I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 527 525 gave a chance

Chapter 527 525. Given a chance

On the 18th, evening, around 9:30.

Yang Ying came to the business car drunk, opened the door and was about to get in.

At this time, she heard her assistant Zhou Ju Orange whisper:

"Sister, don't rush to get in the car yet, Brother Xu is coming out."

Yang Ying suddenly trembled and woke up quickly.

Turning around, I saw Xu Xin and Wang Sicong lighting cigarettes at the entrance to the meal.

She quickly bit the root of Fumu's tongue, turned around and walked over.

"Director Xu, Mr. Wang."

Wang Sicong turned to look at her and nodded:

"Are you okay?"

"Uh...it's okay...just...a little dizzy."

As she spoke, her steps were still a little staggering.

Orange quickly gave him a hand.

But Wang Sicong took half a step back without leaving any trace.

Yang Ying...

He couldn't afford to mess with him.

Although it would be nice to have a ONE NIGHT STAND.

After all, this face is here.

But considering that once she got involved, she might be in endless trouble, so he always stayed away from this girl.

And just when he took half a step back, Xu Xin handed over a cigarette:

"Want one?"

He knew about Yang Ying's smoking.

Yang Mi told him, and he also saw it several times.

Today is the end of the blind audition for The Voice. Everyone has been busy for a month and is in a good mood, so they all drink more.

He is also included.

I drank a little more than a kilogram leisurely, and my mind was indeed a little unclear.

"Director Xu~~"

Yang Ying's subconscious soft movements came out.

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment...and then nodded:

"All right."

Putting his cigarette back, he said:

"when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, I'll go back to Yanjing tomorrow morning."

"Well, work hard. Your popularity is already very high. The popularity gathered by "The Voice" can easily be converted into an audience of fans on the screen. But if it is just a vase, people will be bored sooner or later. This drama happens to be It is an idol drama, and the acting requirements are not very high. If you work hard, you will be fine."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Yang Ying nodded quickly:

"Thank you, Director Xu! I will definitely work hard."


Seeing her swaying appearance, Xu Xin pointed at the commercial car at Orange:

"Take your sister and get in the car to rest first. We are all family members, so there is no need to be so polite. Tomorrow, tell Tingting what time you will arrive and ask her to pick you up. Go back first~"

As he said that, he looked at Yang Ying again:

"Say hello to my senior brother for me. I've been busy this year and haven't had time to see him. Let's get together sometime and have a good drink."

"Okay, Director Xu."

Yang Ying quickly agreed.

Then he got into the car with the help of Orange.

But I didn’t leave.

Instead, the car door was left open, probably because he wanted to wait for the people behind him to come out one after another and say hello one by one.

After all, there are a lot of people coming to eat today.

Most of the director team, judging panel, and band of "The Voice" came.

It's definitely inappropriate for her to leave early.

At this moment, Xu Xin and Wang Sicong were guarding the trash can and smoking, about twenty steps away from the car.


Wang Sicong took a puff of cigarette, glanced at the legs in the commercial car that looked very white under the dim light, and muttered:

"Damn, she's so beautiful. What a pity."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

She turned to look at him and said:

"What's wrong? Are you depressed?"


The young master who has been here in Xi'an for a month rolled his eyes:

"When I see a girl, her eyes turn blue! I'll go back to the Magic City tomorrow and go on a trip with my two sisters first."


Xu Xin looked helpless:

"Can't you find a serious girlfriend?"

"Looking for it, why aren't you looking for it? But you have to have a chance to let me touch it, right?...I'm fooling around with you here every day, one likes to be a sweet girl, and the other girlfriend knows how to buy famous brands every day. The other is a human figure Female Tyrannosaurus...what else can I do?"

"That means I drank too much."

Xu Xin sneered:

"Otherwise, I will take out my cell phone and say what you said about my wife to my face again if I can. Why don't you go back to Shanghai? She can sink into the Huangpu River for you."


He took another long puff of cigarette.

Wang Sicong looked around...

"No, I'll leave tonight. Where is your plane?"

"...Brother, it's already 9 o'clock."

"That won't work, it's uncomfortable to hold it in. Let me use your plane and take me to Shanghai. I'll introduce my two girls to you later."

"My grandson just has to urinate with you."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and waved to Mengmeng standing next to him:

"I will take your brother Wang to the airport in a moment, contact him with a route to the Magic City, and send him off."


Su Meng agreed and asked again:

"Brother Xu..."

"I'll take their car and go."


Su Meng hurriedly went to contact the airline, but Wang Sicong didn't seem to be satisfied with smoking a cigarette. After lighting another one, he continued to Xu Xin:

"Liu Yifei's Wanda spokesperson contract expires this year. Do you still want to sign it?"


Xu Xin almost didn’t hesitate:

"You have also seen the finished film of "Hawthorn Tree". Based on her performance, I think the market feedback will not be bad. Sign early and earn early."

"Then why don't you and Dami be included? Our kid Wang's business also needs to be promoted."

"Okay. Who else do you like? Just pack it up and take it away."


That's what's good among friends.

No business negotiations are needed. I invite you and you agree.

Then let's live together.

Wang Sicong smiled and pointed in the direction of the big white leg in the car:

"Add her?"

"I advise you to maintain your attitude of taking a half step back."

Xu Xin shook his head directly:

"Don't get carried away right now and do something that you will regret for the rest of your life. This person... you can't control him."

"To tell you the truth, I'm crazy about everyone right now."

Wang Sicong just had the words "I want to find a girl" written on his face.

But actually this is just a joke.

No one knew better than him and Wheels how Yang Ying got on the ship.

It was precisely because of this that he took that half step back just now, not giving the other party any chance to take advantage of him.

But having said that, he took another look at the direction of the car while holding a cigarette, and suddenly sighed:

"Do you think Huang Xiaoming knows that she is not a fuel-efficient person?"

"Two sentences."


"It's none of your business, it's none of my business."


The eldest young master had a look of emotion on his face.

"The blind audition stage of "The Voice" is officially over. I had dinner with everyone and accidentally drank too much. Hehe~ My face is so red~"

This is what Yang Ying posted on Weibo on the night of the 18th.

The Weibo post also included a photo from a party and a selfie of her sitting alone in a car under dim lights.

It cannot be regarded as a leak, because as long as the results of the competition are not leaked, the director team allows such parties to publish dynamic Weibo.

It’s a kind of publicity that changes direction.

In less than five minutes after posting this Weibo, the number of replies on her Weibo had exceeded 300.

In this time period, to have such a rapid response from fans, for an "Internet celebrity" whose number of Weibo fans is about to exceed 800,000, she is already very active.

In fact, her Weibo fan base has been growing since the first season of "The Voice."

More and more people are noticing this beautiful female host.

Young, beautiful, and Yang Mi's good friend.

Whether it's Aiwujiwu or the celebrity effect, this has resulted in her Weibo fans being extremely active.

On average, each Weibo post has over a thousand comments.

The number of Weibo comments on some "The Voice" scenes can even exceed 10,000.

More and more people are paying attention to her, and such active fans naturally make her favored by many advertisers.

Not to mention anything else, the advertising magazine job that I agreed to shoot after the end of "The Voice" has already been shot for thirty times.

Yang Ying feels that his luck can no longer be described as lucky.

It is not an exaggeration to say that God loves me.

Her boyfriend kept introducing film resources to her, and Xiying Film Studio recommended her to become Yindu's "spokesperson" in the mainland. Sister Mi will use her as a stepping stone to cooperate with Hunan TV this time.

In just two years, her bank card savings have exceeded seven figures.

Moreover, the resources are so numerous that they can be used without realizing it.

She seems...born to be a star who lives in the spotlight!

Although she has not made any achievements in movies or TV series so far.

But she has already tasted the sweetness of becoming famous.

It's so sweet.

Indescribably wonderful.

Yang Ying firmly believes that he is different.

She even gradually forgot how she and Sister Mi became the "fairy best friends" in everyone's eyes.

There are so many actresses in the company, whether it's Liu Yifei, Zhao Liying, or the assistant Zhang Jiao... let's take a look at what they are doing.

Like an old scalper, he struggles with one movie after another.

And what about yourself?

After becoming the host of "The Voice", he suddenly gained a lot of attention.

Immediately afterwards, Sister Mi pushed herself to Yindu, with the intention of grabbing Hong Kong film resources.

In terms of TV dramas, even Liu Yifei took herself to Hunan without even using it.

Compared with others, my treatment is as good as heaven and earth!

Sister Mi was so kind to her that it was unbelievable.

Even in private life.

Everything made Yang Ying feel like he was living in paradise every day.

Earning endless money, countless fans, the feeling of being surrounded by people...it's really great.

Am I the one Sister Mi cares about most?

She often thinks so.

But I felt vaguely uneasy.

Even regret it...

I regret that I was too young.

If only I could change it...

Frankly, that’s just how people are. Every stage of life has different worries.

After getting rid of the difficulty of food and clothing, no longer living in the cheap tube house, using high-end cosmetics, and transferring enough money, what she is most afraid of now is the "price" she used to trade in the first place.

This caused her to be overly attentive every time she saw Yang Mi.

Just like it is now.

After posting on Weibo and seeing everyone's compliments such as "Baby you are so beautiful" and "Milk-skinned baby Yang", a thought arose in her drunken mind for no apparent reason.

"Oranges! Oranges!"

She quickly climbed out of bed and quickly walked out of the bedroom.

While shouting Orange, he broke into the other party's room:

"Orange!... Are the gifts for Sister Mi and the children ready? Are they valuable enough? Is there nothing wrong?!"


Orange put down the phone without leaving a trace, then nodded:

"Everything is ready. Two gold ingots are engraved with Kangxi's "Hundred Blessings". I hope Nuannuan and Yangyang will have a lot of blessings. And for Sister Mi, I have prepared the jade you bought last time in Xiangjiang. Sister, please Just don’t worry.”

"Uh... I must remember to pick it up tomorrow... I'm afraid I'll forget it if I drink too much... Huh? Are you calling? Who are you calling?"

"...to my mother."

"Oh, then you fight... Hehe, I'm going to bed, I'm a little dizzy."

"You haven't called Brother Xiao Ming back today, have you?"

"It doesn't matter if I don't come back. I'm so dizzy... I'm going to bed."

"...It's better to reply. Brother Xiao Ming didn't contact him last time because you were drunk, and we had a quarrel. You repeatedly told me last time that I must remind you to call Brother Xiao Ming every day..."

"Ah? Is there any?"

The confused Yang Ying scratched his head:

"Then I'll go right away. Be sure to remember this gift for Sister Mi~"

"Okay, I understand, sister, good night."

Yang Ying left the room in a daze.

Then Orange continued to pick up the phone and whispered:

"Hello, Sister Tingting."


Sun Ting responded and asked:

"What gift did she buy again?"

"I made two gold ingots with gold for Nuannuan and Yangyang, and bought a piece of jade for Sister Mi. That piece of jade cost more than 60,000 yuan. The gold ingot used less than 260 grams of gold."

"That's it...ok, I understand. Is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

"Okay, if she asks you what resources the company has given other artists in the future, just say so. She will definitely get the most resources, and then nudge her to ask Huang Xiaoming to introduce more resources to her."

"Okay, Sister Tingting, I understand."

"Well, have a good rest."

"Good night, sister Tingting."


After hanging up the phone, Orange yawned.

After looking at the Breguet given to me by Sister Tingting on my wrist, I realized that it was already early ten o'clock, so I hurried to the bathroom.

Take a shower quickly, you have to be busy tomorrow.


"It's coming."

Looking at Yang Ying and Orange walking in the door, Yang Mi said with a smile.

"Come in quickly. After lunch, we'll set off in the afternoon. Sit down first~"

She greeted her to sit down, and Yang Ying nodded and took two gift bags from Orange:

"Sister, this is a gift for you, Nuannuan and Yangyang. Hehe~"

"Yo? What?"

Yang Mi looked curious.

After taking the bag, Yang Mi took out a wooden box.

After opening it, two golden gold ingots about the size of a palm came into view.

The gold ingot also has the word "福" written in different fonts.

"Ah, "Hundred Blessings"?"


Yang Ying nodded vigorously:

"Yes, I hope Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang will be blessed! The two children have their birthdays in a few months. I'm afraid that I won't be able to make it back in time for filming, so I prepared gifts in advance."

"Thank you, I'm very considerate."

It can be seen that Yang Mi really likes these two gifts.

Gold is still secondary.

The main thing is that the word "福" in different fonts is engraved on it, which makes it look festive.

After picking it up and looking at it, she smiled and said:

"Then I'll accept it. It's just one year old. Let the two children hold it in their hands and take a photo. It will definitely be festive."


Yang Ying nodded:

"There is also a box inside, which is for you. Isn't it your birthday too?"

"It's still early, September."

Yang Mi said as she took out the last box.

After opening it, a crystal-clear jade pendant comes into view.

To be honest, it is indeed crystal clear, and you can tell by looking at the water head that it is not cheap.

And it looks very plain, not carved to look like some god or Buddha.

Paired with the chain that should be platinum, it does look jewel-like and exquisite.

"Yeah, beautiful."

Yang Mi nodded in an affirmative tone and expressed her point of view.

It really looks good, it can’t be faked.

Even without turning on the light, you can feel the moist texture inside.

"You, you can keep the money for yourself. Why are you spending so much money? I can't bring this here. Just look at these two little guys..."

Pointing at his two children:

"Do you think I have any necklaces, earrings, etc. on me now? I don't dare to wear them. Once I put them on, they pulled them away. When I attended an event two days ago, I wore a pearl earring and forgot to take it off. Yangyang grabbed it. It's a good place to stay and it doesn't hurt me to death..."

Yang Mi said as she closed the box.

Although I say so, it is a gift from someone else and I must accept it.

But at this moment Yang Ying said:

"It's okay. They can wear it when they grow up. Sister, you are also suitable for wearing jadeite. This one only costs more than 90,000 yuan. When I make more money in the future, I can buy you something better."

Let’s just say this…

You said it has a double meaning, and you can understand it that way.

The subtext tells Yang Mi: she wants to make more money.

But if she didn't mention the price, Yang Mi would definitely not say anything.

It's good to want to make money.


"More than ninety thousand?"

Yang Mi's face was full of surprise.

Then he shook his head:

"You are spending money indiscriminately. How much do you earn now? You are so willing to give up. In the future, when you earn one or two million, one or two hundred million a year, you are not allowed to move a mountain back for me?"


Yang Ying smiled sweetly:

"Then I will move you a mountain of gold and silver~"

"You are such a talkative~"

Yang Mi laughed dumbly and continued:

"Okay, let's sit down for a while and then we'll go after lunch. How is the script prepared?"

"I've been asking my acting teacher for advice, and the teacher said my performance is passable."

"Well, you really have to work hard on your acting skills. If you are good at acting in TV series, you will be better at movies. People in Yindu who have a lot of resources have "exchanged hostages", so you will have a lot of resources."

Yang Mi also made a joke.

But it is more or less a promise that we will continue to provide resources.

Then, as time passed, it was time for lunch.

The two families began to enjoy the lunch.

After finishing the meal while talking and laughing, several large boxes were rolled out.

After Yang Mi accompanied her to Hunan this time, she joined the team directly in Hengdian.

Now she always takes care of her family when she goes out, and the whole family goes to battle together.

There is no way, it is indeed very troublesome, but it can ensure that the child and the mother are not separated.

Who keeps Nuannuan and Yangyang's useless father busy in Xi'an?

A family, two cars, a total of three cars including Yang Ying were parked in the basement.

One is for luggage, and the other is for people.

Everyone got in the car and started walking towards the airport.

In the car, Yang Mi looked at the scenery outside and asked Sun Ting:

"Let's get over this year, Tingting. Make preparations for Yang Ying to set up an independent studio and divide the business."


Sun Ting was stunned.

"Sister, Yang Ying's contract still has three years left."

"I know."

As Yang Mi spoke, she bent down and took out the box containing the jade necklace from her bag.

The two ingots were placed at home, but she still put the jade box in her bag and took it out.

The box opened and she picked up the pendant necklace.

At this moment, the sunlight coming in from outside the car illuminated the emerald necklace, making it faintly glow with a hazy green halo.

Soft and beautiful.

Attracted by this layer of light, Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang, who were sitting in the child seat, were immediately attracted. They stretched out their hands and made a babbling sound to ask for it from their mother.

So, Yang Mi handed over the necklace directly.

The necklace worth more than 60,000 yuan started to be fought over by two little guys.

"Hey, you two, don't grab it... Just tell me, what if such an expensive thing is broken by them?"

Yang Chunling, who was sitting in the back row, was a little unhappy.

But after hearing this, Yang Mi smiled, with no intention of taking it back, and continued to say to Sun Ting:

"Let Orange give her some air, and I'll help her get active over there in Yindu. As a double artist, she will definitely miss out on several good resources if she's not very busy. For example, this "Thirty-Three" Days", or some other resources. Find an excuse that she missed it, and then let her set up her own studio next year. Tell her that she can run it by herself, but the company must hold 60% of the shares. In the same way, she is receiving resources There is a higher degree of freedom.”

"Okay, sister, I remember."

Keeping Sister Mi's decision in mind, Sun Ting did not ask why she did this.

But she could sort of figure it out.

Yang Ying is indeed becoming more and more popular now.

And if she achieves some success in TV series or movies, she will definitely block the way of the company's artists who are worthy of being cultivated.

After all, Sister Shishi is coming too.

There is also Liu Yifei in the company.

People like Baozi and Jiaojiao are also watching with eager eyes...

She stepped out early and started to run her own business independently, so she could make room for herself.


At this time, Yang Chunling’s words rang out again in the carriage:

"Yangyang, don't fight with sister, your necklace will break if you act like this... Be good, give it to grandma... Oh, our Yangyang is so good~"

Yang Chunling finally coaxed the valuable jade pendant from her grandson. After getting it, she quickly returned it to her daughter:

"Here, pretend! You prodigal kid, you don't know how to feel sorry for yourself."

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled and remained silent.

She just put the jade necklace back into the box and handed it directly to Sun Ting:

"Tingting, give it to Orange. This is my gift to her. After all, it cost more than 60,000 yuan~ She is white and looks good wearing it."


Sun Ting took it.

Then she heard Sister Mi murmuring:

"I've obviously given you a chance..."

Then, a sigh spread into the carriage:


The sunlight shines on the eyes of the beautiful and almost demonic woman, complementing the sigh in her eyes.

So beautiful.

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