I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 552 550 Drowsy

Chapter 552 550. Drowsy

With psychological preparation, at least Xu Xin was not worried about the attendance of the first "Hawthorn Tree" show.

Less than half.

This is the number of people from the first entry to the start of the movie.

Also includes "last minute" sessions.

Not many people came in.

The entire auditorium itself has more seats and a larger space than an ordinary movie theater. At this moment, less than half of the people were doing it, which made the feeling of emptiness in the space even more prominent.

And among the less than half of the people, there were about twenty or thirty Asian faces.

There were reporters and people from other crews.

And some people also saw Xu Xin and the others.

But no one wanted to say hello.

Everyone sat in their seats and watched quietly.

After the movie started, everyone's attention was focused on the screen, but Xu Xin's eyes were a little blank, and he even yawned lazily.

I spent 15 hours on the plane, even though I took a break halfway through.

But jet lag and the exhaustion caused by long-distance flights inevitably made him feel sleepy.

Not to mention he stuffed a margherita pizza in his stomach.

What's more, he has seen the Hawthorn Tree many times.

So, after yawning, he suddenly didn't want to move.

Although the chairs in the auditorium are not particularly comfortable movie theater seats, they are better than they can be.

So, when the movie opens, he has closed his eyes.

The melodious tune of the accordion version of "BELLA CIAO" lingers in my ears, making me cry.

When the melody of this song sounded, the ears of many local Italian audiences suddenly stood up.

Especially the audience who watched the last "Love Triangle".

Everyone's tired spirits were suddenly lifted by this famous tune, which although made famous by the Yugoslav movie "The Bridge", is actually an Italian guerrilla folk song...

"This is……"

Among the audience, Sun Youcai also showed a look of astonishment.

It's not that he hasn't heard this song, but because... this song is so special.

The Italian song became the background music when it was screened at the Venice Film Festival in Italy.

Director Xu, is this... intentional?

You calculated that this movie was going to participate in the Venice Film Festival, so you used this method? ...It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right?

He didn't know if he was overthinking it.

But after thinking about it, I still wrote in my diary in the dark, "The opening song "Goodbye, my friend" → Flattery is possible."

He knew that what he thought was not necessarily right, but as a reporter, a piece of news really needed to break.

If the movie was good, he wouldn't write this.

But he does not rule out various possibilities for his work.

It can only be said that he will try his best to rationally calculate all possibilities to evaluate this movie.

But at this moment... he heard Lin Dong next to him say:

"Liu Yifei's pairing with this Russian song is really amazing!"


Sun Youcai's mouth twitched...

But he didn't correct it either.

Watching movies is more important than correcting Lin Dong's misunderstandings.

So, in the melodious accordion version of "BELLA CIAO", a minibus slowly stopped at the dilapidated long-distance bus station.

Liu Yifei also appeared in front of the bus station for the first time.

He looked confused, shy and out of place.

For people of Sun Youcai's age, this scene is simply too familiar.

Because that's what the city was like when they were young.

And although he doesn't like Liu Yifei, he is also paying attention to her.

After all, she is the protagonist of this movie.

To be honest, maybe it's because of the song "BELLA CIAO".

The familiar melody temporarily pulled Sun Youcai's spirit away from Liu Yifei's prejudice and brought back his childhood memories.

At this moment, looking at Liu Yifei, who was dressed in simple clothes, he didn't even feel that there was any intention of making a show.

On the contrary, like many other viewers, the first reaction when seeing Liu Yifei was...

She has found the right way to play!

Sure enough, no one is more suitable for the two adjectives "pure and clean" than her.

Even though she is no longer a girl.

But for her to wear clothes that were not the right size and stand among the people of that era... it was simply perfect.

It's like a rare white flower in that pale age.

Even though its white color is so monotonous... it still cannot conceal its mesmerizing beauty.

And some foreigners present obviously thought so too.

At least there were a lot of people when Liu Yifei appeared in the crowd at the bus station who were busy getting off the bus, and everyone locked eyes with her.

Even if there are aesthetic differences.

But some beauty knows no boundaries.

The team leader and Captain Zhang, played by Li Xuejian, were talking. This version of the Italian subtitles was not done by Zhang Mo, but the translator found by Xiying Film Studio was definitely not bad.

There was no pressure for the local audience to watch.

But during the movie playing, Sun Youcai's eyes always fell on Liu Yifei.

As a reporter, of course he knew that Liu Yifei's lines were not good.

Not to mention the dubbing of the TV series. Although the original voice was used in "The King of Kung Fu", it was also dubbed in post-production. In Sun Youcai's view, his line skills were also very poor.

Therefore, he kept waiting for Liu Yifei to speak.

It's a pity that I didn't wait.

In the shot of the long-distance bus station, only the voices of the team leader and Li Xuejian were heard.

Jing Qiu, played by Liu Yifei, stood there out of place from the beginning.

Then with Li Xuejian’s solid voice:

"Now that everyone is here, let's go?"

When the crew turned the camera, a scene appeared of a group of people walking in a snake field in a field of rapeseed flowers.

"The color continues Zhang Yimou's style."

After seeing the picture, Sun Youcai quickly wrote on his notebook.

Because of the dark light, his handwriting is generally a bit large and crooked.

After writing two lines, there is no room on the page.

Lowering his head and taking a quick look, he turned the page directly.

After thinking for a while, he added another sentence:

"But it also has its own style. It's not overpowering."

At least he has a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, and this report will treat the movie as fairly as possible.

In the scene, after the rapeseed field, the camera switches to a close-up shot, with Li Xuejian taking the lead and carrying the most luggage. But he performed the powerful demeanor of Kong Wu, the captain of the rural production team, quite vividly.

Then came a row of students following behind.

In Xu Xin's shots, these students have different expressions.

Boys generally carry more luggage than girls, and even if girls carry very little, their foreheads and temples are covered in sweat.

Obviously, this journey is not a short one.

Just like this, in the fixed shot, after one, one, and another person walked out of the camera, the entire screen went blank for about a second.

Just as Sun Youcai's puzzled thoughts appeared, he saw Liu Yifei holding a basin in his left hand and a "triangular bag" that young people nowadays hardly know what it is in his right hand. He was carrying a schoolbag and had a square piece of luggage hanging on his chest. Walked into the camera.

She has more luggage than all the girls, but less than the boys.

Adding to the vacancy just now, she suddenly felt that she was out of tune with the entire team.

When she walked past the camera, Sun Youcai lowered his head and wrote quickly:

"Trackers on the Volga!"

After writing it, his interest finally came.

Xu Xin shows off his old style in this movie with almost no concealment...

Although the scene is still very short and the movie has just begun, it is enough to grab people's attention.

Liu Yifei, who was treated unfairly, continued Zhang Yimou's rich and colorful style of composition, as well as his technique of passively "explaining" the protagonist's psychology through lens placement...

In less than a minute of the opening of this short movie, everything is blended into this movie.

It's kind of interesting...

It's normal for a director to want to express something in a movie.

But the difficulty is how to do it without being so high-minded. This is the difficulty.

Sun Youcai has been a reporter for more than 20 years and has seen many director's works. It is possible that he can express the hidden meaning of shooting scenes so clearly...

Xu Xin is the first.

You can't say he is shallow... On the contrary, "Trackers on the Volga River" is obviously a classic, why can't others use it? Or use it in such a way that people can’t understand it, but others can understand it?

This is the gap in strength...or talent.

In just one minute, a few shots were used to show the interpersonal relationship between the characters in the group and pay homage to the classic painting.

Express clearly and clearly.

However, the visual effects are exactly the same.


Unconsciously, he also sat up straight.

And there are many people who have the same reaction as him.

The professional filmmakers who can come here are definitely not idiots.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they take action.

Xu Xin used this one-minute shot to make all of them understand one thing...

That is, regardless of the overall quality of the movie, although the producer of this movie is Zhang Yimou, the director... is Xu Xin!

Soon, the scene was frozen in front of a tree that was growing crookedly.

People crossing the mountains stopped to rest.

When Xu Xin originally shot this scene, it actually took a lot of time.

Because he wanted the feeling of an ink landscape painting.

The weather is great, clear and cloudless.

It was too dark, and it was impossible to see the distant mountains covered with clouds and mist.

The crew waited for nearly ten days before finally finding the mist-stained meaning of the mountains in the background in the clear sky after a rain.

In order to keep up with the shooting schedule, everyone held towels and used two huge electric fans to blow for nearly ten minutes before the grass under the tree looked "sunny".

Therefore, to everyone, the mountains at this moment look like a standard splash-ink landscape painting.

It's like being in a fairyland.

According to the romantic feelings of the Chinese people, no matter whether they are composing a poem, expressing their love for the mountains and rivers, or even boiling green plums and drinking wine to discuss heroes, it all fits the environment and mentality of the moment.

After all, this picture is so beautiful...so magical.

But unfortunately, a layer of brown filter was added to the whole picture, making it look slightly yellow.

All of a sudden, the natural harmony of the landscape in this picture was somewhat inferior.

It made some people frown slightly...

Why add a filter at this time?

Wouldn't it be better to express this feeling of being deep in the misty clouds of nature and clearing the clear smoke in the mountains?

It's really a bit unnecessary.

But the next second, they were stunned...

Because after freezing in this beautiful scene, Captain Zhang, played by Li Xuejian, pinched his waist, pointed at the hawthorn tree and said:

"This is our famous hero tree."

This sentence is actually not bad, but after hearing what Captain Zhang said, the team leader stood in the middle of the camera, pointed at the hawthorn tree, opened his mouth, and a "smell" came out:

"I know this hero tree... classmates, the reason why this hawthorn tree is called a hero tree is because during the raging Anti-Japanese War, it witnessed countless heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our motherland and people. ! A touching scene!"

Following his fervent words... which could almost be said to be high-spirited, many people subconsciously began to look through their backpacks.

Begin to record the leader's words.

Although Jingqiu was the last to reach the top of the mountain, she took out her notebook the fastest.

At this time, Captain Zhang said:

"The devil is under this tree..."

Before he finished speaking, the team leader spoke again:

“Since the first anti-Japanese hero was shot and killed by the invaders under this hawthorn tree, countless anti-Japanese warriors have sacrificed their lives here one after another under this tree. Their blood has watered this land... You all know that the hawthorn tree was originally It has white flowers, right? But this one is different. Because it was watered with blood, it finally blossomed into red flowers..."

The leader was talking, and a group of people were taking notes.

That look... these people who grew up in the Celestial Dynasty are simply too familiar.

Just like when you go out for an outing when you were a child, there must always be a link to teach you a lesson.

Especially the tone of the leader and the concentration on the look of the people around him.

The "craftsmanship" that does not belong here, and the cliché tone are all washed away in this beautiful place that was created by nature.

After dispersing the atmosphere, Sun Youcai discovered...Xu Xin didn't seem to stop there.

Instead, there was another scene like a last strike.

Captain Zhang, who was interrupted before he could finish his words, opened his mouth... and nodded in a tacit tone of not being surprised. He looked at the hawthorn tree as if he was observing it carefully as if he had seen it for the first time. Normally he said:

"Yes, that's what they say..."

A bit of fun.




Sun Youcai understood the purpose of adding filters.

But... a bigger question emerged from my heart:

"What is Director Xu trying to express with this scene?"

The confusion young people express about that era they have never experienced?


He didn't understand.

But no matter what, in just a few minutes of the opening of the movie, everyone who knows Xu Xin has already understood... The reason why this movie was shortlisted for the main competition unit is definitely not low in "artistic content".

And this is indeed the case.

From settling in Captain Zhang's home to getting acquainted with Lao San.

The rhythm of the entire first half of the movie gradually began to create a sense of fragmentation in the hearts of domestic and foreign audiences.

For people in China, the rhythm of this section is a bit dull.

In other words... they felt that Xu Xin was showing off his skills more.

Let everyone see "how I trained Liu Yifei".

Sometimes a distant view, sometimes a close shot.

Sometimes close-ups, sometimes horizontal shots...

It highlights the entire style of Qinglong Village and the original ecological beauty of the mountain village.

It has become the embellishment of "Quiet Autumn".

Let everyone see how suitable Liu Yifei is for this kind of drama.

It can be said that every smile and every move she makes can be like a beautiful painting.

She would play with children among the flowers, wash clothes by the river, and write at the desk, as if she was the class star in the class who was working hard on the questions that summer...

So beautiful.

Many people are muttering in their hearts... You two are really going to any lengths to push Liu Yifei to the top...

But what about foreigners?

But it's completely fresh.

In their perception, Chinese movies are always equated with suffering, great hatred, and deep hatred.

Indeed, even Muhammad said that even if knowledge is far away in China, it should be sought after.

The holy land in Marco Polo's heart is, to Italians, an ancient civilization that is still active on the earth's stage under the guise of a country.

They have so much to write about...

But the question is... Since you Chinese people are living such a miserable life, how do you survive?

If you're not living in dire straits every day, why can't you shoot something... less dark?

We have read your criticism of the marriage system in the feudal era.

I have seen how a male Peking Opera actor from your country is so magnificent on the stage, but how miserable he is off the stage.

I’ve even seen that you can make a film that explores gender as well as ours… but can still make people blush…

But unsurprisingly, each of your works seems to express the pessimism of how miserable the world is and what a difficult era we live in.

But what is this now?

The country life of a beautiful woman!

And the era is still the era when you kept it secret.

Although it is not clear what the ending of the movie is...but this relaxed style is really refreshing to many foreigners.

It turns out that in addition to kung fu movies, you can also make movies that are not so uncomfortable?

And the emotional process of Lao San and Jing Qiu in the movie from being unremarkable at the beginning to gradually starting to heat up, and the feeling that although they are of different ages are extremely real, it makes countless people unconsciously. A smile appeared.

After about ten minutes of footage, everyone present began to enjoy the comfort brought by this movie.

But this comfort did not last long.

Jingqiu is going back to the county town because her school has to rehearse a program.

For this young man and woman, whose relationship is still in its infancy, their relationship has just begun... but it seems to be coming to an end.

According to common sense, the entanglement between the two will definitely not end so easily.

So everyone is not panicking, but regards it as the dividing line to enter the second stage.

But before that, Xu Xin also prepared a "gift" for everyone.

"Then... before we return to the city, let's go watch a movie?"


"Yes, the projectionist is coming to the village tonight, and he is going to show a movie at the south end of the village...and our people from the mine will also come. Haven't you heard me play the accordion? Let me play it for you?"

The straightforward invitation did not elicit a response from the shy girl.

But in the evening, she still came as promised.

Next, Xu Xin showed excellent camera control.

In the scenes of the movie, the people's acting skills in every shot are exceptionally sincere and natural.

Especially those young people who are always on the receiving end of the captain's bamboo pole...

After a young man with short hair was beaten three or four times in a daze, the theater burst into laughter looking at Guo Fan's innocent expression.

But this is just a warm-up.

The climax of this gift is in the song sung by the people in the mine after the movie.

On a simple platform.

The third child was sitting on the bench, holding an accordion, looking at Jingqiu with shy but affectionate eyes.

Jingqiu's response was to dodge her gaze.

And the fingers that kept pinching and tearing at the corners of clothes.

Ambiguity began to spread.


A familiar melody sounded.

The relaxed and lively accordion once again played the immortal song of the Italian guerrillas' fight against fascism.

"Goodbye, friend, goodbye, friend, goodbye, friend..."


At some point, the people on the screen were singing a Chinese version of the song.

But in the theater, the local audience in Venice sang the Italian original version.

The song is just over a minute in total.

It was cut to less than 54 seconds in the movie.

In the 54-second shot, Lin Xingxin's hand shape was perfected after hard training, and the music in the background was dubbed by the teachers of the Xi'an People's Orchestra. It perfectly blended with the girl's smile from shy to happy. Got a piece.

And when the 54-second dance scene ended with emotion in the bonfire, the still-unfinished audience didn't know who was taking the lead...

"Crash la la la..."

A burst of small-scale applause rang out.

Next, is Xu Xin's textbook-like montage of separation between Lao San and Jing Qiu.

After the full performance, the screen fell into darkness.

A subtitle slowly appeared:

"The third child made an appointment with Jingqiu. When she comes back, he will go to the county town to pick her up."

Does this mean the first phase of the film is over?


Sun Youcai breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the sentence recorded in the notebook, "Excellent camera arrangements, Liu Yifei and Lin Xinxin, and the acting skills are just right - it caused the audience to sing in chorus."


He checked his watch.

17 minutes.

The movie only lasts 17 minutes from the beginning to the present.

The 17-minute movie clip aroused the audience's emotions...

Even if it was inspired by this song... it's really amazing.


Looking back at the ten-minute movie, he suddenly showed a strange expression.

Because he recalled a very speechless detail.

I don't know since when, when I saw Liu Yifei... she stopped acting?

She is Jingqiu.

Not Zhao Linger, not Xiao Longnu.

It’s Jingqiu!


Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the West Film Studio.

I originally wanted to see Director Xu's expression at this time... Even if I couldn't see clearly, I still wanted to see it.

But it’s better not to watch...

When the subtitles of the movie disappeared, a fixed shot of a stage appeared, and the light on the screen fed back to the audience... he suddenly saw a person with his head raised, leaning on the seat as if he was fast asleep...

And look at that man's green-skinned hair...

Isn’t it Xu Xin! ?

Brother, did you fall asleep during the "premiere" of your movie?

You...why are you so NEWBEE! ?

With a bit of absurdity and the noise praising the program on the screen, Sun Youcai thought about it and wrote a line in his notebook:

"In the middle of the movie screening, while everyone else was watching it with gusto, Xu Xin had already fallen asleep."

After writing this paragraph... he still seemed to feel uncomfortable.

At the end, I added another sentence:

"And he was snoring."

551 was directly reviewed. I don’t know why. Let’s take a look tomorrow.

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