I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 549 547 Out of place

Chapter 549 547. Out of place

In this day and age, all media know that no matter what information, they must be timely.

If you can get big news faster than others, you will have enough attention.

If you take a step too late, you will be lost among the crowd.

Southern Urban Entertainment Weekly, with its reputation in entertainment, has always been one of the most authoritative media in China.

Even after entering the Internet era, the golden days of paper media are gone forever. Even these authoritative entertainment media have begun to relax all kinds of news on the Internet to maintain their attention.

However, despite this, major magazines are still synonymous with authority.

What's more... the successful promotion of the Four Little Beauties has made everyone in this circle aware of the power of this media magazine.

Where there is recognition, there is a market.

The success of the Four Little Actresses is the confidence for Southern Weekly’s entertainment section to dominate the film and television industry.

And this kind of big media magazine, although it will make some special reports every year during the school season, there are even privately some companies who want to promote new people to the position, and try their best to provide benefits so that people from Southern Weekly can publish photos of their own artists. Bring it to the news.

It is the first time that the word "most beautiful" has been used.

When you click on this news, you will see a complete set of photos taken with Nazha.

It started with polite words such as "It's the beginning of the school year again, let's take a look at the new students admitted to Beijing Film Academy."

Not much text, but lots of pictures.

First, there was the crowded scene at the entrance to Beijing Film Academy, and then there was the group photo of some girls.

The first one was Yang Zi, but it was not a picture of the opening of school, but an artistic photo of the company.

The comments after a few photos were also very affectionate. The original words were:

"Our Xiaoxue has grown up."

Next is an artistic photo of a girl named Wang Wanzhong.

The evaluation given is:

"The handsome and charming appearance is like a combination of Zhang Baizhi and Huang Shengyi."

Next up is a girl named Li Yiyi. She has many photos of her practicing dancing, and she looks equally pretty.

And this Li Yiyi seems to have some popularity. The comments given by the news are:

“With a top-notch mind and a school belle-like appearance, it’s no wonder that I was admitted to both Shanghai Film Academy and Beijing Film Academy in the art exam.”

After the photo combinations and introductions of these three people were given, it was finally Nazha's turn.

From the front to the side, although the word "most beautiful" was not mentioned in the news one after another, in every photo, Nazha repeatedly used these two words very naturally.

At first, I used a photo of the entrance to the Beijing Film Academy, then quietly switched to Nazha's follow-up photo, and then I selected a close-up photo from the set of photos taken by Feng Lu, showing the girl's facial features.

Although this set of photos was taken at different times, they are blended into a whole, making it impossible to tell that this is a set of photos taken at different times.

And it's not over yet.

The previous news was just polite words, and the set of pictures was also given, and then it was time to give the information.

The people from Southern Weekly were also unambiguous and directly gave Nazha's detailed information.

School has started anyway, so this information is not a secret.

Now that everyone knew her name, two or three more carefully chosen selfies followed.

And these selfies are also very particular. They are all taken from Nazha's own Weibo. Although they are not professional, every one of them is above the standard.

Several selfie pictures exist in her previous Weibo posts. When paired with this set of pictures, they appear more real. Finally, there is a summary from Southern Weekly:

"Gulinaza, in Uyghur language means: flower-like appearance. The beauty of this classmate Naza really does not disgrace the name.

Although she has not made her debut yet, she has a beautiful appearance, a healthy and energetic temperament, and a natural sense of camera. Even though there are beauties such as Yang Zi, Wang Wanzhong, and Li Yiyi among the students of this class, in comparison, putting aside off-site factors such as fame, child stars, attention, etc., we simply make a comparison.

Gulinazha can be said to be the most beautiful school beauty this year! "

"Southern Weekly" published this news the fastest on the entire Internet.

At this juncture of 10 o'clock, it was already sent out.

The registration time in the morning was obviously not over yet, but they seemed to have predicted that no one more beautiful than this girl named Nazha would appear, so they immediately dumped this king.

Forget about other media.

Even those present were stunned.

I don’t know how many people are waiting to go back at noon to hand over the photos they took in the morning to magazines and media, and exchange them for a good price.

But why did Nanfang Weekly suddenly open fire! ?

No... This kind of school beauty competition is not a multiple-choice question for the four little beauties... Why are you, a big media magazine, here to join in the fun?

Cannon, you fired.

You have the traffic.

But the problem is...this kind of news doesn't have much economic value.

Why did you send it out?

Could it be that... there is a company that wants to favor this girl! ?

This was the only possibility they could think of after receiving this news.

After all, the popularity of school beauties only lasts for a day or two every year, and small media have to rely on it to gain traffic. But what does it mean that a big media like you has taken the lead?

Fight a mosquito?

Probably not? Although Southern Weekly is not the kind of media that is unprofitable and can't afford to be early, but this kind of news is reasonable, they don't need to compete with people like themselves, right?

A group of people were speculating on what was going on.

But for Zhao Bin and Jiang Lin, this news is really not good news.

Jiang Lin is sure that Nazha has not signed the company yet.

So after seeing the news, he immediately rejected the possibility of the company's promotion.

Moreover, although he admitted that Nazha's appearance was good, why Southern Weekly would come out like this... he couldn't understand.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. Now is not the time to dwell on the root cause.

He was just thinking about one thing...

If someone finds out that Nazha is not a signed artist of any company...then what should Tang people do!

Thinking of this, he quickly found Zhao Bin:

"Master, what should we do now? Southern Weekly suddenly published news. If someone checks Nazha's information, our advantage will be gone."


Zhao Bin actually felt strange.

This piece of news from Southern Weekly on my mobile phone... I am so well prepared.

Whether it's a manuscript or something else... it gives people a sense of déjà vu that they have already prepared the manuscript and will publish it when the time comes.

But the problem is...it's impossible.

He also has Nazha's Weibo. The girl was not dressed like this yesterday.

Moreover, he would not believe that all this was planned.

Just kidding, who would pay such a high price to support an unsigned newcomer?

It's okay if you sign the contract.

The problem is that you haven’t signed a contract, so why do others praise you so much?

Can someone from Southern Weekly do something like this?

This is reality, not fiction.

Where did this girl get her aura of being a great heroine?

So Zhao Bin rejected the idea at the first opportunity, and he also understood that thinking about it was useless.

The most important thing to do now is to show sincerity!

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Send the video recorded by Hu Zai to Nazha, and then tell her that we are still waiting for her at the door. I will call Mr. Cai now to apply for permission to sign the contract... No matter what, we must win her over!"


Jiang Lin nodded and quickly sent the MMS message at half past ten.

"Nazha, this is the invitation video we asked Hu Zai to record in person. Take a look. We are not an agency, but a talent scout under Tang Ren Company."

"When I greeted you in the morning, did you see the man next to me? His name is Zhao Bin, and he is my master. He discovered the stubble."

"Cai Yinong is our boss, and she also likes you very much."

"If you finish your work, we will still be waiting for you at the door. Let's talk in detail at noon, okay?"

Four messages were sent in a row.

Even a fool can feel Jiang Lin's urgency.

At this moment, Nazha, who was queuing up to receive military training uniforms, did not reply immediately when she saw it. Instead, she continued to follow Yang Zi. After the boys and girls in front received their camouflage uniforms, their eyes fell on her unconsciously. In a state of quiet thinking.

Maybe it’s because you think too much?

Suddenly, she understood why Sister Tingting wouldn't let her fall in love.

Because at this moment, she was facing these classmates and the necessary military training rituals, and she couldn't even arouse the slightest interest.

It's not that she's not interested, but...she's thinking about her own things.

Although she didn't know exactly what Sister Tingting had done to make Tang Ren's talent scout value her so much. But after all, she has seen all kinds of successful people in the sky. At this moment, she is looking at her classmates who are full of youthful spirit, and those eyes that are vaguely falling on her...

There was a feeling of being out of place for no reason.

Why is everyone so naive?

Is it because... after leaving the college entrance examination and high school life, I have beautiful visions for the college life that is about to begin?

But when we are enjoying college life...those people who are not much older than us, but whose fame is no longer the same as us...are engaged in one game after another in the entertainment industry, in shopping malls, and on the "battlefield" .

For a role, for a status, for resources... they are racking their brains and intrigues.

Compared with people like Sister Mi who have obviously succeeded but are still working hard...

Nazha suddenly felt a sense of urgency in her heart.

She really felt like she was wasting her time.

Why haven’t you started taking acting classes yet? Does military training really mean anything?

Sister Mi and Brother Xu seem to have started to stand out in their sophomore years... Two years, two years is such a short time, can they really do it?

If he could do it, how much effort would he have to put in to catch up...or squeeze into that circle? !

And when I think about it, it seems that one day I can be like Brother Xu, surrounded by a group of rich people, whether they are investors or advertisers, instead of being carried around like a floating duckweed. Here, grab the big toy over there...

The eager desire in her heart to absorb all knowledge, grow up early, and support herself, her sister, and her parents will make her howl like a wolf and a tiger.

I want to be an actor!

I want to win a prize!

Want to be popular!

Want to make big money!

And Sister Mi has helped herself find the best soil to absorb nutrients!

But... none of his classmates seem to realize... what his real needs are.

Maybe Yang Zi can realize it.

But her situation seems to be a little different from mine...

Suddenly, the feeling of alienation from my classmates came out.

I completely understand why Sister Tingting wants to keep a distance between herself and other people.

Because... only by keeping them "in the circle" can I jump out of the circle as soon as possible and fight for the position that suits me best in the future?


No matter what.

The girl's eyes suddenly became determined.

Just like a traveler who has walked in the desert for seven days and seven nights without any water.

After stepping into this oasis called Beiying, she really had the urge to devour everything in this school!

At this moment, Yang Zi had already received her camouflage uniforms and liberation shoes, and it was her turn.

She took a step forward and said her name:

"Hello, senior, I am Gulinazha."


The member of the student union who handed out the clothes glanced at Nazha twice, just like the other people behind her who also looked at her outfit with jealous or obsessed eyes.

Then I saw the 172cm height in the information and directly picked a suitable camouflage uniform.

I asked for the shoe number again and put a pair of Jiefang shoes that smelled like rubber on top of my clothes.


As soon as he finished speaking, Nazha suddenly spoke:

"Senior, would you like to ask, when can I apply for a library card?"


As a junior member of the student union, this guy was stunned for a moment and then suddenly said with a smile:

"Why don't you leave my phone number, junior? I'll take you there when we're done here."


Nazha nodded politely and smiled sweetly:

"Thank you, senior."

"Well, please remember..."

Soon, Nazha, who had an extra number on her phone, took her clothes and walked out with Yang Zi.

As she walked, she held her clothes under her arms. After sending a message to her senior, she was about to report the situation to Sister Tingting to see how to deal with it next, when she heard Yang Zi ask:

"Why do you want to borrow a student card?"

"Borrow books."

Nazha said without raising her head:

"One of my... brothers said that Beijing Film Academy has the most comprehensive books on film and television in China. If I can read everything related to the acting department in four years, it will at least be worth a lot. Golden Eagle Award.”


Yang Zi's mouth twitched...

What do you think of the Golden Eagle Award?

After all, you are also a domestic mistress. How come you say it is so worthless...

Just as she was speechless, Crackle over there had forwarded several messages from Jiang Lin to Sun Ting, and then asked Nazha what she should do next, but she didn't get a reply for the time being.

So, she raised her head and looked at her roommate:

"Do you want to come with me?"


be honest.

Although I don't know what my roommate's grades were in junior high school and high school.


At this moment, she looked at her roommate in front of her with that... look.

The first reaction was to see the eyes of those classmates in the key class when I was in high school.

Although Yanjing 55 High School is not top-notch among Yanjing’s high schools.

But it's still above average.

In the key class of senior high school... all the students looked the same as their roommate in front of them.

It was as if they had been brainwashed. From the moment they entered the key class, they had only one goal.

That is the first-class key universities in the country...and even the world!

For this reason, no matter how thick the paper is to chew through or how many pounds of exercises to do, there is no hesitation in that look...

He is exactly the same as his roommate now!

Oh my god...

I scored 400 points in the college entrance examination and actually shared a dormitory with a top student.

And the top student was just invited by Hu Gan to record a video to join the Tang people...

Question: What kind of magical roommate did I find?

But unconsciously, she nodded:


Cultural classes aside...I am also a child star after all.

In terms of acting... I don’t want to lose to anyone!

"Sister, take a look."

While the two children were taking a nap, Yang Mi, who had just had some free time, took the mobile phone handed over by Sun Ting. After taking a look at it, she nodded:

"Have you told her the bottom line?"

"I told you, 5 years."

"Well, the Tang Dynasty is so urgent... In addition, Shishi's appearance in "Step by Step" has never been settled. Director Lin's phone call yesterday was already a bit resentful. Come to think of it... Cai Yinong is also impatient, right?"

As she spoke, she chuckled.


Holding the tea cup, she looked at the stream of light in her lamp that kept changing along with the wall of the lamp, and shook her head with a smile:

"One or two of them are so anxious...don't you know that the more anxious you are, the more passive you will be?"

After hearing this, Sun Ting thought for a while and said:

"Then it's better to let Nazha delay for too long, right?"

"Of course we can't wait too long. Didn't you read Wang Minmin's news message about the most beautiful school beauty? It's already over 2,000 yuan... Ha~"

Exhaling a mouthful of hot breath with the fragrance of tea, Yang Mi said without raising her head:

"Tell her that now is not the time to fight with the Tang Dynasty. Even if they can treat the virtuous corporal, she has to act like she's in trouble. It's best to contact Cai Yinong in person and make her act like she's been favored. Lao Cai will eat this Then if the conditions are similar...just sign it. As for how to negotiate, it's up to her."


Sun Ting nodded and started editing the text message.

And Yang Mi poured herself another cup of tea.

Seeing the tea in the cup getting full, she added:

"Tell her to do it, I'm watching her."


Sun Ting nodded.

After typing for a while, at the end, she added Sister Mi’s words intact:

"Do it well, sister is watching you."

There is no word "honey".

Nazha's plot is basically over, and it won't be so long in the future. Today is one of the endings.

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