seem to understand your pressure."

"Alas...it's a pity that I don't know how to make a plan."

Speaking of this, Zhang Weiping changed his mind...

"Xiao Xu."


"You also talk to Yimou, you are a director and an investor. You talk to him about this matter... It's not that I'm obsessed with it, I'm also here for this drama, understand? He has been preparing for this drama for several years. Now the funding gap is getting bigger and bigger. What will I do if I don’t take precautions when it comes time to use the money? The filming hasn’t started yet! Bale hasn’t come yet! People in Hollywood have a standard 8-hour working day. They said they would finish filming in a few days, but they wouldn’t leave anything behind for one more day…”


Xu Xin's face was filled with hesitation.

But looking at the "ruins" in front of him and the busy workers, he could only say:

"Yes... this is Director Zhang's hard work over the past few years. And he really doesn't know much about investment."

When Zhang Weiping saw the door, his eyes lit up:

"That's right! He doesn't understand, so I can't worry about him?"

"...Well, let's go to dinner at noon. At the dinner table...I'll speak for you and try to persuade him. Do you think that's okay?"

"That would be great!"

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Zhang Weiping's face.

What makes him embarrassed now is that everyone on the crew is standing with Zhang Yimou.

He couldn't find anyone to help him.

And the talents in this drama, whether it's photography, sound effects, or other aspects, are all top-notch.

After all, it is a big production with Hollywood stars joining the cast, not to mention that Bale just won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor!

All the lineups are top notch.

Zhang Weiping couldn't say too much because he was afraid that someone would give up the idea and delay the progress of the crew.

He is alone.

But it would be different if Xiao Xu could speak for herself.

He is no outsider.

And the weight of what Yimou said is definitely not low!

Finally found a teammate.

Thinking of this, he patted Xu Xin on the shoulder:

"Then I'll leave it to you...hahaha~"

"Well, we are all working hard for the movie. It should be~"

Xu Xin smiled with a gentle and respectful face.


The first step is success.

Zhang Weiping...how should I put it?

He can be regarded as a "god teammate".

In order to let Xu Xin speak for him at noon, he simply didn't bring anyone else to the dinner today.

"Yimou, let's go to dinner. You, me, Xiao Xu, let's have a good time together."

One sentence separated Pang Liwei, Zhao Xiaoding and the like.

Zhang Yimou glanced at Xu Xin who remained silent and nodded:


So, there were three people in one car, and they didn't go far, so they directly found a hotel with private rooms in Shiqiu Town.

Seeing the great director coming, the owner of the restaurant was shocked.

I came over to order the food in person and chatted with Zhang Yimou for a while.

Something like "I particularly like Director Zhang's movies".

Zhang Weiping, who was so anxious, couldn't bear to listen. The boss said a few words and quickly asked for orders.

I wanted to drink, but Zhang Yimou refused.

"Stop drinking, I have work in the afternoon."

Unexpectedly, Xu Xin suddenly said:

"It's okay, just drink as much as you can... Mengmeng, get in the car and bring two bottles of Maotai. I'm buying a few boxes of yogurt, the thicker kind."

The gift that was not sent out in the morning became today's table wine.

When Zhang Yimou saw him speaking, he no longer resisted.

After all, from his perspective, Xiao Xu was taking the blame for himself, grasping the big ones and letting go of the small ones.

But in Zhang Weiping's eyes, his silence was ironclad proof that he "obeyed Xu Xin's words"!

As the saying goes, same people are different.

If you have a different perspective, you will see the world differently.

Soon, Su Meng brought the wine and left.

Eating with Assistant Shen and Zhang Weiping's assistant Wang Xiaohua.

Xu Xin opened the bottle and poured the wine quickly.

But the wine dividers between him and Zhang Weiping were full.

There was only one or two in Zhang Yimou's wine divider.

The old man had a bad stomach, he knew it.

And if he could do this today, he wouldn't want the old man to drink.

But there are some things that you can’t help, and you can’t do it without drinking.

I simply poured some out.

But before that, he didn't forget to pass over the yogurt:

"Drink this first...Teacher Zhang, do you want to drink it?"

"I don't drink. What's the point of drinking and drinking this?"

"Then I won't drink either."

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhang Yimou had something to say...

My heart says you should drink a box of yogurt to nourish your stomach.

But looking at Xu Xin's appearance, he didn't say anything in the end.

The wine is poured and served in no hurry.

The food hasn't been served yet.

Xu Xin and Zhang Weiping chatted all over the country that day.

Most of the conversation was about this film and television base, Zhang Weiping said, Xu Xinpeng said.

Questions like "How do I build a good relationship with Shi Qiu's people?" and "Why do they give us such a big discount?"

Waiting until the cold dishes arrived, the three of them served cups.

Xu Xin glanced at the wine in the dispenser and said:

"Teacher Zhang, is this the first time we've had a drink together? The last time I had dinner at your house, I couldn't drink while driving."

"Well, it seems like this is indeed the first time. Then you should drink more."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Isn't that what it should be?... Mainly because I'm not used to drinking wine slowly, so I'll drink it from a wine divider. How many times should we drink this wine?"

"Haha, as many times as you like... In this way, I will also use the wine divider with you, and you can drink as much as you want. Three times? Four times?"

"Four times."

"Okay. Come on, welcome Xiao Xu to Nanjing."

"Hey, thank you."

Xu Xin stood up, clinked the wine glass with the two of them, and drank about one-third of the amount in one go with the etiquette of a junior.

This sip of wine is full of spiciness, and you can't taste the rich sauce aroma of Moutai.

No way, it's too much.

For someone like him who likes to drink slowly, it is simply torture.

But that's okay.

Just this time.

Next time you drink…

Send you to the guillotine.

Zhang Weiping can indeed drink fast.

As soon as the hot dishes were served, Erliang's wine dispenser was already empty.

Xu Xin wanted to urge the owner to serve the soup quickly to warm him up.

It's a pity that at this time, you have to do a full set of dramas.

After Erliang drank, the chatter started, and Xu Xin took the initiative to bring the topic to advertising.

"On such a hot day, there will be fewer advertisers coming, right?"

Zhang Weiping's eyes lit up.

He was worried about how to speak.

Zhang Yimou, who was picking up vegetables, had a meal with his chopsticks.

The heart said: It has begun.

"If I wanted them to come, they would have to come no matter how hot the day was. But I didn't let them. After all... Yimou didn't want to have too many idle people in the crew. I didn't want to make it so commercial~"

The subtext of these words is to tell Xu Xin to start your performance.

It's like he, the person who helped, was caught in the C position.

Normal people have to curse.

Damn it, I'm here to speak for you, why do you let me block the muzzle of the gun myself?

But in Xu Xin's case...it just suits him.

Having him control the rhythm of the conversation is much better than passively filling in the gaps for these two people.

So, he nodded:

"Indeed, too much product placement is a bit commercial. But if there are fewer ads, it is theoretically harmless. But I'm afraid the degree of control is not good... and this subject matter has limitations. If you want to place ads, you have to consider it. It’s better to be more comprehensive. That’s what I mean, Director Zhang, what do you think?”

Reason told Zhang Yimou that he had to cooperate at this time.

But he knew that Xiao Xu couldn't drink fast alcohol.

Seeing this kid's behavior of consuming just two ounces of wine less than ten minutes after the meal, he really couldn't continue.

So he simply said directly:

"You two just tell me what you want to do."



Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Uncle, you acted according to the script!

Zhang Weiping, on the other hand, looked slightly embarrassed and his eyes fell on Xu Xin.

Why don't you say "a few kind words" for me?

It's your turn to speak.


Xu Xin sighed:

"Sigh... I didn't see you two brothers quarreling in such a hasty manner, and didn't I want you two to hurt your feelings? You can see it, so I'll just say it. Regarding product placement... you don't want it either. Don't be so resistant. Teacher Zhang and I talked today. In addition to money, there is also support from local enterprises. After all, this stall..."

He pointed at Shiqiu Town:

"I've given you all my face. Besides, this investment is here. You don't know anything about investment. Teacher Zhang is a professional. You two need to clearly divide the responsibilities."

This was said to Zhang Yimou.


He changed the subject:

"Teacher Zhang, now that I have said it, what I want to express is that after timely recovery of business performance, Director Zhang can create without worries. This most basic point can be guaranteed, right? Without unauthorized intervention, the film can be guaranteed Quality of finish.”

"No problem at all!"

What Zhang Weiping agreed to was a joy.

"Xiao Xu, don't worry. The division of labor between us has been like this for so many years. I will take care of business matters, and he will take care of film matters. Don't worry... Yimou, what do you think?"


Zhang Yimou didn't know why at this moment, but suddenly a doubt arose.

What if you regret it...?

But he didn't think much about it.

Looking at the wine glass that the child is about to pick up again...

He nodded:

"Okay, but I have one request, a maximum of three ads. As for the acknowledgments and the like, I don't care. Is that okay?"

"Haha, no problem!"

"Promise not to interfere in film creation?"

"Yes! Promise!"


"Hahahaha, come on, let's go together, cheers, cheers..."

After a meal, "everyone" felt happy.

Xu Xin drank too much after all.

Zhang Weiping became crazy after drinking, and his mood was high. If he didn't drink, he would not be given face.

Zhang Yimou could not persuade him.

No need to persuade.

Xu Xin seemed to be doing it on purpose, drinking to the fullest with his mouth drying up.

Unconsciously, I drank two bottles of Maotai.

Counting Zhang Yimou's less than a tael of wine, the average person is less than a pound.

Zhang Weiping has a good capacity for drinking and is used to drinking fast. This pound of wine made his face glow but not so drunk.

But Xu Xin couldn't.

He bit the root of his tongue and kept giving himself hints in his mind, telling himself not to drink too much and that there was still something to do.

Only then could he barely maintain a clear consciousness.

Walking to Zhang Yimou's side, he looked even more dizzy.

The old man quickly helped him subconsciously.

"You said you..."

"I really can't do it anymore... I'll go back to school and wait for you."

"...You still have to go back to school, so go back to the hotel and sleep."

"No, I'll just go back to school and lie down for a while. I still have to learn more from you."

At this moment, he was simply the ultimate model of being willful after drinking too much.

"Why don't you go back to the hotel first and I can go find you when I'm done?"

"No, I'll go back to school and wait for you. I have to learn something!"



No, no, no.

No matter what you say.

Xu Xin was like a convulsion, insisting on going to school to wait for him to work on the movie, even if Zhang Yimou said, "It's a day off today, so I won't work on it anymore."

Must do.

It vividly reflects the unreasonableness of being drunk.

Finally, he was helpless.

Xu Xin couldn't be beaten, so he handed the if to Su Meng:

"Let him go to my room and rest."

"No! I'm going to school!"

"That's school! You lie down for a while. When you're done here, you can study when we get back!"

"No rest! Go back to school!"

"...Okay, okay, go back, go to school."

He handed the key to the rest room to Su Meng, including Assistant Shen and Wang Xiaohua, and the three of them got him into the car.

And Zhang Yimou looked at the commercial car driving away... feeling moved and distressed at the same time.

But these emotions are not as strong as anger.

What do you mean by irritating a child?

Looking at Zhang Weiping, who was calling an advertiser nearby, his temples bulged from clenching his teeth.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, fell asleep all the way.

All the way back to Nanjing, after arriving at Yinhai, Assistant Shen and Wang Xiaohua spent a lot of effort to get him to the third floor. Looking at Director Xu lying unconscious on the old man's single bed, the room was full of people. The sound of two people breathing heavily.

In the end, Su Meng stayed to take care of Xu Xin, and the two turned and left.

And Su Meng didn't dare to delay.

Sister Mi explained how to take care of Brother Xu if he drinks too much.

If Brother Xu doesn't feel uncomfortable drinking, he won't spit out the wine.

But if you drink too fast, you will vomit.

Prepare trash cans, prepare hot tea...

I also need to help Brother Xu take off his socks and wipe his feet.

It would be very uncomfortable for him to wear socks to bed...

So, without saying a word, she put the trash can next to the bed and immediately took the basin to get hot water.

Half a basin of hot water, a compressed towel, and a thermos cup of strong tea.

She returned to the rest room with some difficulty, and as soon as she opened the door...she suddenly froze.

"Click, click."

Xu Xin woke up at some point, with his back to her, standing in front of the table not knowing what he was doing.

But that clicking sound... why does it sound so much like taking a photo?

And just then...

Xu Xin, who had only relied on a single thought to get up to this point, the slow thinking in his mind also heard the movement behind him.


He said without looking back.

"Uh...Brother Xu, are you okay?"

Su Meng subconsciously walked in to take care of him.

But I heard something:

"go out."

As he spoke, the "click-click-click" movement never stopped.

It is also accompanied by the action of turning pages.


Su Meng was stunned.

What does it mean?

What do you want me to do?

"go out!"

Xu Xin increased his tone.

Su Meng was so excited that she quickly exited the rest room and closed the door.

What is Brother Xu doing?

Why let me out?

He...isn't drunk?

A series of complicated thoughts left her at a loss for a moment.

In this way, she waited at the door until the hot water became warm, and finally couldn't help knocking on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

"Brother Xu, can I go in?"

"Dong dong dong."

"Brother Xu?"

I shouted several times, but there was no response.

After much hesitation, Su Meng opened the door a crack:

"Brother Xu, are you okay?"

But through the crack in the door, she saw Xu Xin lying on the single bed and falling asleep.

Fell asleep?

She was stunned.

Subconsciously he looked at the table in Director Zhang's lounge.

The table is clean.

Nothing at all.

It's like a dream.

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