I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 586 584 This punch

Chapter 586 584. This punch...

This night, the three brothers took the initiative to isolate themselves from the disturbances of the outside world.

Regardless of the news on the Internet or the questions in my heart.

After seeing Wang Sicong, no one mentioned this incident again.

No need.

If my friend is feeling uncomfortable, then come over and have a drink with him.

How could the gentlemen be so pretentious? After one cup, you can do whatever you need to do when you wake up the next morning. The sky is not falling, right?

Also, there are some benefits to being drunk.

That is to say, there is basically no jet lag problem between the two of them.

I don’t know how much I drank in the end, but all four bottles were empty.

I brought some beer with me, and the last one slept more soundly than the other one.

And the news that Lang Lang and Jay Chou appeared at the Shanghai Airport also spread like wildfire.

In fact, Lang Lang was fine. The only news the media could find was that he had just finished a performance in Oslo.

And, from a popular perspective, he has far fewer fans than Jay Chou.

So not much is known about his schedule.

But Jay Chou made the news a few days ago when he went to Los Angeles to participate in the post-production of "The Green Hornet" during a break in the recording of The Voice.

How many days have you been gone?

As soon as something happened to Wang Sicong, he came back.

Good guy...

Who would believe it was a coincidence?

There have been no concerts in recent times. When Jay Chou came to the mainland, he must have gone to Xi'an to get his sound quality good. Why would he come to the Magic City if he had nothing to do?

Therefore, when Lang Lang and Jay Chou appeared in Shanghai at the same time, in the eyes of the media, their true intentions were already clear.


These three people really have a magical friendship.

After reading the news on the gossip, I don’t know how many people sighed in their hearts.

Unfortunately, Yang Mi and Xu Xin went to Canada to take wedding photos.

Otherwise, Xu Xin would definitely not be wrong.

If you look at these four people, they really stick together... If my brother is in trouble, he will rush back without hesitation.

This must be considered a sign of loyalty, right?

Just as I was thinking about it, I refreshed the web page suddenly, and suddenly a piece of news appeared in the eyes of many people at almost 10 o'clock in the morning:

"Xu Xin and his wife have returned to China and appeared at the Peninsula Hotel! 》


When they saw this news, everyone was stunned.


came back?

Not knowing that the news that he and his wife had returned to China had been exposed on the Internet, Xu Xin entered the presidential suite and asked Guo Ping:

"Where's the kitchen?"


When Guo Ping pointed, Xu Xin nodded and walked over with a bagful of things.

Those three living dads didn’t know what they were doing yesterday. They desperately sent messages to Yang Mi saying they were hungry.

Either you want to eat flower rolls, or you want to eat dried tofu with hot pepper.

Sun Ting met with people all night, and found someone to prepare a bag of ingredients bought in the morning when she was picked up in the city.

That's enough.

Speechless, he carried a bag of things and put them in the kitchen. He turned to look at his wife:

"I'll help you?"

"Need not."

Yang Mi casually untied the leather rope on her wrist, tied a ball on her head, and said:

"Go and see the three of them. I'll serve the noodles first."


Xu Xin responded, walked out of the kitchen, and asked Guo Ping:

"Where are the people?"

Guo Ping quickly led the way.

Arriving at the door of a room, she gave way.

She didn't know if the people inside were wearing clothes...it was difficult to go in.

But Xu Xin is not so particular.

Just open the door...

Then it was smoked out.

The smell of alcohol plus... I don't know if it was foot odor or something else hit my face.

Then he saw Lang Lang's head drooping beside the bed, and there was a trash can directly underneath.

There were also traces of yellowish saliva from vomiting on the sheets.


The corner of his mouth twitched...

Then he saw Jay Chou, shirtless and with his back to him.

What? You asked why you knew it was him just by looking at his back?

Just ask Natsuki.

The virtue of these two living fathers made him give up the idea of ​​going inside and closed the door directly.

"How much did you drink?"

"Three people drank...three and a half bottles of whiskey, plus a shot of Budweiser."


Xu Xin opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say... Finally he asked as if he was resigned to his fate:

"Where are the others?"

"That house."

He strode directly to the master bedroom, opened the door and took a look...

It's okay, Wang Sicong is quite normal, but he snores very loudly, and then the room smells like urine.

I don’t know if I didn’t flush the toilet after using it.

He quickly closed the door and walked to the living room while giving instructions:

"Have someone come over and clean it in the afternoon and clean it thoroughly."


Guo Ping nodded quickly.

Then he quickly got a bottle of water for Xu Xin.

After Xu Xin had collected enough water, he pouted directly at the terrace, and Guo Ping followed him knowingly.

As soon as he arrived at the terrace, he saw peanut shells scattered everywhere, and there were also many snack bags, cigar butts and the like floating in the swimming pool.

He was even more speechless.

I thought to myself, how come these three people are like three huskies, and they still bring them to ruin the house?

Sitting on one of the relatively clean beach chairs, he asked:

"What's the situation now?"

"Brother Cong has been shut down for two days, but he will still check the outside world on the computer..."

"I said Wang Ying."

He lit a cigarette and found a cup with some wine or water left in it as an ashtray and asked.

"She has packed her things and left home. I personally watched her packing, and I made sure that she didn't take anything from Brother Cong's house."

"……left already?"

Xu Xin was a little surprised.


Guo Ping nodded:

"She has been trying to contact Brother Cong, but Brother Cong has turned off his phone and cannot be contacted. After I sent her to the house she rented, I returned to the Peninsula Hotel... and I got a call from her on the way to find Brother Cong. But I didn’t answer the messages or calls, and I didn’t tell Brother Cong.”

Yang Mi also walked to the terrace at some point.

After hearing what Guo Ping said, she asked:

"You mean we broke up? Whose idea was it to let her go?"

"Brother Cong's own."

Hearing this, the couple looked at each other...

Yang Mi said:

"Come and help me pick vegetables after you finish smoking."


Xu Xin responded.

Soon, he finished smoking a cigarette and walked into the kitchen with Guo Ping.

Yang Mi said without raising her head:

"Apple, I don't need your help. Please contact the person who will clean the room this afternoon."

Guo Ping understood the meaning as soon as she heard it and exited the kitchen area.

"Pick celery for me."

This is for making tomato sauce.

Xu Xin nodded, put the celery he bought into the sink, and said:

"Let's not talk about Wang Ying's stay in the US."


Yang Mi, who was chopping tomatoes, nodded:

"There's nothing more to say. I'm afraid he's suffering from some kind of mental illness. What if he's really afraid of women..."


Xu Xin said nothing.

He's not proficient in stories in the kitchen at all, but it's no problem to help him pick vegetables, chop garlic, etc. to a limited extent.

These three living dads are picky.

One wants to eat the Northeastern dish of spicy tofu, one wants to eat seafood stew, and the other wants to eat flower rolls.

Xu Xin wants to eat fried noodles...

Including Dani and Apple, today's meal is for seven people, so the work will definitely take a little longer.

And when it was around 11:30, the two people who were busy in the kitchen finally heard a voice:


Wang Sicong’s movements.

He woke up.

Only then did Xu Xin lean out from the kitchen:


Wang Sicong, who had big swollen eyeballs and a face full of hangover symptoms, turned around when he heard the noise...

Suddenly he shivered:


As soon as the dirty words came out, Yang Mi's head poked out from next to Xu Xin.

Wang Sicong, who had been dreaming about being beaten all night last night, subconsciously screamed:




The couple was also shocked.

My heart said what was going on.

A sudden surprise.

But Wang Sicong was confused and looked at the two of them...

"You... you..."

"What's going on? Does it sound like you've seen a ghost?"

Xu Xin was speechless.

"No... you... why are you two back?"

After reacting, the eldest young master was completely confused.

But after hearing this, Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"What do you think? Why did I leave Canada alone and insist on coming to your place to cook a meal for you? Why do you tell me?"


Wang Sicong was really speechless now.

He was so moved that he understood what was going on.

Thousands of words can only turn into one question:

"Your wedding photos..."

"It's almost finished."

Xu Xin shrugged, washed his hands in the kitchen, and walked out.

His work was done.

How to do the rest depends on his wife's performance and has nothing to do with him.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and threw one to Wang Sicong, and he pointed to the terrace.

Although the child is not here, he has developed a habit in these aspects and tries not to smoke indoors.


Looking at his friend who came out, Xu Xin lit his cigarette and handed the lighter to him.

But Wang Sicong looked straight at Xu Xin...

Suddenly he said:

"Is it delaying things?"

"Not really."

Xu Xin smiled and shook his head:

"The weather over there is good, and God is kind to me. So the four wedding photos were taken quite quickly..."


In fact, Wang Sicong couldn't tell whether this was true or false.

Even he didn't know what to say.

Say thanks?

Too raw.


Why do gentlemen talk about this... It's not hypocritical enough.

have a drink?

When he thought of this, he retched directly:


Seeing this, Xu Xin smiled:

"I also said I would come back and have a drink with you. It seems I won't have to."


Wang Sicong looked at the mess on the ground last night and suddenly chuckled:

"It's embarrassing."

"No. Then I'll give the role of Wang Ying to someone else."


Hearing this, Wang Sicong nodded and asked calmly:

"Have you found out anything yet?"

Xu Xin shook his head simply:



Not sure what he was thinking, Wang Sicong simply said yes.

Then suddenly he said:

"Do you think I can still find true love in this life?"


Xu Xin subconsciously observed his expression, thought about it, and suddenly pointed to the open space in front of him:

"Is it okay if it's so big?"

He gestured to the outline of a single bed.

Wang Sicong was stunned:


"I'll give you this big space next to the doghouse."


The eldest son looked stupidly at the distance drawn by his friend...

Still didn't understand what he meant.

Seeing this, Xu Xin continued:

"When you are seventy or eighty, I will ask Nuannuan and Yangyang to provide for you until the end of your life. Then I will leave you such a big place at home, enough for you to sleep. I don't want your money either. I will keep your pension for you who are willing to follow me. You can just dance with the old lady, how about that?"


The eldest young master was stunned.

"With which eye did you see that I was going to die alone!? Pay back the pension?... I really need that little pension!? Use you to give me a place?... Give back the kennel? I'll build one for you Can you live with me in the kennel?"

"Look, isn't what you asked nonsense?"

Xu Xin rolled her eyes at him:

"You don't even believe that you will die alone, which means you still have illusions about love. So what's the point of asking this question?"


Only then did Wang Sicong realize...

My friend's interpretation... seems to make sense.

Hey! I have such a bad temper...

When I was studying philosophy, I was confused by a director.

After coming back to his senses, he said directly:

"You ask Dami to introduce me to a girl..."

"What do I owe you?"

Xu Xin sneered:

"You can't even find a girlfriend, you useless piece of shit?"

"...Isn't it sad for me?"

"I asked someone to introduce you to a girl, but are you sad again? Young man, your heart is really fragile."


Wang Sicong, who had no temper at all, was speechless.

Looking at my friend smoking a cigarette...

Suddenly, he burst out laughing.

He shook his head in a funny way, looked at the layer of garbage above the swimming pool, and muttered:

"Damn... I'm so embarrassed this time."

But this time, Xu Xin didn't mean to ridicule him.

Just patted him on the shoulder.

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Just grow up then.

he said in his heart.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three loud banging sounds on the door frightened both Lang Lang and Jay Chou.

Instinctively he looked at Xu Xin at the door.

Just before the hungover two people could react, Xu Xin said:

"Masters, don't fall asleep. Get up and eat quickly."

After saying that, he flashed away.



The two people lying on the same bed looked at each other...

"Old...Old Xu?"

"It seems so..."

"Holy shit! Why is he back?"

"I do not know."

As Jay Chou shook his head, Lang Lang shook his head. After he woke up a little, he seemed to remember something, and his eyes immediately started to shine:

"Da Mi!!!! Quick! Get up quickly!!"


"Da Mi is going to hit someone!"

As he spoke, he climbed up and started to get dressed.

Jay Chou's reaction was slower.

It wasn't until he understood what the so-called "hammer" meant... that he suddenly jumped up from the bed.

The whole journey takes less than five minutes.

The two people walked out quickly with water still on their faces.

Just in time, Yang Mi appeared at the door of the kitchen carrying a pot of flower rolls.

"Da Mi! Let's start?!"


Yang Mi was stunned and looked at Lang Lang:


"Have you finished the fight? You haven't finished the fight, right?"


Yang Mi looked confused.

"Old Wang! Didn't you say you were going to punch him twice when you came back?"

"...Are you two sick?"

Yang Mi was speechless.

At this moment, Wang Sicong also walked out of his master bedroom.

He hasn't brushed his teeth this morning.

"What's wrong? What are you talking about?"

"Let's talk about you, Big Honey Boomer."




Following Lang Lang's words, Wang Sicong's face turned pale, while Yang Mi's eyes were filled with absurdity.

On the contrary, Xu Xin, who had finished smoking outside the terrace and walked into the house, seemed to have thought of something and nodded quickly:

"Yes, yes, you said that when you see him when you come back, you are going to give him a beating...Start now? Or after dinner?...Forget it, let's start directly, otherwise I'm afraid he won't be able to eat well. .Come, come, come..."



Wang Sicong and Yang Mi both looked at their husbands/friends as if they were crazy.


"Wheels, quick!"


Second General Heng Ha stood aside and suddenly held Wang Sicong's arm.

"Eh? I'm...aren't you joking? Are you serious?... Stop making trouble, it's time to eat! Brother!"

"Didn't you say that in front of us yesterday? What kind of girl is she? She can punch her a hundred times and it will be fine. What else...how well-developed your biceps are...quick! Taijun ! This boy has a very hard mouth!!"


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

Then she saw her husband take out his cell phone.

"I'll record it!"

You even form the head!

She was speechless.

But looking at Wang Sicong who had been carried out...

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that punching someone twice for nothing would be a good idea.

So he put the basket containing the flower rolls on the table, moved his wrists, and walked out.

"Da Mi! Stop it...let's not make trouble...I just fell out of love...it's not...Taijun! Taijun! It's me! It's me!"

Seeing Yang Mi moving her wrists and walking out, Wang Sicong felt his spine start to get hairy.

Struggle quickly.

But how could his body break free from the clutches of Lang Lang and Jay Chou.

Xu Xin held up a mobile phone and recorded the video. He didn't know what to think about it. He followed the words that came to his mind and said in a sly voice:

"There is an old saying in the Celestial Dynasty that... he who takes care of things is a hero~"

"Bah! You traitor! Don't make fun of me!"

"Oh, you still dare to scold me?... Taijun! This kid scolded me! You have to stand up for me!"

"Fuck...you...don't, don't, don't, Dami, let's not make trouble...no...where are you hitting? I don't want to eat anymore, I'm afraid of vomiting..."

Yang Mipi looked at him with a smile, and suddenly stretched out two fingers:

"Just two punches. We took a set of travel wedding photos just for you, and we didn't take a few family photos with the kids... just two punches, and you'll be knocked down after you hit him!"


Wang Sicong was stunned...

Then he stopped struggling.

"Okay!...You two let go of me."

After Lang Lang and Jay Chou released him, he turned sideways and exposed his arms:

"Just hit the arm. Two punches! I'm hiding, I'm the grandson!"

As for Yang Mi, she was not polite to him and stood beside him directly.


She made a fist with her right hand, put it behind her waist, and made a punching gesture while breathing.




Every time she breathed, just through the fist that came out at a constant speed, the other three gentlemen could feel the feeling of accumulated strength conveyed between her breaths.

And Wang Sicong's goosebumps all rose up.

But he was also stubborn.

If you say you won’t hide, you won’t hide.

Hitting the arm...how painful can it be?

Jay Chou and Lang Lang have already given way.

Just watching Yang Mi adjust her breathing seven or eight times...just when Wang Sicong was a little impatient and wanted to ask her if she wanted to fight...

Everyone only heard a... very strange hum:

"Hmph! Hi!"

Yang Mi took a half step forward and punched Wang Sicong on the arm.





The voice is dull, rich, and solid.

Lang Lang, who was watching, thought of a sentence for no reason:

"This punch penetrates the sea of ​​stars!"


Wang Sicong's face turned red instantly.

And Xu Xin's hand holding the phone trembled...


Half-step collapse fist?

Are you really fighting?


A sound of breath spurted out from his teeth, mixed with a sense of pain, made Wang Sicong's body shake a little.

Yang Mi asked curiously:

"How's it going?"

"Bah... just... hiss... just like... bah..."


Hearing this and looking at his virtue, Yang Mi's second punch turned into a blow to her head.

After flicking his forehead directly, he sighed helplessly:

"You. You want to save face and suffer... Okay, this punch is to remind you, don't be so impulsive in the future. There are so many people with good intentions outside, but people's hearts are still in the belly. To remind you, Don't suffer a loss on women in the future. If you get hot-headed again, just think about my punch. It hurt so much when I punched you without reservation. How much pain would it have if I hit you in the heart? Save more in the future. Mind’s eye, you know?”

As she said that, she looked at Wang Sicong who was silent and directly took his arm:

"Let's go and eat. I made you your favorite Hanaki. You can do whatever you want when you're full and drunk. Are you looking for Tang Yan? Are you good at acting? You don't care about "The Voice"? So many You have to be busy with things, what kind of thing is it for you to be a coward here all the time? If you have enough food and drink to be busy with your career, why should a man worry about not having a wife? "

As she spoke, she took Wang Sicong into the house.

Xu Xin also put away his mobile phone.

Then I heard the two friends behind me muttering.

Lang Lang looked at the backs of the two of them and said:

"Tsk, you are so domineering."

Jay Chou nodded empathetically:


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