I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 561 559 The only one in sixty-seven years

Chapter 561 559. The only one in sixty-seven years

There are three steps to the red carpet in Venice.

The first step is to take a group photo on the red carpet after the stars arrive.

The second is to arrange according to the crew's design, such as who will stay and take photos alone. Usually the people photographed alone are actors from the set.

The third step is to accept the greetings and questions from the host, and then you can enter.

In the distance between the second and third steps on the red carpet, you can interact with the audience for a while, sign autographs, take photos, whatever.

Just don't waste too much time.

Moreover, because the Palazzo delle Festival is a very solemn historical place in Venice, there is no such thing as going up and down by car.

The entering crew walked out of the waiting hall and then walked about 70 to 80 meters down the street to the red carpet at the main entrance of the Festival Summer Palace.

This 70- to 80-meter-long street has always been the filming location for all celebrities, entertainers, and even supermodels, singers, and other fashion blockbusters. It is a very famous attraction in Venice... and even Italy.

As the waiting hall became overcrowded, the time gradually came to half past five in Venice time.

The setting sun projects along the coastline of Lido Island onto the colorful glass cross window at the entrance of the Festival Summer Palace, casting a holy glow over the entire building.

The red carpet also started at this time.

The order is also very simple. According to the score of each unit, start from low to high.

The main competition unit is the last to appear.

The people in the waiting hall were just like watching flowers, each with a different expression in front of Xu Xin's eyes.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, it was finally the turn of the main competition unit.

After one crew after another started to leave, they soon arrived at the crew of "The Empire of Heaven".

Xu Xin and the others also moved towards the door consciously.

At this time, he heard a voice:

"Director Zhang, you have to work hard."

Looking up, Liu Dehua was smiling and nodding towards this side, sending out his own blessing.

Zhang Yimou smiled and waved his hand:

"Come on, you guys too."

"Yeah! See you at the dinner."

Hua Zai, who was extremely handsome, nodded and disappeared through the door with Hua Yi's people.

"Tsk, he's so handsome."

Xu Xin sighed with emotion.

And his emotion received simultaneous nods from Liu Yifei and Lin Xingxin.


Liu Dehua is really... the older he gets, the more interesting he becomes.

How can someone go from being young to being handsome?

It's really foul.

"Kacha kacha kacha..."

In this short seventy or eighty meter street, Xu Xin felt like his eyes were going to be blinded.

However, as the director of the crew, he has to take the lead and move forward.

When he saw the crowded red carpet at the Festival Summer Palace, there were already many faint spots in his eyes.

After a while of getting used to it, my eyes just recovered, and it was the turn of the "Hawthorn Tree" crew on the red carpet.

But the red carpet here is different from that in China.

Domestic awards ceremonies are called Ding Shi Ding Mao Shi Mao, and the arrangements for various procedures are very strict in order to show everyone's good looks on the camera.

But the entire Venice Film Festival red carpet looked a bit casual.

There is no fixed photo area or instructions from the staff.

You just need to follow the process of taking a group photo at the red carpet entrance and then being interviewed by the host. It doesn't matter how you stand or what you pose.

Xu Xin even saw... I don't know which crew he was from. After his crew took the photo, he deliberately didn't go in. Instead, he waited until Natalie Portman appeared and walked over to take a photo with her. .

A random mess.

But I have to admit, this relaxed atmosphere is quite popular.

After waiting for a while at the crowded red carpet entrance, a staff member finally held up the "Under the Hawthorn Tree" crew sign.

"Let's go, it's our turn."

Hearing the old man's words, Xu Xin came back to his senses, adjusted his dress, and followed him forward, stepping onto the red carpet of the Venice Film Festival.

The red carpet for this event was Sina Live.

This year, people from Sina won the live broadcast rights from Venice.

Although it is already past 2 o'clock in the morning in China, there are still some night owls who stay up late to watch.

The host explained that one of them was Yang Mi, who had interviewed Yang Mi, and Jingwei, one of the hosts of "Golden Armor". The other one is Sina's new host Martin.

Since entering the stage of the main competition unit, the two commentators have obviously become more energetic.

When the crew of "Black Swan" appeared on the scene, their emotions had reached a point of fullness:

"Natalie Portman's belly..."

Tu Jingwei, who also became a mother in the first half of this year, was a little surprised.

And Martin's voice also sounded:

"It's quite big. It looks like three or four months?"

Jingwei responded:

"Absolutely. Speaking of which, the reputation of "Black Swan" in Venice this time is actually pretty good. Although the ratings ended yesterday, it has already reached sixth place. But I read the news on the Internet and everyone is more optimistic that she can get it. The award for Best Actress..."

But at this time, the difference in style between CCTV hosts and online hosts emerged.

In the program hosted by Jingwei, she always knows what to say and what not to say.

But as Sina’s new era network host, Martin didn’t have so many worries and said with a smile:

"Yes, her voice is indeed higher, but similarly, the main preference of the Venice Film Festival is to prefer the crew that works hard to make movies. Therefore, they have always disliked too many controversial factors outside the venue. And "Black" Let’s not talk about the quality of the movie “Swan”. There are a lot of gossips about it outside.”


Jingwei said nothing, and the entire live broadcast was quiet for about two or three seconds.

The audience who stayed up late to watch didn't care, and after two or three seconds, Jingwei's words rang out again:

"Oh? I seem to see Director Xu Xin in the camera."

"Well, I saw it too!"

The two of them probably had some vague communication in the studio, so they didn't mention the previous topic at all.

"Speaking of which, Sister Jingwei, you have had contact with Director Xu, right?"

"Yes, I have been in contact with Director Xu and his wife."

"What are they like in private?"


After Jingwei's voice disappeared for another second, he said with a smile:

"I actually have a lot of contact with Yang Mi. When she debuted, I was the host of the premiere of "Golden Armor", and then I met her many times on other occasions. She and Director Xu gave me I feel very polite and courteous to everyone. Very low-key and down-to-earth."

"I heard that Director Xu is a very humble person in private, right?"

"Yes, it's not an exaggeration to say that he is young and mature. He is the kind of person who treats others and everything very thoughtfully."

In the crew of "Black Swan", the two of them were chatting about Xu Xin and Yang Mi's private gossip.

Until the camera switched, Natalie Portman, who had finished taking photos with others, came to the host Thiago Pierre.

The two of them calmed down. After listening for a while, Jingwei said:

"Thiago Pier asked Natalie Portman if she was enjoying the event. The other party gave an affirmative answer. She enjoyed everything in Venice and the pure movie atmosphere made her very happy. And was asked When talking about the prospects for the best actress..."

"Crystal is Liu Yifei's English name, right?"

"Yes. She said she liked Liu Yifei's movie very much and thought she was a very strong opponent. Bless her and myself."

After Natalie Portman finished her interview, she smiled and blew a kiss to the camera, and then the screen switched again.

Came to the set of "Attenborough".

Martin's voice sounded again:

"I'm more curious about the movie "Hawthorn Love". But it makes me sad to think that they will release it in December in time for Christmas, which is still a few months away."

"Yes, but don't be afraid of being late for a good meal. "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" really shined at this film festival. And judging from the news these days, I think this movie is very important to Liu Yifei. The news of successful transformation released is actually more important than winning awards.”

Having said this, Jingwei's voice paused again and then added:

"She has been too successful in the past, and the aura brought by this success is too dazzling. This has also made her feel trapped in the classic roles she created in recent years. And this This is the first time she has received such high praise. I think her transformation has been successful."

"Yes, you can see the clues from the "Special Deal". That's why I'm curious..."

The two continued to chat there.

I waited until the red carpet process of "Attenborough" was over.

"I'm coming."

Martin's voice rose with excitement as the scene cut to the "Hawthorn" crew appearing at the end of the red carpet.

"The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", shot by Chinese young director Xu Xin, shined in this Venice Film Festival. Among all the films selected in the main competition unit, among the top three films with the highest audience ratings, the current number The first is "Sad Trumpet" with a score of 9.4, while director Xu's "Love at the Hawthorn Tree" and "Silent Soul" are currently tied for second with a score of 9.3. It can be said that as a first-time participant in a Venice film For a director at the festival, his "debut" was able to receive such high praise in Venice. Director Xu's artistic attainments are obvious to all..."

"That's right..."

During the conversation between the two hosts, the entire live chat room began to become agitated.

"Knife in hand! Follow me! Kill Xu Gou! Grab Mimi!!"

"Human-like and dog-like--Xu Xin!"

"The hatred for taking my wife is irreconcilable!!!"

"Brother, can you stop brushing it? What we need now is to cheer for Xu Xin!"

"Guarding the best Liu Yifei in the world"

"Lin Gou, can you do it?"

"No, old immortal! Your magic power is boundless!"

Among the scrolling comments, Zhang Yimou is in the middle, next to Xu Xin, then Xu Xin is next to Liu Yifei, and Lin Xinxin is next to Zhang Yimou, and finally next to Lin Xinxin is Zhong Changyou. Several people showed bright smiles to the camera.

"Lin Gou, you and Liu Yifei stay here."

After taking the group photo, Xu Xin said with a smile.

Lin Xinxin nodded:


Then he looked at Liu Yifei again:

"You come first. I'm here to see you anyway~"

Liu Yifei, who was wearing a platinum embroidered rose dress, smiled and nodded.

Seeing that they had finished discussing, Xu Xin followed Zhang Yimou and Zhong Changyou forward.

But I just took a few steps...

"XU! XU!!!"

Xu Xin didn't realize that he was calling him at first, but it was Zhong Changyou who reminded him.

"Director Xu, everyone is calling you."


Xu Xin turned his head and saw a group of people holding various... trays on the red carpet auditorium?

Was waving at him.

"Go ahead and interact with the audience more."

Hearing what the old man said, Xu Xin nodded, wondering what these people were holding in their hands, and walked over.

"Hello, hello..."


He couldn't understand what a group of people said, but he saw that these people gave everything in their hands to him.

After Xu Xin subconsciously took it...


Why is it still hot?

While the man was confused, the buddy who handed him the rectangular porcelain bowl had already opened the lid.


For a moment, Xu Xin was stunned.

Cheese, meat cubes, tomato sauce…


Wearing a smart suit and holding a lasagna in his hand, his appearance suddenly changed.

Then I listened to my buddy talking a lot in very stiff English.

You can vaguely hear words such as "Broken Feitou, low smash, Goodford".


Brother, why are you giving me this?

How can I still eat it on the spot and show it to you?

And it’s not over yet…


There is an extra basket on the lid of the lasagna.

The kind with a shallow bottom and covered with plastic wrap.

What a margherita pizza inside.

Xu Xin was stunned.

Everyone just wants an autograph or a photo... No, brother, what do you think I am?

Lonely foodie?

And if there is one there are two, there are three there are four.

Soon, Lin Xinxin, who had just finished taking the photo, realized something was wrong...

"I'm going to see Lao Xu..."

Not just him, but reporters also noticed something was wrong.

At this moment, Xu Xin had a bunch of utensils in his arms...

Holding the food, he leaned back and raised his head... his arms were so full that they couldn't be fuller.


Liu Yifei was stunned.

The reporter was confused.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Look at this...foreigners being fed various traditional Italian delicacies by Italian mothers.


They have never seen such an outrageous scene since the Venice Film Festival.

As for Xu Xin, it’s not enough if he doesn’t answer.

But I can't walk anymore.

In the end, if Lin Gou and Liu Yifei hadn't come to help him with their skirts, he might have been buried in food.

Then, with an average of three or four servings of food per person, amid the spontaneous cheers and applause of the audience, they called over the host Thiago Pierre.

Together with Zhang Yimou and Zhong Changyou.

Everyone quickly divided the food, and after everyone held it in their hands... the style of the entire "Under the Hawthorn Tree" crew became "Hell's Kitchen".

Not only did the Italian host not help, he also smiled and put his hand on Xu Xin's shoulder:

“My friend, do you feel the passion of our Italians?”

Listening to Zhong Changyou's translation, Xu Xin, who was dumbfounded, nodded subconsciously:


"Well, let's see...lasagne, risotto, wow, wild mushroom risotto...my grandmother is the best at making this. Haha, Xu, congratulations, you are indeed my grandmother's favorite child. If If you don’t mind, please join me for some delicious food at dinner later, they look amazing.”


After hearing his words, the audience who fed Xu Xin cheered.

The movement was so loud that it even attracted the attention of the crew of "Silent Souls".

"Haha, Xu, they let you try it..."

In Xu Xin's heart, this host has turned into a troublemaker who just watches the fun and doesn't mind the trouble.

He took the spoon handed to him by an unknown audience member and dug into a large spoonful of lasagna:

"This is my mother's smell~Xu, I know it just by smelling it!"

"...That's quite authentic."

The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched crazily, but under his feeding, his mouth grew bigger...

After taking a big sip, before even wiping away the remaining ketchup at the corner of his mouth, Thiago Pierre said with a smile:

"Come on, friends, please keep this scene that symbolizes the friendship between Italy and China in your photo album."

The left hand hooked Xu Xin, and the right side arranged for others to turn around.

Everyone faced the reporters in the press box opposite the auditorium. Amid Thiago Pierre's happy smile, the crew of "The Hawthorn Tree" whose painting style suddenly collapsed carried plates, baskets, iron pot……

That absurd and unruly expression was left behind.

And the rich tomato sauce at the corner of Xu Xin's mouth.

After gradually tasting the delicious food, Xu Xin felt that it tasted good, and was aroused in his appetite for dinner. He simply took the spoon from him and took another spoonful.


Amidst the cheers, Xu Xin gave a thumbs up.

"Hua la la la la..."

Amidst the applause, the most classic scene of this Venice Film Festival was recorded on camera.

The only one in sixty-seven years.

"Haha, here comes another spoonful...it looks really delicious."

In the studio, Martin also swallowed.

“Sister Jingwei, we’re going to get off work soon, why don’t we have a supper with lasagna?”

"I think it's okay...Xu Xin eats deliciously."

"As Thiago Pier said, he has really become the most beloved child of Italian grandmothers. Haha~"

"Try it, it tastes really good."

Holding this Italian lasagna in his hand, Xu Xin did not go in at the entrance of the Festival Summer Palace, but recommended it to others.

And he didn’t forget to say to the staff who came to help Xu Xin get food:

"It must be handed over to my assistant. I will go back and ask for food."

The Italian staff also smiled and nodded:

"Don't worry, Director Xu Xin, we will definitely do it."

And Lin Xingxin, who took a big spoonful with a spoon, said:

"Don't tell me, this taste is really good... would you like to try it?"


Liu Yifei looked at the combination of cheese and sauce and swallowed subconsciously.

But still shook his head:

"No... I'm wearing lipstick... Gudu..."

"Just one bite, have a taste..."

"No, no, it's too fat...the calories are explosive. You two eat, I stay away from you."

Lin Xingxin was rejected again. Although she was extremely eager, Liu Yifei still refused.

And Xu Xin also took the lasagna from his hand:

"You should also eat less."

After saying that, he took another big spoonful.

Lin Xingxin shook her head speechlessly and took out the bra from her dress.

Liu Yifei quickly stopped:

"Hey, don't. If you wipe your mouth with this, what will you do if it gets stained with ketchup?"

"It's okay, it's up to me."

Lin Xin shook out her breast scarf, wiped her mouth with the middle part, then folded it into a triangle and inserted it into her breast pocket:

"Isn't that the end of the matter if I don't need to go to the side?"

"...You are really stupid."

The fairy sister’s eyes were filled with disgust.

And in this disdain, Xu Xin only had the last bite left in his bowl of lasagna...

He thought for a while and handed it to Liu Yifei:

"You really don't want to try it? It tastes really delicious. If you don't eat it, it will be ruined... It still has burnt edges."


The fairy sister looked at the last bite of lasagna...and then at the spoon...


"Then... let me try... Lin Gou, please give me the bra."

"You're using Lao Xu's, why are you using mine?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"You're not even clean anyway, so hurry up and let me use it too."

With that said, he dug out the last spoonful and handed it to Liu Yifei.

The fairy sister used the technique that all girls can master, that is, baring her teeth, showing her teeth, and making her lips work hard not to contaminate the food, and she also took a big mouthful.

He looks just like Brother Wuying.

While chewing, she quickly asked:

"Did you spend it? Did you spend it?"

"No, perfect."

Xu Xin looked at the corner of her mouth and shook his head with a smile. The fairy sister immediately showed a happy look, and quickly grabbed Lin Xingxin's bra and nodded at the corner of her mouth:

"May I?"


Xu Xin responded, took it, found a clean place to wipe off the tomato sauce in his mouth, and handed it to Lin Xinxin.

Lin Gou's eyes were filled with disgust.

After eating a bowl of lasagna, Xu Xin instinctively wanted to hand the tableware to the staff.

When he turned around, he saw that at some point, a group of reporters were pointing their guns at him.

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and showed the empty long bowl. After giving a thumbs up again, he handed the utensil to the staff.


Patting his belly:

"Well, it feels better to put something on my stomach. Let's go in?"


As the two nodded, the three of them joined the old man and Zhong Changyou who were chatting with people over there, and entered the festival summer palace together.

I quickly found my seat.

Xu Xin also had an extra glass of water in his hand.

Sitting on the chairs, the three of them looked at the awards ceremony stage which was actually very ordinary...or rather simple. Lin Xingxin suddenly asked:

"Lao Xu, if we win an award, have you prepared your acceptance speech?"


Xu Xin shook his head, looking extremely "casual"...if you could ignore his shaking legs.

"Anyway, I don't have any hope of winning, so why prepare for that?"



Hearing this, the two people who had caught all his reactions looked at each other...

"Old Xu."


"You have such a tough mouth."

"Isn't that necessary? When I die, remember to come find the relic."



Take a look, you're nervous and starting to talk nonsense.

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