I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 628 626 Live Broadcast

Chapter 628 626. Live Broadcast

"Liu Yifei!!! Liu Yifei!!!"

"Liu Yifei, you are so beautiful!!!"

This look shows that Liu Yifei's fans have stopped running away.

The fairy sister with a double chin smiled and waved hello to several cute girls in the audience.


"Hush dog!"


Amidst the roar of laughter, Xu Xin pointed at the few buddies who looked like college students.

But not angry either.

He was used to the nickname.

Yes, that’s right, I married Yang Mi!

Slightly, slightly...

After saying hello, he sat next to Liu Yifei.

If the audience's greetings to the two of them were normal... then when they called Lin Gou, the style of the painting suddenly collapsed.

"Ah!!! Lin Xinxin!!! No way!!! No way!!!!"




Not to mention Lin Xingxin was speechless, even several spectators around him were shocked.

Good guy...are you here to act in a pornographic film?

"You have a good time shouting! Can you be more reserved!"

Lin Xingxin, who was really speechless, replied dumbfounded, and was greeted with bursts of laughter.

At this moment, it is the scene of the finals of "The Voice".

The game hasn't started yet, it's time for the audience to enter.

The arrival of the "Hawthorn Tree" team added a lot of joy to everyone.

Xu Xin's position is "Lin Xinxin, Liu Yifei, Xu Xin" next to each other.

And for a while, on Xu Xin's right side were people like Wang Sicong and Di Wei.

Yang Mi doesn’t follow.

As a presenter, she will be on stage with the director of Shaanxi TV Station, Wada Shuanghe, so she is waiting backstage.

After sitting down, Liu Yifei covered her mouth with her hands and moved closer to Xu Xin:

"There are so many people, who do you think will win the championship?"

Xu Xin smelled the familiar perfume again.

After thinking for a while, he responded in a low voice:

"In terms of preference, I prefer Zhao Lei."

"Do you like to listen to folk songs?"

"Not really, but I quite like his singing. What about you?"

"I... really like Liang Bo."


Xu Xin was a little surprised:

"Rock and roll?"


The fairy sister hesitated for a moment, then nodded in recognition.

At this time, Lin Xingxin said:

"What are we talking about?"

"Let's talk about who to support."

After hearing this, he asked:

"Lao Xu, who do you support?"

"Zhao Lei, what about you?"

"I quite like Jike Junyi... He's so beautiful with black skin."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

But Liu Yifei suddenly asked:

"Do you think Jike Junyi is beautiful?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"What about the boys? Who do you think is the most handsome among the boys?"

After hearing this, Lin Xingxin thought for a while and said:

"That must be Xue Zhixuan."

"whispering sound."

Liu Yifei curled her lips "disdainfully".

Then, she turned to look at Xu Xin, who was looking down and didn't know who to send the message to, and then said to Lin Xin:

"Have you not noticed that Liang Bo and Xu Xin are quite similar?"

"Pull him down quickly."

Lin Xingxin rolled her eyes and was about to speak, but Liu Yifei was one step ahead and said:

"Keep your voice down."

"Oh yes……"

As a "rock youth", Liang Bon, who is famous for his clean and delicate appearance, can make it to the finals and naturally has many fans.

He really has to be careful, otherwise he will easily offend people.

Taking the initiative to lower his voice, he said:

"Old Xu is much more handsome than him."

"But the two of them have the same style. They both have that cold style, which girls like very much..."


Lin Xin was stunned.

His eyes suddenly became a little weird.

Liu Yifei seemed to have noticed her "gaffe" and quickly explained:

"Besides, that's not what I meant. I meant that he sings beautifully."


This time, Lin Xingxin was not stubborn with her.

On the one hand, it is true that Liang Bo has made it this far, and there must be nothing wrong with his singing.

On the other hand...

Maybe it was because he liked watching "Death" recently. For no reason, he looked at Liu Yifei's profile and thought of something.

"Longing is the farthest distance from understanding..."

He...had a bit of thought about the "taste".


He won't say.

I won’t ask too many questions.

But his eyes unconsciously fell on Xu Xin again.

Old Xu was typing on the screen of his mobile phone with a smile on his face.

Look at that smile...

Most likely he was sending a message to Dami.

Very sweet.

Soon, people like Wang Sicong, Wen Zhang, Tang Yan, and Di Wei also started to enter from the outside.

The eldest young master also held a bag of milk tea in his hand, which was prepared for these three resentful people.

"Here, Lao Xu, your brown sugar milk tea... Liu Yifei, your half-sugar latte... Lin Gou, my aunt won't let you drink anything sweet, so just drink this."

"What...I'll go, black coffee."

Lin Xin's face turned bitter.

Wang Sicong ignored him. After sitting next to Xu Xin, he looked around and asked:

"Where's Da Mi?"

"It's backstage. We'll come out later when the awards are presented. Hey, by the way, who do you support?"

Xu Xin asked curiously.

Wang Sicong took out the voting machine from under his butt.

They are also spectators today and naturally have the right to vote.

After hearing this, the eldest young master gave an unwavering answer:

"Wu Mochou! I think her smoking voice sounds nice."

"Yes! Yes!"

Before Xu Xin could speak, Dai Wei, who was sitting next to him, became excited:

"Brother Cong, we really have the same ideas! I always like her too!"

Wang Sicong and the four of them were not so particular about where they sat. He wanted to give milk tea to a few people, so he sat next to Xu Xin, while Wen Zhang was originally following him. But when he walked to the passage, Wen Zhang showed his very gentlemanly side.

Si Wei and Tang Yan were public figures after all, and they didn't have assistants, so he naturally placed them in the middle, and as a male, he followed at the end. This could help isolate the two actresses sitting next to them and not recognize them. The embarrassment of strangers.

After hearing Wang Sicong's words, Di Wei discovered that he was actually the same person she liked, and her eyes immediately filled with excitement.


Their words received speechless looks from Lin, Liu and Xu.

Xue Zhixuan, Liang Bo, Jike Junyi, Wu Mochou, Jin Zhiwen, Zhao Lei, this is the six-person group in the finals.

The most controversial person here is actually Wu Mochou.

Mainly because she sings in a very strong European and American jazz style, which is not particularly well received in China. And her look... combined with that smoky accent will look very awkward to people who don't like European and American pop culture.

Therefore, she has been particularly controversial since she was selected.

This can be seen from her most popular songs.

The song she was selected for was "PRICE TAG" by the black American hip-hop female singer JESSIE J.

It's an English song.

Although culture has no borders, it can be seen from this that her style is very international.

And...according to the news Xu Xin heard, she is quite popular with some international brands.

Even though she hasn't officially debuted yet, someone has already approached her through "The Voice" to start negotiating cooperation.

"The Voice" does not prohibit this kind of cooperation, but it does not support it either.

The reason why we don't ban it is because we don't want to cut off the players' financial resources, and we don't want to appear unkind to the brand.

But I don’t support it because I don’t want these brand advertisements to have any public relations cases, which will lead to the loss of fairness in the competition.

So the bottom line is that if you want to talk about cooperation, then talk about it. However, all commercial cooperation must wait until the end of this season's program before it can be signed, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract, all competition results will be cancelled, and the brand will be blacklisted together.

And this is something that both players and brands are abiding by.

There is no other reason than that the second season of "The Voice" is a variety show whose ratings have not been lower than 4.5 since its launch and has occupied the top ratings in 19 prime-time Saturdays.

With ratings, it can produce huge advertising economic effects.

Then it is dad.

Say what you say.

But if the quality of its programs drops, or there is some black material that damages fairness... then forget it.

In order to prevent this, Tianlai has invited Wanda's internal inspection department to settle in.

And offered high incentives.

Once a company insider is found to be making illegal profits, he will be severely punished.

And Wanda's internal inspections are not just for free. People from a company as big as Wanda are more than capable of supervising Tian Lai... On the other hand, everyone knows in their hearts that this is the business of the eldest son.

If the eldest son is satisfied, then they will be able to achieve success.

If the eldest son is dissatisfied... this team will probably be laid off.

Therefore, in this balance between one's own future and financial interests, there is only one standard for execution, and that is "the eldest son's request."

In Wang Sicong's eyes, it can't be said that he can't get rid of the sand in this kind of matter.

He turns a blind eye to small favors. But when it comes to important matters, he is really unambiguous.

Today's Tianlai is no longer the era of "Follow Sister Mi, Sister Mi eats meat, and everyone eats meat too".

That's the BETA version.

Today's Tianlai is the 1.0 version of the serious Eight Classics, the era of "following Mr. Wang and making small and big money together".

And a new expansion pack called "The King of Masked Singer" will be released soon.

Everyone can see that Wang always wants to take root in the sea of ​​entertainment, and he will never look back until his pants are snatched away by a shark.

Moreover, everyone's career prospects are also very clear.

"Sounds of Nature" is just the beginning.

It is said that Mr. Wang is still working on an Internet project, which will be integrated here... Hey, no matter what, the benefits of their old employees will definitely not be less in the future.

Mr. Wang is not a stingy person either.

If you follow him, you have a bright future!

Who makes him more generous than Sister Mi?

Therefore, the golden sign of "The Voice" cannot be destroyed under any circumstances. In this regard, the entire company has very high requirements.

Therefore, in the eyes of Lin, Liu and Xu, "There is a traitor among us" and "You two are at the bottom of the chain of contempt", as time went by, the curtain of "The Voice" slowly opened.

Accompanied by the appearance of Yang Ying and "Green Leaf" Sa Beining, who were dressed in black dresses, their white skin and beautiful appearance caused the audience to exclaim "baby, you are so beautiful", the second season of "The Voice" entered the final chapter. .

Hong Kong, Royal Victoria Hotel.

Li Fei and her assistant pushed the suitcase into the room together.

"What time is your schedule tomorrow?"

Li Fei, who had just been on a three-hour flight, looked a little tired. After hearing this, the assistant quickly said:

"At 3 p.m., the crew's media meeting. That's it."

Hearing this, Li Fei nodded:

"Okay, let's go shopping tomorrow morning? Christmas is coming soon. Let's buy some gifts to take home and give away."


The assistant is very kind and helpful:

"Then I will..."

"Let's go to 9 o'clock. Come to me at 9 o'clock."

"Okay, do you want to bring breakfast?"

"No, let's go out to eat. The beef noodle shop we ate at last time was quite delicious."


"Well, you clean up, I'll take a rest."

After handing the two suitcases to the assistant, Li Fei lay down on the bed and turned on the TV.

She is not from Xiangjiang, so she has no interest in local programs in Xiangjiang. She is picky and wants to find some programs that she can understand.

Soon, after the local stations in Xiangjiang were almost done, she started to browse the mainland TV stations.

Originally she was flipping through it casually, but when the TV turned to Shaanxi TV, she suddenly stopped.

In the picture, it happened to be the time when Yang Ying and Sa Beining took the stage.

Only then did she realize that today was the finals of "The Voice".

Looking at Yang Ying's smiling face at this moment, she unconsciously pursed her lips.

Then changed the channel.

At the same time, all the good mood disappeared.

At some point, a hint of sarcastic bitterness clung to the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, Yanjing.

Lin Zijun also stayed in front of the TV.

"Hello everyone, I am Sa Beining, tonight's host."

"Hello everyone, I am angelbaby——Yang Ying."

"Hua la la la la..."

Amid the applause and screams, Sa Beining, who has many live broadcast experiences, heard the applause and cheers and said to Yang Ying with a smile:

"Baby, do you feel it? Everyone's enthusiasm for the two of us."


Yang Ying hesitated and turned to look at him:

"Little Sage, although I feel the enthusiasm of the audience, are you sure these applause and cheers are for us?"

"Oh? If it's not for us, who else can it be given to?"

"Is it possible that everyone is supporting and encouraging the players who will compete for the next championship?"

Following Yang Ying's rhetorical question, Sa Beining let out a sigh of relief:

"Huh... I was shocked. I thought you were about to enter the commercial break when you came up."

"Haha, how is that possible? Before the commercial comes, we have to welcome the two groups of guests arriving tonight."

"Oh? Who is it? Let's see who is coming!"

As the two started joking, the scene suddenly changed.

To the audience.

Lin Liu Xu Wang Si Tang Wen...

These people appeared in the live broadcast.

The audience was stunned for a moment, and then burst into cheers.


"Hua la la la la..."

Xu Xin and the others were not surprised, after all, these processes had been communicated.

Everyone raised their hands and greeted everyone from all directions.

"Let us welcome the crew of "Hawthorn Tree", the director and some actors of the crew of "33 Days After Love", welcome you..."

According to the program settings, in this live broadcast whose ratings are likely to exceed 7 and reach the magic number of 8, Yang Ying and Sa Beining began to promote the two crews.

Let’s not mention whether the advertising effect is good or not...

Lin Zijun's brows suddenly wrinkled at this moment.

Why...it's him again?

Looking next to her girlfriend, Wang Sicong, who had dressed up specially today and looked like a successful person, she was speechless.

Why would Si Wei sit with him...

Unconsciously, she thought of the scene when Di Wei drank too much and the other party drove her back in the Bentley.

The original concept of "Diwei doesn't like ugly men" suddenly began to falter in the dazzling light of the Bentley.

Could it be...

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