I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 576 574 Holding the Wrist

Chapter 576 574. Hold the wrist

In the afternoon, the second round of auditions officially began.

Movie auditions are not actually competitions, it’s not about who performs well and who gets the part.

It's like a...filtered comparison.

Among those who can be shortlisted, except for those with connections, the other actors are those that Xu Xin thinks are suitable and whose acting skills are in line with expectations.

And after choosing these people, after starting to put on makeup in the second round, it is actually more about choosing people who are closer to my inner character when everyone is good.

Strictly speaking, it has little to do with acting.

But it depends on the overall feeling and the effect after applying the makeup.

Several makeup artists from the headwind pulled the team over.

In addition, the costume director managed by Wu Ming brought a pile of clothes.

The entire 10th floor seemed very busy.

"Old Tang."

After finishing her makeup, Di Wei stood behind Tang Yan with a smile.

At this moment, the makeup artist is doing a bun on her head.

Director Xu's requirement is to be "a lady," but not too refined.

This is a requirement for makeup.

After giving the makeup artist a rough sketch, her makeup artist painted it a little slower in order to fit the image, which was far inferior to Si Wei's light makeup.

Xu Xin's request for her is to wear an ordinary girl's makeup, not so beautiful, but more ordinary. And wear a wig, the kind with full bangs.

Although Di Wei was still quite confused that she could advance.

But she had a more carefree temperament. After putting on her makeup, she didn't read the script like everyone else. Instead, she came closer to Tang Yan.


Tang Yan kept his head motionless and even kept his mouth pursed when speaking, for fear that the makeup artist would be disturbed by the muscles on his face when he spoke.

"Brother Qi, don't you read the script?"

"Well, I just took a quick look. Hey, life and death are determined by fate and wealth."

While talking, Di Wei stared at her makeup and asked doubtfully:

"Who are you playing?"


Hearing this, Tang Yan glanced at her wig with bangs...


"Li Ke."


Si Wei suddenly realized.

Then, she showed her delicate side carelessly.

She changed the topic directly:

"Are you free tonight? Looking for a drink somewhere? Lao Lin came here with me. Can I call someone?"


Tang Yan's mouth twitched.

On the one hand, it was because Brother Qi knew how to hide it from her, and on the other hand, it was because she finally exposed the news of her relationship.

But she still said:

"Okay... Lao Lin is here?"

"Well, you came here specially with me this time. You are familiar with Magic City. Can you arrange a place?"


Tang Yan thought for a while and said:

"It's a date for four... Then we need to find a good place. I'll arrange it~"

"Okay~ Then I'll tell Lao Lin."

Seeing Di Wei nod, Tang Yan couldn't help but glance around her face again.

Brother Qi is really pretty...

How did such a beautiful girl turn out to be a lesbian...

I don't understand.

The makeup artist who applied Tang Yan's makeup was actually quite puzzled as she listened to the two chatting.

Lao Lin?


It can't be Lin Xinxin, right?

After more than an hour of preparation, at almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon, all the actors had completed their makeup and put on the costumes provided by the crew.

And this time it’s no longer a solo audition.

Whoever has a relationship with whom, whoever is connected with whom, will directly partner up on stage.

The content of the performance is no longer fixed. Everyone can perform according to the paragraphs that create a plot connection between themselves and their partners.

There were more than 200 people, but less than 50 people were selected in total.

Xu Xin just sat on the chair and watched.

Watch and swipe at the same time.

Just tick the ones that are suitable, put an

But this time, there was video.

Soon we came to the plot between Tang Yan and Wang Sicong.

The content of the performance chosen by the two was chosen by Tang Yan, which was actually a replica of the performance in the morning. One good thing about this drama is that Wei Yiran, played by Wang Sicong, has very few lines.

Just the opening sentence "Sorry, I have to make a special trip for you guys." and "Li Ke's Mandarin is very good, but many people can't tell that she is actually from the mainland."

When it was their turn, Tang Yan and Wang Sicong stood on Xu Xin's left side.

"let's start?"

After hearing Tang Yan's words, Wang Sicong took a deep breath and nodded.

Wearing a blue casual suit, underneath is a pure white T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Look relaxed and decent.

On his wrist is a piece of Richard Mille known as the "Billionaires Club".

Not to mention...this watch matches really well.

The temperament of a wealthy person is highlighted at once.

Especially Tang Yan, who was standing on his left side. After saying "start" and getting his response, she directly held his arm.

After the left hand holding the watch is bent, all the outlines of the watch are highlighted, and the smell becomes stronger.

The two began to move forward.

But just as he took a step forward, Wang Sicong suddenly burst into laughter.

"Sorry, sorry, wait."

He waved his hand, and Tang Yan also cooperated by letting go of his arm and retreated to his original position.

Then he started to take a deep breath again and began to whisper:

"I don't have to act..."

"I am a rich man..."

"None of you exist..."


Xu Xin subconsciously covered his chin and rubbed it.

He wanted to laugh, but was afraid of disturbing his friend's state. In the end, he could only suppress the smile by rubbing his mouth with his palms.

But other people's reactions were more genuine.

After hearing his grunt, everyone agreed.

Yes, brother, you are indeed a rich man...

And he self-hypnotized for about a minute. When he opened his eyes again, he didn't know whether it was because of his psychological quality or something else. His originally tense body suddenly relaxed.

The appearance has also returned to its original carefree appearance.

"That's it!"

Seeing him nod, Tang Yan took his arm again.

Xu Xin glanced at Wang Ying, who was watching from the side.

The two began to take steps.

From the starting position to the two rows of seats, it only takes five or six steps.

Tang Yan cooperated and led Wang Sicong forward step by step. When he reached the fourth step, he waved his hand in the air:


The moment he got the signal, Wang Sicong also smiled in the direction of her greeting:

"I'm sorry to ask you to make a special trip."

The tone was very polite.

It's just the same as usual in private.

In other words, the same cultivation.

After saying this, his face turned red.

Obviously, inner activities are not as calm and normal as they appear on the surface.

But fortunately, after this line, the rest is Tang Yan's line. So after sitting down, he followed his most natural state. The moment he sat on the chair, he leaned back on the chair and crossed his legs.

At the same time, he shook his legs twice.

However, he seemed to realize something, and quickly stopped shaking, and instinctively glanced at Xu Xin again.

In fact, from this point on, if this performance was shot normally, it would be NG.

Every direction your actor's eyes look is guided by the camera, and which director is he looking at?

So there's no drama?

But Xu Xin didn't stop.

Because he was very satisfied with the way Big Lao Wang looked.

As an amateur, it is great that he can express his life in a natural and unpretentious way, even when he is nervous and embarrassed.

And his temperament of "I'm polite to you on the surface", but in his heart, although he doesn't use his status as a rich man to suppress you, but still shows his presence all the time, this is the kind of feeling Xu Xin wants.

Quality is a kind of cultivation, and it has nothing to do with whether you have money or not.

But the status gap is a reality, and it doesn't exist just because you like it or don't like it.

This smell is just right.

So he didn't care at all about his friend's mistakes and omissions in his performance.

It's my first time, so I have no experience.

It'll be nice to get familiar with it later.

So, when the two of them performed smoothly, Xu Xin nodded:

"Yes, Not Bad."

After giving the most sincere praise about Tang Yan’s Li Ke and Da Laowang’s Wei Yiyi, he waved his hand:


"Huh...haha, Sister Tang, thank you."

After taking a deep breath and relaxing, Wang Sicong whispered his thanks.

In Wang Ying's sweet smiling eyes, Tang Yan smiled politely and restrainedly:

"Brother Cong performed very well, you're welcome."

"Haha, are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together? I feel like I made a few mistakes just now... I even glanced at Lao Xu, like... you can't look at other people's eyes when you're acting, right? You can teach me a little bit more I...then do I have to prepare for the big lines that follow?"

He quickly struck while the iron was hot and extended an invitation.

It's like playing a new game that unexpectedly turns out to be very interesting.

After hearing this, Tang Yan made a choice in the blink of an eye.

"Sorry, Brother Cong, I really have something to do tonight and can't leave."


Seeing Wang Sicong's stunned look of regret and disappointment, Tang Yan naturally knew that the disappointment must not be about other aspects.


Tang Yan, who found that his words and deeds were closely watched from the beginning, had no choice but to do this.

Even she knew that this opportunity to have dinner with Wang Sicong was really important...

But there is no way.

In this matter... the risks outweigh the benefits.

Moreover, just refusing is not enough, you also need to add double insurance to let others understand that you have no intention of getting very close to the other person.

You have to make it clear to yourself that "we just have a working relationship."

Therefore, she said as if she was ignorant:

"Di Wei and I have made an appointment to have dinner together. We have been dating since the last drama "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family". How about brother Cong come too?"

"Ha ha."

Wang Sicong naturally would not be with her.

Because the last sentence after the other party was obviously an excuse.

So he shook his head slightly:

"Forget it. Anyway, Lao Xu is going to Canada to take wedding photos soon. I'll find a training teacher in the next few days to work on it. Let's make an appointment another day."


With the regret of missing the opportunity in his heart, Tang Yan responded with a smile.

She didn't look at the girl named Wang Ying.

No need.

Because without Wang Sicong, she is nothing.

But just such a person has now become an obstacle...

It's quite ironic.

Early 6 o'clock.

The second round of auditions is over.

But this time, Xu Xin didn't say anything.

Just after the audition ended, he walked out of the audition hall with the information and video CD and returned to his office.

The other matters will be left to Xue Yong.

Back in his office, he used his computer to watch the afternoon recordings, and took notes on the actors' information.

Huang Xiaoxian-——Si Wei

Lu Ran——Guo Jingfei

Li Ke——Tang Yan

Wei Yiran - Wang Sicong

Kind Girl——Li Man

Da Laowang - Translated by Zhang Jia...

Already having an idea, he began to draw up a list of actors in his mind.

About half an hour later, Xue Yong knocked on the door and walked in:

"Director Xu."

"Well, Brother Yong, here it is."

Xue Yong pushed the list forward in his hand, picked it up, took a look at it, and nodded:

"Is this final?"

"Yes. The final list. Let the martial arts director and the others start... I have to go back to Yanjing tomorrow and then take wedding photos. The filming date of the movie is tentatively scheduled to be after the National Day. Let Fumino and the others put everyone's names in the past two days. Send me the final plan for the interior, and I'll choose it. You don't need me to say the rest, right?"

Xue Yong responded with a smile:

"Well, just leave the rest to me."


After three days, the movie casting was finally settled. Xu Xin, who had been sitting for a whole day, stood up and stretched a lot.

"where are they?"

"We're all waiting for you."

"Okay, let's go. I'm going to treat you today and have something good to eat... By the way, when we were chatting at noon, what was Xu Yang talking about... what was the name of that German chef's shop..."

The two of them talked and walked outside together.

"It's called Tai'an Gate." (Note 1)

Tang Yan held up the phone and said:

"I'll send you the address. I'll go back to pick up Qiu Ze now. See you there later."

"Okay, how is the environment there?"

Si Wei's voice rang from the phone.

"The reputation is pretty good. It just opened. The chef is a German and the layout is like a Western restaurant. It is now in the trial opening stage and only accepts guests who have received invitations to dine. So you don't have to worry about being photographed by others. Photos and stuff.”

After hearing Tang Yan's explanation, Di Wei laughed:

"Haha, I'm not afraid. I'm just worried about your Qiu Ze..."

Tang Yan blinked quickly, as if Di Wei had spoken her mind.

But he immediately smiled and said:

"I'm not worried either. If we eat it alone, I might still have some concerns. After all, we don't plan to make it public yet. But there are four of us, and the three of us are on the same crew, so it will definitely be fine."

"It sounds like you've been yearning for it for a long time."

"Absolutely. I've always wanted to go, but Qiu Ze has always been worried. But it will definitely be fine today. We will have a drink later!"


The phone hangs up.

Ji Rujing, who had no intention of participating at all, asked:

"What happened to the girl you just talked about?"

"Wang Sicong's girlfriend."

Tang Yan leaned on his seat with a hint of disdain in his tone.

"The little girl is as wary of me as she is of a thief. Originally, today was a particularly good opportunity. We could act opposite each other, and he had no acting experience, so we could keep in touch more. We became friends and got closer. , at least resources don’t have to be as stretched as they are now... Hehe, little vixen. Full of filthy odor."

After hearing this, Ji Rujing thought for a while and said:

"Although the role of Li Ke doesn't have many roles, it's quite important. Play it well and don't get into any conflict with that girl. It's scary to have sex with her... Will she die because of Wang Sicong's food?"

"It's terrible. Otherwise, I wouldn't have dared to agree to a dinner party. The problem is that I didn't want to do anything..."

Looking at her eyes that were still filled with anger, Ji Rujing quickly comforted her:

"Okay... who doesn't know Wang Sicong's identity? It's a dream for any girl to hug the lap of this financial owner's father. Don't underestimate her, if she has no skills, she won't be able to make Wang Sicong be attached to her. Baishun..."

Speaking of this, Ji Rujing suddenly paused. Not sure what he was thinking, he asked a question:

"Do you think Yang Mi has seen her?"

"Who? That girl?"



Suddenly, Tang Yan laughed out loud.

His tone was full of sarcasm:

"It's not that I look down on her. If she dares to play tricks with Mimi with her little skills, she might die without knowing how."

"Then why don't you take a detour..."


Tang Yan was stunned.

Then there was silence.

After being silent for about an intersection, she shook her head slightly:

"I can not."


Ji Rujing was stunned.

"There's no need...Mimi's side...we can only show our most sincere side from now on. Those eyes of hers..."

Tang Yan seemed to have recalled something, and shook his head with a wry smile:

"She can really tell whether she is sincere or not. And this time Xu Xin can give me such a great preferential treatment...especially after I messed up my performance that day, he can get it back for me...Sister Ji, you should understand what I mean."


Ji Rujing nodded silently.


Very understanding.

To put it most realistically, Tang Yan did not deserve such great preferential treatment from Director Xu.

And she received these preferential treatment, including being able to get the script when the drama first started... all of this was due to Yang Mi's kindness.

"As for the Tang people, let's keep it superficial from now on."

After hearing her words, Tang Yan nodded:

"Yeah. Try to have as little contact as possible and maintain a superficial relationship... Phew. I'll call Qiu Ze, I'm so hungry."

She took the initiative to end these topics.

Leaning on the chair tiredly.

There are not many people eating together today.

Wen Mino and his gang didn't come.

There is no other way, Director Xu has given a fatal order, and the final plan for the interior scene will be brought up in the next few days.

Everyone wants their plan to be selected.

On the one hand, it is honor, on the other hand, it is also a manifestation of ability.

That represents the opportunity to stand out from the teacher's disciples, and a fight among scholars.

No one wants to fall behind.

So it was all calculated, and including people like Su Meng and Pingguo, there were only eleven or twelve people.

The place was chosen by Xu Yang. He had met a German cook here before, named Stephen Thiele.

One Michelin star chef.

The children of Xujiawan, who have been here for more than a year, are no longer the unknown people they were when they first came to the Magic City.

When Nifeng became famous because of Liu Momo, he and a few of them were...accepted or willing to make friends.

In short, they have entered a circle with high threshold.

During the trial opening period of this restaurant opened by a chef named Stephen Tiller, the only people invited were Xu Yang and others.

Celebrities and Michelin chefs are a perfect match.

After Xu Yang participated once, he felt that the master's skills were indeed good. He had settled the audition today, so why don't you all have fun?

Just come here and eat.

So, a large number of twelve people came directly to Tai'anmen Restaurant.

There is no such thing as reservations.

There weren't that many customers during the trial opening, so after making a phone call, when these people arrived, there was already a long dining table with flowers waiting for them.

Chef Tiller didn't know who it was from Xu Yang, but he knew that the identities of these guests were very unusual, so he personally came out of the kitchen to welcome them.

Seeing the fat foreigner in his forties greeting Xu Yang, Wang Sicong turned to Wang Ying and whispered:

"When we shake hands later, you also hold his wrist."


Wang Ying was stunned.

Then I saw that after Xu Yang introduced Director Xu Xin, Director Xu took a step forward, and when the foreign chef stretched out his hand, he directly grabbed his wrist.

"Hello, Shi... Shihu~"


Wang Sicong's mouth twitched.

But I didn’t expose my friend’s poor English either.

He knew that Lao Xu wanted to start learning English.

As an international student, I strongly agree with the opinion of the language teacher named Ai Qing that "as long as you dare to speak, there will be no problem."


Lao Xu.

They are so German.

Hello, can you please become "GUTEN TAG"?

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, it was Wang Ying's turn soon.

After holding the foreign chef's wrist and saying hello with a smile, the foreign chef personally arranged for everyone to sit down.

Wang Ying then quietly asked:

"Why are you holding your wrist?"

"It's etiquette."

Wang Sicong whispered into her ear and said:

"When the chef is cooking and someone comes to shake hands, on the one hand, there is oil on his hands, which is inappropriate. On the other hand, there are bacteria on the guests' hands, which is also irresponsible to the ingredients and the diners. Although he returned to the kitchen I also wash my hands and disinfect my hands, but this etiquette is a very important evidence to distinguish experts from those who don’t know how to do it.”

"oh oh……"

Wang Ying nodded, suddenly enlightened.

I see……

"How did you know?"

"Me? I knew it when I was studying abroad."

"Then how did Director Xu know?"


Wang Sicong was stunned.

He glanced at his girlfriend, thought about it, and whispered:

"Didn't you notice? Lao Xu, Xu Yang, and Xu Zhi were the first three to greet the chef."

"Well, Mr. Xu is the first, Director Xu is the second..."

"So you can see a very interesting point. That is...whether Lao Xu knows it or not, Xu Yang, who was the first to say hello, did this. He must know this etiquette, and after he did it, Lao Xu also followed suit, followed by Xu Zhi...so you can look at this matter from several aspects."

"I... don't understand~"

Wang Ying looked innocent, and then suddenly started acting coquettishly:

"Don't call me stupid!"


Wang Sicong's soul was almost shaken by this coquettish sound.

Full of doting:

"If you don't understand, just think about it slowly. You can analyze a lot of things from some details~"

"Then...you can give me some hints first~"

"Here's a reminder... Let me tell you something. Xu Yang didn't care whether Lao Xu and Xu Zhi knew it or not. He just said it. Let's assume that Lao Xu doesn't know this kind of etiquette. You can learn from this In this matter, we can see his trust in Xu Yang. And the second point..."

Although he said, "Here's a little reminder," the eldest young man, who had already started talking, continued to follow his girlfriend's admiring eyes and said:

"Believe it or not, there must be people among these people who don't know this etiquette. For example, you, but after everyone saw these three people greeting each other in this way, they followed suit. I know. What is this called?

This is called the role of the leader. Our "team" was led to complete the flawless etiquette without any shame. You can say it's over-interpretation, but some things are actually hidden in these details that you don't care about..."


Wang Ying was filled with wonder.



Wang Sicong responded.

He has begun to consciously cultivate these aspects of his girlfriend, striving for her to become connotative and well-educated. He must not be like Gong Xinliang. He just wanted to continue to say something.

But I heard Wang Ying say:

"I'm talking about you, Da Congcong~"


Wang Sicong was stunned and met his girlfriend's eyes full of admiration:

“You can see so many details, it’s so boring!!!”


Wang Sicong blinked...

The love in his eyes overflowed and boiled.

It turned into a chuckle with a bit of pride:

"Ha~ I'll teach you slowly in the future."


Wang Ying nodded cutely, her eyes full of admiration.

(Note 1: After checking this store in Tai’anmen, I found that it was only opened in 2016. But it’s innocuous, it’s purely a plot transition. Special mention~)

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