I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 615 613 Flowers Hidden Under the Leaves

Chapter 615 613. Flowers hidden under leaves

"I'm asking you something. Answer me sincerely and let me assess the seriousness of the matter."


Yang Mi on the other end of the phone was stunned, and subconsciously sat up straight:

"What happened?... The three of them playing with girls were photographed by the paparazzi? Who took the lead? What are those girls like?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three people in the car turned a little green.

Wang Sicong couldn't help but come over:

"Why can't it be your wife Xu who makes the mistake? Why should it be us!"

"If you find someone who is prettier than me, has a better figure, and can fight, I'm willing to let him make mistakes."

Yang Mi's half-smiling voice came from the speaker.

As for Xu Xin... he pushed Wang Sicong's face away and said:

"To be honest with you."

"...are the three of them in trouble?"

"To be precise...it's the wheel. It's causing a lot of trouble."

"……what happened?"

Yang Mi's voice finally became formal.

Jay Chou, on the other hand, rolled his eyes and leaned on his seat to listen.

Even... Dani started to slow down, wanting to make the noise of the car less so that she could hear it clearly.

Then...Xu Xin asked:

"Let me take me as an example. If I give my ex-girlfriend..."

"Yuan Shanshan?"


"Oh yo?"

"What a fool!?"

Xu Xin hasn't done anything yet, but the three live dads are just like the ADC in the bottom lane who saw a large wave of troops, and his face wants to be smacked into his mobile phone.

At this moment, the three of them are like Columbus discovering a new world, Goblin discovering new meat... a new princess!

Something was wrong with the look in Xu Xin's eyes.


Xu Xinxin said...you prodigal bitch...

I really want to beat you to death!

So, he simply didn’t understand what he was saying and continued:

"Suppose I wrote a song for my ex-girlfriend and then shot a MV. When I was shooting the MV, I fell in love with the heroine of the MV and wanted her to be my current girlfriend... I want to ask this What level of disaster is this for the girl...Should we simply issue an early warning? Or..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yang Mi gave the answer:

"Do you still remember that book you recommended to me some time ago..."The Best Collection of Chinese Science Fiction Novels in 2000"?"

"...what's wrong?"

"There is a novel in it. The author is called Liu...Liu Cixin? He has a disaster novel that I particularly like. It's about the sun expanding and the earth planning to move..."

""The Wandering Earth"?"

"Yes, yes, that's the book... If you can, let the wheel start building a planetary engine now. The farther he wanders, the better. It's better never to come back. RUN FAST, RUN FAR!"




At this moment, in Jay Chou's eyes, the heads of these three people were like... puppets.

As his head turned, he could even hear the "squeaking" sound of the puppet's joints rubbing against each other.

Looking at these three pairs of dead, dull, lifeless eyes, his face turned pale.

You three are a bit scary!

He swallowed subconsciously.


Trying to speak.

But he couldn't speak. He only felt that his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't get up or get down.

At this time, Yang Mi on the other end of the phone said again:



"Come back quickly. Don't get blood all over you. It's not a good idea."

"Well, okay, I'll be back tomorrow."

Xu Xin responded and hung up the phone.

Then he stopped looking at Jay Chou and turned to the other two people and asked:

"When are you two going to leave?"

"I... can do it."

Lang Lang shrugged:

"I just have a bag, pick it up and leave. Where are you, Lao Wang?"

"Let's get together tomorrow. I haven't been to the land of right and wrong for a while now, how about it?"

"I think it's okay, Wanwan's rusty smell is really a bit strong..."

"Another bloody storm..."


"Worth! Thousands! Gold!"

"It doesn't matter if you go up to the mountain of knives and go down to the sea of ​​fire..."

"It's been a long journey, and it seems that I'll be keeping company with these two dear friends from now on."

"Hahaha, you and I, three brothers, wandering around the world and being at home all over the world are also beautiful things in life~"

"Oh, it's a pity that our brothers Zhou..."

"Hey, Brother Wang, what you said is wrong. This person will kill himself if he does too many unjust things. There is nothing to say. Let's just let it go..."

Seeing that the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang were about to become sworn brothers in Taoyuan, Jay Chou's lips twitched...

Finally sighed:


What to do?

He looked at the scenery outside the window, speechless.

To be honest, Xu Xin also thinks the wheel is quite brave.

How dare you do this?

Although there is a relationship involved... but it would be too bold to let a girl you are pursuing act in the MV of you and your ex-girlfriend.

Of course, this is not a big deal.

The focus of this matter is not just about the MV.

After joking, Xu Xin said:

"I won't ask you about your current progress, but I have to give you some advice."


"...The suggestion is not right, it should be said to be a mandatory requirement."

"...tell me?"

"Control yourself."

Xu Xin said seriously:

"You are not a nobody. Having a relationship with a minor...if you can get to the end with her, it doesn't matter. But...what if...then...this matter may become the thing that destroys your life. bomb."

Following his words, Wang Sicong and Lang Lang's faces became solemn after they reacted:

"That's right, Lun'er...you have to pay attention."

"Be sure to pay attention!"


After being stunned for a moment, Jay Chou immediately understood what the three people meant and nodded:

"Don't worry, I know."

"Well, you just have to know it in your mind. It takes two people together for a while to determine whether the other person is the one for them... and today's society is very impetuous. Some things may not seem like much at the time, but they can become hidden dangers at any time later. .So...you promise?"

Hearing A Xin's words, he smiled slightly:

"Yeah, I promise."

There is no need to talk so much about the relationship between the four people and analyze so many pros and cons.

Since he agreed, the three people believed him.

Because he promised it.

Early on the morning of the 22nd, the three of them packed up and went their separate ways.

Lang Lang's last activity this year was in the United States.

And everyone also agreed on the time for "Lang Lang Ri".

Meet in Miami on December 1st.

After a few gentlemen spent a week enjoying a shameless vacation, they just didn't miss the finals of "The Voice" on December 11.

Jay Chou didn't see them off, but instead ran to the company in a hurry.

Went to reshoot the MV for "How Are You".

At noon on the 22nd, after Xu Xin arrived in Yanjing, he returned directly to his empty home.

My wife is still filming the fight scene between Gong Er and Ma San in the Northeast, so she hasn't come back yet. My sister-in-law must have gone to do yoga... As for the old man, I don’t know where he went.

With nothing to do, he took the printed enlarged version of the wheel and the photo of Aunt Ye and sat in front of the easel in the living room.

He asked someone from the company to help him buy the easel, and he planned to practice using it first.

Looking at the white canvas in front of him, and then at the photo he took, he held a pencil in his hand and thought for a moment, then used a ruler to draw a proportional line on the drawing paper.

I typed both horizontally and vertically, and then I drew a rough outline of the character on top.

It is true that he has never studied painting, so it is a bit difficult for him to paint according to standard techniques.

But he always had an intuition about the drawing board.

This kind of intuition allows him to easily transform what he is thinking or seeing into the appearance on the drawing paper through the outline of lines.

As for the angle, shadow, etc... no one told him.

However, he just knows how to draw.

I don’t know if this is considered a talent in the painting world.

After finishing the proportion lines, he glanced at the printed photo stuck on another small shelf and began to outline the approximate location.

The one in the middle is Richter's painting.

Below is the sofa.

Two sitting humanoid silhouettes on the left and right...

With just a few strokes, everything is there.

Then he began to carve it carefully.

Take a pencil and start sketching carefully.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Li Hao, Zhang Qian, and Xu Daqiang walked into the house carrying large and small bags.

Seeing Xu Xin, the three of them were stunned.

"You're back?"

Hearing this sound, Xu Xin came back to his senses, turned around and saw the old man coming back, and temporarily put down the brush:

"Well, Dad, I'm hungry."


Xu Daqiang nodded and didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Ever since he was little, my son always said this when he saw his father.

Zhang Qian walked over curiously and asked in surprise:

"Yeah, Sanjin, I started painting again."

In the past, when she and Xu Miao first started dating, her brother-in-law drew a sketch for her.

The painting is still at home.

Especially beautiful.

Then she saw the printed photo.

"This is……"

"Jielun asked me to help him draw a picture using this chapter's photos, and he wants to hang it at home."

"oh oh."

Zhang Qian stopped talking and stood next to him with her belly puffed out, watching.

Until Xu Daqiang came out.



"The wedding will be held at our ancestral hall, what did Mimi say?"

"She doesn't have any objections. Follow our family rules."

"Oh, that's fine. Then I'll just check the date when I get back, and then make a big collection of contacts."

"Want to get some collection?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Xu Daqiang nodded:

"Ang, there are many happy events, let's make a party lively."

The set the two of them are talking about is a big set.

The kind of market where you go to the market.

Generally speaking, it was an old rule in the past that if a family was welcoming a bride, they would entertain their neighbors for a banquet.

It is this kind of rule that Xu Daqiang continues.

In the past, Xujiawan was poor, and birds did not poop because they could not lay eggs.

Not to mention the large gatherings for weddings and funerals, even setting up a few tables for banquets is a struggle.

But now that you have money, these old rules have become a... let's call it a way to show off.

Make a set, put out things like hooping, throwing balls, juggling monkeys, etc., and then set up a few tables of "bottle wine".

As for the folks who come to participate, they don’t want your money.

He said some auspicious words, such as a good marriage and a son soon, and then sat at the banquet, ate his fill with good wine and food, wiped his mouth and left.

For no other reason than to accumulate good karma.

They are all from the village. When my child is born, for the sake of the elders who have had wine before, no matter what happens, for the sake of this friendship, please don't embarrass the child.

That's probably what it means.

Of course, this kind of thing also has a purpose in ancient times and modern times.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about the banquet after the child is born. You all know that my family has a son and has watched the child grow up. If a bad person encounters a kid and is kidnapped, don’t say stop me. Come and let me know. It’s all mutual affection.

So... this kind of old rule seems very feudal at first glance, but in fact, all kinds of rules have been understood by the ancestors.

This kind of wedding and funeral gatherings are rare in Shenmu, but there are quite a few.

It is rare because it costs too much. The minimum set is three days, and the longest is seven days.

During this period, the money for asking Baoshi to perform crafts was one share, and the money for eating, drinking and meat was another share. The expenses were very high.

If you're from a wealthy family, you have to be in charge, right?

No matter how the table is made of flowing water, it must be fully prepared for frying and frying.

Not to mention wine.

Are you embarrassed to go out without setting up a table?

Most people can't afford it.

Therefore, those who can afford such a large scale operation are wealthy families.

And not everyone is qualified.

It all depends on where you choose the location of the market, whose land you use, whether you are qualified to hold a market in your own family, etc.

But it would definitely be no problem when it comes to Xu Daqiang.

This is a triple blessing for his family.

The oldest child is one month old, and the second youngest is getting married and has a birthday party.

I couldn't stop watching this episode for seven days.

It happens to be busy at the end of the year, which is good.

"Okay, let's make a collection, what else can we do?"

"Don't worry about it. Let's talk to your father-in-law later. All the relatives over there have arranged to go to Sanya to celebrate the New Year this year. We have agreed. This year, my friend has a friend there named... Shenwolong Bay or We even have a resort in Wollongong. We all go there for vacation."


"Ang, what about vacation?"

"Yang Mi originally wanted to send some shopping cards to relatives at home."

"Shopping cards...get them too. Is it 18,800 per person? Ask Mimi to count how many people there are, including children, big and small. Get one for each person and give it to them in advance. Receive the card. I’m not afraid of going through trouble anymore. Our home is far away, and if people don’t want to come, then there will be few people, which will make Mimi feel unhappy.”


A few words between the two of you may cost thousands of dollars.

But Xu Daqiang didn't feel distressed at all.

Married someone else's daughter.

How can I express my joy of having a daughter and the importance I attach to other people's children without showing some attitude?

These rules are also based on the rules left down by the ancestors. If you are a girl from the capital, no matter what, you are getting married.

Don't dare to fool me.

Tieling, afternoon.

Diaobingshan Railway Station.

Although the coal stove in the waiting room is burning brightly, the warmth is really limited for such a large space.

Yang Mi, wearing a mink, exhaled again towards her reddish hands.


In front of her, Yuan Heping was helping Zhang Jin tie up the fenders.

There are many protective boards in front of the three people, including foam, acrylic, and bamboo.

At this moment, what was tied to Zhang Jin's body was an acrylic shield.

After he was tied up and put on the cotton mandarin jacket, Yuan Heping went up and "BANGBANG" and punched his apprentice twice.



"...I was a little shocked, and the buttons were very tight on both sides."

Hearing this, Yuan Heping nodded and said to Yang Mi:

"Mimi, come and try."


Following Yang Mi's agreement, Xu Haofeng, Zhou Jingzhi, and Wang Jiawei also looked over.

Even Philippe Lesu's camera was set up.

Standing in front of Zhang Jin, Yang Mi asked:

"Director, come normally?"

Wang Jiawei nodded while looking at the monitor:

"Well, let's go through it first, be gentle, and let's find the most suitable level of force."


Yang Mi looked at Zhang Jin:

"ready or Not?"

"Huh... come on."

Zhang Jin took a deep breath and put on a slightly defensive, but wide-open posture.

Yang Mi nodded again, rubbed her hands, and said:

"Here we go, first right and then left."

After reminding her, she took a step forward normally, switched her palms with one move, and stabbed Zhang Jin's right lymph node.

If this move is performed normally, the hand will actually be quite dark.

As long as you hit it, just press it, and anyone with a little finger strength can remove a large piece of meat.

However, the two of them were playing tricks together, so there was no such thing as that.

She hit her to the right, and Zhang Jin turned to the left to avoid it.

Then Yang Mi had just retracted her right palm, and her left palm had already been punched out.

Zhang Jin hid to the right again.

Then he pushed his hand along Yang Mi's left arm.

The two of them were dancing in a pas de deux. Following his push, Yang Mi took off and turned around in mid-air.

In the crowd and on the scene, when she turned around, she used a very weird way of exerting force. She made a Qinglong downward movement in the air, and then her whole body moved rhythmically, twisting the left shoulder placed behind her as the axis. …

He twisted his shoulders, followed the twisting force, and pushed his right palm directly towards Zhang Jin's stomach.


An extremely clear hum.

That energy came out immediately!



The acrylic panel hidden under the cotton made a dull sound.

Zhang Jin also felt suffocated and exhausted.

Yang Mi's move is called Hiding Flowers Under the Leaves in the script.

But in fact, there is no such trick in Baguazhang...or rather, it is not in the Baguazhang she learned.

The origin of this move is the name of a move called "Circulation Gate".

This move is not a palm, but a punch.

Liuliumen is a school that came out of the Wudang Hongmen boxing palace. The so-called hidden flowers at the bottom of the leaves do not require the Qinglong attack, but a defensive counterattack. When the opponent attacks with a straight punch in the upper frame, block it directly with your left palm, and then hit the chest and ribs with your right hand in the middle frame.

It's not shady, it's a very decent move in Hongmen Boxing.

Open and close.

But...its move has a nice name.

"Flowers hidden under leaves"


Much art.

Especially poking at Director Wang’s heart.

So it was moved over.

But Yang Mi's overall technique is actually "Baguazhang + Xingyiquan".

That "collapse" of stepping force in mid-air is one of Xingyi Quan - a variant of Five Elements Quan.

To put it bluntly, this trick was all made up by Yuan Heping.

But you have to admit...

It looks really nice to fight.

With the Bagua steps, Yang Mi is like a dancing dragon, with the last effort to break through all kinds of magic, combining strength and softness.

It looks great.

In order to pursue a realistic effect, Wang Jiawei required that this punch be a real punch. However, this scene can be dubbed later, so the sound of Zhang Jin's guard belt will be fine.

After punching him, he quickly took a few breaths and nodded to Yuan Heping:

"It's better than bubbles. As long as you hold it in for a breath, nothing else will matter."

Hearing this, Yuan Heping looked at Wang Jiawei.

After watching the footage several times, Wang Jiawei shook his head:

"Mimi, you have to be more forceful. Ah Jin, you have to be beaten back by her, instead of holding on to this breath."

"Uh...do you want to be stronger?"

Yang Mi asked with some uncertainty.

Wang Jiawei nodded:

"Yes, that's right. That kind of hitting feeling is not strong enough."


Yang Mi nodded and said to Zhang Jin:

"Then let's do it again. This time I'm going to use more strength. You're going to be so angry~"


Zhang Jin responded.

Then, the two of them did it again in the same way.

Right palm, left palm, block, push...


This time, Yang Mi did not complete the palm change in the air, but apparently stepped forward with her feet on the ground.

The sound was much louder.

Zhang Jin also made no defensive moves, but after taking a deep breath, he only heard a "bang!" sound, and the breath spurted out of his mouth, causing him to step back uncontrollably.

After staggering a few steps, he was supported in the arms of the onlookers.

"Cough cough cough... vomit..."

He retched, and Yang Mi quickly stepped forward:

"What's going on? Are you okay?"


He shook his head, lifted up his clothes and looked at the acrylic board.

Due to the good ductility of acrylic, the guard plate did not crack, but a few white lines similar to creases were clearly visible.

Seeing this, he asked very gentlemanly:

"Is your hand okay?"

"It's not bad, there are clothes to block it...it hurts a little, but it's not hurt."

Yang Mi stretched out her increasingly red right hand.

As the objects of "hitting and being hit", the two people's feelings are the clearest.

This acrylic board...

It's already a little soft.

The defense is not as good as before.

Then the two of them looked at Wang Jiawei again, but Wang Jiawei still shook his head:

"The feeling of hitting is there...but the softness is gone...Mimi, I want that...softness with strength, a combination of strength and softness...the move you just made was made by stepping on the ground. Yes, not good. I want to punch like the first one, complete the turn in the air, and then use force. I want to punch like this for the second..."


Yang Mi thought for a while and nodded:

"Then come again..."

With that said, she said to Zhang Jin:

"Are you going to replace the mezzanine one? I'm going to use the screwing one this time!"

Outsiders wonder what this so-called "twisting" means.

But Zhang Jin and Yuan Heping both understand.

Therefore, Zhang Jin said cooperatively:

"Then I'll push harder."


So, after another busy chatter, Zhang Zhen put on the shock-absorbing guard plate with double sponges, and the two faced each other again.

While he was preparing, Yang Mi kept doing a kind of "wanting to move but then stopping" movement.

The rapid but brief movement of her breathing through her nose could be heard throughout the set.




Yuan Heping broke into a cold sweat when he saw it.

Sun Binquan?

Xinyi Liuhe Quan?

Or what kind of punch?

... No matter what kind of boxing it is, this kind of energy is the most basic method of internal boxing.

Didn't she say it herself... She said that everything Yu Lao taught her was just pretentious...

Are you serious about your power-generating skills?

Is this also called a flower stand?

What kind of internal boxing do you, a girl, do?

So, when it starts again...

"Mimi... be gentle."

"Yeah, I know."

Yang Mi, who had sweat on her forehead and the tip of her nose, responded with a smile.

But Zhang Jin said:

"It's okay, you fight!"

"Uh... ok."

Yang Mi nodded and took a deep breath.


Right palm!

Left palm!

Side push!

With Zhang Jin's cooperation, Yang Mi's shoulders made a powerful movement that blurred the Qinglong downward movement, but her left shoulder drove the muscles of her body, causing her chest under the cheongsam to tremble wildly.



Zhang Jin instantly took three steps back.

His face turned pale.

Wang Jiawei nodded slightly.

Well, this is the right picture...this is the feeling.

Just thinking about it...


Zhang Jin covered his stomach and bent down.


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