I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 619 617League of Legends

Chapter 619 617.League of Legends

"Coming! Hurry, everything is ready."

On the second floor of the villa, Lang Lang, who heard the noise and poked his head out, saw three people getting out of the car and said hello with a smile.

"hold head high."

Xu Xin waved his hand and walked into the villa carrying the box.

He led the charge.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw a big color TV!

And Dante posing on the color TV.

Next to the TV, the PS3 is still humming and working hard to dissipate heat.

At the same time, there was a leftover pizza box, Coke cans, champagne and goblets in an ice bucket on the table...

Then there is a pool table in the corner of the first floor. The balls on it are scattered around, and it looks like they have been played.



It tastes right.

Without saying a word, he went straight to the pool table, gathered the balls together, and said to the two people who walked in behind:

"I'm with O'Sullivan in northern Shaanxi. Please leave your name when you come!"

Hearing this, Wang Sicong laughed:

"Haha, if you don't want to change your name, I'm Dalian Durex! I'm here to ask for advice!"

"Let's fight...huh?"

Xu Xin, who suddenly felt something was wrong, was stunned.

But Wang Sicong had already picked up the club from the rack, positioned the ball and hit it with one shot.

"BANG! Dong Dong Dong Dong..."

When the last ball stopped and no one was scored, Wang Sicong was not discouraged. He just raised his head proudly:

"You can recognize this formation!"


Xu Xin looked solemn, thought for a moment, and nodded slightly:

“Dalian Durex is truly worthy of its reputation.”

You can't even score a ball.

"Fart, it's Dalian Davis!"

Wang Sicong, who completely didn't notice that it was him who was the one who made the mistake, was speechless.

Jay Chou, on the other hand, had already walked out of the bathroom. He glanced at the two of them and without saying a word, he directly carried his suitcase and entered a guest room on the first floor.

Strangely enough, the three of them never even thought of going up to the second floor.

No matter what the old wolf is doing...he does whatever he likes.

The three fathers are all on the first floor. If you don’t come down, eldest son, then your father will go up to look for you. You won’t be able to bear it!

Soon, the door opened again.

Jay Chou put on a pair of beach shorts and stepped on the pull-up board and walked out.

When I came to the table, I picked up the champagne in the ice bucket and took a look...

Then without warning, it opened with a "bang".

After taking two big gulps directly into the mouth of the bottle...



O'Sullivan in northern Shaanxi was taken aback. He hit a shot and it went sideways.

"You must be really sick! Why are ghosts crying and wolves howling!"

While talking, he took advantage of Dalian Durex's head to move the No. 3 ball that was stuck in the side library to the mouth of the bag.

Dalian Durex didn't notice it, but smiled all over his face:

"Is this champagne opened? Pour me a glass too..."


Jay Chou responded, carrying the wine bottle, casually picking up a cup, pouring more than half of it, and walked over with it:


"Leave it there, I'll drink it later."

"Are you sure? The champagne bubbles disappear very quickly."

"Don't worry~"

Dalian Durex glanced at the three good balls in the lower left pocket and sneered.

But don't expose it.

This plate is under control.

Sure enough, when the last black 8 hit, he picked up the cup and shook it slightly...

The golden champagne was filled with bubbles again.


The wine is still warm~

"Next person!"

Perhaps because the money was not enough, the Shaanbei Rockets angrily handed the club to Wanwan Selby.

Only then did I remember that Lang Lang hadn’t come down yet:

"What is the old wolf doing up there?"

"I don't know, just go take a look... and help me carry my luggage up."


"I can win, okay?"


have to.

Xu Xin lost his temper at this time and obediently carried two large boxes and walked upstairs.

I thought to myself, Lao Wang, there is a big girl in this suitcase?

So heavy.

After huffing and puffing up the stairs, he shouted:

"Old Wolf, where are you?"

"Here it is. Lao Xu, come quickly!"

Hearing the noise, Xu Xin didn't rush to find a room and followed the sound directly to the door of a room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lang Lang with his headphones half on, sitting in front of the computer playing a game he had never seen before.

"What is this?"

"League of Legends."

Lang Lang came up with a string of English words, and Xu Xin also walked up to him.

Just saw... He was controlling a little man with a knife in his hand, slashing at a strangely long monster.

As soon as the monster was chopped to death, a blue circle appeared under his feet.

Then Xu Xin didn't understand what was going on. Lang Lang walked directly up the road with circles under his feet. After passing a few bushes, he fought with a hero holding a big sword in his hand.

After a period of strange skills, there was a sudden "bang", and a giant sword fell from the sky, and the bright screen turned into black and white.

The blue circle also appeared under the character with residual health.

"Fuck! That's outrageous! He's so meaty!"

Lang Lang cursed and clicked the mouse a few times in annoyance.

And through observation, Xu Xin roughly understood that this game... seems to be similar to DOTA.

So he asked:

"Why don't you play DOTA anymore?"

"I can't play. The delay in logging in to the domestic platform is very high, and I can't play at all. Then I play the Battle.net platform here, all foreigners, they are not passionate about playing, and it is not interesting. I have been playing this for the past two days. "

"That's because you're not good at it."

Xu Xin exposed his "lies" without mercy.

He knows very well what level Lao Lang is playing in DOTA.

That was suddenly dragged into the trap by a few people.

The prestige of Steel Hand Carl still flows on VS to this day.

He's just a last-ditch guy, but his technique isn't solid and he doesn't have his own ideas.

It's fine if someone leads and directs him to play the 4th or 5th position, but if no one directs him, he will just wander around like a headless fly.

If this kind of teammate is led by a powerful boss, Yang Mi, it will be hard to tell.

But in solo queue, his stupidity is guaranteed to make his teammates angry before he can make him cry.

And Lang Lang was a little unconvinced when he saw him exposing himself mercilessly...but he couldn't refute. Because you dare to refute, you will be invited by Xu Xin:

"Hot chicken, if you don't accept it, come and search the building!"

After being beaten again and again, this bastard would definitely show off to the two bastards below him.

Therefore, the best way is to endure.

You tell me, I can bear it.

As long as you don't scold me!

So, without answering the conversation, he ran out of the spring again with a knife as the character was resurrected.

Xu Xin looked at him and asked curiously:

"What's the name of this guy you're playing with?"

"Master of Swordsman... Sword Master, so to speak."

"Yo? Have you switched to CARRY?"

"No, it's Ginger Dog."

"...What the hell?"

"Jiang...Jungle! Do you understand? Grow in the jungle and then support the three lanes. This game is different from DOTA. The top lane and the middle lane are one-on-one, and the bottom lane is CARRY and support. It is purely a competition of basic skills. , you can’t deny it yet… Anyway, it’s quite simple to play.”

As soon as he explained this, Xu Xin understood and nodded:

"Hmm, sounds like it would suit you."


I just said, if you criticize me, I will tolerate it, as long as you don't scold me.

But what does this mean to you now?

What's the difference between you and scolding me?

You scold me? !

I...I can't bear it!

Lang Lang stopped answering, and instead extended an invitation:

"Play a game? Let me teach you. This game is very simple. I have already played the game for you."


Xu Xin turned on the computer without saying anything:

"I'll get some water, what do you want to drink?"

"No, there is it here."

After Lang Lang finished speaking, he released the mouse and touched his hand downwards...

Xu Xin looked in the direction of his hand.

A small insulated box came into view.

The lid is open...

"Are you drinking Coke? Gatorade? Or something..."


Okay, it tastes more right!

He walked over to pick and choose, and finally chose a bottle of cherry-flavored drink.

While waiting for the phone to turn on, he looked at the drink can in his hand, pulled the tab, took a sip, and nodded slightly:

"Not to mention, it tastes pretty good... but the name Laomei is really weird. Bah po~ How do you translate this word? Paper? Newspaper? Newspaper brand cherry soda?"


Lang Lang twitched the corner of his mouth and was about to explain, but immediately rolled his eyes.

Grandma's, I can't bear it!

"Yes, newspaper card. When they drink this, they don't say "Bring me a drink" or anything like that. They just say: Hey, that newspaper. I'll give you this drink."

"Good guy~"

Xu Xin nodded with wonder and continued to be a curious baby:

"Then what if I go buy a newspaper? The kind of newspaper I read, what should I say?"

"Uh... Then you have to say News, N, E, W, S, you know?"

"Hmm! News...then I want to watch TV news?"


Lang Lang opened his mouth and said:

"Then you said you wanted to watch TV."

"Then I want to watch a TV series..."

"What the hell are you talking about! Hurry, have you seen the document on the desktop? That's the account I registered for you with the IDs of friends around you. Choose one yourself, log in, and go through the novice tutorial first... "


Seeing his impatient look, Xu Xin started to log in to the game client.

Then because of the language barrier, he could only fumble around under Lang Lang's guidance.

When passing the novice tutorial, the hero chose the guy with the giant sword.

According to Lang Lang's words, his Q skill is to kill people. After taking a fancy to someone, others will be silent. The W skill is damage reduction, the E skill is a windmill, and the R skill is a warrior killing skill in World of Warcraft.

Then what summoner skills does he have, runes and the like...

Because it didn't make sense, he simply helped Xu Xin operate it for a while.

D skill is for running fast. When activated, it will speed up.

The F skill is to add blood to yourself.

Then Xu Xin happily went to the novice tutorial.

Frankly speaking, Xu Xin missed a few soldiers as soon as he got started.

But he basically got used to it later.

It's okay, it doesn't require particularly complicated operations like DOTA, but it's quite simple.

There are only four skills, QWER.

Equipment is also a synthesis system.

The most important thing is that there is no way to block troops and no need to deny.

After Xu Xin took a second look, he understood that the control of the army line in this game actually consisted of two points.

One is to use skills to push quickly, and the other is to get stuck in a favorable position and hit one after another.

It is the most basic line control skill in DOTA, but it is too easy.

Especially since he still plays the No. 3 Martyr Road.

The most basic quality is how to grasp some shadows and details to control the line of troops when you are regarded as an orphan.

These are too simple for him.

What's more, this guy with a huge sword like a door panel also has a passive skill that can restore health by squatting in the grass.

Hey, if this skill was put into DOTA... wouldn't position 3 have to call him daddy?

The only pity is that... the map operability of this game is not high. The classic DOTA operations such as walking around the woods, blocking the field of vision, hiding to gain experience, etc. cannot be solved...


Holding a cigarette in one hand, Xu Xin used the mouse to move back and forth to do the finishing touches without even using the A button with the other hand. He looked at the 20 yuan worth of income and had a thought in his mind:

"Surprisingly...it's very simple."

Ever since, after Lao Lang's game of Juggernaut ended humiliatingly on 3/9/1, Xu Xin's side was already skillful.

The two immediately started a game online.

He directly locked onto Brother Jujian... Through Lao Lang's translation, he found out that this hero was named Galen.

But the person chosen by the opponent was a little girl.

At the beginning of the match, Xu Xin watched the girl casually throw a fire, and he lost one health skill, and there was a question mark on his forehead.

However, relying on the health-regenerating characteristics of the grass and the red medicine, he followed DOTA's habit of raising orphans on the Martyr's Road, hiding in the grass to gain experience, and barely evened the score.

And because he hid in the grass at the beginning and tricked the sister named Annie, and with the addition of Q, he went to chop the girl... Annie returned to the city once, and he reached level six first.

Open W first, then Q! Then drive the windmill around and around, wait for the windmill to finish and make a Q...

Annie instantly lost her health and started to run back.

Xu Xin chased after him and pressed R desperately. After being circled by Annie, he also reached the sixth level. Then, after teleporting a short distance in his eyes, a bear hit him with a backhand.

Then there was a set of combos that he couldn't understand, which knocked him out.


He was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, he pressed R before he was killed.

A giant sword fell from the sky, and I got it for 300 yuan.

The old wolf who had been paying attention to Xu Xin and saw him almost killing someone alone on his first play said with jealous eyes:

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. She is very powerful at Level 6. She can make people faint."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier! ...Also, what is her skill that allows her to teleport a short distance forward? A prop or a skill? It looks like a jumping knife."


Lang Lang rolled his eyes and said:

"That's her own skill. You're a hero that's too bulky, and you don't have it... And you're pretty good at it. You sprint, and then give yourself blood. Maybe you won't die. Tsk, you're really good. .”


Only then did Xu Xin suddenly remember... Oh, yes, he still had two useless skills.



My pot.

It's really my cup of tea.

"What should I do?"

"You're a hero who kills people hard and attacks!"

The old wolf's eyes were a little evasive.

But Xu Xin didn't notice and just nodded:

"I understand! Then why don't you buy this sword that returns ten points of health when you kill someone? This one costs 475?"


"But this thing doesn't seem to be compatible with equipment. I think other small items can be matched..."

"It's cost-effective. You buy it in the early stage, and then sell it in the store when you change it."

"……you sure?"

It would be better if he didn't say the next sentence... As soon as Xu Xin mentioned selling the store, he started to murmur in his heart.

Everyone who plays DOTA knows that if you buy something for 1,000, you can sell it to the store for 500.

This is obviously an economic loss.

Only fools do this.

Is this game designed to be so anti-human?

Then, he glanced at Lang Lang's sword master.

"...What is that that you produced? Why don't you produce this 475?"





In the silence where he couldn't react for a while, Xu Xin also fell silent.

After about two or three seconds, Xu Xin asked:

"This hero... attacks?"

"...You should buy magic resistance..."

Lang Lang laughed dryly:

"Brother, I was joking just now."

"What are you two doing... Ouch, what kind of game is this?"

Seeing that the two of them were still not coming down, Wang Sicong and Jay Chou finally couldn't help but go upstairs.

After finding the two of them, Wang Sicong looked at Xu Xin controlling the hero to rush into the crowd and circle with curiosity on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, the opponent's crystal exploded.

With a record of 6/7/11, Xu Xin completed his first victory in an unfamiliar game.

It's a good start.

As for Lang Lang...because he had to concentrate on teaching Xu Xin how to use the equipment while also operating it, he only gave an impressive report card of 2/9/3.

In this game, Daddy, the wandering mage in the middle, took over.

"What the hell is L? Old Wolf took me to play with it. It's not bad. It's quite interesting."

Xu Xin said casually.

Hearing this, Wang Sicong asked curiously:

"Why don't you play DOTA...NOOB JUNGLE...junk jungle? What do you mean? Who are you talking about?"

In the post-match chat box, after seeing someone typing, Wang Sicong subconsciously translated it.

Lang Lang's face turned red...

Xu Xin glanced at him and sneered:

"So and so knows clearly. Do you two want to come? This game is quite interesting. Dota cannot be played, and our VS team is too stuck."

"Well, okay. Come on. I'll get some water. Lao Xu, how many cigarettes do you have left?"

"Half a box, enough for both of us to draw. Shui Laolang has it here. Come on, come on, you two hurry up and sign up. This game is extremely simple."

Hearing this, Lang Lang's mouth twitched again.

This is not over yet.

When the two of them go through the novice tutorial...

"Merlin Gunner? What a stupid name... Let's take a look... Hmm, why is this hero's skill similar to that of an enemy spell? Can this jump make you jump in the face? Is it used to escape in the early stage, and in the later stage, it is used to jump in the face to quarrel with others? ?...This ultimate move is so stupid, pushing people away? I want to kill people, what is this? Great Mercy Gatling?...Wheels, what are you doing?"


"What? NTR?"





After all, it is Dalian Durex.

Well-deserved reputation.

While Xu Xin was waiting for the two of them to go through the novice tutorial, he finished a can of newspapers.

He smashed his mouth with unsatisfied intentions:

"Old Wolf, bring me another newspaper."

His unique title attracted Wang Sicong's casual glance.

"Yo? Dr. Pepper? Cherry flavor? Give me a can too... Lao Xu, give me another cigarette."

"Just wait a moment..."

Xu Xin was stunned.

And cold sweat broke out on the tip of Lang Lang's nose.

"Ah, okay, come on, Lao Xu, here you go, drink this, Gatorade, it tastes good too! It's still cold, Lun'er, what are you drinking?"

"Don't drink before the wheel."

Xu Xin interrupted his words, looked at Wang Sicong, and pointed at the soda can in front of him:

"What's this thing called?"

"Dr. Pepper. DR.PEPPER, isn't that written on it? It's quite a classic drink here in the United States."


Xu Xin heard the sound of Lang Lang swallowing clearly.

Where is Xu Xin...

She glanced at him again and asked Wang Sicong:

"Isn't this thing called a newspaper? Bahba, it means newspaper."

"It's pepper! Brother~"

Wang Sicong, who was confused, corrected again:

"Did you see the word DR? It means doctor or doctor. Dao Ket! It translates to Dr. Pepper... What's going on with you two?"

He became more and more puzzled.

As for Xu Xin, after hearing this explanation, he glanced at Lao Lang again, and then said:

"I'm thirsty. I just asked what this drink is called, and someone told me it's called a newspaper. People here say that when they buy this drink, they say: Give me a newspaper..."


Wang Sicong burst out laughing instantly.

And Jay Chou over there also asked, dumbfounded:

"What are you doing? What if you really want to read the newspaper? What should you say?"


Lang Lang's forehead also began to sweat.

Just listen to Xu Xin say:

"NEWS. News."


The eldest young master began to laugh wildly.

And Jay Chou was even more speechless:

"What if I want to watch the news?"

"Watch TV, TVSHOW."


Lang Lang was sweating like rain.

Seeing the sweat on his face flowing like a waterfall, Jay Chou knew that he could not continue asking.

If this continues, someone in this room will die.

So we settled the matter:

"Hey, forget it, let's start. How can this game attract people?"

Xu Xin did not continue to ask questions and said to Lang Lang:

"Pull them both together."

"Hey, okay."

The humble old wolf is recruiting people online.

Soon, the group of four took their positions and began to form a queue.

And just after Lang Lang arranged the summoner skills for the two of them, they were matched with a teammate. After the game started, Xu Xin looked at the loading interface and suddenly said:

"My new house still needs a piano..."

"Brother, I'll buy it! Leave this matter to me!"

"Hmm... old wolf."

"Hey, brother, tell me."

"Don't put your head so close, your sweat is dripping on my arm."

"Hey, okay, Brother Xu."

The 80 million-dollar hand stroked Xu Xin's arm. After it was done, he blew on it:

"Brother, it's clean."

"Well, come on and be my dog ​​this round."

"Okay, I'll catch you at the second level!"


Teemo, who had just reached level 2 and died under the giant sword and random knives:? ? ?

This sword master...

No longer a human being?

Let me tell you, after writing this chapter today, I want to eat fruit. I stabbed the pineapple with a fruit knife and scratched my hand. The knife grazed the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of my left hand and flew out. It was split instantly and the bleeding couldn't be stopped. After arriving at the hospital, three fingers received ten stitches...

Luckily among the misfortunes, the nerves and tendons were not injured, just a little bit worse! What a risk!

I'm really...drunk.

The stitches will be removed in fourteen days. I can only promise to update as much as possible, but I cannot guarantee the number of updates. Please understand.

Now I can only use my thumb on my left hand, so I'll try my best to keep it updated, but tomorrow will probably be the most painful day, so I'll wait and see. If the swelling is too severe, I will give it a day, and if I can persist, I will do it more.

I've been really unlucky this year...literally.

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