Chapter 536 534. Love

To be honest, I'm quite confused.

Xu Xin looked at the girl in front of him, and the first reaction in his mind was...

Have I traveled through time?

No, is it really that outrageous?

Before leaving, Wang Sicong, who had always acted like a "basket: I'll make up the brain", suddenly brought himself to meet his girlfriend?

Please, it’s my girlfriend!

It's not the level to play with.

The circle of several people has standards set by the wheel.

Why had he and Jiang Yuchen been dating for so long and no one, including Xu Xin, had met?

It’s because of what he said:

"I don't think it's necessary because I can't imagine marrying her. Why do I have to come to see you?"

What he means is that if the girl I am looking for is not sure that she can get married in the future, then I will not bring her to meet you.

Then, this standard continued.

Lang Lang and Gong Xinliang were also rushing to get married, and he really liked them.

And Wang Sicong would not lead a girl into a group of several people.

Xu Xin is already married, let alone Yang’s mother’s role as a breeder.

So everyone acquiesces to the rules set by the wheel.

And now the girl in front of me...

It's a bit unusual to hear Big Laowang's introduction.

Girlfriend, Wang Ying, Wang Xiaoben.

Formal title, first name, nickname.


All ready.

Is Big Pharaoh serious?

Yang...Mother Yang...come on!

Your son is in love! ! !

He was filled with absurdity.

However, although there are many activities in the mind, the reaction is not slow.

"Hello, classmate Wang Xiaoben, I am Xu Xin, nice to meet you."

He took the initiative to say hello.

Frankly speaking, the girl's appearance is... not bad, quite pretty.

First, allow him to make one point: no woman in the world is as beautiful as my wife.

After giving himself a level of invincible gold first, the gold content of what he said in front of him will be enough.

Indeed, Wang Ying is not ugly.

And judging by his height and figure, he must have been trained in this area. He has a graceful manner and a decent temperament.

The smile is also quite sweet.

And he seemed to be a little inexperienced in the world. He was a little stunned when he saw Xu Xin reaching out.

Wang Sicong helplessly poked Xu Xin in the back:

"She's your girlfriend, and she's not a stranger. Why are you so formal?"

After speaking, he waved his hand:

"Okay, okay, we're on our own, don't be so pretentious. Let's order first. Wang Xiaoben, what do you want to eat?"

Although there was no handshake, the boyfriend was here to ease the atmosphere, and a more familiar smile appeared on the girl's face:

"I can do that, but..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated:

"I've never been to such a high-end restaurant before, so I'm afraid I'll embarrass you. Also...I heard that you can't even get enough of French food..."

Hearing this, a hint of vague surprise flashed in Xu Xin's eyes.

Surprisingly...very sincere, this girl.

And these words seemed to mean Melting Escape to Big Lao Wang.

With one shot, his iron cloth shirt with a golden bell cover broke through the defense, and all the melted bones and debris were gone.

"Aren't you full? You're kidding! You can eat whatever you want today, but you can eat as much as you like! We won't leave until we are full!"

"Oh, that's not what I meant...I am mainly afraid that I will embarrass you if I try too hard..."

The girl was a little helpless.

Don't tell me yet.

Wang Sicong really did this.

As soon as I heard this, my mind started to heat up:

"Don't worry!... In this way, I will ask him not to take the menu, but to fry one for me first!"

"Don't~ Oh, don't make trouble..."


Xu Xin's stomach began to turn sour.

Your grandma is a jerk, using my dark history to please your girlfriend, right?

I'm so sore! ! !

He shook his head helplessly and began to express his kindness towards Wang Ying:

"It's okay, I've never been to this place before. I don't eat much French food either... If you want to be embarrassed, let's both be embarrassed."

"Did you hear that? Lao Xu hasn't eaten anything before! ... But the portion of his food is really not big, so I might as well ask him to get a copy. Try them all?"

Before Xu Xin spoke, Wang Ying said again:

"Don't waste it~...and Director Xu is a public figure. It's not good to waste food if word spreads."

"Uh...that's right..."

She seemed to treat Big Laowang in every way.

And Xu Xin himself is also criticizing this girl...

And rarely, he was a little unsure.

I feel like she is a very sunny, self-persistent and principled girl.

But...the brain seems to be very active.

He was very decent in handling things, seemed to be a problem with his tone?

He thinks this girl is quite sunny.

Like a little sun.

The impression on him was also very good.

No wonder he can tie up the big old king...

he said in his heart.

In the end, it was Wang Sicong who ordered it anyway.

My girlfriend doesn’t know how to eat French food, and Lao Xu hasn’t eaten much...

Then let him come.

Lao Xu is happy to eat noodles. Although he doesn't know how good the French restaurant Rigatoni is, he will give Lao Xu a portion first.

Don't worry about appetizers or not.

That's what you French are used to.

My friend's habit is not to drink, so he has to serve the meal and noodles together.

Serve the noodles to my friend first.

Xu Xin didn’t understand what Rigatoni was, so he asked after he finished ordering:

"Where's the staple food?"

"I ordered it for you, Rigatoni thick tube noodles with classic fish sauce..."


Xu Xin nodded, tore off a piece of pre-dinner bread, and turned to look at the girl opposite him:

"How did you two... meet?"

"Hey, I have to talk to you about this... Isn't Dami familiar with Ruili?"

"It's familiar."

As a former Ruili model, Yang Mi has been closely connected with this domestic fashion magazine for young girls for many years.

Basically one set of photos per year.

They are all served during important holidays such as Christmas and Valentine's Day.

I originally thought that after getting married and having a baby, people from Ruili would no longer be looking for her... Who knew that people from Ruili would make an appointment with her for a Chinese Valentine's Day magazine shoot this year.

I just finished filming in Yanjing two days ago, and it will be released on Chinese Valentine's Day in two days.

Xu Xin would say that these people looking at Ruili are crazy.

My daughter-in-law already has two children, why are you still staring at her?

And according to my sister’s own words, whichever issue of Ruili she appears in will be a big hit.

That’s outrageous…

It’s as if everyone who bought Ruili fell in love with the young woman.

The Christmas with Yang Ying the year before last, the Valentine's Day the year before that...the sales volume of any issue was not bad.

Therefore, now that she is in Ruili, even though she is the mother of two children, she is still at an absolute T0 level.

All I can say is...people who buy magazines have really weird tastes...

Whatever you like is not good.

You really like young women.

And when he nodded, Wang Sicong said:

"This is Dami's junior junior sister."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment and looked at Wang Ying again.

The facial features are very three-dimensional.

However, artificial traces can be seen.

Especially the nose area is quite obvious.

However, in fact, Xu Xin has always been relatively receptive to medical cosmetic surgery.

It is normal for little girls to like beauty.

Although it is said that the disadvantages of plastic surgery will gradually become apparent after a few years... But everyone's body is his own, and he has no control over what he chooses.

However, in his eyes, some girls are suitable for plastic surgery and some are not.

Plastic surgery clinics now have several major templates.

One is Sister Bingbing and the other is Yang Mi.

Speaking of this, Xu Xin was actually quite proud.

How about my wife? Isn’t she pretty?

They are all used as plastic surgery templates.

For some girls, there may be a flaw in some part of their facial features. After adjustments are made, their appearance will be greatly improved.

Some girls are complete bullshit.

Don't worry about whether you are suitable for plastic surgery or not. Anyway, let's talk about it after getting plastic surgery...

Putting aside the latter, Xu Xin felt that the little girl in front of him belonged to the former.

The artificial marks on her face were covered up by the harmony of her facial features.

Ordinary people may not really be able to see it.

Although Xu Xin noticed it, he didn't intend to mention it and just asked:

"Are you also a model?"

"Yes I am."

Wang Ying nodded:

"I am the winner of Ruili Face to Face Girl Model Competition in 2008."


Xu Xin smiled and nodded, his eyes falling on the big old king:

"you mean?"

"Does Dami still have a job in Ruili this year?"

"It's gone this year."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"She just finished shooting a set of magazines for the Chinese Valentine's Day two days ago... I asked her to ask about Christmas? But don't have too many hopes for Christmas. Student Wang should know that the models for several major festivals in the magazine every year are at the beginning of the year. It’s decided. Unless there are some special circumstances, we will change people midway.”

"I told you I don't want it... It's not a good idea to bother Sister Mi with this kind of thing. Don't mention it, okay?"

She grabbed Wang Sicong's arm and shook it twice.

As for Big Lao Wang, his face was filled with regret.


Seeing this, Xu Xin actually had a doubt in his heart.

I mean, your family doesn’t allow you to find a career in the entertainment industry...

However, he is also a righteous person.

Seeing the great Lao Wang’s virtue, he asked directly:

"Do you have any acting experience?"


Wang Ying was stunned for a moment, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes.

After Xu Xin keenly captured it... he was stunned.

Then I saw the girl shaking her head slightly:

"Not really... but this year, under the arrangement of my agency, I played a role as a etiquette model in the crew of "If You Are the One 2". I was filming the divorce scene between sister Yao Chen and brother Sun Honglei in the movie..."

"If You Are the One 2" hasn't been released yet, and Xu Xin doesn't know which part she is talking about.

After hearing this, the emotion called "joy" that I had just captured through the director's perspective was automatically classified as a natural human instinctive reaction.

After all, he is still a... pretty good director in the industry.

Since this girl has chosen the modeling industry, it means she definitely wants to follow the path of a star show.

Don't mention anything else, if I let it out that there is a shortage of actresses... at least it would still have some appeal.

So I didn’t think much and nodded:

"I'm here this time just for a movie. Let's not talk about whether I have any acting experience. At the beginning, I'm going to set up a few scenes of young male and female lovers breaking up. Let's try it. I'll try my best to pick a good one for you. ~"

After saying that, he ignored the girl's joyful gaze and turned to look at Big Pharaoh:



The eldest young master smiled attentively and held a bottle of sparkling water in his hands:

"Come on, come on, let me give you a cup of tea. Oh, Director Xu, we, Wang Xiaoben, can leave it to you~"


Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

At this time, the first meal was served.

Even with the cover on, I don’t know what’s inside.

Start the meal. Start the meal.

In one meal, to be honest, Xu Xin had a good first impression of this girl.

It's not about how beautiful she is, but the feeling of... taking care of the big old king.

It seems very considerate.

Although they didn't drink, the three of them had a pleasant conversation.

The girl seemed generous and independent, and asked Xu Xin many questions about his career planning.

She talked about how she was selected by Ruili and how she planned her career.

For example, she is currently a member of, the largest model resource center in China.

What she said was... aboveboard.

Xu Xin couldn't even think of any dirty thoughts.

And he didn't mention his relationship with Hu Guang.

No need.

Originally, he didn't think that all the girls in Misora ​​would join the Business Bureau.

Nazha also said that the girls there are of all kinds.

There are people who are short of money, like her. I just want to be in a position next to a rich person.

Naturally, some also have dreams, hoping that one day they can become a world-class supermodel...

There are all kinds of people.

He would not be so nasty as to speculate on everyone based on the perception that "the world is as black as crows".

What's more... this girl is my buddy's girlfriend.

After the meal, he mentally gave the girl a passing score of 75.

A score of 60 points reflects her sunny and cheerful temperament, which sometimes even seems a little confused.

15 points because she is Big Laowang's girlfriend.

By nature, he will look at this girl higher than any other girl.

After finishing the meal and paying the bill, he couldn't help but smile when he heard the girl muttering to Wang Sicong: "It's too expensive. It's enough for us to eat thousands of mutton skewers."

Isn't this... pretty good?

What Big Pharaoh wants is ordinary love.

Hope he can be happy.

At least, the smile on his face at this moment... I have never seen it before.

Very happy.

"What should you do?"

"...What should I do?"

"We are gone, what will you do?"


Looking at the two-door and two-seater Lamborghini, the muscles on Xu Xin's face twitched.

"What do you mean?"


Wang Sicong scratched his head and said seriously:

"I have been blinded by love and am not good at thinking. I never thought that Director Xu would come alone without any followers. It's my fault that I didn't think carefully about the carriage and horse. Please forgive me~"


Have you ever seen a cow or horse control the tremors of their hind leg muscles?

The muscles on Xu Xin's face were as strong as an ox or a horse at the moment.

In my heart, I feel the galloping horses of the Serengeti savannah.

He was so angry:

"Good guy...I'm really a good guy!"

Wang Sicong smiled shyly:

"Haha~ I don't care about you anymore... How about I give you twenty and you can take a taxi?"

"I will give you 200 million. You can let me drive this car, and you two can take a taxi."

"Wang Xiaoben! Quick, give him his account number!"


In the girl's speechless gaze, Xu Xin rolled his eyes as he felt what it meant to retaliate in kind.

Left on his own.

In fact, strictly speaking, it’s not that far from Three on the Bund to Tomson Yippin.

The two sides are facing each other, separated by a river.

Xu Xin can even see his own home from here.

Although it would only take about ten minutes for Mengmeng to drive here.

But after his eyes fell on the ferry under the river embankment, he thought about it and decided to take a sightseeing ferry there.

He has been to the magical city so many times, but he has never taken a serious ride on this kind of sightseeing ferry.

It's a little hot.

As soon as he reached the ferry at Jinling East Road, he wanted to take off his hat.

At first he thought the ferry would be expensive.

But I was shocked when I saw the ticket price.

2 yuan...

Oh my god.

What kind of fairy price is this?

As an outsider, Xu Sanjin didn't understand the difference between sightseeing ferries and this kind of transportation ferries. After he was once again surprised by the magic of the Magic City, the second reaction in his mind was...

I have to grab a seat by the window...

"Are you...Xu Xin?"


Xu Xin, who was sitting on a chair waiting for the ferry, heard the sound. He turned to look at his friend who recognized him, smiled and nodded:


This should be because his fans have not left.

Otherwise, he would have called Xu Gou a long time ago.

"It's really you!"

This guy subconsciously took out his phone and looked around...

"Just... just yourself?"


Suddenly Xu Xin was a little unsure.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"What are your ingredients?"

Then the guy burst out laughing:

"Pfft...hahahahaha...I am your fan...really. From a Jay Chou fan!"

After saying that, he raised his cell phone:

"Can I take a picture with you?"


Hearing that he was a true fan, Xu Xin smiled and nodded after verifying that he was correct.

Then the two gentlemen came together, and Xu Xin made a PEACE gesture towards the camera.

After a click, I heard this guy say:

"I thought what they said was false...are you not angry when someone calls you a dog?"

"Don't be angry, why should you be angry?"


This guy nodded:

"It's just incompetence and rage!"


Our brothers can talk!

I, Mr. Xu, like it!

"But you can actually take the ferry...I really didn't expect..."

Before this guy finished speaking, the aunt who was waiting for the ferry next to her poked her head over, looked at the two of them... and asked Xu Xin:

"Young man, are you a star?"

Her voice was neither loud nor quiet, but several people in the front row turned their heads.

Xu Xin didn't wear a mask today, and he usually doesn't have the consciousness of a public figure. After hearing what this aunt said, he smiled and shook his head:

"Not a star."

"He is a director! The number one director of the younger generation! He has a box office of more than 500 million, which is very impressive!"

This guy is actually quite sensible and never mentioned anything about Yang Mi.

I'm giving this aunt some science.

"He was responsible for the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games and the World Expo!"

This aunt's accent sounds like she is from Zhenghuangqi Laomodu.

Suddenly he was stunned:

"World Expo?"

"No, no, no, what did I do? I participated."

Xu Xin smiled a little shyly.

"Oh! Then you are amazing too!"

Auntie’s face was full of surprise:

"Young man is so awesome?...Are you married?"


Just as the buddy next to Xu Xin was about to speak, a girl in the front row said:

"It's really Xu Xin!!"

"Hey, it's me."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

"Wow... is Yang Mi here?"

The guy next to him suddenly became happy:

"There's something wrong with your composition."

The girl didn't mind, but looked around:

"You take the ferry too?"

"Uh...yes, we have to cross the river."

The conversation between the two was the introduction, and after a while, he was almost surrounded.

But not that exaggerated.

The recognition of his face is actually not that high.

Most of the people who came around were young people, holding up their mobile phones to ask for photos.

But it's not that exaggerated.

It's not crowded, just a constant flow of people.

The situation even alerted ferry staff. But after seeing that everyone seemed to want to take a group photo and nothing drastic was done, I gradually felt relieved.

All I can say is that when it comes to chasing stars, you have to be an actor.

Until the ferry arrived, Xu Xin took the ticket and lined up to go up.

Then I got a window seat.

Lying on the window looking out like a child.

The Huangpu River in summer is really beautiful.

After taking the ferry all the way across the river, he followed the crowd and got off the boat.

When he walked out, a few people on the boat who asked him for a photo asked curiously:

"Where are you going?"

The buddy who was the first to recognize Xu Xin just now pointed to the place where a row of battery cars were parked and said:

"I send you?"

"Need not."

Xu Xin smiled and pointed in the direction of Tang Chen Yipin:

"I'll just take a few steps home."


The guy looked at the direction he was pointing:

"If you live in Tomson Yipin, why don't you take the ferry?"

"It's the province that needs to be saved, and the flowers that need to be spent. Haha~ let's go."

Smiling and waving his hands, he walked away.

I feel quite happy.

It can be regarded as satisfying his little vanity.

But he immediately dialed Yang Mi's phone number.

"Dudu...hey, what are you doing? I'm busy."

"Do you want to hear the gossip?"

"Listen! What's going on?"

"Wang Sicong is in love!"


"A little girl named Wang Ying..."

After explaining the general situation of the girl and what happened during lunch, he also arrived at the door of the house.

Entering the lobby, he was in no hurry to enter.

Instead, he sat on the sofa in the lobby and continued chatting with Yang Mi.

"Model Ruili? Misora?...Why do I sound so weird?"

Yang Mi was speechless.

"The little girl looks very sunny. And I can see that Lao Wang is serious about it..."


Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"Then do you want to ask Hu Guang to touch this girl's bottom?"

"...Are you sick? Are you suffering from delusions of being persecuted?"

Xu Xin, who understood the meaning of her words, was very resistant.

"No, the main thing is... forget about other things. As soon as Misora ​​and Ruili combined the three elements of plastic surgery, I felt something was wrong. I was afraid that the eldest son would be fooled."

"Do you think he is stupid?"

Xu Xin said as he took the tea from the staff here.

After nodding in greeting, he continued:

"What's more... people are free to love. As a friend, I must look at the good side."

"Nonsense, who doesn't wish him well? But what if he is cheated?"


Xu Xin was also scratching his head.

After thinking about it, he said:

"No, it wouldn't be very kind if you really do this."

In fact, Yang Mi also thinks this is true.

That's why she hesitated.

Your friend is in love with someone, and you go directly to get to know her?

If you feel nothing, that's fine.

But if you find out, will you tell your friends or not?

So this is actually similar to the situation of Lao Lang.

It's all a multiple-choice question.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi wailed:

"How come you guys are so virtuous when it comes to dating! Can you please stop causing problems for others! I'm worried that he will be cheated and I also hope that he will find true love..."

"Are you afraid that the young master will suffer, and are you afraid that the young master will drive a Land Rover?"

"...I don't know what weird example you are giving, but this is what it means... Let me ask Ruili first. If possible, I can take her to take out another set of photos this year, okay? Just for work needs at that time . If Lao Wang is so serious, I definitely hope that the two of us can be together well. If there is any trouble... I can also help her settle it. "

"Okay, you can ask. Anyway, I promised to give her a small role. I'm just thinking now... Lao Wang said that his family would not agree to him finding someone from the entertainment industry. Can these two people have a relationship? A good result..."

"……elder brother."


"I suddenly thought of something."


"Did we let it slip? How can we worry so much?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned...


"Isn't he your eldest son?"

"If possible, I really don't want to know these three traitors!"

His wife's answer made Xu Xin dumbfounded.

But then again...

If it can really start with love and end with it...

That’s a good thing, right?

After all... I have known him for so long and I have never seen him look so serious...

My fingers are a little bit broken and uncomfortable. Just one update today~

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