I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 568 566 Golden Lion

Chapter 568 566.Golden Lion

"Tingting, drive slower."

"Okay, Sister Bingbing."

Sun Ting bid farewell to Liang Binning politely. After the car door closed, she softly honked the horn and walked forward along the road.

Then, Yang Mi held the center console of the GL8 and sat back with the support of Xu Xin.

Amidst the roar of the engine, she said suddenly:

"That pearl is very beautiful."


Xu Xin glanced at her silently and nodded.


it is more than words.

When the car was about to arrive at Dahu Mansion, Yang Mi said:

"I also work overtime. It's really time to recruit people."

"Hi, Beijing Film Academy, China Theater, Shanghai Theater, Liaoning Opera... there are so many good schools in the country. As long as you have a down-to-earth temperament and talent, you can cast "Happy Twist" first. Once you get it right, you can start allocating resources. What do you think? ?”


Leaning on the seat, Yang Mi rubbed her forehead.

She also drank two glasses of wine. Although she was not drunk at the moment, she was in a state that was a little bit close to being tipsy.

Not comfortable, but not uncomfortable either.

"Oh yes, I saw Nazha today. She is in the same class as Xia Xue."

Xia Xue...

Yang Mi reacted and realized who her husband was referring to.

"Yang Zi?"


After recounting the encounter, he chuckled:

"Haha, I don't know who this little girl learned from. She knows how to pull off the skin of a tiger. I think Xia Xue is quite shocked..."

Yang Mi unconsciously glanced at Sun Ting in front of her and complained:

"Look how happy you are. Why are you so beautiful? Why? Are you so happy to see her? How about I let her be your assistant?"


Although he didn't smell vinegar, Xu Xin still said with a smile:

"I'm happy because this girl has brains and knows how to work hard. Teacher Yu said that she has been going to the library since the first day of school... How wonderful. People who know how to work hard and have brains will definitely not be able to get around in the future. Bad. What makes me happy is this~"


The young woman hummed softly, pushed up the armrest of the seat, and placed her legs directly on her husband's legs without any obstruction.


Looking at the white sports socks stretched out in front of him, Xu Xin ignored her and just pinched her feet and put them in his hand.

At first glance, it looked like a relaxing massage, and the young woman even closed her eyes in comfort.

But I immediately felt something was wrong...

As soon as he opened his eyes...a finger had already reached the tip of his nose.


She was so angry that she didn't say anything!

Dare to do something bad? I'll bite you to death!

But after taking this bite... suddenly I felt something was wrong...


Under Xu Xin's painful expression of gasping for air, she immediately spat out her words after she reacted.

"Bah, bah, bah!... Ugh! Ouch~~~TUI~ You must be sick!!"

"You bite so hard!!"

"You surnamed Xu, go to hell!"

"I block! I block! I block, block!"

Sun Ting, who was driving smoothly in front, didn't even turn her head and continued to drive her car honestly.

No way, I'm used to it.

No matter what kind of Seven-Injury Fist the two of them played, they would definitely end up injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging themselves eight hundred times anyway.

Why bother...tsk tsk.

"Tingting, go back and remember to pick up those three people tomorrow."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

After Sun Ting responded, she drove out of the basement without even getting out of the car.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, carried the young woman who was deliberately pretending to be drunk to cause trouble, and walked into the elevator room with a squeaking sound.

Before taking two steps, the young woman mentioned the old story again:

"That bead..."

"Okay, you~"

Somewhat speechless, Xu Xin interrupted her gossiping enthusiasm and said casually:

"Why worry about these things~"

"Then will you go to the Magic City to meet Brother Sanshui this time?"

"See you, I'll ask him to pick me up tomorrow."

"Then...say no to him?"


While waiting for the elevator, Xu Xin thought about it...


Ding dong.

When the elevator reached the designated floor, Xu Xin, who pushed the door into the room, heard the words from his old man:

"Hurry, the baby is already asleep."


In response, the couple quickly washed their hands, and each carried the other back to the house.

Mothers are better at coaxing babies to sleep than fathers, so Xu Xin doesn't have to participate in this task.

He went downstairs in his pajamas and sat on the sofa.

He glanced at the old man's tea cup and said:

"It's so late and you're drinking such strong tea. Are you going to sleep?"

"What's the matter?"

Xu Daqiang picked up the sports channel and said something casually.

After pouring himself another glass, he said with a smile:

"Going to the Magic City tomorrow?"

"Yes, it's time to audition."

"Oh~ great shooting. This time I won Venice. Next time I will try my best to win an Oscar..."


Xu Xin opened his mouth...

Finally agreed:


Just talk about that much and nothing else.

No need.

Early on the morning of the 18th, he took Su Meng's car directly to the airport.

After getting on the plane from the small VIP terminal, they waited for about 20 minutes. Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, the three people headed by Xin Yukun got on the plane rather restlessly.

"Director Xu."

"Hey, come on, come on, come on, sit down."

Xu Xin greeted with a smile and nodded to the beauty on the flight:

"Everyone is here."

And the three of them, Xin Yukun, looked around...

A private jet.

How much does it cost?

In other words, don’t worry about how much money it is, it’s an astronomical figure.

Except for Bi Gan, Xin Yukun and Tian Yusheng are actually considered insiders in the entertainment industry. Don't mention anything else, just investors... Tian Yusheng has seen as many as fifty if not a hundred.

Speaking of which, all of them are big bosses worth a lot of money.


private plane?

Most people really can't afford this.

And looking at Director Xu's casual look... Tian Yusheng, who knew Xu Xin best among the three, couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Mr. Xu’s family... what is the plan?

Are coal bosses so rich?

Naturally, he wouldn't think that Director Xu made all of this by himself... Even if Director Xu now has more than 500 million in box office, he can't just throw all the money he earned into the plane, right?

So I kept murmuring in my heart.

At the same time, I am curious about the decoration environment of the aircraft.

It's just... I'm really embarrassed to ask.

But Wu Wen's heart felt itchy like a cat scratching.


How much money does Director Xu have?

What background?

Is he really just a simple rich second generation?

At this moment, Xu Xin spoke:

"We'll arrive in the Magic City in a moment. Let's separate first. You can go directly to Guo Fan and the others. They are responsible for the interior layout and camera placement of "33 Days". We are all brothers, so there is no need to be so different. I have something to do in the morning. , let’s meet directly at the company’s audition hall in the afternoon.”


All three of them responded.

Then the cabin door closed, and soon, while Xu Xin was busy organizing the story clips to be used for the afternoon audition with his notebook, the plane soared into the sky.

It was almost 11 o'clock and we arrived in the Magic City.

Feeling the comfort of the private plane all the way, the three people who were still a little stunned followed Xu Xin off the plane and got on the commuter bus.

When we arrived at the VIP parking lot, there was a burst of movement.

The three people looked at a Maybach with an "M" logo and flashed its lights twice.

"Lao Tian, ​​just follow Mengmeng. I'm leaving~"

After saying hello to the three of them, he walked all the way towards the Maybach.

Sit in the back row.

"Who are these three people?"

Xu Miao, who was driving the car, was a little curious.

"Graduate students."

Sitting in the back row of the Maybach, Xu Xin said as he adjusted to a comfortable sitting position and lay down on the chair:

"Driver, drive."


Xu Miao shook her head helplessly. As soon as she drove the car out of the parking space, she heard her brother complain:

"Everyone hires drivers. Don't you think the price will drop if you drive such a long distance yourself?"

"I'm just taking a car! Don't you have to let me pick you up?"


Xu Xin laughed and lit a cigarette happily.

The brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, but they don't talk that much.

We have been together day and night for so many years, so the separation of a few months is not so polite.

But we talked a lot about the Venice Film Festival.

The main reason is that Xu Miao has never been to Venice, so she asked Xu Xin how he was doing and wanted to go there.

After chatting for a while, the topic naturally shifted to the family business.

Xu Miao began to talk about the huge financial pressure in this real estate. If it weren't for the blood transfusion in the coal mine at home, I'm afraid the loan company would have shut down before the loan company could wait.

What land is getting more expensive year by year, my dad doesn’t care, it’s all about me...

And it would be better if he didn't mention it.

As soon as it came up...Xu Xin thought about it and said directly:

"Have you seen our dad recently?"

"We've met, what's up?"

"Do you see me often?"

"Fortunately...I can always see you two or three times a month...how?"

"...Has he ever brought other girls?"


Xu Miao also fell silent now.

Having been a brother for more than twenty years, to put it bluntly, he knows better than anyone what shit his brother is doing when he sticks his butt out.

But I originally wanted to pretend to be confused while still understanding.

But now the three golds have been raised...

"Our dad...there's something wrong."

While driving, he also lit a cigarette and said with some confusion:

"I haven't seen anyone around him in the past few months..."

"Are you asking Brother Hao?"

"No. Why do you ask? Are you going to make things difficult for Li Hao?"

Saying that, Xu Miao shook his head:

"It's not easy to do. But... our dad is really... weird. Even if you don't see him, you can still see a few unfamiliar faces. But this time, I have never seen... Sanjin."


"If...our dad..."

Xu Miao seemed to want to say something, but seemed to feel it was inappropriate.

But Xu Xin could guess what he was going to say, so he said:

"I talked to the old man. If someone could take care of him, I would be happier than anyone else."


In Xu Miao's silence, Xu Xin blew out a long puff of smoke.

"We can't let our father suffer so much...brother."


"We don't care about this, okay?"


"Don't listen, don't ask, and save the old man from overthinking. Just pretend you don't know anything, and I'll pretend I don't know anything either. Okay?"

Although he clearly had a guess in his mind... or rather a solid conclusion.

But Xu Xin said nothing.

Because there is no need to say it.

What can I say?

Said: Brother, maybe our dad and Jin Suo are together? Our dad went to lie down in Nanzang, and there was a dzi bead hanging around Jinsuo's neck? Or does my dad also have a pair of Balenciaga gold locks?

No matter what he says, Xu Miao will always be strict with his mouth.

And as long as he asked... As a good old man, he would definitely have to give himself up.

Why bother?

If the two of them don't speak out, they must have their own ideas.

Just pretend you don’t know.

Don't tell anyone.

After Xu Miao understood what his brother meant, he nodded:

"Okay...three golds."


"You've grown up."


The gratifying words were answered by Xu Xin kicking the main seat.

But Xu Miao wasn't annoyed, she just smiled and threw the cigarette butt out...


Xu Xin’s eyes were filled with disgust:

"No quality."


The real estate general manager laughed and drove the Maybach towards the Magic City area.

It didn't take much time to have a meal with Xu Miao.

From the time they arrived in the city at early 11 o'clock to the time they finished eating at early 12 o'clock, it took less than an hour in total.

As brothers, we are not in a business bureau, so eating is like robbing.

One bowl of noodles per person, two random dishes, and it was a complete meal.

After eating, Xu Miao patted her butt and left.

And he waited at the door of the hotel for almost ten minutes until Wang Sicong's Land Rover arrived.

After honking twice and waiting for Xu Xin to open the car door and get in, he asked with a puzzled look:

"Who are you going to have a tryst with? Not even Mengmeng?"

"I had dinner with Sanshui. He had something to do over there, so he didn't let me see him off... Where is Wang Ying?"

"I'm putting on makeup. Come to the audition hall to find me in a moment... The box at your feet is for you."

Hearing the eldest young master's words, Xu Xin lowered his head and found a square bag.

It's quite heavy to hold in your hand.


I picked it up in confusion and took a look... There was a wooden box inside.


"You'll know if you take a look."

After listening to the eldest young master's words, he took out the box with some difficulty.

Opened the buckle cover...

It was already early noon, and when the sun was at full strength, the Land Rover was walking facing the sun, and the angle of the sunlight was exactly facing the open box.

Suddenly...he was blinded by a flash of gold.

I quickly blinked twice, and then I saw a... It can be said that except for the base of the Golden Lion in Venice, the "Golden Lion Trophy" was exactly the same in other places, exuding a golden light in the sun.

He was speechless. He took out this thing that could be said to be a trophy or a national gold seal.

"Why don't you give me a seal of approval from heaven and a long and prosperous life?"


Wang Sicong seemed to be struck by this joke, which was so happy.

While laughing he asked:

"How about it, buddy, are you good to me?"

Xu Xin didn't answer, but after weighing the weight, he suddenly started to bite the lion's head.

"Oh my god! What are you doing..."


Xu Xin didn't say anything, but looked at the lion's head that had not been bitten flat even though he had used so much force, leaving only two teeth marks, and said with satisfaction:

"It's okay, I thought you were going to make it hollow."

"That's nonsense!"

The eldest young master rolled his eyes:

"1,120 grams of gold was made for real."

"...Where is this base? It's made of obsidian?"


Wang Sicong nodded:

"The gift the three of us gave you... The three of us agreed to order it for you on the day you went to Venice. I thought that if you had nothing to gain, I gave it to you as a gift. Who knew you actually won the award... "


Under Xu Xin's speechless gaze, Wang Sicong pointed at the blank area on the obsidian base:

"Originally, this piece was inlaid with a gold medal, and there were words on it, which read: "World's Best Director Award - Our Friend, Xu Xin"... How about it, isn't it romantic?"


Let’s not talk about whether it’s romantic or not…

"Where's the gold medal?"

"Seeing that you won the award, we felt that you no longer needed comfort, so I picked it off, gave it to Wang Yingrong, put a safety buckle on it, and hung it on a key chain."

"I will strangle you to death!!!"

"Hey, hey... Ahem, big brother! He's driving! I'm driving!"

"Get out of here! You're really good at playing! One fish, two meals, one gift for two? Thief Sun! I'll kill you!!"

It was something that was quite touching at first, but when this bastard pretended to be self-serving, Xu Xin had an idea at this moment.

Kill this bastard and get your gold medal back! ! !

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