I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 559 557 Dinghaishen Needle

Chapter 559 557. Dinghai Shenzhen

The news that "Hawthorn Tree Love" has exploded in word-of-mouth has begun to spread in China.

It can even be said that it was unparalleled for a while.

Starting from the topic of "Don't eat pineapples", the good feedback in Italy made people in China feel happy, and then the popularity in China spread to Italy, and finally Italy brought the Venice Film Festival to The news came back with more detailed reports...

All the links are like a positive path. After all the links are opened, the film's popularity, which costs nothing at all, begins to jump into everyone's field of vision at a terrifying increase.

In fact, this is what movie promotion is all about.

Regardless of the money invested or the star effect, it is all for one thing.

That is to let more people know about this movie.

If they know the movie, as long as they have free time, these people who know the movie can turn it into box office at any time and bring actual profits.

This is the essence of so-called advertising.

And "Hawthorn Tree", in the eyes of knowledgeable people, has formed a kind of overwhelming propaganda in this way... just like free prostitution.

Of course, it's not just "The Hawthorn Tree".

This terrifying popularity made the 67th Venice Film Festival shine even in China.

Attention has reached an unprecedented peak.

And thanks to this wind, even self-produced films like "Jiabiangou", which were trapped in a windless place, have gained a lot of attention.

Even these fallen leaves carried by the wind can travel a long distance with the wind. You can know how big the "Hawthorn Tree" as the body of heat has expanded.

So, on the 4th, "Hawthorn Tree" was quickly scheduled to be released on December 22, and the first trailer was quickly released.

The trailer is on well-known video sites such as Youku and Tudou, especially Youku, which is currently the largest. It only took one hour to get more than 500,000 views.

In the piano solo "BELLA CIAO", the sense of love between Liu Yifei and Lin Gou, and the look back at Liu Yifei, who can almost be said to be "because she does not belong to the aesthetics of the times, highlights her beauty"...

Not to mention Liu Yifei, even ordinary viewers got goosebumps unconsciously.

How could she... be so beautiful?

As some insiders who have been paying attention to the news at Xiying Studio, everyone understands one thing...

It's best if "Hawthorn Tree" doesn't win any awards this time.

As long as it wins awards, then the whole thing becomes too scary.

The most intuitive guess: How much can the box office reach?

No one dared to think so.

But the overall investment for this film was less than 20 million.

Forty million back.

The rest is pure profit.

Later publicity... With this release, the cost is very small.

And with the momentum and scale of "Hawthorn Tree", if we make a conservative prediction, no matter what... it can sell for 100 million, right?

This is still conservative.

How about being bolder? 1.5?2?

Good guy.

Is this Xu Xin the chicken that lays golden eggs?

Specialize in using small things to make a big difference?


The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

Especially the manufacturer behind him...I won't mention Xiying Studio, but Shanghai Film Studio...I'm afraid he's smiling crookedly, right?


The time is here. Every day, frontline reporters will break out things such as "The venues for "The Hawthorn Tree" are full, and the seats are packed." "The ratings of "The Hawthorn Tree" are rising all the way." "The news slowly passed by.

On September 4th, "Hawthorn", which has been rated by more than 9,000 people, officially surpassed "Black Swan", which has been rated by more than 13,000 people, ranking fourth on the main competition film rating list with a score of 9.0.

It surpassed "Black Swan", which still maintained a score of 8.8, and "Necessary Killing", which had dropped to 8.6.

Although for practitioners, everyone knows that these are just word of mouth from the audience.

Whether you can win the prize or not has nothing to do with the score.

However, the horrifyingly rising number of reviews for "The Hawthorn Tree", coupled with the recent popularity of the Venice Film Festival in Italy, caused Venice officials to urgently start adding screenings.

Starting from the 4th, "The Hawthorn Tree" has been showing more and more in several major cinemas in Venice, and it has even begun to squeeze the movie schedules of other cinemas.

There is no way, the film festival has only started for 4 days, and the survival of the fittest has already begun among the films in each unit.

The soil of survival of the fittest is matched by the Italian people who came from other places just to watch this movie.

If the Venice Film Festival does not want to be labeled as a fool, it must follow the market trend.

Not to mention...Mark Muller himself is a Celestial Master.

His favorable impression of China far exceeds that of many people in Italy.

On the 5th, Xu Xin went to see "Tongtian Empire".

It was also done secretly.

Li Pingdong explained to Yang Mi some of the "traditions" of foreign film festivals. Although it was a bit superstitious, in order for her husband not to be embarrassed when going abroad, Yang Mi also did a good science popularization with Xu Xin this time.

For films competing abroad, it is best not to meet in formal settings.


You can contact him privately, just like Li Pingdong calling Xu Xin to go drink, there is no problem.

But in this critical situation involving a movie, it’s better for everyone to pretend not to know each other. Otherwise, no one can tell whether you are infected with bad luck and infected me, or I am infected with you...

There is quite a scientific basis to thinking about it this way.

What's more, aside from the movie itself, the investors in this movie are basically from the Beijing circle.

There is no need for communication between the two parties.

Therefore, in line with the principle that if you don’t spend the cents, you will be accompanied, so the people from "Hawthorn Tree" went.

Saw it.

It is enough to support and express solidarity.

As for the quality of the film...

Xu Xin was willing to give him a high score.

Whether it's "Sword Rain" or "Chen Zhen" or this "Empire"...

To be honest, this time he really went back to the days when he rented Hong Kong movie discs and watched them as a child.

As soon as Mr. Xu made a move, the serious martial arts flavor was not strong, but all the necessary elements were complete.

Whether it's action design or scene plot... they all deserve a high rating.

He is even willing to call it "the first year of new martial arts".

Because these films are not resting on their laurels in terms of plot, it can be seen that everyone is exploring new things.

Beautifully photographed and beautifully shot.

The quality is really solid.

Therefore, after the premiere of "Bongtian Empire", the score quickly dropped to 9.0, which pushed "Black Swan" down again, which is natural.

But again, the rating is a reference.

"Black Swan" was designed to win awards, and its artistic content is at least three or four levels high. But "The Empire of Heaven" is a serious commercial film model.

As for awards...it is very realistic to use Li Pingdong’s words:

"It is impossible to win awards, but as long as the reputation can be maintained, they should be able to get a good box office when it is released this month."

You see, that's it.

A Venice Film Festival where everyone got what they needed.

After realizing this, Xu Xin returned to the hotel on the night of the 5th and compiled a report.

The main content of the report is that "a mature commercial film festival must not only maintain the gold content of awards, but also bring all-round improvements to the film itself, film producers, investors, directors and other groups, so as to attract more excellent films." talents, and make efforts for the prosperity of the Chinese film market."

So... Xu Xin's thoughts sometimes are indeed different from those of ordinary people.

He is on a path to interpret everything he sees, encounters, and experiences from his own unique perspective.

Be different and unique.

But what he could detect, after sending it to Qi Lei, he woke up on the 6th and saw Qi Lei’s text message reply:

"Mr. Tian likes this report very much and has already started asking people to study it. He asked you to calm down and everyone in our factory is waiting for your return in Xi'an to celebrate your success!"

As a result, time passed again in the increasingly cinematic atmosphere of Venice.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Xin has been here for 12 days.

The carnival of the Venice Film Festival has also come to an end.

One after another, all the stars from all over the world who were qualified to participate in the film festival began to gather in this water city.

The young director, who has already scored 9.3 points and is second only to "Sad Trumpet Song" and "Silent Soul" in the main competition, is finally waiting for his mentor at the Marco Polo Airport in Venice.

At the same time, he is also the anchor of the crew of "Hawthorn Tree".

"Director Zhang, here and here!"

Looking at Zhang Yimou walking out of the exit pushing his suitcase, Zhong Changyou waved his hand.

After Zhang Yimou nodded, he was quickly surrounded by a group of reporters.

Some are domestic and some are foreign.

The old man's English level was average, but he had Pang Liwei by his side.

After being surrounded by people, he did not continue to move forward, but pointed to the side very experiencedly:

"Let's not block the road. Let's go over there and talk."

As soon as the director spoke, the reporters immediately followed him to the side.

"Director Zhang, as the producer of "Hawthorn Tree", have you received any news in China? Are you optimistic about the current award-winning situation of "Hawthorn Tree"?"

"I think I still have a mentality that emphasizes participation. This is Xiao Xu's first time to participate in such an important international film festival. He is still young, and I hope everyone will not put so much pressure on him. He has done well enough. . I think what he gained at the Venice Film Festival is far more important than any award. So I won’t speculate on whether he will win the award, but I am very happy that his work can be recognized internationally."

As soon as Zhang Yimou opened his mouth, many domestic reporters were stunned.

Is your "releasing" more obvious?

Defeating before winning means you can understand the game clearly.

Is it really just to relieve Xu Xin's stress?

"Director Zhang Yimou, Italian audiences speak highly of "Under the Hawthorn Tree". We all think it is an excellent work. And its ranking also proves its value. We want to know your participation in this play What is the degree of completion? Has his philosophy ever conflicted with yours?"

Following Pang Liwei's translation, Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Thank you for your support of "Hawthorn Tree", but similarly, "Sad Trumpet Song" and "Silent Soul" are also very excellent works. So my point of view is that as long as you participate, it is a victory. After all, you can be shortlisted All the works in the main competition section are excellent. Rather than winning awards, what I value more is Director Xu Xin’s learning process here.

As for the completion of participation, we had disagreements except during the casting stage. I insisted on using amateur actors with no acting experience, and he chose Yifei, an excellent actor. The rest of the time, I wasn’t overly involved in the entire movie session. So if I were to talk about the completion of this work, I might not be even 1% of it. "

"Director Zhang, Director Zhang, what about actors? Do you think Liu Yifei can become the new girl? What about Lin Xinxin? What do you think of his acting skills?"

"What Liu Yifei said..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yimou was silent for a moment and nodded:

"She has taken the right path. She has washed away the stains on her body and does not need the title of "Survey Girl". I believe those of you who have watched the movie will understand what I mean... Lin Xingxin, in this movie , his room for performance is indeed not as large as that of Liu Yifei, but he can use all his abilities in a small space, which indirectly proves his excellence. Therefore, if possible, I hope to have a relationship with these two young actors in the future. Opportunities for cooperation. I also hope that they will continue on this right path. I am very optimistic about their future achievements."

Topics were raised one after another, and Zhang Yimou, who clearly understood his purpose in coming to Venice this time, did not mean to be stingy with his praises.

The interview lasted for nearly 20 minutes. After answering many questions, both Chinese and foreign, he finally politely bid farewell to the reporters and came to Zhong Changyou's side under the spotlight.

"Director Zhang."

"Well, Xiao Zhong, long time no see."

Following the greeting, Zhong Changyou quickly opened the door of the business car.

But when Zhang Yimou saw the empty middle row seats inside... he subconsciously wanted to ask Zhong Changyou something.

But in the end he didn't speak.

He got into the car directly, smiled and waved to the media, and then Zhong Changyou closed the car door.

The moment the car door closed, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder.

Turning his head...

He saw Xu Xin, who was huddled in the corner and didn't even dare to raise his head, smiling at him mischievously.


Zhang Yimou was stunned and suddenly became happy:

"Haha, brat!"

"I almost fell asleep, you are too slow..."

At this time, Zhong Changyou and Pang Liwei opened the trunk again to put their luggage, so Xu Xin still didn't get up and continued to lean on the back seat and said:

"What have you been asked?"

"What else can I do? It's just to see what you have done... I've helped you reduce your stress."

Zhang Yimou did not look back, looking at the reporter in front of him who was taking pictures through the windshield of a business car and said:

"Although they are surrounded by flowers now, once you don't win the award, the direction of the wind may change instantly... In the future, when facing these media, just give up first."


Although Xu Xin already understood the truth, he still agreed happily.

It wasn't until Pang Liwei and Zhong Changyou got in the car and the car slowly drove out of the night airport that they finally sat up straight.

"Xiao Xu, let's change seats?"

"Hey, okay."

He and Pang Liwei changed the front and rear seats and sat on the middle row seat.

Then I heard Zhang Yimou say:

"How did you make such a big fuss?"

"I don't know either... I heard here that there was such a big reaction over a pizza in China... I was dumbfounded."

Xu Xin looked innocent.

But after hearing this, Zhang Yimou smiled relaxedly:

"But it doesn't matter. You have made such a big noise, and Venice has to weigh it."

"...You're not going to compromise, are you? If you are really being coerced by public opinion and get me a prize, then I'm not willing to take it."

He would never say this in front of anyone.

Except for the old man.

Because no matter where you say it, it's hypocritical.

But it doesn't matter to the old man.

Because the old man understands him.

So, after hearing this, Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Of course. Do you know why even though the final evaluation in Venice is the jury, there is also a ranking? In fact, it is to let everyone see that the award-winning films are well-deserved. Directors, actors and other people on the jury Be it film critics or audiences.

In essence, everyone is a practitioner and lover of movies.

In addition, the Venice Film Festival, under the leadership of Mark Muller, has always followed the line of "movies are movies". There are other factors, but in this peaceful situation, they will not take the lead in doing anything "correct". At the very least, there is a relatively fair competition platform. The rest...just let nature take its course. "


There was something strange in Xu Xin's eyes.

Although he didn't know what the old man said to the media.

But why have I started to decompress myself?

Do I look that fragile?

But he didn't refute, just said:

"Are you tired here?"


"I'll leave my things at the hotel later, let's go have dinner? I've found several delicious restaurants in advance, and then we can go watch a movie..."

"What are you doing, going on a date?"


The old man's words really confused him.

I thought that after receiving the marriage certificate, you really changed your skin.

Even you are like this, then Aunt Ting's fingers may expand to what extent...


Zhang Yimou chuckled:

"Venice, I'm much more familiar with you than you are. How many times have you been here?"

The words are plain.

But behind the scenes is the absolute confidence of winning two gold lions and one silver lion, and also helped Gong Li win the best actress award.

That’s the top spot for Chinese-language films at the Venice Film Festival!

Overlooking the sky!


Xu Xin slapped his mouth.

Nodding sincerely:

"Well, that's sloppy."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou smiled even happier and looked at his disciple:

"Take your time, you are still young, why are you in a hurry?"

"Hmm, this one? The seafood stew in this restaurant is pretty good."


"Have you eaten yet?"

"...No, I just think his pasta is pretty good."

"Then you have to try it."

"...Eh, okay."

Xu Xin nodded like a primary school student and followed the old man as if he were going home into the restaurant recommended by Ai Qing.

Facts have proved that Xu Xin cannot move the door, let alone the ax.

They are really familiar with the road.

At the dining table, Zhang Yimou looked around the environment of "AL COVO" with a look of reminiscence in his eyes:

"It seems that it hasn't changed... How did you find this restaurant? There is a fish market next to it. The ingredients are very fresh every day, and eating is cheap..."


He is an old man after all.


Xu Xin sighed and pointed at Ai Qing next to him:

"She brought me here."

Zhang Yimou's eyes fell on Ai Qing:

"Are you a native of Venice?"


Ai Qing nodded:

"I was born in the United States. When I was six years old, my parents divorced, so I went back to Italy with my mother. I didn't go back to the United States until I was in high school. But I still like it here, so I go back every summer. I’m here to stay with my mother. But because my mother has remarried, I will go back to the United States to be with my father during the winter vacation.”

"Then you now..."

"Teaching English and Italian in Yanjing. Then I will work as a volunteer in the United States or Italy during the winter and summer vacations, or teach children Chinese in schools in Venice and New York."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou nodded:

"That's awesome..."

He could tell that this girl's family situation was good.

On the one hand, it was the luxury brand in their clothing, and on the other hand, when they were settling down in the hotel just now, this girl happened to arrive downstairs in the hotel, driving a Maserati.

Although Maserati doesn't have much money, it can prove a lot to this girl from the side.

"Ai Qing is amazing. I plan to learn foreign languages ​​from her after I return to China."

As soon as Xu Xin finished speaking, Zhang Yimou suddenly understood something and asked Xu Xin with a smile:

"Can't you understand?"

Take a look, fellow comrade...


Xu Xin was a little helpless:

"I really don't understand... I've been all over Venice these days..."


The smile on the old man’s face became even brighter:

"Similar to me, when I came here I wanted to see how other people make movies, but I ended up..."

Having said this, he paused and then continued:

"After I, Gong Li, and others entered the cinema, we left within ten minutes."

Eyes filled with relief.

Then it turned into regret:

"It's a pity that I can't learn anymore. Even when I'm invited to be a judge at some international film festivals, people especially want to prepare Chinese subtitles for me... But you have a good time and you have to learn. Look at Honey Honey, didn’t she also learn from scratch? Young people have quick minds and accumulate over time... You will definitely come to these occasions less often in the future, and it is good to master English. "

"Well, that's what I think too. After all, I plan to get all the 9 gold cups..."


Hearing this, Zhang Yimou's mouth twitched.


Although there are many awards in these 9 awards that are not valued by some filmmakers...but whether it is true or not, it is always a good thing to have dreams.

So, amid the small talk, the feast began.

Although the dinner was not so formal as a way to refresh the old man, it was warm and cozy.

After finishing the meal, it was past 9 o'clock.

Xu Xin asked:

"Are you sleepy? If not, let's go watch a movie? "Sword Rain" has a midnight show at 10:30."


Zhang Yimou nodded after drinking two glasses of red wine.

He came here just to support Xu Xin, so there was no pressure from the film. In addition, I have been busy with "Jinling" since the beginning of the year. After preparing for such a long time, it is time to give myself a holiday.

"Let's go."


Xu Xin paid the bill, but Zhang Yimou had already gone out.

But Pang Liwei deliberately lagged a few steps behind. After Xu Xin paid the bill, he turned around and found her beside him and asked:

"Sister Pang, how are you doing lately?"

Pang Liwei nodded slightly:

"It's okay, nothing wrong...but I always feel uneasy..."


After understanding what she meant, Xu Xin nodded:

"It's okay, just enjoy the Venice Film Festival in a down-to-earth manner. Don't worry about other things~ Let's go back to the hotel to talk if anything happens."

Hearing this, Pang Liwei felt at ease:


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