Chapter 570 568.

The title "Best Director in Venice - Xu Xin" is very tempting for actors.

In every sense of the word.

First of all, Director Xu is not a director who only makes literary films in the traditional sense.

He has a box office of 500 million, and no one can deny his commercial success.

And now he has won the Best Director in Venice, one of the three most recognized mountains for artistic quality. This is another honor that can be remembered in the history of Chinese films.

Regarding "Director Xu's movie", the trend in the circle suddenly became more and more subtle.

So, when Tang Yan and Ji Rujing arrived downstairs in Nifeng, they were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

A lot of people.

But not as an artist, but as a peer.

Ji Rujing’s colleague.

"...Tangtang, go up."


Judging from the way these people looked at him, Tang Yan knew that these people must be insiders.

And this is the audition site for "33 Days", so it's easy to guess the identities of these people.

In response, she carried her bag and went directly into the office building.

I immediately saw a sign:

"Audition queue numbering desk."

This sign is at the door, and there are two young people with work badges standing next to it.

She walked over:

"Hello, I'm here for an audition."

Her tone was friendly, and the two young men recognized her immediately.

However, there is no such excitement as ordinary people meeting celebrities... Nifeng is no longer a small family, but he still has this kind of courage.

A young man immediately said politely:

"Teacher Tang, please wait a moment. Director Xu has taken special care of me."

As he spoke, he opened the documents in front of him and took out a number tag from it.

Female, number 10.


Looking at this number, Tang Yan's smile became more natural and showed a sense of intimacy.


Auditionee No. 10.

This number sequence is actually the most perfect one.

It won’t be very front row, so it gives the actors plenty of time to prepare. But it won't drag on for too long and drag down the actor's condition.

The waiting time is neither too long nor too short, and for the director's side, it doesn't feel exhausting due to the large number of people auditioning.

It can be said that it is a number in the golden range.

And this golden range depends on the overall number of actors.

So considerate...

When Tang Yan took the number plate, he couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

Such a good man, yet so considerate...

She was distracted for a moment.

After seeing her take over the number plate, another young man quickly added:

"Mr. Tang, you can just go to the 10th floor. We will take you to a separate rest room on the 10th floor at the same time. If your agent comes with you, you can take him with you."

"……Okay, thank you."

Tang Yan responded and took out his mobile phone:

"Then I'll let her in."

"Well, the elevator is over there, Teacher Tang."

"Okay, thank you."

Tang Yan agreed again and took out his cell phone to send a message to Ji Rujing asking her to come in.

Soon, Ji Rujing also walked in. After the two met, they went up to the tenth floor together.

There was someone in the elevator, but neither of them said a word. After reaching the 10th floor, all the people in the elevator walked out together.

Only then did Tang Yan realize... these people seemed to be here for "33 Days of Love".

As soon as his mind came to his senses, his body had already stepped out of the elevator.

Then, she saw many girls standing in the elevator room.

There were so many... so many that she felt as if she had returned to the audition scene for the Olympic baby...


She was stunned.

On the one hand, the thought in my mind is: Why are there so many people?

But her reason told her: This is Xu Xin's movie, isn't it normal for there to be so many people?

Then a heavy pressure hit my heart.

But after feeling this pressure, I felt a little happy again...

I am number 10.

No matter what, it will be remembered...

Thinking of this, the pressure was reduced a lot.

Then I saw a girl with a work badge running all the way here. After seeing Tang Yan, she immediately ran towards her:

"Teacher Tang, I'm sorry for waiting for so long. Please come with me~"

The girl's words directly caused all the girls who had lowered their heads to read novels or closed their eyes to relax, and their eyes were focused on Tang Yan's face.

Tang Yan could naturally feel their gazes, and at the same time, a sense of vanity began to swell.

I just feel very comfortable.

The feeling of being surrounded by stars made her straighten her waist very straight, and followed the girl with graceful steps. Under the gaze of these people in the corridor... In the crowded environment of the two large audition halls , she followed the girl all the way to a small opening.

Under the gaze of everyone, the girl opened the door herself:

"Teacher Tang, please."


Tang Yan politely thanked him, and after entering, he found that the room was indeed not big.

It's about five or six levels.

There are two sofas, one long and one short. On the coffee table is a glass pot filled with tea. Next to it is a crystal glass ice bucket and cup, as well as a plate of fruit.

Next to the sofa, there is a rectangular fitting mirror.

Although the sparrow is small, its internal organs are really complete.

After Tang Yan entered, the girl took the initiative to close the blinds:

"Teacher Tang, I will come and tell you when the 5th comes, so be prepared. I will let you know when it comes, okay?"

"OK, thanks."

"Yes, Teacher Tang, please have a good rest."

The girl closed the door politely.

After she left, Ji Rujing took a look at the blinds, adjusted the angle slightly, and said to Tang Yan:

"Can you see outside?"


After Tang Yan responded, Ji Rujing walked out.

After three or four seconds, he walked in again:

"The angle is just right, you can't see inside."

With that said, she sat next to Tang Yan, took the cup and checked it...

Clean and tidy.

Apparently, the people at Headwind are very professional when it comes to hosting.

Pouring herself a cup of tea, she said:

"I just saw a lot of familiar people."

The acquaintance Ji Rujing mentioned was not the kind of agent who only takes care of newcomers.

To be called "familiar", one must have at least one or two capable artists at his disposal.

But there are too many people at the moment... It can be said that the entire 10th floor is filled with the smell of perfume.

When there are too many beauties, people tend to be face-blind.

She didn't see clearly who was coming.

Tang Yan didn't respond. He just took out the script of "33 Days" and the novel full of handwriting from his bag, and began to review and prepare.

Seeing this, Ji Rujing didn't bother him. He leaned on the sofa and stared at the blinds in a daze.

Then very quickly... four people passed by the blinds.

It quickly caught her attention.

One of them is the little girl who brought them in just now, and she leads the way.

And in the middle is a very young girl...Wang Luodan?

There was a man following behind him. He looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Ji Rujing was thinking about it when he suddenly saw the woman following him.


Her pupils dilated momentarily and she whispered:

"Tangtang, look up!"


Tang Yan subconsciously raised his head and watched the four people walking through the blurred outlines of the blinds.

He asked in confusion:

"What's the matter?"

"...Wang Jinghua is here."

Ji Rujing said as if facing a formidable enemy.


Hearing this name, Tang Yan looked at the empty corridor where the man had already passed and asked:

"Who did she bring here?"

After Ji Rujing was stunned for a moment, he suddenly showed a strange expression.

Very reassuring:

"Ha~Bai Zhenhe."

As she spoke, she shook her head:

"How could Bai Zhenhe fall into Director Xu's drama? We're obviously not in the same circle, why do we have to come here?"

"Then why did she come here?"

After hearing this, Tang Yan asked subconsciously.

"It must have been led by Wang Jinghua... But she must have miscalculated this time. Even if she is Mi Mi's manager, she can't fit in with the circle. Director Xu really gave him face, and he was probably arranged to be in In the rest room... Wow, you really know how to be a good person."

Ji Rujing's last words were obviously talking about Xu Xin.

Tang Yan, on the other hand, didn't answer, just lowered his head and continued to stare at his feelings about the character "Huang Xiaoxian" in the script, silently getting into the character's emotions.


Wang Sicong opened the door and walked into the audition hall.

There were quite a lot of people in the audition hall at the moment, close to 30 people in front and back.

In addition to Xu Xin's fellow disciples, they are also some of the main members of the crew.

For example, director of photography Wang Lei, art director Wu Ming, etc.

This time, Xiying Film Studio also hired old people and brought in new people. On the basis of the original cast of "Hawthorn Tree", some of the relatively outstanding new people in the studio were sent over.

The old will bring in the new, batch after batch, so that everyone’s business level will improve.

Because it was their first time to work with Xu Xin, these newcomers were quite reserved and not as familiar as Wang Lei and others.

When Xu Xin saw Wang Sicong walking in, he pointed directly towards Xu Yang and the others.

It means letting the eldest young master sit over there.

Wang Sicong nodded, sat next to Xu Yang, and heard Xu Yang ask:

"People are here?"

"When we arrived, we didn't let her go to the private room. She just waited in the lobby with others to feel the atmosphere of the crew."

Xu Yang nodded silently.

With Xu Xin here, everyone naturally felt a sense of intimacy.

So don't be so polite.

After he arrived and saw that it was almost time, Xu Xin motioned to the staff at the door:

"Tell everyone, give me ten minutes to organize and get ready."


As soon as this staff member left, three other people came in, each holding a stack of information.




When these people saw the three large piles of information, their eyes were straightened.

Xu Xin looked at the three staff members dumbfounded...

"what is this?"

"Information about the audition artists, Director Xu, these two piles are for female characters, and this pile is for male characters."


Looking at the three mountains in front of him, Xu Xin felt numb instantly.

"How many servings in total?"

"A total of 84 materials were submitted for male actors and 152 for female actors."




He didn't go to the tenth floor, so he didn't know how many people came.

But hearing this number... he was completely confused.

Others looked at his confused look and felt like Ming Jing.

Too normal.

In other words, it would be abnormal if there was no such bustling scene.

After all, he is the best director in Venice. How can he not give him some face?

What's more, not to mention the male actors, the requirement for female actors this time is that they are between 18 and 28 years old. This age group has the most people in the entertainment industry.

It's so normal.

However, the experienced Xue Yong still gave a timely reminder:

"Director Xu, why don't we divide them into batches. Today... the male is forty and the female is twenty, how about it? Don't do it too late and continue tomorrow. Two to three days will feel almost the same."


Xu Xin, who came back to his senses, was speechless:

"If I delay my wedding photo shoot, Yang Mi can kill me."

After muttering, he sighed, looked at the three staff members and said:

"Let's divide it into batches. Today it's one to forty, and the others will come tomorrow."

Starting at 2:30, according to the situation of one person for three minutes, it will only take three or four hours for sixty people.

The time is indeed almost up.

So, the three staff members agreed and walked out quickly to start arranging the actors to leave.

After the actors heard the news, experienced people didn't think it was any surprise.

Of course you have the right to be dissatisfied, and it doesn't matter if you don't come back at all.

No one will care.

But some smart people started trying to contact the numbers at the top of the list.

I plan to ask Director Xu what the audition footage is.

Although we are all competitors, most people would not say such things, but what if there are people with abnormal brains?

2:30 sharp.

Xu Xin took the first piece of information:

"Mixed. Let's start with the girls."

Upon hearing this, the staff member guarding the door responded, opened the door and informed his companions outside.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

A girl walked in.

When she saw more than twenty auditioners in the room, she was obviously panicked.

The pace is a little unnatural.

This seems to be caused by the lack of audition experience and lack of experience.

This situation is the actor's own problem, and most people are too lazy to take care of it, including the director.

Come to the audition, perform your role and you're done. Whether you're nervous or not has nothing to do with anyone else, it's purely a matter of your own mental quality.

But after Xu Xin took all this into consideration, he still showed some tolerance.

"Hello... directors, my name is Ying'er, I am 22 years old this year. I graduated from the Acting Department of the China Academy of Drama... My height is 169 cm and my weight is 49 kg. The role I auditioned for is "Thirty-three Days of Love" The character Huang Xiaoxian in..."

A decent audition speech.

The articulation is quite clear.

"Thirty-day Love" still needs a lot of female characters. From the script he designed, there are eleven or twelve characters with names and lines, and there are countless background panels.

But this is where the girl is inexperienced.

Xu Xin did not release the audition roles this time. Today is a unified audition. He plans to see who is suitable for which role and place them wherever he wants.

But she came up and went straight to the protagonist "Huang Xiaoxian"... Although it was not impossible, Xu Xin knew that it was not suitable at the first sight of her.

She doesn't have the contrast of Huang Xiaoxian's manly temperament.

But considering that she was the first to audition, Xu Xin only tolerated this:

"Have you read the novel?"

"seen it already."

Ying'er stood very straight, showing off her body, and answered quickly after hearing this.

"I don't think you are very suitable for Huang Xiaoxian. In terms of appearance, you are very pure. So there are props over there. You can try to play other characters in the novel. Of course, you can also continue to play Huang Xiaoxian and see how you feel. choose."

He gave his own reminder.

But the girl's shortcomings of inexperience appeared again.

She did not listen to the advice, but after Xu Xin finished speaking, she glanced at the prop table next to her, thought about it, and said:

"I want to play Huang Xiaoxian."

Seeing this, Xu Xin stopped forcing it.

"Okay, over there is the audition clip. You have one minute to prepare."

Then he stopped talking.

And a minute later, Xue Yong began to lead the audition.

"It's time to start..."

Then nothing happened.

Not suitable means not suitable.

Although her acting skills are not immature, she still has experience in several TV series.

But what she picked was the scene of the quarrel between Huang Xiaoxian and Lu Ran when they broke up.

With Tian Yusheng, who was chosen as her costar and read the lines, the girl's performance showed no savagery, only hysterical madness.

The energy increased.

Also passed.

After the performance, Xue Yong nodded:

"Okay, that's all. Let's go back and wait for the notification."

The girl with a bit of blush on her face nodded respectfully:

"Thank you directors, goodbye."

After she walked out, Xu Xin casually threw the information into the discarded box.

"Next person."

Soon, another girl walked in.

Compared with the slightly nervous Ying'er, she is actually more nervous, but the camera feeling is good:

"Hello directors, hello director Xu Xin, my name is Zhang Yuxi, from Dunhua, Jilin, and graduated from Yanjing Institute of Fashion Technology..."

Ying'er didn't leave.

As an artist of Happy Century, she did not come here by herself.

She was with Zhang Yuxi who just entered.

The two of them will go back together soon.

As soon as she came out, she felt the looks of many people.

After all, after many people left, there were not so many people on the 10th floor. As the audition was about to begin, many people spontaneously came to the corridor on the 11th floor to wait with the permission of the staff.

The bold ones.

Even though the headwind staff was right at the door, he still couldn’t help but ask:

"Beauty, how are you doing?"

"What are the questions?"

"What have you been asked?"

"Is Director Xu easy to talk to?"

They tried hard to get some information.

Before Ying'er could answer, the staff guarding the door said:

"All actors, please keep quiet and do not affect the order of the audition."

Seeing this, Ying'er lowered her head and walked directly towards the elevator.

All the way downstairs, she saw the agent guarding the elevator entrance as soon as she got out of the elevator.

As the first actor to report, her agent also knew that she would be the fastest to come out, so she quickly pulled her aside:

"How was it? How was your performance? Did Director Xu say anything to you?"

"They say I'm not suitable for Huang Xiaoxian...recommend me to try other roles..."

Hearing this, the agent looked happy:

"And what? Who did you audition for?"

"I still auditioned for Huang Xiaoxian..."


For a moment, the agent was speechless.

"I was given a minute to prepare. After I finished my performance, I was told to go back and wait for notification..."

After listening to her words, the agent didn't say anything more, but focused his gaze on the elevator entrance.

A total of three people came to Huanrui today.

She is one, Zhang Yuxi is the other, and the third person... it seems that he has some connection with Director Xu.

Li Man.

It was her eyes that were swollen by mosquito bites that gave Yang Mi a chance to rise to the top.

There is no hope for Ying'er here. Let's see what these two people say.

Soon, Zhang Yuxi also walked out of the elevator.

"This way."

The manager shouted quickly, and Zhang Yuxi ran over quickly.

"How about it?"

"I don't know either. I was given 30 seconds to prepare, and then...Sister Yinger, what is your audition clip?"

"I had an argument with Lu Ran... Director Xu gave you 30 seconds?"

"It's all 30 seconds."

Zhang Yuxi was a little puzzled.

But the agent's expression became strange, and he asked subconsciously:

"Has Director Xu spoken to you?"

"No, Director Xu just sat there without saying a word. Another person was directing my performance..."



Now, even Ying'er knew that she was receiving special care.

She instinctively looked at the agent.

But the other party just shook his head with a regretful expression in his eyes.

In front of Zhang Yuxi, he didn't say anything.

Nothing can be said.

Director Xu gave you the opportunity, gave you twice as much preparation time as others, and also gave you a reminder that if you are not suitable for the protagonist, you can try other roles.

If you can't control it yourself, who can you blame?

Next, only Li Man is left...

Since she lost the aura of "looking for girls", her career has never been able to develop.

I don’t know...whether Director Xu can reminisce about his old friendship this time...

Looking at the girl who walked in, Xu Xin felt a little sad that things were different.

He had only met Li Man once, when he had just arrived on the set of "Golden Armor". Xu Xin saw her coming out of the hotel and getting into a business car.

It was after that scene that her face was bitten by a mosquito, and then she got the chance of Yang Mi.

As a "girl hunter" at the time, Li Man's popularity can be said to be quite high.

Even after his wife took office, he still vaguely remembered the unfavorable opinions of many websites and media.

But now...

The status of the two people is no longer the same.

For a while, I really felt a little emotional in my heart.

Especially the moment when the two of them looked at each other.

Whether it's him or Li Man, both of them actually have some inner emotions in their eyes.

However, he still didn't speak, letting Xue Yong control the audition process.

And the person auditioning for the other party is also Huang Xiaoxian...

Soon, the 2-minute performance ended.

"Okay, that's all. Let's go back and wait for the notification."

Following Xue Yong's words, Li Man bowed politely:

"Thank you teachers for your hard work. Goodbye."

After she left, Xue Yong glanced at Xu Xin, waiting for the information in his hand to fall.

Is it elimination or promotion?

Under Xue Yong's gaze, Xu Xin thought for a while, and then his eyes fell on the two pieces of information in the "elimination" basket.

After comparing, he picked up the pen and wrote three words on the back of Li Man's information:

"Kind girl."

Put into the basket of promotion.

"Next person."

Xue Yong's voice sounded at the right time.

The first promoted actor in "33 Days After Love" was born.

Damn it, I forgot to write the question. Awkward……

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