I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 609 607 Help each other

Chapter 609 607. Help each other

The time difference between Tokyo and China is only one hour.

When the awards ceremony ended in Tokyo, it was only around nine o'clock or almost ten o'clock in China.

This is a relatively friendly time, so... let’s not mention for the moment whether the Tokyo Film Festival is as well-known as the three major ones in Europe. Just from within the industry, there are actually a lot of people paying attention.

Directors, actors, investors, etc., everyone is paying attention to who will win this award.

Or to put it more truthfully, I want to see if Xiying Studio will win an award.

Some people look at themselves.

For example, some people who have some strength and seek career breakthroughs.

Some people look at the direction of the wind.

In other words, looking for the next trend in the future direction of the film and television industry.

For example, some film and television companies that are inextricably linked to all aspects.

And when they saw Liang Binning winning the Tokyo Best Actress and Wang Qianyuan winning the Best Actor... these people all realized one thing.

The rise of Xiying Studio is unstoppable.

Moreover, this rise is multifaceted.

On the basis of awards, there is too much to say.

Looking more broadly, where will Tian Shuanghe, the current head of Xiying Film Studio, go next?

And when he returns to the "place" with full honors, how much resources will Xiying Studio, as a direct line unit, receive?

This kind of thing where one person is rewarded based on meritorious deeds, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven. With each change of position, from high to low, there will be a kind of... change like the vicissitudes of life.

Tian Shuanghe's current rank...if he continues to go up...

Although an international film festival would not be so exaggerated.

But some things just add up little by little.

Their respective circles, their respective structures... there is too much to talk about.

The past two years may have been okay, but as long as this continues, it will be a matter of time before Tian Shuanghe continues to move up.

And as he walked up, it wasn't just Xiying Studio behind him.

There are more complex relationships and connections.

The symbols of city, province, and even "Shaanxi" are all bound to him.

It’s a foregone conclusion that the snowball is about to roll into a mountain range.

As long as no one gets in the way.

As long as Xiying Studio follows this pace, it will be enough to play steadily and steadily, and then there will be a game on the other side...that is no longer something that the entertainment industry can control.

To put it into perspective, in one year, it won so many awards at the first film festival.

It is simply too easy to convert these honors into tangible things in state-owned enterprises.

What's more, Xiying Studio itself is a direct descendant of Miaohong.

After realizing the profound meaning behind this incident, many people lost sleep that night.

The rise of the Northwest Circle can no longer be limited by the Beijing Circle.

Because this is not a counterattack route starting from the bottom, but starting from top to bottom, involving all aspects and levels.

Under the leadership of a large state-owned enterprise, it has returned to its peak by recruiting talented people.

Because the roots are red and the seedlings are red, the brilliance it emits may not be particularly strong now, but it is already so dazzling that most people dare not fight against it.

Don't talk about the big courtyard, or the elders and the like who dare to do something.

Once Xiying Studio rises, as long as they can continue to maintain their own style, the brilliance they exude will be that whoever wants to touch anyone has to weigh the risk of being burned to death.

Because its way is the most correct way.

They are publicly owned.

Theoretically, all private entities must accept public jurisdiction, leadership, and guidance.

Use yourself to drive a northwest circle, or drive the rise of an industry.

this road……

It’s so right!

Now... as long as people are affiliated to the northwest circle, they have to straighten their backs even if they are not?

Although it is too early to draw such a conclusion...but the final result must be like this.

monopoly? Exclusive? nonexistent.

Once the West Film Studio started, it would be like the two decades since the 1980s.

Who has the courage? Why fight with it?

Except for the large companies that are directly related to it, no one can compete with it.

And since we are both directly related, it is impossible for everyone to break up...

The more I think about it, the more complicated it becomes, and the more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

How many years has this been?

How did it get to this point?

First, we need to solve the problem of our own business route and make our money bags richer. Then start to work hard, use the real... most correct route, cater to the tastes of both the upper and lower levels, the upper level can win awards, the lower level can satisfy the tastes of movie fans and guiding values...

After a few years, a big brother who was about to die of illness actually came back to life?

Not only do we need to survive on our own, but we also need to integrate with local culture and tourism to build Shaanxi into a major cultural and tourism province...

In recent years, whether it is movies, TV shows, variety shows... they have really blossomed more.

They are everywhere.

A man who danced miraculously before death really gave him a second life?

The director, the best actor, the best actress, the main theme, the box office, the ratings... they got all the benefits.

So here’s the question…how did they get to this point?

You don’t even need to use a magnifying glass to look for this question. As long as you mention it, there is a name that cannot be avoided.

That old man who had no plans left... a young man who was picked up from nowhere.

When others have just graduated from college, what about him? ...Don't say that the milk tiger has the aura of eating cows. He is like a Tyrannosaurus rex!

He was tyrannical and unreasonable at all, and created such a kingdom by force.

What are you doing?


If you give him ten years, will he have to drink from Ma Hanhai?

This year alone, I helped Xiying Film Studio produce a third-level scholar.

What's next? Husband and wife visit each other?

Things have changed...

Just one night.

The situation has completely changed.

"Go back and think about this script. I think you are very suitable for the role of Iguchun."

"Hey, okay, thank you, Director Xu."

Although he had just won the Best Actor, Wang Qianyuan's attitude seemed to be more respectful.

After taking the script printed by Xu Xin and the books on the plane, he responded solemnly.

"Is there a role for me?"

Liang Binning asked curiously.

"Uh... no."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly.

In terms of character setting, this script only has one female character, Iguchun's sister Iguka.

Xu Xinxin said that you, old man, should stop pretending to be young.

Of course, I dared to mutter this in my heart.

He is afraid of the belt.

But Liang Bingning obviously didn't let him go easily:

"You can have this!"

So said the Tokyo movie queen.

Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

"This really doesn't exist."

He pointed to the book in Wang Qianyuan’s hand:

"The only female character is Iguchun's sister..."

"I can act too~"

It seemed that Liang Binning was in a very good mood, her voice was even a little bit loud, and she looked like she was trying hard to soften herself.

Xu Xin had goosebumps.

He shook his head helplessly:

"Then you're going to be a corpse?"

"Who are you going to kill?"

Liang Binning rolled her eyes with an epic look, and then ignored Xu Xin.

She just casually said that anyone in the film and television industry may be short of films, but she really is not.

However, after this little joke, she still asked:

"When do you plan to open this movie?"

"In the second half of the year, I just made an appointment with Director Li yesterday. He has a movie in the first half of the year, and I will be leaving the second half of the year."

"Li Pingdong?"



Liang Bingning thought for a while and said:

"Don't blame me for talking too much. You've been very busy this year. You can't just be busy with your career, you also have to take care of your family. Children grow up very quickly~"

"I know."

Xu Xin nodded, with the expression on his face like a fool who didn't understand anything:

"So why don't you go back and bring your wife some water to wash her feet?"

"By the way, when are you planning to do it for your first birthday?"

"Chinese New Year. Even the wedding and first birthday are held together."

"Before or after the year?"

"Years ago, my sister-in-law's due date in January coincided with my nephew's full moon, our wedding, and Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang's first birthday. It was three happy events."

"Then I'm not allowed to prepare three gifts?"

"Three pounds of gold is just right."

"Tsk tsk tsk...gold is very expensive now."


The plane landed in Shanghai.

Liang Binning and Qin Hailu are both here. One wants to go back to Hengdian, and the other doesn't know where to go.

Simply, everyone got off the plane here and then transferred to their respective planes.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, waited for the plane to replenish fuel and then flew directly to Shenyang.

When he arrived in Shenyang, Zhao Benshan's Rolls-Royce was still waiting for him. The person who picked him up was still Tian Wa. When he saw Xu Xin, he still looked attentive and was holding a coat in his hand that looked moist and shiny.

When Xu Xin got off the commuter bus, he quickly took a step forward:

"Director Xu, it's cold here, please put it on."

"Hey, thank you."

Xu Xin quickly thanked him, then touched the smooth feel of the fur and asked curiously:

"Is this mink?"


Tian Kubo opened the car door for him and explained:

"Wearing this in winter is much warmer than a down jacket."

Whether it's warm or not, Xu Xin doesn't know yet... but it does feel good.

Decompress by touching it.

As for Tian Kubo's attentiveness... To be honest, it's not necessary.

There is warm air in the car, and the process of putting this mink on and taking it off is just a few steps from the commuter car to the Rolls-Royce.

But sometimes that's just how people are.

When you accept other people's attentiveness, you will make them feel very comfortable.

Not accepting it would seem unreasonable.

Then, Tian Wa helped Su Meng put their suitcases into the commercial car that was following behind.

At first glance, this car is specially designed to store luggage...it can be said to be quite luxurious.

"Where are we going?"

"Jinzhou, Sister Mi and Director Wang are filming there. Director Xu, you can just rest for a while. It's about 200 kilometers away and we'll be there in two hours."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Hey, it should be..."

Tian Kubo started the car smoothly.

The two cars flashed all the way out of the small terminal and headed towards the highway.

The journey was smooth, and although snow could be seen on the highway, the main roads had been cleared.

The two cars drove for 2 hours and arrived at Yixian County under the jurisdiction of Jinzhou.

In "The Grandmaster", the scene where Gong Er shaved off his hair and became a Taoist was shot here.

It gets dark really early in the Northeast. At around 4 o'clock, the sun is already very deep.

When he arrived at Fengguo Temple, the filming location, he happened to meet Yang Mi coming out.

The two faced each other:

"you are back!"

The young woman who originally looked very calm immediately became very happy.


Xu Xin nodded, and when he saw that her hands were slightly red, he clasped them with both hands.

It's cold to the touch.

He quickly started to help his wife rub her hands and asked:

"Is it cold?"

"It's not cold."

As Yang Mi spoke, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but start to rise.

She was proud of her brother's silent and considerate energy.

So rare.

Xu Xin took a look at the busy temple and asked:

"Are you ready to leave?"

"Well, I'm getting ready to get off work. I didn't finish filming today."


"Sunshine won't do."

Yang Mi pursed her lips towards the sky:

"The natural light from the sun did not meet Director Wang's expectations, so I shot it again and the effect was not good."


Following the direction she pointed, Xu Xin glanced at the sun that was gradually disappearing into the horizon, and asked a topic that seemed innocent to Yang Mi:

"Why don't you just look for it?"


Yang Mi didn't respond, but looked like "Are you serious?"

You still don’t know what kind of virtue Wang Jiawei is?

You told me to look for it with light?

If he wants to take it away, do I need to stay here for several days?

So he was too lazy to answer such a mentally retarded question and pulled Xu Xin:

"Elbow, get in the car."

She knew that her husband definitely had no intention of entering the set and saying hello to others.

Ever since he helped Shen Xiaoyang complete the scene involving three rivers, he had tried his best to stay out of the crew.

No director would like others to dictate to his crew.

It's so annoying.

Pulled by her, Xu Xin said hello to Tian Wa to express his gratitude, and then got into the business car with Yang Mi.

After getting in the car, the girls started driving:

"Where's the plate? Have you bought it?"

"Buy shit!"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes directly:

"are you crazy?"

"Tch, that's really boring."

After Su Meng put away her luggage and got into the car, Yang Mi asked Sun Ting to drive quickly. While complaining that her husband was a "useless man", she called Yang Dalin:

"Hey, Dad, Xu Xin is here."

After the announcement, she said with a smile:

"It's going to be stewed in the iron pot tonight!... I thought you had to go back to the factory again."

"Not in a hurry."

Still holding her hand and kneading it, Xu Xin looked at the scenery outside the window and said casually:

"I will go back after the rough cut of "33 Days" is released."

"I received a lot of congratulatory text messages from last night to today. How about you?"

"Received it too."

From last night to now, his two mobile phones combined have received at least a hundred congratulatory text messages.

It was all handled by Su Meng and he was too lazy to worry about it.

"I really didn't expect it...a best actor and a best actress...I saw that you weren't very excited at the award ceremony. What were you thinking about at that time?"

"I was wondering if I could win more awards... Where is our dad now?"

"Yanjing. The busiest early winter for Shenmu has passed. After it calmed down, he went to Yanjing to take care of his sister-in-law while I was filming. It was also quick for me to finish filming the scene of worshiping Tao. I should be able to go back and rest for ten days and a half... Director Wang feels that the setting is not good and the fake snow is not as good as the real snow, so he has to wait until December or January when the snow is the heaviest before going to the train station to shoot Gong Er and Ma The role of three.”

When the couple met, some trivial family matters rippled through the carriage.

The car drove dozens of kilometers and returned to JZ city, finally arriving at a villa area.

"Teacher Motoyama also found this place. Not to mention...the house is very comfortable in the winter in the Northeast."

Holding Xu Xin's hand, the two entered the house while chatting.

Then he heard a "dong dong dong" sound, and the little princess, who was only a year old but already walking smoothly, ran over.

When she saw her mother, she smiled first.

Then when she saw her uncle next to her mother...she was stunned.

Only then did he realize that this uncle seemed to be his father.



The direction that she originally rushed toward her mother suddenly changed and she threw herself into Xu Xin's arms.


He picked up his precious daughter and took a big sip on her face.

The milky scent of the child immediately made him feel at ease.

Then... Yangyang, who still needed to be held by his grandma to walk smoothly, was naturally held in his arms.

The weight of the two children plus one piece weighs about forty pounds, which is quite heavy.

But it was this heaviness that made Xu Xin's whole body feel warm.

He really thought about not seeing the two children for more than a month.

He simply held the two children in his arms and refused to let go, allowing the siblings to kiss and grab him.

No one can take these two babies away from their father’s arms...

Less than three minutes after making this vow, Yang Mi, who took the time to change into home clothes, shouted from the second floor of the villa:

"Hey, you two, come up and eat."

Before the slightly unfamiliar Xu Sanjin could react, he saw the two little piglets struggling to get out of his arms and climb to the second floor.

Xu Xin quickly picked up the child again and looked at his wife with her arms folded across her chest and a proud look on her face...


Indeed, even my own father cannot stop the enthusiasm of the cook.

Now I can see it.

But... I, Mr. Xu, also want to work, count me in!

Holding the two babies in his arms, he walked upstairs in a hurry.

Hey hey hey, the female donor... I, Lao Xu, is here.

"Have you seen that picture?"


"Just one golden retriever gave birth to many puppies, and as soon as the puppies started eating, they lay down on the ground with a look of despair on their faces, with their arms and legs spread out..."

"No...but I can more or less imagine the scene. What's wrong?"

"Don't you realize that I am just like it now?"

Yang Mi, who was lying on her back with her sister lying on her left side and her younger brother lying on her right side, made an expression of despair...

"I feel like I'm about to be fucked."


Xu Xin just smiled but said nothing.

He just rested his head on his wife's shoulder and leaned his head close to his son's body to smell the familiar milky scent.

"One and a half years old, stop breastfeeding, okay?"


"But I can't bear to let it go...then...sometimes I'm annoyed in the middle of the night. When you're not here, both children are looking for me. Sometimes in the middle of the night, if I can't feed one of them, the two of them will fight over each other. When they cry, I couldn't bear it anymore. But as I lay flat for a long time, they became heavier and heavier, so much that I couldn't breathe..."


Listening to his wife's complaints, in fact...he has experienced these things.

Or witnessed it.

It's just that in the past, I could help her.

If one child wants to eat and another child cries, he can hold him in his arms and comfort him.

But this time I leave...

Thinking of this, he no longer leaned against his son, but put his nose in front of the side of his wife's face.

Her hair smells great.

The shampoo smell is very strong.

But what is even stronger is the natural fragrance on my body.

It's not really a body scent, but he's been smelling it for several years.

Putting his nose to her ear, he whispered:

"I'm really too busy this year. I'm going to make you suffer~... Next year I'm scheduled to film "Sunspot" in the second half of the year. Before then, I won't go anywhere, I'll just stay with you, okay?"


The tips of the young woman's ears began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After shrinking her neck and letting out a laugh, she said:

"You still have to work normally... But let's not say anything about two movies in the next year, okay? If you can't open your mouth, I'll talk to Xu Yang and the others. The first half of "Hawthorn Tree", the second half Half a year of "33 Days", I'm really annoyed that I can't touch you every day..."

As she said that, she took the initiative to turn her head, without aiming at the correct position, and smacked directly into her husband's eyes.

"I'm not complaining... In fact, you occasionally go on business trips and I'm quite happy with the three of us sharing the same bed without you. But it can't last long... One or two days is fine, but three or five days is fine for me. I miss you so much...especially at night, when I was half asleep changing their diapers..."


He put his arms around her neck and pulled his wife's head into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her... an absolutely taboo topic in the family.

That is... my wife's upward-moving hairline.

He responded:

"From now on, when the King of Heaven comes, we can only do one movie a year. At most, we can be a producer for other movies, okay?"

After saying that, he quickly corrected it:

"I'm talking about me. If you say... you can act in as many movies as you want and do whatever you want, okay?"


The pampering from her lover made her bones feel a little soft now.

I just felt that the small grievances and complaints I had had were nothing compared to the doting revealed in this sentence.

And when her emotions come up now, she becomes impulsive easily.

On impulse...

Just a little restless.


"You two, get out of here!"


Hearing this movement, Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Then he watched this sister open the bedroom door with a flourish:


After shouting twice, regardless of whether the mother-in-law heard it or not, she turned around and came back... Just like a blind bear holding a child, she tucked the two cubs into the creaking nest and brought them to the door. She put her nimble toes on them. Press and pull the door handle.

After the door opened, the two little boys, who didn't know what was going on, were "thrown" out by Yang Mi.

Looking at her mother going upstairs, Yang Mi waved her hand:

"Mom, let my dad stew the goose for a little longer. It will be delicious."

After saying that, the door was closed directly.

He took off the clover short-sleeved T-shirt on his upper body and threw it to the ground casually.

Then, the sister put her hands on her hips and looked like a stingy landowner with a sinister look on her face, and pointed at her man:

"Sanjinzi (ZA), how is the harvest this year?!"

have to.

The time has come for the long-term workers to pay rent to the landlord's family.

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